The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, February 17, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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The News-IUyiew, Roseburg, Oft. Frl., Feb. 17, 1950
Hal Boyle Proffers Tale Of The Man
Who Breaks Bricks Over His Cranium
CAMBRIDGE, Md.-W) You never herd of nU thit raise kittem?
Or foxe ctuiing dogs? Or about the fellow who's been breaking
bricks over hit beid for JO yean.
Well, .come to Maryland'! eastern shore. They've got 'em all
hereplus golden-fried chicken, beaten biscuits, oysters, and whistling
twins in the Choptank river.
It is one of the most colorful
regions in America, where des
cendants of the men who beat the
Pilgrims across still live close to
the sea and soil, and earn their
bread from each.
The Choptsnk Indians Chop
tank means blue water used to
be here, too, said Emmett An
drews. 'But they pulled up the
bones of their ancestors and mov
ed away.
Knows Lore
Andre ft, a former high school
principal, knows lore about wild
life and gusty people you don't
find in many books. He came out
of the tidal marshes himself to
let his college-learning, and he
oves to go back to the marshes,
for they never lose their tidal pull
for their own.
How can rata raise kittens, Mr.
"Oh, they're muskrats, and their
young are called kittens. They
have several litters a year.
The muskrat is a wonderful
animal so clean. It lives on
roots in the marshes, and It washes
every root before it eats it.
"I never knew a muikrat that
could be tamed. It is one of the
few animals that will gnaw off its
leg to get out of a trap, and I
have caught them with only one
raaair vour car
i r
just like new if you hove
a miifortunate accident
Call ui today.
Oak A Stephens Phone
mm mm mm I
leg left and that one in a trap,
Except en Note
"He's a very' ttrong animal ex
cent at the tip of his nose. When
vnn trao one. vou lust nil mm
across the note with a twig, drop
him in your sack and go home.
You can kill one with a lead pen
cil by hitting him across the note.
And about loxet cnasing oogs,
Mr. Andrews?
"Well, the hound dogs hsd the
foxes pretty well thinned our here.
But as the farmers began keep
ing fewer hound dogs the foxes
came back.
"One time a few years back
some foxes got tired of being an
noyed by one particularly bother
some hound dog. So they just gang
ed up one day and turned on him
and chased the hound clear back
into the farm yard so the farmer
H-m-m-m-mmm. And about the
fellow who breaks bricks over hit
head Mr. Andrews? Why?
Started As Stunt
"Oh, you mean Charlie Willey?
He starting breakng bricks over
his head 30 years ago as a stunt.
He'd bet you a nickel he could do
it all in fun.
'Once we told him as a joke,
'Charlie, you used a soft brick that
time.' So he got a second brick
and broke it over his head, and
there wasn't much we could do
except pay over the nickel."
Hain't this ever hurt him.
'Oh, no, not as far as anyone
could tell. He's 63 and a grand
father now. Works at a sawmill.
"Every year we hold an outdoor
show here. Charlie goes up on (he
siaKe anu arcana ouu pine snin
Slot over hit head for the crowd.
He wouldn't miss it for anything.
iiaa to inis year inougn sic.
A headache maybe?
"Oh, no. I don't think Charlie
ever had a headache."
SANTA ANA, Calif. -VP Mrs.
Fried L. Clayton has an odd hobby
for a woman. She collects pipes.
in 3U years sne nas acquired
more than 450 rare models, big
pipes, little pipes, carved pipes,
plain pipes, opium pipes and even
water pipes. One specimen is a
hollowed briar burl, once the proud
possession of an Indian chief. Oth
ers are made of rosewood, walrus
tusk, glass and clay. A 200-year-old
meerschaum has a herd of
horses carved on its bowl. The
rosewood model has a stem fa
shioned from t'.ie leg and hoof of a
deer. Some are inlaid with gold
and mother of pearl.
No, even though she runs a pipe
shop, Mrs. Clayton doesn't smoke
her treasures.
Josslin Invites
Demo Draft For
Governor Race
PORTLAND, Feb. 17. tPl
William L. Josslin has invited
Oregon's democrats to draft him
to run for governor.
In a letter to 1000 member! of
the party, he said:
"Frankly I don't want to run for
any office. But as a 'good soldier'
I am willing to meet the challenge.
. . . What would be my prospects
in your county? Do you order me
into battle?
