i U. of 0. Library COMP ' Eugene, Ore. jfx "'""""Ti,- w J ---4 ! r i, i.i ACCUSED Mrs. Margaret Russell (above), 88, partially deaf and blind in one eye, it pictured in the Oakland, Calif, jail where she was being held on charges of stealing two cubes of butter from a grocery store. The special police officer who arrested her at the store said he would not have made the arrest "except that she got indignant and tough to me." Sympathetic acquaintances are coming to her 'rescue with a Christmas party. (NEA Telephoto). Roseburg Schools Presenting Programs Prior To Annual Christmas Season Holidays The yule season Is being observed in the Roseburg schools with programs this week, prior to the annual Christmas holidays. Classes will be dismissed Friday afternoon and will resume again Tuesday morning, Jan. 3, according to Supt. Paul S. Elliott. In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS MAO TZE-TUNG, boss of Chi nese communism, arrives in Moscow after a ten-day trip on the Trarnt-Sltaprinn railway and heads for the Kremlin lor a talk with Stalin. WHAT do you reckon they talked about? Well, Mao is now the ruler of 450 million Chinese. Stalin is the ruler of 200 million Russians, plus the millions in the satellite states that are under Russia's thumb. When two men holding that much power get together for a talk, you can bet your bottom dol lar that what they talk about isn't going to be for he general good of humanity. MAO, by the way, Is said to have brought 15 carloads of gifts to Stalin and other big wheel Soviet leaders. The gifts included rare historical and art objects WHICH MAO'S COMMUNISTS (Continued on Page Four) Hospital Bids' Opening Beckons To Public The public Is Invited to attend the opening of bids for the Doug las Community hospital Thurs day, 7:30 p. m., in the office of the Roseburg Chamber of Com merce, hospital manager Alvin C. Knauss said today. Knauss said a total of 15 bids have been submitted by general contractors. They include a num ber of local bids, with local con tractors also bidding on sub-contracts. G. M. Shiffer, chief of the hos pital facilities section for the state board of health, will be present when bids are opened. Following the Thursday night meeting, the three lowest bids will be submitted to the U. S. Depart lent of Public Health for final approval Knauss said. Thrice-Wedded Clark Gable Becomes 4th Husband Of Lady Sylvia Stanley HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 21. (.)- -"The king" has a new lady a laughing, lovely blonde reminiscent In many ways of the girl whose death kept him lonely and distant for almost eight years. Clark Gable is honeymooning somewhere today with Lady Sylvia Stanley, the 39-year-old widow of Douglas Fairbanks Sr. They were married in a surprise ceremony late yesterday at a luxurious guest ranch 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, Calif. After the wedding, they departed for points unknown. The new Mrs. Gable divorced Lord Stanley of Alderley IS months ago. Gable, 48. is her fourth husband. She was divorc ed In 1935 bv Lord Ashley, who named Fairbanks as co-respondent. Gable's first wife was Jo sephine Dillon. They were divorc ed six vears later and in 1931 he married Ria Langham. Their di vorce came in 1939. Gable's third wife was Carole Lombard. She was killed in 1942. The plane car rvlng her home from a war bond selling tour crashed near Las Ve gas. Nev.. carrving Carole, her mother, Mrs. Eli7.abcth Peter, and 19 others to their deaths. Gable mourned openly for months. nite Rose school held programs open to the public Tuesday afternoon and evening. The Junior high school has scheduled a musical pageant, open to the public with out charge, Thursday at 8 p.m., and again Friday at 2:30 for those who miss the evening perform ance, according to Principal R. R. Brand. Benson school's program will be Thursday at 8 p.m. in the new gymnasium. Senior high will have Its entertainment Friday at 2:45 In the school's gym. Both are open to the public. Because of the confusion In class schedules and readjust ments in the building programs of Riverside and Fullerton schools, no general program is planned, but the children will hold individ ual room parties Friday after noon. The junior high program will be presented for the first time in tne evening, In order to give more people an opportunity to attend. The pageant will be pre sented by the ninth grade boys' (Continued on Page Two) Contempt Charge Arises From Non-Support Case Ernest Eugene Gibbens, 25, Myrtle Creek, is being held in the county jail on a contempt of court charge, arising out of alleged non support, Sheriff O. T. "Bud" Car ter reported. Joseph Lewellyn, 24, Roseburg, also charged with