Pot .pep-in filie poctobooti by p-tftig uaBit-ads obi the job! 10 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tues., Ftb. 14, 1550 CLASSIFIED RAi:S I dap pf S dan " . e 1 day, idiyl day.; . ao . I . I0Q PIMM 100 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIN- DEADLINE P.M. Dy Bafora Publication CLASSIFICATIONS HAL HTAT 1 RENTAL, t BU1INES, OPPORTCNITt BUtLDINO MATEBItli fob tiipi LOANS FINANCIAL WANIID ii ei.p a ITOII WANTED , LOST A rOUND rauita A VEGETABLES- AT. OBAIN a HID livestock POULTBY . BABBITS -11 PETB roa sals miso micaixAMaous TIMBER SA-MrLLB. I.OQQINO EQUIPMENT.. MACBINEBT FOB SAUL FABM EQUIPMSNX TBACTOaa TBl'CKS AUTOS IMPOUNDED . INITBUCTIOM naSONAL Moncaa Real Estate 1 TKe Horn Of Fin, Ranches And Homos BEDROOM HOMa. on touth Jack-on Street, frame construction, fir floor, tub bath. alM two-room cabin in roar, priced t 96300.00 torn. ON ACRE on paved wid to w.lklnf distance of town, echool bus, city bus. dally mail d livery, modarn three bed room home, ban bouse, fruit and ber ries, food buy at 0300.00. Terms. HIOKWAT ITIONTAO- too foot frontag- on hlway M. a nice 4 badroom homo and 3 Mm, with barn, woodshed. Nw hlway will pro bably jro through this place, and also the payments ara only 340 00 per monthT Jull price 8790.00, Urma. . GARDEN VALLEY-- 41 Aeraa of eholea bottom land, on tha invar, modarn t badroom noma, needs lomt repairs, barn, han housa, family fruit of all kinds and walnuta. If you appraclata good land aaa this placa at (WBW.OO tarma. GRADE A DAIRY 40 acres, all Ullablo, milk parlor aqulppad, largo barn, modarn room home, on good road near school and flora, 810, 000.00 tarma. HUP RANCH- 154 aeraa, 80 aeraa tlllabla, modarn 8 room homa, family fruit, 1 barns, largo Kultry housa, close-in, all for 810, .00i tarma. A UVI TAVERN Did 840,000 00 bualnaat last yur, every- uiing complete e-v.v-u.w, vmimm. SO ACRES of exceptionally flna rlvar bottom land In Cardan Valley, 300.00. IT ACRE!, mostly tlllabla. amall houaa, naar Melrose store, UM.OO, tarma. WE HAVE SHEEP AND COW RANCHES from 300 aeraa to 00 ,000 aeraa, ao don't buy until you nav looked at our ranches. Jack Realty, Realtor 831 a. Stephens St. Phona 803-J LLOYD WILSON HENRY I HANDY Salesmen Values Exclusive Listings 8800. DOWN PULL PRICE 83808, Neat Uttla homa In tha city, with sewer. Has one bedroom living room kitch en, bath, utility. This la a nice, neat noma. 81000, DOWN PULL PRICE 888-0. Ftre rooms, modern bath, lath and plas tered, two larae bedrooms, full doe- ats, partial basement, dry; paved street, city aawar, level lot, paved waiaa. SIMS. DOWN PULL PRICE 84050. Corner lot, paved street, city sewer, double garage, lawn, snruos; moaern UUc four room with bath homa. Has a very nice appearance vary naar Business center. Wa have an outstanding church location see us soon can be bought (or very reasonaoie terms, vouia oe usea for temporary set-up aa la. Near Business oisuricu 81500. DOWN PULL PRICE 81400. Outstanding farm buy close to town Sea us Immediately. Not Exclusive 84500. With Terms. Brand New. This la very modernistic. Roman brick fireplace, two nice bedrooms with full wall-to-wall closets, floor to ceil ing view windows, beautifully plas tered and tinted. Kitchen sink and drains in baked tile: new wall-to-wall rugs. If you have been waiting, here la your chance. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Good business lot north on highway 88 In business location, con-prlslng S acre. 4JO0. down, balance good terms. Highway restaurant nicely aqulppad with living quartan, 83000. Wit! build building for tenant on 88 highway, close In, south of city. Wa have four large homes with 4 and 5 bedrooms In walking distance of pusinese section. Wa have helped others with tha down payment, mayo wr can D-ip you. Lehman Real Estate 414 N. Jackson Ph. TM-J Rosebuig, Oregon Tt'lRSTTlfr7bN Large corner lot In new water district, fronting on old highway 8. of town. 10.000 ft of lumber included with lot. Phone rrsR-i. Edf-t P6R-SAlXTerms. Water and lights available. 