The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 20, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    I U. of 0, Library COMP
Eugene, Oro.
Stalin Swamped With
Gifts From His Puppets
On Eve Of 70th Birthday
LONDON, Dee. 20. (API The greatest giveaway Jackpot
program in history is on today, with Russia's Joseph Stalin on
the receiving end.
Stalin, overlord of world communism, hits the jackpot tomor
row when he reaches the age of 70. How much the take in
birthday presents is worth is anybody's guess. Tons and tons of
gifts so many that not in centuries could one man use them
up have descended on Moscow from the Communist world.
Reports reaching London through the Soviet Monitor and
other channels indicate that there will be more than 1,000,000
parcels bearing the tag: "Happy birthday, Dear Comrade."
N.Y. City To Tap
Hudson River For
Needed Water
NEW YORK, Dec. 20 -iff)
City officials ordered "full
speed" today on plans to tap the
Hudson river for 100,000,000 gal
lons of water a day to help out in
the shortage which threatens to
last for years.
The Hudson tapping project
which normally would take a
year to complete and cost $5,
000,000 to $10,000,000ls counted
on to supply somewhat less than
one-tenth of the city's normal
consumption of well over 1,000,
000,000 gallons a day.
Formal city, state, and federal
authorizations for the undertak
ing are required.
The plan announced yesterday
is to run Hudson river water
Into the Delaware aqueduct at
Chelsea, N.Y., about 15 miles
south of Poughkeepsie. The wa
ter would be purified chemically
at its source, and made "ultra
safe" by routing through reser
voirs, i
The New York City board of
water supply announced the stait
of plans to tap the Hudson, about
50 miles north of where it em
ties into New York bay.
Similar plans were suggested
after a conference at Albany yes
terday between Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey and state officials.
The governor accused the city
of neglecting its water needs de
spite repeated wanings "by ev
ery state administration for 20
The water shortage most cri
tical In the city's modern his
toryhag been brought about by
an increased population, expand
ed uses of water, outgrown
sources of supply and continued
drought. ' '
In the Day's News
KING George, in a speech to the
British parliament Just before
it recesses until January 24, closes
with tjiii prayer:
"I pray that under the guidance
of almighty God we shall over
come the difficulties that will be
set us and reach the goal of a
THERE are sharp differences of
opinion as to how we should
go about getting it, but I think
the "stable and prosperous econ
omy" King George prays for is
what all of us, all over the world,
really want.
AS we read those sonorous
words, we get unavoidably a
picture of King George VI stand-
(Continued on Page Four)
ALBANY, Ore., Dec. 20 UP)
Voters here and in three adjoin
ing suburban areas are voting to
day on annexation of six differ
ent tracts involving 500 acres and
1,000 residents.
Three of the sectors are unin
habited, two of these are small
tracts wanted for grade school
sites. Of the three others, two
adjoin the west edge of the city
and one is to the south.
Good Behavior Pays Off
For War Criminals; Praise
Expressed For Treatment
LANDSBERG, Germany, Dec. 20. UP) Twenty-seven smiling
German war criminals were fired today from the U. S. Army's
Landsberg prison for good behavior during imprisonment.
They had served the greater part of three and five-year sentences
given them by U. S. military courts for war crimes. All their
sentences would have expired before next June 30.
None was a big-name Nazi crim-1
inal. These were the men who k-azi crimnai,, convicted by
commanded Nazi concentration American courts at Nuernberg,
camns. who served as camp . ..,tn MiAavn tt. in.i,,.i
guards or mistreated captured
mirciiiau an men.
The oldest was Friedrich Katz,
ou. a lormer ipsuhui-ii p'i" i
man, convicted of taking part in
the murder of American fliers.
