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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1950)
- ? By SHERMAN PLIMPTON An tx-Yol pfoftuof it txptrl mcntino with 3 young opts in th Son 0ioo Zoo. . Tht prof, is try ing to toch tht qpts to folk, and he's os confident as o lifeguard m bath tub. Maybt this is o good id a ... but wt don't know. If tht opts iean to talk, ptrhops oth tr animals will, too . . . and what'M happen to humans? Wt don't wont tht family dog correct ing our grammar whtn ht ttll him to "Lay down!" And wt'd hatt to hovt tht family cat asking for a I if tit cotsup on its livtr. If tht opts talk wt may tvtn havt somt big baboon running for offict somt doy. Do you hovt to do it, pro ftssorf If ytu'rt Istrtrtsttd in saving , wttty, d wht Isn't tntst 4my, ! ttt tur dvirNstintitt txi Mf f totty's ptptr. It's t gotd sWtll A Chicogo man sutd for di vorce ond said his wift was mar ritd to o ttltviston set. She wouldn't Wave it alone. Who says thtrt't nothing new under tht sun? You'll know thtrt's something new whtn you set tht 1 950 Plym outhnewest In styling ond per. formonct on tht rood. Drive in to CORK RUM MOTORS, INC., 114 N. Rose St., Phone 108. For Radio With a Punch- Stay Tuned to KRNR-MBS For: Muse and Music Best-loved poetry as radio-adapted by Leroy Hiatt. 10:15 10:30 A. M. Thursday ; Behind The Story Marvin Miller identifies the "King of Bonk Robbers." 4:30 -4:45 P.M. Tues and Thurs. What's the Name of That Song? Entertainment plus - with Bill Gwinn, Bob Bence, and the twin-piano team. 8 8:30 Tonight Claude Thornhill If you think you can name a song, put vour talent to work .-and "Win a Holiday"! Tune in for details: 8:30 8:45 Tonight I Love a Mystery Join Jack, Reggie ond Doc in their latest spine-tingling odventure! ' 10-10:15 P.M. Mon. thru 'ri. KRNR 1490 m your Dial w ;3J Voters May Rtgisttr At Drivt-ln Market tin. Marian Aeklejr, county reg istrsr. wiU be at Um City Drive In market all day Saturday to take registration for the coming pri mary election. Deadline to register is April IS. Voter qualitfications require six months residence in this state, that the person be a citizen of the United Suits, and 21 years of age prior to the election date. Persons who are new in this county, or who have moved to new precinct within the county, are required to register. Also, persons who did not vote in the last general election should reregister, as their names may have been removed from the voter lists. Voters may also register at the county courthouse, or at various designated places in other commu nities of Douglas county. Vital Statistics Marriage Licenses Issued G1BBENS-BLANSETT Ernest E Gibbens and Oleta Jenell Blansett, both of Myrtle Creek. PERDUE-JACKSON William Ophor Perdue, Days Creek, and Betty Jean Jackson, Myrtle Creek. DREW-MILLER Charles Buddy Drew and Elizabeth Barbara' Mil ler, both of Roseburg. McCROREY-A DDRIDGE' Wayne Henry McCrorey and Char line Ann Addndge, both of Rose burg. BEAM-KNOTT Walter Beam and Leona Knott, both of Winston. Roseburg. Soldier Win Promotion In Japan WITH THE EIGHTH U. S. ARMY IN CAMP DREW, KOI ZUMI, Japan Private Charlea C. Bowman, son of Mrs. Bessie Bow man, who resides at 843 Templin street, Roseburg, ha recently been promoted to the grade of private first class for bis outstanding per- - Reservations for private Skating Parties are available at the Rainbow Skating Rink Winchester Phone S2S R-2 CHOICE OF STYLES 4 lAL THE S0FTEST SITTING... THE MOST COMFORTABLE SLEEPING SOFA AND V V... .-..FULL SIZE ' l ... INNERSPRING BED X 115) 63)50 Jlk FOR TWO UAV UP o Personalized Service For The Home O EMS' - -nai-n d LONGHAIR BACKROUND: Clause Thornhill, whose orchestra Is heard every Wednesday night at 130 on "Claude Thornhill present Win a Holiday" over KRNR, received his basic training in music at Cincinnati' Conservatory of Music and the Curtis Institute. From there, he went into the prac tical field a pianist and arranger. He worked for such musical great as Bing Crosby, Benny Goodman, Charlie Spivak, and the late Glenn Miller. The Thornhill orchestra baa three trumpets, two trombones, five men doubling on sax and clarinet and a French horn which he Introduced to the dance-orchestra world. As a group, the Thornhill organization abounds