The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Th Nw-Rvlw, Rosebur;, Or. Mon., Dae. 19, 1949
Douglas County Conservation Plan
For 1949 Completed; 500 Take Part
Farmers of Douglas count
have Drettv well comnleted a
conservation practices for 1949
ana are now planning ior ivov,
accordlne to J. F. Bonebrake,
chairman of the county PMA
committee. Incomplete records
Indicate that 500 farmers In
Douglas county carried out con
servation practices under the
1949 ACP. This is about 17 per
cent of all the farms In the coun
ty. The county allocation of funds
for assisting farmers in carrying
out approved conservation prac
tices in 1949 was $82,500. About
50 per cent of this will go to the
farmers for seeding pasture.
This practice is Important in
Douglas county because our soil
is organic matter and nitrogen,
and is suited to grazing more
than cropping.
It soon will be time to sign-up
In the 1950 Agricultural Conser
vation program. The county al
location of funds for the' coming
year Is $64,000. Chairman J. F.
Bonebrake explains that since
these are public funds to be used
to protect the public interest In
the soli and water resources of
Douglas county, each farmer as
well as each farmer committee
man has a responsibility to see
that every dollar is used to get
all the conservation possible. The
people of this country through the
government are cooperating with
farmers, he emphasizes, by shar
ing in the cost of conservation
practices which assure a con
tinued abundant but balanced
production from the land.
"Any farmer who cooperates
In this program," says the chair
man, "should be proud of t h o
part ho is taking in building more
productive land so that there will
always be plenty. This doesn't
Largest Stock In Douglas
164 E. 2nd Ave. S.
Phono 242
rT77T3r7jf ' 'I'JtJA WUHMJfi
Vol. XI, No. 49
Merry Xmoi
This no doubt sounds trite, but
still it is the truth. It seems
only a few weeks ago that we
were wishing you MERRY
CHRISTMAS for 1948. And here
It is a whole year later.
We will be closed on Decern.
ber 26th, and again on Jan. 2nd,
1950, since the big days fall on
Sunday. Quite a coincidence,
huh? So be sure you get enough
feed on Saturday so your birds
and beasts will enjoy a big
Christmas feed too.
Also, be sure that you ask
early lor your l'JSU calendar.
You will need it to kecD ud with
the times, and besides, so many
of our customers use our calen
dars to help In their record keep
ing. It is also a reminder to you
of the appreciation we feel to
ward you all through the year
tor your continued patronage.
Our Christmas wish to you Is
that, even though you may not
have been perfect little boys
and girls all year, that Santa
Claus will fill your stocking with
everything you have been wish
ing for, and that everything will
fit, so you won't have to spend
he next lew days excnanging.
Looking Ahead
It Is a bit early to make too
definite plans for 1950. t Don't
mat aate mane you teei oiacru
But we would like to call your
attention to a fact that you have
no other way of learning.
Last year, we tested 9.S41 tur-
'tevs lor bleeders, besides what
ever other testers may have
tested. This year, as nearly as
we can learn from those best
qualified to know, there will
not be more tnan o.uuu mras.
That's r loss of over one third.
Even if these breeders gave
phenomlnal results, say 20 poults
per breeder, (a very optimistic
figure), it would mean only tu,
000 turkevs for Douglas County
In 1950. The County planning
hoard recommends about 175,
000. Let's get our orders In early,
so we don't have to Import poults
from other districts. Remember,
the outlook is much brighter
than at tills time last year.
Sheepmen end Sheepke pan
It has Just occurred to us that
there arc far less sheepmen In
Douglas County than there arc
men keeping sheep. The differ
ence, as we view It is that a
sheepman Is kept by his sheep,
while the other gent Just keeps
his sheep.
While the season started off
fine for good winter pastures,
the recent cold weather has
mean too much of some things
now at the expense of not having
enough later on, but it does mean
so using the land to provide a
balanced abundance today ana
a continued balanced production
ior tne iwure.
New Strawberry
Hints Big Yield
strawberry develoDed In Wash
ington is yellows-resistant and
nromlses to out-vield an old fa-
vorite, the Marshall Berry, by
50 per cent, a researcher reports.
Addressing tne western waan
Meton Horticultural meeting. Dr.
C. D. Schwartze said the new
variety, named the "Northwest,"
may yield nine tons per acre.
It was developed by him at the
western wasnington txperimeni
station here.
Most strawberries are not good
canners. but Dr. Schwartze said
the "northwest" gives promise of
being a good canning berry. He
rated Its freezing quality
as about on a par wltn tne Mar
shall. Trial plantings have been dis
tributed to growers, the research
er said, and fuller reports of field
performance will be available
next year.
