To' Be Bride Of Arliiw Beverly Durr Mn . 0. T. Durr of Roseburg an nouncn the engagement of her daughter, Arline Beverly Durr, to Erneit L. Hooper, ion of Mr. and Mn. Clarence Hooper of this city The bride-elect was graduated from Sulherlin High ichool in 1949 MRS. J. I. PINKERTON ELECTED PRESIDENT OF WOMAN'S SOCIETY Mrs. J. E. Pinkerton was elected president of the Woman's Society sf the First Presbyterian church at a one-thirty o'clock dessert luncheon at the church parlors Thursday. Hostesses were Mrs. Earl Plummer, chairman, Mrs. Ed Bayliss, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher, Mrs. George Kohlhagen and Mrs. John Runyan The tables were very beautifully decorated in the Valentine motif Mrs. L. F. Nielsen conducted the business meeting. Mrs. W. M. Campbell installed the new officers including Mrs. Pinkerton, presi dent; Mrs. Nielsen, -vice-president; Mrs. Burdette Leas, social educa tion and action committee; Mrs. F. R. Cunningham, program chair man; Mrs. Paul Helweg, youth fel lowship chairman: Mrs. V. A. Wil son, work committee chairman, and Mrs. Maurice J. Newland, nominating .committee, chairman. Plana were made for entertain ing the Multnomah School of the Bible Choir appearing here Thurs day, Feb. 16, in concert. Mrs. Edwin G. Young delighted the group with her very charming review of the book, "Never Dies the Dream," by Margaret Landeon. Mrs. Cunningham had charge of the program. Mrs. L. F. Nielsen Celebrate Wedding Anniversary ml ii f: r; M II w-rw Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Green of Roseburg received fifty friends and relatives Sundsy, Jan. 29, at a re ception in honor of their thirtietn wedding anniversary at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Crenshaw. The lace-covered table was beau tifully appointed for the occasion. Mrs. R. P. Blakely and Mrs. Cren shaw poured. Mrs. Ed Harvey and Mrs. R. R. Green assisted in serv. ing. Mr. and Mrs. Green were mar HAIR STYLIST TALKS AT DENTAL ASSISTANT MEETING WEDNESDAY NIGHT Mrs. Alvin Hughes, local beauti cian, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Umpqua district. Dental Assistants association Wednesday evening at the home of Dr. Eleanor Carlson on the Mel rose road. Potluck dinner preceded the business session. The guest speaker talked on hair styling. At the conclusion of her program she gave personal criti cism and suggestions to those present on individual hair styles. The next association meeting will be March 15 at the home of Mrs. H. R. Augustus, 617 Cobb street at 7 p. m. with a potlurk dinner preceding the business ses sion. The meeting has been post poned one week in order that local Ernest Hooper 0 and ii now employed by the State Farm Mutual Insurance company The bridegroom -elect was graduat ed from Alta Vista high school in Kansas in 1948 and is now serving in the U.S. Navy. No date has been set for the wedding. (Picture oy uarK s studio.) presented vocal numbers accord panied by Mrs. N. D. Johnson and Mrs. W. M. Campbell conducted tne devotions. Those present were Mrs. J. E. Pinkerton. Mrs. Edwin G. Young, Mrs. L. F. Nielsen, Mrs. Maurico J. Newland, Miss Clsra Dillard, Mrs. Laurene Jones, Mrs. V. A Wilson, Mrs. F. R. Cunningham, Miss Estelle V. Conover, Mrs. E L. Knapp. Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Mrs. Alva Bellows, Mrs. Harold Bellows. Mrs. A. A. Wilder. Mrs J. GUlis Carlson, Mrs. H. E. Cole man, Mrs. W. M. Chalmers. Mrs. R. W. Rodgers, Mrs. Eff'e Schwarz, Mrs. Armour Murdock, Miss Margaret Clapp, Mrs. W. I. Dixon, Mrs. ward Cockeram, Mrs Clifford D. Fies, Mrs. N. D. John son, Mrs. Paul Helweg, Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. George Caskey. Mrs. W. H. Richardson, Mrs. A. H. Berni, Mrs. T. T. Clark, Mrs E. S. Hall. Mrs. J. L. Marsters. Mrs. Alice M. Dunn, Mrs. Jem Everett, Mrs. Burdette Leas, Mrs S. J. Shoemaker, Mrs. Myron C. Haines, Mrs, Utho uosnell, Mrs P. A. Voeller, Mrs. Alva Lawj, Mrs. J. F. Motschenbacher, Mrs Earl Plummer. Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. Ed Bayliss and Mrs. Leon Wesemsn. The next meeting will be Mar"h 1 at one-thirty o clock at the Pres byterian church. 1. ,,,, r.Tvi v.v 7 R. T. Green ried January 29th, 1920, at the home of the bride's parents in Pon tiac. 111. They resided there until 1936, when they came to Roseburg to make their home. They are now superintendent and matron of the Douglas County Home, where they have been for the last two years They are parents of four children and five grandchildren, all of Rose burg. Many beautiful gifts and cards were presented to the honored cou ple. . members may attend the state den tal convention to be held in Port land March 6, 7 and g. THOMAS FINDLAY IS HONORED AT BIRTHOAY DINNER ON SUNDAY Mrs. Thomas Findlay entertain ed at a two o'clock turkey dinner Sunday at her home on the Keasey road to honor Mr. Findlay on his birthday. Gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Findley and daughter, Bren da, and son. Tommy; Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs R. A. Findlay. Mrs. Birdie Bsrkcr. Mrs. Ruby Blood and Carolyn Sue) Jackson. Later in the afternoon Henry Cox joined the group. Refreshment were served following a social hour of playing canasta. Sedell-Stever Valentine Bridge Luncheon Is Charming Affair One of the most charming Valen tine parties of the season was given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Roy Sedell and Mrs. Fred Stever, when they invited a large group o: friend to a one o'clock bridge luncheon at the Roseburg Country club. Three tables were decorated with red and white tapers, sprays of varigated holly and colorful Val entine hearts. The fireplace mantle was covered with greenery and decorated with arrangements oi red carnations flanked by cande labra holding tall red candles. The gift table was centered with a flame bouquet of red carnations and red candles. The gift prises were wrapped in the Valentine mo tif. Guests invited to enjoy the oc casion with Mrs. Sedell and Mrs. Stever were: Mrs. K. D. Adams, Mrs. W. F. Amiot, Mrs. Kenneth Btiiley, Mrs. R. D. Bridges, Mrs Horace C. Berg, Mrs. W. C. Call! sort, Mrs. M. C. Cassel, Mrs. A. B. Collier, Mrs. J. F. DiUard, Mrs. J. R. Dingley, Mrs. Vance Eager, Mrs. Herman Matisoff, Mrs. Ken neth Quine. Mrs. Earl C. Plummer. Mrs. Roy Cummins, Mrs Alva L. Laws, Mrs 0. W. Harrah. Mrs. J. P. Mot- STATE BOARD MEETING TO FEATURE LUNCHEON, CHILDREN'S FASHION SHOW A noon luncheon at Carl's Haven and a children's fashion show sponsored by Miller's Department store, will feature the forthcoming state board meeting of Jay-C-Ettes in Roseburg Saturday. Feb. i Plans for the event were made Wednesday at the home of Mrs Duane Baker. Officers for the coming year were elected and include Mrs. Glen Scott, president: Mrs. George Mc intosn, vice president, Mrs. Bob Lambeth, secretary and Mrs. Irv Pugh, treasurer. Retiring officers are Mrs. Charles Hart, president, Mrs. Clarke Taylor, vice president; Mrs. Walt Brittell, secretary and Mrs. Bob LeGat, treasurer. Plans were made for the next meeting to be held March 8 at the home of Mrs. Charlea Hsrt. Those planning to attend are asked to call either 1217-Y or 11IJ-L. Jay-C-Ettes are urged to make reservations for the board luncheon by Feb. 16 and local membera may place these with Mrs. Don Gum. Mrs. Rod Dotson and Mrs. Mil lard Rietmann assisted the hosteu in serving refreshments to the Mea ds mes Charles Hart, Sidney Moon John Fett, Bob Lambeth, Walt Brit tell, Sid Fredrickson, Bill Endi cott. Bill Tipton, Bob Lucky, Al Frey, Don Gum, Ellis Bartrum, Leonard Langley, George Mcin tosh, LeRoy Inman, Irv Pugn, Glenn Scott, Clark Taylor, Russell Osborn, members; and Mrs. Jacic Heater and Mrs. Wallace Watkins, guests. PAST MATRONS CLUB MEETS MONDAY NIGHT AT DESSERT-SUPPER The Past Matrons club of Rose burg chapter No. 8-O.E.S., held, its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher Mon day evening and enjoyed a deli cious dessert-supper served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. H. H. Tur ner and Mrs. Florence Hercher. The main serving table was cover ed with a lovely hand tatted cloth and centered with lighted mulberry candlea surrounded by sprigs of Daphne. The amall tables were decorated with potted cacti. Fol lowing the business meeting con ducted by the President, Mrs. Slur gell Walker, games were in play, using gaily wrapped "White Ele phant" packages for prizes. Mrs. William Unrath, Worthy Matron of Roseburg Chapter No. 8, was a guest for the evening. Members attending were: Mrs. Giles Ash man, Mrs. P. T. Bubar, Mrs. Alice Dunn, Mrs. A. J. Ellison, Mrs. Eva May Ferrier, Mrs. C. S. Heinline. Mrs. Hulda Howe, Mrs. Mabel Lang, Mrs. Frances Lintott, Mrs. G. W. Marshall, Mrs. v. J. Ml celli, Mrs. M. J. Newland, Mrs. Grant Osborn, Mrs. Earl Plum mer, Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. Flossie Virden, Mrs. Sturgell Walker, Miss Ethel Webb. Mrs. R. L. Whipple and the hostesses. Tne next meeting will be held March 6th at the home of Mrs. V. J. Micelli. LAZY DAISY CLUB PLANS VALENTINE PARTY AT GRANGE Lazy Daisy club members enjoy ed an all-day meeting Thursday. Feb. 2 at the home of Mrs. Brice Robison en Fowler street. Potluck luncheon was held at noon. Plans were made for a Valentine party to be held Feb. 11 at the Evergreen Grange hall. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 16 at the home of Mrs. John Miner, 915 Winchester street at 11 a.m. Members present were Mrs. A. F. Mitchell, Mrs. M. C. Smith. Mrs. Don Carlson. Mrs. Floyd Ot ter son, Mrs. L. W. PitUm, Mrs John Miner, Mrs. Monty Glover, Mrs. Bill Weaver, Mrs. Bert Brew er. Mrs. Walter Gilkison, Mrs. El mer Lyda, Mrs. Russel Bailor and the hostess Mrs. Robison. PINK AND BLUE SHOWER HONORS MRS. ERSKINE Honored Wednesday afternoon at her home was Mrs. Alvin Erskine on the Old Pacific highway when Mrs. Harvey a. voss and Mrs. J. C. Foote held a pink and blue show er in her honor. . A large stork with pink and blue streamers and prettily wrapped gifts formed the decorative theme. Visiting was followed by refresh menu. ' Present were Mrs. Bella Holmes. Mrs. Edna Lewis. Mrs. Bruce Dodge, Mrs. Fred Zimmers, Mrs. John