fa conscious of the value of want-ads, you'll profit!" 14 The Newi-Review, Rowburj, Oi.. Frl., Fab. 17, 1950 CLASSIFIED RAi:S 1 day pot 1 t day. " S daya 4 dsys " days . 10c . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE I P.M. Day Befort Publication CLASSIFICATIONS BEAL UTATl RENTALS rUISINKSB OPPOBTT'NITI- VUILDINO HAIMU roi - - LOANS Ntl.F WANTED FRUITS VIQITABIH HAT, ORAM FtSD LIVESTOCK POIJI.TRf RARBITft . tsts FO SALE MIIC. MiaCSLLANSOUS wvr.L TIMHER - SAWMn.lS LOGOINO iqUIPMENT MACHINERT FOB SALS FABM EQUIPMENT TSACTOal Taicua AUTOS IMPOUNDED INSTRUCTION PERSONAL Koncaa . Real Estate 1 The Home Of Fine Ranches And Hornet f BEDROOM ROMS on South Jackson Street frame construction, fir floors, tub bath, alao a two-room cabin In rear, pricea as wm- ONE ACRE on paved road in walking distance of town, achool bua, city bus, dally mail da 11 vary, modarn thraa bed room noma, htm house, fruit and bar rlaa, a good buy at 0300.00. Terme. HIOHWAY FRONTAGE too foot frontage on lilway M. nice 4 badroom homo and 3 scree, with barn, woodshed. Naw hlway wttl pro bably go through Ih La placa, and alao we paymenie art amy tw w monuk u price fo.av.uu, wrmi. OARDEN VALLEY 4V. Aeree of choice bottom land, on the rlvar, modarn 1 badroom noma, naada aoma rapalra, nam, nan nouaa, iimuy fruit of all klnda and walnuts. If you appreciate good land aaa thia placa at paaoo.00 terms. GRADE A DAIRY 40 scree, all tillable, milk parlor equipped. largo Darn, mooarn a room noma, on nod road near achool nod store, 10, 000.00 terms. KEEP RANCH 154 eeraa. M acree tillable, modern room home, family fruit, barm, large poultry house, cloee-lni all for 10, ftoo.oo, terms. A ttVS TAVERN pid 040.000 00 builneaf last year, every- Ming complete fw,wu.uv, terma. 10 ACRES of exceptionally fine rlvar bottom land la Garden Valley 96 SQ0.0G. T ACRES, mostly tillable, email houae. near Melrose a tore, g-ttUO.OO, terma. WE HA VI SHEEP AND COW RANCHES from 300 aerea to 90.000 acres, ao don't buy umU you have looked at our Jack Realty, Realtor S91 S. Stephena St. Phone 686-J LLOYD WILSON HENRY U HANDY . Salesmen Valley Real Estate Agency S Beautiful view lota, close to eltv Lou of oak trees; only .1.000 for all five. We believe thia la a good buy. Possible location for apartment house, or outer rentals. Unfinished home, but can be lived In. Finish floor la down: near Winston- Only 300 down, -1490 lull price. lartO feet of RIVER FRONTAGE on South Umpqua river near Canvon vllle. About 140 arrea level farm land, with balance pasture and timber. Good a room noma; moaern; also a-ronm cabin with hot A cold water, t large barns; also gralnery. On cream route and R F D. Gravel highway by house. Stock and equipment ran be bought extra. a,ouo, wun V7uuo oown. Valley Real Estate Agency 11B W. Case St Phone ft WE'VE GOT A BARGAIN I 1 I . . and you should see It. It la located within very easy walking distance of the business district on paved street, side walks, sewers and all other city Conveniences. Three bedrooms, full dining room. Plaster Just recently painted and fir floors newly sanded and finished. The arrangement Is of the older type, but It Is clean, neat, well built. Full basement with piped wood furnare. 60 x 100 fool lot that Includes 3 pear trees, 3 apple and l't cherry trees, ilf you can not figure out how lli cherry trees are possible, coma In and we will show you". This de sirable home la especially well located. The owner is leaving the atata and has priced his home at only 7M to assure a quirk sale. Reasonable terma. ROSEBURG REALTY A INSI'RANCE CO. I'mpqua Hotel Lobby Special $1000 Down, $60 Month Total Price $2100 Lot 0 IV), highway frontage, rlty bus service, gas service, electrlclt Sc hool bus That Is a few of t ha many advantages of this 4 room home. Nice front room, adequate kitchen built ln, nlc stnlt with rinsing hose, utility room with tubs 1 bedroom with closet. Nicely pintea, with a view window. Lot Is level. Has hot water heater. This Is not a cabin or ehack, but a nice Utile home worth every cent of the asking price. Lehman Real Estate Phone T21-J 414 N. Jackson COTFORALErermsWatrr llf hie available 3 miles south on llichwav 0 Ph 1-J i FOR SALE OR TRADK-New"j bedroom home in city for small ferm or ranch, or 10 mUea out Ph. U33-Y-X. Real Estate 1 Better Values i. WEflTfllDE near entrance to Veterana' Administration Comfortable four room home situated on a urge ievei fre toll lot This home has a large living room, one two room, icouia easi ly add another) dining room garage. 