2 The Ntws-IUvlew, Hoteburt, Of . Tliur., Fsb. U, 1950 Charles Wolsk, Retired Railway Engineer, Dies Ch tries Fredrick Wolsk, 81, re tired Southern Pacific engineer and well-known resident of Roseburg;, died at the Southern Pacific hos pital, San F-jncisco, Feb. 1. He was born at Oakwood, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1888 and came to Oregon from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, in 1912. He was married at Coos Bay, Jan. 25, 1918, to Christina Mae Lake. He had made his home in Roseburg for the last 80 years, serving as an mgineer for the SP company, ui til hit retirement last year. Mrs. Wolsk preceded him in fleatn several yeara ago. Jie was a member of Laurel lodge, A.F tt A. M.; the Roseburg Elks lodge, and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Surviving are two daughters, Mra. Robert M. (Ruth) Johnson, Portland, and Eugenia M. Wolsk, a student of X-ray and radiology at the University of Oregon medical school, Portland. He is also sur vived by a iislfr, Mrs, Cyrus Bit tleson. Coeur d'Alene, and two grandchildren. His body is being brought to Roseburg and funeral services will be held in the chapel of the I-ong nd Orr mortuary, Saturday, Feb. 18, at 2 p. m. Concluding services will be con ducted under the auspices of the Masonic lodge. Interment will be in the Masonic cemetery. Truman Plans Tour To Htlp Dtme Candidates (Continued from page One) to raise i new call for his whole legislative program. The mammoth affair described as the largest dinner ever held under one roof will be staged at the National Guard armory. It has been a sell-out since Monday. . More than 5,200 persons from all over the country and the terri tories will attend. Each has pledged a $100 contri bution to party war chest for the privilege of hearing the President and dining on broiled filet mig non. This meant that the Washing ton dinner alone will raise around S5.10.000 for the 1950 campaign. Other dinners for $50 on down have been and will continue to be held over the next few weeks here and there. The cost of the din ners, of course, is only a small part of the contribution. In sounding the keynote for the Democrats in thia congressional election year, the President was described by National Chairman William Boyle as prepared to call for full speed ahead on his ad ministration program. The President will speak from 10:30 to 11 p. m., EST, and the speech will be broadcast over four networks. On a pool basis, CBS and NBC television networks will cover the event from the banquet floor and balcony, starling at 10:15 p. re. Jump-off-Joe creek is the name of a southern Oregon stream into which a pioneer, Joe McLoughlin, Is said to have jumped In 18.19, ap parently for the Joy of it. Floods Rout Thousands In Southern States (Continued from pn One) setts. The snowfall in Boston was followed by sleet and drutle, leav ing five inchea of slush. The storm moved to northern New England during the night and snowfalls as much as 16 inches were forecast for tome areas. Dle,n uiAM f vtimrlaksl hirrhusskU travel waa impeded and shipping operstions curtailed by the heavy seas and wind gusts up to a velo city of ao miles an nour. some schools were closed. Outside the storm belt, fair weather was reported acroaa the country. However, some snow fell in parts of the Great Lakes region and light rain was reported along the Pacific coast from northern California northward. The only tub-zero readingi were in eastern North Dskota and north western Minnesota. The -15 at Pem bina, N. D., was the lowest mark early today. Temperatures were near the freezing mark in some parts of the southern flood areas. The National Guard, the Coast Guard and the Red Cross orgsnized rescue and reiier worn in the east uniisiana district hit by the overflows. Huge Area Flooded In Catahoula and Concordia par ishes (counties), Louisiana, 1,000 families had been evacuated and another 1,000 families were expect ed to be moved to higher ground. Army engineers estimated 1.000, 000 acres of land were flooded in east central Louisiana, on the west side of the Mississippi river. An other 190,000 acres of sparsely pop ulated land, east of the big river in Mississippi, also were under water. In Indiana, headwaters of the Wabash and White rivers spread out near Bluffton and Columbus in the winter season's worst floods. Several smaller streams in the Ohio valley were at high stage. Rod Cross Funds Drivt To B Launched March 1 (Continued from page One) patients to offer them all possible aid and comfort requires the co operation of the Junior Red Cross, many volunteer Red Cross work ers as well ss the field secretary. This is a large program and a very successful one, and we are hoping that our Fund requirements will be met so that we can carry on." The drive, slated to get under way March 1, will be preceded by the advance gifts campaign, under the joint chairmanship of Misa Helen Casey and Bill Evans. Bus iness division is in charge if George