r '"j" ' , FRICID PASTIME With tht Temperature in the lower 20i, Otto Hilderbrand, 35, Jefferson City, Me. policeman twimt among the ice floes in the Mitiouri river. Hildebrand, who likes to iwim in th riyer summer and winter, tayt it kaapi him in tha pink ff condition for hit job. "It' all a mattar of conditioning", ha lays. IAP wirephoto). Hospitalized Fighter's Ring Future At Stake PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10 -t& The boxing future of Harold Johnson 22-year-old Negro heavy weight, will be determined by tha newly created athletic commission medical advisory board. This was announced yesterday at a hearing following Johnson's collapse with a back injury during Wednesday night'a fight with Jer sey Joe Walcott. If the final medical report indi cated Johnson might have a re currence of the trouble be will be ordered out of the ring. First X-rays at tha hospital, where Johnson was reported rest ing comfortable, indicated no fractures. Kiwanis, YMCA Sponsor Gym Program For loys Through a joint Kiwanis club YMCA sponsored program, the Roseburg Junior high gym has been made available Saturdays from ( a.m. until 12 noon, announc ed Marlen Yoder, "Y" secretary The Kiwanis club will pay for use of the gym, while the YMCA will sponsor the program. AU boys interested in playing volleyball and basketball are welcome, said Yo der, who with Chuck Allen will direct the play. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store BOSOX SIGN WHITI BOSTON, Feb. 10 () The signing of Catcher Sam White, 20-year-old promising prospect from Seattle, was announced today by the Boston Red Sox. White, who batted .263 in 31 xamea for Oneon- la of tha Canadian-American class C league in 1949, probably will be tarmea out again. Fishway Weir Inventor Receives Pay Increase PORTLAND, Feb. lo.-MV-Win-fred M. Fritz, who designed an automatically-controlled weir for fish' ways at McNary dam, waa granted a pay increase yesterday for that "superior accomplishment." The chief of engineers at Wash ington, D. C, cited the Portland mechanical engineer for his design, which will save about $10,000 a year in operating costs at McNary. Until now the water flow over the fishway weirs had to be ad justed by hand. Frits' design con trols the water automatically. Fritz is employed in the struc tures design section of the army engineers' office here. scrces saved dempsey Sensational Bout With : Firpo Voted Tops In Ring Drama During 50 Years By JACK HAND NEW YORK, Feb. 10.-CP For throbbing sports drama, tha primitive Dempsey-Firpo brawl of Sept. 14, 1923, ranked topi In the Associated Press mid-century poll. Almost 27 yean later, the events of that savage first round still pack the raw drama of a life-or-death atruggle between two jungle beasts. When Luis Angel Firpo rose from his seventh knockdown to Bull Dempsey serosa the ring and knocked the world heavyweight champ into the press section, be touched off an argument that may aimmer for another 50 years. Did Firpo, the huge "wild bull of the Pampas," actually win the title that wild night at the pi!o grounds.? The record books say "no." Many ringsiders say "yes." They insis tDempsey never would have "climbed" back into the ring if friendly boxing writers hadn't help ed. Some claim Dempsey was not badly hurt when the bulking Fir po, swinging his iron fists like a club, sprawled the champ over a newsman's typewriter. They say a right hand punch to the shoulder caught Dempsey off balance that I ne suppea unaer a loose upper rope and tumbled out Jack Thought Ha Was KOd Others insist a dazed Dempsey never would have beaten referee Jack Gallagher's count if it hadn't been for the boosts by ringside reporters anxious to get rid of a 192 Vi-pound burden. Dempsey should be the best source. Here's what he said re-1 cently when interviewed after he was named the best fighter of the last SO years. ' ' I "I didn't even know he had knocked me out of the ring until I came to on my stool between rounds," said Jack, 'I thought I had been knocked out. The brief second round, lasting ! only 57 seconds, was almost an I anti-climax. Firpo missed his big chance in the first when he hesita ted momentarily after Dempsey's return. A Dempsey right almost dropped him for an eighth time just before the bell. Dempsey at his, destructive best wasted no time in the second. Aroused by the threat of the 3-to-l underdog, he floored Firpo for a five-count and then stretched him out with a left to the head followed by a chilling right to the chin. JUDO I HEADS Y. M. C. A. PORTLAND, Feb. lO.-JjFV-Cir-cuit Judge Jamea W. Crawford was elected president of the Portland Y. M. C. A. last night. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT (By TIM AiooeUloe Pmi) SYRACUSE, N Y. Steva Bel Mae, 160, New York, outpointed Burl Charity, 15 t, Youngstown, 10. NEW YORK (Sunnyside Garden) -Joey Atria, 144 , New York, outpointed Jimmy Donnelly, 144 V, New York, I. Don Newcombe Inks Contract With Dodgers BROOKLYN, Feb. 10. UPl Don Newcombe, 25-year-old Negro pitcher, who was a key man In the Dodgers' pennant drive, has signed a one-year Brooklyn contract call ing for an estimated $13,000. Don, a strapping (-4, 220-pound righthander, posted a 17-1 record and hurled 19 complete gamea. He hurled five shutouts, to tie three other pitchers for the lead In that department. He compiled a suing of 32 straight scoreless innings and pitched in the all-star game and world series. Pneumonia Hits Coach As Oregon Readies For OSC 'By Tho AMociitod framt Oregon had its inspiration today now can they do it? 'It," of course,. being to knock over the Oregon State Beavers wuca tha two quintets clash to night at Eugene in one-half tha Northern division basketball slate. The other half of tha evening's conference bill la being served up at Pullman where the fourth place Idaho Vandals seek to do a little king-pin knocking of their own against the division-leading Wash ington State Cougars. Oregon's 'inspiration" wai de livered yesterday when team phy sician Dr. George Guldager order ed Coach John Warren to tha hoe- pital with virus pneumonia. Gulda ger saia, however, that Warren a condition was not serious but that he would be bedded down until next week. Warren's absence puts tha coaching chorea up to his assis tant, Don Kirsch, for both tonight's CLEMO, ALMOND DRAW VANCOUVER, B.C., Feb. 10-UP) Frank Almond, Vancouver's leading featherweight boxer, came back in the tenth round to rack up a draw with Portland's clever boy Joey Clemo last night. Almond weighed 127 M to Clemo's 130 44. . " HEAVY TRUCKS BANNED CORVALLIS, Feb. 10-ff-AU heavy trucks were banned from Benton county roads today to pre vent damage in itul-thawing sec tions. Tha load limit was seven tons. m"mm mm II You can afford a dream kitchen-Wow It's A glorious day when you get your new white enameled steel kitchen! This beauty has 66" twin bowl Kitchenaider cabinet sink with the famous Mullinaider electric garbage disposer. It can be yours! Why delay? You can afford that lovely white-enameled steel Youngstown Kitchen now! And what a beauty! Super storage space and generous work lurfacei to speed every kitchen chore! Food preparation and dishwashing are easier a breeze, thanks to the Kitchenaider cabinet sink. And the Mullinaider electric garbage disposer ends garbage forever! Let us show you your new kitchen in miniature. No costly remodeling; easy terms. See ui today! Bolld your kitchen around a Kitchenaider- ' Mullinaider Combina tion. This 48" twin-bowl model (one of 10 models) has sliding-removable drainboard of acid-resisting porcelain enamel and laundry -dtep (11") ne ond bowl. ft r . . m fS.tT UL-I.L1M. I Suit Yourself -a UI Joe Richards OLD . Hermitage Kentucky Misiey -A Blend km i v-4 n m- i,m (imiatiONs Iri a hut 1,1 nmm J ij raveilfl "-86 PROOF $an30 $060 X, pt. O 45 qt. A Cenllcmarfs Whiskty from Kentucky Nstional Distilleis Products Corporation, N. Y. 65 Crsla Neutral Spirits Frl.. Fab. 10, 1H0 Ttf Nwt-Rcrlw, Keeobejra, Or. , f dash with OSC and tomorrow's non-conference meeting with St Marys. While tha two northern division clashes dominate tha cage acene, Washington's second place Huskies move into intereaectional competi tion aa underdogs to the potent Wyoming Cowboys in a Friday Saturday set at Seattle. Tha invad ers, an all-senior aggregation, are currently loading the Skyline eon. ferenco with l-5 seaeea record. . JUDGMENT SOUHT ' George H. McEwing ffiacj Judg ment suit in circuit court agauut George Cams, for S4D7.se, piua in terest and coots, alleging neavpay. ment for rk, labor and services) performed. 13 CANDIES 19 THI SWKTIST VALENTINI OF ALL ' RED FOIL HEARTS' RED SATIN HEARTS 6Va oi $ .85 1 lb $2.50 lib 1.95 2V4 lbs. with W lb 3.25 velvet rose 5.50 Mela Floor t I ? t i? rff t tt b Uttm ' J yit "11.. .. NOW . . . the most powerful truck engine Chevrolet ever offered you . . . THE LOAD-MASTER "105" ENGINE P'-t ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS Here it is the Load-Master 105-h.p. engine the big, big engine in the most powerful Chevrolet trucks ever built Gives you power aplenty to speed up heavy-duty schedules, complete more deliveries, cut down total trip time. And for light- and medium-duty hauling, remember the famous Thrift-Master engines, now stepped up to 92 h.p. Give you value aplenty reduce your hauling expenses. Chevrolet trucks hava advaoot design to give you more performance, more features, mora of everythin you want And no other trucks cost less to buy, ' operate, to own. Two great valve-in-head engines power the 1950 Chev rolet PL trucks. Come in and see them. Whichever you choose remember this: Chevrolet's your buy with mart ' power and more value than evert Serves You Tim on ftio Hlffs e Saves You 7mo on tha Getaway Saves Vow Money off tho wcy Performance Leaders Payioad L'eaders Popularity Leaders Prici Leadirs Warla"! largest makers f steal kltchene TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 136 N. Jackson 'hone 268 IHlooseirD Mtoir Co.- Phone 446 Oak & Stephens