2 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thurs., Feb. 16, 1950 American Denied U. S. Attorney BUDAPEST. Hungary. Feb. 1J i.V) Robert A. Vogeler, US businessman held inrommunlcido her on espionage and sabotage charges, will not be able to have an American attorney defend him in hie trial beginning Friday, a Hungarian lawyer aaid Monday. He aaid Hungarian law permits only Hungarian aubjecta to prac tice law, and that only qualified lawyers can act for the defense Foreign radio broadcasts heard here aaid Vogrler'a family and the International Telephone and Tele graph Co., of which he was Euro pean representative, had engaged an American attorney to defend him, Morris L. Ernst. New York at torney and author, announced in New York Sunday he had been re tained to defend Vogeler. He said he had applied by cable for a Hun garian visa and had asked the Hungarian government to postpone the trial to give him time to inter view his client. Vogeler was arrested Nov. 18. Edgar Sanders, British subject and Budapest I T. k T. representative, and five Hungarian nationls, are scheduled to be tried with Vogeler. Hoover Report Beset By Politics, Norblod Says WASHINGTON'. Feb. 15. .P Rep. Norblad (ROre) accused tie administration Monday of play ing politics with the Hoover report. He asserted in a radio broad east that the administration was ignoring recommendations of the Hoover commission. "In my opinion neither ihe Presi dent nor his leaders want the re port with its accompanying great savings put on the statute books for the simple reason rhat too many people on the federal payroll who vote the right way would be out of a job," he said. Winston Canyonville Lions Club i Offers Resuscirator Use R. E. Olsen, president of the I Canyonville Linns club, would like the people in Canyonville and out i lying areas to know that the re- suscitator wnicn oeiongs to ine Lions club is available to every one. In case It is needed at any time contact the telephone operator at Canyonville and she will connect you with one of the members of the volunteer fire department, police officers or deputy sheriff W. I. Worrsll. All will be capable of op erating the resuscitator. By MRS. GEORGE W. BACHER Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson left Thursday for Portland where they expect to visit for several days. The month of February has brought its usual flurry of "child diseases" most of which are the contagious type that many of us grown-ups are still dodging, some unsuccessfully. Mumps, measles and chicken pox are all fighting for recognization and to 'date mumps seem to have more victims to its credit. This column is not long enough to report all cases in this community, but among fie lat est afflicted are Mrs. Daisy Fox and son, Gary. Larry Walker and Linda and Bobbie Forrest. Mr. Howard Lengc-Ie made a business trip to Eugene Thursday. Lengcle operates our local hard ware store, known as Howard's Hardware." Still another new house has re ceived Its final brush stroke in Winston and new residents have moved in to occupy the dwelling. This new home, owned by Howard Lengrle of Winston, is located across from the Fuljerton Bever age Company and is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucky, for merly of Roseburg. Lucky is em ployed by Ixcal Loan and Mrs. Lucky works in the office of Tipton and Permin Insurance in Rose- ", 4 ' ? - ft Try this del icio u s WHITE HOUSE y $ Here's Cherry sweetness in rich i creamy Medo-Rich Ice Cream that is beyond comparel This 'wonderful Medo-Rich Ice Cream has a "home-made" llavor that will make your "mouth water" for more. You can add a delight to any meal by serving, quick-to-fix Medo-Rich White House Cherry Ice Cream. Those great, big luscious cherries give that delightful "something" that you'll really like. Serve Medo-Rich White House Cherry Ice Cream tonight and you'll serve it of tea... ifs so good! Now featured at these stores ROSEBURG City Drive-In Market Parkinson's Grecry Wait Side Grocery Pelrhevon Grocory Honninflor's Grocory SUTHERLIN M ft H Mrkt Stop 4 Shop Greet ry Allan'. G roc try Hannlngor 4 Thrift Morktt City Drive. In OAKLAND Horn Bo k try Jot't Grectry Htnnirtftr 4 Thrift MJ II II Ill atTai H ,i L .jT ' f 1 1 l ' t-:' nw'J& EINSTEIN SOUNDS WARNINC NOTE Dr. Albert Einstein (above), warned that building the hydrogen bomb makes pos sible "the radioactive poisoning of the atmosphere and hence annihilation of any life en earth." The noted scientist made his statement in New York, on a television show. (NEA Telephotol burg. Mrs. Lucky is i sister of Mrs. Tipton, who also resides in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMurray have just retured from California to give us a tantalizing weather report of sunshine without the 'scattered showers." The McMur rays arrived here Friday after spending some three weeks with relatives in Kodondo Beach, San Jose and San Francisco. They mo tored down via highway No. 8 and returned by way of the Red woods, highway No. 101. Road con ditions were reported good. