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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1950)
Tourney Date Is Advanced To Next Tuesday Originally dated for Feb. 22, the Douglaa diviiion tournament has been advanced on day and will open Tuesday night, Feb. 21. The addition of a fifth team (Siualaw) to the tournament roi ter would force a team to play twice in on evening, if the date were not advanced, tournament chairman Norm Weat revealed. Th Five Teams: In addition to Siualaw, the four Douglas county clubs. Reedsport, Sutherlin. Myrtle Creek and Rose- burg will participate. The new tournament dates In eUiAm Feb. 21. 22. 23. 24 and 25, with the possible addition of Feb. 2. U it becomes necessary to play off a tie. Two games will be played the first three evenings of Hi tour ney, after which only one fame will be played per evening. The tournament starts promptly at 7:30. the first three nights, with th possibility of stsrting a quar ter nour later in remaining nights, Weat said. Plaau Donated In addition to two tournament trophies being awarded, a plaque, donated by Cec Hugh, Roseburg sports enthusiast, will go to the school whose team, fans and stu dents display the best sportsmen' shiD durini th ismes. First plac trophy is being do nated by Lawson's Jewelers. The second place trophy ia being do nated by Roseourg Jewelers. Botn trophies will become the perma nent possesion of the two top tour nament teams. Officials cf th flvc-dsy basket ball meet are Wendy Kaufman and I.yle Small, referees: and Harlen Yoder. timer. An official scorer will also be picked. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By Th Associated Press Newark, N. J. Harry Mat thews, 176, Sesttle stopped Freddy Fiducia, 189, Newark (7). Miami, Kla. Ray Robinson, 153, New York, atopped Al Mob ley, ISO, Newark, (). San Francisco Earl Turner, ISStt, Richmond, Calif. Drew with Benny Walker, 152, Oakland (10). INCOMI TAX E SERVICE 1 al State I , W. Williams J Roam 207, Douglas Ce. Bank Bid. Aftarnoens Only Phone TIH V . ' aaia i: .- ... Z .... ... wtr- i This Nash Ambassador Engine does its OWN BOASTING ! today the record books don't show it 1 Yes here ia America's top high-romprrssion engine (7.3 to 1 ratio) that uses rrgular gasoline. And it delivers up to 30 more mile to gallon than other fine cars, by owner reports. Here, too, ia America's best aerodynamic design with 20.74 less air drag than th average of ten cars tested. Note the difference in wind-roar ... in riding smoothness, Not the squeak-proof, rattle-proof Airflyte Construc tion. Inside is more proof it's America's most modern car, .."Tr"r""r''""" 'r" 'ypri, VVj i o flsraawa o i 6 Th News-Review, Rotoburg, Or. Tins., Feb. 14, 1950 BALL SAVER Dawn Viclc scrutinises instrument with which golfers can retrieve balls from hazards. It telescopes to nine and half feet, ia on dis play at the National Sporting Goods Show in Chicago. Indian Boxers Set Reedsport Session Roseburg boxers travel to Reedsport Wednesday, for a ses sion of fisticuffs the same eve ning. Ray Brown said about a doi en boys will make the trip. This afternoon, Cece Sherwood's wrestlers oppose Grants Pass Cavemen, atarting at 3 p. m. Next Monday, bpringfield pays Roseburg a return visit in a make up boxing and wrestling competi tion. Springfield was forced to can cel an earlier Roseburg engage ment, because of bsd weather. Tuesday of next week. Grants Pass wrestlers come to Roseburg, for an afternoon aession. SCHANZ TO SOX BOSTON. Feb. 14.-n-Charlle Schant, big righthanded pitcher purchased from Seattle of th Pa cific Coast league, returned his signed contrsct yesterday to the Boston Kea box. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phon 1170 Over Rexall Drug Stor . i i r. s , i s i . -vii iii"m ' 1 aJ Want to sample the Bnest tiling in engines? the only fine car offering the Airliner Reclining Seat . . Driv. the 1930 Nh Ambassador, and let it &7 spaciousness with even Twin Bed,, do its own boasting! AND HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE If there's heller performer on tha road Oakland Noses Glide Quintet Oakland barely nosed out an eager Glide hoop outfit 25-24 in B league tilt at Glide Friday night, after gaining a 16-11 balftime lead. Rice and Robenson, Oakland for wards, sparked the victors' effort with nine and eight points respec tively. Helms, with 10 points, paced the losers. Glide Bs won 23-21 in a prelimin ary action against Oakland Bs. S. Mullins and D. Mullins paced the winners with six and five points, respectively, while Hunter of Oak land waa high scorer with nine. Lineups: Glide (24) (U) Oakland Beaudry 1 F 3 Hill Shrum F S Robenson Helms 10 C 3 Brownson Kstabrook G v... Ric Eaton G 1 Seely Reserves: Glide Harvey 2, Dav Wells, Finnic . Don Wells 4, Mul lens; for Oakland Bagby, Gilder sleeve, Hookie, Eitrium, Boving don. Ha 1 ft i me Glide 11, Oskland 18. Official Harris and Blakely. Bob Jones Takes Bowling Honors Bob Jones took top honors in individual gam acorea during the City league's stint at the alley's Monday night. His score of 243 was 10 point better than waa Shuler'a, bowling for Gilkeson station. Jones bowls for Roseburg lumber co. Art Mills was high individual series scorer with the evening total of 598. He helped his team, K.J. Quick Lunch retain the league lead. Quick Lunch'a 2-1 victory over iloseburg Lumber last night gave them 13 wins to eight losses. Other bowling results last niRht: Rose Jewelers over Active club. 3-0; Dutch Mill over Olympia Sup ply, 2-1 and Umpqua Chiefs over Gilkeson's station, 2-1. Warriors To Play Final Season Contest Tonight Norm West's Jayve Warriors play their last gam of the sea sen tonight at senior high school, against th Olid Bobcats, start ing at I o'clock. Eddy Wyatt's eighth grade Pa pooses are dated for a prelim inary gam against Riddle, starting :15. West's probable starter may Include Dalros and Ren Comp ten at forward, Meryl Hampton at center and Larry Ripperger and Leroy Biting at th guard positions. .. . , . 4rw - 1 Winner ml ii'- f as I -VsJ 7 Mrv V J drive Y mile i mm ikm Dry Lake. driveik tW mile at $9.4 Now you can hav the last word in automatic driving Hydra-Malic Drive with exclusive Selectn-Lift Starting. Your Nash dealer has some wonderful news sbout prire the Nash Ambassador, even in Custom models, tailored to your order, cols as much aa a thousand dollars Irs than other cars of comparable size and quality. DELIVERED AflBSasjsjBfJgJT $C J -floor imaa HIRE f "r iUjntan 9(i anl toral ute (if aa Hhi. H4ra-Mit l uUfUi the NtM AniKf l an V hiiieWwllnr, Atrlifmr KtvlimiBg !at sa4 Cnimi ly tiIm orHttutaJ Bl mui at. Banquet Tickets For Peewee Baseball Fund Selling Fast Banquet ticket, which will help defray th coat of financing th Peewee summer program of baie- naii, enjoyed a brisk sale Monday, said ticket chairman William "Dutch" Mills of th Roseburg fir A five-dollar dinner ducat en titles th holder to a season pass -1 1 t1u..,u . . J J J. t mu crno Hies, ia auuiLiua to a world aeriea movie, and sev eral sport shorts, to be reeled off at the banquet, to be held Thurs day evening, Feb. 23, Mills indicate ed. A prominent baseball authority is also listed to appear on th Volleyball Girls Set Canyonville Meet, March 3-4 Douglaa county B school volley ball giria will climax their season with an invitational tournament to be held at th Canyonville high school gymnssium Friday and Sa turday nighta. March 3 and 4. All B league teams in th county hav been invited by Tournament Chairman O. J. Monger, Canyon ville school superintendent. So far, Glendale, Days Creek and Canyonville Bible academy, in addition to the Canyonville Ti gresses, ar scheduled to partici pate. Monger said he expect seven or eight tea ma will accept the in vitation. Monday, Feb. 20 is the deadline for enuring and applica tions are being accepted by Mon ger at the Canyonville high school. Trophies ar to be awarded to the first and aecond place winnera and a girl all-star team will be picked by th officiala of the tour ney. JCs May Engage Chocolate Drops Confirmation of a visit by th Chocolate Drops, a traveling fe male aggregation, ia being await ed by Roseburg Jaycees, who ar dated to play the all-girl quint Sunday evening, March 12. The giria indicated they would be passing through Roseburg, and asked for a game date, which tho Jaycees hoop squad supplied. The Jaycees, who play tonight at the Roseburg armory, are curreut- ly top flogs in uie x MCA basket ball league, with five wins and no losses. They tilt with th Christian churchmen in the late gam. Ump qua Plywood and National Guards start at 7:30. BIO STRENGTHENED NEWARK, N. J., Feb. U.