Mcintosh, and V. V. Harp ham will head the special groups division. Chairmen for the outlying areaa have yet to be announced, with the exception of Keith Carter who will be assigned to the area north of Roseburg. MARY DlfL DISS Mary Dlel, well-known resident of Myrtle Creek, died this morning at Mercy hospital following a short illness. Her body has been removed to Long and Orr morutary. Funeral arrangementa are to be arranged later. Ltwis To Hike Demands On Coal Industry (Continued from page One) ertl court order from insisting that miners work only when "able and willing" and that they may take long "memorial period holidays." These clauses had been bitterly opposed by the industry. Previously Lewis has Indicated he would settle for a $15 daily wage for miners, compared with the present $14.05 rate, and a 35 cent tonnage royalty for the wel fare fund for miners' pensioni and other benefits in place of the present 20 cent royalty. Now Lewis may insist on a pay increase to $15 50 and a 40-cent royalty, with a seven-hour work day instead of an eight-hour day, along with assurances that older miners will retain their jobs if there it any firing. Bargaining Returned The union thop, under which only union members mty be hired, and other contract clauses Iewia had asked now have been declar ed probably illegal by federal Judge Richmond B. Keech. The same judge directed an end of the strike an order the miners have so far ignored. Court - ordered bargaining be tween I-ewit' United mine workers union and the operator! resumed today in spile of the continuing strike. A presidential adviser, John D. Clark, warned, of "terrible" demor alization in industry if the strike continuei two or three more months, with "teriout unemploy ment." Steel plants and railroads have suffered most to far. Most other plants depending upon electric en ergy were getting by. Controls In Effect In New York State tight controls on sale and use of cosl were be ing readied for probable applica tion Friday. -A voluntary control system was invoked here in Wash ington. In some treat rurfewt on using electricity made from coal, were in effect. Some schools were ordered closed for lack of heat. In Virginia, the Legislature com pleted action on a measure per mitting the governor to seize and operate coal mines in an emer gency if the welfare of the people so requires. Gov. John S Battle, saying he will sign the bill, plann ed no immediate action under its terms. In Congress today Senator Ro bertson (D-Va) called today for speedy enactment of a bill which he said would curb the "monopolis tic powers" of John L. Iewit. The measure would make labor unions subject to the Anti-Trust laws if they restrained trade un reasonably in industries affecting the national health and safety. Portland Council Votes Rent Control Retention PORTLAND. Feb. 16. UP) Portland will retain rent control, the city council decided in a 3 2 vote. The action followed a long series of public hearings. Mayor Dorothy l.ee and Com missioners Kenneth Cooper and Orman Bean voted to keep the lid on rents. Commissioners William A. Bowes and Fred L. Peterson voted for decontrol. The Oregon Apartment House as sociation issued an immediate nro-tesL The Weather U. S. Weather uraau Office fteaebura,, Oregon Mostly cloudy with thewert re day. Increasing cloudiness with rein Friday. Highest temp, any Feb. 7 Lowest temp, far any Feb. I Highest temp, yesterday 61 Lowest tern, fer last 14 hrs. 47 Precipitation last 24 hrs. OS Precipitation from Feb. 1 ... 1.66 Precipitation from Sept. 1 ... 14.$t Deficiency from Feb. I .4 Committee Votes To Drop Potato Price Supports WASHINGTON, Feb. IS The Senate Agriculture committee yoted S to 1 today to remove all government price supports from Irish potatoes until rigid planting and marketing controls are put into operation. Senator Lucat (D-Ill) won ap proval of this move aa a prelim inary in mn mflnri tA tfthllih m tight system of government con- iruia over potatoes, ine aim it uj Drunks Rapped ly Court After Resisting Arrest Police Chief Calvin H. Baird reported today the arrest of two men on drunk chargea, following a brief battle Wednesday afternoon between officers and the two offenders. Arnold Cecil Groves, 15, ldleyld route, waa sentenced to serve ij dtyt in lieu of a S30 fine, follow ing hit appearance before muni cipal Judge Ira B. Riddle. Eldor Hennini Anderson. 34, Grants Pass, who had to be sub dued before being brought in pleaded guilty to chargea of drunk and disorderly conduct, the litter involving resisting of arrest, fines of 120 and 140 were levied by Judpe Riddle. Anderson waa committed to serve a total of 30 days in lieu of payment of the two fines. Also sentenced thia morning by Judge Riddle waa Leo Hamm, 46. Roseburg, charged with being drunk on a public street. He was committed for 20 days in lieu of payment of a 140 fine. Six Men Still Missing From I II-Fated Bomber (Continued from page One) men were whisked out of the plane msiae 10 or is teconas, ne stia, He wtt the lttt to hit the silk. LEWISTON, Idaho, Feb. 18. (.V) Pilots of 11 private aircraft pre pared to take off in a light rain early today to tearch for two men and a light plane missing in North ern Idaho. Tom Peterson. 