I th. n.wr.;i.w, R.Mbu,;cr.:-T.'. r.b. 14, 19501 SocJcbf and GULi . By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE . Social Items submitted by tele phone tor the society page must be turned In before U o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page art closed weekly. YONCALLA RESIDENTS INVITED TO BENEFIT CARD PARTY FRIDAY At eight o'clock on Friday, Feb ruary 17th, there will be a benefit card party at the City Hall in Yon cslla sponsored by the Yoncalla BPW. No admission charge will be set, but a contribution will be ac cepted during the evening for as sistance of: Heart Drive, Cancer Fund, White Cane, and the Crip pled Children. Although the bulk of the funds contributed to these drives esch year are used in research for cause, so that the public does not clearly see the evidence of dollars put to use as in some other drives, the work of these great organiza tions moves slowly onward. If and when the general public is so edu cated to think in terms of preven tion rather than cure, then there will be nation-wide support enough to speed the work now carried on. The community is urged to come out and lend Its support to these worthy causes, thereby rendering aid to the future which is more Jeopardized by Cancer and various diseases of the Heart than most realise. There will be prizes for five-hundred and pinochle and refresh ments supplied by the Yoncalla BPW. i i i i i i Fast Service It'i a fact . . . most re pair work can be done in one day. Drive in now. i I in on day. Drive in now. I HANSEN I I MOTOR CO. I Oak A Stephana Phone 44 I 8f-S I I I I I FULLERTON CARNIVAL AND SUPPER IS MOST SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Nearly every resident of West Roseburg participated Friday night in the supper and carnival held at Fullerton School. More than 600 parents, children and friends csme as guests to enjoy tne dinner pre pared and served by the P.-T.A., under the capable leadership of Mrs. Chsrles Collins. Turkey, bak ed beans, jello salad, relishes, hot bresd, pie and coffee were served to the crowd that filled the school cafeteria to enjoy the excellent food in company with their neigh bors. The carnival, under the manager ship of the school teachers, pro vided dozens of diversions for the children. There were movies, a doll show, baseball and basketball throws, ring toss, penny pitch, for tune telling and a special "Get Your Face Painted" attraction that quickly turned the well-scrubbed mall fry into villainous appari tions, unrecognizable even by tneu own parents. The many Fullerton parenta who brought and served food and wash ed the inevitable tall stacks of dir ty dishes felt amply repaid for their efforts by the huge attendance and the obvious enjoyment of all those who came. MRS. McMULLEN IS HOSTESS AT PARTY Mrs. R. L. McMullen entertained a group of her friends at her at tractive new home in Winston Thursdsy afternoon, February 9th at 2 o'clock, with a household piss tic party. Mrs. Zella Jorgenson of Dillard demonstrated and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harry Har ris and Mrs. Don Lovell, with tha door prize going to Mrs. James Loomis. At the close of the pleas ant afternoon lovely refreshments were served st tea time to the fol lowing: Mesdames Paul Ander son, Warren Wands, Bill Tiptcn, Don Lovell, Harold Weaver, Harry Harris, James Loomis, Zella Jor genson and the hostess, Mrs. Mc MuUen. METHODIST STUDY CROUP TO MEET AT LUNCHEON The Methodist Study group will meet Thursdsy at a twelve-thirty o'clock potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. B. Needhsm, 734 S. Jackson street. Those attend ing are requested to bring their own table service. Mrs. J. F. Wedgeworth will have the study book, "We, the People of the Ecu menical Church." All members are urged to be present. ATTENTION MOTHERS Community kindergarten now offers care for your child by the day or hour. Prion 599-R-4 or 1444-R Methodist Women 1 f V ' ..... 