The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The Newi-Review, Roicburg, Ore. Mon., Dae. 19, 1949
Published 0 illy Sunday l y the
Newi-3evie Company, Inc.
Bourai sacon. eltii m.ttar May I81, al aa ffle ll
Belabors. Oragaa. .aaar Ml tf Mareh t. till
Editor mmdF' Manager
Member of the Auoolated Preia, Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Assoolatlon, the Audit Bureau of Circulations
llimillil bj rrEST-HOLMDAI CO.. INC. rfleaa In Naw lark, Ckloata,
as rraaelaea. Lai Ancalas. aula. rarlUaa. Si. baa la.
HHMiTMiP'i'fiiM aAi'rNfn nranll Hall rat Taar fl.M. al maatha M-aS,
Ik,.. 111 II 5a Bi Clli Caltlar Par raal IH.M (la aaaca, Ijii taaa
aaa Mar, par oiaatk II.M Ootilda Oraian Bt Mall far raar II M. !
aaniba 14.74. Uiraa maalaa ll.ia
Will the Umpqua river enjoy a big run of silverside
salmon in the fall of 1950?
Biologists find hopeful indications.
Tally of silverside salmon at the Winchester counting
station shows an unusually high percentage of jacks. The
jack is a male salmon migrating ahead of his normal four
year cycle. Presence of more than average numbers of jack
salmon Indicates that the 1951 migration, from which these
fish come, is larger than normal, according to Ross New
comb, game department resident biologist, although the
1947 migration dropped to 1010 fish, which would normally
presage a decrease next year.
Biologists have been making a study of forecasts based
on jack salmon percentages, Newcomb says, but so far,
while evidence is on the favorable side, the theory is too
new for acceptance as a proven fact. But it is believed that
a high percentage of jacks presages an increased run the
following year. At least, biologists will be watching next
year's silverside run for further proof of the theory.
Here's another interesting question :
What effect has removal of commercial fishing intensity
had on salmon migration ?
The answer to that question is still several years in the
future, but we have a "straw in the wind" to be used as a
basis for guesswork.
In 1946, the first year silverside salmon were tallied at
the Winchester counting station, 1379 adults went over the
board prior to Dec. 15.
This is the return year of the 1946 migration and the
Winchester count for the comparable period stands at 1330,
or 49 fish less than in 1946. Thus the run, has, at least,
reproduced itself.
But other factors point to a much better condition.
The migration this year, due to low and warm water, was
extremely late. Many fish, which might otherwise have
gone through the Winchester counting station, did not
. come into the river in time to reach the upper waters.
Check of spawning beds in the lower river show four
times as many salmon on those beds as observed in any
previous year. Thus it is evident that the 1946 migration
not only reproduced itself but made a substantial gain and,
in addition, will, given normal conditions during the next
four years, produce a much larger migration for the suc
ceeding cycle.
There is every reason to believe, therefore, that the re
moval of commercial fishing intensity will show a very
beneficial effect on future salmon migrations.
Winchester Bay Sports Fishery
The biologists also have some interesting figures on the
Winchester Bay sports fishery of the past season.
The study shows 18,107 sports anglers making 7,243
boat trips and taking 4,913 salmon, totalling 58,665 pounds.
The chinook salmon catch included 1,153 fish totalling
24,152 pounds, an average of 21 pounds per fish, and 3,760
silverside salmon, totalling 34,513 pounds, an average of
9 pounds per fish.
Breaking these figures down into individual records,
gives an average of 2Vi fishermen per boat, three-tenths
of a fish for each fisherman, or 3'4 pounds per fisherman.
Checks of equipment show that the average fisherman
had a capital investment of $416 in gear, boats, motors,
camping equipment, etc., or more than $7Vi million spent
in outfitting for recreation.
Studies have not been made to dale into the actual return
to communities of the lower river from the Winchester Bay
sports fishery, but some of the businessmen in that area
have made unofficial estimntes that profits obtained from
sports anglers during the Winchester Bay season amounted
to around $2Vj million.