94500. total price. Terma. PARTI ALLY -FURNISHED one bedroom modarn home Just off the Garden Val ley road on bus Una. This solid Utile home has a fireplace, plaster finish, garage, garden spare. Immediate pos session, 600. total price. Attractive terms. ATTRACTIVE newer home near River side school. A convenient plan with 3 bedrooms. Inside utility room, central heating, attached garage, tiooo. or less down to responsible party. BaL at 71 per ma APPROX- S ACRES level land eight miles aouth-weet of city. Large new home of pumice construction, plastered interior, nig living ana aining room, utility, attractive kttchen. garage. There la a Urge back porch, good water system. Asking price SW30. Mod era U down payment. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 Waat Lane St. Phene 1002-R New Listings 1 BEDROOM HOME In Laurelwood Dlat. arge living room ana dining room. Nice kitchen with lots of butltins. Plastered. Hardwood floors; furnace; attached garage. 4 yrs. old, Sewar it pavement. iia.flOO 00 T H.A. will loan approximately siu.wu.uu. OWNER HAS MOVED Take a look at thia vacant S bedroom home In Diet, of fine homes. The lot alone la worth 13 the asking price. Part basement: oil furnace; fireplace; fauly close In 0,500; V down. GO SUBURBAN IN STYLE Close to East city limits. New and at tractive noma, a Dearoome. wan to wall ruga on floor. Plastered, furnace. Fireplace. Vacant now. Should take a tele G.L loan ok. 6,300.00, terma. COMPASS THIS 3 Bedroom home and 1 acre of ground. -eve rm mi. emit ana Dernee. tnir en house. On bua line. If you want to make a garden thia la a good buy. 66.300 W.r About tfc down. CONSULT US without obligation. If we can no you no goon we will ao you no harm. We need listings on all types u nmmi mvsvs. L. Be Hicks Real Estate Lobby Orantf Hotel Phone 1277-Y SPECIAL FOR OREGON STATE VETERANS DILLARD AREA: New house, t bed rooms, living room, atnstte, kitchen and bath, Concrete foundation. Elect, water heater, laundry trays and wall with elect pressure pump. S acre, free soil lot In locality of other nice homes. This house will appraise for more than the asking price of 40fl0. We have another house the same aa the above with attached garage for 5400.00. SUBURBAN BEAUTY V. ACRE RIVER BOTTOM SOIL, New Home; 3 lerge bedrooms, modern istic kitchen and bath, dinette, spacious living room with pic ture windows and beautiful flre- rlaee. Gas wall furnace, hardwood loora, attached garage, utility room, elect, water heater. Shake exterior, flutters and down spouts. Restricted oca t ion. You will recognlie this as an exceptional buy at 7300, Can be well financed. EQUITY FOR TRAILER HOUSE iann equity In house for trailer of same value. House located In North Rosehurg, close to trading center and school. Brucs V. Gilley, Real Estate S3M N. SUph.ni Ph. 1M-J-S Onto, on Hlfhw.r North THIS MUST BE IT Move Into this lovely 3 B. R. home Living and dining room, carpeted wall to wall, oil heat, part base ment, PLUS modern 2 -room rot Use. rental from cottage will pay out the entire home. Total price 6.909.00, term. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS We have many other very fine list ings, we welcome your investigation. OUARANTTrO-NO PRESSURE SELLING. If we dont have what you want we can get It C. FORREST LOSES FULLERTON REALTY S30 N. Stephen St Roaeburg, Ore. ALMOST NEW modern 3 bedroom home wnn an garage, just outsiae rlty limits 000. dn payment; full price tuoooo. BaL easy Mo. payments. NEW 3 -BEDROOM HOME being com- piwir-j. ah. srs?. ah mooern, siow 00 down Owner will carry BaL on Me. payments. NICE SMALL Neighborhood Grocery do ing nice business. Will sell at Inven tory One person cen handle. Will con sider trade on home. WE HAVE SOME NICE RANCHES now; both