Few Steelhead Seen At Count Station Lately Other Fish Abundant; Steelhead Migration At Virtual Standstill Migration of winter Bteelhead has been at a virtual standstl'l during December, despite the fact that an abundant supply of fish is noted in the river, Robs Newcomb, resident biologist with the Oregon Game department re ports. Only 335 steelhead have been tallied at the Winchester counting station, as of December 15, as compared with 1,254 to the same date last year, 934 In 1947 and 1,005 in 1946. That the low count does not indicate a lack of fisn is evidenced by the large num ber of steelhead observed in low er water, Newcomb savs. Migration, he reports, norm ally stops when water tempera ture drops to 42 degrees and water in the river has been right on the oorderllne since the first of the month. Indications are, he said that the migration has been halted by the drop in water tem perature. Silverside salmon tallied over the counting board numbered 13 30 on Dec. 15, as compared with 737 last year, 1010 In 1947 and 1379 in 1946. Silverside jack sal mon this year number 82 as com pared with 53, 28 and 58 for the same period in each of the pre ceding years. Canyonville Volleyball Girls Defeat Camas Valley Canyonville Tigresses helped make it a double school victory against , Camas Valley Friday night, by trouncing their oppo nents 28-8 in a vollyball gam?. The Tigresses Jumped into an early lead and stayed ahead, leading 13-9 at the half. Theloz Ford, with eight points and Jame Wolfer and Dora .lean Sprlngstead, each with .five points, were leading Tigress scorers. 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Dee. 19, 1949 BY 54-33 COUNT Klamath Pelicans Defeat Indians Again; Next Tilt Against Grants Pass Here Difference in height and gen eral lack of experience again proved to work against Roseburg In the second of a two-game se ries with Klamalh Falls. The host Pelican club easily defeated Coach Jack Newby's shorter Indians, 54-33 Saturday night at Klamath Falls. Friday night, the Pelicans beat the In dians 53-34. With men like high-scoring Schubert, at 6'6" on the squad, Klamath Falls entertained little difficulty in backboard play. Each Itoseburg attempt at th? rebound was more times than not nabbed by a lanky Pelican play er and tipped in for a bucket. Leads Scoring Schubert, Pelican forward, led the scorerB with 16 points. Hi was paced by 6'5" Pelican re serve guard Carlson, who netted 10 points. Larry Freeman, Roseburg starting guard, who recently moved up from the junior var sity smmd, led the Indians scor ers with nine points, including three field goals and three foul shots. ' Freeman's team play ' as laud ed by Newby. Frank Olson, start ing Indian center, was commend ed by Newby for his backboard work. Unfortunately Olson wasn't connecting with buckets. Attitude Different Another handicapping feature at Klamath Falls, according to Newby, was the higher altitude, which apparently tired the Rose burg players. The Pelican bas ketball court is 4,105 feet above sea level, while the Senior high maples rise only 479 foet above the level of the ocean's surface. Quarter scores favored Klam ath Falls 14-9, 28-18 and 38-26. Buddy Mathews, one of Rose burg's high scorers Friday night, failed to see any action Saturday, because of a charlie horse suffered In the earlier game. The Indians return to he prac tice . court tonight. Their next game, to be played on the senior high court, will he against Grants Pass, on Dec. 28. Uoaeburc Tt Ft Pf Tp Caen, t ..2 0 2 4 .Sconce, f 1 3 S 5 Olson, c 1 14 3 Freeman, g .3 3 3 0 Gurey, g 2 5 4 B. Van Horn, I 0 0 2 n. Van Horn, 0 0 10 Campbell. 1 0 1 2 BriKiiH, i 0 12 1 Johnson, I , 0 0 0 0 Conley, I .. 1 12 3 Klamath FalUt Schubert, f tioege, I PeUoldt, c Overan, g - Toole, g Metier, s Znrorinskl, i M Olnon, ...,v. ....... Carr, ... Van Lue, i . Carlion, ............ 