4 Th Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Wed., Dee. 21, 1949 Publlihed illy Exeept Sunday 1 tho Newi-Revie Company, Inc. Iawr4 ftrnd el matlar Hit f, 113, ! tha vail file tl Kaaabars, Orafaa. aadar ael af March t, U7S CHARLES V. STANTON -jfffl-, EOWIN L. KNAPP Editor attf' Manager Member of tha Associated Preaa, Oregon Newapapar Publlihtre Aaaoolatlon, tha Audit Bureau of Clrculatlona lipriHItll by WEST-HOLLIDAT CO., INC., affleaa la New farlt, Chlew. lraolea. Laa Anfalaa. laatlla. rartlaad. St. Last. IDUIumniuN mm-la Oraan Hall rar Taar II.M. all maalha H.M. Ibraa maalbi li t. B. Clli Cacrlar-r.r ytar Ili.H cla ''" aaa faar. paf moalh 11.00 Oalilda Oraiaa Br Mall Tar yaar W M. ! manlba 14.7ft Miraa uiantha l.M SPREADING By CHARLES Unlike the children who, according to legend, are supposed to have "visions of sugar plums" at Christmas time, mer chants have visions of tax statements, income taxes, first of-the-year inventories, payroll overtime, personal property assessments and mounting overhead. Consequently they are exceedingly pleased by the way floors, counters and shelves. Retail business wasn't too sure of this year's Christmas buying. Opinion of experts varied widely. In fact, some of the best and usually most accurate forecasters were caught way off base in predicting a drop in Christmas sales. Too, many predictions were in error concerning items people would buy. One usually reliable source had expected buying to be confined largely to smaller items of durable goods,-but reports are that people are buying expensive items of furnishings and appliances, rather than the smaller pieces predicted for brisk movement. This year's trend, merchants report, is toward durable goods, particularly household furnishings. Jewelry stores say they are moving much silverware, china, watches, etc., rather than costume jewelry and accessories. Clothing stores are doing brisk trade on quality items. People are spending freely for Christmas, but are selective in their buying. Indications are that dollar volume will fully equal that of last year although in some cases profits may decline slightly, due to lower mark-up on the type of merchandise moving out of stores. On the whole, the Christmas trade has been very satis factory, merchants report. Preparations Made For Holiday While merchants are pleased by the commercial aspect of the Christmas season, spiritual and festival factors also are prominent in holiday planning. Many people and organizations are engaged in charitable work. The Elks lodge gave its annual Christmas party for children last Saturday. Religious, fraternal and civic or ganizations are working diligently preparing Christmas baskets containing food, clothing and toys. The Junior Chamber of-Commerce has arranged with Santa to be on tho telephone for last-minute requests. It would be impossible to list in this space all the work in progress by the many organizations to spread happiness during the holiday period. For the first time in many years,' Roseburg homes are again displaying outdoor decorations and Christmas light ing. Power shortage had prevented this activity .in late years, but for the current season the outdoor lighting contest is being revived. The lifting of restrictions on use of power also has made it possible for Roseburg to string colored lights again along its main streets and a most effective display has been provided. Another beautiful display is made at the city hall. The outstanding Rccne, however, is to be found on the grounds of the Veterans hospital, where the nativity is portrayed in a unique way. Everyone able to do so should go to the hospital grounds to see this outdoor, animated picture, with its live shepherds and animals under artistically ar ranged floodlighting. Then, of course, preparations for the holiday are being made in homes, as plans are advanced for reunions, dinners and parties. In the churches of the city, the Christmas story is being told through entertainments for children and adults. Another outstanding event of the celebration was the presentation of "The Messiah" by the Roseburg Choral society Tuesday night. Carol singers will add to the musical interpretation of the season and choirs will sing the story at special programs. Altogether, the events of the week presage a merry Christ mas for all. LETTERS to the Editor Urges "Take It Easy" On Voting New Taxes ROSEBURG We notice some very interesting letters in your paper recently. Also an interest ing editorial in which the editor thought it very "amusing" that anvone would bring up such a trifling matter as a few local taxes. You will likely be "amus ed" at this: There was an elec tion held December 13 for annex ation of certain "frlnpe" dis tricts. Out of more than 3,300 voters only 43-1. or about one eighth of the legal voters, went to the polls and voted. That might make the "fringe" feel like poor relations. On Wednesday the po- lfA flt-a rliinnrlmpnl And officl- als staged quite a demonstration lo welcome mum imu m.