amall and large, some on the Williamson Real Estate Ph. 1660-J 1T01 N. Stephana Alwayi Have It Surveyed nm rtaufh.rtr. lh. niflnMr. Ph. STT-R Real Estate 1 A FINE COUNTRY PLACE 1 ACRES, 13 mtlee out, near river. with a lovely 4 B. R- home. Modern In every resnect. hardwooa floors. fire place, living room and dining room, large kitchen, plastered through out, run clean Basement, an lencea, 30 A. tillable, bam and chicken house, some timber. If you are working In town and want a country olace. this will meet all your requirements. We nigniy recommend you aee tnia piece. Terma can be arranged to ault your self: that la within reason. Priced at IB, ooo. WINSTON 4 BEDROOM JUST reduced 1 ,000 00 to Induce quirk sale. 3 large bedrooms down with living room and dining room. Ar ranged ao that upstairs may be rented as apartment. Lot Is 90 ISO, all fenced end with double garage. Lawn and shruha. Really priced right at a.aoti.uu. f2.guu.uu oown. CLOSE TO RIVERSIDE SCHOOL ATTRACTIVE one bedroom home with uniinsnea upstairs, narawooa noors, AO x 129 lot all fenced and In lawn. Garage. A nice little place priced at pi, 9iHi.no. Might take a bouaa trailer as oown pay menu CLOSE-IN WITH BASEMENT ONLY S blocks from postofflce. paved street, city aewer, furnace, one bed room .own, g up, oo-it. tot. riaa- terea inrougnoui. .lose to itose scnooi. Price-7.900.00. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors HOTEL ROSE BLDO. PH. T36-R 1 B. R. mod. plastered home, East Douglas. 3 yrs. old. Hardwood floors. OH floor furnace. Lot 61 x 12S. Att rase. City and achool buses at door. iawoooo down. 7250.00 full price. ana wen worm it. New S B. R mod. home, Eest Rose burg. Lot M v 96, 760 so. ft. floor spac. w irvpiace. auw, wan luroars, Kent lie end wall to wall cametina Hun windows. block from bus line. Imm. pose. 3000.00 down, 6500.00 sum price. Wa have a 1-bed extra fine home In west suburbs May be purchased with complete and very high quality fur- nunings. a puy at aowo oo complete. Terma. 3 Unit Duplex of three rooms each. Good town near Rsbg. Rome equip ment. Live In one and rent the other. A very good Investment Only 4500.00. One of the best all purpose farma In Douglas County. 270 A. of which 110 la fine cult, land and In growing crops. Good 4 B. R. modern home. Insulated. Completely furnished. Large barn, poultry houses and machine shed. Sheep tight fences. Complete line or power macninery in excel lent condition Including new combine, farm cat, tractor and farm trucks. A reel money maker. 26,000.00, on good terms. S Room mod. older house close In on no. Main, l dim. from Rose school. Lot 50x170, 2500.00 down, 5800.00 iuii price. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loans Phone 313 14 West Case St 000 DOWN 6000 FULL PRICE Thia very well arranged, nearly naw two bedroom noma will " meet all your needs, .It has a large living room, modern kitch en and attached garage. The pay ments are attractive too, low er than many rents at 68 per month. Let us show you this today. It won't last long. Near Ford a and Young a Bay. SEVEN UNIT MODERN MOTEL Thia fine ref mtly built motel and service si tton Is being sac rificed to sattify creditors, The aale price Includes all furni ture and most of the Service station equipment 13 acres of land give mora than enough frontage on Highway 99. Inves tigate this opportunity at once. Cash price 14.300, BUILDING SITES If you contemplate building your own home in the near future, see us for some of the finest resi dential building sttea available In or near Roaeburg. ROSEBURO REALTY A INSURANCE CO. tJmpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors Acreage THREE LEVEL ACRES "w miles north oi rny. mere is a large unfinished two-bedroom home on property. The kitchen, one bedroom, bath and util ity rooms are sealed In plasterboard. Plumbing la roughed In. electric pump on well. Finished livable double ga rage on concrete pad. Asking price Is Moo. .too down payment. Bal ance at 00 per mo. Stanley E. Short Realtor lit West Lane St Phona 1093-R Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES FROM 7990 Low. Convenient Down Payment S and S bedrooma Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park Ph. 1533 3153 llollla St First Time Offered For Sale Brand new home, t IW feet. tftPO sq feet, 3 bedrooms, extra large living room, ultra modern kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, fire place, piped oil furnace. On paved street Lawn Is In. all on one 1 loor. Large lot 14,000 00 terms. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SE1X SEE L. B. Hicks Real Estate LobbyHotel Grand Phone 1377-Y Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer II So. Main St Ph. B17-R fiOUSE AND LOT. 17 W. 100 down. oaiance easy terma. Also lots on any reasonable pavmenta. A. F. Suksdorf, Winston, Oregon. Rentals ftLKEPIMU ROOM (or X Kilch.n prlv u.im. w row ir. TOR Rivf Slmplns c.bln. Maltlll Phon. IM-Y ROOM with or without kltch.n prtviT- ,cn 4.W N. Pin. AparT"VenT! PNruRTAMito.' A. C. Sh.rlix-k. Wttutoo action fOR RrNT Ir.U ; IH H UllL TE I.WT-Y NicEi:y"TttRNTHt6rs?arooin .pt. s miir. out. Phon. 1.1M-L. Pf RNIRHKD 1 tdroom hmiPh R APT rORRINT.C.irsM.H-l. ai-EKPINU ROOM1 V Pllr.r rrptNO RCXM ISQ3 N JirkMm cLlANTrront WMpirul roomTPh. 1ST ThcyTl Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo HOOATWELL WAS f DOING.' I HAOTl NEVER GET OJTAND ADAMAWT Kin ( A D4V AT THE ( Z WANT Tt? SEE THIS MrfPCuiM OFP'CE ? I DO EN0U6H PARTICULAR PICTURE- S. GMT nccrVc v7 ( RUSHING AROUND! LETyjO BUT X GUESS VCUft 1 f&fJTTMPIsJ TUP AAL I HAVE FOUR PASSESj- WHy, SURE.' Wg iP9Si ?SL r'P SOiX TVJO-W SLOT'S 00! PRETiy SISTER MAKE m " 1 Yrri Hfe WITH THE INViTATlOM- fj. TJ LwC B&$0 Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES 05.00 per ma -410.00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park Phone 1533 2153 Hollla St 3 MODERN1 two bedroom homes"' five miles soutn Roseourg and paved road. Abundance good water, school bus to door. Hot water heater, utility room. Lota of built-in. These nearly naw homes are ready to occupy. First turn right of Happy Valley Road, last house. Dick Stevenson. FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXF.R and scrubber All in one tool. Light enough any child can handle; finger-Up control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 8 Stephens Phone 1479-R CHARMING This new, modern 2 bed room cottage so comiortaoiy rurnisnea; easy housekeeping with Its all elec tric kitchen. A. M. Selby, 3rfc miles east of Gilda. BOARD. ROOM and washmg, $73! month or mom aione. axu. Kererencaa re quired. Mrs. Lewis E Jones, First house E. of Miller's Lane on E. Doug las. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent. Electric neat Phone ion, or call at Court Apt No, A, next to Falrha van Market. TWO ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment; also i nrsi iioor room, liii bjv-k-s or write W. F. MrMurray, P. O. Box 104, Winston, Oregon. FOR RENT 3-room house, 1 mile W. of sinner nn not modern, lis oer mo. Sea Mrs. Jessie Roof en er at Rose care attera p. m.. hutherlln. Ore. Modern housekeeping "cottages! Reasonable rates bv week or month. Myrtle Grove Motel on Highway 99, a muea n. or myrtle ureea. JRNI! week. Also monthly Cabins. 3 miles N. on 99. Phone 6B5-J 3. WARM SLTEPING ROOMS, with or w 1 1 nout private bath. 100 Spruce, West Washington. 9 ROOM HOUSE In Roaeburg: prefer carpenter neeos minor repairs, write News-Rev lew Box 209. 4 ROOM, modern house. 11 miles out on gooa roaa. write News-Review Box 209. COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartment i or rent, eon monin. inquire et ost Office In Winston. 3 ROOM, furnished apartment E. Dotig- as, Miner unt, nu i, box ijz. ewia E. Jones. ROOM FOR RFNf with" Community kitchen, separate tables, men only. Phone 12-L. SMALL UPSTAIRS-furnished apt See at 7 jo lvan nt., or call er-y after i p m. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale or rent at Winchester. See Arthur RieUnann. 1 mile north of Brock way. ClGHf""-HOUSEKEEPING CABINS and rooms, weekly rates. Pleasant aaotor Court. 1740 N, Stenhens TRAILER SPAC4FOR RENT; heatf3 shower rooms, laundry facilities. 