Read Autos 27 Better Buys at Barcus iMe Packard convcktiblc VictorUn. bMutliu) bl col or, with un lop. Kvry extra. Ntw car fjaranU. , 1M PACKARD SEDAN, dark blus color; car guarantao, . ... BUICX 8-DANTTTE Xsdle, hostsr, nw paint and Urea. prct Utroufhoui ISM 141 FORD Convtrtlblc A baautiful licht blua color with red laat&rtta uphc-1 atary. Radio, haatar. auto ma tic top. - eas 140 CHEVROLET Coup. Racondliioncd motor, haatar. good paint, axtra sir inuda. tM 1M1 PLYUOtTTH SEDAN. saw notor. naw paint, H. MO 1M1 HASH too SEDAN. B Si H. M lMe.OLDSHOBOA Tu-door. Ml motor. Now paint nica Intarior. radio, haatar. .--. Ml 1M0 DaSOTO -Udsn radio, haatar, good tiraa. Only 4M lUe CHRYSLER ROYAL Coup. m at n. mucn ooitar tnan av- rag condi Uon. 1S3S PLYMOUTH SEDAN, B ft H 340 1S3S PORD SS -PCDAN. Radio, haaU r. good tiraa. A buy ., 171 lftJT PORD Tu-door Ntw paint, good tiraa. aKcap uonaj EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES . Barcui Sale: & Servica Your Packard Daalar SUghwar M at Garden Valley - . Phona 13M I POINTS On uH can yon ara wund of wnM you our from ua: Kleak E E L XTA QUAUTV. CONOMT. ,ONO TERM CREDIT. Saj-ty. "Where Price 4 Quality Meet" '4T STUDEBAKER Clump. Da- Lux. ssoor IT PORD Supr D.L-J-. S-paa. roup. '4Y CHTVROLIT 4-door riMtmuUr These Cars Can Not Be Beat ' '41 PLYMOUTH J -door 40 CHEVROLET Coup. IS CHEVROLET S-door ST PORD 3 -door Hdu M-'PONTIAC 4-ooor 40 PORD '.-Ion 4T STUDEBAKER Pickup 'IT INTERNATIONAL Truck SP-.CHEVROLET Cab-Ovar with stack . rack. Keel's Used Car Lot l S. Stephmi, Jutt south of Reee Hotel Phone 130 or 1445-J Just Arrived Large Shipment Passenger Tire Chains Montgomery Ward & Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE US null? la Ford , buslnaM coup. 4.000 Bnilaa Payment. S40. Ctmalder '40, '41 rerd. Turn nshl at Airport Cat., en. MoeX M rltui Your Classified Autos 27 Minimum Is Maximum! Yti the minimum you receive when you vbuy a Used Car from US it the maximum amount of service it offert you. A wide se lection of Guaranteed Used Cars priced fairly. awaits your inspection. We stand behind every car we sell! 1MI CHRYSLER SEDAN, BAB IMUt . 9M.0O IMS CHRYSLER SEDAN, Kkl, IM1 OLDSMOBILX, K R 1MI CHRYSLER S-paae HUH, & h rrr. . 1M1 PLYMOUTH 4 D SEDAN, H - 1M0 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, H 1M1 PLYMOUTH 1-D. H . t5.0 MS. 00 SM 00 S7S.00 100.00 SUM 1 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, H 1M1 CHEVROLET -D. H 1M1 CHEVROLET S-P.aa Coup.. 1 k H Corkrum Motors, Inc. DESOTO Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 130 S. Phsii. MS-JI "W.ll Ik her TOMORROW tit Back up what we sajr and do TODAY!" Si Dillard Motor Co. Dependable Used Cars 4I DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN Clean ai a pin. Lota of ax tra.. J154J 00 1.4. PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR R a it Run. ilk. a top. 10ft 1M1 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN A rood modal In axcallcnt ahapa. ssS.00 1M0 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR H.r.a a dandy: a ral value. (49.00 1S4S DODGE 14 TON PICKUP Look. Ilk. naw. Only. S7S.00 Ch eapies 1041 DODGE SEDAN 1S3S PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1SST CHRYSLER SEDAN 1KM DODGE SEDAN Thaaa Can all Run Good. Com. lru Look Tom Ovar and Mak. an Offar Used Car Lot NORTH STEPHENS STREET '4H Pord V-g, J door ' 49 PI mou i h 4-door ' '48 Chevrolet, 4-door .. . 1 TPS '47 Chevrolet. 4-door 1283 47 Ford. 2-door . JIM 41 Sludebeker. 5-naaa 4M '41 Old mobile. 5-pau ,, . 525 .I uooft, -oor, ? motor , 41 Dodre. 4-door an la 475 41 Plymouth. 4-door 475 '41 Nash. 4-door 4 so -Lnevrorei. 4-door ... . 40 S 'AO Oldsmoblle. 4-m tvui n Mercury. 5-psss 550 '3A Studebaker. coupe . 325 3 Mercury, convertible 550 '."W Ford, 2-door ,. 305 M Ford. 4-door f.25 '37 Chrysler, sedan ..... '37 Oldsmoblle. 