Society and Gluhl By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER tnd BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social ttemi submitted by tele phone (or the society 'page mutt be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday utd by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB TO MIIT WEDNESDAY The Friendly Hour club will meet for an all-day affair Wednesday with a noon potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Willamina Bone brake. Textile painting will be the subject. All members sre urged to be present. Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But ;f yot really want to t n your home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Leant and Insurance Lean Represenatlve Equitable Savings A Lean Assn. 112 W. Cass Phone 13 RICE VALLEY CLUE ,' HOLDS INTERESTING MEETINO AT HALL. The Rice Vslley Home Econo mics club met at the hall last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Castor, as president opened the meeting. Mrs. Hsrtford acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Rice. It was agreed to change the club from the Rice Valley Home Eco nomics club to the Rice Vslley Community club in order to make all members of the club eligible for office. Hereafter the club will be referred to as the Rice Valley Community club. Mrs. Csstor, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. Frank Churchill were nominated executives to re present the Grange Economics. Committee chairmen appointed included, program chairman, Mrs J. L Shepherd; hospitality chair man, Mrs. T. H. Shepherd: mem bership chairman, Mrs. H. Dun bar; project chairman, Mrs. C. Hartford: relief chairman, Mrs. W. Castor; decoration chairman, Mrs. L. Churchill. The group agreed to give a card party at the hall for the benefit of the polio fund. Mrs. Frank Churchill will be hostess for the February 21 meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. LeRoy Churchill to Mrs. William Castor, Mrs. J. L. Shepherd, Mrs. Cecil Hartford, Mrs. Frank Churchill, Mrs. Harry Dunbar, Mrs. T. H. Shepherd, Mrs. J. G. Wales, and Mrs. Ralph Emer son. WILBUR RECREATIONAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The Wilbur Recreation club met Friday night at an annual meeting to elect officers for the coming year. Those elected were president. Jimmy Spackman; vice-presidnt, Olga Harvey; secretary, Ann Christie; treasurer; Lloyd Harvey, sargants at arms, Fedrick Bros lio; Roy Christie, Roy Harvey. It was voted to change the reg gular meeting nights from Fri day to Saturday with a business meeting the first Saturday of every month. The Teen-agers took over a new memberhip drive. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and refresh ments were served by the ladies of the community. Nelly Don early-blooming PRINT F"rt ftifura: Doubla row of latching tt wiiscliiw tipt. Rip out tap row for adcUa noulacr-to-waui length. 'his can be ycur good print dress that goes everywhere including right into next season! Smart, simple lines in honeycomb pattern due's fresh, modern. Stand-up collar lined with detach- able pique. Gently Housed waist and a slim-hanging skirt. Fine dernier rayon white on navy, green, brown, pink, blr. 14.95 Second Floor of Foshions ll II if 1 t N a. , o MISS MURIEL MITCHELL, city librarian, and Mits Clementina Armton, assistant librarian, view a new sign recently erected above the library door. It was built and painted by Albert Bacher, member of the city street department, who spends much of his time doing paint jobs for the city to the satisfaction of all, if his sign is a fair example. By Paul Jenkins LADIES AID SOCIETY SPENDS AFTERNOON IN VARIED ACTIVITIES The Methodist Ladies Aid Socie ty of Canyonville met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. L Moyer. Mrs. H. Erne Taylor opened the meeting with a prayer After a short business meeting with Mrs. Clarence Crowl in charge names for secret sisters were drawn. The remainder of the after noon was spent in working on a qu'lt. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. L. B Anderson, Mrs. Ruth McGee, Mrs. Lillie Sharp, Mrs. Clarence Crowl, Mrs. C. A. Campbell, Mrs. George McClane Sr., Mrs. R. W. Fairfield Mrs. Elmer Stanley, Mrs. Fred Elliott, Mrs. H. Erne Taylor, Mrs. Bertha Green, Mrs. T. L. Weaver and Mrs. Moyer. The next meeting will be held Feb. It at Uie home of Mrs. L. B Anderson. PINOCHLE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT HARRYMAN HOME Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Harryman of Dillard entertained their pin ochle Club on Saturday evening at tlieir home on Kent Creek. During the party Mr. Otto Lange hooked up his wire recorder and music waa enjoyed. Mr. Harryman sang several numbers accompanied by j his son Stanley, who also played several numbers on the piano. j Pinochle prizes were won by Mon., Fab. 13, 1950- Tha Nowvtovlaw, RoMbura, Ore. 3 Mrs. Alvan Tipton, and Mr. Alvaa Tipton and a special chair prize was won by Mrs. Mabel Lange. Refreshments were served; Mr. and Mra. Blame Stafford, Mr. and Mra. Alvan Tipton, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lange, and the host and hos tess, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Harry man and son, Stanley. AUXILIARY TO HOLD SPECIAL MEETING The American Legion auxiliary will hold a special meeting at