11 11 29 19 16 21 S4 College Basketball (By The Aiioclated Preu) Washington 38, Alpine Dairy 30. Utah 51, Oregon State 42. Nevada 6a. Portland M. Pacific Lutheran 43, Pacific Univer sity 32. Vanport 97, Menlo Park, Calif. 42. Linfield 88, Laverne 92. Eastern Washington 67, Whitman 48. Southern Oregon 66. Eastern Ore son 52. Western Washington 66, Seattle Pa cific 04. San Francisco 53. UCLA 40 Colorado A & M 67, St. Marya (can I.) H. Colorado 71. Southern Methodist 48. Wvomlnl M. Idaho 40. Stanford 69, San Francisco Olympic Utah State 69. Lawrence Tech. 59 Western Montana 64, Southern Ida ho 59. Montana State College 73, Whit worth 92. Northern Idaho 04, College of Ida ho 9U. College of Pacific 56, Sacramento State 49. Southern California 79, St. Joseph Cornell 60, Yale 57. West Virginia 67, Ohio Wesleyan 48. Washington State 96, Buffalo Uni versity 44. Rhode Island State 90. Vermont 90. Holy Cross 49, New York Universi ty 34. Army 70, St. Lawrence 93. Canlsius 55, California 53. Long Island 96, Denver 43. Syracuse 72, Rutgers 93. Colgate 76, Princeton 68, DuQuesne 64, Kansas 94. Muhlenberg 75, Pennsylvania 57. Georgia Tech. 78, Davidson 99. Duke 81, Wash-Lee 67 (overtime). Clcmson 79, Richmond 53. Georgetown (DO 58, Harvard 53. Georgia 77, South Carolina 02. Navy 75, Maryland .62. Louisiana State 73, Florida 49. Miss. State 47, Alabama 44. Tulane 70, Mississippi 58. Purdue 71, Bradley 65. Wisconsin 66, Notre Dame 58. Nebraska (10, Baylor 55. Iowa 97, Western Reserve 57. Missouri 73, Michigan State 54. St. Louis 80, Texas Christian 53, Drake 75, Colorado College 60. Oklahoma City 93, Hardin Simmons 31, Arizona 56, Texas Aggies 50. Texas 84, Trinity (Tex.) 37. NEW TWIST Oakland Bests Drain Oakland A's grade school team defeated Drain 16-15 last week it Oakland. Scevers of Oakland was high scorer with 10 points. Lineups included for Drain: Wea ver 7, Swearenton 4, Davey 2, Nutt, Gromes 2. Oakland: J An derson 2, Bullock, Scevers 10, Beahm 4, Kendall and Loper. OAKLAND GIRLS WIN Oakland A's girls volleyball team beat Drain girls 33-21 last week at Oakland. 4 Deck the house with boughs of holly, Custom-fitted slips make every woman jolly BUY 'EM BY THE ARMFULLi oBSS.xjSBSS'""" You don't need a sllda rule to order LAROS custom-fitted from stock DIMENSIONAL Slips that deep In lacs Your iilea of their dimensions maybe vague (and we really need 'em)! Never mind do your best to estimate, and we'll do (Jie rest after Christ mas with the aid of our handy little gift card which corrects errors and apologizes for you in advance, in case you overestimated the power of your woman. That way you'll get all the credit for giving what every woman likes best luxury lingerie by Laros in slips that have that "made for her alone" custom look and fit. , Km. u.s. of. For die protection of employee., our gentlemen patron, arc iiK iaciI lliat our artist has exaggerated the Christinas cheer we so cheerfully dispense in this department. by ? Rayon Laros Slips 2.95 to 10.95 All Gifts . . A . Attractively Wrapped Nylon LarOS Slips 6.00 tO 7.95 Sizes 32 to 56 Give Her a Mabel Lewis Gift Certificate ROSEBURG Browns Employ Psychologist To Help Win ST. LOUIS CP) The owners of the St. Louis Browns, willing to try any.ning t- improve the club's position, have eome up with a psychologist. He Is Dr. David F. Tracy of New York author, lecturer and specialist in psychological prob lems. Dr. Tracy convinced President Bill DeWitt that he can do things toward building the players' con fidence and boosting their morale. He has been hired for four weeks of the 1950 spring baseball train ing season. Will Have Free Hand The psychologist will have a free hand at the Burbanl., Calif., training base in his efforts to In still a spirit of confidence in the players. He also will concentrate on teaching them how to relax and