Th Ntws-Rtviaw, Roseburg, Or. Thurt., Feb. 16, 1950; PROGRESSIVE DINNER I 19 nsbv at m.t.m. Society and GIuIpL By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Itemi submitted by tele phone (or the fociety page muit be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the loclal calendar and Sat urday'! tociety page are closed weekly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLUB HONORS MRS. HEINBACH The Happy Birthday club wis en tertained Thursday Keb. 11 by Mrs Win C. Heinback at her home in Dillard. The occasion honored her birthday and gift were presented Mr s. Heinback. Luncheon was served at one o' clock after which the afternoon was spent in travelogue talks by the guests. Mrs. Elua Calyton re counted her visits to Mexico City Otheres told of trips to Yellow stone and Canada. Enjoying the afternoon were Mrs Stanford Buell, Mrs. Ray Col cert, Mrs. Lee Barnes, Mrs. Belle Clark Mrs. Grace Barnes. Mrs. Elsie Clayton and the hostess, Mrs. Hcin bach. BENEFIT CARD PARTY TO BE MONDAY NIGHT A benefit card party will be held at Riversdale Grange hall Mon day night, Keb. 20, at eight o'clock to raise money for a 411 scholar ship. Priies will be awarded win ners in pinochle and five-hundred and refreshments will be served The public is invited. OAKLAND O.E.S. CHAPTER . INITIATES NEW MEMBER, HONORS JUNIOR PAST MATRON J. C. Irwin was initiated into Oakland chapter No. 81, Order ol Eastern Star at the Oakland Ma sonic temple Thursday evening, Feb. 1 with Mrs. Gula Crowell, worthy matron, presiding. An adenda, "School Days" was given to honor Mrs. Agnes Wilcox, Jr., past worthy matron, at which time she was presented a gift by her officers. Mrs. Naomi Riggs, past worthy matron, presented a past matron's pin to Mrs. Wilcox, junior past matron, and a past patron s pin to George Wilcox, junior pijt pat ron on behalf of the chapter. Two paper cup dispensers and a waste paper basket were fiven the chapter by Mr. and Mrs. Wil cox. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Evelyn Hensley, Mrs. Doro they Clark, Mrs. Lochie Thomp son and Mrs. llelmie Burns. The next meeting will be the chap ter's birthday, February 23. . PRE-LENTEN PARTY TO BE EVENT OF ' NEXT MONDAY NIGHT A pre-lenten party will be given by Circle No. 2, of St. Joseph'! Altar society Monday night from eight to eleven o'clock in the re creation hall at the Veterans hos pital. Entertainment and games will be enjoyed and refreshment! will be served. No admission charge will be made Adult member! of the parish and their friends are invited. For SS CHERRY KUCHEN Rich coffe cakt mix filled with plump rd cherries. Special for Friday and Saturday, Monday and Tuesday . . . 4c WeLr's BaL 231 N. Jackson a Phone 241 The M I A. of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints held a Progressive-Dinner rrraay, February 3, at the homes of four of it's members: Soup was served at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Hanna Salad at the Bevan's home; The main course at the Davis resi dence; and the dessert at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce liitt. Follow ing the dinner a dance was held at the tent-house in which the group has been meeting., where everyone enjoyed an evening of oldtimo dancing The following were in attend ance: John Duvall, Darrold Hanna Richard Duvall, Ernie Duvall, Bruce Hitt, Alice Updegraff, George E. Updegraff, Ina Upde graff, Leon Nelson, Raymond Bib- by, Lorraine Kitchin, Leon W. Kit chen, Arlene Perkins, Donna Kit chin, Marlow Biggy, Oliver Upde graff, Leo Biggy, Arthur Nelson Sheila Hanna. Ilellen Hanna, Mel Hanna. Ronald Frasier, Bob Fra iler, LaVerna Lark, Hazel Nel son, Jack Bevans, Don Boeher, Tom P. Hore, Francis Hore, Bes sie Kelley, Ida 1ong, Denia Be vans, Vi Booher, Zora Kitchin, Eli zabeth Hitt, Rolline Johnson, Jack Davis, Jackie Davis Jr., Alice Davis, Elder