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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1950)
For Radio With a Punch- Stay Tuned to KRNR-MBS For: Symphonies For Youth Spotlighting Ferde Grofe's thrilling "Grand Canyon Suite" . . . Alfred Wollen- stein, conductor. 10:30 -11:30 A. M Saturday . True or False An exritina. fast-movinn quiz game the entire family will enoy! 5-5:30 P. M. Saturday Meet The Press , This week's guest: Joseph B Keenan. Washinqton, D. C. attorney who headed the American prosecutor's staff at the Japanese war crimes trials. 7 -7:30 P.M. Saturday Happy Valley Cowboys Lou Franco and his "Happy Valley Cowboys" in a rip- roaring musical halt-hour! 7:30 -8 P.M. Saturday ftasketbell University of Oregon vs. St. Mary's from Eugene. First in the series ot College Basket ball! 8:00 P. Conclusion Saturday I Love a Mystery Tops In spine-chilling adven ture with Carlton E. Morse's Jack, Reggie, and Doc! 10:15-10:30 Tonight KRNR 1490 on your Dial 1 Worlds Greatest Rtfomml Sthm CHOSEN TO SPEAK Eleven-year-old Judith Ann Fey, whose father lost hit life in the Coral tea battle it given hug and handshake ot Wattmont, N. J., by Walter E. Alettandroni, Penn tylvania State American Legion commander after the youngtter wat choten to speak for the nation's children when the Legion tendt a freighter from Philadelphia with 900,000 toys for chil dren of Weitern Europe. Beaming approval it Judith Ann's mo ther, Mrt. Gertrude T. Fay. 1AP wirephotol. SUNDAY "Garden Talks by my w. oiu 23t4 wir lit) Subject, Pebraarf It "Flamming fee Hm GeraVa' KRNR 10:30-10:45 A. M. Gill's Envelope VeaetaWe Garde CoIUcHm BEAN, Gill'i Dellcloua Giant (pole).... .10 BEAN, Lon green (dwarf) 10 BEET, Detroit Dark Ked 10 CABBAQE, (ilU'i Oregon Ballhead 10 CARROT, fltU'a Oregon Chantenay 10 SWEET CORN. Glll'a Imp. Gold. Bantam .10 CUCUMBER, Colorado 10 LETTUCE, New York Improved B 10 ONION, Utah 8wet Spanish .10 PARSNIP, Glll'a Tender Heart 10 PEAS, Laxton'a Prog re a (dwarf) 10 SWISS CHARO, Luc alius . .10 $1.20 Twelve regular sized packets, worth aifs ' $1.20, sent postpaid for 86c. Save on this welt balanced collection of quMitjr seeda 03 GILL BROS SEED CO Menrevflle Station, Portland 16, Oft ton 'r "Thank you so much for suggesting thot we come to the RAINBOW CAFE ... but where else could we hove enjoyed such o delightful dinner." Refreshments 2k EVERYBODY WELCOME! Club 99 SECOND ANNUAL - HARD TIME PARTY Saturday, Feb. 11 o o NO Prizes and Surprises! Contests and Fun! COVER CHARGE KITCHEN SPECIAL : Beam and Bread 26c Completely Old . . . . . . Fun Conditioned mm Highway 99 North Tocstmasters Heer Truce Kelly Rep Govt. Waste The Roseburg Toastmasters club departed from iU regular program routine at it Tuesday meeting to hear an outaide apeaker, for the first time in recent months. Bruce Kelly, state president of Ores ion Junior Chamber! of Com merce and member of a committee to study and report on the Hoover commission report, said junior chambers were not against a large government, because the govern ment must grow with its population. "However, we are outspoken against wasteful and overlapping spending by our government ne declared. Kelly cited examples to show blame , for destruction of other great civilizations and stated this country strives to encourage incen tive "that if our tradition." "We bave a good thing In this country and we want to protect it," Kelly said. Two ways in which our country could be destroyed, he said, are outside attack, and inter nal disease. He claimed this latter is the class in which the present trend toward socialism belongs and warned those present against en couraging or permitting this trend Autobiographical sketches by Bob Alien and Jack Towt and an ad dress upholding motorcycle racing as a sport, given by Keith Wil liams, concluded the talks. The remainder of the meeting was highlighted by presentation of the certificate of merit to Phil Harth for completion of Toastmas- ter basic training. Harth joined bob Harvie as the only local mem bers to complete this training. In duction of Towt as a new member concluded the ceremonies. Toastmaster for the evening was Dr. B. B. Gilpin. Bill Lindsell serv ed as valuator and his critics were Jim Turk, Bill Benecke and Dr. S. L. DeLapp. Harvie served as table topicsmaster. "Inefficiency Of