Quibell, Mrs. W. Zemlicka, Mrs. L. M. Stumbo, Mrs. F. L. Mitchell. Mrs. EmoVMcDaniel, Mrs. C. M. Hall, Mrs. John Stephens, Mrs. Percy Myers. Mrs. Glen Tur ner, Mrs. Dean Rammage. Mrs. G. E. Long. Mrs. Fred Winters, Mrs. Ray Michael and the hos tesses. Sending gifts but unable to at tend were Mrs. H. G. Hampton, Mrs. Kusscit bteinhauer, Urs. Ross Miller, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Lloyd Goodpasture, Mrs. Izola Mitchell. srhenbaeher, Mrs. W. C. Holmes, Mrs. Armour Murdock, Mrs. Ted F. Mouch', Mrs. Robert J. Doty, Miss Mary Hess, Mrs. Don Forbes, Mrs. Scott Layman of Eugene, Mrs. H. R. Reynolds. Mrs. Philip Johnson, Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. E. R. Harvey. Mrs. A. G. Henninger, Mrs. C E. Knight. Mrs. G. W. Marshall. Mrs. Edward Murphy, Mrs. S. M. Moore, Mrs. B. L. Martin, Mrs. L. G. Twohy, Mrs. Walter Brydges, Mrs. A. F. MiceUi. Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer. Mrs. E. L. Tauscher. Mrs. Edward X. Titcomb, Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mrs. Ernest L Dawe. Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark, Mrs. Bill Courter, Mrs. E. A. Pearson, Mrs. A. C. Anderson, Mrs. E. P. Johnson, Mrs. Charles B. Kash, Mrs. Norman Siefarth, Mrs. B. T Randall, Mrs. H. D. Quine, Mrs. Paul K. Ryan, Mrs. L. L. Tow ers and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Prises for the afternoon's con tract bridge play went to Mrs. Matisoff, first; Mrs. Moore, sec ond: Mrs. Motschenbacher, third, and Mrs. Hughes, fourth, with Mrs Randall winning the traveling heart prise. The canasta prise was won by Mrs. Murdock. LADY ELKS TO HOLD SPRING CARD PARTY AT ELKS TEMPLE Lady Elks made plans for a spring card party when they met at the Elks temple Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Mitchell Moore and Mrs. Frank Bistak were appointed co chairmen by Mrs. Paul K. Ryan. The date will be announced later. Mrs. Paul K. Ryan, president, was in charge of the business meeting. Bridge and pinochle were at play with Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Mrs. Arlo Jacklin and Mrs. Roy Bellows holding high scores at bridge. Pin ochle prizes were awarded Mrs. Cecil Hayes. Mrs. N. B. Fehmerling and Mrs. W. D. Fritz. Attending were the Mesdames Joe Brant, J. H. Clark, R. L. Red ing, John Aker, W. D. Fritz, W. R. Wagner, Homer Trusty, Paul K. Ryan, N. H. Fehmerling, H. S. Bailey, C. D. Albright, Jack Lil ian!, Otho D. Gosneli. E. A. John son, Wesley Bailor, Carmen Clark, Ray Hoover, Lee Mortensen, Cecil nayes, Marina Brown, u. M. Ilea, Arlo Jacklin, Adrian Fisher, L. L. Powers, Hazel Dixon, Roy Bellows, rrea Hamilton. Armour Murdock Hay Ayotte. Frank Bistak, Goldie Brunn, rred Schwartz, Dave Tay lor, Charles Brcnd, E. L. Tausch er, Mitchell Moore. A. B. Casey, L. M. Lehrbach and Miss Agnes ritcntord. MRS. JOHN L. HASKINS ENTERTAINS GROUP ON HER BIRTHDAY MONDAY Mrs. John L. Haskins celebrated her birthday anniversary Mondav evening at her beautiful home at tne veterans hospital post by in viting twenty-four staff members to a canasta and bridge Dartv Mrs. Vivian Prober won high score in canasta with Miss Margaret Joyce receiving low score. Miss Ruth Bloom won high in the bridge piay witn Mrs. Kennetn w. Kinney leccivuig low. A feature of the party was the six-tierea ribbon birthday cake, wnicn nas been traditional in Mrs Haskins family since she