12 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. Thuri., Fib. K, 1930 Lecture On Birds Will Be Offered At Junior High Bird lovers ar expected to be particularly interested in public program to b presented Wednes day, Feb. 22, by the Roieburg Rod and Gun club. ' The club will present Nephi Combs, "The Bird Man," in a unique entertainment at Roseburg junior high school, starting at 8 o'clock. Combs, a resident of La Grande. Ore., has made a lite-long iludy of "bird talk." He imitates bird calls and songs, and illustrates hit lecture with slides depicting the wide variety of western bird life Started as a hobby, his study of birds has drawn him into a full time occupation as lecturer. He has been engaged by the Roseburg school district for ap pearances in city schools to pre sent his educational program, and, because of the unique character of his entertainment, the Roseburg Rod and Gun club has arranged for a public program, believing that adults, too, would be interest ed. Final arrangements for the pro gram were made Tuesday night at i meeting of the sportsmen's f ICONOMICAl g SS HIAlTHFUl ty"tVS I H A NOURISHING jE J " V " --gr COTTON DRESS SALE Add a gay note to your "ot home" doings . . . with a se lection of our brightly printed ever-so-comfortably styled and priced cottons. You'll love their woshobiliry, too! Broken sizes. Values to to 3.98 1.82 NOW GOETTEL'S Phone 132-J COUNTING CALORIES? Why Gum? 8 SURE with daticioui, nuMike APriOIiUATItV CaUORtta ! tt RAM ILICI lorer. Jntv YVONNE DE CARLO In -eUCCANltH S GIRL" A Univortil-IMor-n.l.on.1 Pieturo Color by ToclMKOlor IRIS. ..Sons lor "Hollywood Oi.t and C.lorio Ch.rT ' ornlo tloonor Dor Soi 1097 HoMroood, Cil'l. i . club, where Kenneth Gilkeson, president, announced appointments of committees. The club considered routine mat ters, and enjoyed several reela of motion pictures following the busi ness session. It was announced that Clark Walsh, heading the atate game de partment's public relations di"i sion, will meet with the club at the regular meeting March IS and will nre&ent motion Dictures from the department's library. Open Houst To Show Ntw Frigidairt Appliances An open house party at Umpqua Valley appliance will be held from 7 to t p.m. Friday night, George West, owner, announced today The occasion is the showing of the new I860 models of Frigidaire appli ances. West pointed out that many new models have been added to the Frigidaire line this year. The atore haa been redecorated for the ahowing. Refreshments will be served. MASONIC COUNCIL DATED The Hoyal and Select Master Ma son Royal Council meets Friday, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Mason ic hall for a dinner meeting. All sojourning royal select mssters are invited to be present, said illustri ous master Bud Toner. 249 N. Jackson Botod oclusi.H for you or WILLIAMS BAKERY if . -rrZ -- ' "IT"--" 7 CD 75 CUD 'IK a cn ' jHorni Winston By MRS. GEORGE BACHER Do you have business that needs attending to - or have you been postponing that social csll to the Green school? If so, you'U find the matter much less rugged these days. Teachers and pupils said they were gratified Saturday to sea truck-load after truck-load of gravel being dumped and apread over the previously wash board aurface ot the driveway leading to the building. Mr. A. D. Fox has returned from Corvallis where he waa called re cently by the critical illness of his fether. Local residents were sad dened to hear of the passing of his father later in the week. Fox remained for the funeral before returning to his home in Suks dorf's Orchard addition, a new plat of Winston proper. Mr. and Mra. H. R. Harrison are vacationing in Portland at pre aent. The Harrisons occupy what waa once known as the "old oome place" of the late Dave Morgan of Roseburg. Later the property was purchased by Frank E. Tay lor, who at the time was co-owner of the Taylor Motor company. It ia now owned by Mr. and Mrs Harrison, with whom the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tedrick, live. Mrs. Harrison, known to many as "Emma," is a business partner of Mra. Clara Hansen of Roseburg. They are co-owners of the Fashion Center. Harrison operates tha ranch here in Winston. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Alexander were seen moving their household furniture into their recently con structed new home in Winston Si n day. The Alexanders whose house waa pictured on the front page of the News-Review short time ago, as it went up in flames, were compelled to buy new furnishings throughout, as they were wiped out completely in the fire. The young couple together with their small daughter, stayed with Alex ander's parents in this community until completion of their home. Winston entertained sunshine over the weekend. Varied activi ties carried out the spring motif The once swollen Umpqua which hugs our little valley receded re luctantly and once-more became the thing of beauty which summer tourists alwaya pause to admire Aloes its mossy banka fishermen flocked Sunday and the whine if lines being reeled in filled the air Possibility of a flood seemed re mote as we basked in the sun shine, although such a few days ago such a possibility dominated our conversations. Several rest denls were seen repairing trellises, lattice work and corral fences which the wind had toyed with during our "record" winter and one neighbor was noticed watering his lawn! But the neighbor was only following directions on a sack of commercial fertilizer he had just applied! Pruning of our or chards was continued, with the Harry Winston orchards appesring to be nearing completion. Saddle horses centered down the roads happily carrying their human bur dens. In fact, a sort ot Saddle club has been formed out here since Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sher lock arrived from Philadelphia, Pa. to erect the Oak Lawn stables In spite of our truly spring-like weather our Oregon, wildlife ia not as easily deceived as aye mortals. At least, mass migration has not yet begun. A hugh, graceful, white swan can be seen floating along the stream in front of the C. E. Bowman place, and ducks, the wild mallard variety, are common in this section. Some 20 were count ed Sunday, wsddling along the fields of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mas ters; appearing very time and happy until disturbed and then they sought refuge in the little creek on the ssme property. Spr ing has sprung here in a aense. FF A Parent-Son Dinner Scheduled Friday Night The annual parent and son ban quet sponsored by the Future Far mera of America will be held Fri day evening at the junior high school, starting at S 30. Homer Grow, FFA advisor and vocational agriculture instructor at the sen ior high, announced Wednesday. The dinner is timed to coincide with National Future Farmer week. Feb. 20-26. Members of the FFA will furnish the fond for the ban quet, most of which was grown by them, and the girls of the home economics class at senior high will serve it. Classified want ads bring results. Phone 100. OUR SPEttAIK When yon need expert serr Ice on anv of vour home appliance, fir us a call. W ' (uarante satisfaction an4 prompt, eourteeue Berrico. BERGH'S Appliance $ rvice 1200 . Stephen Phone SOS Hattie A. Whitney Funeral Rites Set Hattie A. Whitney, resident ef Oakland, Ore. for 4 years and resident of Drain for the last 13 years, died at her home Tuesday. Feb. 14, after a short illness. She waa born at Belper, Derbyshire, England April 27, 186. Surviving are the following chil dren: Harry Baimbridge, Oakland, iay Moae, Koseburg, Edna Adams, Oakland, Millie Jacobson, Elk City, Doreen Eggleton, Oak land, Sarah Sanborne, Florence, and Nettie D. Sasaberd. Drain. She ia also survived by 15 grand- cnimren, a great-grandchildren and a host of friends. Two sons, William Baimbridge and James Whitney, preceded her in dea'h Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb. 18, at 2 p.m. in the Oakland Community Presbyterian church, the Rev. Morris H. Roach. Hoseburg, officiating. Interment will be in the I.O.O.F. cemetery, Oakland. Arrangementa are in rhire of Stearns mortuary, Oakland. Classified want ads bring results Phone 100. Choice Meats Pure Ground Beef Lb. 35c Country Style Sausage lb. 35c Pure Lard 4 n. Pk9. 59c Picnic Cut Pork Roast u, 39c Grade A Beef Rib Steaks Lb. 65c Fresh Pacific Oysters pr. 55c CRESWELL STRING BEANS, No. 2 can MISSION CORN, No. 303 can, 2 for NIBLETS MEXICORN, 12-01. can PICTSWEET CORN, Cream style, 303, 2 for LIBBY'S GARDEN PEAS, No. 2 can LIBBY'S GARDEN VEGETABLES, No. 303 PELACO WHOLE SWEET POTATOES, No. 2'i can COLUMBIA KRAUT, No. 2 can MISSION PEAS, No. 303, 2 for VAN CAMP'S PORK t BEANS No. 2V's con HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE, 8-oi. can BURBANK HOMINY, No. 2 can PORTER'S WIDE EGG NOODLES, Mb. Pkj Civil Suit First When . Circuit Court Convenes Circuit court convenes Monday, Feb. 20. The first case on the dock et is a civil auit involving Clifford E. Wolbert, doing business aa Wol bert Welding and Machine Works, vs. M. E. Hard. Plaintiff asks judgment for $287.32, plus costs, for alleged dam ages resulting from a collision be tween his car and Hard's vehicle. P. L. Robinson was driving the plaintiff's car at the time of the accident, while Hard was the driv er of his own car, the complaint alleges. Dillord P.