overcome tension. "After I teach the Dlavers emo tional stability," Dr. Tracy told DeWitt, "they will automatically climb higher In the league race. With my treatments, the club should finish fifth and may even climb to fourth." The club finished seventh in the American league last season and had a narrow escape from the cel lar. Incidentally, the Browns drew fewer spectators through the turnsiles than any other team in the major leagues. Goes Back to Yankee Tiff The hiring of Dr. Tracy goes back to last summer. Tracy, a tormer athlete himself, was at the Yankee stadium one Sunday when the Browns dropped a doublcheader to the Yankees. La- ;er he called on DeWitt and his brother, Charley, the club's vice -resident id i'X"iPincrt how he thought he could heln the club. "Dr. Tracy explained to us," President DeWitt said, "that un der the stress of a hard-fought game ap layer tenses up. Errors result. Psychology, aiding a play er to overcome this mental stum bling block, gets at the bottom of this trouble and enables him to combat these tensions the minute they develop." S.V Suit Yourself at Joe Richards p, 1$ Strickland Tops Davidson In Mat Thriller Gordon Hesseil, Dave Detton Win Semi-Final, Preliminary Matches It was a colorful, dynamic and rough main event that wrestling patrons witnessed at the Rose burg armory Saturday night. George Strickland came through with his second win over bad man Buck Davidson In an "anything goes" brawl that turn ed into a real slug-fest. After Davidson took Strickland in the first fall with a sensational surfboard, exactly 45 seconds aft er the opening gong, Strickland was ready to eat nails. He came back in the next two falls, beating his antagonistic op ponent urst witn a series oi arm stomps, then in the third fall col lected the winner's purse by dis posing of Davidson with knee stomps. The clash was a dilly, with only about four wrestling holds used. The balance of the match was a series of free-for-all actions rare ly seen in these parts. It was a no - disqualification classic, with hardly any holds barred. In the opener, Dave Detton bested Billy McEuin with a step over toe hold. In the second pre liminary action, a scheduled two out of three fall, 30-minute af fair, Gordon Hessel, in 16 min utes, disposed of Lee Grable in one fall. Time ran out before ei ther could do anything, after the first fall. Elton Owen refereed. YMCA League Schedule Told YMCA BASKETBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS Won Lost Pet. Christian Church 2 0 1.000 Umpqua Plywood .. 2 0 1.000 Junior Chamber ....0 2 0.000 National Guard 0 2 0.000 There will be no games played this Tuesday as there is to be an American Legion Christmas party in the armory. However, on Dec. 27 the league will again swing into action. The games that week should be interesting because the "Mites' oi the National Guard will take on the Jaycees and one of the teams will be pushed into tne lone cellar position. In the second game of the evening, a league leader will be determined and one team will drop from the undefeated ranks. All teams are reminded to have a referee there for the game that their team is not playing, reported Nat John son, YMCA program chairman. The public is invited to see all these games. A schedule for the rest of the season follows: Date Tlma Time 7:30 0:00 Dec. 6 UP vs. NG JCC vs. CC Dec. 13 UP vs. JCC NG vs. CC Dec. 20 No Games Dec. 27 JCC vs. NG UP vs. CC Jan. . 