4-door . xw Model A Roadster Riverside Motors 140 N. Staohana Ph. 4-0-X fc irmtnt pgure SEASONABLY PRICED CM AC TERMS CHEVROLET, BUICX, PONTIAC, CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Soa. Si Oak Ads. Autos 27 MORE MONEY for .our car. Cask on the apot Corrum Motors, inc., Da Solo PLrmuU- Phone eOS, lie N Roae St 30 FORD lANEL. a oooS motor,- good body; tight and clean, 2M. T B. rUetingi.t.ia Cecil FOR SALE 193 Butch sedan. J: or make offer. For informaiion. phone H-ll AFAY-11C COUP, naaonable. US Sheridan Impounded 28 UNLESS CLAIMED within 4fl hours from date of notice, the following deacrlbed dogs will be dlipoaed of aa provided In City Ordinance No. 1144. Golden Cocker Spaniel male B lark Cerma n Shepherd male Blark part Terrier female Golden part Shepherd female City pollco D-pL J-Ift-W J 00 p m. Personal 30 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O. Box 111. Notices 31 Notice Lowell Brown will be registered at the Ump qua Hotel Friday for the purpose of accept ing bids for Douglas County timber, Town ship 30, South Section 32. NOTfCE I will not be reaponjible for any debt Incurred by any other than myself, Lou lee K. Thompson. LEGAL NOTICE OP Pn.FNO APPI.ICATTON FOR A CHANGE IN POINT OP DIVERSION OP WATER Notice la given hereby that Mrs. P. A. Tripp, has filed an applies ion In the office of Chaa. E. Stricklln, State Engineer, for the approval of a change in point of diversion of water from Cow Creek. In the adjudication proceedlnga de termining the relative rights to the use of the waters of Cow Creek and it tributaries a water right was ad judicated In the name of P. A. Tripp for the Irritation of 12.4 acres In the SE'.NW. and 4.2 acres in the NE' SW, Sec. s, T. 32 8, R. 4 W. W M . with a date of priority of September 30. 1007 from Cow Creek. The above described land la Irrigated through the Johns Irritation Ditch, the point of diversion of said ditch being located MO ft. S. and 930 ft. E. from the West quarter comer of See. 4, T. 33 a., n v.( w m. Mrs. P. A. Tripp, owner of the above described land to which said water riant is appurtenant, proposes to irri gate said land by means of a pumping pistil, the ,.al of diversion of said pumpina plant to be located 200 ft. S . and 7H0 ft. E.. from the NW Comer of NEV.SWV'e, Sec, ft. T. 33 S, JL 4 W-. W.M. All person A Interested are notified hereby that a hearing will be held at ine -ouniy (.ouri House at Koeetmrg, Oregon on March 30. 1950 at 1000 o c.oc . m. ah oojeciions to ine Eroposed chance, if any there are, will a heard at said time and place. Any objections shall be prepared in writing, one copy to be served on Mrs. F. A. Tripp, Azalea. Oregon, and one ropy filed with the Stale Enilneer, Salem, Oregon together with a tt 00 filing fee. at least ten days prior to the data set for hearing. If no objections are filed no hearing will bo held. Dated at Salem. Oregon this 30th day of January, 1950. CHAS. E. STRICKLIN, State Engineer. Jap Government Faces Threat Of General Strike TOKYO, Feb. JO (& Gov ernment workers are threatening a general itnke in Japan. Refusal of Prime Minister Yos hida's government to grant wage increases precipitated it. A national "struggle committee" representing 35 Hon - Communist unions has recommended the strike. The unions have a mem bership of more than 3,000,000. Occupation labor officisls have ; advised the committee that a gen. i eral strike would be "a dangerous : tactic." They added it is against j the law for public employes to strike. There is little doubt that Gen eral Mac Arthur would prevent a general strike which would tie up Japan's still wobbly economy. He halted the only other threatened general strike under the occupa tion in February two years ago. The strike recommendation was prompted by the Yoshida cabinet's refusal to accept a national per sonnel board recommendation that government workers get a 25 per cent increase in their base wage. That wage now is about J17.50 s month. Unions spokesmen say the Yos hida government's action is a vio lation of the principles urged by General MacArthur in a letter to the premier in July 1848. In that letter the general told Yoshida that denying government workers the right to strike made it "incumbent upon government to provide adequate safeguards to the welfare and interests of such em ployes." SEND IT C.O.D. SALEM, Feb. 10 (JP-Tht Sa- lam rh.mkw tt rnmm.rr. ant m letter yesterday from a North Wey- mouin, mass., man wno D-neve-those stories sbout the ooen-handed West. He arked for complete details on Oregon Gold Mining, and add ed, "i wouia oe very pieasea ii you could send me s bit of gold " NEW LOCATION! Dr.KB. Scofleld Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Range Road 4 10 Mi. North of County Shopa OfflM noun la-u aa sa Saturoar, 1C-1S A. M . g-ffar iwure-ealwwff Ml ko far aptn.l iwiwuaw. Russia Has Mors Planes But U. S. Has Better Ones WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 iJV-An American aviation