835 Templln. CLEAN. FURNISHED sleeping room, pri- vaie entrance. a.uu ween, ju. montn. R2.1 S Pina. TRUCKS FOR"RF.NT You drive, long or snort tnpa nee nive true a rental, 7;W South Step hens. Phone 1436-J. fRUCRS and'tral1ers "1 'or rent Move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington. Ph. 795. 3 ROOM APT. with bath. See at 30 n. jacKson FOR-RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 402 W Lane. fOR RENT 2-room," furnished" apt PR WfW-4. T A PTS. for rent 920S! Stephana. Ph. ton RENT-"-a-bedroom. furnished ' house on So Pine. Box 202. Newa-Hevlew. UCOMFOR TABLE SLEEPING room: twin neas iiih Military. Phone 12" Sleeping room for IT Kitchen privt- Business Opportunity 3 Canyonville Well-established ' garage. with good equipment, ana tow car. ong term lease. Call 5020, Cany on villa. NirE-" SET'l'P-FOR RETATirTumber 1 ard, 2 acrea land, ample storage spare under roof, small planer ready to go, R E A. Electricity; only retail yard near a thriving Community. Price. .V)0. Write Box 905. Oakland. Ore. or see owner at mill, IS miles East on County Road. small Laundry for sate. Phone 22U-R-1, a to 5. Building Material 4 ABOUT 15.000 feet surfaced No. 3 and v iumi r, x K a i-i. 4175 for the lot P. O. Box 1159. phone 1214-Y, For Trade TRADE A GOING BUSINESS and prop erty that an elderly couple can handle, for a good sheep ranch; give or take difference. News-Review Box 30O. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE valued at I IV) trade for large house trailer. Write News-Review Box 199. Loans You cent get a better farm loan than a Federal Land Bank Loan. 4 Inter est, long term 30 to 4 1 years, liberal prepayment privilege. You have a voice In the management Rosermi-g National Farm Loan Aaa n. 30J MedJ Cl Arte Bldg. Loans MONEY 10 23 M 79 100 300 300 UP TO 300 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to 300 whether you're in a naw Job or an old one. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel len security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to 300 on your furnltura, up to 500 -n your car. Special Pay Day" loans, 10, 92S. 50 loaned 'till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number of days you keep the money. 25 costs lac for one week. No other charges. Phona for your loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lh Ury, M.nas r ta No. J.Fkion Plum. UTS S-179: ll-399-.RoMburf LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furnltura or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not.) Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such am Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Consolidate debta Re-flnancing When you borrow get your money from the company that makee convenient to borrow end convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 30 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. StfT Paclfl. Bulldlnf Phon. 4fl6 M-ATT SUt. LI. S-2M Financial F. H. A. LOANS ttg: UMPQUA REALTY 113 N. Stephens Phone 19.13-J Across from Post Office on Highway 99 WANTED TO BORROW 7500. for up to one year, for business enterprise. Have good security Will pay good rate of interest Write Box 301, News Review. WANTE D TO BRR6WiAW0 on new three bedroom home. Long or abort time Write Newt-Review Bx Jo7 Wanted 8 WANTED TO RENT Moving to Roaeburg And 1 don't mean maybe Need a 2-bedroom house For wife, me, and baby Prefer house eloea to town, unfurnished will pay SA5. per month. Residence will be permanent Contact Manager, Joe Richards' Men's Store. Wanted BEXP. VIAL AND POKK Fred Boyer Phon t-R-S or lsos-a. or writ. Rout. 1. Recur, Will Pay Ca$h WE BUY used furniture, alt Call at 444 No. Jackson. Ph. 1S93-T. The Bargain House WANTED- YlMEt-?6tTs- Tlior room unfurnished house In or neer Winston or Dillard. Reasonable rent Best of care taken Ph. 9.12-J-l. WANTED TO Bl All ktnda'of furnf ture Let us bid on your house of furniture. Call 903-R at 809 N Jackson Street WANT fOBt'Y 'Ford' Ferguson" tractor: also attachments. Write P. O. Box 4K4. W A NTE D 1 'n furnished house or a pt. with garage by March 14th. Employ ed rwupie r none irs- evening. i WANTED Cast iron. Scrap-No steel WlU pay 930. to 92S per ton Suther- Itn Iron Works. Sutherlln, Oregon. BRING YOUR "JUNK to Bob Y r,(vage Yard at 23J N Stephens. Ph. 199-J-3. WANTEDYOBUT r Hkdea. Roaeburg Meat Co., phona 39& 1 Help Wanted 9 WANTED Middle-aged to elderly couple, to keep houae, do chorea and light work, on farm; chance to raise garden and chickens; a comfortable home for the right party. For partic ulars write Box 210, News-Review. A NATIONAL SALES organization will Interview 10 men Monday, Feb. 20, at 7:00 p. m., Hotel Roee. Inquire at desk. If you think you can sell, be there. I MEN-NEEDEiT! fO fill position with old line company. Better than average earnings. Car necessary. 