The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, February 13, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    Salvation Army, Baptist Church Win
In YMCA League Play, Lead Divisions
Salvation Army and first Bap
tim assured themselves o( a firm
(rip on the number one spot in
YMCA League basketball after de
feating their respective opponents
by comfortable margins in games
played at Benson gym Saturday.
Army snared a 49-29 victory over
the Lutherans, while the Baptists
downed the Christiau church, 28-17.
In the other A division game.
played the same place, same date.
f irst Methodist smotoerea uie
Presbyterians under a 96-12 -ava
Episcopal church continued to
ride hurti in B division times, after
downing First Methodists 25-9. Bap
tists swamped the f irst tnrisuan
Bs 30-4.
McAnney, First Methodist guard,
led the Y-Church league scorers
with the day's high of 26 counters.
His teammate Hartin, center, was
close with a 20 point accumulation.
Phillips. First Methodist forward,
captured third highest scoring
honors with 16 points, to make it
a clean sweep for the team in
point getting.
Fslth Luth. It Selvatien Army 4
Sundburg I .. . F
D. Bergerson 6 F
Morgan I C
Reid 6 C
K. Bergerson 4 G
Christenson . S
Halftime Baptist 21, Christian t.
Firth Methodist Presbyt. (11)
Phillips It F Cutting
Anderson 10 .... F Adams
Hartin 20 . C 4 Ware
McAnney 28 G J. Oerding
Burnett 10 G I B. Oerding
Keel 8 S Hall
Hurd 8 S
Halftime Methodist 48, Presby
terians 8.
Baptists ) (41 Christian Church
Logan 8 . ...
Schaeffer 12
Biddington 8
C .
G .
G .
. S
... Wimer
. 4 Reed
8 Neavoll
.. 6 Rutherford
IS L. Stumbo
10 H. Stumbo
10 Fitigerald
, S Newton
S 3axter
, S - Jones
Halftime Baptists 20, Chris
tians 2.
piscopal (21) (t) First Methodist
Gray 11 F 4 Rutherford
Pitlineer 4 F Eddy
Jones 4 C 4 Majo-
Turner G Joelson
Haskins 8 G foray
Halftime Episcopal 15, First
Methodist 4.
Halftime Army II, Lutheran 17.
Baptist (M)
Scofield 5 T
BickneU 2 F
Baird C
Smith 12 G
Strickling T G
Palmer 2 S
Christian (17)
5 Bruton
T Church
S Sanders
delivered or sold at plant
5 miltt South of Roseburf
at the end of Londer'i Lane.
Phono Cecil Lowo ot 615-L
Sutherlin Wins
JDJ League Tilt
Sutherlin cracked down on II
linoi Valley (formerly Kerby) high
school in a JDJ league game played
at Cave Junction Friday nignt,
beating them 47-31, after taking a
fast lead, and holding it 14-8 at the
quarter. 24-11 at the half and 39-21
at the three-quarter mark.
Fred Kroush paced the Bulldog
scorer with eight point.
Illinois Valley (31) (47) Sutherlin
Lewis F 14 Buck
Wheeler 5 F 17 Kroush
Hammer 6 C T Grimes
Kester 3 G Linden
Maurer 2 G 9 Holgate
Reserves: Illinois Valley Holly
4, Crowl 2, Klarke, Hale 6, Rouder
2, Preston, Radcliffe 1; for Suther
lin Wilcox, Erickson, Wahl, Wil
lis. West.
Halftime Sutherlin 24, Illinois
Valley 13.
Sto jack, Bell
Yin Tag Team
Armory Match
Franki Stoiack and Ted Bell
took the final two falls to win a
tag team match over Bob Cum
mins and Paavo Katonen in the
main wrestling event at the arm
ory Saturday night.
In the opener, George Dusette
won the last two falls to defeat
villainous Carl Gray.
The tag team match was one of
the best seen in the Roseburg ring,
as Bell and Stoiack put on a show
of speed and ncy holds. Bell had
fans on their teet in tne opening
fall when be whipped Katonen and
Cummins at the same time and
had them both laying down in their
corner trying to get out of the
ropes, but Cummins won the fall
over Bell with painful leg stomp
and a leg leverage lock,
ell, Stoiack Win Second
Bell and Stojack: came back to
win the second fall in a shoit
time, 7:20, when Bell applied a
spectacular new hold which he
calls the "Jersey Whip" to win
the .fall over Katonen. The hold
is actually Japanese wristlock
reversed back and forth until tne
shoulder is about torn off, and
then the other man is supposed to
give up, Katonen did.
Stojack had the hold the fans
had been waiting for, his airplane
spin, on Cummins, and it looked
like the match was over, but, Ka
tonen rushed out of his corner and
broke it up. Then Bell entered the
ring, grabbed Katonen's arm, and
applied the Jersey Whip to win
the fall and match.
In' the opener, Dusette looked
like he was about done for when
Gray worked on his bad leg in the
first fall and won witn a nau Bos
ton crab; but Dusette surprised
the fans and came back to take
Sports In Brief
s iv it l an n sa . as m
; . lUn this tiro
.y win poii
( CD) CD) ar CE AEB
Studded Sura-Grip tires specially designed
by Goodyear (or operation in soft going will
pull you through mud, snow and slush that
spins and stalls conventional tires. Sura
Grips are real "go-anywhere" tires lor
passenger ear and truck get a pair
ior your rear wheel now, and koto
your present tire 'till you need
them in the Spring.
