The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 22, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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CEORGE BRENT, service manager at Barcus Sales and Service,
Packard distributor here, is giving the once-over to a motor
out in the lot. It's up to the motor how many more times he
goes over it.
, George, foreman at Lockwood Motors for many years, came
to the Barcus company about 12 months ago. He and his family
live not far from the shop, on the Garden Valley road.
Chas. A. Ricketts Resigns As
Direcf orOf Cit y School Band;
Successor Is Edson G. Si i!es
Charles A. Ricketts, band instructor for the Roseburg public
school system, has resigned his position, effective at the be
ginning of the holiday vacation.
In announcing the resignation, City School Supil Paul S.
Elliott expressed regret on behalf of the city s'chool board.
Elliott said Ricketts plans to devote his full time as co-owner
of the Ott and Ricketts' music store.
Named to succeed Ricketts as band instructor is Edson G.
Stiles. Elliott said Stiles comes to Roseburg "highly recom
mended" and will begin his duties when school resumes, Jan. 3.
In the Day's Hews
THEY held an election in Bul
garia on Sunday. Monday's
dispatches reported that In Sofia
(Bulgaria s capital) "almost bit
.per centDl-the-vomTsast-baHotsftraining school in the Eas:t Stilcsr
r .... morriol nni wttll lhrft I'll 1 IrtrPll.
lor the parliamentary candidates
of the government's communist
dominated Fatherland Front . . .
over the country, scattered re
turns indicated a vote of 97 to
100 per cent for the government's
H-M-M-M-M. That's a smashing
victory. Even the Democrats
can't do that well in this country.
Communism must be popular
in Bulgaria.
BUT wait a minute. Let's read a
little deeper into the dispatch.
Maybe the details "will enlighten
us somewhat as to how landslides
like that can be brought about.
Down In the smaller-print para
graphs we find this explanatory
"As each' voter entered the poll-
( Continued on Page Four)
Albany Gains 4 Suburbs,
Loses Two Others
ALBANY, Dec. 22 .P Two
suburban areas rejected annexa
tion with the city in a special
election Tuesday, but an unoffi
cial ballot count indicated, four
others were merged.
Two districts- west' of the city
rejected the plan by large ma
jorities. One to the south approv
ed the idea 9 to 8. The three other
districts were annexed by de
fault. These were uninhabited,
hut were taken in when city vot
, ers approved all six- proposals.
Bequeathed Yule Presents Continue
For 26th Year After Death Of Donor
SPOKANE,- Dec. 22.- (.1') A lifetime was not long enough to
hold the feeling Anton Henry Albert had for Christmas and sun
shine. Though he's been dead 2G years, people still receive presents
every Christmas from this man who made himself an "old folks'
St. Nick."
Albert left S1G.0O0 the bulk of .
his life's savings-as a Christ- ,hat hp he huriorl in a ,PmP,Prv
mas fund for people over 70 His a, somP place asccPssibl'e
will directed that earnings fro.i ,h 5Unsnine...F
the monev be distributed every
vear at Christmas time to peop.e , unusual will proved a boon
over 70 and in need. to hls relatives in later years at
This vear checks of $13.50 each I time they needed help most,
are being mailed to 29 of Sp. : Some months ago a nephew'. I Ian
kane's elderlv citizens. rX- llvlnR ; Rcnbeck in tlie
Born In Germany. Albert liv-1 British zone of Germany, w rote
ed the last half of" his 72 vears j ' h- trust foundation in charge
uc a wheat farmer near EsDd- !
nola. Wash. He died a bachelor
in a home for the aged in 1926.
His will, written two months
before his death, made several
$tO0 bequests for relatives. Most
of them lived in Germany. The
rest he left for the old people of
his adopted country.
Albert's will does not explain
why he wanted his money used
for'eternal Christmas giving any
more than It explains why he
wanted the warm rays of the sun
on his burial place. It specified
mJ.- .,...'. - -i,..;.:
Stiles is a graduate or State
Teachers college of River Falls,
Wise, and Northwestern univer
sity where lie was granted nis
master's degree in music. lie has
been a high school band instruc
tor in Wisconsin; Illinois, Micni
gan and Wijsfiiflgton.
