t Th News-llevlew, Rosek-urf, Ore, Wed., Feb. IS, 1950 Society and GUU By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER end BETTY ALLEN F.N.O. CLUB TO Ml IT ON THURSDAY EVENING The P.N.G. Club wUl meet Thurs day evening, Feb. 16, at seven thirty o'clock dessert-supper at Uie I.O.O.F, hall. Hostesses include Frances KnudUon. Tillie Johnson, Dora Dixon, Hulda Howe and Viola Spencer. Entertainment will be in charge of Ona Williams and Ruth Plumer. All members are request ed to be present. THE YARN SHOP 230 N. Stsph.ns KNITTING SUPPLIES Free Knitting Instructions 10:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. FATHER-DAUGHTER BANOUIT WILL Bl HRLO FRIDAY, FIB. 17 Camp Fire Girls are rapidly completing plans for the annual Father-Daughter banquet to be held Friday, Feb. IT at the armory Rev. E. Clark Robb will be guest speaker at the dinner and musical numbers and dances by Camp Fire Girls will feature the remain der of the program. The dinner, which la potluck for each group, begins at 8:30 p.m. Groups have been working on place cards and decorations for their tables. Last year the banquet was held a) the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. Attendance this year forced the guardians to look for l larger building in which the entire group could be accommodated. mil mm m Piano Lessons One member of your family con have FREE PIANO LESSONS FOR 6 MONTHS with the purchase of any new piano at Bob's Music Shop during the month of February. Special arrangements have been made with one of Roseburg's leading instruc tors to teach either popular or classical music. Tor full information and details en convenient terms and liberal trade-ins en your eld piano sea Bob's Music Shop new! This of fer expires Feb. 28. J Gofo J MUSIC $ SHOP J "Bvrylhlng In Mink' Planee Bond Instruments - Radios - Records - Sheet Musk 1BUFHONR MB Wt K. JACKSON STRICT (OSISIHM, ORMON INDUSTRIAL CLUB ', HOLDS RISULAR " MUTING THURSOAY The Fair Oaks Industrial Club held its regular meeting at tie school building at Fair Oaks east of Sutherlin on Thursday, February 2nd, with Mrs. Francis Davis, Mrs Agnes Frasier and Mrs. Edith Ger ard as hostesses. Scripture reading was read by Mrs. Frotscher, consisting of ver ses from the seventh chspter of Matthew. This was followed by the Lords Prayer. Two songs were sung, "Love Di vine All Love Excelling," and "Si lent Night," with Mrs. Gladys Adams, presiding at the piano. The committee appointed at a previous meeting, gave a report on the selection of a range at the Umpqua Hardware. Several mem bers present donated $1.00 each toward the purchase of the range. It was suggested that each mem ber bring some plant to exchange at the next meeting. Those want ing to buy could do so, the money received to be given to the flower committee for flower gift expenses. Five dollars waa donated to the March of Dimes. Hostesses for the next meeting to be held on Thursday, March 2nd are, Mrs. Dorothy Rose, Mrs. Marjorie Denley and Mrs. Loll Rose. Mrs. Ruth Bunch was a visitor Members present were: Mrs. Gladya Adams, Mrs. Mabel Crouse, Mrs. Francis Davis, Mrs Fern Flory, Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Agnes Frasier, Mrs. Evelyn Frotscher, Mrs. Myrtle Geidcr, Mrs. Edith Gerard, Mrs. Viola Hazlett, Miss Francis Larson, Mrs. Dorothy Longbrake, Mrs. Mildred Moyer, Mrs. Dorothy Norton, Mrs Venetta Riggs, Mrs. Dorothy Rose, Mrs. Nondis Steiber, Mrs. Ida Weber, Mrs. Lillian Baumgardner and Mrs. Pearl Adams. YONCALLA CHURCH GROUP WORKS ON PROJECT FOR ORPHANAGI IN ALASKA Mrs. I wis McDaniels entertain ed the missionary society of the Yoncalla Church of Christ, at her home Wednesday afternoon. A pot luck dinner waa served at noon During the afternoon, the ladies hemmed diapers for the orphanage in Alaska. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Secret Pals for the past year were revealed and new names drawn. Those present included: Mrs Fred Lee, Mrs. Raper, Mrs. Nor ma Anderson and son LaVerne, Mrs. Lloyd Wise, Mrs. Erbie Wise and son Dayle, Mrs. Charles Vian and son David, Mrs. Ira Vian Mrs. Plainer, Mrs. Russell Lloyd, Mrs. John Lewey, Mrs. Andy Curt Wright and Mrs. Bertha Cole. a bevy of buttons on CP wrist-length shortie! ' Ten little buttons lined up on a yoke ... a rollaway collar that's stitched for smartness . . side slash pockets and a pinch of flare! They're all here in Swansdown's wrist length shortie, the perfect ac cessory to your every Spring costume! In skyleen, a pure worsted fabric. 49.95 Ours Alonel j Second Floor of Fashions IAST DOUGLAS UNIT HOLDS MIITINO ON LANDSCAPING TOPIC Landscaping Home Grounds" was the topic presented by Mrs Corinne McTaggert, county home demonstration agent, for the East Douglas extension unit meeting at South Deer Creek grange hall Wednesday afternoon. A short business meeting was In charge of the chairman, Mrs. George Casebeer. It was announc ed the next meeting will be held at the Glide grange hall March 8 at 1 p.m. with the topic "Family Business ana me Law" in cnarze of Mra. McTaggert. All women of the Glide. Dixon- ville and South Deer Creek com munities are urged to attend these meetings. Present were the Mesdames Cor inne McTaggert, H. 1. Collison, f F. Henigan, R. O. Ballou, Sam Ban. verne bnrum. Maurice We ber, E. M. Mathis, W. A. Karcher, C. . Bailey, D. W. Wadsworth, Wm. Melton, Wm. H. Bailey, Joe urumDacn, Donald Wright, W. C Watkins, L. E. Stender. Dale Hat field, Evelyn Newell, S. W. Van Voorst, George Casebeer, Taylor McCord, Sam Haas, Bessie In gram, Robert Findley and Robert McArthur. EVERGREEN H. I. CLUB PLANS PENNY SUPPER Ladiea of the H. E. club of Evergreen grange held an all-day meeting Thursday, Feb. 9, spend ing a portion of the day in clean up work. At noon potluck lunch eon was held. The hostesses, Mabel Garrick. Gertrude Hess and Nell Lander, had decorated the tables in red white and blue with small red hatchets at each place. In the cen ter was a replica of the George Washington cherry tree. The program was "What's the Name of That Song" with Jes sie Thomas as Judy Canova; Mar garet Burt as Dinah Shore; Ruby Belle Kobernik aa Kate Smigh and Carolyn Dame as Deanna Durbin. A penny supper will be held Sun day, Feb. 26 at 4 p.m. and will be open to the public. Members wilt supply salad ana pie. The pro grams for the year were distribut ed. The next meeting will be held Feb. 23 with Jessie Thomas. Susie Winston and Margaret Burt as hos tesses. Present were Garnet Folmsbee, Renie Jenkins, Margaret McCord, Jessie Thomas, Hazel Pender grass, Myrtle Glenn, Mabel Lang, Rubie B. Bloom. Ruby Belle Ko bernik, Minnie Kobernik, Minnie Wagler, Carolyn Dame and Paul ine Little. CHURCH CROUP PLANS FOOD, SHRUB SALE The Yoncalla Methodist W.S.C.S met in the Epworth Hall. Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Dare Kingeiy and Mrs. Byars as hostesses. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. J. N. Sparks. Mrs. Luther Daugherty had charge of the devotions. Plans were made to hold a cooked food sale and shrub sale in the old bank building, March 11th, with Mrs Ernest Warner in charge. A lesson on Japan was given by Mrs. Jack Boucock. Mrs. Elton Grass and Mrs. Charlie Kirklie. The hall was decorated with col orful bouquets of paper flowers, cherry blossoms, iris ana asters, made by Mrs. Byars. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Jennie Lass well, Mrs. Hazel Latham, Mrs Yarwood, Mrs. Sidney Lasswell, Mrs. J. N. Sparks, Mrs. Elton Grass, Mrs. Luther Daugherty, Mrs Geo. Edes, Mrs. Ernest Warner, Mrs. Cabiness, Mrs. Fred Lee, Mrs. Charlie Kirklie, Mrs. Eric Stenseth, Mrs. Charles Hummell, Mrs. Currier, and Mrs. Perry Smith, and the hostesses, Mrs Dare Kingery and Mrs. Byars. W.B.A. HAS INTERESTING MEETING THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Benefit association met Thursday afternoon at t h e home of Mrs. Ella Moore, at which time a short installation ceremony form took place and a business meeting was followed by a social hour. The hostess served lovely refreshments. A potluct luncheon will be held Feb. 23 at the home of Mrs. V. T. Jackson at Winchester, at which time the formal installation cere mony will take place. All persons interested are invited. The next regular meeting will be March 9 a tthe home of Mrs. Jioras, Sherry street, just off high way 42. Final arrangements will be msde to send delegates to La Grande, March 13-14, to the state convention. Mrs. Ginn Foley, Cali fornia, state field director, will be the speaker at the state conven tion and from La Grande will go to the convention in Seattle. Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But If yrx really want to c n your home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Leans and Insurance Lean Rtpresenatlve Equitable Savings A Lean Assn. LOOK INGGL ASS W.S.C.S. HOLDS FOOD SHOW I R FOR METHODIST HOMI The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met on Weednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mil ton Vance. The devotional service was led by Mrs. J. C. Williams and the business session conducted by the president, Mrs. Corvin Heard Plans were made to observe the Vorld Day of Prayer with a ser vice to be held at the church ai 2 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24. The public is urged to attend. Follow ing a discussion of the national polio fund which was reported to be short of its quota in Douglas County, the society took up a spec ail offering and ten dollars was received to be turned over to the campaign manager in Roseburg. The group also authorized pay ment of their pledge for missions to be sent to the Oregon Conference Treasurer. The shower of canned fruits and vegetables given by members of the society filled a large barrel, which was packed and sent to the Methodist Old Peoples Home in Salem. The thanks of the society was extended to the Pierce Aut- Freight for delivering .the barrel without charge. At the tea hour, the hostess was assested in serving by he daughters the Misses Lorn a and Ruby Ann Vance. In attendance were: Mrs. Flora Lowden, Mrs Roy Buell, Mrs. Carl Ellis and sons Butch and Tommy, Mrs. I. B Howard, Mra. Raymond Buell and children Denna and Stephen , Mrs. Veda Meredith, Mrs. Arthur Marsh, Mrs. George Marsh and small daughter Judith Ann, Mrs. J. C Williams, Mrs. Corvin Heard, Mrs. Mae Green, Mrs. Esther Harbaugh, Mrs. Dorothea Gateman, Mrs. Vance, Sr. and the hostess Mrs Milton Vance. CLUB SCOUT PACK 401 HAS MONTHLY MEETING On account of the many weeks of bad weahter las tmonth. Cub Scout Pack No. 408 held its Jan uary meeting Tuesday evening at the Riverside school, at which time Cub Scout Master, Bus Koelner presented awards. The Flag was presented by Den No. 2, with Mrs. Clifford Travillion, den mother. All Dens put on a display of armor, which they had made dur ing the month of January for the theme of Crusades. Parents at tendance was perfect for the boys present. Movies were shown for both Cubs and parents. The next regular Pack meeting will be Feb. 27, at the schoolhouse. POTLUCK LUNCHEON FEATURES SUTHERLIN HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Home Economics club met Mon day, February 6th, at the home of Mrs. Eunice Beck for an all day meeting. Luncheon waa serv ed at noon buffet style to fifteen members and one visitor. Roll call was answered by help ful hints. The regular business meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Phreda Wahl, several matters were discussed and placed on file. A social hour was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Stella French, as hostess and Mrs. Vivian Nico sen as co-hostess on Monday, March 6th. Those enjoying the day with Mrs. Beck were: Mrs. Elizabeth Gleason, Mrs. Rosemarie Jones Mrs. Meda Schrack, Mrs. Gladys Bringle, Mrs. Irma Buck, Mrs. Mabel Pierce, Mrs. Maude Moore, Mrs. Helen Cass, Mrs. Ellen Lie singer, Mrs. Kay Simmons, Mrs. Stella French, Mrs. Phreda Whal, Mrs. Fay Smith, Mrs. Vivian Nt cosen and Mrs. Maggie Francis P.