Set cofiftious of' tthe value f OTsifcads, you'll profit! 10 Ths Maw-Ho-tow, Rowburg, Or.. W.., Ftb. 15, 1950 CLASSIFIED RAi:S 1d.y pt word , day. 1 dan . 4 day, " , d T - ' . 10 . Wo 1 I rhau too CLASSIFIED AOVERTISINO DEADLINE P.M. Day for Publication CLASSIFICATIONS REAL imi J BUBINHS MT'i)Nilt- S building mimii i J rOft TRADE LOANS J FINANCIAL 1 WANTED HELP WANTED WORE WANTID 1 lOT 0) FOUND. It FRUITS a VEGETABLES , 1 AT. GBAIN FEED IS LIVESTOCK " POULTRY BABBIT! TETI i FOB SALE MI6C . MIICEUJUIEOV1 TIMBIR iAWin.LJ loogino nirnrsT HACHINEBT FOB SAUL. FABM EOUIPalEM TRACTOBS . TRUCKS AUTOS . IMPOUNDED . INHTBUCTIOM PERSONAL MOTICI1 Real Estate 1 TKt Hom Of Fin Ranches And Homes BEDROOM HOW en South Jacket. . . ..i-iHnn floor-. tub bath. aUo two-room cabin ta raar, priced at -w.uw M-m ONE A CUB on paved road ta w,hn distance of town, achool bus. city bus, dally mail delivery, modern three bed- room no me, it in ., ------ nea, goon ouy vwv.w. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 900 foot frontage oa hlwey M. a n ee 4 bedroom horn and 3 cri, wlth barn, woodshed. Nw htway w.ll pro bably go through thla place, ana aiso the payments ara only MO 00 par month? full prica $8750.00, terma. GARDEN VALLEY 4 Aeraa of choice bottom land, on tha rtvar, modara 1 bedroom home, needs aome repairs, barn, ban house, family froil of all hlnda and walnuta. If you appreciate good land aee tnla . plat at $6650.00 ienna. GRADE A DAIRY 40 acres, all tillable, milk perlor equipped, large barn, modarn room noma, on good road naar achool and tore. $10, OUO.OO tarma. t SHEEP RANCH 154 acres. B0 aeraa tillable, modarn room noma, family fruit, 3 barns, largo poultry house, close-in; all for $10, 500.00; tarma. A LIVE TAVERN Did MO.OOO M business last year, evcry thing complete $jo,ooo.oo, tarma. 10 ACRES of exceptionally fine river bottom land la Garden VaJlay, $8, goo.oo. ST ACRES, mostly tillable, amall houaa, naar Mclroee flora, $3250.00, term. WE HAVE SHEEP AND COW RANCHES from -O0 acraa to 90,000 acraa, ao don't buy until you hava looked at our rancnaa. Jack Realty, Realtor 31 S. Stephana St. Phone M-J LLOYD WILSON HENRY U HANDY Salaamaa Values Exclusive Listings 9000. DOWN FULL R1CE $3400. Neat UtlU horns In tha city, with sewer, Haa ona bedroom living room kltch an, bath, utility, Thia la nlco, naat homa. 1000, DOWN FULL PRICE 5080. rivo rooms, modarn hath, lath and plaa trad, two la re bedrooms, full clos ets, partial baaamant. dry; paved airaet, city aawtr, laval lot, pavad walks. 1MB. DOWN FULL PRICE . Corner lot. pavad treat, rlty stwer. double garage, lawn, shrubs; modern istic four mom with bath home. Haa a very nice appearance very near bualnaaa cantor. Wa hava an outstanding church (oration see us soon can be bought for vary reasonable tarma. Could be used for temporary eat-up aa la. Naar bualnaaa .trict, , $1500. DOWN FULL PRICE B740Q, Outstanding farm buy eloea to town. Sea ua immediately. . Not Exclusive S3O0. With Tarma, Brand Naw, Thla la vary modernistic. Roman brick fireplace, two nice bedrooms with full wall-to-wall rloeets. floor to cell ing view wtndnwa, beautifully plas tered and tinted. K Mr hen sink and drains In baked tile: naw wall-to-wall rugs. If you hava been waiting, here la your c nance. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Good buslneaa lot north on highway W in bualnesa location, comprising S acre. aaoa. down, balance good tarma. Highway rtataurant nicely equipped who uvvng quarters, yjuuu. Will build building for tenant on highway, close in, aouth of city. Wa hava four larga homea with 4 and 8 bedrooma in walking distance of ouaineaa seciion. Wa have helped bthera with the down payment, maybe we can help you. Lehman Real Estate 414 N. Jackson PK T2J Koeeburg. Oregon fiunERaTTTENTldN Large corner lot in new water district, fronting on old highway S of town. 10.000 ft of lumber included with lot. Phone B74-R1. COT8 FOR SALE. Terms Water and llghte available. 3 mi lea aouth on Highway 00. Ph 146-J-3. fOR SALaTolTTRADE Equity In 13'i acres and amall modern house.- E. L. Powell CaayoavUle. Real Estate 1 Better Values W-RTSIDE near entrance ta Veterans' Administration Comfortable four room home situated on a urge ivei free soil lot Thla home haa a Urge living room, one bedroom, tcouia easi ly add another dining room, garage. 