Read Your Classified Ads. Autos 27 Minimum Is Maximum! Yes the -minimum you receive when you buy a Used Car from US it the maximum amount of service it offers you. A wide se lection of Guaranteed Used Cars priced fairly awaits your inspection. We stand behind every car we sell! IMS CHRYSLER SEDAN, HII -ST 48.00 1M1 CHRYSLER SEDAN, H R m.M 1M1 OLDtMORILE. H 4 1 MS 00 IMt CHRYSLER hia causa. R H 19.00 U4I PLYMOUTH R H 4 D SEDAN, . su oo law PLYMOUTH SEDAN, H . 141 PLYMOUTH -D, H . ITS 00 . 100.00 . H9.00 1K PLYMOUTH SEDAN, H 1S41 CHEVROLET -D, It! 1041 CHEVROLET S-Faaa. eouna. H m oo Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your " , DESOTO Plymouth HEADQUARTERS tSO S. Stephana Phona SSS-J . We'll be hara TOMORROW to Rick up what wa aajr and da TODAY:" Si Dillard Motor Co. Dependable Used Cars IMS DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN Claan m a pin. Lots oi ex- S4S PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Ian Run. lika a tap. 1069.00 1M1 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN nape. mWM.nMm 999.00 1H0 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR H.r.'a a dandy; a raal value. 94S.O0 1944 DODGE '4 TON PICKUP Look. Ilka naw. Only. (79.00 .Cheapies 141 DODGE SEDAN ltas PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1037 CHRYSLER SEDAN 10 DODCR SEDAN Thaa Can all Run Good. Coma In; Look Thorn Ov.r and Mak an Offar Used Car Lot NORTH ITEPHENS STREET '411 Ford VH. S-donr '49 Plymouth 4-door Chevrolet, 4-door 47 Chevrolet, 4-door , , ,.. - 47 Ford. 3-door '41 Studehaker, S-p-M , '41 Oldnmooile. 5-paw '41 Dodf, 4-door. '47 motor . '41 DodRe, 4-door as It '41 Plymouth. 4-Joor 41 Naah, 4-door . "40 Chevrolet. 4-door '40 Oldamobile. 4-door , ,. '40 Mercury. 3-pat.s , ,, '3S Studebmker. coupe . .. 3 Mercury, convertible . 39 Ford. 2-door 3 Ford. 4-door , W Chrysler, sed-n T7 OldsmobHe. 4-door ., Model A Roadster .11 IBS 12BS 11B3 4B.1 S2.1 M - 47S - 475 4Q.t 45 - 4M 5M 32.1 SM 395 22.1 2 V) 283 Riverside Motors 1840 N Stephens Ph. 430-R A untomjip MALI REASONABLY PRICED G MAC TERMS CHEVKOLTT, BUICK. PONTIAC, CADILLAC TSADE-mS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER os ft Osk C 1 27 GOOD CARS PRICED TO SELL, Sx Itnu available: lean m.rwunRn r tloo. aadaa. fully equipped aiTi an UH FORD J door wdaa 24J 00 1UT BUICK .-door eeaaa "" Inquire SOT Faclne Bids . ar phone sf We Want Good Clean Used Cars Top arteaa paid DOYLE'S SALES SERVICI RlShwajr BO a, Cardan Vallajr Id. Pnooe 111 DO YOU HAVE A '41 ar latar modal Hani car in nood condition you will all (or caih. Wrlta Box 1M. Newe- K.V1.W. MORE MONEY (or your ear. Caak on tne spot. corarum Motor., inc.. ua Scto Plymouth. Phana 40a. 114 H. Rom St LArAVn'IECOLfPE. ' reaeooaWsiJ Sheridan. LEGAL NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S IALI ON EXECUTION Csis No. 111" D THC CIRCUIT COURT OF TUT TATE OF OREGON IN AND rUH DOUGLAS COUNTY, r. L. XUMMER, Plaintif, STANI.EY S. EfSENMANN; C. R HUMJCRICK; JANE DOE HUMER 1CK. wife of C. R. Humerlck, it h Is living and married; THE UN KNOWN HEIRS OF C. R. HUMKR ICK. If decaased: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JANE DOE HUMER ICK. If decotued. widow of C R. Humortck, If deceased; W. F, KER NIN: W. F. KERNIN AND HIS ASSOCIATES; JANE DOE KERNIN, wife of W. E Kern in. If living and married: WIFE AND WIVES oi W. F Kernlni associates. If living and married; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF W. F KERNIN'S ASSOCI ATES. If deceased: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JANE DOE KERNIN. If deceased, widow of W. F. KERN IN. if deceased; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF THE WIFE AND WIVES OF W. F. KERNIN'S ASSOCIATES. If deceased, widow and widows of W F. Kernlns associates. If de ceased: THE REPRESENTATIVES, SUCCESSORS AND PARTIES HAV ING AN INTEREST IN THE UMP QUA VALLEY BANK: A. A. ROG ERS. SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS OF THE STATE OF OREGON; alio. ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR TIES UNKNOWN. CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLE, ESTATE. LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN. Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to decree and order of sale dulv made and entered In the, Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas, dated January I. IBM. In the above enUtled suit, and by virtue of a writ of execution duly Issued out of and under the seal of aid Court, commanding 01a to sell the hereinafter described real prop erty to aatisfv the claim of the olalntiff on the lands herein described In the sum of H.,128 7, and the further sum of $250 00. and the further sum of MKt 07 costs and disbursements, all of which bear Interest at per annum from January , IBM, I have, in obedience to said writ and order of sale accompanying the same, levied up on and will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the