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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1950)
Read Your Classified Ads. Tuas., Feb. 14, 150 The News-Review, Rew.ura, Ore. 11 INSURANCE LIFE AUTO riJll State Farm Mutual Irviuranee o. no P. a Box 488 Phone 28 116 W. Case Over Douglas County Bank Autos 27 Autos . 27 Better Buys at Barcus ' Today's Bast Buy 1S4I PACKARD ltd CUopar aad.n. 1 fc K, (xnllMt con dition. A Bool Barsaln. 111 14) PACKARD SEDAN, earn blun color; ear fuaranloa ltl PACKARD DELUXI. Bodan. ovary antra, only 14. Ooo mllaa. looka and runa ltao naw. Only r - 1 IMf BUICK KDANETTI. Radio haatar, naw paint and Urol, pariact throuaoout. - ., 1 IMf CHPYBLIR WINDSOR Sonan. ThU ear Is axraptlen ally nlea. You mult aao It t appractato. I 1M1 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. now motor, naw paint, B U K. IM1 NASH OOO SEDAN. Jl Hi naw paint. law OLDSMOBIf Tu-door lata molar. Naw paint, aloo intartor, radio, noaMr. laat DaSOTO Sodan- radio, hoaiar. good ttraa. Only 1S3S CHRYSLER ROYAL Coupa. R At H. much bailor than ov arii condition. ISM FORD SS SEDAN. Radio, hoat or, good uraa. A kuy , 1HI FORD a naw paint, sons nvator. K. 1M CHRYSLER M Of SS EASY TERM LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Rlfhwiy M M. at Garden V allay Pa. Phono UM . What's Beneath Looks! Is the car in good machanieal condition; p r o v i d a econom 1 e a I " performance? Than THAT car is a GOOD BUY1 W. hava many here! Saa our wida selection of fine GUARANTEED Usad Cars backad by our Reputation for fair dealing. Coma in -TODAY! Corkrum Motors, Inc. DESOTO Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 230 s. Btophona Phono Ma- W.'ll bo Horo TOMORROW to Back up what wo any and do TODAY Si Dillard Motor Co. Dependable Usad Cars 1U DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN Claan aa a nia Lstta of ax- traa. I1S4J 00 IMi PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR B A H. Buna Ilka top. IOC 141 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN A food model in oxcollont akapa. aM 00 IMS PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR H.ra. a dandy; a roal - valua. So! 1U DODGE U TON PICKUP Looka Ilka naw. Only. ttLOS Ch aapies 1M1 DODGE SEDAN 1S3S PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1SJT CHBYSLEB SEDAN ISM DODGE SEDAN Thaao Can aU Bun Good. Coma In. Look Tnam Over and aka aa Offar Usftd Car Lot hortb rnppaucs str-utt Ybn ' IaLI it4T iutck pe-n dT aedan, twe-twe gray 4 almeiet new tirea. now jteeiry duty battery. Will take good older rmr tn trada. Wrtta Bear. BM, Hewi-Revtow. We Want Good Clean Usad Cars ' T" piica naM DOYLE'S SALES g SERV1CB SUghway St A Cardan V allay Bd. Phono 111 1 949 Kaisar Sola or trada for Pickup. Ph. 1383-R. DO VoU KAVfe A '4l or lator modal ngnt car in good condition you win Mil for coin. Writa Box 1M. Newa ft.vlaw. Personal 30 0VLCOHOUC4I alNONYMOUft. P. O. 1119 LEGAL Not ire. la k-r-hv ivaH that tha un dtnlCMd ii th admin liti-tiis of sun of U. Y. Ah, olherwlaa known r Ulyaaaa Aih. Dcsd. m pondinff probata proead.r.c In tha County Court of Oouflaa County. Oregon. All cradl- "jrm rnuii irtsti. ciaima u u aa mlnUtratrlx or hor attorney, O. L Blanchard. TuHa Building, Grant Past, O rag-on. within tlx montna from Janu ary j 1 1930. AN KB V PTCT SAL1 By ordar of Banki-unta- Court. I of- far for ial asatu here lof or own ad by Loiter B. Rlmlnffton, dba Capitol Camera it Pan Cantar, also Capitol Sweat Shop, incaiaa at in n. jackavoti lxel, Boaa burf. Oregon. Pa ml 1. Stock MMulatlng of eamaraa, pana, itatlonary, toys, -vantorlad at a-.3U.lg. Parcal 1. Store, furniture an, ft turaa, II 571.25. Parte! 