Investments in new camp ground facilities, stores, theater,
and other businesses catering to the sports fishery at Win
chester Bay during the year will add from $100,000 to
$150,000 to the county's assessed valuation. The Winchester
Bay area probably will have twice as many visitors next
year as were present during the past season.
When a person begins to digest these figures, it is ob
vious that money spent to develop receational facilities within
the county is good, sound business, reflected in increased
tax revenue.
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SANTA CLAUS has just told these little boys and girls that if they are good, mind you he
would promise to bring them a mighty fine Christmas present, come Christmas eve. They're giving
his words a lot of deep thought; you can see that with half an eye.
Marilyn Madzier, Ann Svarverud and Neva Watson are clustered on Santa s knee and right in
front of his whiskers. They'll be good, I'll betcha. (By Paul Jenkins).
In the Day's News
(Continued from Page One)
Grand Jury Indicts Four
In Slaying Of Bookie
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Dec.
17. U') Indictment charglni;
four men with murder In the
death of Bookie IV.arlln D. Bros
Jauer, 60, were returned by the
Sun Mateo county grand Jury
Breslauer was shot and killed
on e Daly City street last Sept. 29.
The men named in tne indict
ment, all of San Krancisco, were:
Hoy Herman Teller, 26; John
(Midge) Ruano, 34: Glen Me-
Mains, 33, and Cecil Alves, 37.
All but Alves are In custody.
A fifth man, Joe Teller, 32,
brother of Roy, has been held for
Investigation In connection with
the killing. He was not named in
the Indictments.
The Indictments were returned
before Superior Judge Aylett R.
Cotton who ordered bench war
rants Issued for the four men
He also ordered that the ones al
Suitcase In $20 Loan
Contains $4,000 In 'Dope'
SEATTLE (.V) A Seattle
pawnbroker who picked up a
$4,000 bargain for $20 turned It
ready In custody be held without over to federal narcotics agents,
ball. I A. B. Crisler, district supervisor
Odd-Job Man Held For
Raping Girl Aged 7
LAKE PLACID. N. Y Dec. 17.
(Y) A 28-year-old oddioh man
was charged today with raping
pivtty, six -year -old Babtiottc
Wilcox after telling her he was
one of Santa's helpers.
State police said George C.
Hnskin of Ocensbure has signed
a statement that he attacked the
daughter of a taxistand operator
late yesterday In a station wa
gon. He dumped her in front of
her home more than two hours
after picking her up, police said.
Babette. bruised and frighten
ed, was placed under a doctor's
care at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace YVllcox.
off like the Black Plague used to,
than this "political Illness" that
since the war has been more or
less epidemic behind the Iron Cur
tain. The flu can be licked, but this
political Illness business in com
munist countries seems to be In
variably fatal.
FRED Hampson, who left Ore
gon some years back to be
come a war correspondent and
has been working at it ever since,
has Just been forced out of Shang
hai by the communists. He says
in a dispatch:
"The saddest phase of this fare
well to Shanghai was wrapped up
in a small group of Chinese who
saw us to the ship with their
brave bouquets of flowers for the
departing foreigners DESPITE
He goes on:
"This group of Chinese seemed
to me to represent the beginning
of a solid middle class in China
which could have grown and
brought greatness to China. They
were the product of Shanghai.
They had absorbed the best of the
West and mixed it compatibly
with their Oriental natures.
'They had modest but good
homes. Their children were in
school. They had learned profes
sions and trades. They could earn
enough at them to maintain
themselves with pride and de
cency. And they had done it ON
THEIR OWN. NO kin ties with
the rich. No political connections.
No special privileges except their
own abilities."
RED then adds:
"Now they are OUT OF
WORK. The gates of their profes
sions and trades are closed to
them unless they can somehow
get into the PARTY MACHINE
and wear grotesque cotton uni
forms, send their kids to the 'cor
rect' schools and live on a few
dollars a month and a regi
mented rice allowance.