- uij. We wonder what is the matter that we have so small a vote. Could It be we have become to talitarian? Here is a secret you will be let In on when It comes to paying for a new city hall and airport at a half million or so: It will show up on your taxes. There will, no election In the coming year. We need sewers In West Roseburg. Thursday evening a couple of pro- tAMinnal nefltlnn nflrkeni were on the Job. A sort oi blank check I GOOD CHEER V. STANTON merchandise is moving from for sewers. We need sewers. We ncd a new city hall. We need an airport. We need more schools. We nej to keep our taxes down to where we can pay them. It wasn't too long ago the city owned a good manv lots, foreclosed for taxes. When we get all these things. taxes w III kelv be at a conns- calory point. Let's take it easy on voting laxes. NAME ON FILE. Roseburg, Ore. F. D. R. Jr. Heads Drive For Jewish Aid Funds NEW YORK, Dee. 21 B Ren. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. ID-Lib) has accepted the Job of chairman or me National i nns- ttan committee of the United Jew ish anneal. He will serve as national chair man of committees formed throughout the nation to solicit funds from persons ui the Lliris tian faith to help Jewish refugees all over the world. Henry Morgenthau Jr.. general cnairman oi ine uja, saiu ai a news conference with Roosevelt that the organization's 1130 goal Is $272,4R5,. UJA funds arc used for Immi gration and settlement in Israel, rehabilitation and relief In Eu rope and North Africa, and ad justment of refugees in the Unit ed States. It takes four pounds nf fresh grapes to make one pound of raisins. Twas Y. O r awS. JV ISW'J!MtKBBMjm5Fil In the Day's News (Continued from Page One) HAD LOOTED FROM THE PEIPING PALACE AND MU SEUM! H ERE in the middle of the Christmas season, that sounds pretty rough to you and me and others of our commoner kind. Im perfect as we doubtless are, we couldn't bring ourselves to the point of taking care of our Christ mas list with gifts we had looted from somebody else. That is because we ARE Just common, everyday people. The Big Ones have been doing it Mao's way ever since history began. They go out and LOOT IT FROM SOMEBODY THEY HAVE CONQUERED and then give It as a gift to somebody they want to make a deal with to go out and conquer somebody else. In world-conquest circles, that has long been known as states manship, i ' IN considering all the aspects of -the situation, we have to remember that the 15 carloads of "rare historical and art objects" which Mao looted from the Pel ping palace and museum to give to Stalin and his gang had prob ably been given to the Pelping institution in the first place by some other royal looter who loot ed them from somebody else to give them to Pelping. The pages of history are full of Incidents like that. IN Jogjakarta, Java, a new na tion is being born. It is the Indonesian Republic. Its first president, Dr. Soekarno, Is being Inaugurated at Jogjakarta. He has led his people in a successful rebellion against Dutch overlord ship, and the new nation will be a PARTNER, not a vassal, of the Dutch. Great things can come of it all. a GREAT things will come of what Is happening down there UN LESS THE INDONESIANS ARE THINKING MORE OF THE PRIVILEGES THAN OF THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF SELF GOVERNMENT. If self-government is to work, responsibility must go hand In hand with privilege. a a THIS seems to be history day in the news. Forty-six years ago, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Wilbur and Orvllle Wright made the first successful flight In a heavler-than-air, power-driven machine. aaa THE Wright Brothers were of course immensely proud on that day 46 years ago of what they had accomplished. Do you reckon they would have been as proud of It if they had known that a direct descendant of their Invention would be used some four decades later TO DROP AN ATOM BOMB ON HIRO SHIMA? I sometimes wonder. DRUNKEN DRIVER RAPPED Benjamin Arthur Zellmer, 54, Days Creek, charged with oper ating a motor vehicle while un der the Influence of intoxicating liquor, was sentenced In Justice court to 30 davs In the county jail and fined $-'30, Judge A. J. Geddes reported. the Night Before Christmas Christmas for everyone un doubtedly contains a rejoicing thought that a Girl Scout (Mari ner Sea Scout) demonstrated the value of that fine activity for boys and girls SCOUTING. "Daddy, it was my Scout train ing that saved me. It taught me