3, rurnitura and flFturaa and merclundlM of Sweat SMop, U7.3 Bala will bo bv aaalal bids which mua t be accompanied by certified check for 10 of amount bid. You may bid on any one or combination of pare La, but atata separate amount for each par cal, Bida wiU be opened tn Room S13. U. S. Court House. Southwest aih a. Main Street. Portland. Oregon, at lOrOO A. M. Friday. February IT, 190. Right reserved to reject any or all bida. Aaacta may be inspected all day Thursday and and Friday forenoon, February Id-IT, IBM. Inventories may be aeon la my offlea. EDWARD W JOHNSON. TRUSTER 3.TT Plrtock Block. Portland I, Oregon Br. 0M1 Umpqua Forest's Administration Told By Nelson Colored slides supplemented s Ulk on ths Umpqui National forest by M. M. Red Nelson, lupervitor, st s meeting of the Junior Cham ber of Commerce Uit night in the Umpqua hotel. Nelson leaveg next week for Washington, D.C., to take a posi tion as assistant chief in the na tional forest fire control division. Nelson told now the leed for con servation caused national forests to be set up, and how the million acres comprising the Umpqua Na tional forest is operated. The forest ia divided into five ranger districts. Each district is staffed by four forest specialists and 34 foresters, Nelson said, while during tha fire season, the staff may increase to 137 persons. Four ranger stations are located in the Umpqua forest, including SI lookout and guard stations. 800 miles of telephone lines, ISO miles of roads and 15,000 miles of trails. Improved camp grounds number 102, while three organisation camps, formerly CCC buildings, are available to church and youth groups. These camps include kitch ens and dining rooms. Umpqua Raseurcss Told The amount of timber in the Umpqua National forest is exceed ed only by the Willamette National forest, located to the north. Nel son said. "Seventy billion board feet of .timber" ia located in the Umpqua forest. ' Of this amount, 265 million board feet can be harvested each year, according to Nelson, In addition, 20S acres of land is rented out for cattle grazing purposes. Great quantities of fresh water available in this area balance the picture of national resources. Estimates for operating the for est are submitted by the Super visor to the regional director in Portland, who in turn relays the figures to Washington, where they are screened by the Department of Commerce, then submitted for approval to the proper congres sional committees. How Funds Are Disbursed Last year, S136.000 received by the Umpqua forest went for sala ries, equipment, buildings tele nhone lines and other expenditures. In addition, an average of $32,000 is used here to fight fires. This figure, Nelson said, covers a five year period, but last year $60,000 was needed to fight one fire in the Umpqua forest. On the other hand. Nelson re vealed, the Umpqua forest took in $1,200 in cattle grating rents, $2, 500 for land use by resort and summer home operators and $1, 261.000 in timber sales. This totals $1,264,700, of which $968,000 IS prof it. Nelson aaid. Of this amount, Nelson reports, the county receives approximate ly one-fourth, or $264,000, in round figures, in lieu of taxes. A balance of some $704,000 is turned over to the U.S. Treasury. The Jaycees thanked Nelson on behalf of his department for the forest service's cooperation in dis tribution of psrk benches in the Umrjaua nark area. The Jaycees built and located a number of these benches as one of their civic enterorises. Nelson was introduced by park bench chairman Keith Custer. Oregon Traffie Deaths In January Totaled 18 Eighteen persons lost their lives in January traffic accidents, the Oregon state traffic safety division reported today. Officials credited the month's heavy atorma and hazardous road conditions as being primarily re sponsible for a sharp decline in fa talities from the December toll of SO high for 1949. They said highway conditions reduced driving and en forced caution. Similar weather a year ago had an even greater ef fect, resulting in a death toll of 13 in January and 11 in February, the division pointed out. 4 it Sheriffs Office In L A. Rapped In Report On Crime SACRAMENTO. Calif.. Feb. 