4500. total price. Tarma. PA RTT ALLY-FURNISHED one bedroom modern home Just off the Garden Val ley road on bua line. ThU solid UttU home haa a fireplace, plaster finish, garage, garden space. Immediate pos session, uoo. total price. Attractive terma. ATTRACTIVE newer home near River aide achool. A convenient plan with 3 bedrooma. Inside utility room, central heating, attached garage. $1000. or lesa dowa to responsible party, BaL at fTl per mo. APPROX. ACRES level tend eight miles south-west of city. Large naw home of pumice construction, plastered Interior. Big living and dining room, utility, attractive kitchen, garage. There la a large beck porch, good water system. Asking price 1050. Mod erate aowa payment. Stanley E. Short 114 Weet Lane St Phone 1092-R New Listings S BEDROOM HOME la Laurel wood Diet arge living room and dining room. Nice kitchen with loU of bulltlna. Plastered. Hardwood floor: furnace: attached garage. 4 yra. old. Sewer 4c pavement. 1..000 00 T H A. Will loaa appinxuneiety f.urwo.uui OWNER HAS MOVED Take a look at thla vacant 3 bedroom home in uiat. of fine nomea. ine lot elone u worth 13 the asking price. Part basement; oil furnace; fireplace; laixiy ciose in fVraw, y aowa. GO SUBURBAN IN STYLE Close to East city Umlta. New and at tractive noma, g De rooms, wan to well ruga on floor. Plastered, furnace. Fireplace. Vacant now. Should Uke eiaie u.i. wan on. eeuu.uu; ierma. COMPARE THIS 3 Bedroom home and 1 acre of ground. ravea street, a run ana perries. .mca en house. On bua line. If you want to mane a garoen tma u a gooa ouy fljoo.00. About V. down. Consult us without obligation, if we can on you no gooa we win ao you no harm. We need Uatlnga oa all typea m jteai MLeie. L B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Grand Hotel Phone 12TT-Y SPECIAL FOR OREOON STATE VETERANS DILLARD AREA: New house. 3 bed rooms, living room, oinette, aitrnea and bath. Concrete foundation. Elect water heater, laundry trays and well witn aiect. pressure pump. acre, free) mail lot In locality of other nice homea. Thia house will appraise for more than the asking price of MOSO. We have another house the same aa tha above with attached garage for fMUU.UU, SUBURBAN BEAUTY tt ACRE RIVER BOTTOM SOIL, New noma: a targe oearooms, moaem Istic kitchen and bath, dinette, spacious living room with pic ture windows and beautiful flre olace. -si wall furnace, hardwood floor, attached garage, utility room. elect, water neater, snake exterior, (utter and down apouu. Restricted oca t ion. You will rocognlte thU aa an exceptional buy at 7500. Can be wvu iinanceo. EQUITY FOR TRAILER HOUSE fiaoo. equity In house for trailer of same vaiue. nous tocatea tn nonn Rose burg, cloee to trading center and Bcnooi. Bruce V. Gilley, Real Estate 335B N. Stephen! Ph. 1W-J-3 Office oa Highway M North Valley Real Estate Agency FURNTSHXO t bedroom home. Haa 1aU of storage apace. Fruit closet on serv ice porch. Gas floor furnace. Large fenced lot; lawn aeeded; 3 car ga rage, foouu. terms. CLOSE IN 3 bedroom home, good loca tion, un city sewer; very attractive front yard. Electric range, goea with place. Gas heat. Plastered Interior and stucco exterior. Garage and service room comoinea vesuu. aome term. FINE BUSINF.RS LOCATION, desirable for most any kind of business. Nice B room home. 100 feet frontage on highway 99 with a depth of more than IBB feet. You cant go wrong on una at etuuu. ierma. GOING BUSINESS IN CANYONVILLE netting between MOO. end 1500. per mom n. inn is a good deal at oniy 5500. with tarma, or laaa for cash. Valley Real Estate Agency US W. Caae St . Phone SM Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES FROM rreeo Low. Convenient Down Payment I and 3 bedrooma Ketell Realty Co. Offlc Clend.l. Park Ph. uu siu Hollla M. Survsyi Maps -Plant trry c Armatrona CjvU EasuiM, HaJB St. t Real Estate 1 A FINE COUNTRY PLACE 71 ACRES, 13 mllee out, near river, witn a urveiy a. a. noma, asoaem In every resoect. hardwood floor. fire place, living room and dining room, targe aitcnen, piaate a uirousn out. Full clean basement, all fenced, 30 A. tillable, bam end chicken houae. aome timber. If you are working in town end want a country pUce. thU will meat all your require ienu. We nigniy recommerwi you aee in is piece. Terms car, be arranged to suit your self: that la within reason. Priced at 115,000. WINSTON 4 BEDROOM JUST reduced 1,000 00 to Induce quick aale. 3 large bedrooma down with living roam and dining room. Ar ranged ao that upetalr may be rented aa apartment. Lot U 00 x ISO. all fencid and with double garage. Lawn and ah rube. Really priced right at $0,400 00. 