-OP) Harry Matthews, 176, Seattle, strengthened his bid for a shot at middleweight boxing champion Jake LamoUa last night with a seventh round technical knockout win over Freddy Fiducia. 189. of 1 Newark. of the Bell Timing Award Trophy Vw-ir hb itJ Mt VI llimea California, the tSath A mhauadort i" oh amateur driver, did the Hvine s mile per hour. $192700 228200 Th Unmet mlmm tm Urn Cm re DttMt, Micx. Only Nath Ambcnaodbr Owntn Havm ThM Fin-Cor fatur$ Turtio-head Vlv-iii-ha4 EniD . i Amertrt't highest comprwioo ratio (7.3 100" covin ter ball n ml rtnlh1t Air flyttConMrurhon ttart nfw yari longer. banquet program, according to Milla. Started In 141 Th Peeweea got their start in Roseburg in 1942, with a smsll gsoup of boys playing Softball. The program waa picked up by Mel Ingram and developed, but it wasn't until 1948 enrollment was 60 boys. In 1940, under th coaching of Barney Koch, who also played se cond base on the Umpqua Chiefs semi-pro team, 120 kids enrolled. The avsrage daily turnout waa 74 boys. Seventy-six uniforms were provided and in addition, Junior legion playera, numbering 20-25 boys, were also full equipped with uniforms, largely supplied by Lock wood Motora. Finances Broken Down Last year, private subscriptions totaling $1,800, city park commis sion fund amounting to $500, American Legion money totaling S300 and other money from Lock wood motors helped put across the Peewee and Junior Legion pro grams financially. Mayor Al Flegel, who accepted chairmanship of the American Le gion baseball committee, with the approval of the park commission, will supervise the arrangementa for the Peewe program. He said it ia hoped that the five-dollar dinner will attract at leaat 200 persons and that the mon ey raised, plus an anticipated $700 $800 from the park commission, will f inane th I960 program. Eastern Schools Tell NCAA Faith NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-P Five famous eastern universities Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Pennsyl vania and Columbia affirmed their faith today in the N. C. A A.'s "sanity code." Said Grayson Kirk, provost of Columbia, "we feel quite atrongly that the unchecked subsidization of intercollegiate athletics could result in th complete commercial- iraiion of any sports wnere income is involved, such as football and basketball." The N. C. A. A.'a "sanity code ' and aubsidization generally have become prime problema in college ranks this winter. The five big eastern schools. along with 21 other institutions across the country, were asked four questions in an Associated Press survey, aa follows: 1. Does your university sub sidize athletes, and if so to what extent in what sports? "2. Do your alumni subsidize athletei privately and if ao is this with or without the knowledge of the university? 3 It subsidization, either oiien or sub rosa, continues unchecked what future do you predict for American college sports? "4. Do you subscribe to the N. C. A. A. 'sanity code'?" Said Harold E. Stassen, presi dent of Pennsylvania: "The Uni versity of Pennsylvania aubscribes to the N. C. A. A. 'sanity coda' and have sinned this agreement The University of Pennsylvania is abiding by that code and proposes to continue to support it." C w. ne Kiewiet. acting nreai- dent of Cornell, answered ques tions on and two with a flat "no" and number four with "yes". concerning the third auestion. Dr. De Kiewiet said "I omit num ber three for acceptance of that question would imply assent to the inference that there is unchecked subsidization." Dr. Charles Seymour, president of Yale, wrote: Yale does not 'subsidize' ath letes aa athletes. We grant schol arships for reasons of scholastic and personal quality to our stu dents, including athletes. But in the award of such scholarships no distinction is made between those who are participating