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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1950)
The Smallest, Cheapest Workers Logging Equipment 22 ONE NEW UNIVERSAL uw grinder, pedeetel type with motor. fl75; one reconditioned Hyiter Model S double drum holftt with 2 Epeeel tranamtulon. HM; 1 new 1U H. P. CMC diecU with clutch. 97S urh; ball-bearing awing cut-off uw up to 90" capacity, 150 Keyaione Machine Works, 136 S fltepheni II NGLE AXLEToc1ng trat 1T$1 T5-Wol-bert Welding fc Machine Works, ph. Machinery For Sale 23 Ton SALE Irvlngton awing aaw. new motor, H. P., MO off. North Side Saw Shop. ph. 844-R. Farm Equipment 24 WANT TO Bl'Y rord Ferguson trac tor; alo attachment. Writ P. U. Box 484. Tractors 25 FOR SALE HH0 PAR MALL CUB with ftlow, mower and dozer. Uad vary ntla. juit like new, 0M. Ph. Mr. Watklna. 1220. Trucks 26 Internationals 14T KB2 -ton Pickup 4-apa ad air rid tlree heater overload.) if you hurry wall paint it your color fleOOO. 144 KB.1 1-ton pickup 4-ipeed over load haatar tSt-tt. box 41,000. lH-ton Plat Bed got a llttla aga on 'It, but extra clean nice cab new paint good rubber at motor M50.00. 4-S Yard, Dump Bed T twin arm holat rah ahteld power take off and controls 4450.00. l4fl KRM l; of them new on short nniuur, t long ntm. imyi special deal on these a new tracks. SIg Fett INTERNATIONAL TRUCK DEALER S2T No. Jackson Phona 1190 for Sale by owner im Mon Dodge pickup truck, waterproof ply wood covered body Three month guarantee. This truck practically like new 11095. City Drive In Market, sutnerim. 381 INTE RN ATIONAL motor for sale; complete without starter and gener ator, iiw. ompqut asacnine anop, Myrtle Creek. ton SALE B Y6WNT. R 1 949 ford pan- el, 6 cyl., top shape. Two front seats. Priced to selljCalRed Green. 887-R S. AXLE SHAFTS for all makes oC trucks. Ray's Truck Shop. 2055 N Stephens. Phone 488 -J -4 i'l' T. truck for sale. Rns'coa Ball, Riddle, or phone 242. Riddle Autos 27 Better Buys at Barcus Today's Best Buy 1949 PACKARD 110 Clipper aedan, RAH, exrellent con dition. A Real Bargain. 91393 I PACKARD SEDAN, dark blu, color; new car car guarantee. , 3150 I PACKARD DELUXE Sedan, every extra, only 14. 000 mllea, looka and run. Ilk, new. Only 1990 194S 1949 BUICK SEDArfETTI Radio heater, new oafnt and tlrea. perfect throughout. - 1598 KAISER Sedan, low mileage, excellent condition 1405 OLDSMOBH.K S. Hvdramatlc, R At H, new urea, new paint T95 NASH 000 SEDAN, R a K; new paint. 545 OLDSMORILE Tu door. 1940 motor. New paint, nlc. Interior, radio, heater. .. 595 1943 1M1 1M0 1M0 193 193T DeSOTO Sedan radio, heater, good tlrea. Only 495 FORD H SEDAN. Radio, heat er, good Urea. A buy 775 PORD US new paint, good motor, II 41 1010 PONTIAC S-paaa coup 193 CHRYSLER Sedan. it 4 a EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. el Garden Valley Rd. Phone 1354 REASONABLY PRICED CM AC TERMS CHEVROLET, BUICK. PONTIAC, CADrLLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER ton li Oak We Want Good Clean Used Cart Top frrlcae paid DOYLE S SALES 9 SIRVtCB Skway B, , oardes Valley U. Phone U a urwoefr rp pc-irw 27 Where Quality Reigns You'll find real quality in our wide selection of Guaranteed Used Cars. Each one a true value assuring you of smoother-riding, ex c e 1 1 e n t mechanical performance. Fair prices. Every car backed by our reputa tion for fair dealing. Coming in? ON SALS NOW 1941 FORD 5 paaa. coupe, H at H. 4T5 0O 1941 FORD Sedan, rough. I H 150.00 1943 roRD a-peea. coup,, aharp, R at H 09! 1940 FORD 5-paaa. coupe, H - 37! 1942 PLYMOUTH 4-door aedan. R gr H, only S4S 00 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-door eedaa . 345 no 1DH BUICK Sedan, R gr H ' 150 00 1909 CHEVROLET 4-door eee-U, R at H . 34! 1941 CHEVROLET aedan. H. Sharp . 