Stiles will' he no stranger to
local band students. He recently
substituted for Ricketts while (he
latter was attending a special
plans to make his home in the
Cloverdale park district, accord
ing to Elliott.
Fine Service Given
Ricketts, during his term as
school band instructor, has gain
ed "much favorable comment for
the city" by the appearance of
the Roseburg band in various
festivities held in Oregon cities,
according to Elliott. Spectators
at Portland's Rose festival have
noted with appreciation the ac
tivities of the local high school
(Continued on Page Two)
Law Forces Baby To Go
To Jail With Mother
A seven-month-old boy was
sent to jail yesterday under an
old Pennsylvania law which pro
hibils separating mothers and
nursing children.
Mrs. Lillian Gilyard. 38, ap
peared before Judge Oliver G.
Parry carrying Ihe youngest ol
her nine children wrapped in a
pink blanket.
The commonwealth charged
that Mrs. Gilyard failed to report
earnings of $fX7.50 over a two-and-a-half-year
period during
which she recived $3,000 in state
public assistance.
Mrs. Gilyard, who teslified she
earned the extra money as a
waitress to help support her fam
ily, was sentenced by Judge Par
ry to four months in county pris
on. "What shall I do with the
baby?" asked Deputy James J.
"Send him with her," replied
the jurist.
OI Aiueil 5 .-siai.-. lie hsm-u n 11
would lie possible for his family
to get a CARE (committee for
America remittances to Europe!
package through the fund.
When the foundation agreed
to use ten dollars of the money
to send food to the German Al
berts, it received a flowing letter
of thanks.
"The contents were wonder
ful," the leiter said. "Mother now
can bake a cake and make a
cup of good coffee to go with
The Weather
Partly cloudy today, tonight,
and Friday. . .
Sunrise tomorrow 7:43 a. m. '
Sunset today 4:40 p. m.
Established 1873
Settlement Of
Is Attempted
Continuance Of Present
Prices Pending Hearing
Advised By Spokesman
Umpqua Valley Milk Producers
association representatives went
into session at 11 o'clock this
morning to consider two com
promise offers from the distribu
tors which may bring a tem
porary truCe in the milk war,
which has threatened the milk
supply of the Roseburg area. '
Herb Sullivan, spokesman for
the distributors, offered first hat
the distributors continue to pay
the present price scale to pro
ducers of 90 cents for butler fat
and SI-90 per hundredweight lor
milk, and reduce the consumer
price to 191 cents, until a hear
ing can be called to settle the
Second, the price of butler
fat would remain at 90 cents
and the price for milk would he
raised to $2.13 per hundred
weight, which would result in a
consumer increase of one-half
cent. This would , make the con
sumer price 20J cents, compared
to 20 cents at present. Grocers
would charge two quarts for 41
cents or 21 cents lor single quarts.
Seventy persons, representing
producers, distributors and coun
ty court members, were pres
ent. Robert Durbin, representative
of the state milk control board,
prefaced the meeting by empha
sizing that this was not a hear-
( Continued on Page Two)
SSof Machines At
issue In Test Case
A raid on the Vets Lounge by
city police last night netted three
alleged gambling machines and
eight money punchboards, Chief
of Police Calvin H. Baird re
ported. Confiscated were one slot ma
chine, one Keeney Super Bell slot
machine, one electric Red, White
and Blue clock game, and the
eight money punchboards, Baird
No arrests were made, but com
plaints are being prepared in jus
tice court today for whatever ac
tion may be taken, Baird stated.
ihe raid was conducted at b:30
last evening by four city oflicers.
entrance to - the premises was
made on a search warrant issued
by Justice of Peace A. J. Gedcles,
upon an affidavit signed by
The warrant charged the club
with "unlawfully possessing, con
ducting, maintaining and operat
ing said machines as gambling
devices." .
The Vets' was one of four local
private clubs raided about a year
ago by the district attorney and
sheriff's deputies. A i;rand total of
35 slot machines were confiscated
that time. The machines were de
stroyed and all money contained
in them was turned over to the
county treasury.
Boat Lost Off Umpqua's
Mouth; Two Men Rescued
COOS BAY. Ore.. Dec. 22 OP)
Two men were picked up from
the 90-iool fishing vessel Helvri
that exploded and burned off the
mouth of Ihe Umpqua river north
of here Wednesday morning.
the Lnarieston coast .guard
station said they apparently were
Ihe only men aboarrd although
a vessel of that size normally
tarries a crew of about five.
