2 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore.- Tust., Dee. 20, 1949 Nativity Scene Attracts Crowds At Vet Hospital A full life-size Christmas nativi ty scene covering an acre of ground at the Veterans Admin istration hospital, Is drawing the attention of hundreds of people this week. The project Is principally the work of patients of the occupa patlonal therapy shops and can be seen directly opposite the ad ministration building while driv ing through the hospital grounds. A stable has been built to repre sent the birthplace of Christ, with the Star of Bethlehem mark ing the place. In the stable are the Three Wise Men of the Ori ent and the shepherds who have come to present gifts and to worship at the manger where Christ child lay. Mary and Jo scpth are also near the cradle. The camels used by the Wise Men on their long journey are tethered outside the stable, while the other stock is under the Rhelter. Sheep are roaming about the field nearby. The scene Is floodlighted at night from 6 until 9 p. m.. when shepherds may be seen tending the sheep. The public is Invited lo view tne scene and is request ed to observe carefully the traf fic rules of the hospital grounds when driving through. Any who wish more time to enjoy the scene and to listen to Christ mas music being played are re quested to, park their cars In stead of holding up traffic. Cam era enthusiasts will be permitted to take pictures whenever they wish. Rent Control Remains In Effect In Roieburg (Continued From Page One) Presents By Carload Roll In For Joe Stalin (Continued From Page One) are unveiling two huge statues to him, In Bratislava and Pregue. They are having special holidays in his honor. The highest moun tain In Czechoslovakia, 8,737-foot mount Gerlachovka, is being re named "Mount Stalin." A delegation of 17 nersorrs. Inclu M ao 1 oyrnd HFe isngy nihdg icr, Ana t-auner, nag jeit jjucna rest, Romania, to deliver car loads of presents to Moscow. Bulgaria also sent carloads. Among the gifts was a set of boo 100 voulm seksf Idlwle Iht signatures of hundreds of thou sands of Bulgarians. Hungary sent four big trucks packed with gifts. Also for his birthday Stalin is getting a report on Hungarian scientists' plans In grow a new species of rice suited to a dry, sandy soil. Better Pups Real Cockers With Personality Plus Well Fed Well Grown Healthy Jacobs Kennels 1815 N. Stephens was read requesting the Installa tion of street lights for the area. A map of the proposed installa tions was presented, and the Issue was referred to the council's street and light committee for a report. John Fett, representing the Chamber of Commerce, asked the council what action had been taken on the plans for airport im provements. Mayor Albert G. Fie gel said the council was holding up the matter for further study on bonding requirements. He said the council did not wish to act hostlly and jeopardize the city's credit, until a complete study of the overall city requirements could be completed. An ordinance amending the city charter by changing the boundaries to include the recently annexed areas of West Roso burg, Sleepy Hollow-Miller's ad dition, Sundaie Village, Taylor's addition and Beulah's addition was read for the first and second times. The city attorney was Instruct ed to prepare necessary papers for the vacation of Claire street. Business permits and waiver of nonds were approvea ior iiaroia E. White, who plans to open Hal's Furniture Shop at 1031 Wharton ave.; for Fred Lumm, who plans to open a cylinder head and block repair shot) at 420 S. Ste phens, and C. Alufson, for a shoe repair Business at b. biepnens. Rent Control Debated The subject of rent control oc cupied most of the meeting. The council listened without comment until everyone In the audience had an opportunity to present his side of the argument. First called to speak were the proponents of decontrolling rents. Their principal argument was that owners or rental properties wmcn are under control were Deing dis criminated against, In contrast to landlords whose properties are not under control. They argued generally that they were not per mitted a fair return Irom their property on a low rental basis. Some staled, however, that while they favored lifting of controls. they did not plan any increase of rent for their tenants. The principal argument voiced against lifting of controls at this time was that the average worker could not afford to pay higher rents. They argued that the only reason rent decontrol was desired was to permit the charging of higher fees for