4J 1937 PLYMOUTH Coupe, H 151 Corkrum Motors, Inc. DESOTO Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 230 S. Stephen, Ph-me S94-J "We'll be her, TOMORROW to Back up what w, fay and do TODAY!" Roseburg Hudson Co. 701 S. STEPHENS Guaranteed Offerings 1949 HUDSON Super 0 club coupe 3095.00 Ju.t nicely broken In: a new car at a ueed car prlc 194B HUDSON Commodore I, 4- door 195 00 If you cant afford th, beat I, 19501, thla la next-beat 1949 HUDSON Commodore S, 4- door .. 1095 00 An exceptionally clean car. Ideal for family tranapor utlon 1944 FORD Club Coupe -. 1095.00 Newly painted, completely rebuilt motor 1941 PONTIAC 3, 1-door 74100 1941 FORD. Vtn pickup 545.00 SPECIAL VALUES IN LOWER-PRICED USED CARS 1939 PLYMOUTH 4-door .. 405 00 A car that wai really "ba bied" by the former owner 1940 DESOTO , 4-door . 395.00 395.00 191.00 199 00 1943 ARMY JEEP, overhauled completely 1941 HUDSON 6, 4-door . BERGAINS IN ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION 1937 FORD Buainee, Coupe 195 00 1940 HUDSON t, 4-door 199 00 1037 FORD, 1-door 19500 1936 CHEVROLET bu.lneu coupe 129.00 Remember: Terms to Fit Your Income On a Car to Meet Your Needs Roseburg Hudson Co. 701 8 STEPHENS ST. $10.00. Down $5.00 per week will pur chase a guaranteed used automobile at Rose Motor Co. Rear of Rose Hotel Rom tfc Lane tu. 0 Thorn Autos 27 I POINTS on uaeel ear, you ar aaaurad ad wheel you buy from uc. K E E LEAN CARS. XTRA QUALITY. L ONO TERM CREDIT. S "Where Price & Quality Meet" 1941 PLYMOUTH Coup, Special Deluxe IMA 00 1941 PLYMOUTH 1-door 1940-CKEVROLET Coup, 1931 CHEVROLET 1-door 1937 FORD 2 -door 1939PONT1AC 4-door . 433.09 . MM , 35.00 . 140.00 WE HAVE A FEW LATE MODEL FORD. CHEVROLET i STUDEBAKERS THAT ARE IN EXTRA FINE CONDITION At BEAUTIFUL CARS. These cars carry a guarantee and are priced right. Keel's Used Car Lot US S. Stephen,. Juit eoutk of Eom Hotel Phone, 12 or 144S-J A Used Car For Every Pocketbook 1949 FORD 1-door 11550 Very Clean 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe . 175 4-door, almoat new 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetmeetr 135 4-door, R H 1947 FORD S-door , 1150 1941 STUDEBAKER Club Coup 49 1941 DODGE 495 1940 OLDSMOBFLE 4-door 4J0 1941 OLDSMOBtLK club Coup 330 1941 PLYMOUTH Panel 371 193 STUDEBAKER Coup New ring. . 333 1931 CHRYSLER 1931 FORD ns 135 Riverside Motors 1640 N. Stephen. Ph. 450-B Si Dillard Motor Co. Dependable Used Cars 1941 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN Clean aa a pin. Lou of .x traa. SIMS 00 149 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Ke.H. Rune Ilk, a to. 1099.00 1941 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN A good modal In excellent ahape. 995 00 140 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Here'a dandy: real value. 345.00 194 DODGE H TON PICKUP Leek, Ilk, n.w. Only. 975 00 Chea pies 1941 DO DOE SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 137 CHRYSLER SEDAN 13 DODGE SEDAN Thee, Car, ,11 Run Good. Com, la: Look Them Over and Make an Offer Used Car Lot NORTH STEPHENS STREET GOOD CARS PRICED TO SELU Borne terms available: 140 OLDSMORILE 4-door aedan. fullv equiroed - aw nr. ItH FORD i-drvtr sedan , , lJt B'JICK 4-door sedan 4150 00 Um ulre SOT Pacifta Btdg.. or phona 4M i MORff M6xtfylm Tour car Cash oa the spot Corkrum Motors, lac.. I Sot Plymouth. Phono 40. 114 Rose St M CHEVROLET 2-donfsedan. '4A n tor. k it H, S3no rash. Twin Spring Mm!. 1 mile north of Sutherlln Td "roRfeLioydT HariV,l'llbur. Pri. ioto-m-j. Autos in Town ..Want Ads Autos 27 Lockwood's USED. CARS Best Buys Anywhere Today's Special THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS 14 FORD COUPE CLUB VERY GOOD BODY AND GOOD TIRES. MOTOR BUNS ' GOOD. MAY NEED RINGS. OUR SPECIAL PRICE. 