3 mllse south on Hiehway m. Ph 1--1 FOR SAJ-IORTRADE- -Eoultr In Ifv. acr. ,nd amall modarn nouaa, K. L. Powall Canyonvlll,. Real Estate 1 Better Values WESTS1DB near entrance to Veterans' Administration Comfortable four room homa situated on a largo level free soil lot. TMa noma nas a urge living room, one bedroom, icou.a eesr ly add another dining room, garage. fssvu, ioiai price, .arms. PARTI ALL Y-FURNISHED on bedroom modern home just oft tno tiara en val ley road on bus line. This solid little homa has a fireplace, piaster finish, areas, aarden space. Immediate pos session. 84-00. total price. Attractive serine. ATTRACTrVE newer homa near River side school. A convenient plan witn Dearooms, lnsiae utility room, central heating, attached garage. 81000- or less down to responsible party, BaL at fil par mo. APR R OX. 9 ACRES level Und eight mitee aoutn-west of city, arce new nome ox pumice construction, piasterea Interior. Big living and dining room, utility, attractive kitchen, are race. There Is a large back porch, good water system. Asking price 88-50. Mod erate down payment. Stanley E. Short 114 Wast Una SL Phona looa-R New Listings I BEDROOM HOME In Laurelwood Dist iarge Jiving room and dining room. Nice kitchen with lots of builtlns. Plastered. Hardwood floors; furnace; attached garage. 4 yrs. old. Sewer At pavement. 813,00000 P H. A. WlU loan approximately 10,000.00. OWNER HAS MOVED Take a look at this vacant 8 bedroom noma in uist. oi fine nomas. Tno lot alone is worth 13 the asking price. Part basement; oil furnace: fireplace; fairly close in 8DJO0, down. . OO SUBURBAN IN STYLE Close to East ctty limits. Naw and at tractive nome. s De-rooms, wan to wall ruga on floor. Plastered, furnace. Fireplace. Vacant now. Should take state U.L loan ok. 84.400.00; terms. COMPARE THIS 9 Bedroom homa and 1 acre of ground. revea street, a run ana oernee. .men en house. On bus Una. If you want to make a garden this la a good buy. 84,300.00. About Hi down. CONSULT US without obltaatlon. If wa can so no ajooa we win ao you no harm. Wa need listings on all types ws naws ae-sie L B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Grand Hotel Phona 1-TT-Y SPECIAL FOR OREGON STATE VETERANS DILLARD AREA: Naw houaa, S bed rooms, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath. Concrete foundation. Elect, water heater, laundry trava and wall with elect pressure pump. V acre, iree sou m in locamy oi otner nice homes. This house will appraise for more than the asking price of M0 AO. We have another house the same aa the above with attached garage for fOJUU.UU. SUBURBAN BEAUTY ft ACRE RIVER BOTTOM SOIL, New noma; a large Dorooma, modern istic kitchen and bath, dinette, spacious living room with clo ture windows and beautiful fire- rlace. Oas wall furnace, hardwood loora, attached garage, utility room, elect, water heater. Shake exterior, K Iters and down spouts. Restricted ration. You will recognlre this as an exceptional buy at 87500, Can be weu unancea. EQUITY FOR TRAILER HOUSE fltoo. equity In house for trailer of same value. House located in Nortn Roeeburg, close to trading canter and ecnooi. Bruce V. Gilley, Real Etfats nas M. auphwu Fa. imj I Offle, Hlfhw.r N Nortk Valley Real Ettats Agency rUBNISHCD I bJrwim horn, H.I V. oi ..or.,. apc rrui, cio... on rv lc porch. G.. floor furnac L.r fenced lot: l.wn Mwled; J car imiw. ooovu. iirnu. CLOSE IN I iMdroom horn,, good oc- non. un cuy Mw.r; v.ry aiiracuv. front yard. Blctrtc ran... foM with plac. Gaa hMt. Pla.ttrad tnt.rlor and alurco ..t.rlor. Garat. and aarvtc. room comoinM. soaoo. soma tarma. riNV BI'SINISS IOCATION. dMiratila lor moat any ktnd of bualnaa.. Nlra 8 room ham. 100 ft frontaf. on hlfhw.y M with dpth of mor. man 11a ia.t. You can t go wrong on thu at MJOO, Tarma. OOINO Bl'SINTSS IN CAMYONVILLK n.ttln, batwMn .400. and