non-support, was released to Multnomah coun ty Deputy Arthur B. Belles, Car ter added. . Arthur Donald Endicott, 13, John Day, is being held in the county jail on a charge of forgery. Two juveniles, aged 15 and 16, picked up by city police for being on the streets "after hours" in violation of their parole, were committed to the Boys Sate In dustrial training school at Wood burn, Carter said. OVERLOADS DRAW FINES Ustle O. Smith, 32, Roseburg, charged with non-payment of an overload, was fined $67 upon his appearance in justice court, Judge A. J.Geddes reported. Oscar Or vill Craig, 41, Sutherlin, was fined $20 on the same charge, Geddes added. His last word from her had been a message from Amarillo, Tex. which said, "Hay. Pappy, you'd better get into this man's army." Gable enlisted, demanding combat action. He was awarded the air medal and rose from pri vate to major in the air force. He made several missions over Germany as a gunner. Yesterday's ceremony was wit nessed by a few close friends and some" ranch hands. The rites were performed by the Rev. Aage Moller, pastor of he Dan ish Lutheran church in Solvang, a community near the ranch. Adteiipt 1 The Weather Cloudy today and Thursday with Intermittent light rain to day. Sunset today 4:40 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow 7:42 a. m. Established 1873 US Bans Travel Treatment Of U. S, Citizens Is Protested Espionage Charge Made To Screen Other Motive, State Dept. Declares WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 P) The United States yesterday ban ned travel by Americans to Communist-controlled Hungary. The action was taken because of the arrest last month of Rob ert A. Vogeler, an official of the International Telephone and Tel egraph corp., and the detention of other Americans in Hungarv. The State department an nounced the ban in a sharp note of protest to Hungary against the arrest of Vogeler. The note demanded Vogeler s release and reserved the right to claim damages for any injur ies he may have suffered. Hungarian police arrested Vo geler Nov. 18 and charged him with spying and sabotage. Voge ler, 38, is the son of Robert A. Vogeler of Long Island, N. Y. The Hungarian foreign office announced that the police have evidence. Including a "confes sion," that he had engaged in espionage and sabotage and was implicated in the attempted flight (Continued on Page Two) Two Men, Woman Found Dead In Snowbound Auto KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 21. (iT) Two men and a woman died of carbon monoxide poisoning late last night, sitting in their car in a snowbank on The Dalles- California highway seven miles Deiow tiiicnnst. i State police identified the men as Virgil Lee Johnson, 40, of Gates, Ore., and Jack Virgil Friedley, 38, of Idanha, Ore. The woman had not been iden tified at mid-morning. Johnson, who has been work ing at a logging camp near Dia mond Lake, was the driver. Friedley is believed to have been employed as a cook at the Star cafe in Bend. State police said the car appar ently was traveling south from Bend when It skidded on the icy pavement and came to rest with the rear end in a snowbank. Snow partially stopped up the exhaust pipe and the muffler cn the 1940 sedan was cracked around the base. The trio, all in the front seat, apparently sat with the motor running and heater on, waiting for help. A passing motorist observed the three persons in the car, stoo ped and was unable to arouse them. He telephoned the state police office here from Chemult and a few minutes later a patrolman from Crescent arrived at the scene. All three were dead when he arrived, Patrolman Jim Ayres said. Fayette North Top Bidder For 23 Used Trailers A Myrtle Creek man, Fayette North, was high bidder at the sale of 23 used family trailers remaining at the public housing trailer park on the Dlxonville road. North bid $116 on one trailer. The remaining 22 trailers were purchased by Peyton and com pany of Klamath Falls at $100 each. Bids from 19 persons or firms were submitted to the Douglas County Housing authority, ac cording to Director H. L. Sco field. The bids were opened Dec. 19. Final sale of the 23 trailers will enable Yojings Bay Lumber com pany, owners of the property on which the trailers were located, to clear the land for their own use. Carrier-Salesmen Of News-Review To Feast The third annual father and son banquet for News-Review carrier-salesmen will be held Friday, Dec. 23, 7:30 p. m., at Carl's Haven, according to circulation manager Fuller Johnson. Johnson said about 40 carriers and their fathers are expected to attend the vparlv affair. Thnp attending will Include carriers for Roseburg, nearby towns and out lying districts served by th