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter have left for i visit with relatives and friends in Cottage Grove. Car penter is bookkeeper for the Dil lard Lumber Company. William Dixon of Sutherlin trans acted business in Winston Tuesday. Mrs. William M. Jamieson and daughter-in-law, Mr. C. M. Jamie son of Winston attended the Help ing Hand club at the home of Mrs. Robert Calcy in Edenbower Wed nesday afternoon. Betty Jean Post, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Post of Wins ton met with an accident in her home this week. The third finger of her left hand was caught and mangled in an eliTtric mixer, causing her severe pain and mak ing it necessary for the doctor to remove the nail and take several stiches. Betty has been taking care of the Post household in the ab sence of her mother who has been in Portland receiving medical at tention for the past two weeks. Mrs. Post is reported to be re sponding nicely to the treatments being administered to her in Port land and hopes to be able to re turn to her home in about two more weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Truett J. Owens and small daughter, Wrayanne, of Salem arrived here Friday to spend the weekend with relatives and friends. They have postponed their visit for three successive weeks due to the bad weather con ditions in that city. Mrs. Owens is the former Norma Porter of Rose burg. Mrs. Helen Duncan transacted business in Grants Pass Wednes day. Dr. and Mrs. Percy Powers of Gresham spent several days of last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Powers of this community. They returned home Sunday and Mrs. Powers ac companied them to Gresham for a visit. Dr. Powers is a veterin arian in that city and is a pre vious resident of Winston at which time he attended the schools in Roseburg. The sudden hurst of sunshine Friday gave Winston residents a premature dose of spring fever. Tractors, not heard nor seen since last- fall, echoed throughout Ihe neighborhood, spring pruning of Matchless goodness and full-bodied richness make Hills Bros. Coffee your best buy for enjoyment. It's a blend of the world's finest coffees, and "Controlled Roasting," an exclusive Hills Bros, process, roasts the blend s little at a time continuously for uniform perfection. Vacuum-packed for flavor-freshness. VX-As V.. 9 X iwse Wl'i JT! " ii ar. !- SC Ul I I lf'.VU ',Vtl1l ) loasT .1 t . lim i H Efarvwlar...Peoal( Are Jiyinr. "ErsryMr LAm Hill Ires. Colt..' Two Grinds: orchards was begun, and even a few lawn mowers whirred. There are those among us, however, who are lead to believe that the wea ther was deceptive, for numerous mild cases of "flu" are reported and colds have nearly reached the epidemic atage. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hercher and daughter, Sharon, spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Gastorf and son. Tommy. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carnes, ac companied by their son and daughter-in-law of Elkton left Friday for a vacation in California. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carnes will return to their home in Klkton this week, but the senior Carnes' will remain for an extended visit. While in California they plan to visit with mrs. tarnes nrotner ana sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Risley, in Santa Cruz and with his nephew, h. J. lames m ban rrancisco. In Sunny Vale they will be the guests of Mrs. Carnes' sister, Mrs. Rose Kirtley, being gone some three weeks in all. During their absence their residence will be occupied French Reds Dump War Material Into Sta NICE, France, Feb. 15. UP About 1.000 Communist-led work ers fought off police and swarmed over a truck Tuesday to dump its cargo of war material into the Mediterranean. The material which the Com munists said was a ramp for a V-2 rocket was to be leaded on in Italian ship. The workers were called off their jobs by the Communist-led general labor federation. They were arm ed with crow bars, broken bottles and stones. Police finally drove them off with tear gas. It was not immediately explain ed what the war material was or whether it was destined for Indo china. French Communists are conducting an active campaign t- prevent the shipment of arms to French troops battling Communist-led Guerrillas in the far east county. Parachutist Hurt Trying Leap From Pasadena Bridge PASADENA. Calif.. Feb. li.