He said three varieties, one of
them developed by Dr. J. H.
Clarke of Cranguyma Farms,
Long Beach, may have solved
the problem of red stele rootrot.
The resistant varieties are Tem
ple, Sparkle and Fairland. Dr.
Clarke developed the Sparkle va
riety. Dr. D. F. Allmendlnger, sup
erintendent of the Southwest,
Washington Experiment station
at Vancouver, told delegates that
raspberry yields could be step
ped up 25 to 33 per cent by In
creasing the number of canes per
Dr. John H. Hanley of Seattle
was elected president, succeed
ing E. L. Tichnor of Centralla.
Morrill Delano, Puyallup, was
named first vice president, Art
Osgood of Lynden second vice-
Unci Honk Sei
changed things. Last winter was
a corker, and proved to many
iwpers mat it Daia to oecome
sheepmen. The ewes that were
fed brought enough wool to pay
thplr board, and brought either
single or twin lambs which
made the grade.
We don't say you must feed
nuallfy as a "SHEEPMAN." But
we do believe there is mighty
little, If anv, pasture sufficiently
lush that sheep shouldn't be fed.
And that wouldn't make the
iced a good Investment.
- - ........ ..una. ntiana at
molasses, Just anythlne that they
WOAA rl t . nlfnlf. ft.
iiKe ana mnve on. nut 11 you
vmiu ine jcea inai will give you
the most for your monev, and
keep your sheen in the hichest
condition, you can't find anv.
hlng better than UMPQUA
SHEEP CUBES. Proved every
year. 15 protein, and as always
true of all UMPQUA FEEDS,
priced right.
Two ladles were dlscusslne an-
other, (you know how it is,
Said Kitty: "Let's sec. her hus
band was a Judge, wasn't he?"
Said Kat: "Well, evervbodv
thought so until he married
What About This?
Seeing the fuss In the naners
about high property taxes, we
heard a swell idea the other day.
Edith, lour bookkeeper, you
know), says "Why not a with
holding tax on taxes? Then it
would come painlessl" like the
rest of our taxes, and wouldn't
spoil our Christmas season like
this year. ' We believe Edith has
something there. We don't holler
about paying 307o of all our In
come for all other sorts of taxes.
r.. mmmrni
Up r&sm .. McdK
BULLY FOR HER . . . FOUR OF THEM! Cleo, a 8-year-old Holstein cow, casts a wary eye
about as her newborn quadruplet bull calves make their camera debut at the Sarafin Morals farm
near Newman, Calif. This is Cleo's second set of quadruplets, bringing her total offspring to 11.
president and Dr. Schwartze secre
tary-treasurer, uave Biscnon,
Vancouver, was elected to t h e
board of directors.
Governor Langlie was princi
pal speaker at the annual ban
quet talking in opposition to the
proposed Columbia valley ad
SALEM. UP) Melvln Conk-
lln, Salem, was named bv the
Slate department of Agriculture
to supervise slaughterhouse sani
tation in Oregon.
For the past eight vears. he
has been field supervisor for the
milk control law.
Dae. 19, 1949.
Hod You Noted?
The price of eggs is still down.
Had you noticed that the price
of UMPQUA FEEDS were down
a fraction too? We sharpened
up the eversharp and figured
how we could save a nickel off
here and there, without In any
way lowering the quality. What
we can't savvy is, at the time
we were dropping our prices a
bit to help you out, most other
feed companies felt Impelled to
hike theirs about the same
o a
On That Bum Feed
Mrs. B. J. Hardy has a fine
flock of leghorn pullets, Just
shucking out eggs for Gosh
Sakes. When egg prices hit the
skids, she decided to do some
thing about it. So she changed
abruptly from a high priced feed
she had been using right over
It will seem strange to many of
you, but we were not surprised
when she said the birds seemed
happier, are laying Just as many
eggs, and best of all, Mrs. Hardy
is a heap happier over the size
of her feed bill. You too, can get
at way. For a Merry Christ
mas, let us suggest vou f-ed your
laying flock UMPQUA FEEDS.
They always come thru in the
Sambo was arraigned In a
Texas court. The clerk read off:
"The State of Texas versus
Sambo Johnson."
At which Sambo exclaimed
hopelessly: "Lawdy Gawd! What
a majority!
Things Will Chang
Eggs are cheap. It has hap
pened before. Annually, In fact.
It will happen again. Wanna bet
on it? Next fall a lot of people
are gonna wish they had raised
chickens. Egg prices will he high
again. If you set eggs you can't
sell, or buy from a good grower,
you can get the cheapest chlx in
years. And they will pay you
well next summer. Don't miss a
chance to get in the dough.
