I 1 -J.1 ice 14, For Radio With a Punch- Stay Tuned to KRNR-MBS For: Behind the Story Marvin Miller discusses "Turning Points in Careers" Clark Gable, Harold Lloyd. 4:30-4:45 P. M. Tues. and Thurt. Value of Mental Hygiene to Roseburg Educational panel discussion on the Mental Hygiene Program. 7:00-7:30 P. M. . Tuesday The Cisco Kid Tonight: Cisco meets up with the merciless killer. Curt Nelson, during "The Nelson Gang" episode. . 7:30 - 8 P. M. Mon., Wed., Fri. Let George Do It Real trouble starts when a gentlemon tells George to "Go Jump in the Lake." S 8:30 Tonight McPherson in Person With music that's safe and sane . . . with charter that izn't. 11:00-11:30 P. M. Mon. thru Sat. KRNR 1490 on your Dial nun u Pictured t right are Bob Bailey tnd Frances Robinson, principles in the Monday night "Let George Do It" feature (1:004:30 p. m ). Bob Bailey, who takea the part of George Valentine in thU mystery detective drama, U to interested in criminalogy that be (pendi some of his free time in the Los An geles Sheriffs Crime Laboratories boning up oa newest crime inves tigation methods. Frances Robin- oa. who takes the part of Claire . Franco. ReMnsteiis Books, secretary and assistant to tak Bailey George Valentine, lives her radio role in real life. Tonight at eight, George is called in by a secretary whose boss makes a habit of getting into trouble. But the real trouble only starts when the gentle man in questions tells George to "Go Jump in the Lske." TUESDAY: Marvin Miller will discuss "Turning Points in Careers," taking as examples the careers of Clark Gable and Harold Lloyd, on his "Behind the Story" program. (Tues. It Thurs. 4:30-4:45 p. m ). Tomorrow night at 7, a panel discussion on "The Vslue of Mental Hygiene Program to Roseburg" will be beard over KRNR. Discussing the program will be Dr. E. J. Wainscott, and Mrs. Charles Doerner, a nurse. Dr. Haskins, President of the Mental Hygiene Association will be the moderator with Carl Felker as representing attorney. Just another of the many educational public-service features of KRNR! (Tues., T p. m.). P.IFLI RANG! SEWING CLUB HOLDS MEETING Gwen Frank and Ester Baker received prizes for the best home made valentines at the Rifle Range sewing club meeting held Tuee ay at the home of Blanche Marr. Valentine gifts were exchanged by Pollyannas. A short business meeting was conducted by Addie Schick and an nouncement made concerning the next meeting to be held Tuesday, Feb. 21 at the Schick home. Members enjoying the afternoon with the hostess were Dorothy Mc- PRUDENTIAL LIFE Insurance HORACE C. BERG Special Aflnt 111 West Oak Office 712-J Res. S71-J REFRIGERATOR Complete Service on Home and Commer cial Refrigeration. Bergh's 7 See All -Porcelain AutomoSie WaelniGir mnmimmmwiMiMiBmmum hjj jjmmWM-,'lk-,K m i JM f HEW LOW PRICE AAA75 . mm m m i iro i- i rr1- UMPQUA 'gSfa I I Pherran, Ester Baker, Gwen Frank, Alice Gill, Earla Gill, Mil dred Hites, Edna Scofield, Addie Schick, Belle Clinton, Pauline Greenfield, Marian Wilson, Virgin ia Brittain. Daisy Dillingham, and Lena Pfaff. Mrs. Herriges was a guest. JOBS' DAUGHTERS HONOR COUNCIL MEMBER AT SHOWER Mrs. Athalie Marcel, member of the guardian c6uncil for Bethel No. 8 Jobs Daughters, was honored st a shower at the close of Bethel meeting Tuesday evening at the Masonic temple. Honored Queen Rose Emily Bond presented Mrs. Marcel with a silver baby cup in her silver pattern. The gift was wrapped and centered a large red valentine on the service table. A large stork and valentine napkins added to the festivity of the occasion. The girls enjoyed the social hour . ,. FRITZ? 805 PHONE GUARANTEED FAST SERVICE Applianca Service 1200 S. Stephens aiE-WAm gets comes reauv ciean a demonstration VALLEY APPLIANCE Freedom Group Takes Exception To Union Charge VALLEY FORGE, Pa.