3,000.00 down. CLOSE TO RIVERSIDE SCHOOL ATTRACTIVE one bedroom home with unflnshed upetalra. Hardwood floor, 00 x 120 lot all fenced and In lawn. Garage. A nice little place priced at ejKM.oo. Might take a bouse trailer aa down payment CLOSE-IN WITH BASEMENT ONLY blocks from poatofflce, paved street, city aewer, furnace, one bed room down, 3 up, 0-fL lot Piaa te red throughout Cloee to Rose achool. Price 750. 00. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors HOTEL ROSE BLDG. PH T3B-B t B. R. mod. plastered home. East Douglas. 3 yra. old. Hardwood floor. uu iioor rurnace. oi tu a izo. ah, fa rage. City end achool buses at door. 2000 00 down, 37250.00 full price, and well worth it New 3 B. R. mod. home, East Roae burg. Lot B0 x 09, 780 eq. ft. floor apace. Flrepuce. Auto, wail rurnace. Kentlle and wall to wall caroetlnc. Huge windows. S block from bus line. Imm. pose. 3000.00 down, BesoO-OO uu price. We have a 1-bed extra fine home In west suburbs. May be purchased with complete and vary high quality fur nisninga. a ouy ai aoeoo.uu complete. Terms. 3 Unit Duolex of three room eech. Good town near Rsbg. "Borne equip ment, uvs in one end rent tne otner. A very good investment Only 45O0.oa One of the beat all purpose farms in DouxlsJ County. 270 A. of which 110 la fine cult, land and In growing cropa. Good 4 B. R. modern homa. Insulated. Completely furnished. Large nam, poultry nouaea ana mac nine shad. Sheep tight frncea. Complete line of power machinery In excel lent condition Including new combine, farm cat, tractor and farm trucks. A reel money maker. 28,000.00. on good tarma. Room mod. older houae close In on So. Main. 1 blk. from Rose achool. Lot 50x170, 2500.00 dowa, 5B00.00 full price. . William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loan Phone 31S 134 West Case St 000 DOWN 0500 FULL PRICK Thia very well arranged, nearly naw two bedroom noma will meet all your needa. It haa a Urge living room, modarn kitch en and attached garage. The pay menu are attractive too, low er than many renu at BAB per month. Let ua ahow you thu today. It won't Ust long. Near Ford 'a and Young s Bay. SEVEN UNIT MODERN MOTEL Thla fine recently built motel and service station la being sac rificed to satisfy creditors. The aale price include all furni ture and meet of the service aUtlon equipment 13 acres of Und give more than enough frontage on Highway 00. ! ttgate thU opportunity at once. Cash prica 14,500. BUILDING SITES If you contemplate building your own home In the near future, see us for some of the finest resi dential building altae available In or near Boaeburg. ROSEBURO REALTY INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtor ALMOST NEW modern 1 bedroom home with att. garage. Just ouUlde city limits. $000. dn. payment; full price 0300.00. BaL easy Mo. paymenU. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME being Mm- Slated. Att. garage. All modern. Binoo l down. Owner will carry Bat oa Mo. payment. NICE SMALL Neighborhood Grocery do ing nice business. Will sell at Inven tory. One person can handle. Will con sider trade on home. WE HAVE SOME NICE RANCHES now; both small and large; aome on the liver. Williamson Real Estate Ph. lSSO-J 1701 N. Stephens Special ON UMPQUA AVE. A very comfortable S bedroom home. Cir. flrepUce. One bedroom down finished In knotty pine. The other two upstairs. lerge kitcnen; lou of Dunl ins. Breakfast nook. Larga g lapsed -In back porch. Large garage Lot 00 x125' with good garden soil. Priced at $10. 500. U.ono 00 down and owner will carry balance for only B40.00 per montn. Earl and Gladys Wiley Real Estate see Hotel Phone T3B-R Acreage THREE LEVEL ACRES B'i mllee north of city. There u a urge unfinished two-bedroom home on property. The kitchen, one bedroom, beth and util ity rooms are seeled la plasterboard. Plumbing Is roughed in. electric pump on welL Finished nvaoie oounie ga rage on concrete pad. Asking price is $5400. 300 down payment Bal ance at $90 per mo. