The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 22, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Birthi At Mercy Hospital
FIELD To Dr. and Mrs. K.
W. Field, Calkins road, Roseburg.
Dec. 14, a daughter, Dlanna
Frances; weight six pounds lour
EARP To Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Earp, Idleyld, Dec. 17, a
daughter, Joyce Ann; weight six
pounds three ounces.
MONROE To Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Edgar Monroe, 1045 Fair
haven avenue, Dec. 18, a son,
Donald Edgar; weight eight
HOLCOMB To Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Eugene Holcomb, 804 West
Mosher, Dec. 18, a daughter,
Shirley Ann Holcomb; weight six
pounds nine ounces.
New Location
Dr. George L. Nicholas
Graduate of
University oX Pennsylvania
is now located at
804 Garden Valley Road
Treatment ot all domestic
inimals. Emergency hospital
fc- small animals.
Phone 116
Yule Program Set
At Green Church
The Christmas program . for
Green Community Sunday school
and church has been announced
and will begin Christmas morn
ing at 9:45 o'clock, replacing the
regular Sunday school and wor
ship service.
The program Includes: Christ
mas carols by the congregation;
opening prayer; "Welcome," oy
Lynette Hot ferber; "Merry
Christmas," song by Mary El
liott; "Jesus Once Was a Sweet
Baby," song by beginners; "The
Christmas Radio," recitation by
Wesley Ellis; 'Tell Us Again of
Jesus, recitation by Sandra
"Room for Jesus," a song will
be given by the primary depart
ment; "Ask Christ as Your
Guest," recitation by Glenn For
tune; "All For Jesus," exercise
by beginners; a pantomine,
"Away in a Manger," by the
Junior girls; "Christmas Story
in Flannelgraph," with scripture
reading by young people; "Christ
mas Thoughts," Carol South;
"The Inn In My Heart," read
ing by Delores Storey; congre
gational song; offertory; scrip
ture reading by the junior boys.
"The First Gift," a playlet, will
close the program. Taking part
in this are Delmar Elliott, Ra
mona Foree, Clarence and Rich
ard Keeler, Lee -Gaswint and
Carlton Jacobs.
fir A Grand SS
ytZ . . . filled with the efeStJk-t viffiH1
Viji tangy scent of fir trees FIwljKvO
M . . , the warming sight 1jSs3! inVltr 7
CV of young faces brim-
jMSj ming with anticipation S5!mSh$3uI i
Vvjjg ... and the sound of . l7TijC?S(ife "5
words of thanks like flfbi5s8t I
these that we give to ' "V JLA tTlsl V
all our patrons, .. . jj
III at Home Mrs. S. J. Shoe
maker is reported ill at her home
on east Lane street. i
Grange To Meet Evergreen
grange will meet Friday, Dec.
23, for potluck supper at 6:30 p.
m., followed by the regular busi
ness session at 8 p.m. Members
are urged to attend to vote for
state officers.
Club to Meet The Roseburg
Toastmistress club- will meet at
a 7 o'clock potluck supper Tues
day night, Dec. 27, at the home
of Mrs. Phil Harth, 403 East Cass
street. Mrs. Dallen H. Jones will
be in charge of ihe program.
Party Tonight D. A. V. auxll
ary, Dean Perrine unit No. 9,
will hots- its Christmas party at
the Del Rey cafe tonight. Mem
bers of the D. A. V. chapter and
auxiliary are invited. Those at
tending are requested to bring a
fifty-cent gift lor exchange.
Will Visit McDermotts Mrs.
Gertrude McDermott of Albany
is expected to arrive in Rose
burn Saturday to spend the holi
days visiting her son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
McDermott, and family, on South
Kane street. ,
Leave Wednesday Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred C. Fisher left Wed
nesday for Bellingham, Wash.,
where they will visit during tne
holidays. Before returning home
they will spend some time vaca
tionine in Vancouver, B. C, with
relatives and friends... .
Will Visit in Idaho Dr. and
Mrs. Kenton T. Bradley and fam
ily will leave this weekend for
Lewiston, Idaho, to remain over
New Year's visiting relatives. Dr.
Bradley's dental office at 324 Pa
cific building will be closed dur
ing the holidays.
Home From Hospital Dr.
George E. Houck has been dis
charged from Mercy hospital and
is reported convalescing satisfac
torily at his home on South Ste
phens street. He was recently
rushed to the hospital for medi
cal treatment for a virus pneu
monia infection.
Sutherlin Grange Honors Members I Sutherlin Church
To Construct New
Building Soon
On Wednesday evening Dec.
