Schedule Of Service In Cities Of Douglas County Given By Operators Of X-ray Survey Final plans for the chest X-rijr survey of Douglas county have been announced by the headi of the cooperating agencies making the survey possible. They lac!udi Dr. E. J. Wauucott, county health department, Dr. C. G. Carlyle Thompson, Oregon State Board of Health; Mrs. Lorraine Riedman, cheat X-ray survey director cf th: Oregon Tuberculosis and Health association, and Mrs. W. F. Amiot, executive secretary of the Douglas County Tuberculosis and Health association. This surer.; will be the first in a aeries of an intensive three-year campaign, designed to cover the entire county thoroughly and to ob tain X-rays of SO percent of the adult population. It will 'ollow a new line of procedure, taking area population aa a basis and remain in that area long enough so that everyone residing there will have the opportunity of having a chest X-ray. Prior to this time, an effort was made to cover the entire county ou a limited time schedule, but sever al tests made in other parts of thn state have indicated this new con centrated method will give a wider and better coverage of the adult population. - Schedule Listed Points chosen for this concentrat , ed survey are Drain. Yonralla, ' Oakland, Sutherlin, Daya Creek, TED SAYS . . . "WE AUTO PAINT YOUR AUTO." AUTO PAINTING 450 4 U. Two tone or one color In smooth, gleaming finish. See ua first for an estimate. Phone 131S-J. Ted's Auto Brdy Service 2 mllea wast of eity center on Melrose Road. Phon 1316-J. Tiller, Canyonville and Riddle. The unit will spend two days in Roseburg on this survejr ind will return here later in the season for a two or three weeks' stay. Myrtle Creek, Glendale and Reedsport wi'l also have a concentrated survey in the future with the unit remain ing in those areas on the same pop ulation basis. To offer the best possible service, two units will be in operation in the county at the same lime on the following schedule: State mobile unit at Drain Monday, Feb. 27 through Wednesday Mar. 1; at Oak land Thursday, Mar. 2, Friday, Mar. 3 and Monday, Mar. 6; at Canyonville, Tuesday, Mar. 7; at Daya Creek, Wednesday and Thurs day, Mar 1 and . The Oregon Tuberculosis and Health association unit dates will be: at Roseburg Monday and Tues day, Feb. 27 and 28; at Yoncalla, Wednesday, Mar. 1; at Sutherlin Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, Mar. 2, 3, 6 and 7; at Riddle, Wednesday and Thursday, Mar. 8 and . The county health department is also conducting tuberculin testing din es for the school children -1 many of the areas where the unit will be in operation, so that well, rounded tuberculosis controlled program will result through both the testa and the X-ray service Mass Meeting at Drain Dated A mass meeting will be held at Drain Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. to start off the campaign. Follow ing this, there will be a meeting of the district chsirmen at Rose burg on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 1 p.m. in room 205, Pacific build ing. C. R. Bradford, Portland, will then visit each area to be surveyed and plan a house-to-house canvass with the volunteer workers, fur- I . Fariss' Friday Folly Wi Kara offered IttfM en your Friday Folly for every monitor of Hie 'omilv but Hi it timo wo oro tfcinkinf of Mother who hat to deon rho houto end Dotf who Kktt to telex In hit favorite choir end smoke hit cif ororto or oJoo. ' . SMOKERS' STAND Destened for convenience end tooury at rho tamo timo. Chroma trimmed brown or fray moral ttends with convenient servfno edge. Piece om of these at oach end of the dev Regular Price 9.9S Folly Prict Horo It another hut tmallar. SMOKERS' STAND Put this stend beside Deo"s favorite choir ana mako Mom't work lot eesier. Aihot drop and cigarette art toon snuffed out In tho lunar holder. Brown or arty with chroma trim. 3.88 Regular Price 7.95 Folly Price 2.88 (O Drive Out and Save at Jack Fariss and Son I Folly Prices Effective Friday night ir ii r t - a aa . j j Store No. 2 Ml 11 1 J Stampi with every purchase at NEW HUDSON CUSTOM COMMODORE