-T. A.To Hear Mental Health Address The Dillard Parent-Teachers as sociation will meet Friday at ( p.m. at the schoolhouse. Guest speaker will be Frampton B. Price of the Veterans hospital, who is active in the Mental Health association of Douglas county. He will speak on the "General Principles of Mental Health." lie will also show a film, "Feeling of Rejection," illustrating the impor tance of early childhood on the later adjustment to life's problems. rjm mm Sea Bird Tuna Fish White PET MILK CATSUP DENNISON'S 14-OZ. BOTTLE 2 FOR 25c SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3,,,, 75c GOLDEN WEST COFFEE rom 79c GERBER'S BABY FOODS M 3 FOR 25c KRISPY CRACKERS 45c TREND WASHING POWDER 19c 15c 25c 17c 29c 19c 17c 25c 10c 25c 23c 5c 15c 33c tm. Fresh Calif. TOMATOES Golden Ripe BANANAS California CARROTS California LETTUCE Lor9 rtOSCSJURO (TONES tor No, 1 Star. N. t Jackson and Wlnchost.r 114 t. Stephana A Cappella Choir Performs Tonight Mabel Luther of Roseburg is a member of the Multnomah School of the Bible a cappella choir, which will present a concert tonight at 7:30 at the Presbyterian church. Lauren B. Sykes is choirmaster of the singers, who are making a 14-day concert tour, extending as far south aa Los Angeles. PROGRAM Prorouionot Hymn "Join All too Glorious Nomoo" . IOOSO W.IU lnvoratloe I. "Chrtat Wo A dor. Thoo" Claudio Montovordl "Hoaanna To The Son Of David" Orlando Glbbont 'Born To-Day" J. P. Swoolinck. How Bloat Aro Th.y" Pour Tchatkovkay "Judso Ma, O Cod" . .. . MrndtlMohn-Bartholdy Grooltns from lha Faculty II. "Built On a Rock" - W Mrllua Chriitiarue-n "Paolm SO" .... P M.Uua Chrtatunaan Ollortne- III. "Ho That Dwalloth In tho Socrot Ploro" Carl r. Muallar "A Mlshty Fortroaa la Our God" Carl r. Muallar "Nono Othor Lamb" Garth Edmundaoa "noU, Jordan, Roll" Pink Salmon Star Tuna Fish a VEGETABLES Mb. tube 19c lb. 15c 2 bun. 15c 501 d head$ 2 for 25c NGELTS Vtdd.r'a Mark.ta Myrtl Cr.ok and Riddl. Htnnlngor's Mart Ol.ndal. SIRVICI GUILD TO MI IT m.. iv.n.'a Christian Service guild of the North Roseburgh church will meet tonight, Feb. IS, at 7:45 at the church parsonage. A simulated radio broadcast from a missionary describing her work among the mountain folk of Kentucky will be a feature of the evening program, it was announc ed by Mra. Ralph Arensmeir program chairman. Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. T. L. Mull, Mrs. Joe DeManh and Mrs. John, Williams. DISTURBER FINED Wayne LeRoy Ferrill. 23. Port land, charged with disturbing the peace, was fined S3S Tuesday in justice court, Judge A. J. Geddes reported. . . He added that Delvin A. Zack ary, 22, Brownsville, also charged with disturbing the peace, was re leased upon posting S2S bail. neon W. Kommor "Tha Glad Trumpal" - -.;--, R. Dean. Shuro "God Bo In My Head" . .- - . h Waltord Davlaa -AlmlShty Cod. Whoa. Glory" " Aiirod Whltahaad 'Troumorol' by Richard Strauaa, will bo played by Miriam I Lomrko during the tak ing ot tho ottering. MELLOWEST MB. Vi SIZE CAN 2 LARGE CANS OR 4 SMALL A Wave Improves Your Texture A permonent wave that in vites ony type hairdo . . . ac tually improves the texture of your hair . . . leaves soft, lustrous curls . . . can be found in our beauty shop. Phone 522 for an appointment. HENNINGER'S BEAUTY SHOP Irene Cork, in Charge Phone 522 Opens 8:00 A. M. Store No. 1 Jackson and Winchester Hannlngar'a Thrift Mark.ta Oakland and Suthsrlln "Y" Directors Will Bo Chosen At Feb. 17 Meet All Roseburg YMCA "corporate members" are invited to attent tho monthly "Y" meeting Friday, Feb. 17, announced President O. J. Feld kamp. Appointments of committee chairmen and committee members will be made, a person elected to serve on the area council vUI re port on the different "Y" activi. ties and election of the board ot directors for 1950 is slated. The meeting will be in the "Y" office, starling at 7:30 p.m. DRUNKS IN COURT Volney Beldon Jones, 37, Cottage Grove, charged with being drunk on a public highway, was released Sunday upon posting $40 bail, Judge A. J. Geddes reported. Charles Wallace White, 36, Rose burg, charged with being drunk on a public highway, was fined $50 when he appeared in justice four; Wednesday, Judge Geddes added. Windows, Frames and Ladders PACE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E, 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 39' 39 19' CAN 33' 23l CANS laaeiinninMKOaiMBH