rental property. The question as to whether the housing nroblem was still criti cal was also a point for dispute. The landlords claimed the housing situation had eased sufficiently so that the problem was no longer acute. The opponents of decontrol claimed that the fact uncontrol- ed rentals are as high as they are Is evidence that the situation Is still critical, and that these rents will drop when the demand decreases. It was brought out that only about 30 per cent (unofficial fig ures) of rental property Is un der control. All property which was not rented prior to June 1947 Is not under control. It was also brought out that, during the per iod of the real estate boom and easy sale of property, a consider able numner oi rental units were taken off the market through sales lo people who have since "Messiah" Will Be Offered Tonight At Junior High Handel's Christmas oratorio, "Messiah", will be presented In free public performance tonight by the Roseburg Choral society, under the direction of Charles A. Hfcketts, at the Junior high school auditorium at 8:15 p. m. This will mark the second pub lic appearance of the choral so ciety since the group first or ganized in ine jhii oi iyo. a radio show during last year's Christmas season and a spring concert this year comprise other efforts of the singers. Clad in white robes, used especially for this occasion, the 50-voice choir will present seven of the more familiar choruses contained. In Handel's work. Nine soloists are also included on the program. Accompanying the group are Martha Jane Plimp ton, pianist, and Esther Geddes, organist. The change or time rrom o p.m. to 8:15 was noted at the final rehearsal Monday night. The News-Review has previously an nounced the time erroneously as 8 p.m. Th program follows: PART I Overture "Comfort Yt My People." "Every Valley Wendell A. Johnson, tenor. "And the Glory of the Lord" chorus "Thus fiallh the Lord" and "But Who Mav Ahide," Don Caste!, ban "Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive," Marion itrui, comraun "O Thou that Tellest Good Tiding! to Zlon." chomi "For Behold" and "The People that Walked In Darknesi." Henhel Scott, bane "ror Unto Ui Child U Born." ...chorus "There Were Shepherds," "And Lo! The Angel of the Lord." "And the Angel Said Unto Them. "Ana suddenly There Wi With the Ansel." Helen Bamford, eoprano "Glory to God." chorus "Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zlon." Helen Bamford, soprano "Then Shall the Eyen of the anna," "H Shall Feed His Flock," Lola Rich, aoprano "Com Unto Him. All Ye That Labor," Marian Jonea, contralto PART 2 "Behold the Lamb of God." chorui "Surely He Hath Borne Our Grlefi." chorus "Thy Rebuke" and "Behold, and See." Warren Mark, tenor "He Was Cut Off Out of the Land" and "But Thou Dldit Not Leave Hla Soul In Hell." Willis F. Erlckson. tenor "Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates." chorus Hallelujah!" chorus A silver offering will be accepted to defray expenses. Battle Plant Shaping Over Truman Program (Continued from Page One) occupied the homes. City Attorney faui ueaaes stated, In response to a question from Councilman ueorge west, that he knew of no way of re turning rent control, once the area had been decontrolled. While the names of all the speakers were not obtained, the principal proponents of decontrol included Oscar Berry, Earl Wi ley, representing the Douglas County Realty board; Mr. Hus ton, Lee Zenor, J. M. Weather ford. Mr. Caulfield. William Oer- ding, representing the Chamber of Commerce; F. C. Frear, Car los Page, John Fett, Harry Far geter and Mr. Ritter. upponents ineiuaea. dick un man, Konert wiiinue, represent ing the telephone employes; Hel en Bowles, representing the cul inary workers; leonara Mcin tvre, representing IWA, CIO; Marvin Mayo, Teamsters' union; Claud Reeder, IWA, CIO; Vin cent Whitbeck, painters' union; Ted Pressig, Lumber and Saw mill Workers, AFL; Tom Hart, Millwrights and Carpenters un ion, and others as individuals. NwL JA DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN Tha wearer of the leud ehlrt It Jim Adcox, whote Job at Trowbridge Electrlo can best be described at "torekeepar." Since Trowbridge Eleotrio maintain one of tha largeit auppllet of eleotrlcal neoeaaltiea In Southern Oregon you can tee that Jim hat hla banda full keeping Inventory, maintaining atock control and limply know ing where every gadget and electrical gimmick la placed. Ooea a fine Job, too, Jim ib at preaent building a home for he and hit wife on Looklngglata Route. Llka mott fellowa at