The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 21, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    MacArthur Will
Prod Russia On
Jap Prisoners
TOKYO (B General Mac
Arthur Is expected to make a
strong effort this week to get
Russia to repatriate the remain
ing Japanese prisoners of war
still in Soviet hands.
The subject will come up Wed
nesday at a meeting of the four
power allied council for Japan.
Japanese are puzzled and irked
that they have been unable to
get their people home from Rus
sian prison camps. Russia says
she is holding only 10,000 Japa
nese. The Soviets say they are
war criminals and will not be
But other sources, Including
many of the 1,300,000 repatriated
Japanese, say that up to 316,000
Nipponese are still in Russian
MacArthur is known to have
become increasingly annoyed oy
Soviet refusal to account for all
of the prisoners seized by the
Russians during their short en
gagement in the Pacific war.
Japanese newspapers have been
encouraged to constantly discuss
the question. Japanese families
have congregated in front of the
Russian embassy clamoring for
tha ralnaea nf thait- man
Washington has not indicated
now lar n win support MacAr
thur In his effort. But it is al
most certain once the question
fyatc under rilciMiceinn mantp rt tha
problems on which Russia -and
ine unuea aiaies aiuer will
probably crop out before the
Truman In Trim
From Vacation
KEY WEST, Fla., Dec. 21 UP)
President Truman flew back to
wasnington Tuesday from a
three-week Florida vacation.
He was in fighting trim ex
cept fpr the waistline to do bat
tle In congress for his "fair deal"
and stump for it in the 1950 con
gressional elections.
Mr. Truman is going down the
line in his "state of the union
message for virtually every
measure Congress denied him
last year.
The measures include civil
rights proposals topped by the
fair employment practices bill
the national health program, ex
panded social security and addi
tional power and reclamation
projects, among others.
Aides emphasized there will be
no turning back from the course
he advocated in his 1948 speech
making campaign and that he is
ready to take the stump again
next year to help elect candi
dates to Congress who think
along his lines.
Final decisions are yet to be
made on whether to seek elimi
nation of war-time excise taxes
and to advocate higher taxes on
profits to offset them and attempt
to balance the. budget for the fis
cal yearv starting next July 1.
Jimmie Brant and Zara Potter,
students at a Bible college In San
Jose, Calif, arrived home Fri
day for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Russell and
four children will leave Thurs
day to spend the holidays with
relatives in Visalia, Calif,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rice and
two children, Jimmie and June
arrived home Sunday after
spending the past ten days at
tending the golden wedding anni
versary of Mr. Rice's parents in
Twin Falls, Idaho. Mrs. Marvin
Hall worked in the butcher shop
during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Sgenseth
spent the weekend shopping In
Portland and visiting their son
and wife In Salem.
The Home Economics club of
Elkhead Grange held their
Christmas party at the hall, Dec.
19. A potluck luncheon was serv
at noon.
"Chrlitmot ehr elut
)k eonitont charm ; ; ; with
nflf Prfum, ColoflM, and
tift Talcum I I only J.SS
S?Ttl1 hr iht'i
t-SPrfum, Cofegiw,
ify S?y Talcum, Koug
kr Rexall Store
J IT Phone 45
Y 127 N. Jackson
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Newi-Revlew, Roseburg, Ora. f