". Reservation for private Skating Parties ' art available at the Rainbow Skating Rink Winchester Phone 526 R 2 For Radio With a Punch- Behind The Story ; Stay Tuned to KRNR-MBS For: Telephone Request Personal requests birth day and anniversary dedica tions Phone them in! 9:30-10 A. M. Saturday Symphonies For Youth The Los Angeles Philhar monic performing "The Children's Corner Suite," by Debussy. 10:30 -11:30 A.M. Saturday It's Requested Listener - requested tunes served up by Bob McCarl in a full hour platter session! 2:00 3:00 P. M. Saturday Mutual Newsreel From ' Where it happens you hear it happen actual recordings of actual events! 6:15-6:30 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. Meet The Press Hear Joseph Beirne. Presi dent of the Communications Workers of America, being questioned on the forthcom- ng tlephone-workers union strike . . . 7-7:30 P.M. Saturday Basketball From MacArthur Court in Eugene Oregon vs. Idaho! 8 P. M. to Conclusion Saturday KRNR 1490 on your Dial World i Crtetat tfojwW Nttxork Make a Date Today . To See and Hear FRANCES CONGAR Pianist and Vocalist Opening Monday Nite AT THE SHALIMAR ROOM If you like music, you ore sure to like Fronces Congar. Frances plays all requests. Come to the Shalimar Room and tell Frances what you want her to play ond then listen to music as Fronces plays it in her own omiable style. Closing Saturday WOODY ROOSA TRIO The Woody Roosa Trio is closing on their 14th smash packed week at the Shalimar. Don't miss them now! If you have heard them before you will wont to hear them again before they leave. Come to the Shalimar Room Sat urday night, their last night. For thj ultimate in fine foods and entertainment visit the SHALIMAR ROOM 122 S. Stephens E) Excerpti from "The Children's Coiner Suite," by Dcoussy, will highlight tomorrow'! concert by the Lot Angelee Philharmonic under the direction of Alfred Wallenstein on "Symphonies for Youth." Also Alfred Wallenstein long youth concerts, distributes one ticket per 100 school children for those wishing to attend the broad cast at the Philharmonic auditorium. But the demand is so great that the kids are setting up swap deals two highly prized Roy Rogers or Hopalong Cassidy autographed pictures for one Philharmonic broadcast ticket, Joseph Beirne, president of the Communications Workers of America, whose telephone workers union has set a notion-wide strike call for midnight, February 14, will held a press conference on the air for "Meet the Press" Saturday night at 7. He will be Interviewed by Joseph Leftus, N. Y. Times; John Herling, Belolt, Wis., Daily News; May Crelg, Portland, Me., Herald-News, and Nat Finney, of Cowles Publications. Lawrence Spivak, editor, American Mercury magasine, will be the moderator (Saturday, 7:007:10 p. m.). Direct from MacArthur court in Eugene via Station KERG, Eu gene, the University of Oregon basketball stars will pit their strength and cunning against that of the University of Idaho players second in the series of thrilling collegiate basketball gamesl (Saturday, 8:00 p. m. to conclusion). REAL ,IAYCM Also Steaks and Short Orders Open 10 a. m. to 2 a. m. All night on Saturdays Closed Tuesdaya oCa fiesta CAFE 533 8. Stephen flow you Know! Th nvtn to 0 very day .rtturanr problm By KEN BAILEY QUESTION: Recently some friends and neighbors of ours had a seri ous fire. When the firemen hod put out the fire, our friends wanted to go into the least damaged part of the house to remove some fur niture and other possessions to their garage, which had not burn ed. However, some other neighbois told them that if they moved any thing, the insurance company might not pay for their loss. Could you tell me if this is correct? ANSWER: Fr from It! Actually your friends- not only had a perfect right to move their poaaeaalona to a safe place ... It waa their duty to do to. People who suffer a fir loss are obligated to prevent further damage of Iom to undamaged or partially damaged property. it If you'll addrest your own Insur ance queatlnns to thla office, we'll try to five you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obli gation of any kind. KEN BAILEY INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Pacific Bldg. Phone 398 EM E) D TJl featured on the program will be three of Brahm'i "Hungarian Dances," two movements of Beeth oven's Symphony No. 1, Schubert's "March Militaire" and several se- ; lected movements from Tschai- J kowsky's "Swan Lake" (10:00-11:30 a. m.). Alfred Wallenstein, award- winning musical director and con- ductor of the Los Angeles Phil harmonic orchestra, has been ad vised of the latest "racket" in broadcast tickets. The Los An geles Board of Education, which cooperates with Wallenstein and HDL for each of the Saturday hour- KRNR 14S0 on Your Dial Mutual broadcasting System lEMAIMNO MOI TODAT 4:00 Pulton Uwli. Jr. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. 4:30 Here's to Veteran. 4 45 News. MBS. 9 00 Top Tune. 5.10 Tom Mix. MBS. SOO Mule Garden 8:15 Mutual Newirecl. MBS. 8:30 World of Sporti. 8:45 Tex Beneke Show. 6:.U Bill Henrv. MBS. 7:00 Dick Haymea. 7:15 Sammy Kaye. 7:30 Cisco Kid. MBS. SOO Romance In Music. 8 .Ttf Spoetscast. 845 Cedrtc Foster. MBS. BOO Newt- MBS. 8:15 HI Neighbor. :.TO Scandinavian Melodv 8:4S rulton Lewlt. Jr. MBS 10:001 Love A Mvitery. MBS. 10:15 Mi'slc you Want. 10:45 McPhenon In Person. n..T nrwi nummary. I 11:30 Sign Off. ATt dat. rrnai-Aar is. itss :00 Musical Clock. 8:30 Newa. 6:35 Farm Fair. 6:45 County Agent. 7:00 Hemingway. MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang. MBS. 7:45 Local Newa. 7:50 4-H Club soo Radio Kid Bible Class. 8:30 Haven of Rest. MBS. 0:00 Modern Home. 0:13 Music. 0 30 Telephone Request 10:00 News. MBS. 10-15 Jimmy Wakley. 10:30 Symphonies For Youth. MBS. 11:30 Air rorce Hour. MBS. 12:00 World News. 12:15 Johnny Mercer Show. 12:30 You And You Camera. 12:45 Musical Interlude. 12 50 Local News. 12:55 Msrket Reports. 1:00 Msn On The Farm. MBS. 1:30 Man on The Street. 1:45 Voice Of The Army. 2,00 Request SHOW. J:00 Ssn Louis Obispo lOOfll Anniver sary. MBS. 3-30 Melody Mountain Boys. 4:00 John Flynn. MRS. :15 Hemingway. MBS. 30 Bandstand U.S.A. MBS. 9:00 True Or False. MBS. 9:30 Baker's Oven. MBS. 6:00 Jsck roster Orch. 6:15 Music. 6:25 John B. Kennedy. MBS. 6:30 World Of Sports. 6:45 Nstional Guard Show. 7:00 Meet The Press MBS. 7:30 Happy Valley Cowboys. 8 on Oregon va Idaho Gam. 9 30 Wrestling Parade. 10:49 Oregon State Jr. First Citllen Award. 11:25 News Summery. 11:30 Sign Off. srNnAv, rcBBiiAar it. im 8:00 Back To God Hour. MBS 8:30 Voice Of Prophecy. MBS. 9:00 Radio Bill- Class. MBS. 9:30 Lutheran Hour. MBS. 10:00 News. MBS. 10:15 Songs. Of Cheer. MBS. 10:30 Garden Guide. 10:45 Momrnts of Devotion. 11:00 Church Services. 12 00 Organ Concert. 12:15 House of Hymns MBS. !Ji!?M"1p "'"o Canaries. MBS. 12:45 News 1 :00 B-Bsr-B MBS. 1:30 Msrtln Kane MRS 2:00 The Shadow. MBS. Specializing ee"nt tteatt ond chicken dinner. Lookingglass To Host Portland Bible Students The ladies' trio from the faculty of Cascade Bible college, Port land, will be guests of the youth fellowship group of the Looking glass church over the coming weekend. They will be accompa nied by George Palmer, faculty member, and Lee Nash, presideni of the student body. A program has been arranged for Saturday evening, Feb. 18, at 8 p.m. at the church, and programs will also be presented on Sunday morning at the worship hour, 11 p.m., and in the afternoon. Musical numbers will be given by the trio at each meeting and talks will be given relative to fie work of the college and the oppor tunities available to youth in Chris tian service. An interesting time is promised and a cordial invita tion extended to the public to at tend the meetings. The Sunday School program will be conducted as usual, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday. Wilbur School Children Have Valentine's Party The Wilbur grade school children enjoyed Valentine's day by each room being given a surprise party The teachers furnished the ice cream, and the mothers of the community baked the Valentine cakes. Mrs. Alene Thomas, room mother for Mrs. Blondell, assisted by Mrs. Everett Vincent and Mrs Ody Moorhoua, set a beautifully decorated table for 32 of the lower room. At three o'clock Mrs. Vasche, room mother for Mrs. Palmer's room, assisted fay Mrs. Elsie Broszio and Mrs. Ora An tonne, room mother for Mrs. Schar mon's room assisted by Mrs. Men zie Lee and Mrs. Eva Lcokman set the table for 61 from the upper rooms. Mrs. Harry Vance, the jan itor's wife, presented each child with a beautiful large home-made candy heart. Each room had its individual valentine boxes and val entines were exchanged by the chil dren. Camas Valley Grange Takes In New Members The Camas Valley Grange held its regular business meeting Tues day evening. The first and second degrees were given to 23 new members. This was the first time the degree work has been put on in this grange. The third and fourth de grees will be given at .he next business meeting of March 2. Those taking the degrees were Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Nelson, Mr and Mrs. Victor Standley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Battles, Mr. and Mrs Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Zeiglcr, Mr Roy Metsger, Frank Kinnan, Don ald Standley, Mrs. Ted Heilman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirkendall, Mrs Chas. Crouch. Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Wil mer White, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pope. The next social meeting will b: Tuesday evening Feb. 28. J:30 True Detective Mysleriea. MBS. 3:00 Rav Block Show 3::to Nick Carter. MRS . 4:00 The Falcon. MBS 4-30 Family Thest.-e. MBS. 9:00 Laymen's Hour. 9:30 Romance In Music. . 6:00 Enchanted Hour. KBS. 6:.TO World Of Sports. 6:45 Twin Views of The News. MBS 7:00 Music of The Masters. 7:30 Rov Rogers Show. MRS. S OO Twenty Questions MBS. 8:30 Can You Top This. MBS. SOO News. MBS. 8:15 Memorable Music. 9:30 Old Fashioned Revival Hour 10:30 Chicago Theatre of The Air-MBS. il:30 News Summary. 11:35 Sign Off. STARTS TODAY 2 LASSIE'S WANTED BY THE LAW! HERE ARE 7feu THRIllV ?lct DARING AND EXCITEMENT The Smartest of All EDMUND GWENN DONALD CRISP GERALDINE BROOKS utrnui OWfN I0SS rOtD kmei jnrtK moa mthim sk:hds w"LASSIE I ' I 1 1 Frl., 1 Local News Grange to Meet Fair Oaks Granite will meet at a potluck sup per Tuesday night at the hall. Sewing Club To Meet The Rifle Range Sewing club will meet Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Addie Schick. Community Club Rice Valley Community club will meet at the hall Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Churchill as hostess. To Meet Monday Night Univer sity of Oregon Mothers club will meet at a 7:30 o'clock no-hostess dessert-supper Monday evening at the Hotel Rose. To Meet Monday The Junior Woman's club will meet Monday niglu at 8 o'clock at the Eagles hall. Mrs. Harold Jokela, president, has asked all members to be present. To Install Officers Navy Mothers club will hold installation of officers at a meeting Monday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Lillian Jones, route 1, Roseburg. Undergoes Operation Mrs. How ard Crook, owner of Umpqua flor ists, is reported doing nicely at Mercy hospital, where she under went major surgery Wednesday. Victim While clearing brush from a lot, Al Knudtson of Rose burg picked up a slight case of poison oak and is now recovering at his home. His arms are white with a poison oak cure. Move to New Homo Mr and Mrs. E. G Trozelle have moved into their newly completed home on the North Umpqua next to the Bert Kruse place. They formerly resided on the Keasey road. D. A. R. To Meet D. A. R. will meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William An derson in West Roseburg with Mrs. C. L. Branton, co-hostess. Mrs. L. F. Nielsen will present the program on "Early American Music." Daughter Is Born A daughter, weighing six pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Finlay in Champaign, III., Saturday, Feb. 11. Mr Finlay is a son of Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Finlay of this city and a brother of Dr James R. Finlay of Roseburg. They have one older daughter, Joanne. Arts And Crafts Arts .and Crafts club will meet Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 8 o clock in the evening at the home of Mrs. . L. Taylor, 1310 West Second Avenue with Miss Amy Robinson, co-hostess. The pro gram will be in charge of Mrs. Jack West. All members are re quested to be present. To Meet Tuesday Junior divi sion of the First Christian church will meet Tuesday night, Feb 21, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Don .Reed, 325 W. irst street Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Mrs Chet Hamm and Mrs. Elmer Jones will be assisting hostesses The pro gram will be in charge of Mrs. Clifford Baxter Discussion Tea One of a series of discussion teas will be held by Fullerton P.-T. A. Monday at the schoolhouse at 2:15 o'clock. Mrs. Kenneth Bushey will present the topic, "Sex Education for the Elementary Child." Mrs. c. u. Parkinson will have charge of re freshments. Members and those in terested are invited. DAYS ONLY lassie Adventures) . tm 11 i II II Leave Far. Heme Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rawson and children, Lar ry and Cheryl Ann, left Thursday for their home in Shoshone, Ida., following a visit since Saturday in Roseburg with Ms. Raw son's par ents, Attorney and Mrs. R L. Whip ple, snd with her brother-in-law ana sister, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Stewart, and family Pro-Lenten Party A pre-lenten party