Col. Walter R. Graham, the
prison commander, said that 27
others probably will be released
tomorrow. One other prisoner
eligible for release Is ill in the
prison hospltBl
The U. S. high commission an- i
nounced yesterday that five top I
Besides, there will be a verlt-
able flood of bie crates contain
ing the more unwieldy gifts all
the way from motorcycles to air
planes. Take an average figure of $5
per gift that would be cheap for
a birthday gift for Stalin and
the jackpot is worth more than
Shoes, socks, neckties, choice
foods, wines, spirits, toys, dolls,
books automobiles horses, mo
es and even whole factories are
among the many carloads of pre
sents coverging upon the Kremlin
from the satellite areas and far
territories of the U.S.S.R.
With the gifts come all sorts
of honors, pledges of special
work, affirmations of loyalty and
devotion, endearing greetings in
the familiar Dommunist pattern.
Long freight trains hauled gifts
into Moscow, There were 70 cars
one for each birthday from
Communist east Germany. A
freight train of 11 cars left War
saw with presents from Poland.
The locomotive of the train was
almost hidden by the huge por
trait of Stalin it bore as it pulled
Many Gifts Useless
Stalin probably will have little
use for much of what he gets.
A man of 70, for instance, would
De a bit beyond playing with the
17 dolls he is getting from Ita
lian Communists, or riding a mo
tor-scooter from Milan, or an It
alian racing bicycle, or a motor
cycle and airplane from Prague,
or even taking a buggy ride in a
carriage fromSofla.
Presumably much of what
Stalin is given will be redistri
buted. Even this will take a long
time. It seems unlikely, for in
stance, that the shipment of ny
lon women's stockings he is get
ting Irom some French admirers
will be much good forhls per
sonal use.
Numerous cities in the Soviet
orbit have held public displays
of the presents. In impoverished
Warsaw, six halls were needed
to hold all the gifts. In Riga, cap
ital of the unwilling satellite, Lat
via, eight has were needed.
.poets, musicians and play
wrights have turned out special
birthday works in many langua
ges. Paintings have been sent
from Communists in Britain,
France and Sweden.
Ukranian peasants sent fine
sunflower seeds and red apples,
along with a solemn assurance
they were "laying the foundation
tor a oumper narvest next year '
in Stalin's honor.
Many factories in Russia and
the Communist states report
"above-plan" output pledges in
Satlin's name by workers seek
ing to exceed tne live-year plan
Czechs Outdo Themselves
Czechoslovakia's Communists
have outdone themselves. Besid
es thousands of gifts, the Czech
Communists have attempted to
get 9,000,000 signatures on a
birthday greeting to Stalin. They
(Continued on Page Two)
School Burglars Steal
Presents And Bedding
BAKER, Dec. 20 UP) Bur
glars entered Tiedemann school
here over the weekend and stole
presents the first graders had
put under a Christmas tree.
The thieves entered the build
ing sometime Saturday night,
nolice said, and went though
every room, picking up small
amounts ot money leu in jars
for Christmas seals, opening
packages . and strewing wrapp
ings and contents around the
Also missing were some new
blankets and sheets from the
first aid room.
st wilhclm EoMe. English-
born SS general who was head ot
tne ivazj party's foreign organlza-
Colonel Graham, whose home
is in Bozeman, Mont., said how.
ever that he has not yet received
an order for their release.
Christmas Presents Sent
The first sight that greeted the
nrisoners as Ihev filed Into the
! prison waiting room from their
(Continued on Page Two)
The Weather
Mostly cloudy with fow show
ers today and Wednesday.
Slightly warmer.
Sunset today 4:39 p. m.
Sunrlso tomorrow 7:42 a. m.
Established 1873
Rent Control Will Remain,
Issue Tabled
After Public
Views Learned
Sewers, Lights Asked By
West Roseburg; Airport
Plans Held In Abeyance
Rent control will remain In
affect In Roseburg, at least
The city council last night
tabled the issue for further In
vestigation, after hearing argu
ments for and against controls
rrom local residents who packed
the council chambers.
A group of landlords and a
Chamber of Commerce represena
tive asked the council to recom
mend to Governor McKay that
rent be decontrolled in this area.
Opposition, however, included
representatives from most organ-
Rent Control Ended
At Forest Grove
WASHINGTON, Deo. 20 (m
Housing Expediter Tlghe E.