to conserve my energies . . ." an Oregonian dispatch quotes Ruth Aberle as saying. There were two Sea Scouts In our home for several years; how well I know what a wonderful train ing it is for the boys and girls, too who really take an Interest In it. Scouting, like everything else worthwhile, gives returns in proportion to what Is put into it. Not long ago the newspapers paid tribute to 17-year old Don Lee of Salt Lake City, picturing his happy. smile as Miss Anna Rosenkilke, his guardian, pinned the Eagle Scout badge on him. Don Lee had refused to accept defeat. In spite of a handicap which most anybody would think certain to prevent any such am bition, Don Lee won through. U. S. Forces Paid In Script MANILA, (F) American Armed Forces personnel in the Philippines were paid in mili tary script in an effort lo com bat Inflation in the islands. The ban against possession of United States currency and ne gotiable foreign exchange instru ments was extended to the mili tary personnel of the American government. The ban already was in effect for Filipinos The military script will be used Children's Party Slated By Lions The Roseburg Lions club's first children's Christmas party is scheduled for Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Hotel Um'pqua. Approximately 40 children will be present for the occasion. They will be treated to dinner and a program in the banquet room, and a Christmas tree party in the hotel lobby, here gifts will be presented. Dr. E. W. Carter Is in charge of general arrangements. Al Mo Bee has arranged transportation. Several of the members will take the responsibility of getting the children to the hotel, and Lions members and their wives are each asked to assume the re sponsibility of taking charge of a child for the evening, to show thpm the best time possible. Members calling for children should do so by 6 p.m. and are asked to be present by 6:15 to take over their charges. CAMELLIAS NEED O.K. SALEM (.T) Mississippi won't let Oregon camellias be shipped into that state unless the plants are free from soil and are ac companied bv a certificate from I he Oregon Department of Agri culture. The Oregon Agriculture depart ment said Mississippi adopted the ban on Oregon and Califor nia camellias because of camel lia flower blight. TAFT CENSUS UPPED SALEM (.? The population of Taft, a newly incorporated city. Is 4S9. Secretary oi State Ncwbry announced after taking a census of the city. The census will make It pos sible for Taft to share In state highway and liquor revenues. mmiviwm mm h i?i By Viaknitt S. Martin God bless him for the inspira tion he must be to younger boys who may be tempted to 'slide through' any of the Scout tests or think them not worth bother ing about! Even the Hiking badge . . . every step of the way was made by a brave-hearted lad, who has been legless since babyhood, on artificial legs. There may be vet erans, too, who will find comfort and Inspiration in that Boy Scout's achievement. Why limit it to any group? ALL of us can take fresh heart when difficul ties beset us, can we not? There have been other distin guished Scouts through the year3. Just now Ruth Aberle has been receiving the headlines. A while ago it was Don Lee. Tomorrow it will be the boy . down the street, or the one in the next town . . . county . . . state . . country . . . overseas! Scouting is worldwide, doing its bit toward brotherhood! Girls of other races, other creeds will hear about Ruth and Don and find inspiration, and greater understanding. To Combat Inflation for transactions in service stores. American military personnel may obtain as much peso cur rency as they desire in exchange for their script at the legal rate of two pesos for $1. Pesos, how ever, may not be converted into script. The script may be converted into postal money orders or other foreign exchange to be sent out of the country by military personnel. . TAKE THAT, YOU WRETCH1 PORTLAND OP) Robert A. Morris, 22, was arrested by po lice on a reckless driving charge, but that wasn't the worst. A woman walked up while po lice were questioning him, and she exclaimed, "You're the cne who scared hell out of me. I ought to slap your face.". And she did. She walked away before police recovered from their surprise. ROADS ABANDONED The Douglas County court has issued orders abandoning por tions of the Edenbowcr-Millwood county road 6 and a portion of Hayhurst road, known as Morn ing Star Bridge, as no longer nec essary in the general road sys tem of the county. For " I ops" on Drilnboardt Set Phil Durnam Lino'eum Laying and Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336-J PHONE 100 between 6 15 and 7 p. m., it you have not received your Newi Review. Ask for Harold Mobley Rev. Tyson Tells True