-HV-Freedoms. foundation officials have taken exception to union's charge mat the foundation is "a front or ganisation for American reaction' aries." A u iuuhmwb inM-yvuiAvi, non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-p r o f i t," declared President Don Belding and Executive Vice- President Kenneth o. weus in a statement Friday. The statement was Issued in ans wer to a charge made by Paul L. Phillips, president of the AFL-in- ternational Brotherhood of Paper Makers in announcing the union was returning $600 and a gold me dal to the foundation. The union'a house organ, "The Paper Maker" was awarded third place last fall in the foundation's "best union publication class." Belding and Wells said Phillips' action came as a complete surprise since the union head bad made two personal visits to foundation head quarters here once to discuss the organization's activities and the second time to accept the award President Harold E. Stassen of the University of Pennsylvania headed the board of judges that included seven justices ol state supreme courts. Gen. DwiKht D. Eisenhower, pre sident of Columbia university, pre sided at the awards presentation lsst faU. Sen. Morse Backs Hoover Findings SALEM, Feb. 1J. UP) Sen. Wayne L. Morse declared Saturday that the national budget, more than 15 billion in the red, could be bal anced right now. Morse told the Oregon hon grow ers' convention that a balanced budget could be obtained by three moves: 1. Adopting the Hoove commis sion report, which he said would save $3 billion. 2. Adopting tax reforms recom mended by the committee on econ omic develcpment, at a $1 billion saving. 3. Eliminating waste lu the mili tary establishment, saving 12 bil lion. The senator said he does not ob ject to federal spending on such capital investments as river and flood control projects, but that he would like to cut administration expenditures. Refrigerating machinery was Invented in 1880. following a mock initiation Regu lar initiation and inspection of beth el work is scheduled for the com ing meeting, Feb. 21 at the Ma sonic temple. , CARD PARTY PLANNED AT RICE VALLEY HALL , - A card party, for the benefit of the March of Dimes, will be held Friday. Feb. 17 at the Rice Val ley hall. Prizes will be awarded and refreshments served. The pub lic is invited. ACTION of the Yes, ony Frigidairo's axclusiva Liva-Woter Action produces rolling, penetrating currents of hot, sudsy water that wash clothes cfeanor. No pulling or yanking. And clothes are in hot, sudsy water all the timo not half-in, half-out. live-Water Action rinses clothes twice in clean, fresh water each time. Tha Rapidry-Spin gets them so dry soma ara ready for ironing. Sea that FRIGIDAIRE features I - All-Porcelain, Inside and out No bolting down, put it anywhere Loads from top, full-width Usable flat top Underwater Suds Distributer leveling knobs for uneven floors ' Clog-Proof Water Pump Direct-Drive Unimotie Mechanism FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC IRONER Full, 30-inch, op en-end, sag proof roll mot takes large sheets and tablecloths easily. Prejtoe v Motie Foot Control, HI-LO Speed, temperature controls. Roll-stop for pressing. i r Si h ; TROMBONE QUARTET Appearing with the Roseburg high school band In concert Thursday night, Feb. 16, at 8:15 p. m., in the senior high auditorium is the above trombone quartet. Pram lft thaw mrm Rnk Ctiurffh Laura IavaIaimJ Ram CtllrlinM and Tom Taylor. (Picture by Chuck Plummerl. Vers Reminded That Insurance Needs Renewal Veterans who took out national service life insurance in 1M2 are rem indeed by the Veterans ad ministration that they must con vert or renew their present polic ies this year, before they ex pur j Failure of veterans to do so may result in the loss of their G. I. in surance, unless they are able to pass a physical examination. t. I. policies issued in 1941 have eight years to run before they must be converted or renewed, and vet erans must apply for their new policies before the old ones run out. Many Veterans, the VA said, ara not sure when they