Govt. Appalls," Bruce Kelly Says The government could save million per year by streamlining itself, as proposed by the Hoover report on government reorganiza tion, Bruce Kelly, Portland, state president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, stated before the members of the Roseburg Rotary club Thursday noon. Speaking at the regular Rotary meeting at the Hotel Umpqua, Kel ly declared, "If we are going to save ourselves from heavy taxes, brought on by inefficient govern ment, we must be steadfast in our purpose. We must do what we can to see that the Hoover nmmii. sion's findings are adopted." There are petitions favoring adoption now being circulated, he said, but they may not be Vj ef fective. "We must thrust ox way forward," he said. He compared our government to day with the two old recluses who kept collecting junk until they were trapped in it and smothered to death. "The inefficiency of the gov ernment is appalling." he declar ed. Of course, the government must grow, he said, but it can grow without the waste, inefficien cy and duplication prevalent to day." The Jaycee officer, who is re turning to Portland after several days in this area, was introduced by Irv Pugb. program chairman for the day. Bill VanHorn, student Rotarian, reported on activities at the senior high school. President Leroy Hiatt presided at the meeting. Nurses Ask Pay Hike, 40-Hr. Week PORTLAND, Feb. lO.-W-Reg-istered nurses of Oregon want a 40-hour work week for the same pay they now get for 44 hours. Their present minimum is $210 a month. The Oregon State Nurses associ ation sent letters to hospitals, clin ics and industrial employes ex plaining the profession must be improved. The association said "to attract more nurses . . . our work ing conditions must compare favor ably with other fields of employ ment for women." Committees representing both nurses and management were also asked for each hospital. These would confer on employment prob lems. The nurses want straight pay or equivalent time off for all over time work and $10 monthly pre mium for evening or night duty, communicable disease attendance and being on call for emergency work. They also want periodical $5 pay increases based on service at one hospital. These would come at six months, a year, two and three year anniversaries. Free medical examinations, ma ternity leaves and longer vacations C2E)LMI3 un 2 u , TONIGHT: When the government opened up certain lections of land for settlement in the old west, some men tried to trick each other in order to get the best available land. This la the situation facing "The Cisco Kid" during "The Great Land Rush" (T:S0-:00 p. m.). Tune in a romantic half -hour of music on "Romance is Music" (8:00-8:30 p. m.) . . . and the further thrilling adventures of Jack, Reggie, and Doc on Carlton E. Morse's top-rating "I Love a Mystery (1013-10:80 p. m.). SATURDAY! Ferde Grofe's "Grand Canyon' Suite" will be spat-lighted by Alfred Wallenstein, conducting the Les Angeles Philharmonic orchestra en "Symphonies for Youth." Robert Russell Bonnet's 'March far Americe" end A.r.n Copland's "A Lincoln Portrait1 will else be featured (10:30-1130 a. m.). New to the Saturday schedule Is the reguler Meneay through Friday feature, "It's Requested" absorbing full hour of llstenlng-time (2:004:01 p. m,). Yeull recognise the show when It hits the air by the McCarl-produced-screwball-intre. On "Baker's Oven (1:00434 p. m.), bandleader Jerry Gray will guest with emcee Gene Baker during this record-session. Joseph B. Keenan, the Washington, D. C, attorney who headed the American prosecutors staff at the Japanese war crimes trial, will hold a press conference on the air for "Meet the Press." "Meet the Press,' for four consecutive Saturdays will be heard at an earlier time . . . 7:00 to 7:30 p. m. The "Happy Valley Cowboys' also will be beard earlier for that period of time (7:30-800 p. m ). REASON: KRNR, in behalf of the Tidewater Associated Oil Company, will bring to its listeners "Live" broadcasts of four collegiate basketball games ... the first in the series to be heard tomorrow, night (8:00 p. m. to conclusion) between Oregon and St. Mary's, originating on KERG, Eugene. Dont miss a one of these exciting state collegiate basketball sessions over KRNR (Saturdays, 8:00 p. m. to conclusion). KRNR 1490 on Your Dial Mutual broadcasting. System BBMAIMNQ HOUKS TODAY 4 00Fulton Lewis. Jr. MBS, 4:13 Hemingway. MBS. 4 :30 Here's To Veteran, 4:49 Newt. MBS. 8:00 Ray Block Present. 