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 Weat Lane St Phone 1002-R HOt'SE, LOT" and furniture for aale. leuo. toul price, a tail down pay menu 1 acre. . B. Oldfield. Ph. SM-J-1. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Deugherty. the engineer. Ph. 3PTR HOUSE AND toT. law, !) down. balance eaay terms Atse ion m any reasonable pevmeota. A. F. Sukadorf, w ine too. oregoa. They- Do It Every Wndv the GENTLEMEN, WE AR INDEED T0ASTMASTER HAVING STARTS OUT SO'vETWING UKE THIS" SPEAKER ARTIST, AUTHOR, &S-6AME HUNTER PUBUCPR.PEm6RETV yj F. P1FFLE-WMO WILL 6IVE US A ACCOUNT LIFE IN HAREMAVIA mm Co- imw. iiwo ruivm itmr, u, won Real Estate 1 LISTINGS WANTED FOR 1050 SEASON JUST STARTING We are looking for property that ta priced In line with today's market We will be glad to accept listings on eny recent appralsaU from certified real esute appraisers. If your prica la right and we list your property you will get action. We are not office sitters. We wear out our shoes, not our seat. We never carry over 39 listing, and seldom half thia number, aa we be lieve that no one can have too many lis lings without alighting aome. Your chance with ua are good, as we will be glad to prove to enyone that out of every 10 exclusive lutings, wa sold on an average better than t right here In Rose burg. We are not afraid to advertise and spend money on tha listings we Uke. We need stock, dairy, grain, diversified farms, and will go anywhere In Oregon to Inspect and list the larger ones. You can be assured that your property will not be neglected or forgotten aa when our listing quota is reached, we do nothing but sell the real esUte we have listed and keep repUclng them aa they are sold. Our methods get reeulu. IS yeara real esUte experience, and exclusive agent. James L Payne. Realtor TIT Willamette St. Eugene, or 113 Brockway St, Rose burg. Ph. 1501 Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES ' S Bedroom MS 00 per me. 3 Bedroom 10.00 More Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park Phone 1533 2153 HoUla St FOR RENT POLISHER, WAXER and scrubber All In one tooL Light enough any child can handle; finger-tip control. P & W Floor Covering Co. 327 S Stephen Phone 147-a 3 MODERN two-bedroom home 9 mile soutn noseburg on paved road school bus to door. LoU of good water. BriO. and g5.1 Dick Stevenson, first turn right off Happy Valley Road, last house. fiEWLY CONSTRUCTED one-bedroom apartments, furnished with gas range, refrigerator, Panel-Ray gas heaters, hot water tank; water and garbage disposal. Close to town f70 montn. Phone 1730 ToddBldg. Co. CHARMING This new. modern 3-betT room cottage so comfortably furnished; easy housekeeping with 1U all elec tric kitchen. A. M. Selby, 3V mllee east ofGlide TRAILER FOR RENT, furnished: one block west, 3 north from Eden bower grocery, over hill. Inquire large Imi tation brick house. 19ta Eden Lane. Mrs. Oldfield. BOARD. ROOM and washing. gTS. month or room alone, $20. Reference re quired. Mrs. Lewis E. Jones, First house E. of Miller's Lane on E. Doug las. TWO "ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment; also 1 first floor room. Call 837-R -4 or write W. F. MrMurray, P. O. Box 104, Winston. Oregon. FOR RENT3-room house, 1 mile W. of ButherHn ot modern. B35 per mo. $ee Mr. Jeesle Roofener at Rose Cafe after 3 p. m.. Sutherlin. Ore. fURNiSHEDCARIN9. $10 end BlXpr week. Also monthly rates Pacific Cabins, 3 mllee N. on OS. Phone BB5-J-3. CLEANi furnished.' i-room" housekeep ing apt. heat and llghu Included, MB month. 823 So. Pine. 3 RFDROOM HOUSE for sale or rent at Winchester. See Arthur Rletmann, 1 mile north of Brockway. DgHT-HOUSEKEEPING- CABINS and rooms. Weekly rates. Pleasant Motor Court. 1740 N. Stephens Trailer space for rent: heated shower rooms, laundry facllitlee. S35 Templln. CLEAN. FURNISHED sleeping room. pr vste entrance. $8 00 week, $30. month. 8X1 S.Ptne. MODERN. 1-bedroom home on Highway. Inquire at AssoeUted Service Station at Wilbur. fRUCKS roTT" RENT You drive, long or short trips. Bee Hive truck rental, 7.18 South Stephen. Phone 1436-J. TRUCKS an cTtr alien "for rent Move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Stephen at Washington. Ph. 70S, FURNISHED ROOM forbualnea wo man, close in. Call 552-J NICE APT. f? rentTCa.Fsaf-Y after 3 p. m. FOR RENT -3-bed room, furnished house on so Pine. Box 2u. News-Review. APARTMENT New 3 rooms and bat Ph. B05-J-X-5 SMALL TRAtLERHOUSE by week. At- ast-a Trailer rark. nortn m. SLEEPING ROOM for L Kitchen privi leges. 