i00. par monin. i nia ia a gooa o.ai at only moo. with tarma, or laaa for eaan. Valley Real E$tate Agency US W. Caaa St Phona wa Cloverdale Park NIW HOMES raoai mta Low, Convanlant Down Parmmt I and S Badroom, Ketell Realty Co. Offlc Oovard.la Park Ph. 15U 1194 Hollla St Surveys Maps Plant Parry C. Armatrong CItU taliw, It So. Mala t Pk. SlT- Real Estate 1 LISTINGS WANTED SEASON JUST STARTINO We are looking for property that la priced in line with today's market We will be glad to accept listings on any recent appraisals irom c'i real estate aDoralaers. If your price ta light and wa list your property you will get action. We are not ornce sitters, we wear out our anoee, not our eeats. We never carry over 38 listings, and seldom half this number, as wa be lieve that no on can have too many listings without slighting soma. Your chancee with us are good, aa we will be glad to prove to anyone that out of ovary 10 exclusive listings, wa sold on an average better than 7 right here In Rose burg. We are not afraid to advertise and spend money on the listings we take. We need stock, dairy, grain, diversified farms, and will gc anywhere In Oregon to Inspect and list the larger ones. You can be assured that your property will not be neglected or forgotten as when our listing quota Is reached, we do nothing but sell tha real estate we have listed and keep replacing them aa thfty ara sold. Our methods get results. 18 years real estate experience, and exclusive agents. James L Payne, Realtor TIT Willamette St, Eugene, or US Brockway St, Roseburg. Ph. 1501 ALMOST NEW modern S bedroom home with att. garage. Just outside city limits. 8900. dn. payment; full price 8300.00. BaL easy Ma payments. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME being com- Rleted. Att. garage. All modern, 81000.- down. Owner will carry BaL on Mo. payments. NICE SMALL Neighborhood Grocery do ing nice ouitness. win sen at inven tory. One person can handle. Will con alder trade on home. WE HAVE SOME NICE RANCHS now; both email and large; soma on tha river. Williamson Real Estate Ph. 16B0-J 1T01 ft, Stephens Special ON UMPQ.UA AVE. A very comfortable S bedroom home. t-ir, rirepiace. une Dearoom down finished in knotty pine. The other two upstairs. Large kitchen; lota of built lns, Breakfast nook. Large glessed-ln back porch. Large garage. Lot tt0'xl2S' with good garden soil. Priced at 810, BOO, ga.OOOOO down and owner will Earl and Gladys Wiley Real Estate Rose HoUl Phone 730-R HOUSE, LOT and fumltui. far sale. 81SO0. toul price, small down pay ment, l acre. E. B. Oldfield. Ph. 8M-J-1. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty. theenglneer. Ph. 30T-R HOUSE ANDXdT, 81250, $100 down, balance easy terms. Also lots on any reasonable payments, A. F. Suksdorf, Winston. Oregon. Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES ..845 00 per me. ...810 00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park Phone 1533 3153 Hollls St roiTXENT POLISHER, WAXER and scrubber All In one tool. Light enough any child can handle; flnger-tlp control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 S Stephens Phone 1478- K S MODERN two-bedroom homes-5 miles south Roseburg on paved road school bus to door. Lota of good? water, SAO. and 8A8. Dick Stevenson, first turn right off Happy Valley Road, last house. WEWLY CONSTRUCTED one room apartments, furnished with gaa range, refrigerator. Panal-Rav am heatera. hot water tank; water and garbage aispoaei. iiose to town STti montn. Phone 1730 Todd Bldg Co. COOKlN(3 rOR A SLEEPING-R65M? Come and sea thia before rentlna. Private entrance, close In, new beds, ergs lounging room, very attractive. Bus stops at door. Easy walking dis tance 108 Corey Ave..Phone 1344-R. SOaRD. ROOM anoTwashina. 87STi montn or room alone. 