14, Sutherlin Grange met at the
Grange hall west of Sutherlin
with Worthy Master Charles
Wahl presiding. Twenty four
members were present.
The third and fourth degree
obligation was confered on Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Riemenschneid
er. Worthy Master made the fol
lowing appointments: Home eco
nomics chairman Mrs. Phreda
Wahl; agriculture chairman Or
vllle French; Musician Mrs.
Bringle; building committee
Ted Buck, Icel Clark and Floyd
Bringle; legislative committee
Frank Riemenschnelder, Clyde
Henderson and Roy Nicoson; as
sistant lecturer Mrs. Stella
Past Master . Eldon Sanders
was escorted to the master's sta
tion and was presented a past
masters pin from the Home Eco
nomics club.
Mrs. Lizzie Gleason was install
ed as Chaplin, and Mrs. Erma
Buck as Pomona.
Next meeting will be held on
Dec. 28 and will be a pot-luck
and the quarterly birthday din
ner. After close of the meeting a
movie, 'This Heritage of Ours,"
and a comic was shown by Fred
Kruse and Edward Smith by
courtesy of the Douglas County
Farm bureau.
C. Of C. Elects Officers
Election of officers took place
at the last meeting of the Can
yonville Chamber of Commerce.
They are as follows: George Bin
der, president; Henry Ford, vice
president; Dayton Bailey, secre
tary; and H. J. Hash, treasurer.
Committees will be appointed
at the Jan. 11 meeting.
Canyonvillt Lions Club
Sets Yule Party Saturday
At the meeting of the Canyon
vllle Lions club Monday evening
final plans were made for the
Christmas party for the children
which will be held Saturday aft
ernoon. The party will include a
matinee, treats of oranges, can
dy, nuts and popcorn.
In behalf of the club, President
R. E. Olsen extended thanks to
the wives of the Lions for contri
butions of pies and cakes for the
recent auction and for the splen
did way in which the Lions turn
ed out at the auction.
The Lions club wishes the pub
lic to know the cost of the resus
citator was $533.51. At the time it
was purchased the club paid
$177.84 down. The first auction
cleared $85 and the second auc
tion, $66.25. There Is a balance
of about $200 which will have to
be paid in the next four months.
Residents of this community
feel very fortunate to have a re
suscitator in our little city.
Christmas Tree Lights
Burning At Canyonville
The City of Canyonville's
Christmas tree has been set up
In front of the post office and the
lights turned on, Mrs. H. M. An
derson reports.
The tree, cut and erected by
the local volunteer firemen, is
part of the town's holiday deco
rations. Smaller trees have been
placed on all four corners of the
main street intersections.'
"Though the tree doesn't boast
7500 lights like the 'Rockefeller
tree' in New York, we delight In
seeing it," Mrs. Anderson said.
Construction on the new St.
John's Lutheran church building
at Sutherlin is expected to get
underway the second week In
January, the Rev, R I c h a r J
Graef, pastor, announced today.
Edward H. Graef, Rochester,
N. Y father of the Rev. Mr.
Graef, has offered to supervise
the work on the proposed chapel
with the help of a carpenter, la
borer and various men from the
church who would donate their
time. His offer was accepted by
the building committee after
many alternatives were propos
ed and rejected. All bids up to
that time on the plans and speci
fications were rejected by the
Graef, now manager of produc
tion in the precision optics de
partment of the Bausch md
Lomb optical company of Ro
chester, was formerly a super
visor for one of the 'argest con
struction companies in the Buffalo-Rochester
area. He was su
pervisor In the construction of
the $2,000,000 Cutler Union build
ing on the women's campus of
the University of Rochester. He
has obtained a leave of absence
from Bausch and Lomb and will
arrive at Sutherlin about Jan. 9.
He will assist in building the new
Dr. E. W. Carter
Chiropodist Foot Specialist
. , 129 N. Jackson
Over Rexall Drug Store
Thuri., Dec. 22, 1949 The News-Review, koseburg, Ore. 7
church In return for his expenses.
Many people In the commu
nity have offered their aid in the
construction work, which will be
deeply appreciated, the Rev, Mr.
Graef said,
Infant Burns To Death,
Three Others Rescued
WAPATO, Wash., Dec. 22.
(iP) A 15-month-old child
burned to death and three others,
the oldest about 5, were carried
t safety by neighbors last night
when fire broke out In a two-room
west side cabin. .. .
The rescuers had to batter
down a door to the cabin to ga'n
The dead infant was Jimmy
Ventura, son of Mrs. Elsie Ven
tura. His brother Donald, 21, and '
Johnny Dandara, 1, son of Mrs.