expert said hers Russia is ahead of the United States both in aircraft production and in the number of military planes it has in service. However, said John F. yictory, executive secretary of the National Advisory committee for aeronau tics, (NACA), this country isn't disturbed by that situation because it feels that it has the better planes "We think we still have suprem acy of the air," he said, "becaure of the superior pen'ormancs and military effectiveness of our air craft." Victory said t'Jt neither the United States '.or Russia has practical military plane of super tonic speed. U.S. planes can go faster than sound now only when unarmed, he aaid. "The struggle for the survival of civilization is now underway in the research laboratores of or land," he aaid. "There the outcome of our present campaign to hold Communism in check and prevent another world war is being de cided.'" He said the atomic bomb "is solely sn offensive weapon of no value without a means of deliver ing it to its target." "So," hs added, "air power be comes the key to the problem of preserving our own security as well as preserving world peace." That's one reason, he indicated, why Russian progress in develop ing s supersonic atom-carrying craft "is a secret on which our intelligence resources are concen trated." Victory suggested a "new resl im" in planning manpower mo bilization in any future war. He raid the United Statea "flirted with scientific suicide" in the recent war by putting science students in uniform. "We must begin thinking in terms of job sssignment instead of in terms of job deferment," hs said. The U.S. Air Force says it hsd 17,600 airplanes on Jan. 11 this year. Of these, 1,100 were activo and 1,500 in storage. These figures do not include plsnes of the Air National Guard, the Air Reserve, the Civil Air Pa trl, or the Navy. Of the Air Fores planes, 8.100 are combat aircraft b o m b r s, fighters, reconnaissance planes or search and rescue aircraft. The remainder, 9,500 are utility planes transports, trainers, communica tions planes, and former combat types now used for other purposes $400 Million For Columbia Basin Projects Asked WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 (ffv- A 1400,000,000 14-project Columbia river basin reclamation program was recommended to Congress by Interior Secretary Chapman, Approximately 80 percent of the total cost would be expended for the Hell's Canyon Snake River dam along the Oregon-Idaho bor der. Designed as the world's biggest, it would rise 740 feet from bed rock in s gorge 6.000 feet deep snd only 280 feet wide st the bot tom end create a reservoir up to s mils wide snd 93 miles long The project would cost sn estimat ed $333,968,000 would irrigate 115, 778 acres of land and have 900,000 kilowatts of power capacity. All of the 14 projects are part of a plan worked cut jointly by the Reclamation bureau and the Army engineers. Chapman's recommendations are about twice the sum which Presi dent Truman recommended last week be authorized at this time The secretary's letter to the Sen ate said the developments "should not be considered as an effective substitute for the Columbia valley administration already recom mended by the president." Other projects recommended by Chapman include: Mountain Home, Idaho, project power features including Scriver Creek and dam and reservoir, up per and lower Scriver Creek pow er plants, Smiths Ferry diversion dam snd Smiths ferry - Schriv-r Creek tunnel, costing 848,000,000 with s power capacity of 120,000 kilowatts. Canby project, Molalla River, Or egon, $1,074,000, to irrigate 3,270 acres. Crooked River project, Oregon. $5,278,000, 20,210 acres. Valey project, Bully Creek exten sion, Malheur River, Oregon, 12, 848.000, 4,000 acres. The Dalles, project, west unit, Columbia river, Oregon, $2,573,000, 4,500 acres. Grand Coulee dam, Washington, enlargement of outlets to improve flood control, $2,750,000. During the day E. M. Torbett Pacific Northwest Regional direc tor of the Reclamation bureau, urged the Senate Interior commit tee to approve the bureau's share of the Columbia basin program. He estimated the cost at $619, 000,000. The modern, non-poisonous match was invented in 1911 by Wil liam A. Fairbum. Fifty years sgo federal taxes amounted to only $3.88 per person. Now it's sbout $270 s head. SLABWOOD in 1 2-1 6 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Hons ( V y W tk -adsiVs FIVE-INCH PENCIL REMOVED FROM EOY'S IITOMACH Surgery Nurs Rowans Fleming (left) wheals l8-mnh-old Earl Hall from the operating room of the Sternberg. r hospital at Grssnsbore, N. C- after surgeons removed a five-inch mechanical pencil from his stomach. Miss Opal Fain (right), student nurse, holds the pencil. The pencil, e Christmas gift to the lad's father, Dock Hall, had been missing for 10 days. X-rays located it, lying crossways in the stomach. The point had pierced the stom ach wall. Doctors give Earl e good chance to recover. (AP wire photo I. Government Gives Nation Grim Primer On Building Problems Of Atomic Age WASHINGTON, Feb. lO.-OrV-The federal government Thursday handed the nation a grin primer in construction problems of the atomic age. It issued a report entitled "damage from atomic explosion and design of protective structures," with requirements for buildings tremendous force of a nearby A The best advice it could offer structures ss fsr from strstegic underground. It celled for dispersal of potent ial war plants and aaid the most vital industries migh thave to bury themselves deep in csves snd mines. The report was prepared by the National Security Resources board, for use by civil defense planners across the nation. It will be dis tributed by the NSRB to the gov ernors of all the states. The report's findings sre based on studies made largely in Hiro shima, the first city ever to feel the terribe effect of an atomic ex plosion. It included no reference to later, more powerful A-bombs, nor did it mention the fearful hy drogen bomb now being developed. Surveys made in Japan, it said, showed that heavily framed steel and reinforced concrete build in ss offered the greatest resistance to Atomic blast. Those which offer ed the weakest showing were shed type structures witH light frsmes snd long, unsupported beams. As for housing, the report well- constructed frame buildings stsnd up well against blast, but are vul nerable to fire. - It cautioned builders sgainst all brick walls that support floor beams snd roofs. Such structures in Japan, the report said, "were engulfed by the oncoming pressure wave and collapsed completely." Atomic and defense experts who compiled the report made their re commendations on the 'assump tion" that damage within one-half mile of the point immediately be low an aerial explosion would be 'so severe as to make protection of above ground facilities Imprac tical witnin mat area." A bomb with twore the destruc tive force of the Hiroshima wea pon would increase this sres of virtually complete destruction about 60 percent, the report aaid. But outside this area, 'a great deal can be done to minimize the damage" from air blast, earth shock, atomic rays snd hest. As s step in the right direction it celled sttention to building codes sdopted in 11 western states con cerned about possible earthquake damage. Under ciese codes, buildings must be strong enough to resist horizontal forces varying from two percent of 16 percent of their verti cal loads. While 'a great deal remains to be done before sstisfsctory desgin procedures can be established," the report said, it is possible now to offer some "tentative" sug gestions. It said large, new structures should be fire resistant and atrenr, thened against blast and ground CLEANING sod SERVICING ef .11 Hun one1 furnec Vacuum Cleanin Free Estim etes Hal's Furnace Shop 10)1 Wh.rto. A-.. P.. 106S-J LOOK rms SIGN PAIVTINO ' DECOCATINO leasees! . 'AMEBKX'i IT IS TOUR PROTECTION Fully Quarantc-s tellable Quality Ward At Ne Added Coat Roseburf Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 308 dealing in matter-of-fact language which might have to undergo the - bomb blast. builders was to erect important aress ss possible, or put them shock. Such buildings would have to be strong enough to stand against a horizontal wind exerting wl pounds per aquare foot, and a wmd blowing straight down wini a force of 70 pounds per square foot besides meeting the toughest re quirements of the Pacific coast states. Soft structural grade ateel was recommended for reinforcing, be cause it bends without snspping ss easily as nam ateel. The report estimated that this country has about 320 million ! square feet of floor spars avail able to vital industries in mines, 1 many of which are reasonable near labor supply snd transportation. Use Tunnels In Cities ! "There may be tunnels or csves i near cities," it added, "that can I be used for control centers, emer gency operating rooms, or for stor age of medcial supplies i "They must be in good condi-1 tion and in a suitably atable geo- j logic formation. Trie entrance 1 doors mus the protected sgainst blast by barricades and should be i of heavy ateel construction." I The report is the second in a ; series based on a comprehensive atomic study being prepared at : the Atomic Energy commission's : x Alsmos, N.M., laboratory. The first report, issued last month. dealt with medical problems. 