Fullmer, Elder Yeates. PLASTIC PARTY ENJOYED THURSDAY AT FOX HOME Mrs. A. D. Fox entertained a group of her firends at her home at Winston ihuraday auernoon with a plastic party. Fourteen la dies were present. Mrs. Zella Jor genson was demonstrator and led the group in a number of games with Mrs. Eleanor Shigley, Mri. Mary Bird and Mrs. Mamie Man sky winning prizes." Refreshments were served to the group at the close of the afternoon by the hostess. GRAND ASSOCIATE MATRON INSTRUCTS O.E.S. SCHOOL A school of instruction was held Saturday evening, Feb. 4 with Mn Pearl McClay, grand associate ma tron of the grand chapter of Ore gon Order of Eastern Star, in at tendance. All officers and the in struction committee of Oakland chapter. No. 91 participated. A potluck dinner preceded the meeting. The kitchen committee included Harry Barker, Chairman, Lloyd Cornish, Howard Wahl and James Bovington. PAST PRESIDENTS CLUB TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT Past Presidents Club of the American Legion auxiliary will meet at a seven-thirty o'clock dessert-supper Tuesday night (instead of Wednesday on account of the child welfare conference) to be held at the home of Mrs. Georg? Caskey on North Stephen! street. All past presidents of sny Ameri can Legion auxiliary are cordially invited to attend. . . DISCUSSION TEA TO BE HELD AT FULLERTON P.-T.A. MEETING One of a series of discussion h-as will be held by Fullerton P. T. A. Monday, Feb. 20, at two fifteen o'clock at the ichoolhouse Mrs. Kenneth Bushey will present the topic, "Sex education for the elementary child." Mrs. C. D Parkinson is chairman of the hos tess committee. All member! and those interested are invited. Celebrate 54th Anniversary - m . . jr ... A. t 1 'S Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lantl Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lantz of Myr tle Creek celebrated their fifty fourth wedding anniversary, Satur day, Feb. 11, at a lovely dinner served in their honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John ston in Myrtle Creek. Guest! includ ed Mri. Lantz' sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mitts, and Mr and Mrs. Harry Weathers of Rid dle. Following the dinner, the group motored to Roseburg to enjoy the evening houri. today . . . on lay-away Select your coot now ond pay for it from your budget. Have it paid for when Spring arrives! Smart New Spring Gabardine COATS 9195 Choice selection of all wool gabardine coats for Spring. Select from the assorted new Spring shades. Each coat meticulously made and tai lored. Other Coats 19.95 to 39.95 It's SUIT time again Beautifully Styled SPRING Gabardinei O Sharkskins Worsteds Dressmaker types and strictly ta.lored suits that will wear smartly under your wmter coat on into Spring. You'll be pleased with the perfection in tailoring and the cleverness of th detailing this season. Others 14.95 to 39.95 4 y SUITS 1695 OREGON STATE COLLEGE MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON Oregon State College Mothers club will meet at a one-thirty o' clock dessert-luncheon Monday at the home of Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker, 417 East Lane street, with Mis Armour Murdock and Mrs. L. L. Powers' assisting hostesses. All persons - interested in O.S.C. are invited. Those attending are asked to bring gifts for Adair Village nursery. RIVERSIDE P.-T.A. TO SPONSOR SILVER TEA FRIDAY AFTERNOON Riverside P.-T.A. will sponsor a silver tea from three-thirty to four thirty o'clock Friday, Feb. 17, l the schoolhouse. Mrs. Ken Ladd chairman, has announced an in teresting and continuous program will be presented. The public is invitea. EAGLES AUXILIARY TO SPONSOR PUBLIC CARD PARTY FEBRUARY 24th The Eagles auxiliary will sponsor a benefit card party at eight-o- clock the evening of February 24 at the Eagles hall. Pinochle and canasta will be in play. Prizes will be awarded winners and refresh mend will be served. The public is invited to attend. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT The Junior Woman'! club will meet Monday night at eight o'clock at the Eagles hall. All members are requested to be present. Mis Harold Jokcla, president, will be in charge. NAVY MOTHERS CLUB TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS The Navy Mother! club will hold installation of new officers at a meeting Monday night at eight o -clock at the home of Lillian Jones, route 1, Rosehurg. All members and those eligible to membership are invited. O A R. TO MEET MONDAY EVENING D.A.R. will meet at seven-thirty o'clock Monday evening at the home of Mrs. William Anderson in West Roseburg with Mrs. C. L. Branton, corhostess. Mrs. L. F Nielsen will present the program on "Early American Music." 11 members are urged to be present. GOLD STAR MOTHERS SCHEDULE MEETING Gold Star Mothers will meet Fri day at 2 p.m. at the armory. All members are urged to attend. Owr.,,, win " Endows "AY SAKJ POTLUCK DINNER ENJOYED BY GROUP Members of Women'! Society of Christian Service attended an all day session at the home of Mil L. E. Price St Elkton Wednesday Ten members and their children enjoyed a potluck dinner and meet ing. , RAY COLLINS HONORED WITH SURPRISE PARTY ON HIS BIRTHDAY Ray Collins was honored at his home with a surprise birthday par ty Saturday evening at Elgarose. Refreshments were served to Ray Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie John, Mri Erma Ross, Ray John, Earl Pern berton and the hostess. Mrs. Col line! and daughter, Darlene. TENMILI LADIES CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING The Tenmile Ladies Club met Wednesday at the Tenmile Church with a potluck luncheon served at noon. Following the luncheon the busi ness meeting wai held and a short program presented. The Program included a reading, "Prayer and Potatoes'.' by Mrs. Vera Erbe; a song by Misi Linda McDaniel; a reading, "Temper" by Mri. Blanche Degner; a duet by Mrs Izma Vance and Mri. Amy Erbe; and a Danish folk song by Mri Minnie Rathkey. Plana were made for a turkey supper to be held at the Tenmile Community Club Building on Fri day evening February 24. Mem bers that were not present at the meeting are requested to oring a pie and a salad for the turkey supper. Serving is to start at 6:30. It was also decided that the club world hold a Penny supper the 4th t riday of each month following the turkey lupper. Those present were Miss Betty neves oi sweet Home, a zuest. Mrs. Leona Busby, Mrs. Blanche uegner, Mrs. bmma Diednch. Mrs. Julia Enlow, Mn. Amy Erbe, Mrs. Vera Erbe, Mrs. Delia How ard, Mrs. Hazel Ison, Mrs. Min nie Lockwood, Mrs. Kate Mack, Mrs. Lois McDaniel and Linda. Mrs. Minnie Melius, Mrs. Gladys Rathkey, Mrs. Minnie Rathkey, Mrs. Josie Smith, Mrs. Alfce Tyler, Mrs. Izma Vance, Mrs. Kate Wilson, and Mrs. Julia Breit enbucher. Some of the member! quilted on a crib quilt which is to be given to a crippled children! hospital The next meeting will be held at the Tenmile Church on Feb ruary 22. INITIATION JO BE HELD AT O.E.S. MEETING ' Initiatioa is scheduled for the meeting of O.E.S. Thursday at t p m. at the Roseburg Masonic tem ple. Following the regular meet ing a "Mr. and Mrs." Valentine party will be held. Members and visiting members are invited. U. OF O. MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET MONDAY EVENING University of Oregon Mother! club will meet at a seven-thirty o'clock no-hostesi dessert lupper Monday evening at the Hotel Rose Members and those eligible to membership are urged to attend. Winston THE YARN SHOP 230 N. Stephens KNITTING SUPPLIES Free Knitting Instruction! 