News-Review. DIES AS HE LIVED LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21. .P Edwin Weik, 57, lived by his skill as an electrician. And he died the same way. Police reported that he wrapped a copper wire around his wrist, connected it to a wall socket and stepped Into a tub of water. ROSEBURG, Woman Animal Trainer Killed By Savage Lion THOUSAND OAKS, Calif., Dec. 21. (IP) With a roar, a savage lion sprang at a widely known woman animal trainer and quick ly killed her while her horrified children tried to save her. Mrs. May Kovar Schafer, 42, was in the cage yesterday with the lion, Sultan, attempting to break him Into training. The powerful animal lunged at her, bore her down and bit her in the neck, severing the- spine. Her children, Michael Kovar, 18, and May Kovar, 14, were watching their mother, who was working with a chair and whip when the sudden attack occurred. The children, armed with short poles, pushed through the cage door. But the beast, with Mrs. Schafer's neck in his jaws, ig- norea tneir poKings. Michael and May and three- year-old Sandra Schafer, who was nearby, screamed for help. Kuoy Muller, 59, an elephant trainer, ran to their aid. I grabbed up a pitchfork and an eight-foot length of pipe," '.he frail man said. "The lion was very quiet. I stabbed at him with the pitenfork with one hand and then brought the pipe down on his head with the other. "That made the lion droD her and back up." Fir Brings Upped Price At Auction A timber auction which neaiiv doubled the regular price of Douglas fir was reported here by M. M. Nelson, supervisor for the umpqua national forest. Nelson said Theiss and Hunt of Cottage Grove, successful bid ders on the 2,800,000 feet of tim ber offered, raised the price ot fir to $13.50 per thousand board feet, comoaved to the regular price of $7.50. r Regular prices held on other timDer included In the sale, with sugar pine going at $7.55 per M, western red cedar at $1.45, and hemlock at $1. Commenting on the sale, Nel son said the four bidders present raised the bid 20 times before the sale was completed. He said this sale Is somewhat smaller than the average but that the mice was high because of the high quality logs and little amount ot road construction necessary. ine timber Is located on Sharps creek, about 25 miles east of Cottage Grove. Nelson said the next timber auction will be held Jan. 9, with approximately 18-million board feet of timber up for sale. The timber is located on Brice creek near Disston, cast of Cottage Grove. 0 Si) ' JAYCEE -CHRISTMAS TREE Annual project of the Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce it the erection of a lighted Chrittmas tree in downtown Roseburg. This year the tree was donated by Mrs. George Sommerhalder of Mill street. Members of the Jeycee, headed by Sid Fredrickson, chairman, cut down the tree from her yerd and brought it into town aboard an auto wrecker. Pictured ire Sid Moon, Glenn Scott, Fredrickson, Don Cum and Irv Pugh, decorating the tree, which now stands on Cass street, between Main and Jackson. (Photo Lab picture). laze OREGON WEDNESDAY, DEC. By Americans In Conference On Milk Dispute Slated Here Control Board Agent To Discuss Price Issues With Producers And Dairymen A representative of the Oregon State Milk Control board will be In Roseburg tomorrow to meet with local producers and dairy men In the milk price dispute which went Into its second day today. Ormond J. Feldkamp, co-owr.-er of Umpqua dairy, said this morning, "I feel confident now that milk deliveries to the public will not be interrupted. We may be a little short Wednesday, but we'll have enough milk to go around." Feldkamp said any milk that comes in to this area will be spread throughout the entire dis trict served by the three dairies affected Umpqua dairy, Myrtle Creek dairy and Roseburg dairy. He said milk was available "all around us," with many producers who are not now providing local dairies with milk, waiting for the chance to break in on the local market. ncreases Asked Milk producers are asking an increase of ten cents per pound (Continued on Page Two) Chest Fund Now Totals $22,000 The Community Chest coffers now contain $22,000, which Is 83.26 per cent of the goal, Art Lamka, secretary, reported today. While the drive is lagging more slowly than had been expected, the chest officers express them' selves as appreciative of the con tinuous support of the drive, he said. There Is no organized solicita tion at the present time, so the funds received are from persons who, recognizing the need for the projects listed under the chest program, have voluntarily brought ,in their contributions said Lamka. The drive will continue until the goal is reached, but