Woods announced rent control
ended today In Forest Grove,
Ore., and Washougal and Sul
tan, Wash., as a result of de
control actions taken by local
governing bodies.
ized labor groups in the Roseburg
Sewers, Lights Sought
Other important matters at the
council meeting included the pre
sentation of petitions, bearing the
signatures of 178 property own
ers of west KoseDurg, asking lor
the installation of sewers in that
area. The petitions were referred
to the police and health commit
tees, for study and recommenda
tion'. A letter from the West Rose
burg Improvement association
(Continued on Page Two)
Family Deaths In
Fire Upped To 7
EMMETT, Mich., Dec. 20 UP)
Death took its sixth and seven
th victims of farmer Clarence
Bethway's family of 14 today.
As sorrowing townspeople gave
aid in the Christmas week cala
mity, 80-year-old grandma Louise,
a heroine of yesterday's fire, suc
cumbed with a granddaughter,
Mary Lou, 13.
Both the elderly woman and
the child died of burns in Port
Huron general hospital.
Five other children, ranging in
age from 3 to 11, were burned to
death when trapped in an up
stairs bedroom in a pre-dawn
blaze which destroyed the family
Grandma Louise Bethway was
burned while rescuing one child.
There were 11 children in the
Mary Lou and a brother, Joe,
8 leaped from a window. But
both had been burned badly.
Joe was reported in serious
condition at the hospital today.
The tragedy stunned this little
village of 229 population.
President's Envoy To
Vatican To Quit, Rumor
ROME, Dec. 20 UP) Uncon
firmed reports circulated in
Rome today that Myrton C. Tay
lor, former board chairman of
the U.S. Steel corporation, will re
sign soon from his post as spe
cial representative of President
Truman to the Vatican.
Tavlor refused to confirm or
deny the reports, adding that
tney were a "surprise to me.
A high Vatican source said the
reports were credible because
Taylor has been In poor health.
Taylor as a personal presiden
tial representative has the rank
of ambassador. The presence of
a presidential representative at
the Vatican has been criticized
from time to time by Protestant
circles in the United States.
Taylor was appointed to the
post in 1939 by President Roose
velt. Youth Convicted Of
Slaying Girl's Father
JACKSON, Miss., Dec. 20 fP)
Ronnie Pitts, described by the
prosecution as a debaucher with
a criminal mina, was convictea
last night of murdering the fath
er of his teenage schoolmate
The Jury recommended that
the 18-year-old youth be sentenc
ed to life imprisonment for the
slaying ot Ferry Henderson, va
cumm cleaner executive and fa
ther of his sweetheart, Anna
Mississippi law requires that the
trial Judge be guided hv tne
Jury's recommendation In pro
nouncing lormai sentence.
The state had sought the death
The youth told 1 lurid tale of
ellicit relations with his young
sweetheart. He showed no emo
tion when the verdict was read.
(NEA Tdephoio)
ly old man" she befriended
willed Mrs. Leone Smith
(above), a Chicago waitress, a
fortune estimated at $250,000.
The will came to light when
two elderly sisters-in-law of the
late Lucien G. Walker, 83-year-old
merchant, filed notice of
contest in probate court against
the waitress' claim. Mrs. Smith
served him breakfast for 14
years and said she left her job
to care for him in his final
days, "because he wanted me
at his side." NEA Telephoto.
Traitor To U. S.
Gets Prison Term'
Herbert John Burgman, for
mer American embassy clerk in
Berlin, was sentenced today to
six tar 20 years fri prisofh as a
Burgman, 53, was convicted
November 15 of treason for his
wartime broadcasts over the
Nazi radio. He is a native of
Hokah, Minn.
Federal district Judge Holtzoff
sentenced Burgman and ordered
him sent to the Federal peniten
tiary at Lewisburg, Pa.
The maximum penalty could
have been death. The minimum
for treason is five years in pri
son and a $10,000 fine.