Meaning Of Christmas Christmas without Christianity Is not true Christmas, Rev. Al fred Tyson, rector of St. George's Episcopal church, told the Rose burg Kiwanls club Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Tyson reviewed the history of Christmas and the car ols. Christmas need not be sad, he said. It should be gay, as in dicated in the carols, but the Christmas season should be filled with the Christian spirit, he said. Many of the songs we common ly refer to as carols are hymns, he said. The true carols, most of which were written in the 15th century, had their origin in dance tunes. Such favorites as "Come All Ye Faithful," "Joy to the World," "Little Town of Bethle hem," and "Hark the Herald An gels Sing" are hymns rather than carols. He read one carol, which, he said, seemed to lend the modern idea of "trick or treat" at Hallo ween. The song referred to sing ing for treats. We usually associate Christmas with Christ, the term originating from the worlds Christ and mass, or holy communion in whatever form to which it is referred. The spirit of giving is referred to as pertaining to the gifts brought to the Christ child. However, he said, the idea of Christmas giving to others, the Christmas tree and decorations have their origin in pagan festi vals. The speaker stressed the im portance of Christianity. It Is not just a matter of being good and living by the Golden Rule, he said. It is not just a matter of ethics. Christianity is the basis of de mocracy, he asserted. While only about seven percent of the people living in the colonies at the time of the Revolutionary war were Christians, about 90 percent of the constitution signers were. Dictators Mindful The national average rf Christ. ians In the United States is 50 percent, while on the west coast it is only 25 Dercent or less. Whether or not we recognize: the importance of Christianity dictators do, he said. Dictators have sought either to destroy or control the church. The FBI re ports 80 percent of crimes are committed bv Juveniles. Of these. 85 percent are from hrnken homes, where either one or both parents were non-Christ ans. J. Edgar Hoover, FBI chief, he said, has considered the church the strongest factor In the pre vention of crime. The greatest enemv of Christ ianity, he said, is ignorance of its true meaning, he stated. A leature oi the meetine was presentation by Rollie Quam, Douglas county scout executive, of a trophy to Glenn Scoficid, guide of Explorer troop 237. suon- sored by the Klwanis club. The trophv was awarded the Roseburg unit as winner of a shooting competition, held in oon nection.with a recent scout meet ing in Eugene. The trophy was purchased by the Eugene Rotary club. The local team's total score was 747, or an average score of 106.7. PLANT CONGESTED Due to the congestion of tur keys at its plant, the Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products com pany, Roseburg, will be unable to receive any more chickens un til after the Christmas holidays, it was announced Tuesday. 11 he perfect Christmas Tree 'twould seem Is one which is Aplumbor's dream. c GANGWAY! That's what the man said . . . So we're closing from day, January 3rd, so without us underfoot. A Merry Christmas a Happy New Year to You, from CARL'S HAVEN Garden Valley Road Oregon FEP Law Not For 5AXEM, Dec. 21 CP) The state fair employment practices law doesn't applv to vocational schools, Attorney General George Neuner ruled. The law makes It illegal for any employer, labor union or employment agency to discrimi nate against any person because of his race or religion. A New Year's $e5olu tlo Start your preparations now to do your 1950 business with us. Compbte banking services available, including safe deposit boxes and night depositories. DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK A Home Owned, Home Operated Institution Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ,J, J, 1 v 1 ' f&Zl $t Ml . J . ... to shop oCe 6 Gift and 337 N. Jackson Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year tO Ail a . . We know you'll enjoy a safe and prosperous . 1950 if you remember our slogan: It Pays to Insure in Sure Insurance PHONE 1277-R 5 Inciirnnro ' 214 W. (Next T3nt Bill Tipton Monday, December '9th, to Tues the workmen can make repai In the meantime . . . Vocational Schools The opinion was asked by David Robinson, Portland, chair man of" the. state fair employ, ment practices advisory commit tee. ' .' Under the opinion, vocational schools can refuse to admit a person because of his race or religion. n ' that keep givin9 " . . fnr flvprvnns nn vnur Ikt. " Remember ... -only 3 days for Christmas t e r S Model Shop ' ' . Phone 534-j Permin f ' M J ",ww i-sr -iff Cass ; door to nri.. Carl Permin M