main front entrance of the Court House) at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, on Monday, the 13th day of February, IBM. at the hour of ten o'clock '10:00. In the forenoon of said day, all the rtafhl. title and Interest which said defendants, or anyone of them, had on October 18, 1637, have had at any time since said date, or now have In or to the following described real prop erty situated In Douglas County. Ore gon, to-wlt: ine nouinwen quarter 01 aeciwn IB. Township 30 Souih, Range West of the Willamette Meridian, and that part of the Southeast quar ter of said Section 18 that lies West of the South Umpqua Rtver, The foregoing described lands eon alnlng 290 acres, more or less, and all being situated In the County of Douglas, State of Oregon. Notice la clven as directed by said order of sale that I will place the purchaser of said property at aatd sale Into the Immediate bosaesslon thereof, and that said sale will be made sub I set to confirmation by said court and subject to redemption aa proviaea Dy tne suiutea or uregon. Said property will bo so sold, subject to tne ilea rignu. u any, or attacn merit and ludement order Issued in esse No, 11001 out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for uougias county, wnerein r. . iummer plaintiff and Stanley , Eisenmann is defendant and further, subject to a prior lien of Douglas County, Oregon, baited upon real property taxes dating oare: u !. ana lowiing over iw.w more or less. Dated and first nosted and published January 11th, IBM. O. T. CARTER Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. SUMMONS Ns. 15.1 S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF DOUGLAS. IRIS M. BATES. Plaintiff vs. ALBERT O. BATES. Defendant TO: ALBERT O. BATES: IN THE NAME Or THE STATE Or OREGON. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed asainst you In the above-entitled Court and rane within four 4 weeks from the date of the first nubllration of I this summons, and If you fail so to 1 appear and answer said complaint, for t want thereof, the plaintiff will apply j to the Court for the relief therein ; demanded, a succinct statement of 1 which Is as follows: That the bonds 01 matrimony Here tofore entered Into by and between 1 he pa rtles hereto be dissolved : and that the care, custody and control of the three i3 minor children of said parties. Glowrene Bates, Jacquelin Bates and Loyal Bates, be awarded to said plaintiff. This summons Is served upon you by publication in the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of general circula tion, published in Douglas County, Ore gon, pursuant to the order of the Hon orable Carl E. Wfmbcrly. Judge of the above-entitled court, duly made and entered on the 11th day of January, IBM. requiring this summons to be published once a week for four successive weeks, and requiring you to appear and answer plaintiff's com plaint within four 4 weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. DATED and first published this 14th day of January. -M YATES. MURPHY At CARLSON Attorney for Plaintiff Umpqua Savings at Loan Building Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROTEST T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and pursuant to an Order of the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Douglas County, duly made and entered of record in the matter of the estate of JOHN F. MORRIS, deceased, authorizing the undersigned, as ad ministrator of said estate, to sell th real properly hereinafter described. NOW. THEREFORE. I. George Lo oms, administrator of the estat of JOHN r MORRIS, deceased, will at the offices of George Luoma. United States National Bank Building, Rose burg, Douglss County. Oregon, on and after the 14th day of February. IBM), offer for sale for cash in hand, sub ect to confirmation by th Court, th following described real property be longing to said estat. to-wlt: Northeast Quarter 'NE'.i of Sec tion 2.1. Townah 1 p 28 South . Rang 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon, containing 10 acre GEORGE LUOMA. Administrator of the Estate of John F. Morris, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The final account of th undersigned Executrix has been filed in th County Court of th Stat of Oregon for Doug lss County, and by order of said Court Monday. March 13. IBM. at 10 no A. M. in th Countv Court Room In th Court House In Roaehurg. Douglas County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place . for hearing ohtecuons. if any there be, to said final account and for the settlement thereof. PEARL WAGONER Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Cyrus C Autos LEGAL I V I N O N I Case Ko. BUS Df THE CIRCUIT COl'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO DOUGLAS COUNTY. MOSERUftO GRANGE SUPPLY COM PANY, a Cooperative Association. Plain Uif, MADGE ABRAHAM: JACK AIXFN; RONALD ALLEN; DONNA MAE CLO HCSSY, The Unknown heirs of Maurice Abraham, deceased, and Also all otner persons or parties unknown claiming any ngnia una, eaiaie. uen or tercet In or to the real estate de scribed la the Comolalnt herein. Defendants. To: The Unknown Hairs ox afauxica Abraham, deceased, and Also All other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, hen ar interest In or to the real estate described la the Complaint hereu.. ueienoania. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear ana answer ine compiaini 01 tne Jilatntlff filed against you herein within our weeks from tho date of the first publication of this summons and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, a succinct statement oi which is as follows: That you ar required to appear and state tho nature and character of your adverse claim. If any, to the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Beginning at a Iron pipe mark ing Southeast corner of Seweirs property on Spruce Street, and from which the Street monument at the Intersection of Washington Street with Spruce Street In the City of Roseburg, Oregon, bears 'N SI It E 76 feet: thence S 17 SB W 130 0 feet along West line of Sprue Street to an Iron pipe; thence N ST BO W 428 3 feet to 1" x MM Iron pipe on the right bank of the South Umpqua River; thenc N S3 SO' W SO feet, more or leu, to the South Umpqua River, thence N 40 IS' E Ul.a feet along South Ump qua River to point; thence 8 S3 01' E 112.1 feet to a IV Iron pipe: thenc S S3 01' E 288 0 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.11 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING that certain trunk sew er line right-of-way. and other rights retained by the City of Roseburg, Oregon, In that certain deed to Rose burg Grange Supply Company, re corded In Volume , at Pag , of the Deed Records of Douglas Countv. Orecon: and that upon the hearing thereof tt be decreed that the plain Uff la the owner In fee simple of said real prop erty and that none of the defendants has any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in, upon or to said real prop erty or any part thereof, and that the tit: or piaintur to aaia reei propeny be forever auteted a as Inst any and all claim of the defendants or any of them. This summons is served upon you or publication In the Roseburg News Re view pursuant to an order made and entered in U.e above entitled court and cause on January 10, IBM. Dated ana first puoiisnea tnis in day of January, wo. UEUUCS AINU FKLtiEK U. S Nation si Bank Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON fQF. IWUOUAi COUNTY. GLEN DALE LUMBER CO., riaiautrs. VI. JOHN T. ABRAHAM and EVELYN Abraham. nuiDana and wire, BAL,rn D. McDERMOTT and JULIA DORO THEA MrDERMOTT. husband and wife: ELIZABETH ABRAHAM; A DEL BERT ABRAHAM and EDITH A. ABRAHAM, husband and wife: MADGE ABRAHAM: JACK A. ALLEN: HON- ALD ALLEN; Th Unknown Heirs of Mollis Mack . deceased, don n a MAE CLOHESSY: The Unknown Heirs of Morris Abraham, deceased; The Unknown Helm of J. O Mack. deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Albert Abraham, deceased: The un known Heirs of Julia Ahrihara. de ceased: Th Unknown Stockholders of Glendala Realty Company, a dis solved corporstlnn; and also All other persona or partlea unknown claim Ing any right, title, estate, Hen or interest In or to the real property oeacrioea in in uompiaini nerem. Defendants. Tot Th Unknown Heirs of Mollis Macs:, deceased: In unknown Heirs of Mor ris Abraham, deceased: The Unknown Heirs of J. G. Mack, deceased; Th Unknown Heirs of Albert Abraham, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Julia Abraham, deceased: The Un known Stockholders of Glendale Real ty Company, a dissolved corporation: and also All other persons or parties unknown claiming any ngnt .una. state. Hen or Interest In or to the real property described in th Com- rlaint herein, defendants, N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You ar hereby reoulred 10 appear and answer th complaint of th fiiainim 1 lira againsi you nerem wnn n four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tne relief de manded therein, a succinct statement of which la as follows: That you are required to appear and state the nature and character of your adverse claim. If any, to the following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at the Intersection of East line Mollle street and North line Paclfle Avenue. Glendale. thenc East along north line Pacific Ave nue to the Intersection with center of Mill Creek: thence North along center line Mill Creek to ta inter section with the South line right of way of main line of O at C R R, now Southern Pacific Company, thence West along South line right of way to Its Intersection with th East line of Molli Street, thenc South along East line of Molli Street to the beginning. In th Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 