? Th niwen to vrydaj uiuranc problems By KEN BAILEY , Thin Is the season when we all want to Insure one thing above all others the happi ness of our families and loved ones and those around us. Re grettably it's a season that's fraught with danger on high ways and streets. Be extra care ful In your driving so that you and yours will be sure to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! It you'll aacMen juur own iniur anc question to this office, we'll try to five you the correct answer and there will be m nharge er ebll fatten mt anr kind. KEN BAILEY INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Pacific Bldg. Phone 398 ocicttj, hIGH SCHOOL FACULTY HAS DELIGHTFUL CHRISTMAS PARTY Member of the Senior high school faculty enjoyed a delight ful Christmas party Wednesday afternoon at the Cloyd Riffe home with Homer Grow acting as Santa Claus and distributing gifts. Lovely refreshments were served loiiowing tne social nour. MID-WEEK BIBLE CLASS HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY ON THURSDAY The Mid-Week Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church had a very enjoyable meeting Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. M.- Rietmann on the' Calkins road, at which time the annual Christmas Dartv was enioved. Gifts were exchanged and lovely retresnments were served by tne hostess. . The next meeting will be held at the parish, house January 5 with Mrs. Lloyd Hill as hostess. Election of officers for the com ing year is scheduled. AH mem bers and friends are most cordi ally invited to be present. Cook sauerkraut with a diced apple and a little onion; flavor with salt, pepper and sugar and add a little butter or margarine. This is a good vegetable dish to serve with meat loaf and oven browned potatoes. May the Christmas ''a' Season and the' ' New Year bring "WlMSsp you ail the -good things of , life in rich abundance. , " "r L rffc 124 N. Jackson Phone 565-J --' ' . .. 0 C'VA J T-T l"l I, :.. RETURN STARTS The unabashed Taylor quads of England return (ha stares of . spectators! at the Mothercraft "exhibition in London. The quads, who were .1 monthi old on Nov. 21, are (L to Rl Kevin, Annette, Paul and Robert. (AP wirephoto) ,: .r:) i . . SENATOR TELLS VIEWS LOOK SIGN PASNT1NO 1ND MCOPATINO CONTCJQPS AMERICA IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantees Reliable Quality Work At No Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 mm It the "wealth" of good will, and tfte "strength of good fellowship that make for a Merrier Ctn iutmm and-a Happier Hem Yaasu J UDD'S Vandenberg For Reduction In Aids To West Europe. Full Recognition To Franco WASHINGTON UP) Senator Vandenberg R-Mich) has called for continued economic and military aid to western Europe, but says it should be on a "sharply reduced" scale. Vandenberg, who wields great influence on . Republican foreign policy stands, also told a news conference that: 1. The communist regime in China should be recognized by this country only when It dem onstrated it has control of that country and will carry out the basic obligations of international law. He said communist China does not now meet these require ments. Recognition of Franco 2. Full diplomatic recognition should be granted to the Franco government in spam. 3. The bipartisan foreign policy Involves no "me-tooism on the part of the Republicans since it is open to vigorous debate while de cisions are in the process of being made. , when he left Washingotn In Oc tober, the Michigan senator says he feels fit. But he has : been weeks recovering from an opera tion for removal of a part of a lung and has been ordered to take things easy. Doctors have warned him against working .more than a couple of hours at a time with out taking at least a 30-minute rest period. . t Under the circumstances. Van denberg is expected to lean heav ily on Lodge and others, who share his major foreign views. 4. The objective of the Repub lican party should be "to restore the American system to safe foundations before it is too late, and to gear dependable progress with national solvency and indi vidual freedom." The Michigan senator flew back to Washington for a briefing on international developments be fore congress opens. Friends said he had two or three points on which he wants to make his position clear before the firing begins. 8ummary Told As they summed up his views, Vandenberg stands behind con tinued Marshal plan aid and for eign arms program for Europe although on reduced scales but believes his colleagues have am ple grounds for criticizing the ad ministration's handling of the China problem and other issues. All that some of the Republi cans need .is a small sign from vanaenoerg 10, piicn in . wun heavy attacks. Senator Knowland (R.-Calif.) Is coming back loaded for bear on China. Senator Smith (R.-N. J.) already has suggested that Gen. Douglas MacArthur be put in charge of all American interests in the Far East and has called for the occupation of Formosa. . Senators Taft (R.-Ohio) ' and Wherry (R.-Neb.) have been call ing for a broadening of commer cial relations with Spain, a move some lawmakers seem to think would involve resumption of full diplomatic relationsw ith Gen eralissimo Franco. Past Action Recalled Vandenberg has made It clear in the past that the Republicans haven't been consulted in advance on some of these problems. He has pointed out that the bipartisan foreign policy doesn't cover a very wide field, from that stand point. ; Thirty pounds lighter than "L. W1' ?(L and ft f" the i$ Year Significance Of Yule Symbols Is Theme Of Pastor The Christmas tree at Jackson and Cass streets and the shining cross atop Mt. Nebo are symbolic of the deepest meaning of Christ mas and should be remembered as such, the Rev. Clark Robb, pastor of the North Roseburg Evangelical United Brethren church, said Thursday In a yule tide message before assembled Rotarlans at the Hotel Umpqua. "The evergreen tree means life everlasting," the Rev. Mr. Robb explained, "and the cross is sym bolic of the great sacrifice of Jesus.". Now is the time to consider these symbols. Eternal life doesn't begin with death, the Rev. Mr. Robb said. "What you are today will determine what you will be tomorrow." Also, Christmas is the time to recall the symbolism of the cross, an implement of torture which has become a thing of beauty. This is the time to make the sacri fices of which the cross is rep- Keep Your Office' Well r, . . See D4 I. for -.. ; , Carbqna Ribbons , -Desks Chairs - Files D it L Stationers 325 S. Stephens rnon. Frl Dec. 23, 1949The Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore. resentative, the pastor stated. "We must help others without ex pecting praise in return. Try It. Not just today, but all the time. It will make your life much more meaningful," he said. The Rev. Mr. Robb brought his message to a close with the re minder that we should make Christmas "a holy day and say our thanks in church." The Rotary meeting was open, ed with a selection of Czecho slovakian, Ukranlan and Ameri can carols sung by J5 members of the Junior high School girls'- chorus, under the direction of Mrs, Hallie Woodward, - HIGHWAY lUDOET OKd PORTLAND, Dec. 22. () An Hrftann hlphwav rOmmlsslnii budget of $36,955,000 for 1950 wai approved yesterday -at tne com mission meeting here. The program provides 515,254,. nnO fnp main mnafrimHnn unA Improvements. A total of $1,500, uuu was earmarKea ior ine new highway department building in Salem, .. if tpib -IVi lerru nnduncu from Miller's Rental Library " (Downstairs Store) ,, : Wr: ...Vt;' . h J J- 'Mm vkMC" VMk P$ The most cherished of gifts bestowed upon us by the ' outgoing year is the confidence of those - we have been privileged to serve. Ever appreciative of this pleasant relationship, we want to express to our many good friends our siucerett wishes for c joyous Christmas season end a very happy New Year. Y9 ST v - ar JEUIELERS Yon H0M CWNCD AND OKRATCD CKCOT JBWL CK.8 FURNITURE U . . - .. a. Phone 1329-J Gift Shop 246 N. Jockson 321 N. Jackson Phone 26 323 S. Stephens Phone 1071-J