230 N. Ste phens, room 303, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Best Reaulta Call ROSEBURO SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 1294-Y FOR FREE ESTIMATE on home build Ing, remodelling, driving and finish ing floors; also rototllllng: call S37-R-4. or write to W. F. Mc.Murray, P. O. Box 104, Winston. Oregon. Income Tax Service 139 Sheridan St.. ph. 96S-J, or S7-F-1 For your convenience, we will be open 9 a. m. - 9 p. m. Sundays 1 p. m. 7 p m. No appointment necessary. PRACTICAL NURSING In town or coun try; can arrange 24 hr. shift if neces sary. Care for elderly person or chil dren and home while gone. Call 1146-L until 5 P. M , 1586-R-4. after. INTERIOR DECORATING and outside painting, floor sanding and finished roofing, any kind. Also contracting. Call Camas 11, after 7 p. m., or before 8 a. m. WALL WASHING, Kemtonlng. Janitor work, cleaning and polishing floors, window washing. 18 years experience. Phone 470, ask for Frank Hasty, Apt 13. Douglas Hotel. INCOME TAX SERVICE. Federal and State. Accounting services. Arthur Denny. 2027 Morris St Ph. 1710-R-5 for appointment WANTED Falling and bucking by three experienced men. Phone 47-F-12. or writeJt. Franklin .Tcnmllc. Oregon. CHAIN AND CROSS cut filing. North side Saw Shop, 1006 Prospect Phone 844-R. COM M U NlTYrnNDErXRTEN now of fers care for your child by the day or hour. Ph. 1599-R-4 or 1444-R. WILL CARE FOR convalescents; new babies and mothers a specialty. Ph. 330-J -4. ALTE RATfONS, DRtSSMAKINC.. ATI types. Mrs. Don W. Garrison, 136 N Kane. Phone 172S-J HOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveling. 14 years experience. P A B Towing. 743 S. Stephens. Phone 936. TAX RETURNS, federal and state, by appointment Accounting service eve nings. cVW-K-J. SAND. GRAVEL, crushed rock. loam. Delivered lmmed lately Ph. 3B6-R-1. flRAlLERTWINQ Ph. 530-R-3 (Sourt) 919 GardenVal!ey Road. WANTED ironing In my home. 55- Fowler Street Ph. 839-J FOR AGOOD jSXlNT JOB, call 3-F-41. YARD WORK WANTED. Ph. 1209-Y. Lost & Found 11 LOST Airdale female, name "Alert. ajce 1 years, very timid Reward. Lee A. Fisher, Gazley Route, Myrtle Creek. Oregon. Wlt.L FINDER OF Man's gold watrh. with name "Frank Addison'' on back, please return to 431 Rowe St Phone l.rjfl-R. Reward Hay, Grain & Feed 13 GREY OATS FOR SALE. Rt , Box 1H4S. near Elgarose School. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction gAi.r rvr.nr Monday LIVISTOC'K AT 1 P M. rURNITURE k MlSC-ULANIOUa T IB. WHCRI BirVER t, SELLER MEET TRY BCBRiCKFR S WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATED HIGHWAY M. S MILS NORTH Or ROSEBURO YOU MAY EXPECT A r AIR MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION SCHRICKER aONS. AUCTIONEERS ROSEBURS AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Livestock sold by weight or head; household fun v: farm marh. Fnr your protection we are licensed and bood- Ltveatock 1 P. M Furnltura T P. M Turn E. at Garden Valley Road Ph. 191 WANTED Fat or feeder Lambs, year llngs and breeding ewea. James E. Lewis. Myrtle Creek, ph. 64. or Dsr reU Ray. Rt 3. Box 394 B. Roaeburg. rn wo-it-i WANT"FD Sheep pasture to rent Dar ritl W Ray. Rt 3. Box 3P4-B. Rose burg Ph. 695-R-L FOR SALE-tg- all"s1res,"to" tOO-fh W. H. Norther aft. Brock way on Olaila Road. FOR SALE ail "breeding ewes, lambing 1st of March. Call L Inde. Oakland. 