SEDAN 2 a " ' " Shown is the new 1950 Hudson Custom Commodore Series sedaa Hudson last week announced price reductions ranging from $87.50 to $166.50 on all models in its Super and Custom Commodore Series. Although these cara are only Ave feet high, they provide full road clearance and more head room than any mass-produced car, due to the exclusive "step down" design with recessed floor. Both lines have a wheelbaae of 124 inches and are available with choice of the 123-horsepower. high-compression Super-Six or UaVhoraepowec Super-Eight engine. nish kits and give consultation service. The location of the unit in each area and hours of operation will be announced following the meet ing. Heada of the combined agencies expressed the hope that the resi dents of Douglas county will coop erate in full and help them reach the goal of surveying 80 percent of the adult population. Deranged Veteran Explodes Bullets By Frying Them PATERSON, N. J Feb. 9-J.m-Police used tear gas yesterday to capture a deranged veteran who had barricaded himself in his apartment and shot off bullets by frying thein in a skillet. Police said the 2C-year-old man had held them at bay outside the apartment by threatening to shoot anyone who came in. When they did get in, they said, the veteran was found with both arms slashed and bleeding. The man, identified by police as David Higham. needed 50 stitches to close the cuts on his arms. He was treated at a hospital and then removed to the county institution at Hopedell for observation. The cuts were not serious, doctors ssid. Police - captured Higham by climbing a fire escape across aa inner court from his apartment and tossing tear gas bombs through his window. But when the police sesrehed the apartment, the only weapon they found was an old bayonet. There was no gun, despite Higham'a threats to shoot if anyone entered. He told police he bad ahot off bullets by putting them in a frying pan on the stove and heating them up. Police arrived to hear the fried bullets going off. They thought Hug hs rn had a gun. Italy Labor Federation Forms Anti-Red Front NAPLES, Italy, Feb. 10-UPl The Italian federation of labor (FID haa voted overwhelmingly to join with the Free Confederation of Labor (LCGIL) in forming an anti-Communist, independent labor front. The action, at the end of a na tional FIL Congress, psves the way for official union action on the merger which has been in the dis cussion state for many months. FIL's membership is estimated at from 400,000 to 500,000. LCGIL has over a million members and the combined strength is believed to be about 1,700,000. On the other hand, the Commu nist-led CGIL claims 5.117,000 card holders although the figure is dis puted by Anti-Communist sectors. Limited Praise Given By Morse To GOP Policy . BAKER, Feb. 10. UP) Sen. Wayne Morse shifted his re-nomination campaign after limited praise for the Republican party and strong defense of his own voting record in talks here. At Vale he aaid millions of in dependent voters would like to vote for the Republican party "if we would just give them some reason for doing so." And he found that the party is giving some reason although not as much as he would like. The big issue, Morse ssid, is whether the people are going to support ever ind ever expanding authority of the executive branch or whether specific issues are go ing to be solved by legislation. The Republican party, he ssid, Is going into the 1050 and 1952 cam paigns on a more specific basis thsn they did in 1848. But he criti cised the party's newly adopted statement of principles. as not be ing pinned down sufficiently. As he did in earlier remarks at Salt Lake City and in a luncheon talk at On tario, he said "I think we lost a greet opportunity in not making clear that the Republican party will support the major provisions of the Hoover report. (The Hoover commission report called for re organization of the executive branch of government to effect economies.) At Ontario he ssid the govern ment could save 12,000.000,000 by adopting the Hoover report. An other 15,000,000,000 could be saved he said, bv a 20 