will be held by Circle No. i, St. Joseph's Altar society Monday night from 8 to 11 o'clock in the recreation hall at the Veterans hospital. Games, entertainment and refreshments will be furnished. Adult members of the parish and friends are invited. There will be no admission charge. O. S. C. Mothers Club The Ore gon State College Mothers club will meet Monday at a one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at the home of Mrs, S. J. Shoemaker, 417 East Lane street, with Mrs. Armout Murdock and Mrs. L. L. Powers assisting; hostesses. All persons interested in O.S.C., are invited. Those attending are asked to bring gifts for Adair Village nursery. Broadcast To Be Given A radio broadcast commemorating found ers day of the P.-T. A., will be given over KRNR today, Feb. 17, at 3 15 o'clock by a cast of some of Roseburg Senior High school's best students of drama. Mrs. An drew Broaddus is directing the cast. The broadcast is sponsored by the iouglas County Council of P.-T. A., and has been arranged by Mrs. Roy Denman. To Moot Tuesday The Past Presidents club of the American Legion auxiliary will meet Tues day night, Feb. 21, at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper at the home of Mrs. George Caskey on N. Stephens street. This meeting was changed to Tuesday from Wednesday, so as not to conflict with the American Legion auxiliary child welfare con ference. All past presidents of sny American Legion auxiliary are invited. Attend Funeral Mrs M. C. Cassel and her daughter, Mrs George Quine, have returned to their homes in Roseburg, following a trip to Portland to take part in the White Rose service, Nydia tem ple, Daughters of Kie Nile, held at the funeral of Mrs. Kdilh Nachand, Tuesday, Mrs Nachand. who died Saturday, was president of Oswego- 1'ortland Daughters ot the Nile club. She was well-known in Rose burg. Besides her husband, she is survived by a six-year-old daugh ter. Mrs. Quine and Mrs. Nachand had been friends since childhood They attended Grant High school in Portland together and later were students at University of Oregon. Yencalla Open House Set The Yoncalla P.-T A. will sponsor an open house in the new Yoncalla high school, Monday evening. Feb. 20. Three basketball games will be played in the new gym. Refresh ments will be served in the new home economics room by the P. T.A. The public is invited. Classified want ads bring results. Phone 100. Tomorrow and Sunday MfsitaM """""I ' UOPAIOUG WIUAM I0YD GtOtM.HArtS 17" CO-WESTERN l RIDE TO NEW rZtat ADVENTURES ra ir"CiNECOL0R a. 1 S JUL i Feb. 17, 1950 The News-Review, Roseburf, Or S Camas Valley By MRS. JAMES COMBS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spires and daughter from Pamona, Calif, slop ped over night with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore. They were enroule to Tacoma, Wash., where daugh ter Dorothy is to take s position ss Y.W.C.A. secretary. Spires and Mrs. Moore are cousins. Martha Mills has been quite ill with pneumonia and an infection. Valentine boxes snd parties were held in the different rooms at school. Mrs. Jane Cappious has been discharged from the Mercy hospi tal where she was confined with pneumonia. The square dance that generally is held. on Wednesday night was postponed until Thursday night be cause some of its members it tended the Grange meeting for masters, overseers, and stewards held in Myrtle Creek on that date Mr. and Mrs. Al Cooper have moved their trailer house to Pow ers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of Powers visited with friends in the old Hermitage Kentucky HTikley -A $030 $j60 &rte-'pr Jm pt. O 45 qt fr 86 PROOF A Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucky National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. 6. Grain Neutral Spirits COMING . 4, This attraction only First Run Admission Pries) Adults 65c, Children 20c, Students 50c, all prices incl. Fed. tax Now Showing: ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT and 'LOST Vslley Sunday. Mrs. White's moth er, Mrs. Jannet MoCann of Brock way met the Whites hers snd they spent the day together. FINED FOR LARCINY Zona Martha Leach', 40, Rose burg, charged with larceny by the city police, was fined $25 la justice court snd released. Judge A. J Geddes reported. Give your children MUSIC and all thoir Uvea they'll thank you. Let us place (In Baldwin or Wurlltzer Piano In your home this week. Convenient terms OTT and RICKETTS Corner Jackson and Cass Sts. Blend SUNDAY .... 'iTOH '" V . TO. PATROL - IMIIATIOMI fill ASIUT I f I a StUTUtlY 3 fiJ Myosin