Auto Body Type OIIZONTAL I Depleted type el auto body It hu lour )1 Barters 11 Long seal 14 Upper limb 15 Enchantress IT Rowing I River barrier 4 Paid notice t Bird1! horn 6Low nnd hill T The car (comb, form) I Stouan Indian 9 Peruser 10 Whey of milk 12 Court My title 13 Dry, at win Implement 11 14 18 U 3S 40 41 II Ntf ative reply 16 Egyptian lun ISVestiie (od tO Dutch (ab.) II Arid SI Dress d 24 Group of matched 12 Shouted 29 Epic 35 Rip 2 Consumes II Specimen plocaa 26 Ever (eontr.) 27 French article 2S Measure of area tl Musical note 10 Toward 11 Indian weight 12 Slight tarte 14 Cushion 15 It ii a popular etjrle of 87 Part of "be M Polynesian island 41 Of the thing 44 Seaport (ab.) 41 flower .. 47 Number 49 Slopes BO feel remorse M Weird W Chairs . vertical 1 Remain erect 1 Mistake! . LETT?"! p A 9 a 3 rr x zT.XW fiar- r-gg ' ' il " r s :f a u lift rr- t i t rsr""5i itiTT: T FUNNY BUSINESS lt' Mrt. Cotrocki takin her BLONDIE Ci T-nF -dKaf tx 4 I BLONDi? 1 C,EAR- U f 1 I VOU PUT (TOBACCO J v SmavinGS. BECAUSE J?L WLLxT 4 ' fhV X L. is ? ,N iV, v-r ( 1 thought you WERE LI L ABNER By AI Copp BfTuNrVTMAwTrTGVW'T RIGM77r-rrS CHEAPER rorTpl I A OUAHItRTrtHTfF VOONC 1 WANIANTH-THAT'tVll.- ASAVSrr-3ar I Mi MOST Ttm?1ltf SIGHTS- tM IF HE DONT W0OX.f Jf WHAMMV &wJaVMHltuai LOOK tVt"fLAflULT NEVPRCM EVIL-CVEflA3lC, COLiECnM' H C6P TO BE A SAU5M4N 1 IS ENOUGH THAT f AMTT . Hi IF HE LOOKS AT JTZLL rM HE fHlS SALARV FROM ALL BROOK- OH.TH'dUNK Ht UMLCWDEDyQJl-- ID MAKE A I MUST CISKKM PI? THt Vwjo-rfS Miwr JOIMVrXH tMJ&NESSMEM TOR NOT ON "EM Bi MERELV rrfe TRUSTING BE f- FXjwflTcORTAINS, I C A!l'rKl .'r- CiMN'TM A , S ' . . CHILD OUT POWfPfU.1 OOonOCr J e FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS TO umo that HLOXSIUHCH Tb A GliMO eVtt, BlDOINer AT7H Bd)C Socjal. fKJCi ALLEY OOP CfCHZ wNT JhB W IT VvAS A MCOf MV ESTILL V?BK (7N m Answer to Previous Puirla 2a Mother or father Antie.uad Leases Satiate Onager Mount (ab.) Over (contr.) 41 Greek god of war 45 Paving substance 47 Beverage 40 Symbol tor nickel 41 Hebrew letter By Hershbertjer ""IHfish out for a ride attain!" PlCi BUT I THCTUfiMT MIS CJNLV THE PPSLEM WA financb; s-"i t usm mil- iaiaa.1 RtPTtl Ia1TIrII rpeTS f t Tuar f Aucron pules 7.,.21 i7 irlJ W lMWl.Tf 1 tTrAa 00 I t4-l Does. 1 Sy 7Ke piowa,.. i 1.28 look. ZrH TtV29 lou VV yiTVL.' I must have cash I Wu. take ?!g7Jrr 'r VLL-A "IP "EALLf WtW OoT A to OOyer, his I POREvesU MODEST TnaMS I II - . 5Ty Auam- 1 'I CANT SMO AT OME, W WKBAktt A PiRC MAM AND SMOKE MAKE4 HIM VEfcV NERVOUS ' FROM NINE TO FIVE i HOfMA CAl ft Tri How do you went your steaks . . . rare, medium or well-burned? Pi f PlDI. 0UTV f LET TUNS IN TM" THKN ?U W 1 I V6W-SCBEEN AN" NENE CAN I CAN 5AV 1 L SEE WHAT HE'S 1 . TELL ABOUT I THAT I S UP TO bOS(AgAINJ I Jf MAIDENS II S fattl m By Jo Fischer Xr-ri J Mi? E j,. By Chic Young By Morrill Blosscr By V. T. HAMLIN ' .iT Slartkord W1B Attoitti City Maittttjon' Mootincj Citv Msnsler M. W. Slankard will represent Roseburf at the annual i . i -1 r city managers, to be held at Port land's Multnomah hotel Feb. 24 and 15. Principal speaker at the meeting Clarence Ridley of Chicago, executive-director of the Interna tional City Managers association. Preceding the city managers' Safer Cough Relief Whea aew drugs or old fail to slop your cold don't delay. Safe, depend sble CreomuiMon oes quickly lo ihe seat of the trouble to relieve acuia bronchitis or chest colds. Creomuluon has stood the test of more Ihsa 30 years and millions of users. It contains safe, prove iniraiienis. no narcotica and is fine for children. Atk your druggist for Creomulsioa and use k promptly according to directions. CREOMULSION Rsllem Cesras Clmt CoMs lrt ysDuuess RADIO iERVICINQ Hansen' Radio Service. Suther lin. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. Free pickup and delivery PLUMBINO W. M. Sanrlall Co. Hlway 99 N. Phone lui-K. Joe M. Johnson, plumbing and repair. M w. uougiaa au rn. 389J. Ace Plumbing Co. 915 Garden Vallev Rd., Bua pnone sju-rw. Rea. Phone 49-R-3. Kler-Crooch Plumbing Co, 818 MM. Phone 1242-R. HarrH Plumbing A Heating Co. 809 South Stephena. Ph. 1478J Coen Supply Ca Phone 121. Terp'a Plumbing. Phone 733-R. H6ATINO R. Ritzman Heating Co. hot wt ter and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE IERVICI Washing Machine aervice. Roy and Rusty-s Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R. J. E. Newberry's WashlnR Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-R. ELECTRICIANS Ace Electric. Phone 1743-J. FLOOR COVERING F. W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-R. Philip M Durnam, 920 Sy Main- Phone lSJb-J. FLOORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson, rn. 102-R-3. FLOORS sanded and finished. Leslie Plall. Ph. 137J-K. FIRE EXTINQUISHSR SERVICE Fire Equipment Co.. 220 N. Main. uienn n. layior. rn. iwn. SALVAGE Bob's Salvage Yard; Used trucks. 2338 N. Stephens, r-n. vm-j-o. R. G. LAMBETH Construction ond Remodeling, Residential ana wommorciai Any tlx lob Melrose Rt. ox tl-C Phone 1444-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Mlllyards. Driveways, RtaKoni Floors, Sidewalks Custom Blading Office: f34 S. Main TaUshona VJ H rraa aaUsiataa "Hill 1-Bssiter DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS AH Trpca Cpmmi Work ttdowalka, dtivawavi. floor Phssna 42-R-l fhona lU-R-l ESTIMATES GIVEN Box 10S-C, Molfooej Rt, Patio and roundaUon UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, , Kitchen Cabinets Phone 1567-L 2040 N. Stephena Roseburg, Ore. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or we drive Cell 1531 Adoir't Parking Lot Main and Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. If Your Papor Hat NOT ARRIVED y 4:15 P. M. Phono 100 Blrthi At Morey Hoipltol MORRISON To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leroy Morrison, route 1, Box 67-F, Sutherlin, Keb. 12, a son, Herbert Larry; weight seven pounds eigth ounces. MARTIN To Mr. and Mrs. Veril Ashley Martin, Star route, Oak land. Feb. 12, a daughter, Janet; weight six pounds twelve ounces. LONGBRAKE To Mr. and Mrs. conference will be a meeting per taining to street ana nignwsy main tenance, construction and recent developments, to be held at Cor vallis Keb. 22 and 23. Attending from Roseburg will be Guy Meigs, city street superintendent. ITCH iftrabtMi It hlhl eotv Uftous And will ootv tinuo for II f It not UeBMtl lU tftM MUM I lh tteb ltt. which to Inmuno m ordinary trMimwl CXSOMA kills IM Itcr-mll ol moot inotantlv Only hr dart' EXSORA. trMtmnt la rquiTd. Mall rdora airow triunpl AttoaiUaoa. sfrad Moroo rr. Boookarg PLASTERING BUNDY & SUnON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 615 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHAOES DRAPES SCREENS Fr' Estlmatrt Satisfaction Guaranteed SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxcavator Bulldozer Dragline Backhne Crane Compressor Trucks Logging Roads Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crites Company P. O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1346-J Residence -Phone 930-R-2 Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE bottles refilled at the ' Myert Oil Co. Highway 99 and Gardt-n Valley Road Also Heaters, Hot Plates and Supplies Carl P. To I Ion Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol Blade, Back Hoe, For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract. -2340 N. Stephens Ph. 499 R-4 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation of all types of flot ' covering F & W Floor Covorlng Co. Ph. 147&R 327 S. Sreohon Pn.nt.rif. SP" " " 9 I DECODATrNO COMTPACTDfeSl Contractors Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglos Paint & Hardware Co. 906 S Stephens Phone 964-J Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable . serv'e KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S Stephens Ph 1261 -R HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists ladio, nsfrlgsratlen. Household Appliance Service 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 I. Cass St. Phone (44 MOTOR, BLOCK Ii HEAD REPAIR All Work Guaranteed FRED LU.vtM Sat Stliana. anftatrjrf. Orrf Paatie TU-L Ral Pk. UU The Anawsr to Crseksd Hsada and Bloeka. Wed., Fab. IS, 1M0 The) Newa-Revlew, RoMbur, Ore. 0 William Elmer Longhrake, route 1, Box 101, Sutherlin, Feb. 12, a son, Gale Leroy; weight six pounds six ounces. ANTHONY To Mr. and Mrs. Isa dora Anthony, Gen. Del. Looking- glass, reo. ii, a aaugnter, Linda Ann; weight five pounds six ounces. GROVE Te Mr. and Mrs. Arn- PILED sUMOIIHOIIS WsOd etoMI SM aUa.tO.s4s.saii M. Uohi IrOO a-a