830. References re quired. Mrs. Lewis E. Jones, First house E. of Miller's Lane on S. Doug las. MOD CRN HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES. Reasonable rates by week or month. Myrtle Grove Motel on Highway 99, 8 mi lee N. of Myrtle Creek. TWO" ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment; also 1 first floor room. Call 837-R-4 or write W. F. Mr Murray, p. a Box 104. Winston, Oregon. fbR RENfSroom house, i mlrsTW. of Sutherlln not modern. $35 pr mo. See Mrs. Jessie Roofener at Rose l are after 3 p. m., Sutherlln, Ore. fjNFUftNlSHfcD" 3-room aptT of t adults. Large storage space, water and lights; furnished. Private bath. low orey Ave . Apt FURNISHED CABINS, $10 and 813 per week. Also monthly rates. racinc Cabins, miles H. on 94. Phone nu-j-i ff5R RENT i bedroom house. miles out Garden Valley Road. Unfurnished. SAS per month; partly furnished $75 per month. Write P. O. Box 301. j"REbROOMTtOUSE for sale or renTal Winchester. See Arthur Rletmann, 1 mile north of Brockway. fOR RENT-Two-bedroom. unfurnished apartment, close In. Inquire 444 8. Main. JTGHTOTiSEkEEPINa"YABfN and rooms. Weekly rates. Pleasant Motor Court, 1740 N. Stepliens. TRAllER SPACE FOR RENTTheated shower rooms, laundry facilities, gas Tempi in. 3-ROOM FURNISHED apt. for rent; elec tricity, and water Included, $40. Call 4-J-lbetween 8 and 11 a. m. CLEAN. FURNISHED sleeping room. Prf vsta entrance, $4.00 week, $30. month. B3 S Pine. MODE R nT- bed room home' "on'rlighwar. Inquire at Associated Service Station at Wilbur. TRUCKS" FdRFNT-You d"rl-7e7T5ng or short tripe Bee Hive truck rental, 7.T4 South Stepjiens. Phone 1434-J. WARTSIJCPlNa rooms, with or w!th out private bain. 100 Spruce, West waemngton. TRUCKS and trailers tw rent Move yourseii. Tnompaon signal service. Steohens at Washlnjrton Ph 793. RICE APTfor rent CaU STfY after 3 p m fOR R KNT -$-betroo i." fvirniahed hose on so. Ptne. box juz. es-Hev,ew. iP A RTME NT New 3-rooms and bath Ph. W,W X-$ SMAfX TRAlLEiTfiftUSE by weekTXv 1ji-A Trailer ran, nortn ew. Theyll Do It Every era -tub i aiM, T- Mr NEVER 5IV5 Ur ANXIOUS TO BELIEVE . Fv-PS V I B r THVNS TO WOW ff HW,ME REALLY TVHN5 HAIR CCWIN6 TWraj" J SUREEN0U6HA fjRASS ON THAT A HB SEES PEACH RJZZ -KIND OP A PUZZ, LXE T CUEBALL- BUSY STRECT-vL ON CUEVS POME' OO TAKE SWEEP DIR WEU., WHAT r7-v$l7 $ SEE? ADO A SPOONFUL ) PVA KNOW- TS5u. V 'EM lOP" HOT OUVE OIL"-7 gOSMf 1SOT LJLJ SET HAlRON XgZL. r-S 10 WWTE THEM N066INS ) SS ?SsV - f " "IH IjISTENINS TO THE 3( l)hZrr S&t 4 I SWNDOAAE BOVS (SBWSI IRi-Zjil MARTIN Q.CTZ, A -a?' P H SR L-1 IP-stCI L Washington , o.c. Rentals SLEEPING ROOM far L Kitchen privi leges, oua rowier. SLEEPING ROOM for X Kitchen priv ileges. SQ8 Fowler. FURNISHED 3-roorn cabin. Box 830, Mel rose. SdARD, room and laundry, $17 50 par week, sou E. Lane St FURNACE HEATED rooms for" gentle- mcn 404 s. Jackson, rtu n--i Comfortable sleeping room; twin beds. 1 1 64 Military, mono ize-i OEDSOOM HOME, close to school. Barton wane, uaxiana. uregon. fOR-" RETleeping room. 848 "Mill Ph. 1337-Y ftOOlvPwTt h or without kitchen prlvll- egee sjo n fine. AARfMENT, UNFURNIsSED. A. C Sherlock Winston Section. fOft RENT Trailer apsce. 544 MUX, Ph. 1J-7-X. JROOM APT. BM Miller. cWR." TRAILER HOUSE. Ph. 7 15-J -5. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM.930 N. JacTtson SLEEP! NG ROOMS 468 Pitter. i rrpiNn nririM lana N lack son CLEAN, front sleeping room. Ph. 1483-J". Business Opportunity 3 Ice Cream Men Excellent profit possibilities with an LE(-THO-r.iEEE continuous sou n- cream freezer. Feeds directly elimi nates dipping requires no storage. Be equipped to produce and dispense a smooth delicious product directly Into cones, sundaes, banana splits, etc. Representative will be in your vicinity week of Feb. 37th, Write now for further information and demon stration to Box 303. News-Review. NICE SET-UP FOR RETAIL Lumber Yard.. 3 acres land, ample storage space under roof, small planer ready to go, R E. A. Electricity; only retail yard near a thriving Community. Price, $5000, Write Box 305, Oakland. Ore. or see owner at mill, 1M miles East on County Road. For Trade TRADE A GOING BUSINESS and prop erty ma i an eiuarn v-jj v-., ....