oer cent cut in foreign aid costs, military -budget reductions, and tax revisions to en courage business. Spesking of his own stsnd on s sues, he ssid at Vale he waa go ing to fight for sound revision of labor laws (he hss opposed the Taft-Hartley law and also hss op posed its tepesi, advocating revi sion instead); would have nothing to do with socialised medicine; and said, he would not "go along" with the proposed Columbia Valley ad ministration. Prophecies On War The people must beware of a sense of false security he wsrned. Both at Vale and at Ontario he de clared that solving the peace is the world's big problem. "Our generation will see whether the sun rises on permanent peace Oil is produced in 28 U.S. states The United States produces about five million barrels of petroleum a day. $ SAVE $ WHY PAY MORE? Office hours: I a. m. to t p. m.; Sundays, 1 p. m. to T p. m. No Appointment Necessary INCOME TAX SERVICE 139 Sheridan Phone 968-J or 57-F-2 or on third world war," he said. adding that America could win the war militarily but would loaa it economically. There must be a bi-partisan for eign policy, the senator said, for injection of partisan politics would split the country, which he said is what Communists want. Only a united front, he told his Ontario audience, could hold Communism in check in Europe and Asia. Anti-Gambling 7" Crusade Creates "Gold Coast" Woe BILOXI, Miss., reb. t -Ut-Msnj citizens with an eye on tour ists' dollars and servicemen's spending don't like it, but there's a vigorous effort being made to clean out gambling along a lush 250-mile strip of the Gulf coast. The stretch of see shore involved in between Biloxi, Miss., and Pan ama City; Fla., and includes the Alabama coast. It's studded with swanky resort hotels and high-payroll military bases. Ministerial groups and law en forcement officers have made their sting felt in a string of unrelated but concerted drives. And the jH machines, dice tables, and two card monte games are taking to cover. Those residents who earn their living off the spending of tourists, 'rt., Feb. 10, WO The News-Review, Kosobure, Ore. soldiers, airmen and sailors aren't at all happy. This sort of thing, they ssy, will ruin the section's economy by send ing the tourists away; and the sol diers will begin spending their pay day weekends elsewhere, ssy in nearby New Orleans. At a mass meeting of business men in Biloxi, one citizen ssid: "If we don't have slot machines, they'll be referring to this section as the 'Ghost coast' instead of the 'Gold coast.' " Leading military establishments in the area are Keesler field at Biloxi, the Naval air atation at Pensacola, Fla., and Egiin air force base, Fla. Between them they have payrolls aggregating mora than 175,000,000 annually. Ministe rial groups contend slot machines get a good part of that. The drive against open gambling began more than a year ago at Pensacola and Panama City. Al most 100 gambling Indictments were returned by a (rand jury anj heavy fines were levied. Fifty-four slot machines were seized lste last summer in resort areas east of Mobile, Ala. The drivea this year extended to Biloxi and Fort Walton, Fla. Ventriloquism is an art known to antiquity and Is practiced by wandering magicians in many semi-civilized countries. HEALTH CENTER Treatmanta for muscular, air eulatory and nerve disorders. Physical Therapy . Swedish Massage Howard R. Martin Phone S55-J 20 W. Douglas Birds winter. relish holly berrtee In UAY FOR SALE 40 Ton of Top Quality Alfalfa Will be here Monday Morning Priced at $45.00 per ton at the door Wo alio have a limited supply of oat hay ROSEBURG FEED AND SEED STORE Oak and Spruce Sts. Phone 374 STORE HOURS Oper. Every Night 'til 8 P. M. Friday Night 'til 9 P. M. For Your Shopping Convenience' T T Kluver Rsdio Service open til t for your convenience. Stare No. 2 Next to Wally'i Phone 1371-rt Personal Property Tax Reminder for 1950 Personel Property declaration farms wore tent out Jen. 1. 