Josslin, chairman of the Demo
cratic state central committee,
said he bad been urged by many
people to make the race, but would
not do so unless convinced he
could serve the people and the
He pointed out, however, that "I
rr. the only.perwm mentioned for
Oregon's governor who has made
a scientific study of government ."'
Besides Josslin, possible candi
dates who have been mentioned are
State Treasurer Walter J. Pearson,
Lew Wallace and State Sen. Aus
tin Flegel.
The stale central committee will
meet at Bend Saturday in a session
which might turn up other candidates.
Gas Line From
Canada To Serve
U. S. Consumers
CALGARY. AlU. UP) Within
five years after construction is
completed on the proposed $100,-
000,000 pipeline it is expected that
U. a. and Canadian natural gas
consumers will be drawing an esti
mated 60,000,000.000 cubic teet i
year from the Alberta fieldt, an
engineer told the Alberta petro
leum and natural gaa contervauon
More than three-fourths or 47,-
000.000,000 cubic feet is expected
to be used by consumer! in the
United Statet.
The testimony was given by Dr.
C. R. Hetherwgton of the Lord,
Bacon and Davis engineering firm
during the course of his testimony
on the application of the Westcoast
Transmission company for permis
sion to construct Uie line and ex
port the natural gas.
Hetherington said the line woull
have an overall length of 1,03
miles, with 119 miles in additional
branch lines and a gathering sys
tem of 426 miles.
It would run from Edmonton,
Alta., to the U. S. border near Ab
botsford, B. C, cross over at Wick
ersham into Washington and ex
tend on into Portland, Ore.
Washington points connected to
the line would include Bellingham,
Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Cen
tralia, Everett, Kelso, Longview
and Camas.
Hunting Dttr In Closed
Season Rapped By Judge
SEATTLE, Feb. IT. (1P Two
... uJmmAmA Oil ll tv If hunting n i lu .....
deer out of season have started to
serve jail terms of more man
days each.
The men are Clarence H. 5eem
er, 26, of Renton, and James Ar
thur Wells, 40, of Auburn. Both are
aircraft workers.
They were arrested near Chinook
pass. The charges included kill-
iM iln. nA killinff a hnrlr hv
Catching him in a powerful light's
glare, xsoin men pieaara gum? i
justice court at Enumclaw.
Justice of the Peace R. T. Mont
gomery imposed a fine of $645 r
a 215-day jail term on Wells and a
fine of $611 or 205 days in jail n
Seemer. Wells pleaded guilty to
four counts and Seemer to three.
MOSCOW (.Pi The Anglo-Amer
ican colony in the Soviet Union has
become a very self-contained unit.
It has its own children's school,
doctors and dentist, movies.
dances, dancing classes, priest and
preacher, badminton and tennis
courts and now, its own club and
The club was started by the en
listed personnel at the United
States embassy, together with State
department clerks. It offers mo
vies four or five times a week, a
bingo party at least once a week,
dancing to phonograph (and some
times a live band) and a bar sev
en nights a week.
Largest crowd to date to see a
basketball game in Oregon State's
spacious new Gill coliseum was the
8824 turnout for the second Wash
ington game on February 4.
Yamhill County
Roads Put Under
Load Restriction
A 10,000-pound load limit was plae
ed on all Yamhill county roads
The action of the county court -taken
to save breaking-up high
wayhalts school busses, milk
pick-up trucks, oil trucks and feed
The court refused to forecast the
date when it could rescind i"
sharp cut from the previous 20,-000-pound
County roads are in poor condi
tion following the winter freeze
and the court is confronted with
an expense greater than last year
A year ago damage to the coun
ty roads was estimated at $500,000
The county got an $80,000 advance
on its state gas tax money and
with other funds at hand, repair
ed graveled roads. The oiled
roads suffered some damage last
year but did not break up. Now,
with frost attacks from two win
ters, they are weakening. Their
NEW YORKf.P Experts who
delight in trying to look into the
future say they foresee the day
..i mafm u i II tw. small
enough to be carried in the pocket
like a fountain pen. aiso, mey ,
it i ffwtciihl tlpvision receivers
might be developed to a point
where tney can ne worn ue
pair of overgrown eye-glasses.
Once upon a time this Surrey vil
1, h,H ralpatrhpr and he was
content to get around on foot. The
village councu nas now accepicu
this recommendation from its pub
lic neailfl committee:
The committee feel that the
rodent operative could carry out ,
a greater volume of work with
the use of a bicycle."
repair Is expected to be a major
cost item.