8vyomsiot I end institutions sr. proapact. for an Alum. 1 'rVVV W'AXVWVV' I I Inum-Lock shlntl. roof. If you have th. faith VWYaH-Y I 1 fai yourself, the experience and ability to NittVAi V 1 I qualify for aa oppoctuoity that eomes oace "yVwllv MweVV WRITE PHONE or WIRE 'kl I I UJ.KOrtrisi, rrasJdent HlWt 1 .10 tQUITAHE lintj. e PORTUND 4, OR. CON e HietieTweter 0954 ( . Frl., Feb. 10, 1950 The Chapter Meet Xi Epsilon chapter. Beta Sigma Phi will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mra. Charles E. Hart. Meetina Announced The Tllll- cum club of Sutherlin will meet Tuesday afternoon at the boms of Mra. Howard Wahl. Auxiliary Meetlnf V.F.W. Aux iliary will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock for an important business session at the armory. Martha Circle te Meet Marti circle of Faith Lutheran church will joeet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ray Anderson. ', Court of Hener Yoncalla P.-T. A. and a Boy Scout court of honor will be a joint affair Mon day night at the school. Ledse te Meet Rosebun Rebe- kah lodge No. 41 will meet at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the I.O.O.F. hall. Group t Meet The Methodist girls class are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. C, K. Rand in Laurelwood Tuesday evening. Te Meet at Luncheon The Twelve and Won club will meet at a noon' luncheon Tuesday at the home of Mra. Bernardino Prin cen, 231 N. Chadwick street. Val entines will be exchanged. Impr.vlns At Hospital Mra. Ella Lamm, Roseburg, was report ed by her daughter, Mrs. Dean C. McKay, to be recovering sat isfactorily at Mercy hospital, fol lowing a major operation. She entered the hospital Sunday eve ning. Dinner Meetin-4.edy Liens will meet st s 7 o'clock dinner st Carl'a Haven Monday night with Mrs. E. W. Carter, guest spesker, on the subject of Labrador. Mrs. Thomaa Hartfiel, Mrs. George Foster and Mrs. Psul Krueger will set aa hostesses. Mrs. Buckley Bell, president, has requested every member to be present. , Local News DISSTOM-MERCURY CHAIN SAWS One and Two-Man Units Certified Sales and Service AIM Axsi Wedgei Sltdejst Handlss Hard Hats and Hat lands Seals Sticks, Taso. Etc. ' Deeler for Cox Chipper Chelni end Edwards Wire Rope . Fer Rent 12 H. P. Sewi by the day er week CARL J. 920 S. Stephens Exclusive Distributor . Wanted for Douglas County The Aluminum-Lock Shingle Corporation, of a new low cost oluminum shingle, is .-ponding Its solas ttrrilory throughout Pociflc Coott Stotes and is leaking o reliuble finonciolly responsible man or com pany for on exclusive dealership on this product in Douglas County. The Aluminum-Lock Shingle has oil sal.s racords in the Portland area end is acclaimed by (xperts to be the improv.rn.nt In roofing of oil time. The Aluminum-Lock Shingle Is beautifully embasud with cedar like grain design locking on oil four ildai is easily applied over eld roofs or n.w Is g u.r.ntaaal te lest e llfttlm.. Factory Prevn SaU$ Plan and Training ' Gvsn Wi'fh Each Dtahrthip Newt - Rerlew, Reieberf, Ore. II T.N.T. Club te Meet T.N.T. club will meet Tuesday night at sn o'clock dessert-supper st ths boms of Mrs. Joe Haystead with Mrs. Holly Holcomb assisting hostess. Valentine Party The Eagles auxiliary will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at the Eaglea hall, followed by Valen tine costume party. Prizea will be awarded for the best costumea. Refreshments will be served. Auxiliary t Meet The D A V. auxiliary, Dean-Perrine unit No. will meet at 7:45 o'clock Mon day night at the Del Rey cafe at Winchester. All members .nd those eligible to membership are ssked to attend. Windows, Frame, and . Ladder . PAGE LUMIER ft FUEL 164 I. 2nd Ave. 6. Phone Ji L0CKW00D MOTORS Rose and Oak tt Phone 10 PEETZ Phone 279 0 i2UlJ am mem ceutmetmmoir 10m fMSTAUAmM 1X714