2ftM WANTED Sheep. feartines or ng a1 PhiUmi and Vanln-L Rt 1. Box 144. Or ph. 923-R-A Livestock 14 WANTED All kin as cd Uvaatock. B. M. cox. tau avtw-e. 0 rTXLE Fresh young milk cows. E L Church. Dixonvilla. TWO PUREBRED yearling Hereford bulls. Box 630. Melrose. Poultry 15 Chiclet Chicks Chicks Custom hatching a specialty. Set twice each week: Sat and Wed For day old chicks, placa your order now. Sexed pulleta and Cockerels as wall aa straight run. Priced right at Ponton Hatchery 1449 Harvard Ave. stoscburg Phona 16S Quality Baby Chicks EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR DAY OLD OR ST AH TED Hamps hires, Parmenter Reds. Barred Rock - Hampshire Cross. Corn Is h Hamp Cross. Barred Rock. White Rock and White Leghorns. From S and 3 year old breeder hens. City Office Umpqua Produce Co. 401 W Oak. ph. 413. Hatchery A Breeding Farm Tipton Road. 1 mC S. Hwy 99. ph. 1S92-R-L "COMPARE AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS." Poultrymen Sacked, extremely dry. fluffy, planer shavings. l'c per lb. A. D. Hulbert, vw .arqen vaney noaa. Baby Chicles Every week In the year. Beat of breeding -ity agent, vougiaa io. riour miu Carr's Hatchery Looktngglaae Rt Ph. I8-F-3 WANTED 3 to 4 cases New Hamp shire hatching eggs per week. Flor ence a-oie. i x.. ist Ave. no. DRESSED FRYERS for sale; 3 or more aciiverea. ioun-j-d. FOR SALE-0 egg gas Incubator.' May be seen at Umpqua Produce. MUSCOVY DUCKS.- 3L00each. llenry Hall. ph.737-J after 3:00. STARTED CHICKS. N H. pullets. R. Cary. 2 miles E ofDlxon villa. FRYERS FOR SALE. 3 miles out Mel- rose Highway Howard Ransom Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE U V.R B A. rOR SALE Pry.r nbElu, 4Se lb., dreu tA. Phon. 47-J-2. Pets 17 ONLY 100 BEAUTIFUL canaries left Get yours before nesting time. Singer. 610; female, 62.50. Also pedigreed Pomeranian female dog. t mo old. Arthur Nelson, Rt. 3. Box 895; on Cleveland Hill road. PUREBRED MALE Dachshund pup. available balance of this week only. Ideal house dog and children 'a pet Intelligent, easy to train, affectionate. Call Cring, 1768, daytime only. FOR SALE 2 male pups. Highland strain, 3't months old. Ph. 3105, Geo. wiicox. uaxiana. MALE PEKE-PUPS. gT57" Collies. Fox Terriers snd others, 62 up. Pet Shop, 501 No. Jackson St. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS Ph. 630 or 433-Y Reg. and ped. puppies, all colors. Stud service. FOR SALE Black "Cockers. 6 weeks oil i-a ii y i -l, supr a uu p, m For Sale, Misc. 18 Closing Out All Of Our Used Appliances Immediately Large Price Cuts Good Bargains 90-Day Guarantee Today's Special I Burn Wertlnshou. Elwtrle R.ns. Wu sw s Now S19.98 Umpqua Valley Appliance 1SS W. Oak St. Phon. 1218 SPARTAN 34 36 30 34' The life time trailer Baa a body we believe will last 80 years or mora. No dry rot Kit ir ir ir Columbia ir 14 so r - gr The West's Fastest Seller and other Trailers of Quality Ataa Us ed trailers, trade-ins accepted. Bank contract. Contracts to 3 years on Spartana Earl E. Smith 1 W. lr Mt DmIw Eurn. Or.. Phon. Sprlnsfi.14 HI J Uiim South on M. Rt 4. Box li. Euf.n. Used Furniture Electrical Appliances COMPLETE PRICE RANGE; TERMS Judd's Furniture au N. j.ck iTMObEL HOt SE tnllrT-!. fl. fii h. .n at Bri7.rdtn. rr.td.nr. la th. SukKlorf Addition. . niton. tm rr.r.bl. W iu Bo Jos, R-Juniw, For Sale, Misc. 18 1 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, "H months. 41 M M 1 MAGIC CHEF OAS RANGE. Ilka new -- 1 ELECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR, run good. . -"-w w Trowbridge Electric Co. Ph. 26 W. Jackso) Looking For Bargains? Suiter has them In used rurnlture, atovea hardware, plumbing supplies, water SUITER'S TRADING POST 3 miles North on B0 At end of City Bus Una River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 637 W Mosher Phone J1T-V FOR SALE 18 ft. Marine Plywood boat Umpqua Special Trailer and John eon outboard engine. 6250 cash. Ph. ft4-J. . FOR SALE 3 small buildings, to be moved or torn down. 1 block north of Portland St. on Kendall Ave. FOR-SALE 3garage doors. 2 6 'xB'; 6lC for 3, or 69 00 each. & J. Shoemaker, 41TE. Lane. Phone 144-L. FOR SALE Custom built blue " mohair Charles of London davenport. 