first took out their N.S.L.I. policies and needless ly take the risk of losing their in surance protection because they don t Know when their policies should be renewed. Even though the VA will try to notify the Veteran 60 days ahead of time before the expiration date of hia G. I. insurance policy, it is wise for him to check with the VA to determine the anniversary date of his insurance policy if he isn't sure. Approximately one-third of the hslf-million Veterans in the Pacif ic Northwest who have G. I. in surance pay their premiums dur ing the 31-day "grace period.' They, too, face the lose of their insurance when it expires, be cause it may no longer be in force when they get around to making application for a converted policy or a renewal. The VA advised Veterans to oar their premiums on time and depend on the "grace period" only in cases of real financial emergency. Lover's Lane Killer Receives 50 Years CHICAGO im Arthur Marino. 29-year-old music teacher, was sentenced to SO years in prison aft er a jury convicted him of the lovers' lane slaying of his pretty 17-yesr-old fiancee. Imposing the sentence recom mended by the criminal court jury. Judge Leonard C. Reid said "The defendant does not know how lucky ne is in my estimation." Reid de nied a motion for a new trial. The state had asked that Mar no be sent to the electric chair for the murder last June 28 of his sweetheart, Joan Crawford, a sub urban blue island high school jun ior. He was accused by the state of fatally beating her in a lovers' lane in suburban Dolton. Marino, wno did not testify, had told police two men had attacked them while they were parked in his csr. He said they had forced him to drink ammonia and bad beaten and strangled Miss Coward. REALLY SALTED AWAY QUINCY. 111.. Feb. 13. (JPI When Mrs. R. H. Niggemeyer open ed a can of sauerkraut for supper, she found some cabbage of an un expected variety. bhe found a tight green roll in one side of the can. It turned out to be four $1 bills. Mrs. Niggemeyer has written to the csnning comapny about it. She isn't mad. Just curious. S?a slues have about the same nutritional value as oysters. -THE SNACK SHACK- REOPENS WEDNESDAY FEB. 15TH Tha Snack Shack, whers) you' ort served in your car or in our modern restaurant, is opening again. Orivt out and enjoy either our delicious chicken, steak and chop dinners or tasty sandwiches end fountain treats. OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. ( Closed Tuesdays. For the finest of foods, visit the SNACK SHACK at the Top of ths Hill on Hiwoy 99 N. if -rii) ) KRNR " 1 1490 on Your Dial Mutual Broadcasting System M MAIN IN O BOUBI TODAY 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. MBS, 4:1S Hemlnffway. MBS. 4:30 Homimakcr'l Club. 4:43 News. MBS 8: DO Hy Block Presents. 8 JO Tom Mix. MBS. OO Music At Six. 15 Mutual NtwiTML MB. 30 World of SporU. 43 Tex Bene. S3 Bill Henry. MBS. 7:00 Her Comas Johnny. T : 1 5 Sammy Kay 1:30 Cisco Kid. MBS. OO Let Crow Do It MBS. JO You Nam It. 43 Cedrtc Foster. MB. t:UO NW. MBS. 13 Hi Nelfhbor. :30 Scandinavian Melody. 43 Fulton Lav Is, Jr. MBS 10:00 I Lav A Mystery. MBS. 10:13 Music You Want 10:45 McPharson In Person. It: 23 News Summary, 11.30 Sign Oil. TUEHDAT, FKBftUABT U, M 6:00 Mticsl Clock. 0 :t0 News. 33 Farm Fair. 45 His at Shin. MBS. 7:00 Htmlnfway. MBS. 7:15 Breakfast Ganf. MBS. 7:45 Local News. 7 30 Martial. 00 Favorlt Hymns. IS Chuck wagon Jsmbor. 30 Haven of Rest. MBS. 00 Modern Horn. 15 Melody Tim. 8 30lan About Town. 43-eatlr Mallbas MB 10:00 News. MBS. 10:15 Sonfs of Char. MBS. 10 30 Say It wita Music 10 43 Jack Holt. 11 OO Ladles Fair. MBS. 11:30 Queen For Day. MBS 12 00 World Newt. 13:15 Sons Of Th alonf. 12 30 Music At Noon, 12:50 Local New. 11:34 Market Report. 1:00 Man On Tha Strt . ,, .. 1:15 Ltsun to Lelbert. 1:30 Standard School Broadcast 2 00 Phone Fun. 3:30 It' Requeetad. ' 3:15Muslc. 3:30 Good Newi Protram 3:45Andr KnstelaneU.