Lucy Dandara, were 111 from
breathing smoke. A jourth child,
about 5 but unidentified by name,
was not Injured.
The children were alone In the
cabin when , the fire broke out.
Cause of the blaze was unknown.
Now Is the Time to Repair
Your Equipment
Minneapolii-Moline J. I. Cat
Fairbanks Morse Rototiller
John Bean Sprayers ' Wisconsin Engines
Pacific Supply Cooperative
R. M. Wade Drag Saws & Machinery
Cascade Supply, Farm Machinery
F. A. Freeman, Farm Machinery
John Deere
If we do not have parte in stock, we will do our best
to get them.
Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange
Phone 98 ' ;JV
Located W. Washington St. and S. P. ft R. Tracks
Oregon High School
Basketball Scores
By The Associated Press
Coos Bay 46, Medford 39.
Lebanon 47, St. Marys (Eu
gene) 38.
EUGENE, .Dec. 22 OP)
The Oregon . Frosh chalked up
their fourth straight basketball
victory last night, dumping Van
port college, 50 to 44.
WW w
?!Z! There is still a little time left to select his gift j
lW 'tC iaV V All nylon shirt Q AC
N V witn ':rencn cus 073
A l lVA ' A nylon shirts . . . 5.50 KA
Pi - V V- Columbiaknit freffl
H )Mk VV fi'H SWEATERS , k
Ern-'A v Vm s,ipover Coot Sty'9 L
H UiAOl V)-r !y 6.95 8.50 X
H ; ; ' ; ;.. ;
1 1i5 , Ny)on Shortj yw K
2 Belts Ass't. colors... Sixes j' J i Fiff J
byParisorHickok from 30-44 in A V J flMlh
A ,r i boxer style. il MM W
1.50 and up 250 oJL tyti i
X 4,7. H
Slipper Soc I 1
MJust for loafing. Wool Iff- W
socks with leather soles. I II 1 Fleece Lined r
M 2.95 SJippe 4.95 X
Herman's will be open 'til 9 P. M. every night this week
for your shopping convenience.
Phone 217
lar 34.75 X 0pg&
Rawhide Luggage
21 Inch Weekender, now only . . 18.95
55.00 Rawhide Wardrobetfe 27.95 plus tax
Beautifully styled antique luggage makes a perfect gift.
Solid brass hardware and moire lining. Now! At new lower
prices for distinctive gift.
KAYW00DIE PIPES ..... 3.50 and 5.00
R0NS0N LIGHTERS .................. t ... . ... . 6.00 up
CIGARETTES, popular brands, carton . . ....... . . , . 1.39
10c VAN DYCK CIGARS, box of 25! . . . . 2.25
1 5c AURELI A BILTM0RE CIGARS, box of 25 ...... 3.45
10c WHITE OWL CIGARS; box of 25.. . .. ...... ,. , 2.25
5c HEADLINE CIGARS, box of 50 .............. . 2.39
It's New, It's Different
It's First at Fred Meyer
ik amm t
UNivttoAL a ji urn a t a r
MINUTE 16 VMlllCKM amy .7 J
Flash Unit 3.95
Complete set as shown, only ..... 12.90
k Precision Built.
1c Automatlo Exposura
it Prevents Double
k Magazine Film Loading.
k Takes 14 Black and White
or toior nciurei.
Coated Color Correoted
Len, F 6.3.
k Built in Lent Shade.
Built in Flaih s
Your choico of two
beautiful styles ... a
real Christmas gift
4.25 and 5.25
Keeps your tree greener long
er. Actually fireproof your
mwjr .-: ' x
Dresser Set
Handsomely styled in crystal plastic
Encased in Plastic tray
Comb, Brush and Mirror ' ,
Jewelife Rollwave Brush, $3.95 Stimulator Brush, $2.95
Jewelite Men's Club Brush Set, $5.45
$0 (6)
Save 1.00
, Regular 3.50
, Houbigant
Window Box
Gift Set 2.50
Plus tax
Contains a bottle of both Quelques Fleurs and Chantilly
perfume. A lovely gift for a lovely lady. Either fragrance is
bound to be her favorite.
Plus Tax
h. Ml never know the mvtterv
of this, the forbidden frag-
ranee, until ine's useo one
precious drop.
4 Individual tray and 4 cupi.
Beaded glass 1 Cf
Three Silent
Gaily different. Selected colognes
In Tweed, Confetti and Dark Bril
liance to please her.
Fred Meyer
112 N. Jackson
tree also.
design . a.-w