--. for a good sheep ranch; give or take Atttmrmnrm Na WS-RftVl W BOX 208. FOR TRADE H. D. motorcycle, perfect conanion, ior pic up . urcnara i rsiier our. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE valued at si auo. traae ior utrg "uu Write News-Review Box 108. Loans MONEY $10 838 850 878 $100 8300 8300 UP TO 8500 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em- today for a salary loan up to $300 whether you're in a new Job or an old one. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to $300 on your furniture, up to $500 -n your car. Special "Par Day- loans, $10. $25, $50 loaned 'till "Pay Day" or longer. Pay only for tha actual number of days you keep tha money. $28 eosta 18e for one week. No other charges. Phone for your loan LOCAL LOAN CO. La, S..T. Manasaf S No. Jaekaoa Phona UTS Ua. I-37S: M-J5J Hoaaburf LOANS UP TO $300 On rour Signature, Furniture or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile ipald for or not. Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental Mils Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from tna company tnat maxee convnint to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 30 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT Paclfl, aulldtn, Phcn, M U-XTt luta Uc a Time --- Financial F. H. A.. . LOAM! UMPOUA REALTY 112 N. 1 Stephens Phono 1S35-J Across from Post Office on Highway 90 WANTED TO BORROW 87500. for up to one year, for business enterprise. Have good security. Will pay good rate of interest Write Box 201, News Review. Wanted 8 WANTED TO RENT Moving to Roseburg And 1 don't mean maybe Need a 2-bed room house For wife, ma, and baby Prefer housa close to town, unfurnished win pay s3. pr montn. neaiaence will be permanent. Contact Manager, Joe Richards' Men's Store. Wanted , BUT. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona sn-R-S or 19M-R, or writ. Routo 1, Rouburg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackson. Ph. 1583-J. The Bargain House WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furni- ture. Let us bid on your house of rurnirure. van atu-a at aw n. J season street. WANTED-Tast iron. Scrap. No steel. 1 Will pay $20. to $25. per ton. Suther lln IronWorks, Sutherlln, Oregon. WANTED Unfurnished house or apt! with garage by March 16th. Employed couple. Phone 1647-R evenings. WANTED Woman to cook for 2: room. board and wages. No washing. Tom warot 3,Box la-qHoseourg. SRI NO YOUR JUNK to Bob's Salvage Yardat 2338 N. Stephens. Ph. 199-J -3-WANTEDTO BUY Hides. Roseburg Meat Co., phone 380. Help Wanted 9 Executive Secretary Local resident, woman d referred, well expenencea in onice worn ana re lated duties, capaoie or rapid ana ac curate typing and shorthand. Perma nent position of responsibility in large firm with above average Income and progressiva future. Write News-Review Box 101. giving age, education, complete experience and salariea, raf erences. All replies confidential. Office Man Local resident, under SS years. Perma nent position, large industrial firm. Office experience or training required. Definite future for ambitious man. Write News-Review Box 192, giving run acta lis oi personal oacKgrouna, experience and references. Salary open. Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Best Results Call ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 12B4-Y FOR FREE ESTIMATE on home build ing, remodelling, driving and finish ing floors; also rototilling: call 837-R-4, or write to W. F. McMurray, P. O. Box 104, Winston. Oregon. Income Tax Service 138 Sheridan St., ph $8-J. or 87-F-2. For your convenience, we will be open 8 a. m. - 8 p. m. Sundays 1 p. m.