26. and Ray C. Howard. 27, took off from the Hill- crest airfield near Lewiston at 1 p. m. yesterday with a three- nour gas supply in the light plane they had rented. Officials at the field said the men, both licensed pilots, had indicated they would fly into the Waha dis trict touth of Lewiston. They hid intended to ttke teritl picturet of a Urge herd of deer in the area. Peterson and Howard are partners in a photography shop here. America's most complete line in style and price! BIGELOW RUGS AND CARPETS Whether your color tcheme calls for florals, carved effects, plain or twist weaves ... we have the Bigelow carpet to suit your need Won't you give us the pleasure ot showing you these beau- 5 ties today 7 r I ? v 'J! (At 1' -i" . -A tin & u. 5.95 to 19.95 Per sq. yd. V TV -i C N.Y Penalty Suspended In . Parental Blame Case EUGENE, Feb. 16(-In the first court case of the new law on parental responsibility for delin quent children, municipal Judge John L. Barber Jr. complied with the jury's recommendations Wed nesday night by suspending any penalties against K. J. Stover for 90 days. The suspension is dependent upon the progress of improvement in the behavior ot Stover's ton, Cal vin. Stover was found guilty Feb. 10 by a municipal court jury of caut' ing hit ton to become and re main a delinquent. It waa the first case tried under a city ordinance which mikes parent and guardians responsible for the delinquenciet of their children or wards. Judge Barber also recommended that Stover consult with circuit Judge William G. East and Louis Sherman, Lane county probation officer, in counseling the youth. Th tl4at vi.ttna m.na arm clay tablets dating from about REVERE TEAKETTLES I fW-ifrji fitwdtM l hf rut 7 t v MsxU W ttlcj sjopptr t tkT tll nX rant, frri ijiri thrh. A map ! clean Wa thVra heavily rtirMM pUtj tth m immndiat pUtig f mitkeL TH sWtoaM r t m ral tfprr bof wmrk a ir k.u faMer. 11m inorM. M whittle) hav cL r4 Btktliu kitb. Y All ftfMl wnpty rteesM fhrBfh th tr IfetMPU RJ BMHUl haHHH hantj WrBfdJ with fUw MM. Two-quart suae. hold down production and avoid costly turplutet. The controls would apply to this year'f and all future crops, even though an estimated 10 percent of the 1S50 potato crop already it planted. A tiny insect built the great Cali fornia fig industry, according to the Encyclopedia Americana. Do mestic fig growing began when the U. S. D. A. induced the tmill Mediterranean fig-wasp, needed for fertilization, to settle in a Fret no orchard M yeara ago. PUD To loost Rotes To Repair Winter Damage VANCOUVER, Wash., reo. ie The January ice and tnow hit Cltrk county power linea to btdly thtt electric rttet will hive to be increased to finance the re PThe Clark county PUD voted to borrow S500.000 from a bank, and repay the loan through increased rates. The new rate schedulei are now being worked out. Iowa producea about one third of V. 8. popcorn. $ SAVE $ WHY PAY MOIST Office hours: S a. m. te S p. m. Sundays, 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. Ne Appointment Necessary INCOME TAX SERVICE 13 Sheridan Phona J or S7-F-2 Delicious citrus lulcea or invigorating, health-giving, and great energy provider. Each and every member of your family should drink citrus Meet daily. Red & White Is proud ol Hs fine assortment of citrus Juices and we are offering them to you during this citrus lulce sale at low prices. Come to Red & White today and stock up on citrus fuices. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY, FEB. 17 AND 18 f RED & WHITE ' Grapefruit Juice 48 Of. Can S pr unrrr M RED & WHITE BLENDED JUICE 46 Oi. Can w nm jr. ururrr Pineapple Juice 41 Ot. Can V 40' J f RED & WHITE TOMATO JUICE 4SOt.Cm y 27' -v m imftv ajfc. RED & WHITE GRAPE JUICE 32 Ot. Bottle Drip or Regular Grind 1 lb. tin 21b. tin 75' $149 FWHrrEj mm m It E1 "iV. Lb. Pkg PW 23' 40V FISHERS Albert f k Old-fuhioned battermilk flavor. PRK MIXED just sdd milk or water I f WADHAM'S I w X m 49c 10 Lb, 1.09 S 45' f BAKE r BUY -TA CHERRY PI I ORANGE JUICE 46 Ot. Can Pure Buckwheat 2 Lb, Pkg. Sour Pitted CHERRIES No. 2 Can M MBTTtm.I.I X MARTTNELU CIDER 32 Ot. Bottle V 29' J "'ask YOUR Red & White GROCER CASE" y 2 PACKAGES With Coupon 15' Tke Owetter Oett Clip any Offers Yea 2 Packages of QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT OR RICE for the price of 1 , IKINO THIS ORDIR BLANK TO OUR STORI jS3 f. ill nimWQ at taWsM Othr void enfcHe Ihi. Oram Waak Is ttne4 by MM ami mi. It audi la aaaordaaea wk the NnM i thti oBmt. rmm atott MT mm mil waQMPlMnetilanM laser i two hskasi to 1. lets 2 PACKAGES With Coupon 13' OUDD'S J FURNITURE Hatewri Diaartmew . . Dawftttotra UMPQUA VALLEY HARDWARE A Heme-Ow4 eed Operated Sivre. 321 N. Jackson Phone 26 101 N. JetktM rtwee 71