Trowbridge Electrlo, Jim la a veteran of the late global fracas, WHAT 132 MEANS TO YOU 132 means 132 years ... the sum total of the number of years experience of all electricians at Trowbridge Electric. Just think 132 years of experience . . . experience you cannot buy anywhere else in Douglas County equaled by few firms in Oregon. Have Trowbridge Electric install your wiring, phone 268 for an estimate on your electric needs. JACKSON ST. soendlng, to thwart any tax boosts. There may be actual cuts in excises. It Is expected that Mr. Truman will start a new drive for his con troversial domestic program In the state of the union message to Congress January 4 or 5. The program attained only limited ob jectives in ine iirst session oi tne Democratic controlled 81st Con gress. Defeat in Congress again faces the President on some major seg ments of his "fair deal." Aware of this, some of his closest follow ers already are talking of lift ing the issues off Capitol Hill and putting them squarely before the voters next November when all the 435 House seats and one-third of the 96 Senate seats are to be voted on. Republicans are arriving early for the session and are issuing almost dally blasts at the "fair deal" as leading to Socialism. Meanwhile, Vice-President Bark ley and others, in speeches ver the country, are challeneine the GOP to come up with something ueuer man me "iair deal. No one can sav for sure what will happen in the crucial second session of the 81st Congress that convenes January 3. But this is about the picture as It looks now. Social Security Right here is where the President can hope for a solid victory. Claims of credit may De divided; many Republi cans Joined with Democrats in supporting the 1949 expansion of this government program, when it passed the House. The House bill will come to a showdown in the Senate early in the session, and many schooled ob servers believe it will pass there. This legislation would blanket 11,000,000 more working persons unuei uiu age insurance, lor a total of 46,000,000; boost benefits 70 to 80 percent; create a new insurance benefit for persons who necome totally and permanently disabled; and increase payroll taxes more than 30 percent in the next 20 years. Health Insurance This pro gram appears doomed in the 81st Congress. Some lawmakers who ioiiow Mr. iruman on other as. pects of his program have balked at the idea of the government levying new payroll taxes to pay the doctor, hospital and drug bills of the citizens. However, legisla tion might emerge, designed to provide large government help for the schooling of more doctors and the building of more medical laciuties. Houting The first session of tne atst Congress earlier this year overrode opposition shouts of "socialism" and approved a multi-billion dollar bill for the construction of publicly-owned housing for low Income oeonl throughout the nation. Mr. iruman, In the state of the union message, may ask for an other housing program this time to aid middle-income families. The President also is expected ot ask for a continuation of rent coniroi noyond the June 30 ex piration. It is Just about a toss-up now whether Congress will re new this law. Farm Manv Rpnuhlicfln mil that their greatest hope for the future lies with the farm vote. Mr. Truman got a huge number of ballots In the rural areas in 1948, In old Republican strong holds. 6 Since that time the administra tion has proposed the Brannan plan" for agriculture. If adopted, it would let farm products sell for what the market would pay. Then the government would pay a subsidy to the farmers, to give them what it considered a fair income. Price supports now are maintained through government loans and purchases that keep price-depressing surpluses out of the markets. Mr. Truman has bumped into real trouble here. Even the author of the new plan, Secretary of Agriculture Brannan. and Sena tor Anderson (D-NM), former agriculture secretary by Mr. Tru man's appointment, are split on the proposition. Education The states now fi nance education. The Senate has passed Mr. Truman's bill pro posing a $300,000,000 federal ap propriation to help the states. This is tied up tight In the House, in a religious controversy. 