33, South, Range West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon and that upon th hearing thereof, ft b decreed that the plaintiff Is the owner of th hereinabove described teal property, and that none of said de fendants or any persona claiming by, through or under them has any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in, upon or to said real property or any part thereof, and that the title of the plaintiff to said real property be for ever quieted against any and all clalma by the defendants and each of them and that said defendants and each of them be forever enjoined from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In or to th real property described herein. This summons is served upon you by publication In the Roseburg News Re view once each week for four succes sive weeks, pursuant to an order duly made and entered in the above en titled court and cauae on the 10th day of January, 1030. Dated and lit published this 14th day of January. 1B50. GEDDES AND FT.LKER Attorneys for Plaintiff V. S National Bank Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon, NOTICE OF FINAL STATEMENT Notice is hereby given that th un dersigned administrator of the estate of Russell M. Bell, deceased, has filed his final account In th County Court of Dousrlas County, Oregon, and said court has fixed Tuesday, February 14, IBM. at 1000 o'clock a. m. In the county courtroom in the Courthouse In Roseburg. Oregon, as th time and place for hearing objections, if any there be. to said final account and for settlement thereof. GEORGE LUOMA. Administrator of the estate of Russell M. Bail. Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administratrix of the es tate of John Charles Burslk. deceased, has filed her final account In the Or eu 1 1 Court of the Stat of Ore goo 1 n and for Marlon County, Pro rule De- ?artment, and said Court has fixed uesday, February 14. IBM, at 10:00 A. M. In the Probata Department court room in th court house In Salem. Oregon, as the time and place for heart ne objections. If inr there be. to said final accoun and for aetlle-U DOROTHY BURSIX. Admlnlstrstris of th Estat of John Charles Burslk, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that th tin ders.gnd ha beer, appointed admin istrator with th Will annexed of th estate of Jen B Sutherland, de ceased AH persona having clalma against the said estate are notified to present th sam verified as required by law to the nderstrnd edmir.utrator at Jits office. Room 7. Th United States National Bank Building in Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon, wlvhin six months from th dale of this notice. DATED January 31. IBM G V. WIMPfRLY. AdmlnistrBtor with the Will annexed of th tat of Jean B. Sutherland. LEGAL BfOTirg FOB BIVS FOB SCBOOL BONDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. IS, DOI'GLAB COUNTV, ORSGON NOTICE If HEREBY GIVEN that th undrslgnd will up to T SB o'clock P M on the 34t day of February. ISM. will receive sealed bids for th purr has of Begot table serial coupon bonds of School District No. IS, of Douglas County. Orogon. In th sura of $M .000.00. said bonds to b in deiicnunattons of $1,000.00 each, all dated April 1. IBM, .and maturing the first five iS) bonds in number on the 1st dsy of April, ISA, and flv si succeeding bonds In number on th 1st day of April of oach and every year thereafter up to and including the 1st day of April. 1B6S. Bald bonds shsll draw Interest at the rat to b specified oy tne successful Diaaer, pay able semi-annually on Anrtl 1st and October 1st, and th principal and interest shsll be paysble at th offic of th Treaeurer of Douglas County, Oregon, or at th fiscal agency of th Stale of Oregon, in the City and Stat of New York at th option of th purchaser. All bids must be secompaaled by a certified check, bank draft or cash ier's check, payable to School District no. 19, 01 uousia iouniji ureavn, in an amount eaual to five oercent Ht of th bid. to be forfeited to th school district In case th auecaaaful bidder shall fall to complete the pur chase of aaid bonds in accordance with th terms of his bid. aid bids will be opened at a public meeting of the school board to be held in the Days Creek School Building in aald district on th 34th day of Feb ruary. IBM, at T 30 o'clock P M. or at any legal adjournment of said moot ing, end th bonds shall be sold by th board to the highest and bast bid der, but for not less than par and accrued Interest. Th board reserve th tight to re ject any ana iu oias ana 10 re-aa-vertls th sala of said bonds. By Order of th Board of Directors of School District No. IS, of Douglas lounty, uregon. D. L. ACKLAND District Clerk of School Dlstrisj No. IS, of Douglas County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL BEARING NOTICE HEREBY Is given that March S. IBM. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M , In th County Court Boom at th Court Hous In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed aa in urn and place tor Bearing ejec tions, if any there be. to the Final Account filed by th undersigned Ad ministrator in the above entitled Court DATED and first published this 4th day of February. IBM. ADOLPH DOERNER Administrator of the Estat of Mary Mduiium, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS tinders laned bavin hean aonolntad by th County Court of th Stat of Oregon for Douglas County, as Ad ministrator of the Estat of Beulsh Maxln Mlenot. deceased, and havtna qualified, notice la hereby given to the c realtors or. ana an persons naving claims against said deceased, to pre sent them, verified ss required by law, within aix months after the first pub lication of this notice to said Raymond Hutchins at the office of FRED H. BERNAU. 219 U. S. National Bank Bldg., Roseburg, Oregon. Dated January 2flth, IBM. RAYMOND HUTCHINS Administrator of th Estat of Beulah Maxln Mignot, Deceased NOTICE TO CBEDITOES All persons having clalma against the estate of Gye Bennett, Deceased, now Kmdfng In the County Court of Doug 1 County, Oregon, ar hereby notified to present th same, vsrifled aa re- Silred by law, to th undersigned at a offices of Geddes at Felksr. At torneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from th date hereof. Dated and first published this 14th day of January. IBM. DOROTHA BENNETT Administratrix of th Estat of bye Bennett, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notlc is hereby given that th un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estat of Martha Z. Good, deceased. All persona having claims against her estate ar notified to present the same verified as reoulred by law to the undersigned administrator at the law offic of Dexter Rice. Pa cific Building In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, within six montha from we aai 01 in is nonce. Dated January 14. IBM. C W. FERBER. Administrator of the estate of MARTHA Z. GOOD deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AU persona having claims agslnst the saute of William Boyer, Deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, ar hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the offices of Geddes Felker, At torneys, Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 14th day of January, IBM. LESLIE PFAFF Administrator of th Estat f William Boyer, deceased. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF DOUGLAS SUMMONS Ne. lmg . EARL I. MARKS, Plaintiff vs. MAaV RYNN A. MARKS. Defendant, TO: MARRYNN A. stlARKS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to sppssr and answer the complaint filed agalust you In the above-entitled Court and cause within twenty 20i weeks from the data of th first publication of this summons, and If you fail so to appear and answer aald complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded, a succinct statement of which Is as folows: That the bonds of matrimony here tofore entered Into by snd between the parties hereto be dissolved; This summons Is served upon you by publication in the Rosebura News-Re view, a newspaper of general circula tion, published In Douglas County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of the nonoraoie an e. wimoeriy, Judge or the above-entitled court, duly made and entered on the 27th day of January, IBM, requiring this summons to be published once a week for four I4 successive weeks, and requiring you to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint within twenty 20t weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. DATED snd first published this 3Sth day of January, 1AM YATES, MURPHY at CARLSON Attorneys for Plaintiff Umpqua Savings and Losn Building, Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE la hereby given that Tuesday, March 14th. IBM. at th hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. In th County Courtroom In the Courthouse In Rosebure. Douelss County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, If any. to the Final Account filed by the undersigned In th abov entitled court. Getta-Votlet F Smith. Executrix of the Lest Will and Testament and Estate of RODNEY ERROL SMITH, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT - Th under I tried executrix of the Stat of George Sommerhalder, de ceased, has filed in the County Court of Douglss County. Oregon, the final account of her administration, and said Court has fixed Monday, March 20ih. IBM, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room In th court hous In Rose burg, Oregon, as the place, for hear ing objections. If any, to said final account or to th settlement of said estate Dated February II. IBM ANNA SOMMERHALDER, Executrix of the Estate of George Sommerhalder, Deceased, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE TATE OF OREGON FOB DO