14 tJP) The California Crime Com mission asserted today gang activ ity has been almost halted in South ern California but underworld forces are constantly jockeying for position. The commission, headed by re tired Admiral William H. Standley, said Southern California under world rivalry centera about Mick ey Cohen and Jack Dragna, an Italian-alien and ex. -convict. It said there has been no real collision between these two rivals because Cohen "has no appetite for a Strug s''" In other parts of its 69-page re port, the commission: 1. Declared that Cohen and Ar thur H. Samish, the lobbyist whom Collier's magazine called "the se cret boss of California," are busi ness and social acquaintances. 2. Accused the Los Angeles county sheriff's office of "neglect and indifference" and "actual re sistnee to police department ef forts to investigate and bring to halt the illegal operations" of a multi-million dollar bookmaking outfit. "At this writing," the commis sion said, "vigorous and unremit ting efforts on the pert of South ern California law enforcement agencies, particularly the Los An geles police department, has al most halted the gang activity and gang violence of the Cohen organ ization." In Los Angeles, Sheriff Eugene Biscailui commented: "If the crime commission has evidence which will show malfeas ance or improper conduct on the part of any members of the sher iff's department, I want to see that evidence immediately. If tha evi dence merits action, it will be tak en at once." Cohen, whose home waa blasted a week ago in the most recent at tempt on his life, denied the com mission's statements. He said, "I've not booked a horse in two years." Cohen said Jack Dragna was no: a rival but "one of my closest friends." As far as he knew, Co hen said, Dragma's only business was that of an importer ab ba nanas snd olive oil. As for Samish, Cohen said the lobbyist had known him "since I was a little prize fighter." "I con sider Samish one of my best friends." Interest In Rice Valley Cafe Sold To Eugene Man Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Carr, who with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Buck bought the Rice Valley cafe last fall from Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pratt, who have sold their half interest in the cafe and garage to Mr. and Mra. Ernest D. Hill of Eueene. Kill informs us that there are to be some changes made and that there will be 2 hour service, sev en days a week from now on. Imorovino Mrs. C. E. Brittain of Sutherlin is reported improving I at Mercy hospital and is now sble to nave visitors, ane nas rjeen seriously ill for several weeks, following a hip fracture suffered in is fall. 5 ft o Oregon Jaycee Board Meeting Plans Announced Details of the Oregon State Jun ior Chamber of Commerce Winter board meeting, to be held here Feb. 17, 18 and 19, were disclosed at a meeting of Roseburg Jaycees last night at the Umpqua hotel, by meet chairman Don Forbes. An executive board meeting, starting 7 p.m. Friday, will atari tha weekend activity, with all pres idents snd state directors of Ore gon expected to be on hand, said Forbes. , A general business meeting, roll call, and reading of the minutes will be topped off with a dancing party at a local club. Saturday's business will include talks by Doc Henry, national di rector; Frank Merrill, national vice-president, and Bruce Kelly, state president, followed by edu cational discussions snd reports through the day. That night, a banquet at Kennedy's Dutch Mill will be highlighted with the pres entation of the state distinguished service award to the state junior citizen. Sunday's activity will include a breakfast, business and adjourn ment, Forbes related. Nativas, Polica Botrla In Johannesburg Race Riot JOHANNESBURG. South Africa. Feb. 14 'Pi In one of Johannes burg's worst riots in years, about 100 natives attacked police and stoned cars and a railway