1 t
444 N. Stephen St.
Phone 1613
By The Associated Pre is
New York Fred Wilt rn the
two mile run in 8:59 3, defeating
Curt Stone, the man who beat him
at Boston. Jim Fichs bettered na
tional indoor shot put record with
toss of 57 feet 74 inches.
Ann Arbor, Mich Hazen (Kiki)
Cuyler, 50, .former major league
star, died it heart disease.
Palm Beach, Fla. Martens
Bauer trounced older sister Alice,
5 and 4, to win annual Palm Beach
women's championship.
San Antonio, Tex.-Sam Snead won
the $10,000 Texas open golf tourna
ment with a 7Mole score of 265
Duluth, Minn. Olsvi Jouronen of
Finland won the National Ski as-
the next two falls and the match
Dusette won the second fall with
t hold that is often seen, but sel
dom used s a fall winning device,
the headlock. The popular French
Canadian applied the hold with
such force thst Gray was forced
to give up in 8:27.
The third fall was a slugfest
with Dusette getting the worst of
it until the last, when he floored
Gray with elbow slams, picked
him up and applied his famous
full nelson to take the match.
Glendale Still
Leads B League
The Glendale Pirates continued
to lead the B league with six con
ference wins and no losses after
defeating Canyonville 53-23 at
Glendale Friday night.
John Harbour, Pirate forward,
helped put his team ahead by net
ting 28 points in the one-sided con
test. Canyonville's Shipp-n and
Dirk Cloud paced the loser with
eight points each.
The Piratea held the lead In all
four quarters with scores ot 11-5,
31-13 ind 42-19.
Olendal (S3) (21) Canyonville
Austin F 8 Shippen
Harbour 26 F . 8 Hoffee
Allen 14 C Cobey
Mouchette G Burwell
Dierick 2 . G 8 Cloud
Cooper 1 S 1 Shue)
Williamson 1 .. S
Halftime Glendale 31, Canyon-:
ville 13. I
Men., Feb. 13, 150 The Newt-Review, ReseBurf, Ore. f
Bsdminton will be played in the
Junior high gymnasium from 7:30
to 8:30 p.m. on Monday. Anyone
interested in playing the game is
invited to attend. lark Ulrich is
serving as director of the program.
BROOKLYN, Feb. 13 .f
Joe Hatten, veteran lefthander,
signed his 1950 Brooklyn Dodger
contract for an undisclosed amount
Ortqon High School
Sotkttboll Scores
By The Associated Presa
Ashland 41. Kerby 31.
Klamath Falls 53, Medford 50.
La Grande 44. SBaker 41 (over
time). North Bend 12. Coquffle 18.
Bend 71, Springfield 45.
Sweet Home 60, Newport 28.'
Brownsville 80, Halsey 35.
Scio 39, Monroe 88.
sociation jump with leap of 205
and ia feet.
Boswell Mineral Baths
Chiropractic Physiotherapy
Lady Attendant
1 Mile S. ot Drain, Oregon
aw Al AU ...a. raralaaaa . Me OUim
U t.a Ara IS Ow Wrlla Car rraa Staaklat
Dept. RO 2-13, 1440 Broadway, Oakland 12, Calif.
Name , , ' M Aa
Straat A-draas
'fif yoo seetitus
S8ns.Konal new
120 W. Oak
Phono 1211
Four New
eries of Cars ...
The Stria Sitif Sfttitl SiddM
..All Dramatically Restyled...and Powered by
Cadillac's Sensational New Engine !
Iodav, we are presenting, for your consider
ation, the finest, most beautiful motor can we
have ever been privileged to announce.
They are the new Cadillacs for 1950 and we
want you to come and see them.
We not only want you to see them but we
think you thould see them. For to tee and
inspect these wonderful creations will make you
a sharper judge of all cars and increase your
motor-car wisdom in every respect.
There are four entirely new series of can
all with wholly new bodies, and all completely
restyled. We think you'll agree that nothing so
sleek and dynamic and beautiful has ever been
een on the world's streets and highways. They
are arrestingly and breath-takingly gorgeous
and all are distinctively Cadillac.
And not only are they advanced in beauty
but their performance is finer in every way.
Cadillac's great new high-compression engine
is even smoother; it is actually quicker in
acceleration; and it runs so quietly that only
the indicators reveal when it is in action. It is
limply wonderful to drive.
And difficult a this will be for owners of
1949 Cadillacs to bclieveTthe 1950 car are
wi more economical to operate. Gasoline mileage
really approaches that of the smaller, lcwest-
priccd cars. It is no less than amazing that cart
so big and luxurious should run so far on a
gallon of gasoline.
Comfort and handling ease are also remark
ably advanced. There is far finer road balance
and over-all iteadiness at all driving speeds.
Steering is softer and more positive. Brakes are
more efficient and longer-lived. The over-all
satisfaction of driving from every standpoint
is simply "out of this world."
Truly, here are cars so fine and beautiful
that they deserve your personal consideration.
Make your plans now to come in and' see
them. You will be cordially welcome at any time.
Rose & Washington
E-oseburg AAotor Co.
Phone 1551