was a man cnild. Her two daughters. Miss Carol Haskins of Helena, Mont., and Mrs. William Merri field of Portland, telephoned birth day good wishes. following tne card d ay. lovely refreshments were served from the beautifully appointed table. MRS. ARTHUR CLARKE IS GUEST SPEAKER AT EPISCOPAL GUILD MEETING Members of St. George's Episco pal Church Guild attended the communion services followed by a potluck luncheon Wednesday at the parish hall. Mrs. Arthur Clarke, re cently returned from an extensive tour of England and Europe, was the guest speaker. The following persons were present: Father Ty son and Mrs. Tyson, Mrs. Louis A. Dillard, Mrs. Earl T. Nelson, Mrs Stephen Bistren, Mrs. Frank Wood worth, Mrs. Drming Bronson, Mrs. Roger Gee, Mrs. Van Svarveriid. Mrs. T. W. Bernard, Mrs. Elton Jackson, Mrs. Forrest C. Losee. Mrs. E. A. Post, Mrs. H. H. Sta pleton, Mrs. H. H. Turner, Mrs. Ernest L. Dawe, Mrs. L. K. Corn well, Mrs. Minnie Clark, Mrs. R. D. Williams, Mrs. E. R. Kenny, Mrs. G. N. Seifarth, Mrs. Helen Hess, Mrs. O. J. Fett, Mrs. John Pierce, Mrs. Helen Robinson. SORORITY HOLDS MEETING THURSDAY AT OILAR RESIDENCE Alpha Chi chanter of EDailon Sigma Alpha met at the home of Mrs. Ronald Oilar, Thursday eve ning, Feb. 2. Business was discuss ed and a raffle held for the March of Dimes. Later the hostess served refresh ments to Miss Nancy Lehman, Mrs. Ted Insley, Mrs. Donald Caskey, Mrs. Don Marmer, Mrs. Lyle vuist, Mrs. Martin McClay, Mrs. Richard Gadway, Miss Ardyth Andrus, Mrs. Robert Reid, Mrs. Robert Nazelrod, Mrs. Tyler Evans, Mrs. Wsrd Cum mings, Mrs. Jack Rodgers, Mrs. Ward Cummings, Jr., and Miss Joyce Wampler, a representative from the Beta Gamma chapter. The next meeting will be held Feb. 13 at the home of Mrs. Evans on Harrison street. Beta Gamma and Alpha Chi membera are urged to attend. MRS. NEWLAND IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. Maurice J. Newland enter tained her bridge club at a lovely one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon Tuesday at her attractive home in Laurel wood. Covers were placed at a prettily appointed table for Mrs. George F.rickson and Mrs. A. J. Ellison, guests, and Mrs. Harrie W, Booth, Mrs. Psul Helweg. Mrs. R. D. Coen, Mrs. L. K. Comwell, Mrs. H. C. Wells, Mrs. W. J Hutch and the hostess, Mrs. New land. High score for the bridge play wss won by Mrs. Cornwell with Mrs. Hutch winning second high score. Foreign War Brides Honored At, Delightful Party Wednesday vwr rn VJ;:,:;-.:;-m-: ; ; . ; .... ,,.-,:r7.. .- . J r ,-, - j '-' ' ' ? ;Q v M ii U 4. : . V- aa4e ANCVvXXSwW: ' W V FOREIGN WAR BRIDES honored at a party Wednesday night at the Leglen heme peso for Paul Jenkins, News-Review photographer. Left te right! Jean Vlsser from Canada; Left te right: Tillle Chambers from Holland; Paula Garten, Belgium;! Gislee Knvpp, Germany; Joyce Weed, England; llene Herrige, lre- One of the most charming par ties to be given in many months wss the foreign brides party spon sored by Umpqua Unit of the American Legion auxiliary Wed nesday evening at the Legion home on South Kane street. Thirteen foreign war brides posed for Paul Jenkins, News-Review photograph er and received lovely corsages of carnations made by Judy Moore. Honored guests and auxiliary mem WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE HAS FINE MEETING THURSDAY The Woman's Society of Chris- tisn Service met at a one o'clock dessert-luncheon Thursday in the Methodist church parlor with mem bers of Circle No. I acting as hos tesses. Red carnations, potted hya- cinrhs, red candles and hearts formed the attractive Valentine motif for the tables. Mrs. W. A. MacArthur led the devotions on the subject, 'Open ing the hook ot Bonks." Tne pro gram topic, "The World Must Learn to Read." was in charge of Mrs. Harrie W. Booth, who pre sented Mrs. H. Erne Taylor, wife of a Methodist pastor in Csnyon ville. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were teachers and missionsries in South ern Rhodesia in Africa for 28 yrs , from 1919 to 1947. Mrs. Tsylor was supervisor of teachers of the Cen tral Primary school at Mutambara and for seven years was in charge of Teacher Training department at Old L'mtali. She spent a great deal of thought and time on methods of teaching illiterates and edited a primer that was used for several years in various missions in South ern Rhodesia. This primer, with hymn book and other interesting papers, was shown at the meeting Mrs. Taylor's tslk was very infor mative and inspirational shewing need among illiterate peoples of the world for help in the line of teaching and missionary work. The business meeting was con ducted bv the prejident. Mrs. Lu eien Cobb. Those present were: Mrs. A. S. Coen, Mrs. Effie Ms - 4L- hi- . . - J! y - - by the American Legion auxiliary bers wore heart-shaped name plates. Congratulations were given to Mrs. Edward R. Burke, general chairman of the successful affair. Mrs. Martha Wells, representing the V.F.W. auxiliary; Mrs. Olive Clarke of Roseburg chapter, Amer ican Gold Star Mothers Inc., Mrs. Nancy Wulf, D A V. auxiliary and Mrs. Cora Rogan, Navy Mothers club, were introduced as special Wedgeworlh, Mrs. W. Hoeft, Mrs. If. J. Liebacken, Mrs. J. E. Dent, Mrs. Harry Black. Mrs. E. O. Rirkli, Mrs. C. O. Smith. Mrs. A. S. Feller. Miss Jennie .lorey. Mrs. R. L. Whipple, Mrs. W. Howard Pattison, Mrs. H. D. Scott. Mrs. Lucien Cobb. Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. A. J. Geddes, Mrs. A.J. El lison, Mrs. Wm. C. Woods, Mrs Ned Dixon, Mrs. F. W. Chase, Mrs. E. A. Pettey, Mrs. A. N. Oreutt, Mrs. J. B. Needhsm, Mrs. Jsne Welborn, Mrs. Fred Southwick and Mrs. C. K. Rand. Mrs. 0. R. Pollard, Mrs. Emmet Gibbons, Mrs. C. E. Trueblond, Mrs. Jessie Hercher, Mrs. G. W. I-eeper. Mrs. C. E. Richardson, Mrs. Hugh Harrison, Mrs. L. E. Gillett, Mrs. Edith Myers. Mrs. G. M. Krell. Mrs. W. A. MacAr thur, Mrs. Grace A. Bevans, Mrs. Ella Fenley, Mrs. Birdie Jones, Mrs. B. Boyark, Mrs. Walter Gor don of San Francisco, Mrs. Glen Simpson, Mrs. M. F. Rice, Mrs. Earl Blrile, Mrs. L. M. Hodges, Mrs. J. W. Boyles. Mrs. H. Erne Taylor and Mrs. Harrie W. Booth. BETA SIGMA PHI ENJOYS MRS. WINSTON'S REPORT OF EUROPEAN TRIP An imaginary trip to Europe was i enjoyed by members of Mu chspter, Beta Sigma Phi Wednesday, Feb. 8, at the home of Mrs. Wsyne Crooch by Mrs. Harrison Winston. She also told of the mefhanics of the air tour from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Me., on which she ac companied her husband last year. They will Join an air tour to Cuba, - : irv i n ii Sat., Fek. IT, 1S0 Tl Nanrt-Ivrltw, RoMkurf, Or. 7 Henrietta Haley, Australia; Valerie Harness, Australia; Irma Cellini, , Germany Ruth Seller, Germany and Nerah Penderg rass, England. I land; Lyle Stubblefleld, Australia, guests. The