If, LA S OlhTT NO. a4 ORDER TXXTSn TIME AND PLACE FOR BIN AL HEARING. In th Matter of the Estate of VIR GINIA CAROLINE McK AY, Deceased. This rause com ina on for hearing upon the filing of the final account herein, and It appearing that time and place should b fixed for hearing said final account and for th final settlement of sad estate, NOW. THEREFORE. IT III ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Monday. March 13th. IBM. at the hour of 10 no A M of said day In th County Court Room of th County Court House In Rose burg. Douglas County. Oregon, be fixed es th time and place for hearing o be lections. If any, to aald final ac count and for th settlement of said estate DATED this 10th day of February. IBM, t N B-Jseeihark County Judg I Local aPi News - 71 ML WM r4M HUMANITARIAN PIE A - Dr. Bans A. Beth (sbon), prof ease of phjmics st Cornell Onlrerslty snd former superior el tpj suspect. Dr. Klaus Puctaa, la shown as be spoke before the winter fneeUng of the American Physical Society at Oolum Ma UnlTeralty In New York. In a humanitarian plea, Dr. Be the and eeven other atomic aclenitftta attending the meeting urged the TJ. 8. to pledge itself not to use the hydrogen bomb first. Tenmile, Rston Districts Vote On Consolidation Residents of Tenmlle District T snd Reston District 42 will vote Feb. 2 whether or not to consoli date, announced H. L. Northcrsft, Tenmile district clerk. Petitions have been circulated and notices of the electiton nosted. Tenmile which contolidsted with OlsUs sbout four yesrs a so, has 140 grade students taught by five teachers in a four-room school. An sdditional room, built by the Tenmile Ladies club, is being used for clases. It is probable that a sixth teach er will be required next yesr, snd enlargement of the present school wiU be necessary, sccording to Northcrsft. Reston school, which is eight miles from Tenmile on the road to Lookingglsss, hss sbout 20 pu pils. The district is fsced with consolidstion or eventual construc tion of a new school to replace the present building. Petitions proposing consolidstion sre being circulated in Unner Olalla District 10S, which is also about eight miles from Tenmile, Upper Olalla has sbout IS students. If suf ficient signers sre obtained, sn election would be set at a later date. In event of consolidstion sn sd ditional four rooms would probably nave to be added onto the com paratively new Tenmile school and eight teachers employed. Upper uians is aiso iaceo wnn tne event ual problem of replacing its school, if it does not vole consolidation. The Tenmile board this week completed its budget for the com ing fiscal year, to be presented to the rursl board. The budget is to be posted snd a hearing set. Suit Is Filed In Swcmson's Death A damsge suit to collect $15,000 wss filed in circuit court Fridsy by Etta M. Swanson, administra trix of the estate of her late hus band. David G. Swanson. who died last August 4, as s result of injuries suffered when struck by sn auto mobile allegedly operated by Cecil Eugene Davidson, 19, of Roseburg. Young Davidson and his father, E. E. Davidson, doing business st Riverside Motors, wers both name J ss defendants in the suit. A coroner's inauest held follow. ing the sccident disclosed the 87-year-old Salvation Army adjutant was wslking in s cross-walk when struck down, but the Jury deter mined thst the youth wss innocent of hsving committed a crime. Swanson was born in Sweden snd came to the United States in 1900. He lived in Roseburg eight years prior to th.e sccident. 0CB HONORS LOCAL GIRL Hcnrietts Johnson, student st Oregon College of Educstion snd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Csrl E. Johnson of Melrose route, was pledged Tuesday to Collecto Co-eds women's service honorary. Miss Johnson Is a sophomore at 0CE, majoring in elementary edu cation. LEGAL NOTira to rarniToaa NOTICE la HEREBY CIVEN Uut th. undcrtiintd ha, by an ordr of lha County Court of tha Stata of Or.fnn for Dougla. County, duly ap aotntad Exarutrlx of tha Last Will and Tmimmt of Bamhard Saballn, rja caafad. AU aaraana navlna lalm. aaalnat tha a. tat. of Saball.l, D r.H. ara hereby notiflad to araacnt ina ant, v.rmea aa raqulrM By law. to th. und.raland Executrix at the law office, of wineton J, Dlmlrk. ana Pacific Bulldlnf, In Rom burg. Dougia, County, Oregon, within .la montha from uia a.ia or tni. notice. Dated and flrat aubll.had Uila 11th day of Feb . IflVl. CATHERINE HIOQINBOTHAM Executrix of the Eataie of Barn hard Sabeltn, Daceaaed. NOTICE TO CBEDITOES ffnttra la hereby given th.t tha un- deraigned haa been appointed admlnl atrator with tha will annexed of tha eat. to of Thomaa B. Green, daceaaed. All peraona having claim, agalnat tha aald e-t.t. ara notified to pre..nt tha aame verified aa required by law to tha underalaned at tha office of Bay B. Compton, Boom a. Unlte'l State. Na tional Bank Building In