3 UK vs. NG JCC vs. CC Jan. 10 - UP vs. JCC NG vs. CC Jan. 17 JCC vs. NG UP vs. CC Jan. 24 UP vs. NG JCC vs. CC (First Half Ends Jan. 31 UP vs. JCC NG s. CC Feb. 7 JCC vs. NG UP vs. CC Feb. 14 UP vs. NG JCC vs. CC Feb. 21 UP vs. JCC NG vs. CC Feb. 28 ICC vs. NG UP vs. CC Mar. 7 UP vs. NG JCC vs. CC Mar. 14 UP vs. JCC NG vs. CC Mar.21 JCC vs. NG UP vs. CC UP Umpqua Plywood. CC First Christian Church. NG National Guard. JCC Junior Chamber of Commerce. Sutherlin Loses To Kerby, 28-25 Sutherlin Bulldogs came out second best in a J-D-J league game with Kerby Saturday night at Oakland, losing 28-25. . It was a close one all the way, with Sutherlin leading at the half and three quarter mark, 15-12 and 22-19. Kerby paced tile Bulldops iu-b at tne end oi the lu st quarter. With about four minutes to go. Kerby caught up, overtook Sutherlin, went on to win. Sutherlin lost their own game at the free throw line. With 24 gift opportunities, the Bulldogs were able to connect only 13 times. Kerby was good on 10 out of 14 foul shot tries. Kerby 28 Sutherlin 25 Maurer 4 F 4 Willis Lewis 2 F 3 Erickson Manner 5 C 2 West Rouber 4 G Linden Holly 8 G 1 Church Kerby subs Hale 2, Crowl, Wieler, Radcliffe 3. Sutherlin subs Buck 13, Holgate 2, Kroush. Otficials Erickson and i.ddy. The harpoon gun for catching whales was invented about 1860. 'M--iTTK "TTs V.sHT "W YOUR TRACTOR TIRES Will WORK BETTIR r FILLED WITH NS Regardless of Make The Solution 100 way of weighting tires gives you lp to 25 more drawbar pull gets more work done, faster, with less fuel. Too, this one-shot" inflation gives you more time saving. You can hang up the pressure gauge for good and forget inflation worries. Arrange for Solution 100 service now. -f :r -" - Oregon High School Basketball Scores (By The Associated Preu) Pendleton 3tt, Mllton-Kreewater 36. Klamath Fall 54, Roseburg 33. La Grande 51. The Dalle 38. North Bend 39, Albany 30. Cleveland (Portland) 38. Beaverton 36, McMinnville 35, Franklin (Portland St. Mary's (Eugene) 49, Mt. Angel 29, Benson (Portland 30, Tigard 33. Hllbboro 49. Si. Helens 23. Sweet Home 42, Washington (Port. isnai jo. Seaside 49, Star of the Sea 39. Garibaldi 39, Clatskanie 13. Sllverton 32, Newberg 57. Milwaukie 44. Oregon City 39. Central Catholic (Portland 53, As toria 3d. Roosevelt (Portland) 62, Mnrshfield 46. Grant Pass 36, Lebanon .13. Hood River 44, White Salmon, Wash. 24. CARTER TIRE CO. 3 J I Ss 44 N. Stephens Phona 1683 Canyonville Beats Camas Valley In B-Leaquer, 26-21 The Canyonville Tigers finally broke into the win column after two losses, defeating Camas Val ley 26-21 Friday night in a 3 leage game at Camas Valley. It was a close game all the way, with Canyonville's Arm strong and Shipper getting off the first two field goals, out the val leyites tied it up at 4-all. The score alternated until near ly the half, when the Tigers went ahead 13-9. Camas Valley bounc ed back, went ahead 17-16 as the third quarter ended. The Tiger's Armstrong, who was high scorer with 17 points, went on a scoring rampage and pulled the game out of the fire for the visiting Canyonville team. Wheeler was high scorer for Camas Valley, with eight. Other high scorers were Shipper of Can yonville, and Dancer of Camas each with six. Hunter Bags Nine-Point Deer, But He's Unhappy BOUND BROOK, N. J., Dec. 19. VP) John Wojnar is a crest fallen hunter today. Wojnar has been hunting deer in season for more than five years. This year he bagged a nine point buck, and entered it in the 21st annual buck deer contest run by Frank Efinger, owner of a Bound Brook sporting goods store. Efinger gives two prizes each year for the first deer killed and lor tne Heaviest. Wolnar brought his kill in first. The buck, along with eight oth ers, was hung on a rack outside Efinger s store to await tne judg ing yesterday. During the night thieves made off with Wojnar's buck; The hunter still was Indisput ably eligible for the prize far bringing in the first buck of the season. That's lust the trouble the prize for the first deer is a free mounting of the head. Drain B's Take Close Win Over Oakland B's Drain B's defeated Oakland B's 12-11 in a close basketball tussle at Oakland last week, that went into an overtime period. The Oaks led 7-5 at the end of the third, but