and those who ar not participating in inter collegiate sports. our alumni do not subsidize athletea and all scholarships the funds of wliich are provided by al umni gift, pass through the regu lar processes of the university comimttee. "Your question as to the future of subsidization throughout the country involves various regiona in which I am not personally ac quainted with the determining fac tors of policy. I do not think that We're ipsciotitt ot Ibis. Modem quipmot, quick service ROSEBURG TRANSFER & STORAGE Phone 927 CelUtj IcnkttboB ' By Th Associated Press CoL of Idaho S3, Lewi 4 Clark S4. Whitman 50, Pacific Univ. . O.C.E. 72. Eastern Oregon 51 Ssnta Clara 51, S.F.U. 43 (over time). Colo. A M 55, Brigham Young 41. Nw Mexico 63. Texai Western 55. Montana State 55. Colo Mines w. Duquesne 71, Carnegie Tech. 49. Villanova 83, Scranton S3. Niagara 61, Toledo 50. Princeton 51, Cornell 49. Kentucky 77, Alabama 57, Vanderbilt 85, Miss Stat 50. Louisville 74, Marshall 67. N. Carolina 52, William and Mary 46. South Carolina 61, Maryland 56. Bradley 59, Oklahoma A&M 46. Ohio State 47, Missouri 46. Nebraska 57, Oklahoma 55. Indiana 83, Illinois 72. Wisconsin 66, Iowa 62. (over time). Minnesota 53, Michigan 48. Texas Christian 51, Texas 3S. Arkansas 52, Texas A&M 46. Southern Methodist 55, Ric 4S. Tigresses Grab South Douglas Volleyball Title The south Douzlaa county volley ball chamoionshio was clinched by the Canyonville Tigresses after winning over Glendale .28-14 Fri day night at Canyonville. 1 The CanyonvUle girls won all six of their league games and have a season record of eight wins In nine games played. Glendale scored the first points but failed to hold the advantage when the Tigresses, paced by the scoring of Dora Jean Springstead. jumped to a 15-8 halftime lead. me Glendale girls iougnt oacx and came within four points of tieini the score, but Ina Mae Spen cer, Dana Baird and Dora Jean spiked the Tigresses to a sale margin again. Frances Russell and Dora Jean Springstead led the acorers with eight points each, while Betty Caraway and Zorayda Martin were high acorers tor me losers. Sports In Brief By The Associated Press RACING Arcadia, Calif. Old rockport ($11.20) won the $8,000 Christopher J. Fitzgerald handicap at Santa Anita park. Miami Renown 2nd ($8.20) won the Trad Winds purs at Hialeah park. . SKIINU Aspen. Colo. Dagmar Rom. 21. of Austria won the women's world giant slalom ski chsmpionship. Time for the three-quarter mile course was 1:296. SQUASH New York Ed Hahn of Detroit defeated Richard Rotschild of New York, 15-4, 15-10, 17-14, for the na tional amateur squash champion ship. COLLEGE FOOTBALL Omaha The very Rev. William H. McCabe, president of Creighton university, rejects alumni sugges tion that school resume intercol legiate football dropped in 1942. Oregon High School Basketball Scores Oregon High School Basketball Scores Stand Hed By Th Associated Press University (Eugene) 36, Junction City 31. Tigard 69. West Linn 57. Vcrnonia 44, Oatskanie 40. Canyonville Cubs Win Contests From Tenmile Canyonville grade school defeat ed Tenmile grade school volleyball and basketball teams in a double header Friday morning, at Can yonville. me gins won 49-Z4. The Can yonville boys came through with a 48-18 win. Jack Emmerick and Delbert McGinnis led the scorers with 10 points each. McKinney, Garland and Barnes also turned in good performances for th Can yonvill cubs. I am in a position to respond. "zale subscribes to th N. C. A. A. 'sanity code'." William M. Pinkerton, director of the news office at Harvard, de clared "Harvard does not subsi dize athletea" and "Harvard does subscribe to the N. C. A. A. 