- t p. m. no appointment necessary. PRACTICAL NURSING in town or coun try; can arrange a nr. sntit u necee urv. Car for elderly oerson or chil dren and home while gone. CaU 1144-L until a r. m., iiMw-n-e. aner. interior" Decorating and " outside painting, floor sanding and finished rooflna. any kind. Also contracting. Call Camas 11, after T p. at, or before 0 a m. WALL WASHING," Kemtoning. janitor work, cleaning and ponsning floors, window washing. 18 years experience. Phone 470, ask for Frank Hasty, Apt 15. Douglas Hotel. fNPOME TAX SERVICE. Federal and State. Accounting services. Arthur Denny, 2027 Morris St, Ph. 1710-R-5 for appointment Community kindergarten now oT- fers care for your child by the day or hour. pn. iw-n-e or i-k. WILL C ARE FOR convalescents; new babies and mothers a specialty. Ph. 5XKJ-4. Xttt RATtANlL BftfcS! Opes. Mrs. Don W. Gaxrtson, 134 N Kane. Phone 17l-j SOU.S MdVlNO, foundation, leveling. 14 years experience. P B Towtng. 743 S Stephens Phona sl TAXRT1TRNS. federsl and state, by appointment. Accounting service eve nings. M7-R-3. HOUSECXeaNINGT Available " Mondays and Thursdays, wews-neview pox iwi, SAND, GRAVEL, crushed rock, losm Delivered Immedlately.Ph. 344-R-L tR AliERT6WlNOPh. 5.10-R 3 uJouril 919 uaraen vaney noma. fafANTF.D Ironing 5 my home.' Ml Fowter street rn -j Lost & Found 11 LOST IN VICINITY of Star tec St Sun day black female Cocker and Water Spaniel, answers to name or Ul Ucenae 1533. Finder CaU 1037-R, By Jimmy Hatlo Lost & Found 11 LOST Orange bantam chicken with Oiaca on tan, in cioveroaie rarx . re ward. Gordon Todd. 001 Alameda. Ph. 373 B -3 43 FORD Fender Skirt lost' between Roseburg and DixonvUla. E. L. Long, ph. 922-R-5. Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOR SALE 30 T good Idaho alfalfa nay, o. a ton. Aupaugna seen store. Myrtle creex. GOOD MIXED GRASS BALED HAY for sale. John Amaciier, Winchester. FOR SALE Oat and vetch hay, 840. ton. Macx Brown, unae. uregon. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction 8 ALB EVERY MONDAY I.IVFSTOCK AT 1 P M rURNTTURE MISCELLANEOUS p.m. WHERE BUYER SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER'S WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATED HIGHWAY 90, S MILES NORTH Or ROSEBURO YOU MAY EXPECT A PAIR MARKET - FfaU AT THIS AUVIIUH BCHRICKER SONS, AUCTIONEERS ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Live-tack aold bv welch t or head: household turn.; farm macn. ror your protection we are licensed ana oona ed. Livestock 1 P. M. Furniture T P. M. Turn E. at Garden Valley Rod Ph. 181 WANTED Fat or feeder lambs, year- llngs and breeding ewes, jamea a. Lewis. Myrtle Creek, ph. 84: or Dar reU Ray. Rt 3, Box 388-B, Roseburg. Ph. 699-R-l. WANTED Sheep pasture to rent Dar- nu w. nay, nt a, box iwo-n, ourg. rn. iwa-w-i. TOR SAI.EPin all 'sizes to 100 lbs. w. h. Hortncratt, Brocfcway on uiaiia Hoaa. WANTEDSheep. Yearlings or breed- lng awes, rnutppi ana vamng. nt. i, BOX 1B4, Or pn. H-.-K-4. WANTED All kinds of livestock. Harry Smith. Oakland. Oregon. rn. aaoi. WANTED All kinos Of Uvestock. H. M. Cox. Call 990-J-4, GOOD FRESH JERSEY, good condition; roan can. box oju. meiroae. FOR SALE Fresh young milk cows. E. i cnurcn, uixonviue. Poultry 15 Chicks Chicks Chicks Custom hatching a specialty. Set twice eacb week: sat. ana wea ror amy eld chicks, place your oi-dar now. Sexed pullets and Cockerels as well as sumum run. rrwea s lain, Ponton Hatchery 1448 Harvard Ave . Roseburg Phone 108 Quality Baby Chicks EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR nAV nt.n nn started Hampshire. Pa rm enter Reds, Barred Rock Hampshire Cross. Cornish Hemp Cross. Barred Rock, White Rock and White Leghorns. From 3 and S year old breeder nena. nt- Of flrAi;mrniis Produce Co. 401 W. Oak, ph. 418. Hatchery ft Breeaing rarmnpioa Road, 1 mi. S. Hwy 88, nh. 1S02-R-1. "COMPARE AND YOU TOO WtL BUY UHP4UA t-HiCAJfc Baby Chicks Every week In the year. Best of breeding City agent, oougias -o. .our suu Carr's Hatchery Looklnulasa Rt Ph. 18-F-3 Started chicks, n h. puiiats. E cary, 2 miles k. orjuixonvuia. FRYERS FOR SALE. 8 miles out Mel rose Highway Howard 7-ngm- Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE U V R B A. Pets 17 ONLY 100 BEAUTIFUL canaries left Get yours before nesting time. Singer. J 10: female, 83 5a Also pedigreed omersnlsii female dog. 8 mo old. Arthur Nelson, Rt. 3, Box 805; on C levelandH ill road. FOR SALE Black and white male bull terrier puppy, register-. -trry how, Rt X, Box 3 -lyae -woman. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73J or 45J-T Kea. and pad. puppiaa, all eeksra. Stud aarvlce. For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN s sr so- a,' The life time trailer Baa a body w ballav, wUI laat W yaan or morm. No dry rot Kit i ir jr ' Columbia IF 14 30 33 - 23 The West's Fastest Sellers and other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted. Bank contracta. Contracta to 1 years on Spartans Earl.E. Smith N W. Largest Dealer Eugene, Ore. Phona Springfield 2431 3 MUaa South on BO. Rt 4, Box 23. Eugene Looking For Bargains? Suiter has them In used furniture, stoves nsrawara. plumping supplies, wstar heaters. SUITER'S TRADING POST 3 milea North on 90 At end of City Bus Line River Loam Delivered GOOD FOB GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 857 W. Mosher Phone 117-Y ALMOST new 16 cut lawn mower, 812.- su: coiiapeioie piay pen, xs u., so.uu; several new coffee tables, unusually attractive, 810 each. Univex 8 mm movie camera 8300. Geo. Bacher, Winston Section. Ph. 303-R-S. FOR SALE Electro Broiled Hot Dog aiacnines. write to w. inomson, iii N. 80, Eugene, Oregon for informa tion. MUST SELL refrigerator, washing ma cn. ns, eircinc range, aavenporc ana chair, dinette set, twin beds and floor lamp. Ph. 1084-J-2. TRAILER Luxury Liner sleeps 4. fully equippea aiso siae awning, see uus for a buy. Ph. 524-R-4. 12 FT. Plywood boat with trailer and 1V4A Martin oo motor; an excellent shape, seU only as a unit, 8-2-. Ph. 1359 days, or 1135-L evenings. NEW ANDUSED furniture; gaa and wooa stoves ana n eaters, wood stove repairing a specialty. Call 1327-R. Al's Furniture Center, 814 Winchester St FOR SALE- -1 Speedmatle saw, 1 saw Disas eir; i uato set; i au-n. neavy cord. 1S47 Mulholland. FOR SALE Klin dry planer ends. 87.50 per unit; ureen siaowooa S3 73. mixea load 84 75. Ph. 307 1947 27' PEERLESS Eastern built trailer house. Green and tan. see at S4e M ill Phone 1502-J. N. V Totton. COMPARE PRICES, then buy at HOW ARDS hardware, Winston, won- 20'nBiSCOUNT on new 100 gal. hot water neater, write news-nsview box 190. ONE BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER , deluxe model, 8130. Ph. 1013-R. NEW DAVENO for sale. 113 N. Flint Call after 3:00. FOR SALE 2 hospital beds and stands. van alTcFSTOM BUILT 18 ft trailer house. 81000 Ph. 1618-R-2. CfV ING ROOM FURNITURE. Ph. "1228-. Fuel 20 HEY, LOOKI If you need old growth fir cordwood. 10 and 24" lengtns: g" mm anas; Jreen and dry slabwood. 18"; call 92-J-l or 47-J-S for information and free delivery. lt' Dry PILING ENDS Stove or Fireplace lengths, 8800 cord Delivered end put inside CaU 1330 or 144-R-8, Eve. PEELER CORE: ' mill" ends;' planar ends; rirepiace wooa. uouoie toaas, prompt delivery. Claude W 11 ley. Rt I, Box 43 Ph. 15-J-3 or 143-J-3. 1H PLANER ENDS. 88.25 unit, regular length. Roseburg Lumber Co, Phone 466. FOR SALE Slabwood. "sawdust, planer ends Phone 307 Johnson uel Co. Timber & Sawmills 21 WE ARE INTERESTED In buying rough green Douglas Fir, 2" and 4 thick, random widths and length for rail shipment Satisfactory prices. Will ac cept No. 3 and better. Contact Posey Lumber, Inc., 1008 S. W. 6th Ave., Portland, Oregon. Phona 4668. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO WANTED Large or small tracts of tim ber, within 90 miles of Roseburg. A. M. Doc) Williams, Broker. P. O. Box 554, Springfield, Oregon. Ph. 72109. ALMOST NEW 20 M capacity sawmill, 200 H. P. diescl. Stumpaga available or will furnish logs. Lock wood Bros., Tenmlle, Oregon. KR SALi Sawmill, or sny part. CM C. dlesel edger and other units. Roy Denny. 