the fourth quart er ended 11-all. A Drain free throw was good for the winning point. Lineups lor urain: u. Brown, D. Moore 1, Matten 6, C. Parker, Dunen 3, Leroy. Oakland: Os burn, Moss 1, Gibson 4, Loper 5, Bowmen, C. Anderson, bnyder, Pryor 1. . Buckeyes Practice Near Site Of Rose Bowl Tilt PASADENA. VP) The Buck eyes of Ohio State buckled down to business today right next door to the Rose Bowl. Coach Wes Fesler and 37 of his Big 10 grid champions flew in yesterday and the head man said he will run two workouts a day at Brook-side park, just a pass and a punt away from the arena where the Bucks meet California Jan. 2. "I know we're up against one of the best teams the West has produced in several years," said Fesler, "but we're going in to win." Volleyball Continues The regular YMCA Volleyball hour for men will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the armory on Tues day and Thursday this week, an nounced Harold Backen, "Y" adult committee chairman. All men of the community are re minded that they are welcome to eome, and, Backen added, the hour is for exercise and enjoy ment and not for just athletes, tints every man can enjoy it. The men should bring their own gym shoes, trunks and a towel. A charge of 25 cents is made to defray expenses. M I ' Big Week For Northern College Fives OSC Drops Saturday Tilt To Utah, 51-44, Plays Indiana Next By the Associated Press It's a bie week for northern division. Coast conference, bas ketball squads with no less than 15 games -gainst major college competition on the schedule be fore Santa Claus makes his week end journey. The touring Idaho Vandal and Washington State college cougars will be the most ac tive. Each will play four games. Washington has three contest, billed, Oregon and Oregon State each have two. Oregon State, winch dropped a 51-42 tilt to Utah Saturday night, and Washington State, a 56-44 winner over Buffalo univer sity, both see action tonight. OSC takes on Indiana's Big 10 quintet in the first of two tilts, and the all-winning Cougars ov into Madison Square garden against perennially powerful St. John's. The rest of the week's schedule includes: Tuesday Idaho vs. Iowa State at Ames; Oregon vs. Stanford at Eugene; Oregon State vs. Indiana at Corvallis; Washington vs. Minnesota at Seattle. Wednesday Idaho vs. Drake at Des Moines; Oregon vs. Stan ford at Eugene; Washington vs. Minnesota at Seattle; Washing ton State vs. Bradley at Peoria, 111. Thursday Idaho vs. Morning side at Sioux City, Kas.; Washing ton State vs. Kansas State at Manhattan, Kas. Friday Idaho vs. Nebraska at Lincoln, Neb.; Washington vs. Stanford at Seattle; Wash ington State vs. Wyoming at Laramie, Wyo. WSC's Cougars kept pace with the Washington Huskies in the win column, each with six tri umphs and no defeats. The Hus kies marked up No. 6 Saturday at the expense of the Independ ent Alpine Dairy five by the low socre of 38-30. Pacific Lutheran also marked up its sixth straight win with a 45-32 decision over Pacific uni versity. Yoncalia Downs Oakland, 40-38 Yoncalia defeated the Oakland high basketball team, 40-38, Fri day night in an overtime thriller that was deadlocked 38-38 at the end of regular play. Oakland had been in the lead most of the way, but the Yoncalia hoopers knotted the score and moved ahead in the overtime period. Oakland's Hill was high scorer with 14. Two Oakland . starters fouled out of the game. Lineup: Oakland 38 Yoncalia 40 Hill 14 F 4 Wise Brownson 9 .... F 11 Gordon Robertson 9 .... C 10 Rust Rice 4 G .. 