Ktep Your Office
See D I L for
Carbons Ribbons
Desks Chairs Files
DAL Stationer
32S S. Steohene
Phone'- l
Boswell Mineral Baths
Chiropractic Physiotherapy
Lady Attendants
1 Mile S. of Drain. Oregon
$6.95 to $33.00
164 E. 2nd Ave. S.
Phone 242
delivered or told at plant
S miles South of Roseburg
at the end of Lander's Lane.
Phone Cecil Lowe at 615-L
One and Two-Man Units
Certified Sales and Service
Axes Wedges Sledges Handles
Hard Hats and Hat Bands
Scale Sticks, Tapes, Etc.
Dealer for Cox Chipper Chains
and Edwards Wire Rope
For Rent 12 H. P. Saws
by the day or week
920 S. Stephens
Phone 279
Tax Statement Traps
Two Robbery Suspects
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. tf.-JP)
Taxes put two young men in jail
Monday, but it was an indirect
Latt week the Earl C. Spinney
home on N. Albina avenue wat
entered by three men. Spinney wn
held pritoner for several hours
while an unsuccessful search was
made for money. The robbers then
took U from Spinney's wsllet and
forced him to write a check for
$300 to Donald R. Boker, an alias
While detectives were investiga
ting, they found a tax witholding
statement. That statement led to
Stanley L. Holamn, 26, and his
half-brother, Charles E. Satter
field Jr., 17. They were arretted
last night and implicated a third
man who still is at large.
Spinney stopped payment on his
$300 check.
. . . Easter-perfect two-piece butcher linen suit. Now . . ,
the bloused back, jacket, reed slim skirt. Navy and grey.
L. W. J. sizes 9 to 15 in the smart style for long-woisted
t v. a. pat on.
Umpqua Valley Appliance it holding an, "Open House Party" tonight to introduce the new 1950 Frigidaire line. Free refreshments will be served.
i) ,
a nun
mm m er J m
ThrifaY'SoVeetric range with ..
t . ZS
L r rK.
m J I .11 l5??5Kal I I 1 111 Mm IV amW WTSyr1
Hi 1 1 1 I U .i"' I"1 . ,ja I II I IU I 11 aaattaw . a.
I I II 1111 I -i J III Mil I II I Vesical. J5S - W E i V HA J
jkj. you CAN'T MATCH A p"" $16975
to niiiniuiAK tgti
u u u u u u v- u isu uu uuu NJf- I r
1 Nia
Model RM-35 wini Cook
Mailer Ovan Clock Con
trol, lamp and Uttniil
t J 99.75
Wherever yow live whatever
the tiia ai your family, kitchen or
budget be sure to see she new
Frigidoira Refrigerator! for 1950.
S the complete line of sixes
and ty las from 4 cm. ft. to 1 7 eu. ft.
Whan you do, yow'H sae ON tha
raotont why your No. 1 choke
should ba America's No. 1 Ra
irigaroeor, FRIGIDAIRE I
Full-width Freaier Gleet
holdt wp la 41 lb, af
frese feed
New fuH-Unoth daar
AH-parcelala ttaraga
lea-Blue Interiar trim, new
est kNthe tathlan nata
All alwiaut, rvst-araaf
AdhittaMa sliding thelf
New tpM shaH
Twa, ast-parcaloMi
Hydratars that stack up
AH-aarcalaia MuinV
Purpata Tray
Qulckvaa lea Trays
Feaieae Milsr Mltar
mechawhas weah 5-Year
I g C. I
309" I
1 o
Ift completely new and different I N't
Frigidaire't compact, "Thrifty-30 Elec
tric Range at a temationol low price.
A big range in everything mat counts
evtra oven space, striking beauty, qual
ity construction, h i tiled for tmalltf kit.
chent, hot plenty of capacity for large
families. See it today I
New Thrifty
Giant Oven
biggwl m oov Koum
Md rengel Cooks more
food wMi m nMr cm
tr...vnm tlrolcfc,
One-pioi ovon...por
tloienniik SKdbia
"ri odjutl H S
powHom. hova
New Rediantube S-Spoad Cooking
Units, fatter ttan ever I
Perteloin inside and out
New M-iach steal cabiaet
Maw Hlgli-Spaed waist-high trailer
New styling by Raymond loewy
New easy-te-reach, easy-te-reed
Come) hi Aak Abort AM Trn Mow Frigidoir Bttri Rang,
120 W. Oak
Phont 1218
124 N. Jackson
Phone 565-J