1175.00 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORE 1941 MERCURY CLUB COUPE One of our chotc, care, ror ejutck turn over we are pricing It MO 00 below the book. 1134100 14 STUDEBAKER TUDOR SEDAN Ju.t In. only 19.000 mile., talk about clean. MAN have a lonk!!l Over-drive and . heater. 1593.00 147 PONTIAC FOB DOR SEDAN want aometning tnat you 11 be proud to drtv,T See thla today. Absolutely guranteed. 1393.00 1947 KAISER FOR DOR SEDAN Come on you bargain nunt tere. Thla la It. Don't Walt lll'.l 903 00 147 HUDSON FORDOR SEDAN Shiny new black paint, ov erdrive end heater. Extra nice throughout Bun Juit 22.000 mile.. 1099.0 1946 FORD COUPE Good car for tnat aaiea. man'a Job. or you guy, who Ilk, to b, alone. 399.00 194 CHEVROLET AREO SEDAN Low, aleek. and smootn aa a kitten. Motor recently re conditioned. Priced on th, book. 105.00 1941 DESOTO FORDOR SEDAN Tnte oaoy la one or our beat buya. Fully equipped. Beauttful flnlah. New aeat envere will go, your choice of colon. , 105.00 1949 PONTIAC TUDOR SEDAN original factory paint. Bahled by former owner. Ju.t had an overhaul. Reduced to 995.00 1942 STUDEBAKER FORDOR SE DAN: Glowinf repaint lob. Safe ty checked through and through. Drive thla on, today I I I 13O.0O 141 FORD COUPE: Only a f,w mllee on a fac tory rebuilt motor. All new upholatery. Really a beaut. 350.00 CHECK THESE FOR OOOD DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION 141 OLDSMORILE Tudor Sedan 45 00 1940 PACKARD Fardor Soda 395.00 1940 BUICK Ford or Sedan 495 00 1940 FORD Tudor Sedan 309.00 193 FORD Tudor Sedan 395.00 193 CHEVROLET Fordon Sedan 391 00 193 PONTIAC Fordor Sedan 391.00 1937 FORD Tudor Sedan 345.00 1937 CHEVROLET Tudor Sedan 195.00 1933 PLYMOUTH Tudor Seden . 93 00 Trucks & Pickups 14 FORD Stake Rack 1941 STUDEBAKER 1-T 1947 FORD Flat Bed 193 FORD 4-T Pickup , 1795 00 , 795.00 . 1195.00 . 195.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS 720 S. Stephen, Phon, 11S1-J Easy Terms $10.00 Down S5.00 per week will pur chase a guaranteed used automobile at Rose Motor Co. Rear of Rose Hotel Ros Lena Sts. Phona M m C-CYLINDER OLDS 4-tloor wtjen. new Mint, xrellent rubber. 1M en gine, windshield waiher. heater Only MOO eeeh Inquire 431 Xawe St., or prtone i.ivt-R. 1949 Kaiser Sale or trade for Pickup. Ph. 1383-R. DO YOU H AVt A '41 or later model light rar in good condition you will ell for ca.h. Writ Box 1M, New Review. TOW 8ALt--lfiTW'Ttr. 4 rnVrnthi olef. 120 equity tow Olft. Box 300, Newe- 9O0 oft, 230 I. (jphene, Barney 27 roaaoaafcU. S43 IMS FORD S-door sedan, radio and heater, 13.000 miles. 14M. Call S43-Y. POR SALE OR TRADE '41 Dodge Carry AILE. SundqutstCamaa Vail ay. 1M1 CHEVROLET CLUB "coupe. MC Impounded 28 UNLESS CLAIMED withla a hours from date of notice, the following de scribed dogs will be disposed of aa provided in City Ordinance No. 1144. Blsck Cocker Spaniel female While and Brown T-rrier female City Polleo Dept 1tjSfr-jw p m. Instruction 29 SPANISH GUITAR leMon. Ph. W M l Personal 30 WHY BE BOTHERED with backaches, kidney trouble, constipation, sluggish liver and many other ailments when the proper ue of our scien tifically designed foot roller will re lieve you. lmtructtona with each rol ler. Price. 42 09 Money-back guaran tee S4S South Riverside Avenue. Med ford. Oregon. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P O ftoa 111 Notices 31 CARD OP THANKS We with to thank all of our kind friends who were and are so ready to help in time of need) when our home burned recently. John T. Beck and family LEGAL NOTICE OP PILING APPLICATION POB A fHANOI IN POINT OP DIVERSION OP WATER Notice la given hereby that Mrs. P. A. Tripp, has tiled an application In the of rice of Chas. E. Strtcklln. State Engineer, for the approval of a change in point of diversion of water from Cow Creek. In the adjudication proceedings de termining the relative rights to the use of the waters of Cow Creek and Its tributaries a water right was ad judicated in the name of P. A. Tripp for the Irrigation of 12.4 acres In the SF.'iNW". and 4 acres In the NK', SW4. Sec. S. T. 33 S. R. 4 W W. M , with a date of priority of September 30, 1SOT from Cow Creek. The above described land la irrigated through the Johns Irrigation Ditch, the point of diversion of said ditch being located VV ft s. and M ft. E. from the West qusrter corner of See. 4, T. S3 S.. R 4 W , W M. Mrs. P. A. Tripp, owner of the above described land to which said water fight ts appurtenant, proposes to Irri gate said Land by means of a pumping plant, the point of diversion of said pumping plant to be located 200 ft. I , and 75 ft. E., from the NW corner of NEt.SW. Bee, S, T. 92 S, R. 4 W . W M. All persona Interested are notified hereby that a hearing will be held at the County Court House at Roseburg, Oregon on March 30, lftSO at 10:00 o'clock a. m. All objections to the aropoaed change, if any there are, will s heard at said time and place. Any objections shall be prepared In writing, one copy to be served on Mrs. P. A. Tripp, Axalea. Oregon, and one copy filed with the Stsls Engineer. Salem. Oregon together with a 42 00 filing fee, at least ten days prior to the dsta set for hearing. If no objections are filed no hearing will be held. Dated at Salem. Oregon this 10th day of January, IBM. CHAS. E. STOIC KLIN, Bute Engineer. "Cheat Government" Not SALT LAKE CITY -(PV- Casei uncovered by Utah's "fraud unit" have led a department head to conclude that "a lot of people don't think it's a crime to cheat their government. " The three-man unit u a part of the itate department of employment security. Its job is to find any illegal claims for unem ployment compensation. One young man was receiving unemployment compensation pay ments in a small town while work ing in Salt Lake City. The boy's mother forged his name to papers Navajos Spurn Govtrnment WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. JF At least one government loan pro gram is going begging. Last spring the Indian bureau made available $100,000 to the Navajo tribe to be loaned to tribal members to purchase purebred milk goats. The Navajos wsnted none of it. All summer the tribe's advisory council tried to persuade Indians to borrow goat money. It didn't re ceive s single application. The story of the goat loan fund was told to the House appropria tions committee by Albert Huber, assistant chief of the Indian bu reau branch of extension and credit. Huber said the Navajos were scared off by the 175 to $100 price tags on the purebred eoats fear ing that they could not care proper JOBS AGAIN BECKON SALEM, Feb. 18 (Pi The state unemployment compensation commission says that Oregon's back-to-work movement is on in full swing. Warmer weather already has sent thousands of workers bark to their jobs mostly in the logging, lumber and construction industries The commission said that unem ployment reached a record high of 94.000 on February 1, but that the number of jobless now is being reduced quickly. PHONE 100 between 6 IS end 7 p. m,, it you here not received your News Review. Ask f-r Horolc! Mobley Autos DIESEL-STOVE-FUEL BURNER OILS Distributers of Shell Oil Since 1926 Try Our Oil Service DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 121 Giant Helicopter Bought For Air Rescue Service WASHINGTON. UPS A Mi copier i big is in sirliner and able to land on snow, ice, water, und or mirih nil been ordered (or th military air reicu aer vice. The 'copter ia th Piaiecki H 21, a twin-motor ship with an emer gency capacity of 