They w-ere taken aboard the
fishing boat Pacific Belle, which
saw the explosion some 1-1 miles
off shore shortly after 10 a. m.
The Belle reported that the He
lori shortly before noon was "a
hall of fire" and still had "three
fuel tanks yet to blow."
The coast guard- cutter Bon
ham was en route to take the
men off the Belle. They are Bud
Garrin and Ed Thompson, both
of Mc.Minnville.
Gaming Permit Suspended
For Welching On Loss
LAS VEGAS, Nev.. Dec. 22
The cily commission has
suspended the gambling license
of tne Savoy club alter investi
gating reports it failed to pav
the manager of another casino
$47,000 of $157,000 won at the crap
Reports to the commission said
that Jack Durant. casino mana
ger at the Flamingo hotel, won
S67.000 in a 45-irIinute hot winning
streak last Sunday but was able
to collect only $20,000 in rash.
The matter now goes before the
Stale Tax commission, which is
sues gambling licenses subject to
approval by local authorities.
22 Longshoremen
Fined For Rioting
At The Dc!!es
THE DALLES. Ore,. Dec. 22
(.Tl Twenty-two CIO Longshore
men pleaded guilty yeslerdav to
charges of rioting on the water
front here Sept. 28 in the Hawai
ian "hot cargo" . pineapple dis
pute. Cases against two others
were dismissed for lack of . 'i
dence. The pleas came as a surprise.
The dav before the defense at
torney had asked for separate
trials and argues for a change of
venue. '
Six men. . whom the stale ac
cused of active participation n
the storming of The Dalles dock,
were fined $500. They were Phil
lip Gayeski, Vernon Bletch,
Richard Gillis. August D. Lam
bert, Steven Joseph Montroy, and
Frederick Seppje.
The others were fined $200.
Thev were Robert T. Baker, pre
sident of the Portland Longshore
men s local; Martin E. Aden;
Paul F. Bantin; Alfred J. Cara-
manica; Leslie H. Dollarhide;
Howard C. Foster; Henry L. Fos
ter; August L. Groevelinger; El
mer I. Hahn; Joseph H. Ingram;
Lewis J. Kephart; Marion Alha
loni; Hans B. Nielsen; Guy W.
Swanson; Albert J. York; Wil
iam Henry Zimmer.
The cases against Arthur Leo
Huber and Alexander M. Niel
sen were dismissed.
All were from the Portland
Farm Union Out Of
Labor Act Reach
The National Labor Relations
board ruled today that a union
of .farm- workors-yis.not subject to
prosecution for unfair labor
practices. "".
The decision involved the AFL
National Farm Union, which had
heen on strike at. a ranch of the
bigiorgio FruitCorp. of Bakers-
field, Calif.
The board said that under the
Taft-Hartley act members of that
union could not be grouped Into -labor
organization as such and
therefore dismissed charges of
secondary boycott against a
Digiorgio local.
However, the board ruled that
two other well established labor
organizations involved in the
situation the AFL Teamsters
and Mine Workers had violated
the act. They were ordered to
"foiico anrl rincict" frnm tho cnm.
plained of activity and to post
notice of compliance.
Court Suggests Spanking;
Father Gives It To Son .
PORTLAND, Dec. 22. IPl
An 18-year-old lad got a sur
prise penalty yesterday in
City Judge J. J. Quiliin men
tioned a sample of "fireside
justice" might be in order for
Darryl Robert Lundquist after
the youth refused to tell the
source of alcoholic beverage
that sent him to. jail.
Said the judge to the father,
"I'd give him a spanking if I
were you." To the amazement
and amusement of court of
ficials that's what the lad got
and quick. The court added a
30-day jail term.
Government Announces
Price Support For Eggs
The government announced that
it will support producer prices of
eggs in 1050 at a national aver
age of 37 cents a dozen. This is
about 8 cents less than this year's
average farm prices.
This means. Agriculture de
partment officials said, that con
sumer prices next year may av
erage 8 to ten cenls a dozen be
low this year's prices.
Actual retail prices will depend
upon production. A sharp cut in
output might prevent prices from
dropping as much as the reduc
tion in the support prices.