in tesm spirit, studiously avoids the star system even to its leader's piano. "I'm no soloist either," says Claude. "I ust plsy the lace around the gingerbread." The show pre sents an ' opportunity to spend a weekend in New York City ... all for free. Just listen carefully while Claude Thornhill play an original tune then name It (to night, 8:304:45 p. m.). Claude Thornhill ANNOUNCING: The return of "The Old Fashioned Re vival Hour" te KRNR after almost two yMrsI Great music and a treat spiritual message will be presented en the program every Sunday night 1:30 te 10:10 p. m. Organized and originated by Or. Charles E. Fuller, the program pre sents the great sacred music that has survived through the years. The large choir and the quartet will sing your favorite hymns and Dr. Fuller will bring you a Gospel message of universal appeal. "The Old Fashioned Revival Hour" will begin on KRNR Sunday, February It, and each Sunday thereafter (t:3O-10:30 p. m.). "Chicago Theater or me Air" will be heard later each Sunday night . . . 10:30-11:30 p. m. ' formance as a mechanic and truck driver for his parent unit Head quarters, battery, 61st Field Artil lery battalion, 1st Cavalry Division artillery. Private First Class Bowman is expected to leave for the motor MODKN STYLf y qjJ uotfWMms ME) f 1 v7 mechanic' school located at Eta Jima School command, Eta Jima, Japan, to help advance him in the maintenance of various types of army vehicles. His plsns for the future are to return to his wife and one child. You must lit in a Davenette, snd see it, to sppreciste the wonder ful comfort of two decks of springs, reversible cushions, posture-form backs and modern styling by Kroehler. Choice of styles and Decorator fabric. CONVINTIONAl STTLI Eugene H. Fisher Named Farm Loan Assn. Head The organization meeting of the newlv elected directors of the Rose burg National Farm Loan associa tion was new tms wee it, ana c.u gene H. Fisher, Oakland, and N. A. Ellefsen. Coos .Bay. were elected president and vice-president, re spectively, according to R. L. Strickle, secretary -treasurer. Appointed on the loan committee were the president and vice-president, Lawrence Michaels of Can- yonvule, Charles S. Dyar of Rose burg, Cedric E. Cross of Riverton and Strickle. Emery Baker of Brockway and Roderick Hermann of Myrtle Point were named as al ternates. Strickle and Juanita Burt were against elected secretary treasurer and assistant ' secreary treasurer, respectively. "Y" Meeting Changed To Friday Evening The YMCA meeting for all cor porate members, which waa sched uled for Thursday, has been chang ed to Friday evening, announced Roseburg "V" President O. J. Feldkamp. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the "Y" office in the armory. The meeting date change was made so the members could attend the school hand concert Thursday. It is hoped, added Feldkamp, that all corporate members will make every effort to attend the meeting, as committee appointments will be msde and other important issues discussed, relative to operation of the YMCA. NEW IDEA CLUB ENJOYS LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY AT WAHL RESIDENCE The New Idea club was enter- tamed by Mrs. Bonnie Bennett at the Hugh Wahl home on Central Avenue Wednesday with a lunch eon at noon. The table wa cen tered with carnation, flanked by tall red taper. Cover were placed for: Mr Maggie Francis, Mrs. Minnie Abeene, Miss Ethel Manning, Mrs. Lola Rehwalt, Mrs. Amie Eggles ton, Mrs. Lola -Rose. Mrs. Mar jorie Drnley, Mr. Meryl Wahl, Mr. Thelma Balentine and the hostess, Mrs. Bennett. The afternoon wa ipent in sew ing for the hostess. The next meeting will be held in two weeks at the home of Mr Jacqueline Bird. COMFORT'CURVID ARMS o 111 N. Jackson Phone 330 KRNR 140 an Your Dial Mutual Broadcasting System bkmainino novas tooat 4 -OO rulton Uwll. Jr UBS. 4: IS Hemingway. MBS. 4:30 Babe iuth Story. 4 :4S News. MBS. 8:OQ Top Tunee. S:3a Tom MIX. MBS. S.OO Muale Al Six. S IS Mutual NtwsreeL MBS. , S 30 World of Sporu. S 4S-Te Beneea. S 33 Bill Hanry MBB. TOO Dick Haymee. 7:13 Sammy Kaye. T SO Cuca Kid MBS S:00 Nama or That Sons MBS. s 30 Clauda Thornhill Show. S tS Cadrla rosier MBS. S:00 News. MBS. S:1S HI Nrtfhbor S:30 Scandinavian Malody Time. 45 Fulton Lawks Jr MRS 10:001 Lovo A Myatary. MBS. iu:i biuiic iou want 10:45 MCPharaon In P 11:35 Nawi Summary. 