eight o'clock Wednesday night at the Le ion home at 118 S. Kane street. AU officers are asked to be present. BIRTHDAY DINNER HONORS MRS. CALLAHAN .'" AT TROBOUOH HOME A birthday dinner waa given In honor Mrs. Cecil Callahan at the home of Mrs. Henry Trobough, on Kent Creek, Sunday evening. The table was arranged with a center piece and matching candle holders in pottery with tall white tapers Covers were placed for: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mahoney and son. Ken neth, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordon , and son, Arlan, Mr, and Mrs Cecil Callahan, and the host and hos-1 tess, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trou-1 bough.: 1 FLOOR SANDING Ml 3 FINISHING Estimates Phono 1973-R H Leslie Pfaff L J 320 Word St. COUNTY EXTENSION UNIT HOLDS MEETING Home Extension county commit tee members met at the home of Mrs. A. J. Standley at Edenbower last Saturday and discussed acti vities and progress of the units. Mrs. Earl Olhvant, chairman of the committee, opened the meet ing. The committee agreed it would be favorable for Winston to begin a unit and each county unit was urged to try to reach a goal of $40.00 to contribute to the Azalea House fund. The committee members pointed out that work to be emphasized during the next few years should include principally activities of a community service nature. Pro gram planning was set for April 18 in Roseburg. Discussion was held on each unit contributing a dime per member for the support of a state dele gate to be sent to Denmark in September. Each unit which desires may also suggest a member from their unit with her qualifications, to be considered as a delegate. The Refugee Toy drive was discussed and the group suggested that each unit may prepare a box of toys. These should be taken to the program planning day, April lo, and it was suggested that toys be wrapped in clothing. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Corinne McTaggart, Mrs. A. J. Standley, Mrs. Ray Doerner, Mrs. tan uiuvant and Mrs. Cecil Hart ford. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. J. Standley at Edenbower Saturday, reo. a at l p.m.- FAMILY REUNION HONORS DILLARD BOY WHO LEAVES FOR NAVAL CAREER A family reunion gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fosback in Dillard to honor Oli ver Fosback, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. C. C. Fosback who left Sunday afternoon for Portland to take his physical examination to join the navy. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fosback and 1 son, Ivan, of Eugene, who stayed over the, week - end, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fosback and two children of Winston, the host and hostess and son Jimmy, and daugh ter Lois. Oliver arrived in Portland Sun day evening at the home of hs grandmother, Mrs. Emma Fos back and while there enjoyed an other reunion with his aunts and unclea, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bak er and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fos back. Report was received by his par ents that he passed his examina tion and left Monday night for San Diego to take up hia four years of training In the navy. MRS DeCAMP IS HOSTESS AT CHARMING PARTY ON TUESDAY Mrs. Clarence DeCamp was hos tess to a group of friends at her home Tuesday, January 31, when she entertained with a Whit.' House Products party. A very interesting demonstrat tion was given by the White House representative, Misa Roberta Csn stantine, after which she conduct ed games and prizes were given. After visiting was enjoyed the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Ro bert Gunderson in serving refresh ments to Miss Constantine and the following guests: Messrs C. F. Jen ner, Pete Fullerton, George Luoma, Robert Murray, John Verberkmoet and Robert Gunderson.. ,, JOLLY CIRCLE CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Jolly Circle club will hold a no-hostess party Wednesday at one o'clock at the home of Mrs Sallie Barker. Members are asked to bring a covered dish and their table service. Election of officers will be held. Mystery sisters will be revealed by valentines. New mystery sister names will be ax changed. All members are urged to be present. 4(i nMm our beret that will be all things to your wardrobe Right with city suits. . . perfect with country casuals... a good traveler that doesn't muss . . . the oil-ribbon beret in favorite colors q A i I - jk beret in favorite colors. Jl j I T THE YARN SHOP 230 N. Stephana KNITTING SUPPLIES Free Knfttlng Instructions 10:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. '7 ...Hurry! See the beautiful new ILed Cross Shoes we're now featuring in our Fashion Bandwagon for spring. Each style Fit-Tested to fit your foot beautifully, youthfully. Monte Corto 10.95 't uiuhtlUngtd thot vtlut TjSl(j. 1th anahKI tiM M eoantctloa wtutwNr , TW Aatricaa KiSail Kad Cna Shoe Department Main Floor Second Floor of Fashions spring arrives with the little jacket suit by . , Agote buttons, high flopped pockets, the little occessory collar , ... delectable details on a fitted jacket briefed to the season's smortest look. The hip hugging skirt completes your suit ... the most wonderful, most wearable outfit in your entire Soring wardrobe. Pure wool. 39.95 Exclusive with ui Second Floar af Fashions V i.