8351s Winchester. WANT-lOLESand piling delivered to our yard at Green. Contact us before cutting. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. Logging Equipment 22 ONE NEW UNIVERSAL saw grinder, pedestal type with motor, 8175; one reconditioned Hyster Model S double drum hoist with 3 speed transmission, 8450; 2 new 165 H. P. GMC diesels with clutch, 81D75 each; ball-bearing swing cut-off saw up to 30" capacity, 8150. Keystone Machine Works, 134 8. Stephens. SINGLE AXLE logging trailer, 8179. WoL bert Welding Machine Works, ph. 433. Machinery For Sale 23 Farm Equipment 24 FORDSON TRACTOR for sale. Reginald Johnston. Brockway. Trucks 26 FOR SALE BY OWNER 1944 1-ton Dodge pickup truck, waterproof ply wood covered bod v. Three mamh guarantee. This truck practically like new SIOOS. City Drive In Market. sum en in. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1948 Ford pan el, v cyi., top snape. two front seats. Priced to sell. Call Red Green. 887-R-5. XXLE SHAFTS for all makes of-rucks. Ray-s TrucK Shop, aou N. Stephana. mono u-4 V-8 li, truck for sate. Rnecoa Bali. wtnqie. or pnone 343. Riddle 1 Autos 27 MORE MONEY tor your car. Cash on the spot Cork rum Motors, Inc. De soto Piymoutw pnone 404, 114 if. FOR SAlJl406eSoto. 4 months' oil 312M. equity for 847V Box 300, News- DfAVllTI OliLTt immU. M 27 Lockwood's OSED CARS Best Buys y t Anywhere Today's Special THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR BARGAIN HUNTER. 1M1 STUDEBAKER PORDOR IXOAr y HAS OVERDRIVE AND HEATER. ' PAINT IS GOOD, BODY GOOD. TIRES FAIR. MOTOR EXTRA GOOD. ONLY I I SUO.oa ONLY I I WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORI IMS PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN What a beauty. What a pip. Radio and haatar, baauulul llnlah Only JllM.oa 1M MERCURY CLUB COUPE On. ox our cho'.ca ears, ror quick turn over wa ara prlclni book mcins 11 aw oaiow ua lSw.OS 19U FORD PORDOR SEDAN. Wait a minuta mlatar. Chack thla ona clean aa a pin. Radio and beatar. continued special logs oa 1MT PONTIAC PORDOR SEDAN Want something that you will be proud to drive? Than aee this one today. Very low mtleaie guaranteed 139S.0S 1M7 KAISER PORDOR SEDAN Come on you bargain hunt. Sr.. This is it. Don't wait . SU M 1M( FORD PORDOR SEDAN Lota of extras, had good care, too. New rubber -, S4S.0S 1W FORD COUPE. Good car for stop-tart uae. If you're In the selling gam, batter look this ona over n SM.Ot IMS CHEVROLET AREO SEDAN Low, aleek and emooth as a kitten. Motor recently re ' conditioned. Priced on th. book 10U.0S 1M( CHEVROLET FORDOR SEDAN Run Just 27,000 milM. Equip ped with everything but a radio. Juat tha thing to haul the family around la 8,8.0, 1M7 HUDSON FORDOR SEDAN jf Shiny new black paint. - ' Overdrive, heater and new tires. Extra nice through, out looj.oa IMS PONTIAC TUDOR SEDAN Original factory paint. Ra dio and heater. Just had a overhaul SBS.0S IMS STUDEBAKER FORDOR SEDAN Glowing repaint Job. Safety checked thru end thru. Drive this on today 830 0, 1M1 FORD COUPE Only a few milea on a fac tory rebuilt motor. Good dependable transportation 50 0, 1M0 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 44S.0S 1M0 PLYMOUTH FORDOR SDN. lMt CHEVROLET TUDOR SDN 1H1 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1M0 BUICK FORDOR SEDAN 1,39 CHRYSLER ROYAL CLUB COUPE 1,3, CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 1,3, PONTIAC FORDOR "V 103, FORD FORDOR SEDAN You Pay Lest For Used Cars At L0CKW00D , MOTORS tH) S. Stephana Phono 1U1-J Easy Terms REASONABLY PRICED GMAC TERMS CHEVROLET, BUICK, PONTIAC. CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Roe, fc Oak GOOD CARS PRICED TO SELL. Una, available. IMS OLDSMOBtLE 4-ooor aedan. Autos o yip4 eeaan, a37s a, J J43 IX) 4 ,190 00 1 xuny equippea 13, FORD 2-ooor eedaa U37 BUICK 4-dooc aedan ratra agr PmUI Bids., or phon, taa