60. Calw W 648-J or see at 1038 S.HamIlton. WORLD BIKE, with ""knee action, front wheel brake, and 6 volt light Can be seen0ugS.Stephens. fRAlLER Luxury Liner sleeps 4. fully equipped also side awning. See this ,or ? bu Ph 326-R-4: NEW AND USED furniture: gas and wood stoves and heaters. Wood stove repairing a specialty Call 1327-R. Al a Furniture Center. 614 Wlncheatet St FOR SALE Kilo ary planer end. 67 W per unit; Green slab wood 65 73. mixed load 68 73 Ph. 307 1P47 if PEERESS Eastern built traTler house. Green and tan. See at 346 MlLL Phone 1302-J N V T,ton. COMPARE PRICES, then iuy at HOVf. ARD'S HARDWARE. Winston. Oregon. Ph 182-J-l OPEhSUNpAYS. 20". DISCOUNT on new 100 gal - hoi water beater. Write News-Review Box 198 fOR SALE 3-pTeca davenport set. PS, 1229-L. FOR SALE Upright piano, good condi tion.6100Cali 1488-R. evenings. MUST SELL electric range. 3 sets twin bedi. Phone 16W-J-2. , fibTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE, almost new. See atlJ0 N. Pine. ONE BENDIX AtnrOMATIC WASHER, deluxe model. 6I5Q.Ph. 1013-R. NEW DAVENO for sale. 113 N. Flint Call after9 00. FOR SALE 2 hosplUl beds and stands. Call 145. "48 CUSTOM BUILTTb ft trailer house, 61000. Ph. 1616-R-3. Fuel 20 HEY, LOOK! If you need old growth fir cord wood, 18" and 24" lengths: 2" mill ends; freen and drv slabwood, 10'; call 02-J-t or 47-J-9 for information and free delivery. It's Dry PILING ENDS Stove or Fireplace lengths. 68 on cord Delivered and put Inside Call 1&18 or 146-R-9, Eva. PEELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends fireplace wood. Double loads, prompt delivery Claude Willey. Rt L Box 43 Ph 15-J-3or 143-J-3. lw PLANER ENDS. 68 2S unit, regular length. Roaeburg Lumbar Co. Pbono 468. FOR SALE Slabwood. sawdust, planer enda Phone 307 Johnson uel .o. Timber & Sawmills 21 1,300,000 timber, dlesel donkey, 1-saw 20 H. P. dlesel mill with edger. cut off, grinder, etc. all on rock road S miles from pavement 610.000. 2 MM. Corley No I dlesel mill with power log cut-off, cat, 632,000. C. S. Briggs & Co. Phono 914 FOR SALE IN ONE TRACT 102 million ft Redwood. 73 million ft. fir. 3 million ft. Cedar. Price, 6623.0006175.000 down, balance to be paid as cut. Another adjoining tract of 80 million ft. Redwood at 64 SO per thousand. Good gravel road within 1 mile. Have some other tracts available. Write Chas. F. Johnson, Rt 3. Box 263, Medford. Oregon. Ph. 32708. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO. FOR SALE Three quarters of a mil lion feet of 2nd growth timber, win ter show. Good show for small saw mill News-Review Box 208. ALMOST NEW20M capac1tya"iWiniir. 200 H. P. dlesel. Stumps ire available or will furnish logs. Lockwood Bros., Tenmile, Oregon. Timber wanted"--; mm and up! Write R. L. Cummings, Camas Valley, Oregon. FOR-SALE Sawmill, or any part CMC dlesel edger and other unite. Roy Denny. 835 Winchester. WANT-P6LETVnd piling delivered i ' our yard at Green. Contact ua befcara cutting. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon., Logging Equipment 22 OOOD BUYS IN USED EQUIPMENT FROM INTERSTATE D ratrrnlll.r Tractor. 1943 Mnavl with traifht hlad. nnd dram. Ovrrh.ulrd and ruaranurd S14.500 00 D8 Ctrirlltar Tractor. 1943 Mndrl Trar tor. Ha. b.rn run approximately 1240 hour. .tnr. romplct. overhaul Wtth btad. and drum and la a: op. rauns condition $12,000.00 DT Caterpillar Tractor. 1945 Model with tr.laht blad. and dram. Completely overhauled In our shop Tht. Is a honey of . machine. Guaranteed. Pull prlc. 911,500.00 TD. tntematlona! Tractor. 194S Model with blad. and drum. In food op erattnf condition. This ntarhin. ha, been vim very little for loaittnt and la an exceptional buy at S4.990 00 HD-14 Allla Chalmem Tractor. 144 Model with anil, blade and drum. Startirs enflne has been overhauled and new balteriM. ruU prin JO0 oo. Contact u, for thew, and othor food buy. la both new and used equipment. , Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co. Rorburf, Oreson Phon. SP3 4 SM AUCTION SALE On Sundar, r.bruaTr ... .. wj rniitaale Drrv., Grant. Pa. Oion. brfinnlni at n a M. coverin, approxtmatelv SAS.Ono no worth of Logging and Machine Shop Kil?"1 . "' ,or nand-btll to .wrlC.Ai;CT10V CO C w GRA 2 1? . A "OK""" Auction. r- """r m- jsjth. r. o. ox 144, Grant. Paaa. Or.; ton. i ' 1 s