16 Th Nwi-Rvlw, Rowburg, Or. Frl Dec. 23 1949 Dispute Over Jobless Pay Law Is Compromised WASHINGTON. UP) Secre , farv of labor Tobln announced ' Wednesday a compromise settle ment of a dispute over iaiuor. i nia'i unemployment compensa tinn law. The department withdrew iU contention that recent rulings In California had altered the state law so that it no longer coniorm ed to the Federal Social Security The action removed the threat of Interrupting Jobless pay to iai llornia unemployed and of Im posing additional taxes upon em Dlover navrolls. Tobin said that an exchange of letters with California omciais had removed the Issues Involved in the question of conformity be tween the two laws. Charles W. Johnson, California Duputy Attorney general, pre sented a letter of behalf of the California unemployment Insur ance appeals board stating it did not consider Us ruling in a recent case a binding precedent and promising to reopen pending cases of a similar nature. The Issue, - on which a labor department hearing was conclud ed yesterday, concerned an ap peals board ruling in California denying jobless Deneins to union seamen wnue on siriKe in isno. Slot Machines At Issue In Test Case BAKER. Dec. 23. (ft A. case testing the constitutionality ol the law permitting coniiscation or destruction of slot machines is expected here following the filing of a complaint In clrclut court by E. E. Shannon, proprietor of the Gelser urand notei, against sner Iff Fred Thorn. Shannon is, seeking $750 or re covery of four coin-ln-the-slot machines confiscated by the sher iff's office June 18. He also asks $500 damages for the taking and keeping of the machines. They were taKen irom me unpper ciud, in the hotel, by a state police of ficer. - '-'' Shortly after the confiscation Shannon was fined $100 for each of the machines by Justice of the Peace will JNoraean. now snan non's attorneys claim that the sheriff wrongfully and without the - plaintiff's consent took .and kept the-machines. Tuesday Cir cuit Judge Forrest Hubbard or dered the sheriff to. hold the ma chines but not to destroy them, - Shannon's attorneys claim that revisions of the state's gam ling - laws relative to confisca tion and destruction of personal property, such as the slot ma chines, are unconstitutional, Douglas Fourth In Vtti' Taxes On Loan Property ' SALEM, (P) The Oregon depart of Veterans Affairs paid $214,171 in taxes on farm and home properties this year, the department said. These taxes are paid on 3,360 farms and homes for which the department made loans to Vet erans. The department collects the taxes from these veterans and then pays them to the coun ties. Multnomah county received the largest tax payment from the de partment, $79,414. Marion .county was next with $15,231, Clacka mas was third with $13,113, and Douelaa was fourth with. S12.999. The endurance of the Ameri can bison was remarkable. He - could often run 40 miles at a time. - oreelinas and best wishes this holiday season, Roseburg Fuel Oil Service . ".-343 N. Jackson Phone 1289 iff nK 'MAyW ' til Mi f " " Boaaaaaocxaffloaocx.GMDo . J Who can give the measure of Christmas? The warmth that comes from giving ... the cheer . . . the happiness ,. and laughter: these gifts are. ; not for sale. Mistletoe withers, tinsel is : thrown out and forgotten, but the spirit of Christmas perpetuates generosity and good will and restores the faith of men. It isN a promise of the day when the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and the arms of . mankind shall reach across boundaries and barriers to clasp forever in brotherhood and peace. A Very Very Merry Christmas .from the management and employees of mm t''S'r'-': mm 1 m hm tai i.'.iyi.:-.v3 mm Km mi m m mm Si m m to! i3