Tip Sent On 2 Escaped
Oregon Insane Convicts
SAN DIEGO. Dec. 22. P
A tip from a relative sent police
todav on a hunt for the two con
victs who escaped from the Oie
gon State hospital's ward for
the criminal insane Dec. 2.
One of the men Robert Mel
vin Burr and Edgar Marion Wat
son, both 21 --telephoned a Port
land relative yesterday to ask
for money. The telephone call
asked that the monev be soil
to National City, which Is near
Stale police in Oregon tipped
off San Diego officers that the
men presumably were In National
M'Arfhur Raps
Russians For
Failure To Repatriate
Japanese War Prisoners
Draws Stinging ' Blast
TOKYO, Dec. 22. (P) -General
MacArthur today denounced ''cal
lous" Soviet "hypocricv" and
started a move for independent
Investigation of the fate of 376.000
missing Japanese war prisoners
captured by the Russians.
He said he had requested Wash
ington to begin negotiations tor
an investigation either by a neu
tral nation or. the International
Red Cross. -
The American occupation com
mander issued one of his strong
est attacks against the Soviets
afler a Russian walkout of the
allied council for Japan yester
day. .This was followed by ie
newed Russian charges the Unit
ed States was assisting the re
vival ol Japanese Fascism.
The Soviet mission was under
determined siege hy 200 Jap
anese representatives of anxious
relatives of missing war prison
ers. They were told the Soviet
answer to requests for informa
tion on funher repatriation "ap
peared in this morning's papers. '
Presumably this referred to a
(Continued on Page Two)
Newborn .Ecby Put
tato Incinerator
NEWARK, N. J Dec. 22-IP1
Mrs. Louise Beauchamp, moth
er of six children, threw her new
born baby inlo a burning apan
mem house incinerator, police
said last night.
Police Lt. William Wangner of
the homicide squad , quoted the
saying things were tough enough
in her household at Christmas
time without another mouth to
feed, Wangner said the baby was
horn alive.' .
Wangner. said there was no way
of.. Jelling . before ajt .autopsy
'whether the child was alive when
il was put inlo iho incinerator.
II, was horn about 1 p.m. yester
day and found dead about 2:30
p. in,, he said. ,
Mrs. Beauchamp was placed
under protective custody in city
hospital last nighl. No charges
were placed against her imme
diately, pending an outcome of 'in
autopsy on the dead child.
Mrs. Beauchamp has six liv
ing children, ranging in age from
five to 17. Police said she has
been on relief since her husband
left her six months ago.
Detectives said she told them
she had delivered the baby un
attended in the bathroom of her
apartment. ,
U. S. Army Quiets Guns
To Please German Woman
FRANKFURT. Germany, Dec.
22 - ('Pi-- A German housewife
has won her war with the U. S.
army. She's silenced its guns.
Two weeks ago Mrs. Werner
.Schnelle wrote the commander of
U.S. troops here, asking him to
point the signal guns in front ol
Armv headquarters in anothc
direction. Twice -daily salutes,
from, Ihe guns rallied the win.
dows of her home and of houses
for blocks around, she said.
Yesterday the Army wrote
Mrs. Schnelle that the guns would
fire their last salute - except for
occasional special military
events --on Christmas eve, The
army said its action was an "un
official Christ inas- present" and
"May the new-found tranquility
and quiet of your home life pres
age luck and happiness for you in
Ihe new year."
;,,"-.Va -
"iiiiiirr' nfr-kri i:f-lil,iiAiiiiia'iF''iiii-'- :--'-
RECEIVES PLAQUE Mayor Albert G. Flegel, left, is shown
receiving from Past American Legion post commander Roy O.
Young a plaque, presented for his "untiring" work in promoting
Junior Legion and Pecwee baseball. The presentation was made
at the annual American Legion Christmas party Tuesday night
in the armory. (Picture by Paul Jenkins I .
22, 1949
1950 Tournament of Roses. She's Marion Brown (above), 19,
of Temple City, Calif. She's a blue-eyed blonde, is five feet,
six inches tall, weighs 125 pounds, and attends Pasadena City
college. IAP Wirophotol.
Mcspiicl Bids Will Be
Opened In Council Rooms
The place for opening of bids
tonight at 7:.'1() for Ihe new Doug
las Community hospital has been
changed from the Chamber of
Commerce rooms to the city coun
cil chambers in the oily hall.