1 4, 1 . V I ... ' - t Mrs. H. Erne Taylor (leafed center) qv talk to th Woman's Society of Christian Service at th Mathodilt church on o'clock denert-luncheon meeting held Thursday at th church parlors. Mrs. Taylor talked on her work as a teacher and missionary dur ing her years in southern Rhodesia. Seated left to right: Mrs. MR. AND MRS. BURGESS ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burgess and son, Phillip, entertained Thurs day evening with a dinner party in honor of the Burgess' little daughter's birthday. The occasion marked little thristene s first birth day anniversary. After dinner a birthday cake was cut and served and gifts were presented. Those enjoying the affair were Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Appleyard. and Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Post, all of Dillard; Mr. E. E. Post and daughters, Misses Betty Jean and Velma Ruth. and son, Bobbie, of Winston, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs Burgess and children. COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN TO MEET ON THURSDAY Women of the Roseburg Country club will meet Thursday at a twelve o clock luncheon at the club house. The contract bridge play will begin at one o'clock. Mem bers desiring transportation are asked to telephone Mrs. Harold L Schmeer, 654-J. SUNBEAM APPLIANCES Christie's Watch Shop 1601 Walnut Phone 137-J-4 formula for by 0 Witness . , . something special ... a bit of mogic tailoring, ' on elegant simplicity of design ... a touch of clever detailing that all adds up to the most graceful compliment-winner of the season. Jaunty Junior does it in Forstmann's wondrous Mi lateen . . . gives it a scalloped collar repeated at the shoulder, a line of self-covered buttons, a wisp of a waist and a skirt that's semi-flared. Exclusive with us Second Floor of Hear Mrs. H. Erne Annual Banauel Slated Highlight of activities for Camp Fire Girls in the community this month is the Father-Daughter ban quet to be held Friday, Feb. IT at the Armory. The affair will be potluck with each group providing the meal for their fathers. Mrs. Dortha Sail is in charge of the table arrange ments; Mrs. Hazel Gladwill, pro gram; Mrs. Gladys Amundsen's group will provide songs. Rev. E. Clark Robb, pastor of the North Koseburg Evangelicial Unit' ed Brethern church, will be guest speaker. The program will be pre sentea oy tuian Knoden s dance students who are Camp Fire Girl Acting as hostesses during the evening will be tiie Horizon club girls. Tanda Group Holds Sal ' The Tanda Camp Fire girls of Canyonville cleared about $13 on flattery 69.95 Fashions Taylor Give Missionary Talk W. A. MacArthur, who had charge of th devotions; Mrs. Taylor, gueit speaker, and th president, Mrs. Lucien Cobb. Standing: Mn. Harri W. Booth, program chairman, and Mrs. William Hoeft and Mrs. F. W. Chase, hostess chairmen. (Pictur by Paul Jenkins). their doughnut sale recently. The girls made paper doughnuts which announced their sale and the price of the doughnuts. They took them from door to door and sold them, taking delivery orders for dough nuts to be delivered a few dayi later fresh from Neal's Do-Nut shop in Canyonville. The next social event on the girls calendar is the Valentine Tea which is to be given for the moth ers of the local troop at the home of Mrs. Robert Doxsee, leader of the group, on Tnursday afternoon, Feb. 16. Work On Project Plans for the father and daugh ter banquet of the Camp Fire Girls were being made at tne meet ing on Thursday of the Apadenska group at the home of Lois Fos back. The menu was planned by the girls for the dinner to take place at the Roseburg armory, Feb. 17. This meeting was work night and the girls worked on their Birthday projects. Songs were prac ticed for the pageant to be held in mid-March. An interesting talk was given by the leader, Mrs. Mc Kean, on small dish gardens, which the girls are supposed to have prepared for the next meet ing. Refreshments were served b y the hostess, Mrs. Fosback, while the girls sang the "Thank You" song. Those attending the meeting were Gail Grey. Bonnie wells, Opal Colvan, Betty Anne Ander son, Ina Lee Heinbach, Lola Fos back, the leader Lila McKean and the hostess, Mrs. Fosback. Chickadee Bluebirds Chickadee bluebirds, second gra- d e r s at Riverside, entertained