Tourist: "You mean you've
lived In this out-of-the-way place
over 50 years!"
Old Timer: "That's what I
T.: "But reallv. I can't see
what you can find to keep you
O. T.: "Neither ran I. That's
what I like about It."
(We gotta notion to go there
New Spray Hailed
In Chemist's Talk
ist hails the development of a
new form of parathlon spray
which should kill fewer people
and more bugs. .
The spray, a poisonous farm
chemical for the control of mites
and aphis, was used widely this
year and has been reported high
ly effective on the little crawlers.
R. D. Eiehmann, Portland
chemist, described the safer
spray in a talk on the insecticide
situation at the annual meeting
of the Western Washington Hort
icultural association. He said,
however, it had claimed a "num
ber of lives" this year and cited
four such instances.
The new developments, Eieh
mann said, are wet formulations.
One is a paste mixture of para
thlon and DDT and the other
a slurry f water suspension of
parathlon. They replace dusts
and wcttable powders.
it was tne lnhaianiuty or tne
powder that made it d e a d 1 v
Eichman explained, with deaths
resulting from breathing the dust
or powder.
Even the wet form remains
highly dangerous, he warned
and still is not meant for inter
nal use by humans.
Good old DDT was hailed by
the speaker as "still the most
important Insecticide in the Pa
cific Northwest." It's 1949 record
was particularly cited for knock
ing off the coddling moth, pea
aphis, potato flea beetle, alfalfa
weevil and the lygus bug on le
Eiehmann disposed of the bugs
but another speaker, Dr. Folke
Johnson, associate plant patho
logist at the Western Washington
To earn our rating as International Triple Diamond
Service Dealers we bad to meet seven rigid qualifica
tions. Among these qualifications are technical skill
and training of our mechanics; use of International
approved tools and equipment; installation of International-engineered
parts; and established fair prices.
And the seven qualifications we have met mean this
to you: 1. Yon get the very best in truck service from
us, anything from a lubrication job to a complete over
haul. 2, We save you money because of our quick,
expert work and our eslablitbtd jair prices.
527 N. Jackson
Experiment station, brought
word of a new virus wnicn inrea
tens the $5,000,000 raspberry in
dustry. The Washington raspberry,
principal variety grown in these
parts, may be infected with one
or more new viruses, .ie dciiu.
"It is not impossible, though
unlikely, that the virus causing
strawberry yellows may have
been transferred in some way
into raspberry plantings," he
said. '
Growers should be careful
where they obtain new plants,
he warned.
Featherless Rooster
To Get Tweed Clothes
MOBILE. Ala. UP) Sam
the featherless rooster has only
an old wool sock to protect him
from the winter chill but ne can
look forward to better times.
Hes been promised a tweea
suit for Christmas.
Mrs. Anne Brown ot untario,
Calif., Offered to make the suit
after seeing an Associated Press
wirephoto of Sam, bare and un-
t.ippy, pcrcned on owner imck
Hasselvander's hand.
Hasselvanrier accepted Mrs.
Brown's offer and sent Sam s
measurements posthaste.
In the meantime, Sam must
stay in his warm chicken house,
or wander forlornly about the
barnyard like a sad sack in his
old sock.
SALEM (P) Oregon residents
can take fruits, vegetables or
nuts into California, the state ag
riculture department says.
No Inspections ate required un
til they reach California, and the
California inspection isn't too se
vere, the department said.
Phone 1 ISO
Farm Bureau
Won't Support
Brannan Plan
CHICAGO. UP) The Ameri
can Farm Bureau Federation has
rejected flatly the Brannan plan
for direct subsidies to farmers.
The action was taken at the
annual meeting.
ine federations 5,000 agricul
tural leaders from 48 states voted
in favor of continuing and mak
ing more flexible the compromise
farm support program enacted
by congress this year.
After refusing to permit ad
ministration ennnenre nf (ka
secretary of agriculture's plan to
nuuiess i n e.m, me aeiegatcs
adopted a stern Indictment of the
Brannan proposal.
They said "the ultimate effect
of such a program would be na
tionalization of agriculture and
the distribution system," the cost
would be "staggering," and it
"would place a ceiling on oppor
tunity in agriculture."
The convention re-elected Fed
eration President Allan R k-llna
of Vinton, Iowa, who has ied the
uppusuion to tne Brannan pro
gram. The expressions on price sup-
nnrtn worn nai-r nt a tiCnona
of resolutions which included:
support of the ECA and the
recommendation that emphasis
be ntaCPH nn enlf.hnln omnnrw
European nations,, leveling of
n i r .
loin, wctus ana solutions 01 cur
rency difficulties.