atWtrf..M CXI free trrur- 12" THE DEAN CLINIC in one 40" rsae HI fit I Bamles mm kM Ave. TawsMa UK ISIS SarttaaS 14, Ofa. AUTHORIZED Ouarantaad Appliance Rspalre MAYTAG NORGE Soles ans) Service Bergh's Applianci Mart. Mortar Aaallaaeo a,ad aaMlltoa CI ol It co Dry oft ISM loath Kloaaont torrid f All Uokoo fFaakara iao tM ftoookars. Orofoa FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Heatinq Ph. 441 SM E. 1st file baths, showers, counter tope. store fronts, eta Beautiful colon, lasting service not a substitute. Chrome bound shower doors, slid ing tub doors, non-slln, ceramic floors. Residential and Industrial Installations P. O. Box 1281 Ph. 1606-J-5 'owe 1 1 Byron H & H Machine Repair Welding, milling, lathe turning. 2s4 oyols angina repair. Experimental maohlna work, farm machinery rapalred Aoross Hlway from Nlalssn's Phone 292-R R. B. Hollcraft, Machinist Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES H0DS0N 1525 Cedar St Phone 1349-L CEMENT CONTRACTING CD FUCHS An lo t Mrl work aadj fUUktof. Throo oar Iswollr la talBOM Proa Rotlnaloa f. RoaltfOBe Ull-J DARBY AND FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale rock for immediate delivery. Shovels, dragline, trucks, bull dozers, compressors for hire by contract or nour. Phone for tree estimates. Forest Service Road, west of Landls Iron Works. Phones 1152 R or 763-J. PAINTING ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP IMMEOIAl i SERVICE Commercial and Domestle Phsnss: 422 407 R 1S22 B Harold Hall CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging Hems Decorating PA1MTIMO AN DECCCATINO ICONl-DACTClCS JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. S26-Y PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates - Export Furniture Cleaner Upholstering and Repair Fine Rugs Our Specialty 1395 Umpqtia Ave.. Roseburg, Ore. fnone bu-x ALWAYS HAVE IT ESTIMATEDI Phone 113 R er Write S. P.. Hayes, Contraotor a Builder Rt 1. Box 244-A. Roseburg "IT PAYS TO SEE HAYES" ms mm smmi otian h m O COtON . . . STOMACH L 1 aurrusi wnai wl L IraMlsjawlssjMipsnaai J"! Pireetoiry old Cecil Grove, Box HI, Roseburg, Feb. 12, a son, Arnold Lee; weight six pounds. Classified want ads bring results. Phone 100. I7ErC3 SattUSttpToaiffetl A few draoa of Vk-ka Va-tro-nol In each nos tril works right where trouble Is to open nose; relieve stuffy, tran alsntonswMUoo. Brines quics reiier irom smny, srwesy head cold dis tress. TTv III Villna duacUooa In packaea. DU FRESNE ELECTRIC Eleotrlcal Wiring and Ssrvloe, Cemmaraial Rafrigaratlon Ph. 104 Emergency Ph. 290-R o no, Main St. PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE -ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Case and Sheridan Phnne 943 Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames Mill and Mosher Phone 1Z42-J CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 04 S. Stephen! Ph. 1730' tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edgers, Belt A Disc Sanders, Con-rete Mixers, Power Trowels, Concrete Vibre, tors, Wheel Barrows, Lighting "lants. Paint Snra- Outfits. Skll aws, Drills. Air Compressor, lack Hammers ind Hvdratille lacks. Call us. We may have lust what vou need. Qsbun Electric & Equip. Co. M TWt atSMke hrrst lattaj rr.m "4? S. Stephens Phone tlOS-R : H.T. REBER Building Contractor AIM cMIMI sfc OtUStcMV LrrfJ OT raU lob rra wUiMim MCLROfE 4 SHENANDOAH Pimm lot-- TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vi Loid or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 73 S. Stephens Phone 1436-J HENRY H. MILLER Excsvatlng A Road Building Contractor 1404 Willow St. Pnons 3SS-J We sell shale bar run. river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer, Boom, Air Compressor, Crane, )ragline. Dump Trucks by hour or contract. F ee estimates. THE KIRBY COMPANY OF ROSEBURG 111 West 1st Ave, North Phena 4W-J SALES & SERVICE Coll 432 For Your Steel Supply We stock all sites Shafting 18" to A Including 5-1516" in diameter turned and polished. All flat steel plat) 116" to A In eluding 3" . thick. All fish plate steel V to A including 2'12". Any size bronz from solid to 10" diameter. All size Dodge Anti-Friction bearings. The Oldest and Most Reliable Machine Shop in Rossburg. Olva Us A Call 432 WOLBERT WELDING l MACHINE WORKS 2nd Ave. S. A Fowlsr