station last night. First reports made no mention of any casualties. The riot started when a flying squad of police tried to arrest a native, and neighbors came to his assistance. The police withdrew, leaving one sergeant isolated. Strong police re inforcements opened fire snd used tear gas to rescue him. Some na tive rioters slso opened fire. Oth ers hurled stones at the police, at a nearby railway station and at a passing train. lne police mane several charges with their clubs to clear their way through the rioters. - Visit at Cava Junction Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burke of Roseburg spent the weekend at Cave Junc tion visiting the latter'a step-father and mother, Mr. and Mra. Les Henry, and her two brothers, Ron nie and Jackie. OVERJOYED! YEARS OF LAXATIVE DOSING ENDED! "I had to write I After 2 5 years of dos ing for constipation, I started to aat ALb-BKAN tor b ret in aat. ins re- suits are wonderful! Andrew H. Truby, Boi 42, Woodland, 111. Jutt m of irtdt tf ttMoJtcif'd letttrt from ALL BRAS utm. Marvel eua results can be yours, too, if you suf fer from constipation due to lack of dietary bulk. Fat an ounce of tasty Kaiicga'a ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water I If sot eompUUlf satisfied after 10 days, return empty carton to Kellogg's, Bsttle Creek, Mich. GET DOUBLS YOUR MONEY BACK. To get better i Spy-' "t To brine you the finest products... To help him earn a good living... ,rrgpr J V J A Standard Oiler works with $41,073 worth of tools It has long been known that the better t man's tools, the more be can produce and earn. The farmer with one plow and a hone cannot produce anywhere near as much as today's farmer with a gang plow and a tractor. And today's oilman is a far more efficient pro ducer of good products than ever in history... because he is backed by a tremendous investment in tools. Every one of the 29,970 employees of Standard of California and our subsidiary companies has behind him $41,073 worth of equipment. With it, he produces more and earns more than ever before his average income last year was $4083.81 in wages. It is our responsibility to keep his "kit of tools" in excel lent shape and provide more if he needs them. To that end, 1450,000,000 has been invested in new plants and facilities since the close of the war. -I ! Iff SCOUTS PERFORM These three pictures show just tome of the activity Rotaburq Boy Scouts staged Saturday as a cli max to local observence of Na tional Boy Scout week. Intent expressions merit the laces of scouts et upper left es boy et left flips his hotcake camp style. Apples rolled In tinfoil end baited ever hot eoels wes" the stunt of Edenbower Troop 133, lower left. A lesion In how to start e fire the hard way is giv en by Tad Heti, left, end Jerry Initiation Plannad O.E.S. will hold initiation at tha Roseburg Ma sonic temple at 8 p. m. Thursday followed by a '"Mr. and Mrs." Val entine party. Members and visiting members are invited. Windows, Frames end Ladders PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 oil for yon... Tb-TW i Sumner in picture et right. These boys, from Cardan Valley troop 43, successfully made fire by friction several times during exhibition. (Peul Jenkins pho tos I. W COMFORT k-aaMA-iur-iiraaafaS vuniamavrrva 1 ECONOMY. lii OLYMPIC IianoTEL mm a nius ' toy mrwissi I ,, 00 VOU KNOW . . thai tha cauMo of about sa ot II allmonu may bo imioilad by Pinal and lalptllml troataaonta wttn dial. Or. M. C. Caaaat . CSUBOPBACTIO rBTSIClaJI Ml B Caaa T laSI $ SAVE $ WHY PAY Montr Office hours: t a. m. te t a. m. Sundays. 1 p. m. le 7 e. m. No Appointment Necessary INCOME TAX SERVICE 13S Sheridan Phone ess-J er S7-P-1 Fast service an AUTO GLASS REPAIRS Now Is ths tirng to Kavs outo gloat rcpoirt modd. Ws rwvdlg all typss of glow ond door hordwors. 1 5 yoon of oufo glou atrvics , In Roaa burg, DOYLE'S Sales & Servics Highway H at' Cardan Valley PHONK (11