Alvin C, Knauss; huspitul man
ager, said the change was neces
sary because of the expected large
al tendance. A considerable num
ber ol bids have been submitted,
and representatives ' from ' must
of the bidding firms are expected
to. he. present,, along ..with other
interested persons.
Annexed Areas f '
Should Report ;
Any persons or firms who are
at the present time erecting any
building or structure in the new
ly annexed West Roseburg and
Miller's addition-Sleepy Hollow
areas should report the (act to
City Inspector C. IL iioniols.
While no permits are required
for any buildings now mulci" con
struction, it is necessary for the
city to have a record of the work
being done, said Honiols.
The cily is extending until Jan.
1 the date, afler which building
permits will be' required In the
new areas. ,
In stressing the importance ol
reporting construction now un
derway, Boniols said that alter
Jan. 1 all work not previously
reported-- will be considered as
new construction. Otherwise there
will be no way for him to de
termine whether Ihe work was
started prior lo or alter Jan. 1.
The cooperation of residents in
the new area in following the
building code In all construction
is urged by the inspector. II"
said he will be glad to consult
with anyone having problems, lie
is in his of fire In the city hall
from 8:30 until 10 o'clock, and
from .'1 lo 5 p. m.
In reporting present' construc
tion, the local Ion. and type of
building are needed. The repoi I
may be made by a call in per
son al the cily. hall, by tele
phoning or hy postcard.
' J f
I ft'
1 ft
Workers Pray For
Reiurn Of Jobs
DOUGLAS, Ga., Dec. 22 (Pi-
Textile workers In this small
northwest Georgia mill town
have turned to prayer to get bail;
their jobs. ,
The town's only large indus
try, a print cloth mill employing
-150 workers, closed last March
when its market collapsed.
Now the jobless mill hands
pray that the mill will br, reopen
ed. Tliei Id'cft of praying- for , theii''
jobs 1 was suggested two. weeks
ago during a revival by . the Rev.
Claude Sweetwater, a . Baptist
preacher. .'
"We think lie' will 'hear us,"
Sweetwater' says.' "We think the
mill will be reopened." ' : .
-The. jobless mill hands pray in
church or whenever they meet hi
their homes or near the Idle mill!
M. T. McDearmid, the mill su
perintendent, is hopeful Ihe mill
will be humming again soon.
"I think the javA has heard
us," he said'. "Groups from, tex
tile Interests in other parts of
the.counlrv have been here to
see us. They want to buy the mill
and reopen it.
McDearmid savs a grocer, J.
A. Robbins, lets the jobless
charge groceries when .their
credit becomes exhausted else
where, and the mill, which owns
55 houses in t lie mill village,
hasn't collected any , rent since
the shutdown.
McDearmid himself has sold
his farm to help the Jobless. .
"He's' gone further than -any
man I've known to help others, '
says N. J. Hitchcock, mill main
tenance man. "Some of these mill
people are in terrible circum
stances." Soldier Slain By Rival
For Girl's Affection
JAMESTOWN, Tenn., Dec. 22
--(,'(i A 10-year old soldier home
on furlough was shot and blud
geoned to death by a rival for a
young girl's love.
Chief Deputy Sheriff W. B.
Richards reported that Holhs
Beally, who works on his tam
er's nearby farm, said In a state
ment he shot the soldier eigh'
times wilh a pislol yesterday,
then struck him wilh an axe.
Richards Identified the soldier
as Lilian! Stephens. The slaying
occurred in, front of Ihe farm
home of 15-year-old Belly Choa'e
in Ihe Cumberland mountain foot
hills. lieatly Is 18. He was arrested
here aii hour after the slaying
and was charged with murder.
Hopson, Ex-Financial
Wizard, Passes Away
GREENWICH, Conn.. Dee. 22.
I.Ti - Howard C. Hopson, 66, the
financial wizard who created a
billion-dollar utilities empire that
crumbled as he went to prison
for mail fraud, died yeslerdav.
He had been living in broken
health for the past five years
at a sanitarium here.
Hopson pyramided a $.100,000
investment into the vast Associ
ated Gas and Electric system hy
I a series of financial maneuvers
that baffled the nation's leading
accountants and lawyers.