it is hoped by the commltee the date will not be far off. The headquarters in the E. G. High office have been closed, but arrangements have been made for acceptance of donations at the Chamber of Commerce office. Persons desiring may mail their contributions to Postoffice Box 191. o CD feMfcg 21, 1949 "SICK OF BLOOD Not Be Another War If World People Can Have Their Way, Truman Says By D. HAROLD OLIVER WASHINGTON, Dee. 21. (API President Truman laid to day there would never be another war if the peoples of the world, "sick of blood-letting," could have their way. But while captive peoples "ere made to respond to our handclasp with a mailed fist, we have no choice but to stand reedy in self defense," he declared. The President spoke at Arlington National cemetery, accept ing a Carillon memorial to the war dead from the American Veterans of World War II. Allied diplomats from many nations, end high ranking military and civilian officials were in the audience. White Con Held As Attacker Of Negro School Girl WRENS, Ga Dec. 21. UP) A Neero school girl was attacked and brutally beaten near here and Sheriff James Hubbard an nounced he had charged a life term white convict with attempt ed rape. "And if she dies," Sheriff Hub bard added, "then it will be mur der." The sheriff named the convict as Pete Coleman, 30, and said he received his life term for the slaying In 1947 of Bertha Mehr ten's, called the "Good Samari tan" because of her community benefactions in Savannah. Hubbard said the girl, 14-year-old Dorothy Carswell, was attack ed Monday morning on the way to school. Her head was batter ed and she was tossed Into a briar patch to die. Another Negro, Ed Carroll, found her at 10 D.m. after she had lain unconscious for 14 hours. He took her to a Louisville, G , hospital where Dr. J. W. PilcheT said she was so critically injur ed he could hardly touch her for examination. Hubbard commented that in 18 years as a law officer he had "never seen a more horrible crime." Store Closing Period Dated By Retail Assn. Members of the Roseburg Re tail Trade association have agreed to have stores remain closed on Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, being ob served as holidays because Christ mas and New Year's fall on Sun day, Harold E. Hlckcrson, execu tive secretary of the chamber of commerce, announced today. IT O CM 199-49 Hungary - LETTING' It was only coincidence that Mr. Truman spoke on the birth day of Soviet Russia's Premier Stalin and he did not mention Russia by name. But allusions to the Russian threat to peace were plain and repeated. Thev were clear, too. in a brief address from Norwegian amDassaoor wnncim Muntne ue Morgenstierne, the dean of the diplomatic corps. The ambassador said those v ho died in the war should know that "without their fight the en tire world might today be in a state of abject slavery." He added: 'And to make that freedom prevail, those who come after them may have to stand up, and go down, the same way If, God forbid, the free world should ever (Continued on Page Two) Boy Who Robbed To Avenge Father Shown Leniency i; DEDHAM, Mass., Dee. 21 UP) f.-A young college student wno said he robhed a cafe for funds lo avenge his father's death in the crash of a bombed airliner was freed yesterday on his moth er's promise he would be treated for a nervous condition. Superior court Judge Frank J. Donahue released Patrick J. Parker, 18, of Rye, N.Y., a stu dent at Brown university, Provi dence, R. I., after a county pros ecutor said he had the mother's pledge the boy would be placed in a private rest home. Police said young Parker rob hed a Plalnvllle cafe of $55.60 Nov. 19 to get funds to finance a trip to Canada to kill J. Albert Guay, a Quebec jeweler, held on a charge of murder. Young Parker's father, Russell J. Parker, former vice president of the Kennecott Copper company and president or tne yucnec iron and Titanium company, was one of 23 persons killed In the crash at St. Joachim, Que., last Sept. 9. Police quoted the boy as saying he had hoped to gain access to the prison where Guay is held to kill him. The boy, they said, appeared to be "completely broken over the death of his father. Young Parker did not contest the robbery charge. Judge Dona hue placed the case on file a disposition which means no ac tion was taken on prosecution. Under Massachusetts law, how ever, the case can be taken from the file and prosecuted if the boy Is ever arrested again. Three Children Perish When Fire Levels Home WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis., Dec. 21 (IP) Three children died last night in a flash fire, while five brothers and sisters and their parents escaped as their rural home was leveled. The dead, all