-T.A. FOUNDERS DAY BROADCAST TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY A cast including some of Rose burg Senior High school's best stu dents of drama, under the able d rection of Mrs. Andrew Broaddus, will present a radio broadcast un Friday, Feb ruary 17th at 3:15 p m. commemorating founders day of the Parent Teachers Assciation. The beginning and some of the accomplishments of the P.-T.A in its fifty-three years of service in the interest of child welfare and parent education will be por trayed against a ' musical back ground. This observance is under the aus pices of the Douglas County Coun cil of the P.-T.A., and was ar ranged by Mrs. Roy T)enman, County Council Founders Day Chairman. PUBLIC INVITED TO BENEFIT CARD PARTY The public has been invited to a benefit card party Friday night at the Rice VAalley hall. Proceeds will go to the March of Dimes Prizes will be awarded for the card play and refreshments will be served. P.E.O. SISTERHOOD TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON Chapter BI, P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet at a one-fifteen o'clock dessert-luncheon Friday, Feb. 17, at the home of Mrs. Bemad A. Young, 1020 Council street DOUGLAS COURT OFFICERS ASSIST IN ORGANIZING NEW COURT AT MEDFORD Douglas Court No. 18, Order of Amaranth assisted in organizing Roxy Ann Court No. 21, at Med ford Saturday night. Those from Douglaa court assisting in the ini tiatory work included: T. W. Ber nard, Royal Patron; Mrs. Murry Smith, conductress; Mrs. T. W. Bernard, associate conductress; Mrs. Thelma Greer, secretary; Mrs. Fred Darby, Charity; and Mrs. L. G. Twohy, Past Royal Matron. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Garden Valley Women's club will meet Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the clubhouse with Mrs. Clifford Hess and Mrs H. Blair Johnson, co-hostesses. All members are cordially invited to be present. m s ii un "Individualized Floors of Beautility." ' INLAID LINOLCUM JCarpattnf Btubbr rile Asphalt TIM "orralca Tom Vntun Blinds FREE ESTIMATES ., FLOOR COVERING m VV.-Oak - - Phone 34B THOSI WIATHIRID . BROWN SPOTS New Kind of Hand Cream Specially Made to do itl ESOTERICA Is that Marvelous new kind 4 hand treaa. for fading those brows, spats that wok your hands took old. Also fodos otkor surface bleaishet and roughness In a way no ordinary hand crtam or lotion can. Leaves hands whiter, dearer, younger looking quicklyoften within tho first few days. While ESOTERICA looks and fools like tho finest non-greasy vanishing hand treoa, M hot m oddod clearing action. Produced In laboratory that hat studied the effect of cosmetics on sklo ( pigments for 25 years. Thousands gladly paid $5.00 for ESOTERICA. Now In quantity production, H can bo sold for $2.00, plus tax. If you want clearer, whiter-looking jiands, get ESOTERICA. Money back tf the first (or does not bring desired results. Fullerton's Rexall Stort 127 N.Jackson Phone 45 112 W. Cass Phone U 0y w iky if-. AJl Ml kf 7f Vr i f.f V J ,ft I I Nelly Don SLIM DARKS WITH BUTTON-ON PIQUE 2)ark shew rayons are newly smart, they're part of the look inspired by the 20's! Here, two wonderful ones for now and Spring with snowy-white touches of detachable pique setting off trim, good-looking lines. Wrapped skirt dress, left, has new high neckline, deep skirt overlap. 10 to 20 and I2li to 20y2. Tucked skirt dress, right, with pointed self collar over pique. 14Q5 Second Floor of Fashions V