5:30 Tom Mix. MBS. 6:00 Mafic Garden. :15 Mutual Newsreel MBS. 0:30 World Of Sportt. 45 Tex Beneke Show. 6:55 BUI Henry. MBS. 7:00 Hera Comei Johnny, 7:15 Sammy Kay. 7:30 Cisco Kid. MBS. 8:00 Kpmance la Music. 8:30 SportacaBt. 45 Cedrte Fogter. MBS. 9:00 Newt. MBS. 9:15 HI Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melody. 9:45 rulton Lawli, Jr. MBS. 10:001 Uv A Mystery! MBS. 10:15 Music You Want. 10:45 McPhcrson In Person. 11:35 Newi Summary. 11:30 Sign Oft ATI'S: DAT, rKBBUAftr It, M :0O Musical Clock. 6:30 News. 6:35 rarm Fair. : 45 County Agent. 7:00 Hemingway. MBS. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. MBS. 7:45 Local News, 7:30 4-H Club. 00 Radio Kid Bible Clssa, 30 Haven of Rest. MBS, 9:00 Modern Home. 9:15 Music. 9:30 Telephone Requests . . 10:00 News. MBS. were asked employers. of th institutional Reservations for private Skating Parties re available at the Rainbow Skating Rink Winchester Phone S28-R-2 DANCE , Saturday, Feb. 11 9:00 K M. South Deer Creek Grange Hall Public Invited REAL Also Steaks an' Short Orders Open 1P a. m. to 2 a. m. All nlMht on Saturdays Closet; Tuesdays CAFE S33 S. Stephens The Way You Like It . If its fun you want, it's ALL-OUT for the Legion Hall in Sutherlin, to dance to the modern West ern music of Lou Franco and his Happy Valley Boys. NO HOLDS BARRED Dance Every Saturday Night - AMERICAN LEGION HALL SUTHERLIN, OREGON Admission: Men, $1.00; Ladies, 50c 10:15 Jim m Wakley. 10:90 Symphonies For Youth. MBS, 11:30 Air Force Hour. MBS. 12 0U World News. 13:15 Music At Noon. 12:30 You And Your Camera. 12 45 Musical Interlude. 12:50 Loval News. 12:55 Market Report. 1:00 Man On The Farm MBS. 1:30 Man On The Street 2:00 Requeit Show. 3 00 Burknell University Glee. MBS. 3:30 Melody Mountain Boya, 4 00 John eTIynn. MBS. 4:15 Hemtna-way. MBS. 4:30 Bandstand IT S A -MS. 5:00 True or False. MBS. 5:30 Baker's Oven. MBS, e.ou Jack Foster Orch. 6:15 Music. 25 John B. Kennedy MBS. 6:30 World Of SPORTS. 6:45 National Guard Show. 1:00 Meet The Press. MBS. Frt., rtb. 10. 1950 The New-RaWy, Roto burj. Of. I f;95 Happy Valley Cowboys. 0 00 Oregon va St. Marys Came. :30 Wren Ulna Parade 10:45 Mcpherson In Psjraon. U 25 News Summary. U:J0-&an Off. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 12. IMS oo Back To God Hours MBS. 30 Voice of Prophecy, MBS, 00 Radio 'Bible Class MBS. :30--Lutheran Hours. MBS. 10:00 News. MBS. 10:15 Soncs of Cheer. MBS 10:30 Garden Guide. 10:45 Moments of Devotion. 11:00 Church Services. 12:00 Orfan Concert. 12:15 House of Hymns. MBS. 12:30 Master Radio Canaries. MBS. 12 45 Newa- 1:00 B-Bar-B Riders. MBS. 1:30 Martin Kane. MBS. 2 00 The Shadow. MBS. !iIru-.Pet1tc,,v Myiterlea. MES. 3:00 Ray Block Show. 330 Nick Carter. MBS, 4:00 The Falcon MBS. 4 30 Family The -t re MBS. ' . 8:00 Laymen's Hour. w 8:30 Romance In Music. 6 OO Enchanted Hour. MBS. 6:30 World Of Sports. 6:45 Obeitln Radio Artist MBS. 1 onMusic of The Masters T: 30 Roy Rogers Show. MAS. 8:00 Twenty Questions. M R 4. 8 30 Can You Top This. MBS. t:0O New. MBS. 6:15 Memorable Musle. 9:30 American Legion. 6:45 Eddy Howard Orch MBS. 10:00 Chicago Theatre d The Air-MBS.' 11:00 Sign Off. Saturday-Sunday ie e elejiwaj ssi wit w'' tkrWtrl ''VxSSV si I h II eea If JLffW nil ALAN CURTIS TOM REAL aussiu HAYBEN f LJ i S CA.Ol i W wMi UIIT KNIOHT CteHiHH(cl JwrfiriFi "N iy AND r-rPJ mm ; ROBERT LOWERY vM. KEN CUITK CNaUS muchu ana THUNOftaouB sumu SMMIU TOM MUST ess" sua MA MONO m Xi ftiixn uwm i tmui .ftssM a torn r. uam e c Under New Management CHUCK and his RHYTHM KINGS Playing for Dances Every Saturday Night From 9 P. M. to I A. M. Just drive down to The Curve, 3Vi miles north of Myrtle Creek for an enjoyable evening of dancing. Admission Men ... 1.00 Ladies . . . 50c Tex Includ, as STARTS SUNDAY "i A as Y SOMJZ . Marl. WINDSOR i BIA'fRICI PIARSON AND KANSAS CITY KITTY Joan Davis Bob Crosby Now: "Ringsido" t Abbott & Costello "Hit fho lee" mMffim COMING SUNDAY 2 DAYS ONLY 4 WAITER PIDGEON tTO t-ri in a s nnuiiAnr ''A V 1mm tJ M tintl DAKKIMUKC i PFTFR HWFnRO 'f IAWPT IFir.H K'ri ANGELA LANSBURY k tMlf LOUIS CAIHERN NOW SHOWING Jo McCre Virginia Mayo "Colorado Territory" u