children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sonhelm, were Nancy, 7 months, Gary, 2, and Robert, 14. Kenneth, 9, was overcome by smoke and hospitalized here. Not a stick of lurniture was saved from the two-story wooden house, one and one -half miles west of here. Assistant Fire Chief Earl Kess said the blaze apparently broke out when some of the children were In the basement late at night piling firewood. They bump ed over a can of lacquer. For some reason they started scrap ing its contents Into a lighted stove. Flames flared up and spread swiftly through the house. Mother, 39, Gives Birth To Sixteenth Child WOODBURY, Conn., Dec. 21 'Tl Mis. Norman CoV who Is 39, gave hlrth to her 16th child, a daughter, at her home last night. jliirteen of the children have been born here and all but one are living. The proud father, a scrap met al dealer, doesn't believe large families are unusual. He has 14 brothers and sisters himself. Disaster In Detroit Area Barely Stayed Burning Fuses Expire . Close To Planting Of 39 Sticks Of Explosive DETROIT, Dec. 21. Dvna- miters made an attempt to blow up the CIO United Auto Work ers' headquarters last night. iney ianed, but only by a hair t breadth. A stack of 39 sticks of dyna mite, wrapped In tape and colored Christmas gift paper, was found at a side stairway of the union ouuoing. Two fuses had burned to with in an inch or less of the ex. plosives before they sputtered out, harmlessly. txcept lor two night workers, the union building was empty. However, lives were imperiled in a neighboring General Motors building. As a result, authorities were confronted today with a new task In solving mysterious acta of violence against the big auto union ana its leadership. Within less than two years would-be assassins have tried to kill two of the UAWs prominent Reuther brothers. Walter Reuther, president of the UAW, was shot by an un known assailant in April of 1948. He almost lost tne use oi an arm. Victor Reuther. the union's ed ucational director, lost an eye in a similar shotgun attack last May. Both of the shootings still are unsolved. Police immediately linked last (Continued on Page Two) Boy, 5, Doesn't Realize He Shot Mom" To Death PITTSBURGH. Dec. 21.-m ' Little Joe Langston, a bewildered flve-vear-old. wouldn t talk to detectives who gently queried him for hours about tne latai snoot ing of his mother. But later, when Joe was taken back to the scene of the shoot ing, he told his aunt, Mrs. Fran ces Kearns: 'I saw a bird In the room. My pussy cat was there too. . I saw the gun and I shot my mom." i-oumy ueieouve oieve runner- said that he and lour otners irom the district atorney's office heard the youngster's admission. The words confirmed what Joe's two older brothers had told police and what a paraffin test made almost positive. Joe's mother, Mrs. Helen Lane ston, 39, was shot to death in the family's home yesterday after she intervened In a quarrel be tween two older sons, William, 18, and John, 17. William and John said little Joe, the baby of the family, bran dished tne pistol to make tnem stop fighting, somehow the gun went oil and Airs, iangston leu dead, a bullet in the brain. Little Joe doesn t know his mother is dead. He thinks sne was "hurt." French Notable Killed In Plunge NEW YORK. Dec. 21. OP) Jacques Stern, French minister for merchant marine In 1933 and minister for colonics three years later, plunged to his death today from his ninth floor duplex apartment. -Police said the 66-year-old ex- cabinet member, who also was a retired banker, left two notes. His death was listed as probably suicide. Detective Frank Farrell said one note was addressed to Stern' maid, Carmen Imperial, and the other pinned to the dead man's lapel asked authorities to notify, a lawyer of his death. stern nad been ill ior some time. His wife, who lives on Fifth avenue, was said by police to be suffering from a heart ailment. A son, Jacques, jr., la, is a polio myelitis patient in New York hospital. U. S. Sends Birthday Greetings To Joe Stalin MOSCOW. Dec. 21 OPy Tha United States sent birthday greet Ings to Prime Minister Joseph Stalin today. Ambassador Alan G. Kirk sent the following message to Soviet Foreign Minister Vishinsky: "I have the honor on behalf of the government of the United States of America to request you to transmit to Generalissimo Sta lin, chairman of the council ot ministers of the U.S.S.R., best wishes on the occasion of his 70tli birthday." Levity fact Rent By L. F. Relzenstcln Non-Communist nations muff ed a tint chance when the av alanche of presents were sent to Joe Stalin for his birthday anniversary. They should have tossed in what Jot and the Russians generally need most a few socks.