Boeeburg, Ore gon, within alx month, from tha data or int. notlc.. Dated Una 4th day of February, lftao. AUSTIN C. GREEN Admlnlatrator with tha will annexed of tha aetata of Thoma. R. Green, Oacaaaad NOTICE Of riNAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE la hereby riven that Tues day. March 7, IftM. al tha hour of 10 no A. Id In the County Courtroom In tha Courthouee In Boeeburg. Oouglaa County. Oregon, have been fixed aa tha Utne and place for hearing objection., tf any. to tha final account filed by tha underalaned la tha above entitled court, j J G. S'ephenaon. Admlnl- are tor of the Eatata of E1XA B, MARR1B. receeeea. ! Her Pram lueane S. A. Pe ters of Eugene is in Roseburg at tending to business. Ill at Heme Mrs. George Pow ers is reported to be ill st her horns at Winston. Raoerrad III Mrs. Willmetta Squires is reported to be ill at her home in Cloverdale. Heme far Several Mentha Ro land J. Schwartt has arrived from Fort Mason, Ssn Frsncisco, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwsrts, until June. Leave Per Cslifernls Mr. snd Mrs. C. R. Hamilton of Yoncalla and Mrs. V. K. McLaughlin of Roseburg left Friday for Turlock and Berkeley, Calif., to spend a week. Meetlra Menday Camp Fire Council will meet at 1:30 p. m. Monday In the chamber of com merce. AU council members sre requested to be present. Te Practice Menday Degree staff and officers of the Pythian Sisters will hold a prsctice Mon day at 130 p. m. at the K. of P. hall. Public Card Party Riddle grange is holding s public card party in the Guild hall tonight at S o'clock. Proceeds will be used to benefit the March of Dimes campaign. Return Heme Mr. and Mrs Adolph Doerner have returned to their home after spending the past weeks in Salem recuperating from an automobile accident. Te Meet Tuesday Relief Society of the L. D. S. church will meet Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ida Ung, I'ine court apartments. This will be a sewing and quilting session, Te Pertlsnd Mrs. Robert Lsur sen, the former Virginia Ashley, will have surgery for sn arm in jury in Portland next week, it was reported. Returns te Cranta Pata Mr Oscar Powers has returned to her home in Grsnts Pass, following a stsy here with her mother, Mrs. Hattie McAfee. Mrs. Eugene Little is now staying with Mrs. McAfee Dance Te Be Held South Deer Creek Grsnge hss invited the pub lic to sttend a dance tonight, Feb 11, at t o'clock at the hall. Grange ladies sre ssked to bring cakes sod sandwiches. Step en Way te Portland Mr and Mrs. Jim Snyder of Medford left Friday for Portland, follow ing an overnight stay in Roseburg ss guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. rlarran. Heme Per Weakend Sam Shof maker Jr., student st University of Oregon in Eugene arrived in Rose burg today to spend the weekend visiting his D rents. Mr. snd Mra S. J. Shoemaker, 417 Esst Lane street. Arrive Far Weekend Mr. and Mrs. William Elder and daughter, Katherine, of Corvallis, arrived in Roseburg Friday to spend the weekend visiting Mrs. Elder's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Schmeer, in Lsurelwood. Back From San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morgan of Rose burg and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fuller- ton of Winston returned to their homes Thursday night, following a trip to Ssn Frsncisco, where they sttended the Gift Show. Heme Prem lest Dr. snd Mrs. H. C. Church returned home to Roseburg Thursdsy night by train from Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Church hss been in Charlotte the lsst five months, where she hsd gone on a visit to her snn-in-Isw and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Rogers Jr., snd family, and where she becsme seriously ill. Dr. Church went esst to bring her home and to see his new grsnddsughter, Mary Carol Rogers, The Rogers' have another daughter, Gail Elisa beth. Mrs. Church is reported tit be much improved in health. Legion Conftrtnc Set Te Counttr RtcJ Activities SEATTLE, Feb. ll.-VP) The Americsn Legion snnounced yes terday it would sponsor a confer ence st Portland Feb. 24 to 2 on counter-subversive sctivities and national and ares security. Fred M. Fuecker of Seattle, state adjutant of the Legion, said the meeting would undertake stud ies "on meeting the Communist challenge throughout the west. He said legislative un-American activities committees, the Federsl Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies will be invited to send representatives. Non-legionnaires, with exception of FBI men, must ht certified by Fuecker in sdvance for admit tance to the meetings. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phona 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Windows, Framts and Ladders PAGE LUMBER 14 E. 2nd Ave. . I FUEL Phone 242 Set., Fes. 11, WO The Newe-ltelew. ReeeSurf, Ore. 11 Red Cross Work During Post Yecr Told In Report An active year for the Douglas County chspter, American Red Cross, is reported in a compilation of its achievements. Principal among these wss quick sction in sn emergency situation, which msde possible the supply ing of serum with which to combst a jaundice epidemie at Glide Through the American Red Cross TOO smpulrs of serum were flown to Portlsnd snd rushed to Rose burg, for administration to resi dents of the Glide ares. The cost of the serum wss $4,980. Vets Activity Teld Red Cross sponsored activities hsve been lergely centered in the Veterans hospital, and a total it SIS hours of volunteer service has been arrsnged for through Red Cross cooperation. In addition the local chapter has supplied the pa tients 1,800 packages of eigsrettes Other activities have included the the distribution of 1,000 pounds of clothing and bedding to local dis aster families. Total of 1,639 gar ments have been supplied the Vet erans hospital, and 609 veterans and their families have been aided Swimming Classes Sponsored I he Ked Cross sponsored swim ming clssses at the Roseburg mu nicipal pool, as well as at Drain and at Reedsport, gave training In swimming and water safety to S74 children. Total of 21T persons obtained Hrst aid training la the county, and four emergency and highway first aid stations hsve been set up. The local chspter is administer ed by Douglss Sims, executive sec retary. Douglas Grand Jury Returns 16 'True Bills' j The Douglss County grsnd Jury ending s week-long session of hear ings Friday, returned IS "true bills," including 14 secret Indict ments, snd two "not true" bills. 1 Sufficient evidence to warrant bringing to trial wss found agsinst Jsmes Henry Young. 56. Drain. charged with assault with intent to commit rape, and Homer White, 4i, Albany, charged with larceny, r D i . . k n i . ,. uiw.. nu.jiij, jwocuurs. chsrged with embezzlement, and R. G. Simmons, charged with drawing a bank check with insuffi cient funds, were exonerated from hsving committed any crime. Young, who is out on $2,000 bail, allegedly attempted to rape a wom an older then 16 yesrs of sge, the Indictment chsrges, while White is alleged to have recently taken a billfold containing $820 from the Spot Tavern. He failed to post bail and is being held in the county Jsil. No dates hsve been set for their trials. The grand jury also compliment ed the management of the old pen pie's home for a "good job of ad ministration." Inspection of the fa. cilities by the grsnd jury revesled conditons to be "good" at the old people's home. "The entire building is in sn Im maculate condition . . . the patients and personnel are clean and neatly attired," the report continued. Members of the grsnd jury In eluded Lyle E. Marsters, foreman; Thomas Webb, Helen J. Gallop, Stsnley E. Short, John N. Boor. I'srriet F. Turner and Ethel Catch ing, all of Roseburg. Circuit court convenes Mondsy, Feb. 20. Births At Mtrcy Hospital TR0ZELLE To Mr. and Mrs John L. Trozelle, route 2, box 242-C, Feb. 9, a son, Jerel Kernie; weight ten pounds ten ounces. CAMPBELL To Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Howsrd Campbell, Dillard, Feb. 10, a daughter, Patricia Col leen; weight eight pounds three ounces. HOME TOWN NEWS "It's o pleasure to servt Abraham Lincoln served his Lumber Co." ARlf-Kilftr Pletttr May U NamteJ Envoy To U. S. FRANK rURT, Germany, Feb. U (JP Dr. Hsns Schlsnge-Schoea. ingen, who claims he once plotted to bomb Adolf Hitler, has been nominated as Germsny's first post wsr envoy to the United States, American officials disclosed. The 63-year-old agricultural ex pert was proposed by the West Germsn government, the officials ssid. The government wss invited by the allies last week to send en. voys immediately to Washington, Paris and London. American officials ssid the U. 8. high commission hat forwarded the nomination to the State department for consideration. Trio Hold To Grand Jury On Crimo Ortjy Charqis PORTLAND, Feb. 11,-fPc-Tho three young men arrested here Wednesday after a hotel hold-un were held for tha grand Jury Fri- asy on cnarges of kidnsplng snd asssult snd robbery while srmed. They wsived preliminary hear Ing. Police said the three Ray. mond Le Voy. 19. New York City; Robert Lea Robisoo, 21, Okemsh, Okls.; and William F. Mullin, 25, Fort Wayne, Ind. admitted a series of robberies in the Tscoma area as well ss the Portland hold up. Maxine Mary Mulalley, 19-year-old girl friend of Robison, wss sent bsck to Tacoma to faca fugitive chargea there. She Is a Moscow, Ida., resident. IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY :1S P. M. PHONE 100 v INSURANCI LIFE AUTO riRt, Stste Farm Mutual Insurance O. U ROSE P. O. Box 489 Phona 288 116 W. Cass Over Douglas County Bank FLOOR SANDING and Jt FINISHING J Estimates I 'A han 1S7'', Leslie Pfaff J3 320 Ward St. tmaiun you in tha some manner as country . . . The Roseburg . . mm