Burgman admitled during his
five -week trial that he made
broadcasts over the German
shortwave radio station "De
bunk" under the alias of "Joe
Scanlon." He Insisted, however,
he had been forced to do so be
cause of fear of the Nazi ges
tapo. Burgman served with the
American expeditionary forces
in the first world war and join
ed the state department staff In
Berlin in 1921.
Mayor O'Dwyer Of N. Y.
Weds Elizabeth Simpson
STUART, Fla., Dec. 20. UP)
Mayor Wjlliam O'Dwyer of New
York was married today to Eliza
beth Sloan Simpson in a simple
ceremony at St. Joseph's Catho
lic church.
ODwyer Is 59 and his Texas
born bride 33.
k'- VP" 1
The public is invited to attend tonight's presentation of Handel's
Christmas oratorio, "Messiah," at the Junior high school audi
torium et 8:15 o'clock. The results of three months' rehearsals by
the 50-voice chorus end nine soloists will be offered on tonight's
program, which opens the 1949-50 season for the singing group.
Milk Strike j
Threatened In
Douglas Area
Producers Demand More
Money From Dairymen,
Spokesman Announces
A milk strike affecting the
three principal inland Douglas
county dairies may go into ef
fect tomorrow, following a stand
still in negotiations between dai
rymen and milk producers.
According to Ormond J. Feld
kamp, Umpqua dairy co-owner,
milk producers are asking more
money for their products a de
mand which local dairymen have
not agreed to meet.
Carl Binder, Elklon, president
of the Umpqua Valley Milk Pro
ducers association, said today
there would be no strike.
"The milk will be delivered,"
Binder said. "However, if our
request for a price increase, to
be paid by the dairymen, is not
met, the milk will not be dump
ed." Affected are the Myrtle Creek
dairy, the Roseburg dairy and
the Umpqua dairy.
Follows Action Elsewhere
Binder said the local move fs
in line with similar action taken
by milk producers in Medford
and Grants Pass, some of whom
deliver milk to the three dairies
involved. Binder said his asso
ciation is asking a straight ten
cent increase in milk and butter
fat, raising butterfat from $.90
to $1 and milk from $1.90 to S2
per hundred-weight. The associ
ation is also asking a four per
cent plant average, an increase
in the butterfat content put in
milk at the time of bottling.
Feldkamp said milk prices for
Oregon dairyman were set re
cently by the stale milk control
board and - that most dairying
communities are abiding by the
ruling. He classed action by local
producers as a "strike" to en-
(Continued on Page Two)
Racketeers Prey
On Business Men
Business men have been shak
en down for substantial pay
ments to gain certain privileges
from city and county employes
according to slate investigators.
Assistant Attorney General R.
Royce Russell said yesterday
that signed statements have been
received from several business
The statements, Russell said,
showed that the business men
paid to obtain permits and pri
vileges to which Ihey were legal
ly entitled. Payments were made
under presure, he added.
The commonwealth has been
conducting a secret inquiry of
city hall offices for some time
as a prelude to a full grand jury
Investigators were reluctant to
discuss details of the newest
shakedown racket hut said the
practices were similar to those
that resulted in the conviction of
fire Marshal George J. Gallagh
er and several of his aides.
Gallagher and his assistants
were convicted of taking pay
ments for approving oil burner
Installation permits.
20, 1949
Truman Shaping Agenda
For Congress As G. O. P.
Raises "Socialism" Cry
WASHINSTON, Dee. 20. (API Republican cries of "s
eialism" in Washington, while President Truman flexes his pro
gram, are heralding what may be the most Interesting struggle
in the new session of Congress.
The reconvening of Congress two weeks hence will signal
the marshalling of forces for the conflict. The House end Senate
face decisions on whet Mr. Truman calls the "fair deal" and
the opposition assails es the blueprint for a "welfare state" or
"poorhouse state."
Learns After 36
Years He Didn't
Kill Policeman
An itinerant horscshoer learned
yesterday that a policeman he
thought he killed 36 years ago is
still alive.