27 German Prisoners Granted Freedom (Continued from Page One) cells was a symbol of the holiday season a scrubby little Christmas tree. Slacked around It were heaps of presents sent by friends or relatives to prisoners who will not be released this year. One prisoner praised Colonel Graham, saying: "He is one of the finest offi cers I've ever seen. We have re ceived good treatment ever since he came to Landsberg last June. Even In the German armv it would take you some time to find an of ficer as good as he is." At the station, a railway guard Jokingly told one of the men: "You d better be glad you were In there the last four years. It s been tough outside." Replied the former prisoner: "It was tough in there too." Another prisoner commented: "From now on nobody will be able to talk me into anything, re gardless of who is In control In Germany, I'm going home and lead a quiet life." The Weather U. t. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon Mostly cloudy with few show ers today and Wednesday. Slight ly warmer.- Highest temp, for any Deo. 70 Lowest temp, for any Dec. .. -S Highest temp, yeaterday .... J8 Lowest temp, laat 24 hrt 31 Precipitation latt 24 hrt. , 0 Precipitation from Dee. 1 2.96 Precipitation from Sept. 1 10.60 Deficiency from Deo. 1 , .07 Milk Strike Threat Faces Douglas Area (Continued from Page One) Denfeld Bitter In Spurning Lesser Job (Continued from Page One) New Location Dr. George L. Nleholae Veterinarian Graduate of University of Pennsylvania Is now located at 804 Garden Valley Road Treatment of all domestic inimals. Emergency hospital fo- smnll animals. Phone 116 force demands for an Increase "DntlcrlaK fviitntir mllV nrnHiin. n ' f.WUMb- em shnillri h nhlo in nrnfiitnA mt the same price as other prodUC ara thrnilnhniit tha ...,& ' T?aA. kamp said. Hp cold Inml Halrumon urarn first advised of the price dispute aooui a ween ago ana tnat ef fort). WPI-A mflria in half, awhitra. Hon from the state milk control board. However, the board has not acted, and Feldkamp termed this a "falling down on the Job bv not hnplfinff tin tholi ruan mlllf nt-ia Vltlintr M.lln ...l.u which we (county dairymen) are uying 10 aoiae. Feldkamp claimed the price of milk in tnn,.,l4,,al ....... .iiu.v.uual iuiibuiuci s would be increased by one cent a quart If the producers' de- mands are met. One Dairy Not Involved Not affected by the disagree ment is Melrose dairy. Feldkamp classed this dairy as a producer distributor, a combination of the two Proline invnlveri In tha io. pute. According to Binder, Mel rose dairy has only one producer and he is being paid the prices Which Other Pniintv nmriilnar. n asking. However, he said the case with Melrose is- a different one, because that dairy is producing a richer grade of milk and charg ing their customers a higher price. Binder said milk was not pur chased today by the three dai ries. An exception to this was noted In the case of Grants Pass producers who were not advised of local producers' actions, he said. "No more milk from Douglas resentatives of other North At lantic pact nations. "My -views on coblned strate gy, and particularly on naval par ticipation In any arrangements whereby the countries concerned should be defended in the event of an emergency, might reopen the recent controversy to the embarrasement of my colleagues, my superiors and our govern ment." Retirement Pondered Although the tone of Denfeld's letter suggested he will retire irom the navy, the admiral re served his decision on that ques tion. He said he is considering whe ther to ask for retirement "a privilege accorded by law to na val officers who have served 40 years or more." "If I decide to remain on ac tive duty," he continued, "I shall be. glad, of course, to serve in any assignment that you may cnoose in wnicn tne handicaps imposed by recent events will not be present." Denfeld 1 on leave until Janu ary 19. If he postpones his decision re garding retirement until then, Congress will be In session. And members of Congress who advo cate a congressional investigation of his dismissal from the C. N. O. post will be on hand. Secretary Matthews apparently expects the case to remain un settled until after Congress reconvenes. Asked late yesterday what other post or posts the secretary would offer Denfeld, his office replied: "That will be considered when his leave is up." Discrimination Charged Denfield was dismissed hv President Truman as chief of naval operation! last October 2T, at the request of Matthews. Previously, he had Joined other high navy officers In testifying before the House Armer Services Th admirals said publicly that the Navy was not being admitted to full partner ing In th ripfonse ripnartment and that Its offensive power was Deing scuiuea. Chairman Vinson fD-Ga) of the House committee told reporters at the time that Denfield had been made to "walk the plank" as a reprisal for