'san ity code'." He added that Har vard'a football policy was under study and as a result the officials of the university did not wish to comment further. Old QUI II IV , SIM the whiskey that's CAeerfu A 4.5 Qt M Pint IfJ as fes Bradley University Hoopers Nudging Holy Cross1 Rating i NEW YORK. Feb. 14-(.P-The team Adolph Rupp picked aa th best in th nation Bradley univer sitymay yet justify th Kentucky baron's faith. The Bradley Braves, gaming mo mentum, are applying the strews to Holy Cross' rating as the No. 1 basketball power in the nation. While Holy Cross today was voted the top position in the Associated Press poll for a tilth straight ween, its margin has shrunk to a mere 37 points over the rampaging Braves from Peoria, 111. Last week Holy Cross held a 274- point bulge on Bradley. Holy Cross attracted 56 first plac votes from the 140 sports writer; and broadcasters acros th coun try. Bradley drew only 16. Gemjin Battle However. Bradley commanded enough second, third, and fourth plac ballots to give th unbeaten Crusaders a genuine battle. Holy Cross totaled 986 points, Bradley 949. Ohio Stat. Western conference kingpin, advanced peg to the No. 3 slot, replacing Duquesne of Pitts burgh, which dropped to seventh. St. John's university or Brook lyn ield its fourth plac ranking, while Rupp' Kenturkiana flashed from seventh to fifth under the steam of seven straight triumphs. Rupp jicked Bradley as the class of th nation at the start of th season. Long Island university Disced sixth, notch ahead of Duquesn. N. C. S. Third P.C.C. STANDINGS NORTHBBN DIVISION W L. Per Pi Ob Wash. IUt ,, , S 4 .MT 623 54(1 Wuhlnitoa , . 4 .400 547 404 Or. SUt S .500 443 487 Idarao 1 S .575 3M 401 Oregon 4 S Xtt 3W 437 OUTHEIN DIVISION LA S 1 .433 553 .307 Z , 4 2 .407 35J 9 320 California 1 4 JU3 3H3 334 Buniora 1 I .187 ait 373 Jim Aiktn May Spook At Basketball Dinner Jim Aiken. University of Ore gon head football coach, ia tenta tively listed as principal speaker at the Jaycee-sponsored Indian varsity basketball banquet, to be held at th Umpqua hotel Monday, mar. 13. The announcement waa made by basketball-banquet chairman Ellis Bartram, at a meeting of Jaycees Monday night. Coach Jack Newby and his team of varsity hoopers will be feted at the annual Jaycee-sDonsored af fair. FIGHT DAT! SIT NEW YORK, Feb. 14 VP) The Roland la Starza-Rocky Mer cians heavyweight fight will be held at Madison Square Garden March 24, the International Box ing club announced today. FARMERS Local claims service Is your assur ance of fast repairs when your car is damaged. LOW RATES . . . on collision and liability cov erage gives you .standard protec tion at substantial SAVINGS Liability Coverage $5000-i0,000 bodily lnury. $5000 property damage. No Extra Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Use Ovr 600,000 Western Motorists Insure and Sav Through Farmera Standard Form Nonaaaaaaabl Pollel. Formers Insurance Exchange uiuim Yv-$ra- BRAND , rama North Carolina Stat, th only member of th top 10 to lose last week, finished eighth while two newcomers Western Kentucky and UCLA completed th list. th rankings with four teams, th ooum Doas:a uiree, ine miawest two and th Far West one A significant not waa San Fran cisco, ranked 12th. The Dons, win ners of th national invitation wu, umm.v.i,, muni .V iu,l piat votes second only to Holy Cross' luiai. Th top teams (first plac votes in parentheses and points on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis): included: Teams Record Pts. 1. Holy Cross (56) 20-0 m 2. Bradley (16) 22-3 949 3. Ohio State (8) 14-3 754, 4. St. John'a (8) 20-2 631 5. Kentucky (6) 18-4 4SJ 6. Long Island (5) 17-3 4M 7. Duquesne (1) 18-1 451 8. N. Carolina State (7) . 18-4 3fi$ (. Western Kentucky (5) 19-4 323 10. UCLA (3) 17-4 322 Attention, G. I.'s Any G. I. interested In schooling under tht 6. 1, (ill of Right at th Grant lu si nes College, contact Grant Business College Ola Grant hen 1S35-R or 1287-J A liat la being taken far th spring tnrollmtnt. TRUCKERS CAR OWNERS Wt4 Just InsralUtf 4W John 64 VISUALINtR that tllt In m in uta ft your wkaaU ere ut t)f lint. Improper ajlinamanr maam hatardout driving, fteater tire waar. Coma in nw for fait, af fictant work. $1200 cars $850 TRUCKS WALT EDMONDS MOTORS 1101 N. Steak Phee 704-J-J Paul H. Krutgsr 636 B. ttsphsn Phon 21 $N.10 Each alx month Current Rate Plus SS.00 Nonrecurring Fee at Beginning f Policy The West's Leading Auto Insurance Carrier 1 m x mw y -r. A THEM'S MUCH OF TOMORROW IN ALL NASH DOES TODAY t5t COOPER MOTOR CO. Oak and Pine Streets AOINTS ton ls!!rcR0"S ION OIJTANCI MOVIN r oi icoNOMV-ui us MSNtll All PIT4III KENTUCKY WHISKEY A I LEND