"It's sure a load off my con
science to know that policeman
didn't die," said 54-year-old Paul
F. Lovey.
Lovey was brought here for
questioning after he told Las
Vegas. Nev., officers he had kill
ed a Kansas City policeman Jan
uary 24, 1914.
In checking Lovey's story, po
lice took him to the Kansas City
Star's library to read some 1914
newspaper clipping on a shooting.
One of the clippings mentioned'
a patrolman J. B. Merritt.
"That's the man I shot," Lovey
"Well, you didn't kill anybody
then," said police Lt. Harry Nes
bltt. "Merritt recovered."
Merritt now lives near Gales
burg. 111.
An 18-year-old youth, Eugene
R. Jacobs, was sentenced to four
years at the state training school
after being identified as Mar
ritt's assailant, files on the Mer
ritt case show. Police said they
knew nothing of Jacobs' where
abouts now.
"That's what I've been afraid
of all along," Lovely said. "That
someone else had taken my rap."
Lovey has been charged with
assault with intent to kill. He is
being held without bond pending
a preliminary hearing Jan. 12.
Good Samaritan Act Puts
2 Men In Hands Of Law
JERSEY CITY, N. M., Dec. 20
(P Sometimes it Just doesn't
pay to be a good Samaritan.
That's what Clifford Wlesbrod
probably Is thinking today.
Last night Francis Dildlne'
slopped Wiesbrod's car and ask
ed for a push to get his own
stalled auto going.
Wiesbrod onliged.
As the two cars approached
an intersection, Dildine's vehicle
forged on ahead by its own mo
mentum and ran over Hudson
County Patrolman Edward Mul
Ilns, police said.
Mullins was taken to Jersey
city medical center with a fract
ured right knee.
Dildine was hooked by Hud
son county police on a charge of
assault and battery by automo
So was Wlesbrod.
Pictured above is a portion of
Charles A. Ricketts and accompanied by Esther beddes, organ
1st. Not shown in picture is Martha Jane Plimpton, piano accom
panist. The photo was taken at
performance, choir members
in congress the issue Is bound
to be cut clear for the congres
sional elections next year and for
tne presidential campaign in l5ii.
The strueele with the Dublic
a sideline spectator until ballot
ing time rolls around may be
fought on at least five fronts.
These sectors are Mr. Truman's
proposals for:
1. A vast expansion of the fed
eral social security program.
2. A federal plan of health in
surance that the opposition dubs
3. An expansion of the govern
ment's housing program.
i. a new larm program.
5. Federal aid to education.
Taxes Moot Phase
Perhaps the biggest fight of all
will settle on taxes, when Con
gress gets, to considering how the
government is going to pay for
the things it is being called upon
to do.
The administration opposition
already is booming for slashes in
(Continued on Page Two)
Greyhound Lines Ask
Package Rates Boost
A boost in charges for express
shipments on Uroynound bus
lines In Oregon was asked yes
terday by tne company.
The bus line proposed a new
minimum for packages of less
than 10 pounds going not more
than 50 miles. It would be 75
cents comnared with the nresent
45 cents. Other rates would go up
aooui iu percent.
Approval by the State Public
utilities commission is likely.
There was no public opposition
at the hearing.
Contract rales on packages
shipped dally would be nearly
doubled within the 50-mlle zone,
up from $6 to $11.25. For greater
distances, the boosts would be
relatively smaller.
Fireplace Burns Kill
Aged Man; Home Razed
SCIO, Ore., Dec. 20 UP) An
elderly farmer tumbled into a
fireplace yesterday and was fa
tally burned while a sick woman
was aroused and led to safety
from an adjoining apartment.
Linn county coroner N. S. Ful
ton reported Zlde Charles M
Cashen, 74, was alone in one part
of the double-dwelling. A mo
torist, Mrs. Carl Warren, detect
ed the smoke and woke up Mrs.
Floyd McCashen, a daughter-in-law
of the fire victim.
The home later was destroyed.