his testimony. Matthews denied It, however, con tending he told Denfield of hit lost confidence In him before the Iatter's testimony. Carolers to Praotice All per sons interested In joining vith the American Legion auxiliary carol singers to sing carols Fri day night, Dec. 23, are requested to attend a Practice Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the Legion hall, 118 S. Kane street. county or other southern Oregon grade A milk producers will be delivered unless the price de mand is met," Binder said. The News-Review was advised late this morning that Umoaua dairy will continue to make milk deliveries during the dispute. Herb Sullivan, co-owner, said he was advised by telephone that a Grants Pass Producer will de liver "200 cans a day, until fur ther notice." No doubt you have most of your Christmas shopping done by this time but there are al ways a few last-minute gifts to be gathered in. So we'll Just hop about like fantastic fleas and look things over. Here at DOROTHY'S are bubble bowls in all sizes from Gargantuan to Lilliputian, so cbar they al most look like nothing. Corner thelvet made of mir rors, very sparkling and ex travagant looking. They mul tiply anything they hold by three. Parchment watte bat kett and lamp thadet etched with western acenei, lovely at well at uteful. And DORO THY'S hat a grand chorus of tinkling mutio boxes, either the little pianos in wood or lu cite, or the round enamel pow der boxet.' Make it a melodic Christmas for some fortunate female with a mutio box by DOROTHY'S. From Mexico comes colorful pottery, Including the cele brated piggy banks. It's a good time to start saving for next Yule. Italy contributes some queer little characters of carv ed wood. All good neighbors, especially at Christmas. For the youngster who has a yen for hoarding various and sundry bitt of rockt, why not an ultra-violet mineral light? Helps identify such Important minerals as uranium, for bud ding atomlo scientists. For father, too. This is the atomic age, so what could be more opportune than an atomlo aet, fitted with i apecimena of minerals uted In the construc tion of the atom bomb? With a little experimenting your young hopeful may help us lick the Ruatlane yetl DOROTHY'S will wrap your gift, and it's all ready to de liver. Greeting cards are still many and varied. See the Cheery Cherubs and the comic pop-ups, the exquisite Etch tones and the had-made spe cials. And here's an ornamental at well as utilitarian smoking set of cigarette box, ath tray, and matchbox cover. All in Chi nese bran, carved and enamel ed on all tldee. The cigarette box le the shape of a Chinese temple. Other Chinese items are to be had at DOROTHY'S, too, including aome exquisite Chinete palntingt, framed In gold. leaf finished wood. All kinds of lovely things are for your selection, at DOROTHY'S, just across from the Greyhound deoot, or call 1071-J. Noel to you all. d)orotfiiji. '3 GIFT SHOP 323 S. Stephens See FRMDAIRE'S Big Christmas Super Value Special I M!OW Two large ovens plw all these feoterttl Model shown li RK-70 Reg. 349.75 Now, Balce-Roasf -Broil . . Fasrer-Ecrsier-Better dock Central 9 FtooftHCvMif CaMMnT)p 0 AvftfTWffc Swfwt Ifcutf Stgnoi-Uftit Acttf"FtMtfffltf pMGt4flnhi MoMnf tap Terms Nov, with two, all-purpose, Even-Heat Oren, yoo eon Bo Ice in one oven . . . roast or broil in the other, all at once faster, eaWer, betterl Ideal for large families. The finest electric range that money can buy. See this new Frigidoire Automatic Electric Range today! Thest? features bring Safe Clean . . Cool . . . Cooking Now, Bolce-RocMt-Brolt . Foster-Easier-Better Now, with two, oil-purpose, Even-Heat Ovens, yoo can bake in one oven . . roast or broil in the other, all at once foster, easier, better Ideal for large families. The finest electric range that money can buy. See this new Frigidoire Automatic Electric Range todayl These features bring Safe . . Clean i . . Cool . . . Cooking ledlnleeia S-Speed CoMnf Untti The exciutivt Rodiontub units give yoej steady, Inttont heat very Hme, oil the Hmel Only Frtgtdalre hat tbm Twe Hkjh-Speed Ireiten Jutt waltt hloh for added convenience. Fait, Jure, even heat broil meats per fectly every lime. Smokeless Cook-Matter Oven Clock Central Put In a meat, sot me dock for storting and finishing time . . , ond forget K. Cooks a meal while you're away. THenntier Beef Wei Cooker It's a 6-quart, dep-weK cooker with Thrift o-Matkt twitch. Can be changed K an extra surface no In jtffy. UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120 W. Oak Phone 1211