27 passengers and two pilots. Th air (ore announced today it has ordered th H-21 after com petition among (our companies in th design oi an Arctic rescuo ciaft. Th air (ore did not aay how many Piaseckis have been bought or th pric. Th order is unof ficially reported to b 20. Th air reicu lervic is a unit of the military air transport ser vice. It operatea 28 rescue uniti at baaei from tierminy to th Phil ippine!, blanketing the United Statea and reaching touth to the canal lone. tch unit has 10 air craft and two pararescue teams composed of men trained to drop into inaccessible areai. Th H-21 ii equipped to land on any flat surface. It has a power hoist for us in hovering over spoil where landing is impossible. The so-called "omniphibious" landing gear incluees large inflat able floars with build-in skis sur rounding esch wheel. The H-21, developed from a Navv 'flying banana," has a larger en gine than earlier designs snd can cruise at 104 miles an hour. Its main structure is M feet long. It is designed to cirry 12 stretcher, and two attendants. It can set 30 men ss a troop carrier, or cm ac commodate 27 by removing the eats. Vers Te Head Oregon Air Raid Warning System SALEM Two Portland srmy vetersni hive been named by Governor McKay to supervise the state t air raid warning sys tem. They are Ivan Brown McKinney, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company executive who will be chief of communications of the slate civil defense agency, and Ed ward H. Tolan, who will be chief of the agency s air raid, warning and aircraft observation system. Th governor snnounced last Sat urday that the three coast itatei were asked by Secretary or De fense Louis Johnson to set up the system. About (,000 persons in Ore gon will min the observation postl is was done in World War II. During the war, McKinney was in srmy communications. Tolan was in the Portland filter center in the first part of the war, and later waa an air corps officer. It is believed the Jspsnese in vented the folding fan about (70 A. 0. Regarded As Crime In connection with the case and three officials of the town govern ment swore that the handwriting waa that of the boy himself. Two carpenters continued receiv ing unemployment compensation after they went to work. 'When we filed charges we got a letter from the defendants' attorney calling us "Russian commissars' and so forth and informing ui it wis none of our dirn business whit his clients were doing," said Curtis P. Hard ing, department administrator. Loan For Buying Goats ty for the animals. 1 T-i -1 e : it... iu. nicy wn, aisu eiiaiu uia. ui goat milk would be unsanitary un der the condition! in which they would hive to care for the animals, he explained. "They would prefer to buy canned milk?" asked Rep. Jensen (R-lnwa). "That is what the advisory coun cil said," replied Huber. Dr. George L. Nicholas Veterinarian Graduate of Urlvmity of Pennsylvania is now located of 804 Garden Valley Road Phone 116 OLD AHO RUTV AMY CAtX Wl MAKt IT TWINUl LIKE A STAR r i " RCMT YOURCGR $c r oo and up L0CKW00D MOTORS Rm leW 0k Ptiwia 10 402 W. Oak St. Frl Feb. 17, 1S0 The Newt-Review, Reiebtift, Ore. 11 Troubled Asia Ponders Pact Of Soviet Russia, China Reds Oly The Aaeeeiate Preeel Troubled Asia pondered today th Soviet-Red China pact, announced in Moscow yesterday, binding the 700.000,000 inhabitanta of the world's two biggest communist na tions for SO years in peace snd in war. Japan, target of the pact, waa ap prehensive. Japanese Reds were Jubilant over peace prospects. Many aaw a Communist peace of fensive looming in Japan. General MacArthur was silent. So were most western diplomats throughout Asis. Philippine President Quirino, his cabinet and military leaders went into a secret huddle