thirteen foreign war brides delighted the group by telling how they met their husbands. Myrtle Olmsc'.ieid was introduc ed as department child welfare center chairman; Mrs. Nell Ulrica, department hospital worker chsir men and past presidents of Dis trict No. to were introduced. Mrs. Ialo Stephens, president, conducted the meeting and Mrs Feb. 25. An invitation was received for the chapter to attend open house at the children's hospital in Eugene, Sunday, Feb. 12, between 2:30 and 4 p. m. Supplying books for the li brary is a Beta Sigma Phi state project. The group voted to send a contri bution to the Red Cross and a let er of thanks was resd from the hesdquarters of the Msrch of Dimes. Members present were Mrs. Benj. 0. DuEresne, Mrs. Harold Jokela, Mrs. Mary Black. Mrs. Jack Bath rick, Mis. J. R. Einley, Mrs. Har rison Winston, Mrs. Richard Dar by, Mrs. Daniel Dimick, Mrs. George Crocker, Mrs. Eugene Kent, Mrs. Knule Kershner, Mrs. Her man Matisoff. Mrs. Roy Stein, Mrs. Bruce Hetrick, Mis. John Killop, Mrs. Frank Norton, Miss Mary Pe terson. Mrs. Carl Waisom and the hostess, Mrs. Crooch. FRIENDS SURPRISE MRS. RAY LYNES ON HER BIRTHDAY A group of friends called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lynei at 1300 West Third street surpris ing Mrs. I.ynes on her birthday. Visiting was followed by refresh ments. Enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Church, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welborn and daugh ter, Katherine, Mr. and Mrs. George Gnldadar, Mrs. Hszel Ger minder, Paul Fisher and Mr, and Mrs. Lynes. w r r ' and Barbara Brisbin, Scotland. Rudolph Ritzman had charge of the program. Mrs. Clyde Carstens Sr., played a group of piano num bers and Miss Marion Jones pre sented vocal selections, after which a community sing was en joyed. Betty Moore and Lois Hill were in charge of the refreshments. The Valentine motif was prettily carried out in the decorations. There were 56 in attendance. MR. AND MRS. MAY ENTERTAIN AT CANASTA AND DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs! Jack May enter tained at a seven o'clock dinner and canasta party Wednesday eve ning at their home. Daffodils form ed the pretty centerpiece for the table. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Al Steffensen, Mr. and Mrs. Howsrd Crook, Gordon Crook, Miss Louise Steffensen and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. May.. Canasta was in play during the evening hours. PARTY HONORS MOTHER ON HER BIRTHDAY Mrs. Elsl Broszin of Wilbur, Mrs. Alice Lerwill of Tiller, Mrs. Ella Henry of Umpqua and Mr. A. R. Hill of Garden Valley were hos tesses at a 500 card party in honor of their mother, Mrs. Carrie Blake ly on her birthday anniversary at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Calvia Henry in Umpqua last week. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs Stuart Taylor of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scallon and chil dren ot Umpqua, Mr and Mrs. A. R. Hill of Garden Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lerwill of Tiller, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Broszio of Wil bur and daughter Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Henry and son Scott of Umpqua and Pat Christie ot Wil bur, Prizes were won by Mrs. A. R. Hill, Mrs. Stuart Taylor and Carl Broszio. Refreshment! were serv ed by tht hostesses.