10:00 a. m. to 9 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Alford are spending a few days in Portland, attending the Bottling Convention in that city. Mr. Alford is con nected with the Fullerton Beverage company in this company and Mri. Alford is employed by Henningers Mart in Roseburg. Mr. and Mri. Bower left Thurs day for a vacation in Ashland in celebration of their wedding anni versary. The Bowers are owneri and operator! oi the restaurant in Winston knows ai the "Coos Junc tion Cafe." Frannie'i Beauty Rioppe in Win ston is being redone inside and out. A beautiful new fireplace has been installed in the living quarters of the building and the outside is be ing beautified by means of plaster and cement blocks. Patrons are happy to learn that during this period of reconstruction Frannie i! open for business in order that our faces need not fall as her place of business get! its face lifted. It is operated by Mri. Frannie Holsteen. Mrs. William Schell of Winston has been called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Ferney, who is critically ill it her home in Pine Bluff, Wyo. Mn. Ferney is well known in this community having visited here frequently. Recently it was reported in this column that it wai Mrs. Schell who was ill and at this time we wish to state that the report was erroneous. Mrs. Frank True of Winston vis ited in Eugene Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bacher are redecorating the interior of ttieir home this week. Some dam age was caused to walls and ceil ings when a recent windstorm rip-, ped ten rows of shingles from the roof. This same minor "hurricane' ' Vital Statistics Marriage Licenses Issued BUCKLE-ELLENWOOD - Nel son Oliver Buckle ind Irena Pearl Ellenwood, boUl of Roseburg. Divorce Suits Filed SELKIRK Margaret L. vi. Fred Selkirk. Married July 22. 1933, at Coquille. Plaintiff charges cruel and inhuman treatment; asks rei teration of her maiden name, Mar garet L. Thorn. Diverce Decrees Granted PIRSCHEL LiUie from Hugo Pirschel. Early 16lh Century maps of the New World pictured the new land! as islands off the coasts of Cathay. did limilar damage to the Forrest home in Winston, Friday, the 13th, of January. SNACK TIME? KIDS LOVE HOOPY'S PEANUT BUTTER. FRESHEI CBOCEB'S! (Good with grapefruit- f qrapefrutt juice, too dfe Plain or Iodized j QUICK.:. EASY.. .DELICIOUS! i Eiv TSJa ISWIOISH COFFH IRIABI I AM: I I I I SWEDISH COFFEE BREAD A treat for winter days -spicy, sugar-crusted coffee cakel Serve it hot or cold... with steaming cups of coffee or tall glasses of milk. Just follow this recipe of Mrs. Selma Bergman-Crown cook -of -the -month from Astoria... well known for her delicious baking. Like many other successful cooks, Mrs. Bergman uses Crown flour for better baking every time! You, too, can always depend on Crown. Constantly tested in Crown's own Celia Lee kitchen... bleached or unbleached Crown Best Patent is the Northwest's finest hard-wheat flour. Use it for all your baking and you'll know why the best cooks in town use Crou rt! Wit L. Diuotvt: ' 2 cVm mmpwf4 yott im I cup milk wfckh k tcMt4, thtn cmM H liktwm t 2 cup tuf ar 13 tup thrtiiiitf 1 teaspoon Nit 12 Hmtppmn r4omo 2tff About 4 cwfH iftotj Cron last F stout Flow Turn out on floured board or pastry cloth, tod knead into ttnooth, elastic dough, let ri until double in lizt. Puivh down and let ret 10 minutes. Divide in half and shape into coffeo cakes,, cinnamon rolls, tea tings, etc. To make braided coffee cake, take half the dough and foil into rectangle about 4-in. x 10-in. Cut rectangle into three even strips and braid over, adding brown sugar, cinnamon, and raisins at the tamo time. Place braids oo baking sheet, allow to double in site, then bake at 375 about 39 minutes. Sene) for coo of Crown's SnocioJ Recite Fotdor. Colin Ue, Boa A. Crown Mifta, Forttond, Oroooo. I ft CROWN COOK-OP-THI-MONTH MIS. 1HMA ItlOMAN Otoe's Crom!3Iour L0CKW00D MOTORS PHQNI 10 RM and Omk Sts. 121 N. Jackson