on defense plans already discussed with Gen era) MacArthur. Quirino reiterated he wanted no military alliance with Southeast Asian countries. A conference of American diplo mats in the orient, winding up in Bangkok, Thailand (Siam), devot ed serious attention to affirmative steps the United States could take to aid Asian nations threatened by Communism. There was no official comment from American confer ees. Premier Pibulsonggram of Thai land aid the time for southeast Asian nations threatened by Com munism was growing short. The question all over Thailand was: Does this pact mean a tight ening of the Communist eastern flank to permit an aggreuive push westward? This was ' suggested. Bangkok sources said, by the pointed effort to contain Japan, which wo',ld mean erecting a buffer against American forces there. Hew Russia Benefit, Nationalist China hinted at se cret clauses in the pact that would give Russia naval and air bases in China. The Nationalists are wait ing to see whether the Chinese Reds get sctive Russian aid in the expected invasion attempts against Hainan ana rormosa Islands. The Nationlists promised a counter- offensive in the China war and called on mainland Chinese to help oust "bandit Mao Txe-tung and Russian big noses (a derisive Jihrase used by Chinese against all oreigners). LOOK rms SIGN PAJNTINO A. MO DEC0CAT1N0 ICQNID'rjrjsI AMERICA IT IS TOUR PROTECTION Fully Ouarantc-s tellable Quality Work At N Added Coil Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phon 308 You can afford a dream kitchen Wow It's A otomot'S day when you get your new white enameled steel kitchen! This beauty has 69" twin bowl Kitchenaider cabinet sink with the famous Mullinaider electric garbage disposer. It can be yours! Why delay? You can afford that lovely whitc-ennm-eled steel Youngstown Kitchen now! And what s beauty! Sujier storage ipse and generous work surfaces to speed every kitchen chore! Food preparation and dishwashing are easier breese, thanks to the Kitchenaider csbinet sink. And the Mullinaider electric garbage disposer ends garbsge forever! Let us show you your new kitchen in miniature. No coitly remodeling; easy terms. See us today! XuounajfamyiMcAenJ r MirtMN W. rial's makers ef ste.l TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 136 N. Jackson Phona 268 Only staid British Hong Kong was not alarmed. There the pact was viewed as shortening the life of fi old Nationalist China-Soviet pact of 1&43. Hong Kong sources asked what Russia was getting out of it. There wai no mention of Russian gains o! any consequence in the announce ments of th pact, a peculiar fact 3uickly noted by Chines who have ealt with the Kremlin before. Hong Kong pro-Communist Chi nese newspapers hailed the pact aa a "warning to imperialists" aid aa "crystallising friendly rela tions." Japanese Communists fell in line, pitching for sn early peace treaty, a plan dear to the hearts of most Japanese and calculated to draw more Nipponese to the Communist party. No Asistic saw much hope of Mao becoming a second Tito upon, his return to Peiping from Mos cow. Instead, many expected purge of those Chines Red not in full accord with Russia's aims and hopea in the orient. JUD0MI NT ASK 10 Floyd Pierce has filed suit In circuit court asking judgment for $421.30 from M. J. Or us, alleged due on service station products purchase!. . . HEATILATORS for efficient, smokle flreplaea PAGE LUMBER I FUEL 164 E. 2nd Av. B. Phon 143 VurlwtTm! Without icpriee) Are md te pars Your close inpctiea Ballrl your kitchen around a Kitchenaider Mullinaider Combina tion. This 48" twin-bowl model (one of 10 models) hai aliding-removahle drainboard of acid-resisting porcelain enamel and Umdrv-ittf (11") sec ond bowl. tow l,liiMH.,l etas i