their sponsors, the Zonta club, at a program Thursday night Zonta club members served refresh ments. Mrs. Bud Cowin, leader. her assistant, Mrs. Earl Latld, and Mrs. Leo Rinehart assisted with the program. Taking part In the program were Winnie Butler, Marilyn Sandall, Jeannette Rinehart, Carolyn Oden, Mary Berger, Linda Ware, Lois Bryant, Anna Phillips, Charlotte Bartram, Sharon Cowin, Barbara Ladd, Jeannette Read, Sandra Old field and Susan Barnhart. We don't just TALK Service We get it done! Maybe you're hesitated to pot your washer in for serv ice for fear wa might be alow . in finishing th work. Pleas dont worry about that. Wa ARC busy of course, but w make a ml ta finish each errie Job WHEN PROM. ISED and aa early aa po aibl. Phone us tday. BERGH'S Appliance Service 1200 . Stephen Phone tOS ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER TO MEET THURSDAY Alpha Iota chapter. Beta Sigma Phi will meet Thursday night a; eight o'clock at the home of Mrs Sidney Domenico with Mri. Robert Bellows and Mrs. Ralph Ohman assisting hostesses. Miss Helen Casey will present th topic Drama." Two plays will be given This will be the model meeting of the chapter and all member ar j briefed box fleece coat is the best investment you can buy! This is the year for fleece . . . and this the fleece coat of the year! Boxy, beautiful, so soft, so light-weight ... a born companion to all your casual , . clothes! Its smart three-quarter length makes it usable four seasons a year . . its oversized patch pockets, big-ond-gold burtons, wing5pread collar and notched cuffs are dramatic detJils that never go out of style! And what 6 wonderful traveler it is! In pure wool fleece by Stroock. 59.95 Ours Alont! WINSTON COMMUNITY CLUB , TO MEET THIS WEEK Corinne McTasgsrt, Douglas county borne demonstration agent, will ha tha ineaker at the Winston Community club meeting to be held Wednesday, Fee. u, at oae-imny o'clock at the clubhouse on Grape Avenue in Winston. All women of the community are urged to at tend. The club will meet Thursday night, Feb. 16, at seven-thirty o' clock at the hall. There will be a guest speaker from the Veterans hnanital In Rnaehurff Evervone In the community is urged to attend RESERVATIONS TO II -IN FOR JAV-C-ETTE PARTY BY THURSDAY .lawr.V.ttM nlannins' to attend the state board luncheon Saturday mt rarl'c Haven must have their reservation in by Thursdsy, Feb 16. Reservations may oe maae oy calling Mrs. Don Gum at 182-R. FOUNDERS DAY PROGRAM TO BE HELD AT DILLARD The Founders day program of the Dillard P.-T.A. will be held Friday night, Feb. IT, at eight o' clock at the schoolhouse. All mem bers and those interested are in vited. UMPQUA MINERAL CLUB TO HOLD MEETINO Umpqua Mineral club will meet Thursday evening at the K. of P hall. All persons interested in col lecting minerals, fossils etc., are invited. FORSYTH! GUILD TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT Forsythe Guild of the First Pres byterian church will meet Friday night, Feb. 17, at eight o'clock at the home of Miss Verna Carothers 116 Blakeley street All business snd professional women of the Presbyterian church are invited VELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Phone 449 219-220 Pacific Bid I ....- Second Fleer of Fashions ZJL2S I lift .VYPur 1950 be 0 ajW " i- n tic WOMAN'S SOCIETY - . TO MEET THURSDAY The Woman's Society of the First Baptist church will meet at on o'clock luncheon Thursday in the church parlors with members of Alice Thayer circle as hostesses. All members are urged to be pres ent BUSY STEPPERS CLUB TO MEET AT LUNCHEON Th Busy Steppers club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon Thurs day at th home of Mrs. Clemmi Prock. All members art most cor dially invited to be present - . DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Ze Newman 25 Cobb t Phn 317-P. LOOK th!, SIGN PAISTINO ' DECOBATIN ' lCONTnrTDPSl AMERICA IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully QuaranU. -Nellavlo Quality Wrk At N Added Ct Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 308 Beauty is our business ... you with uty needs As Sn In MADEMOISELLE