His personal fortune once was
estimated at $H,mii),iKiu.
But the w hole lull irate st rue-
lure collapsed in the HMOs under
searching Investigation by com
mittees of Congress, and thou
sands of stockholders lost mil
lions of dollars In the crash,
Business Hit
In Midst Of
Yule Shopping
Union's Broken Promise
Angers Mayor; Vacation
Periods, Pay At Issue
CLEVELAND, Dec. 22. fW
Sinkers stalled Cleveland's city,
owned buses and streetcars to
day, forcing thousands of com
muters and last minute Christ
mas shoppers to resort to hitch
hiking, taxis or footwork. .
Less than one-fifth of the AFL
transit union's 4,200 members In
local 268 voted a strike just be
fore last midnight. They want the
Cleveland transit system to con
tinue its policy of 8G-hour 12
day paid vacations. .
Ihe walkout caught the na
tion s sixth largest city by al
most eomolete surprise. Most per
sons didn't know it had occurred
until they heard early morning
news broadcasts or waited in
vain at bus and car stops. ,
Share the ride plans were quick
ly pressed Into use, but thousands
of persons were left stranded.
The city's taxi companies, which
operate only 650 vehicles, were
swamped with .calls.
The prospect for stores expect
ing last-minute Christmas shop
ping was bleak. A spokesman lor
the transit company estimated
it would have hauled more than
50.000 shoppers today.
So many calls were received
at the transit company that op
erators started answering with
'strike is on."
Bumper-to-bumper traffic was
common throughout the down-
(Continued on Page Two)
FBI Moves Into
Dynamite Plot
DETROIT, Dec. 22 UP The
FBI moved in today to have a
look at the dynamite plot agalntt
the CIO United Auto Workers un
ion. ,
It marked that federal agency'
first formal intercession in what
the big labor union calls a "ter
roristic campaign."
VAt the same time Detroit po
e disclosed thev were withoitt
nny ; sound clues to the origin of
Tuesday night's defective dyna
mite plant at union headquarters.
The FBI, acting under the civil
rights law as well as other fed
eral regulations, was ordered to
investigate by Attorney General
Howard McGrath. . ....
"'The government's intervention
was unprecedented in the UAW
CIO's troubles.
This came as the union guarded
its doors and boosted its rewards
total to nearly a quarter million
Neither In the previously at
tempted assassination of UAW
President Walter Reuther,: nor
that of his brother, Victor, did
the FBI intervene.
Under the government nolicy
the FBI enters a case only when
there is evidence or other reason
to suspct a violation of federal
C. Of C. Directors
Will Be Voted On
Official ballots for the election '
of Chamber of Commerce direc
tors have been mailed out from
the Chamber headquarters. The
ballots should be marked and re
turned lo the office of the secre
tary before 5 p. m. Dec. 30.
The names of eight candidates
for directors, of whom four are
to be chosen, are contained on the
ballot, and spaces are provided for
write-in candidates, if preferred.
The directors are to serve for
a three-year term. The board ot
directors consists of 12 members.
who will meet and elect their
own officers after the first of the
1 he .candidates named on the
ballot Include Charles V. Stan,
ton, J. F. "Si" Dlllard. Wavne
Crooch. Carl Felker, Fred Lock-
wood, A. G. "Al" Henninger, Les
ter F. Nielsen and B, R. Shoe
Holiday Traffic Death
Toll May Reach 435
CHICAGO. Dee. 22 fP The
nation's death toll in traffic a
cidents over the three-day Christ
mas holiday may reach 435, the
National Safety Council says.
The pre-holiday'estimate is the
largest ever made by the council.
It said the estimate covers only
Immediate traffic deaths persons
killed between 6 p.m. Friday and
midnight. Monday.
Ned II. Dearborn, council pres
ident, said: "We are forced to
make this estimate by mathema
tics. It certainly Is a terrible
thought for the Christmas sea
son. But our hearts tell us the
toll will be lower that the Amer
ican people will not permit such
a tragedy. I hope our mathema
tics Is wrong, and our hearts are
evity f act ant
By L. F. Reizenstein
Th over-indulgent and Idol
atrous spirit of the Russians
suggests that they choose for
their next premier a man whose
sirthday occurs In leap year.