500 Fowler. SITE PI NO ROOM tor 3- Kitchen prtv- llegea. Bug Fowler. BOARD, room and laundry, ilYflO per week. 008 E Lane Si. COM TORT A BLE SLEEPING room, twin beds, use Mlliury. pnone iwe-u FOR RENTSleepiag room. $44 Ml Ph. 135T-Y iOOlTVtth or without kitchen prirti egea 430 N Pine AParTmentT PNruRfTsH-tS 7l C. Sherlock, Winston Section. fOR RENT Trailer apace. BeOfiuTPK 1337-Y. fROOM APT BaMUler. 800-R. SLEEPING ROOMS. 46e Pltjer. Jl EEPTNG ROOM I2Q3 N Jsckson CLiAHTifront aleepLng roonTh. 14037. Time HALF-HOUR FORTUNATE N LATER-THE AS OUR 6UEST QUEST HASN'T SAIPAWORP yTTHERE" NONE LEFT... THAT FAMOUS AND NOTARY FIRSTHAND ' PC?K3f OF TRIBAL TUanxto Seeviivi doww, T9 NE1LSX7N 5T, BtuKary,cA-. mcmts -mavxft Rentals MODERN HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES. Reasonable rates by week or month. Myrtle Grove Moul on Highway BO, g mllee N. of Myrtle Creek. FOR RENT Sleeping room on High way 00. Phone 313-J-2. mornings. Business Opportunity 3 Ice Cream Men IXECTRO-rREEZE continuous soft Ice cream freezer, reede airecuy elimi nates dipping requires no storage. Be equipped to produce end dispense a smooth delicious product directly Into eonea. aundaea, banana apliu, etc. RepresenUtlve will be In your vicinity week of Feb. 27th. Write now for further Information and demon stration to Box 203, News-Review. NICE SET-UP FOR RETAIL Lumber Yard, 3 acrea Und, ample storage apace under roof, amall planer ready to go, R E. A. Electricity; only retail yard near a thriving Community. Price, $5000. Writa Box 303, OakUnd. Ore. or aee owner at mill. lVk mllee East on County Road. For Trade TRADE A GOING BUSINESS end prop erty that an elderly couple can handle, for a good aheep ranch; give or Uke difference. News-Review Box 305. FOR TRADE H. b. motorcycle, perfect condition, for pickup truck or auto. Orchard Trailer Court. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE valued at $1500. trade for large house trailer. Write ' News-Review Box 190. Loans MONEY 10 $XS $80 $7$ S100 300 $300 UP TO $500 Borrow on your ssUry. AU steadily eM iloyed men end women may qualify oday for a aalary loan up to $300 whether you're la a new job or aa old ona Borrow oa your car or furniture. Your furniture or automooiie nun excei len security at Local Loan paid for or not Up ta $300 on your furniture, up ta $500 your ear. Special "Pay Day" loan. $18. $28, $50 ioanea rey Ley or longer, rmy only for the actual number of days you keep the money. $25 eosta IBe for one week. No other charges. Phong for your loaa LOCAL LOAN CO. La. Iott, Manager S35 No. Jaekaoa Pboa. UTS Ua. a-nt; M-M3 aanbur. LOANS UP. TO $300 UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not.l Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expensea Medical and DenUl bill Consolidate debU Refinancing When you borrow get your money from the company that makea convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower parmenU now avalUble up o ao mootna to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT Pacific Building Phone 404 M-33T State Lie. S-3B4 You cant get a better farm tociPthan a Federal Land Bank Loan. 4 Inter eat, long term 30 to 34 yeara, liberal prepayment privtlegee. You have e voice tn the management Roseburg National Farm Loaa Ase'a., 303 Medi cal Arts Bldg Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""UMPQUA REALTY 113 N. Stephen Phone 1 933-1 Acroaa from Poet Office aa Highway OS WAITED TO 6RR6wTffStxOor up p one year, for business enterprise. Have good security. Will pay good rate of latereet Writ Bos 20 L. Newe- 'IT WAS DR.PlFFLE WHO FIRST INTRODUCED THE OPERA HAT IN HAREMAVIA AND MADE THE NATIVE WOMEN STYLE C0NSOO0SH THE P0CT0R WAS TELUN6 ME THAT THE PEOPLE THERE WORSHIP THE WATERMELON AND HE TOLD ME THIS STORY WHICH I NOW PASS Wanted 8 WANTED TO RENT Moving to Roseburg And 1 don't mean maybe Need a 3-bedroom house For wife, me, and baby Prefer house close to town, unfurnished will pay $63. per month. Residence will be permanent. Contact Manager, Joe Richards' Man'a Store. Wanted Blir, VI AI. AND PORK Fred Boyer Phooa sn-B-s Rout. 1MS-R, v writ. ROMburg Will Pay Cash WB BUY Used furniture, all typea. Call