Support of President Truman's
point four of foreign policy to
make American technological
skills available to the world: sup
port of the International food and
agriculture organization and the
United Nations; and urging of
continued efforts for international
atom bomb control.
Oregon Specialty
Crops Increased
Oregon's speciality field and
drug crop production doubled dur
ing the war years and the acre
age has dropped off only moder
ately since, O. S. C. extension
agricultural economists point
out in a new statistical yearbook,
extension bulletin number 696,
"Oregon's Specialty Field and
Drug Crops."
Copies may be obtained free
from county extension offices or
by writing direct to the college.
Covering the period 1915
through 1948, the publication
deals with such crops as hops,
fiber flax, peppermint, flaxseed,
dry beans, sugar beets raised for
sugar, and dry edible peas.
Hops still show the highest ec
onomic value among the special
ty crops, the authors point out.
Production problems and lower
prices, however, have reduced
the Willamette valley hop acre
age, where 90 percent of the Or
gon crop is raised.
While hops still account for
more than one-half of the state's
specialty crop income, sugar
beets, dry edible peas and pep
permint, by comparison, show the
greatest recent increase.
During the period 1935-1939,
cash receipts from farm market
ings amounted to $4,000,000 an
nually from the specialty group.
During the three year period ,
1945 through 1947, cash receipts
from the same group averaged
$21,000,000 annually.
Return of European flax fiber
to U. S. markets at the end of
the war and high income from
other crops have contributed to
reducing Oregon's fiber flax acr
eage below the pre-war level. A
wartime high of 18.000 acres in
1942 had fallen to 2.000 acres In
1948, the economists indicate.
eisimuti ir
Electric Wood Heating
Data Gathered By OSC
Results of studies into the use
of high frequency heating in the
manufacture of Douglas fir ply
wood or other laminated fir pro
ducts have just been published
by the engineering experiment
station here In bulletin form.
The bulletin, No. 28, Is tech
nical in nature and reports on
the research by J. J. Wittkoff of
the electrical engineering depart
ment, and M. D. McDonald, Ore
gon Forest Products laboratory,
into the "Dielectric Properties
of Douglas Fir on High Frequen
cies," used as the bulletin title
as well.
Use of high frequency, appa
ratus as a source of heat to cure
as a source of heat to cure re
resir. glues quickly is already
standard price in some large
plywood plants, the authors point
out. Wtih additional Information
the process can have much wid-
1 SSn.4?S
Cultivate Either Way
Among owners results have
proved that the Rototiller meth
od of cultivation is the most
effective. It breaks weeds and
grasses into tiny fragments,
pulverizes surface soil and con
serves moisture. Where conven
Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange
' ' ' ROSEBURG, OREGON' ;' " ;' ' .
Phone 98 ;.. -m i..
Located W Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Track
g& 'raft,
while you cut ironing time in half I
Now, sit down to do a
whole week's ironing easily, j
expertly and in half the
time I It's simple. With a
Frigidaire Electric Ironer
you iron clothes faster,
smoother, neater, without
lifting, backache, physical
strain. Frigidaire Electric
Ironer has many features
you'll like. Some aret
Umpqua Valley Appliance
120 W. Oak
Ever since Mrs. William Shanks'
little red hen laid a double-yolk
egg at the age of four months,
it's maintained a record worth
cackling about.
The New Hampshire Red fol
lowed up with a series of twn.
yolkers and even a few triples.
And now, on the basis of its
latest effort, Mrs. Shanks feeli
she owns a real hen of distinc
tion. She says her chicken laid an
egg weighing just one ounce less
than half a pound. It had four
yolks, measured 7 3-8 inches
around the center and 9 3-8 inch
es lengthwise.
er application in related indus
tries wherever wood is glued to
gether, they say.
The bulletin, obtainable free, la
Intended as a reference work for
those interested in this field.
Studies with other woods are contemplated.
tional methods using beet hoes,
steels, duck feet, etc, are pre
ferred, the cultivating attach
ment (see small view) is avail
able for multiple row work.
Com . . . See for TomruH
Opon-n! rail. ToltM
hMtt oimI taklMlHis
Automatic, MUctiv heat
Rall-ttaa far aratilnf
a Sa-praf 10-inch Iranar
a Praitaa-Maric Foot Con
trol, loavti hand! fcaa
a Soloctiva ipaadt far
moll and large piocoo
Phon 1218
' IB