- MBS 4 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. MBS. 4 13 Hemingway. MBS. 4 ;to- Behind Th Story. MBS. . 4:45 Music. 5 00 Straight Arrow. MBS. 5:30 B-Bar-B Rider. MBS. SOO Music At Six. : 15 Mutual News reel. MBS 1:30 World Of SporU. 8 45 Tex Benek Show. 53 Bill Henry MBS. 7 0O Vatu of Mental Hygiene. 7:15 Music You Remember . 7:30 Jr. Chamber Com mere, g oo Romanc And Music 30 Jovin Jambor. 0:00 New. MBS. 0:19 Songs of Our Time. 30 Congressman Ellsworth 43 Fulton Lewts Jr. MBS 10 00 I Love A Myitery. MBS. 10:15 Music You Want. 10:45 Mcpherson In Person. 11:35 News Summary. 1150 Sign Off. STATION POWIR UPPID ASTORIA, UP) Radio station KAST began broadcasting on l.OuO watts Saturday, after the Federal Communications commission grant ed the station permission to up its power from 250 to 1.000. In changing to the higher power ed transmitter, the station shifted its frequency from 1230 to 1370 kilo cycles. $ SAVE $ WHY PAY MORET Off lea hours: t a. m. to t p. m.j Sundays, 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. No Appointment Neeassary INCOME TAX ' SERVICE 139 Sharldan Phona 968-J or 57-F-2 I Most., Feb. IS, 1930 Tha News-Review, Rssakurg, Ons. S Servicemen's Heuslna CHI Has Senate Approvel wAamnisiVN, r eo. li wi Alt.. tnMHu. I i- t- i ; servicemen's families, the Senate pauea ana seni io ine nouse a half billion dollar military con struction bill. The House armed services com mittee already is holding hear ings on a .similar measure. The Legislation, approved by voice vote In the Senate after a dispute over the cost of military housing, was described by Sena tor Tydings (D-MD) as one of the most important that the defense department wanta passed at this It WAIlM aiittiA.! . uma ... -I..... of projects for the Army, Navy nu ruin costing approxi mately UM Ann nnn L-. . n J ""w.ww.wv. 1 HilU, 1UI UIO work would have to be appropirat ed later. Actual construction is expected to oe spread over two or three yesrs. . o-. ...... v, uw otu- ate armed services committee, noted that the bill included $90, 000,000 for research and develop ment projects to aid scientists working on the "latest" weapons. One item is $11,814,300 for highly secret special wespons projects. The bill also Includes about $113, 000,000 for housing military per sonnel, and in the Senate the prin- cinal pnntmv.rtu ..niaru) nn u- ' - - J kuvw.w WU M IV cost of these projects. as proposed, the bill simply pro vided that the cost of family houa- intf iinifat hniiM A i a 000, plus $2,500 for site develop- mxni ana oumae uuuues. ine lim its could be doubled for construc tion outside of the United States and in Alaska, where costs are much higher. DOORS $6.95 to $33.00 PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. Snd Ave. S. Phone 242 paaaaq Use Our Convenien ludget Plan te Pay for All Repairs to Your . Car r u MnmR rn u w w en we UOak A Stephens Phone mm7mm, TOMORROW THREE DAYS ONLY FURY, HATE AND VIOLENCE OF AN ENTIRE TOWN ' rton (ttUDE (WIS JARMAN, JR. BRIAN .m JUANO HERNANDEZ LAST TIMES TONIGHT Barber Shop Singers Out FOREST GROVE, CPI The Harmony Vendors of Tacoma won't be back to defend their bar ber shop ballad title this year. They've disbanded. But the teams which placed second and third in last year's all-Northwest barber shop ballad contest have entered ttia fourth annual eompe tition, Feb. 24-25. The Agony Four of Oregon state, runnera-up last year, filed their entry. House Brothers of Bonsnta, were tha first Oregonians to file. All early matches had to be struck against phosphorus, a dead ly poison. Rasarvatlone for private Skating Parties are available at tha Rainbow Skating Rink Wlneheeter . Phone S2S-R-2 COMING WEDNESDAY m tKMAtt StfiM . SrSAS COFEATURE 'LOST PATROL' starring victor McLAGLAll Bo,. KARLOFF NOW PLAYING lUTRia PEARSON "Sr" AMD "Kansas City Kitty" . with Joan Davit 1 7fj fllftKm PATTERSON rippio OM riautt- FORBIDDfN lOVff SeritWtm$0fl '' yl MlBti-leljK8UltT 120 W. Oak Phone 1211