at 444 No, Jackson. Ph. 1SS3-J The Bargain House WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furnl ture. Let ua bid on your house of furniture. Call 003-R at SOB N. Jackson Street. WANTED Csst iron. Scrap. No steeL Will pay $20. to $25. per ton. Suther lln Ifon Works, Sutherlin. Oregon. WANTED Unfurnished house or apt with garage by March 16th. Employed couple. Phone 1847-R evenings. BRINQYOUR JUNK to Bob's Salvage Yard at 2333 N Stephana. Ph. 1O0-J-3. WANTED TO BUY Hide. Roseburg Meet Co., phone 380. Help Wanted 9 Executive Secretary Local resident, woman preferred, well experienced In office work and ro uted dutlea. capable of rapid and ac curate typing and shorthand. Perma nent position of responsibility In Urge firm with above average Income and progressive future. Write K'ews-Re-view Box 191, giving age. education, complete experience and salaries, ref erence. AU replies confidential. Office Man Local resident, under 25 year. Perma nent position, urge tnaustriai nrm. Office experience or training required. Definite future for ambitious man. Write News-Review Box 1B2, giving full detaila of personal background, experience and references. Salary open. DOUBLE YOUR INCOME! Show gorgeous 13-card Assortment of Birthday, other Greeting Card. Sen sational $1. seller paya you up to 50c CASHI Plastics, Me la 11 ICS, Gift Wraps, ethers. FREE Samples of Imprinted Notes, Napkin, SUtlonery. Assort menu on approval. STYLART. 1310 San tee. Dept. IB, Los Angeles, 55, Calif. 2 MEN NEEDED TO fill position with old line company. Better than average earnings. Car necessary. 230 N. Ste phens, room 203. i. m. to 11 a. m. MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for elderly lady; board, room, aoma wages- Ph. 711-J. WANTED Woman to cook for 2: room, board and wagee. No washing Tom Ward. Rt 3. Box 1330, Roseburg Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Best ReaulU Call ROSEBURO SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 1294-Y FOR FREE ESTIMATE on home bulld Ing, remodelling, driving end finish ing floors; also rototilllng: call 837-R-4, or write to W. F. Mc Murray, P. O. Box 104. Winston. Oregon. Income Tax Service 130 Sheridan St., ph. 008-J, or 57-F-l For your convenience, we will be open t a. m, - ft n m. Sundaye 1 p. m. 7 p m. No appointmentnecessary- PRACTICAL NURSING In town or coun try; can arrange 24 hr. shift If neces sary. Care for elderly person or chil dren and home while gone. Call 114S-L until 3 P. M.. 1S66-R-4. after. INTERIOR DECORATING and outside painting, floor sanding and finished roofing, any kind. AUo contracting. Call Camas 11, after I $ a, or before S a m. WALL WASfTfNQ. Kemtonlng. janitor work, cleaning and polishing floors, window washing. 18 year experience. Phone 470. ask for Frank Hasty, Apt 15. Douglas Hotel. INCOME TAX SERVlCET"Yederal and State. Accounting services Arthur Denny. 3027 Morris St Ph. 1710-R-5 for appointment. Community kindergarten now of- feis care for your child by the day or hour. Ph. 130ft-R -4 or 1444-R. WILL CARE FOR convalescents; new babies and mothers a specUlty. Pa. 530-J-4. Alte RAttoNt, Dressmaking a i i type. Mrs. Don W. Garrison. 136 Kane, rnone l ze-j HOUSE MOVING, foundation," leveling. 14 yeara experience. P A 8 Towing. T3 a stepnen. rnone sa fAx RirTTTRNS. federal" and state, by appointment Accounung aervice eve- ning. Mi-s-i CaND. GRAVEL.- r ruined rock. team. Delivered immediately Ph. 308-R-l. . fRALCER"TOWlNO Ph. 330-R-3 iSourt) i uarnen vanay woea. WANTED Ironing tn my home. Fowler Street Ph. 530-J. Lost & Found 11 ward. Cwdoa Todd. Wl AlarMd- PR. S73-R-1 COST if VtCtrlfhT of St.rmar St. Sun dar bUck fMn.1. Cochar and ifT SoairM. apnrrr. to nam. nf "LU", Umm 1U1 FlndOT CaU 10TT-B. M 3i-.Zl AL0N6TOVOU"y Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOB SALE SO T sood Idah. alraK. har. US . too. AUpaufh'l Fad BUT., Myrtl. CrMk. fiOOD MIXED GRASS BALED HAY lor Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction ' SALE EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P M. FURNITURE b MISCELLANEOUS T P BJL WHERE BUYER SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER'S WITH YOUR NEXT cunaiun Msuvr LOCATED HIGHWAY 00. S MILES NORTH OF ROSEBURO YOU MAY ETfPECT A FAIR MARKET rnit-a at this autiui SCHRJCKES SONS, AUCTIONEERS ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY -Livestock sold by weight or head; nousenow turn.; farm maca- war your protection mm are licensed and bond ad. Livectoek I P. N. Furniture T P M. Turn E. at Gardaa Valley Read Ph. 11 WANTEfJ Fat or feeder lambs" year"- llngs and breeding awes, jamea a. Lewls. Myrtle Creek, ph. B4; or Dar reli Ray, RU 3. Box 3B3-B. Boaeburg. Ph. 0S5-R-1. WANTED Sheep pasture to rent Dsr- nu w nay, at. a, ttos e-B, aoaa bura Ph. 005-R-L FOR SALE Pin all sizes to 100 lb. w. h. Mortncran, Brockway oa uuiia Road. WANTED Sheep. Yearlings or breedV ing ewes, pmnppi ana vaning. mu a. Box 184. or do. -R-3. ANTEI Alfklnd of livestock. Harry smith, oak und. Oregon, rn. aooi. ANTE-AU kin as of lives toc-TlL tC Cox Call 0W-J-4. OR SALE Fresh young milk cows. a. . nurcn, uixonvuia. Poultry 15 Chicks Chicks Chicks Custom hatching epecialty. Set twice eaco weea: bat. ana wea. r or aay old chicks, pUce your order now. Sexed putleU and Cockerels as well aa straight run. Priced right at Ponton Hatchery 1440 Harvard Ave., Aoseburg Phone IBS Quality Baby Chicks VERY WEEK IN THE YEAR DAY OLD OR STARTED Hamps hires, Parmenter Reds, Barred hock - n ampin i re uoss. wornisn Hamp Cross. Barred Rock, White Rock and White Leghorns. From S and 3 year old breeder bene. City Office Umpqua Produce Co., 401 W Oak, ph. 418. Hatchery at Breeding Farm Tipton Road. 1 mi. 3. Hwy 09, ph. 1502-R-L 'COMPARE AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS." Baby Chicks Every week In the year. Beat of breeding L-ity agent, uougua o. riour hlu Carr's Hatchery Looking glass Rt Ph, 1B-F-3 MUSCOVY DUCKS. $1.00 each. Henry riau, pn. Tj7-j aner a:uo. STARTED CHICKS. N, H. pullets. R. Cary. 3 miles E. of Dixon villa. FRYERS FOR SALE, 5 miles out Mel- rose Highway. Howard Ransom. Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE U.V.R-B.A. FOR SACS Fryr r.bblu. e lb., dr v- I. pnon. 47-J-3. Pets 17 ONLY 100 BjEAUTIFtrL canaries left Get your belor nesung time, singer. $10; female. $2 50. Also pedigreed Pomeranian female dog, 3 mo. old. Arthur Nelson, Rt. 3. Box BBS; oa Cleveland Hill road. PUREBRED MALE Dachshund pup. avalUble naunce or tnu weex oniy. Ideal house dog and children 'a pet Intelligent, easy to train, affectionate. Call Cring, 176B, daytime only MALE PEKE PUPS. $13. Collies, Fox Terrier and others, $2 up. Pet Snop, 501 No. Jackson St. FOR SALE Black and white mate bull terrier puppy, registerea. curry noea, Rt 2. Box 224. Clyde Goodman. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS Ph. 830 or 452-Y Reg. and pad. puppies, all colore. Stud service- FOR SALE Black Cockers. B weeks old. Call 83IL after 3:00 p. m. 4MONTH OLD PUG puppies for " sale. laieyta nt , hot wo. fnone 3-r-n. For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN - 38 30 34' The life time trailer Haa a body we believe wtu last BS reara or more. No dry rot - Kit l ir w tr Columbia IF 14' 30 23 21 The West's Fastest Seller and other Trailer, of Quality Also ased trailers, trade-in accepted. Bank contracts. Contract to 3 yeara on Spartan Earl E. Smith N. W. Largest Dealer Bugene. Ore. Phone Springfield 3831 3 Mllee South on $. rl 4. Box 33. Eugene Looking For Bargains? W plurn, tupoliw, nut SUTTE.S TFADIWO POST 1 mll North on m At xl of city Bua Lin, For Sale, Misc. 18 1 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, used 3 m on ins. - .a-w. MAGIC CHEF OAS RANGE. Ilk new - giBS-co 1 ELECTS OLUX REFRIGERATOR, run ood. S40.0S Trowbridge Electric Co. h. 28 133 N. Jacksoa River Loam Delivered . GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have aa abundant aupply. Paul Casey $57 W. Moaher PhoneJlT-Y ALMOST new IB" cut lawn mower. tlV SO; colUpaible play pen. 4x3 ft, $5.00; aeveral naw coffee Uble. unusually attractive, $10 each. Unlvex S mra movie camera $5 00. Geo. Bachcr. Winston Section. Ph. 303-R-3. FOR SALE Electro Broiled Hot' Dc Machines. Write tc W. Thomson. 1531 N. 89. Eugene. Oregon for Informa tion. fiuST-SELL refrigerator, washing ma- cnina, eiectnc range, nivtnpon ana chair, dinette set, twin beds and floor lamp. Ph. 1 686 -J-3- FOR SALE 18 ft. Marina Plywood boat Umpqua Special Trailer ana ionn eon outboard engine. $250 cash, Ph, 824-J. FOR SALE 2 small buildings, to be moved or torn down. 1 block north ofPortland St, on Kendall Ave. fbR SALE 3 garage doors 2 "x8'; $l for 3, or $5.00 each. S. J. Shoemaker. 