1950, with e request for their return before March 2, 1 950. Pleese five this your immsdiete ettention. Suction 110-349, OCLA 1941 rood, es fallow. . . . "THt esscsser iholl (nm olenk formt for men returns to ho prepared end dis tributed, but failure to receive or secure tho form tholl not re lieve ony vch perae' menee ino eeent or officer from the ebll torioo of mo kino, ony return heroin required . . All returns filed under the provision of tho section shell be confidential records of Hie Assessor's Office." Section 110-601, OCLA 1941. "Any such person,. monea.ifif eeent or officer wKo sholl with intent to ovodo rotation, rofuso or ne elect to moke ony return herein roeuirod end to file ft with the assessor within the time spocifiod or es extended shell be sub aet to penotty of Ten Dollars $10.00 per dey of the contin uance of such refusal or nef led ..." Household furtTture. domestic fixtures, household foods end ef fects actually fa se as such m homos end dwollints, where not used for business or commorctel purposes, are exempt from toio tton end should not be reported on this form. Cxomption else op lias to woerinf apparel, watchos, iewelry, end similar personal effects actually m use. These forms may be obtained by eallmf of the Assessor's office, or will be moiled open request. Ned Dixon Dbiiflat County Assessor 11 M AT SENSATIONAL Ol'ff PfiCS i I Today we unveil the l(g ft . VJithThe leu Sfeo-D au rVKDV ciiDt-a .uit CUSTOM COMMODORE MODEL own Ride" Here ere W50's ssetl eeeetKiil leteajesiilet e TW ealy cars wHt "step-eswe" esilea, wMch revUes Aaaerici'i lew est center el Brevity mi the steasWest rise' anaelag rule ever knew, a Aleaf with ssere reea the ta say ether car e Hera's the eaUesl safety ei Hsstsea's sides hre Meeehih hsey mi treau e The hleh taesjrossloa partarssesna oi Asserlca's ssest aewerM Sli Of ea evea ssere sawerM Eight a A sal oM-raaee, Sapsr eaeile Drlvef a Here, la short, are alasi taareres that eaaWe Heasea ateae to hrissj yea "The New Stea-Dewa IMe'l Today's thb dat! Tho day to see the gorgeous Hudsona for 1950 that bring you a fresh motoring experience) "The New ' Step-Down Ride" at sentional lower pricea on every Super and Custom Commodore model. This is the ride that cradlea you in the lowest-built car of them all! You instantly see that these New Hudsona have the loweet center of gravity in any American automobile and as a remilt, you know instinctively, aa you view thein, that they hug the road more tenaciously and are therefore America 'a beat-riding, safest cara! You quickly see, too, that these low-built Hudsona for 1950 have full road clearance and more head room than in any mam-produced car built today thanks to "atep-down" deeign with ita recessed floor! And amazing head room la only one kind of spacious ness you'll find in these great cara! Through "step- Hudson's exclusive SUPER-MATIC DRIVE t Hudson brings you no-shift driv ing withSuper-ma tic Drive, which includes the fuel economy of over drivethe only tranjimiMion that shifts gears for you just as you want, doesn't creep on starts or after stops, dneen t slip aa you roll along and that can be con verted to conventional drive at the touch of a button. down" deeign and ingenious use of apace that is wasted in other makea, these new, streamlined Hudsona of normal exterior width bring you seat cushions that are up to 12 inchn wider than those in can of greater outside dimensions. In fact, when you try "The New Step-Down Ride", you'll find the New Hudson haa more inside room than any other car, at any price! You'll thrill to the get-up-and-go performance of your choice of two of the greatest engines in a long line of great Hudson enginea the high-compression Super Sis, America', moat powerful Six, or the even mora powerful high-compression Super-Eight! But these are only a few of the great feature, of "The New Step-Down Ride" that mean more value at leu coat. There are more, so many more that the only way to really appreciate all that the New Hudsona for 1950 have for you is to come in, try them yourself. May we expect you soon? NOW. . . 3 GREAT HUDSON SERIES Uwar-tVkad Pacaotokar Cwtrexa CaTtOira ONLY CARS WITH "STEP-DOWN" DESIGN (3D Op Ma, Ml at are) tsMk Etosewg EMson Co, 702 S. Stephens Phone 1768 s