3 Lloyd Seeley 2 G 6 Metz U 4 Waters Officials: Ladd and Harris, both of Roseburg. Louis Fights Tonight OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 19. (P) Joe Louis, retired heavy weight champion who keeps in sisting he will remain in that category, dons the gloves for a scheduled 10-round match here tonight. His opDOjient will be Al Hoos man, a Los Angeles Negro who stands 6 feet 5 inches and weighs some 200 pounds. Hoosman once was a sparring partner of Louis. Whether the fight will go the distance is problematical. Louis is expected to level with the best punches from the start. Hoosman is last and a good boxer, flight ounce gloves will be used. GLEN DALE, TOWN I ES WIN Glendale townies beat Riddle townies 45-35 Friday night at Glendale. Lonnie Bates, guard, was high scorer with 15 points. Bowling Scores CLASSIC LEAGUE Team SUiidlnfi Team Wen The Spot Tavern . 1 v f. w sa MobU Gal 20 Mobil G a. V. T. W. 3, The Spot Tavern 1, Bonebendera 1, Hemarka High Individual game acore: A. Ment- ter, 223; D. Youndt. 223; hlri individual aeriea acore: D. Yundt, 623. The Spot Tavern E Sarent 151 164 HI 469 C Shoft IK 166 201 MS A. Jacklln 167 181 172 520 T. Freadman 201 157 202 360 Total 605 660 7262031 Pearson MobU Gas E. Flngerloa 168 172 136 478 B Teaney 1S7 180 165 4U2 M. Bait 170 188 212 570 A. MonUer 163 108 225 606 Total C. Hopkins . H. Winston D. Yundt S. Short Total .658 738 7382134 F. W. 197 150 225 ...215 205 .171 728 786 Bonebendera 154 152 147 T. Mix F. Wllev T. Buettner ..143 F. Baughman 186 1H7 178 156 205 303 130 460 219 623 156 576 7182231 103 469 213 547 156 477 213 559 ...632 671 745 204S Glendale Downs Riddle In South Glendale chalked up its first south half B-league basketball victory with a 42-26 win over the Riddle Irish at Glendale Friday night. Glendale's John Harbour, for ward, paced the scorers with 19 points, while Riddle's Buckley, guard, scored 10 points. Bill Chandler, Glendale, and Nifka, Riddle guard; were second highest scorers on their respec tive teams, with seven points a piece. In a preliminary game, Glen dale's second string defeated Rid dle's second string 17-12. Officials were Spencer of Can yonville and Bates of Glendale. OSC Defeated By Utah, 51-42 CORVALLIS, (m Oregon State's basketball Beavers turn ed today to their two-game ser ies with the touring Indiana Cag ers after splitting the weekend games with Utah. The midwest em team plays tonight and to morrow. Coach Slats Gill's team lost Saturday to Utah, 51 to 42, after winning the night previous, 53 to 41, in the game that Initiated the new Gill coliseum floor. The University of Utah players opened the scoring with free throws and quickly boomed a head 9-3 with sophomore Glenn Smith setting the pace. The stat ers cut this down, with Jack Do tour, Len Rinearson and BUI Harper scoring, to 1412, but Utah rallied and put the halftime at 23-18. A tight defense allowed O SC to score only seven of 15 at tempted field goals. Oregon State caine up midway in the second half with their only serious threat and tied 33-all. In the drive, after Bob Payne and Ray Snyder put Utah's margin at 33-31, a technical foul on Utah brought two free throws and Ri nearson and Dick Ballantyne got both of the throws. But another Utah rally broke up that try and OSC was falling steadily behind toward the finajs. Federal hatcheries provide bass for farm fish ponds and sun fish for them to eat. Check your Daily Office Needs . . . Ink . Staples Paper Clips Steno Pads ' Pencils D & L Stationers 325 S. Stephens Phone 173Y FARMERS Local claims service is your assur ance of fast repairs when your car is damaged. LOW RATES . . . on collision and liability cov erage gives you standard protec tion at substantial --or1 ,ti Paul H. Krueger 636 S. Stephens Phone 216 SAVINGS $10-10 Liability Coverage $5000-10,000 bodily Injury. $5000 property damage. Each six months r Current Rates Plus $5.00 Nonrecurring Fee at Beginnlrj of Policy No Extra Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Use Over 800,000 Western Motorists Insure and Save Through Farmers Standard Form Nonassessable Policies. The West's Leading Auto Insurance Carrier Farmers Insurance Exchange