417 E. Lane. Phone 144-L. fOH SALE Custom built blue mohair Charles of London davenport. $50. Call 846 -J or see at 1038 8.Hamllun. WORLD BIKE, with knee action, front wheel brake, and B volt Light Caa "be seen0UB SStcphcns. TRATLer Luxury Liner sleeps 4, fully equipped also aide awning. See thia for a buy. Ph. 528-R-4. NEW AND USED furniture; gaa and wood stoves and heaters. Wood stove repairing a specialty Call 1327 -R. Aii Furniture Center, 814 Winchester Si. fOR SALE 1 Speedmatlc saw, 1 saw bUde extra; 1 Da to set; 1 50-ft heavy cord. i047Mulholland. FOR SALE Kiln sry puner ends, S7.M per unit; Green aUbwood $5 73. mixed load $e 75 Flv 307 1047 2f PEERLESS Eastern built trailer house. Green and tan. Bee at 544 Mtlt Phone 1502-J N. V Totton. Compare prices, then buy at Hdw ARDS HARDWARE. Winston, Oregoa. Ph. 1B2-J-1. OPEN SUNDAYS. b BlSCOUNT on new 100 gal. hoi water beater. Write News-Review Box lee. fiOTPOINT ELECTS fC RANG E. almost new. See at130 N. Pine. ONE BENDIX AITOMATIC-'ASHERi deluxe model. $150. Ph.1015-R. jfEW DAVE NO for aale. 113 NTTlint Call after 3 00. fOR SALE 3 hosplUl beds and atanda. Call 143 '48 CUSTOM BUILT IS ft trailer bouse, $1000. Ph. 1616-R-3. Fuel 20 HEY, LOOK! If you need old growth fir cord wood, a" and 24" lengths; 2" mill ends; freen and dry slabwood, IB": call 92-J-l or 47-J -S for InformaUon and free delivery. It's Dry PILING ENDS Stove or FlrepUce lengths, $8 00 Delivered and put Inside Call 1330 or 144-R-S, Eva PTELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends; fireplace wood. Double loads, prompt delivery Claude Wtlley, Rt L Boa 43 Ph, 15-J -3 or 1 43-J -3, 1" PLANER ENDS. $8 25 unit, regular length. Roseburg Lumber Co. Phone 488. FOR SALE Slabwood. sawdust,- planer end. Phone 307 Johnson uel Ce. Timber & Sawmills 21 1,300.000 timber, dleel donkev. 2-saw 250 H. P. diesel mill with edger. cut off, grinder, etc. all on rock road S mllee from pavement $10,000. 3 MM. Corley No. 3 dleeel milt with power log cut-off, cat, $32,000. C. S. Briggs & Co. Phone 814 FOR SALETTn ONE TRACf 103 million ft Redwood. 73 million ft. fir. 3 million ft. Cedar. Price. $623.000 $175,000 down, balance to be paid as cut. Another adjoining tract of 80 million ft Redwood at $4 50 per thousand. Good gravel rood within 1 mile. Have some other tracts avalUble. Write Chaa. F. Johnson, Rt 3, Box 263, MedfonL OregonPh. 32708. WE ARE INTERESTED In buying rough green DougUs Fir, 3" and 4,T thick, random widths and length for rail shipment Satisfactory prices. Will ac cept No 3 and better. ConUct Posey Lumber. Inc.. 100$ S. W. Sth Ave Portland. Oregon. Phone 0083. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO. WANTED Large or small tracts of tirr ber, within 50 miles of Raeeburg. A. M. tDocI Williams. Broker. P. O. Box 554. Springfield, qregon.Ph,l21O0. ALMOST NEW 20 M capaclty"saWmilT. 200 H. P. diesel. Stum page available or will furnish log. Lockwood Bros., Tannine. Oregon. FOR SALE SawmlU, or any part. G.M C. diesel edger and other units. Roy Denny. 833',. Winchester. WNT"POLES and "piling delivered la our yaid at Green. Contact us before cutting. Pugct Timber Co. of Oregon. Logging Equipment 22 ONE NEW UNIVERSAL saw grinder, pedestal type with motor, $175: on reconditioned Hyster Model S doub.a drum hoist with 3 speed transmission, 4V; 3 new 185 H. P. CMC dleseU with clutch. $1073 each; hall-bearing awing cut-off saw up to 30- capacity, $150. Keystone Machine Works, 13B S. Stephens. Si NGLE AXLE logging trailer. 8VT8. WoP bert Welding i Machine Works, ph. 432. Machinery For Sale 23 1 .cylinder Jimmy- dlcl motor ni tranmlkm. Bo. 4. Suthwlln. MoCULLOCH SAW. 1 ban, I chaln. 200 Ph. KW-J-V Farm Equipment 24 FORDSON TRACTOR for ulK RaflnaM Johnaton, Brorkwar. Trucks 26 FOR SALI BY OWNER IMS 1-ton Dodr. pickup truck, waterproof pi., ood ecTcrcd body. Thrr. month Euaranl. Thta truck pr.cttc.tty It., new tiou. city Drtv. U SUrkn. Suthrrlln: 3SI INTERNATIONAL motor for aal cnmplet. without .tarter and ffenar ator. $100. Umpqua Machine Shop. Wvrtl. Cr k FOr SALE BY OWNER 1MB Ford pai .1. t cyl.. top shape. Two front Mala. Priced to ..irC.ll Red Cn. S07-R-. rVXLI SHAFTS for all m.kM of rnickiC Ray. Truck Shop, sou N Strpon. Phon. e J-4 - ti-cVTir auCkniro, Ball. Rlddi.. or phon. MX. Rtddla. I