-ttP) Robert (Jumping Ja-k) Niles, 24, parachutist who likes to jump k,.illinff anH hriHoes. W4S seriously injured Tuesday when an attempted leap irom me voioru street bridge went haywire. A maiA Kil recently jumped from the Golden Gale bridge in San rrancisco. With three companions, he went to Uie famous bridge, near the scene of the annual Tournament of Roses parade, and climDed over a high wire fencing erected years ago to halt i succession of suicide jumps. While his companions went be low to take pictures, Niles let him self down by a rope from under th hi0ht nnint of the arch. ISO feet from the ground. One of his companions, George by Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Towt and children. Mrs. Towt is the former Carol Carnes and Mr. Towt is owner of the Waffle Shop on South Stephens street in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fullerton of Winston, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morgan of Roseburg, motored to Eugene Thursday and took the streamliner from that city to San Francisco. They report a pleasant trip, the weather being in their favor. The route was par ticularly so at this time of year with the mountains covered in a heavy blanket of snow and the sun shining throughout their trip, they said. They encountered rain only once and that was while in Ber keley. While in San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Lloyd Roberts, while Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan attended the gift show, where Mr. Morgan made purchases for his local business. Rejoining each other, they all attended the Break fast Club broadcast and there Mrs. Morgan was interviewed over the air. Many around Roseburg and Winston have reported hearing the broadcast on which she participat ed. Later they attended the famous stage play, 'The Philadelphia Story," in which Sarah Churchill, daughter of Winston Churchill, took the leading role. Both families re turned to their homes Thursday evening. Morgan is owner of the Roseburg Book store in Roseburg and Fullerton is owner of the Ful lerton Beverage company in Winston. Werfctr To I NMdtd ' For Canyonvilk Tempi Guy McGee. architect for the Canyonville Masonic temple, haa announced work crews will be needed to resume work on the new building starting Sunday, Feb. 2. Additional material has been de livered to the site and member! are requested to report for wot It on that day. Last year the membership of the. Masonic lodge was divided into two work crews with the workers al ternating Sundays. The Eastern Star social club served potluck din ners to the workers. Cochrane, said that suddenly Nilei yelled: "Come and get me! I'm slipping." .... . His friends ran to the bridge and attempted to pull him to safety but evidently Niles' hands slipped and he fell. Cochrane said the para chute did not open. The city has an ordinance pro hibiting climbing of the fence on the bridge. 4 IS WASHABLE or your MONEY BACK! A Washability Policy with every purchase! Ready-Mixed! Goes on without lap marks! Dries in 20 min. U washable satiny colors for every room in the house! Try t quart! DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Phone 80 1.39 a.. 4.49 M. Roseburg, Oregon Phone 95 117.50 "SEA KING" 5 H.P. OUTBOARD 11 TO88 Compare with motors selling for as much as $1501 Depend able, powerful all-purpose Deluxe Twin for fishing boats, runabouts, or utility boats I Alternate firing cylinders cut vibrationl Speeds up fo 14 m.p.h., yet slow trolls without a sputter. Automatic rewind starter, 360 full pivot reverse. Quiet underwater exhaust. Save I Buy your Sea King "5" during Wards big Outboard layoway Sale I 4988 Ti n 7788 I 54.50 "sea KING" l'j H.P. STANDARD SINGLE Compore at $651 A light, peppy single especially de signed for fishermen I Weighs only 21 pounds, economical to nml Positive starting, 360 full pivot reverse. Buy yours TODAY at this low sale price I 82.50 ''SEA KING" 3 H.P. LIGHTWEIGHT SINGLE Compare at $1001 h's a low-priced, lightweight single for rowboats, utility boats and dinghies! Weighs only 28 pounds take it with you onywherel Positive starting, 360 full pivot reverse. Buy yours NOW end SAVEI 195.50 "SEA KING" 12 H.P. 1Q088 HEAVY-DUTY TWIN ,OA Compare at $2501 h's a powerful Deluxe Twin gives you the extra speed and power you need for family run abouts, hydroplaning, and cruising I Develops speeds up to 22 nvpAj automatic rewind starter. See K NOW I 5 Dovvn Hods Yew New "Ua King" UnftT May I5fW