11:30 BIST! UH. THUSSDAT. riBBUABT IS, lM OO Sunrise Serenade.. 4:30 Nawa. 8:35 rartn Fair. 4:45 RIM Shine MB. ' 1:00 Hemingway. MBS TIS Breaklasl Gin MRS. Its Local Nawa. T:50 Martial. . - S:0O Tavortta Hymnl. S:1S Churkwaaon Jamboree.' S:30 Havan of BaaL MBS. i OO Modarn Homa. 4:15 Fran Warran Show. 8:30 Man About Town. 4:45 Healter's MaUba. MBS. louo Nawa. MBS 10:15 Muia A Mu.ic 10:30 Say II with Miule. 10:45 Jark Holt, llflo Ladlaa Fair MBS. 11:30 Quaan tor a Oaf MBS. 11:00 World Km 13:15 Sona of the Pioneers. 13:30 Muaie at Noon. 11 SO Local Nawa. 13:55 Market Keporta. 1:00 Man on the Street 1:15 Listen to LelberL 130 Musk. I 45 Driver! Flayhouae. S:00 Phone Fun. S:30 It's Requested. J 15 school Show. J 30 WCT.U 3 45 Andre Kaetelanets. MBS. 4:00 Fulton Lewu. Jr MBS. 4:13 Hemingway. MBS 4:30 BrhlnaT the Story. MBS. 4:45 Music. SOO Straight Arrow. MRS. 3:30 B-Bar-B Riders. MBS. 4:00 Music al Six. 415 Mutual NewsreeL MBS. 4:30 World at Sporu. 4.45 Tex Beneke. 4 55 BUI Henry. MBS 1DO Charlie Spivak Orch T IS Music you Remember. T:30 Lynn Murray Show. SOO Hopalong Cassldy. MBS 8:30 SporU tor All MBS. 855 Sports Page MBS . 4 00 Nrws. MBS. S:i5 Songs of our Tim as. 8 30 Woody Room's Trio 4:45 Fulton Lewis, Jr MBS loool Love A Mystery MBS 1015 Music you Want. 10:45 MrPherson In Peraow. 11:35 News Summary. 11:30 Sign Oil. , WINCHISTIR UNIT I MARTS' LAMPSMAnet AT MSITINO THURSDAY Helen Davidson and Marie Rid enour instructed a group, the Win chester Home Extension units, in Making Lampshades ' at the meeting Thursday at 10 a.m. at the home of the latter. Several shsdes were completed. Sack luncheon was enjoyed and dessert served by the hostesses, Vera McGhehey and Marie Ride nour. Enjoying the dsy were Mar celle Johnson, Dortha Sail, Lois Telgenoff, Adrid Vsn Horn, Flora Heaver, Helen Dsvidson, Vera Mc Ghehey, Jessie Wonch and Peggy Miller and the hostess. STARTS FRIDAY 2 Day Only BuLnEUJirViTKHliUnO LASSIE ROVEIITURE! af e . PTiMtnm curnnt . .A DONALD CRISP IV OCVALDINC BlOOKl RCOINALO OWEN. a"lASSIE" RUH PrfflJSH I SVSBB With I a A1 il i if NOW SHOWING a4L viouna... i T Vi Mssm ip Oouos Jsrmoa, . ''iy Dorielria ? -Il nnt-rm- A al Wed., Feb. 13, 1950 The RIVIRSDALE GR-ANGf TO HOLD MilTINO FRIDAY Riversdale Grange will meet n. eight-fifteen o'clock Friday night at the hall. Refreshment will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Tipton, Mr. and Mr. R. L. Dan iels, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cloaks and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Beckwith All members are urged to be pres ent. H.I.C. TO MIIT AT HALL FRIDAY The Home Economic club of the Fair Oaks Grsnge will meet at the hall for a noon potluck luncheon Friday, Feb. 17. All Grange ladiea are urged to attend. Violet Hailett is chairman. THI XIV CLUB TO HOLD VAUNTING PARTY FRIDAY The XIV club will hold a Valen tine party Friday evening, Feb 17, at the Roseburg Country club. A most delightful evening has been planned and all member tr urg ed to be present. -THE SNACK SHACK- REOPENS WEDNESDAY FEB. 15TH The Snock Shock, where you are served In your car or in our modern restaurant, is opening again. Drive out ond enjoy either our delicious chicken, steak and chop dinners or tasty sandwiches and fountain treats. OPEN FROM 11:30 A. M. te 12:00 P.M. Closed Tuesdays. For the finest of foods, visit the SNACK SHACK at tht Top of the). Hill on Hiway 99 N. COMING SUNDAY &&3 STARTS . TODAY I s I 1 WmcxeDK XX tKMARO RuUTM OWaRD MOttB MOVITA CASTANIOA 2ND FEATURE Lost Victor McLaglan Boris Karloff Newt - Review, Rosebur-f, Or. RIVIRSIDI F.-T.A. TO OBSIRVI FOUNOIRS DAY Riverside P.-T.A. Founders Day will be observed at s tea at the schoolhouse Fridsy afternoon from three-thirty to four-thirty o'clock. All member and friend are ir vited. NIWS STAND TO MOVt Bill's News stand is moving te the lobby of the Grsnd hotel, pro prietor Bill Black announced to day. The atand, now located at the K and J Quick lunch, will be ready for business at the new lo cation Feb. IT. Classified want ads bring result. Phone 100. Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oregon STAR THEATRE 8q CfU8 4 DAYS i 'k. H Patrol f Wtrtft Gnata itej