McCashcn's wife and son,
Floyd, were In Albany at the
time. The family had moved to
this area recently from Medford
and purchased the rural home.
the choral society led by Director
a recent rehearsal. For tonight's
will be garbed in white robes
(Staff Photo)
Sharp Letter
Dispatched To
Secy; Of Navy
Command Of Forces In
Eastern Areas Declined;
Retirement Pondered
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. UP) ,
The controversy over Admiral
Louis E. Denfeld's dismissal as
chief of naval operations and his
refusal of one lesser Job appear
likely to simmer on until after
Congress returns to the capital
next month.
In a bitter letter to Navy See-
retarv Matthews, the four-star
critic of defense department poli
cies has turned down the post
of commander-in-chief of U. S.
naval forces in the Eastern At
lantic and Mediterranean.
Denfeld's letter was made pub
lic by the Navy, at his request.
yesterday. It recalled the secre
tary s report to rresiaeni itu
man that Denfield was not loyal
to his superiors and lacked prop
er respect for authority. In view
of that statement, Denfeld wrote,
other nations might not have the
confidence In him that tne com
mander of the Eastern Atlantic
and Mediterranean fleet should
The ousted cniei oi naval op
erations added:
It is pertinent for me to ob
serve, furthermore, from the
events which have transpired
since my testimony before the
armed services committee of the
House of representatives on 13
October 149, that I would De
under an undesirable restraint
on the vital matter of Frank
discussion with the military rep-
(Continued on Page Two)
Santa Claus Asks
Address Of 'Judy"
Santa Claus wants to know:
which "Judy" wrote him a letter.
wnen ne visited at tne &iKg
Christmas nartv last Saturday
one of Judy's playmates handed
him a note which read:
'Dear Santa: I was coming to
the show but got sick last night.
Will you please send me some
thing. Thank you. Judy."
santa says tner are a lot or
Judys on his list and, as the
Roseburg girl failed to include
her address, he is at a loss to
know which of his many little
friends she might be.
So if Judy will have someone
call the Elks temple and tell her .
address, she will get the same
sifts of candy and fruit as re
ceived by other children at the
Elks party and maybe a little
bit more, because she was sick
and couldn't see the picture.
Thieves Steal Santa's
Outfits, Strip Tree
Dear Santa:
It would be a good Idea for
you to keep a sharp watch on
your sieign ana pack wnen you
come her Saturday night.
Two of your suits, plus two
sets of long white whiskers, have
been stolen irom cars here in the
past several days.
What's more, someone stripped
an outdoor Christmas tree of all
its lights.
Lloyd Klrklev and H. M. Bald
win of St. Michael's, Md., told
police that Santa suits were tak
en from their parked automobil
es here.
Kirkley had been planning to
take your part at a party.
ics, santa, you had better
keep a sharp eve on thlnes while
you are in Baltimore.
Chance Slim For Youth
Lost On Hunting Trip
Searchers pinned their hopei
lor rescue oi is-year-old Donald
McDonald today on the slim
chance that the mlsslne Walla
Walla youth had taken refuge
In one of the vacant cabins dot
ting the rugged, snow -covered
Blue mountain area.
The boy has been unsighted
since wandering away from an
eld hunting companion last
Thursday in the Black Snake
ride sector southeast ot here.
Near zero cold, six-foot snow
drifts and almost constant enow
flurries hampered searcher and
lowered chances of the youth's
Bohring Robert Wilson, 27,
Scottsburg, charged with forgery
of an endorsement, was lodged in
the county jail, with bail set at
$2,500, when arraigned in the
Reedsport justice court, Sheriff
O. T. "Bud'1 Carter said. He was
accompanied to Reedsport and
back by Deputies Dallas Bennett
and Cecil Beaver.
The State Highway commis
sion today awarded a contract
for rock production for the Trail
and Eagle Point sections of the
Crater Lake, Tiller-Trail and Lit
tle Butte highways to Fred Ler
ney of Blachly. The contract price
was $45,880.
Levity fact ant
By L. F. Reizenstelit
If drought-stricken New York
City were to confine Its plea to
Santa Claus In two words,
they'd probably bet "Rain,