"I guess they are the despised
bourgeois who must be crushed
down to become part of that
vague horde the PROLE
TARIAT above which one Is not
supposed to want to rise.
"These are to be destroyed.
"A millennium has arrived."
a a
FRED has been on the ground,
over In tragic China, WATCH
Our parlor pinks, who praise the
"proletariat" and despise what we
call the middle class and what
the pinks in their Marxian patter
call the "bourgeois," haven't seen
It In operation.
Seeing it with your own eyes
makes such an UNBELIEVABLE
By ViahmU S. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Olson and
Mrs. Phil Hess of Eugene have
been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Olson.
Paul Backhand visited over the
weekend at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Back
Iund. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie John and
son, Ray and Mrs. Mary Hanson,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson
and famtlv spent Sundav with
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Riot, at
Camas Valley.
Four lovely young girls liked to
help their mother in theory. But
Saturday morning had become
a time their mother dreaded.
"They squabble about who is do
ing more than the other. They
fuss about who Is to do which
job. I declare I'd rather do it
all myself and let them go and
play tennis or whatever Is on
their minds. . . "
But of course that would not
be blessing her daughters, would
it! Although they at the moment
might think so, adolescents being
a bit allergic to home duties at
So my friend wrote the tasks,
one on each slip of paper, folded,
and put the slips in a box. "Now,
girls," she said, "the tasks on
the slips of paper in this box
must be done before any girj
leaves the house this morning.
It's on the idea of forfeits. You
draw a slip, and you are on your
honor to DO what is on the slip.
When the box is empty you may
help whoever Is still working
or just stand and watch her fin
ish. But you all leave at the same
It worked. Really it did! It
made a game out o what had
seemed dreary routine. The mo
ther had used Imagination!
One time EJ had laid down the
law about a task that our boys
were to do before they left the
yard. And they wanted to play
baseball and tennis . . . ijh, me.
Any mother knows the spot I was
in! The job was to move a lot of
round boulders that had been
hauled from the beach a hun
dred miles down the coast. Dad
wanted the space the rocks were
taking; he left word just where
they were to be piled.
The boys were resentful they
wanted to play first and move
rocks later. . . An ' idea saved
the situation. I put a big tin pail
on the spot where the rocks were
to be. Invited the boys to count
points or each rock that went
in the pail (those that missed had
been moved, took!) and believe
It or not, they turned to on that
pile of rocks and had a grand
time ... In fact, to get more
points they put the pail where
the rocks had been and actually
began to pitch the rocks BACK
again! Boys! . .
Savings Bond
Sales Increase
In November
County Chairman, H. O. Par
geter, announced today that sales
of Savings Bonds In Douglas
county for November totaled S78,
758. compared to sales of $64.-
073 in October. !
Sales of E bonds in Oregon !
for November total $2,339,087, i
with additional sales of F & G
oonaa Dringing total purchases of
U.S. Treasury department Sav
ings Bonds to $2,867,824, accord
ing to figures Just released by
the Federal Reserve bank of Sail
. In connection with the Dublish-
lng of these figures, E. C. Sam
mons, state chairman, announc
ed that comparisons show the
sale of E bonds for November
were off about $140,000, compar
ed to sales in October. However,
total E bond sales for this year
exceeded the same period of 1948
by $520,000.
On the same basia of compari
son, reaemptions increased about
$185,000, but total redemptions
for the eleven months of 1949 are
running far behind the same pe
riod of 1948. These redemptions
Include .. substantial maturities,
amounting mis year to approxi
mately $7 million in Oregon.
Sammons also announced that
11 Oregon counties have exceed
ed their total sales for the entire
year of 1948. At the end of No
vember, Hood River County had
outsold the year 1948 by $134,
000. Benton County with sales ex
ceeding the 1948 total by $58,
000 and Malheur County exceed
ing 1948 by $52,000 have also
made exceptional showings.
New Ointment
For Burns Comes
From Beef Aorta
DETROIT W) A protein
ointment for burns enveloped by
a Detroit physician was reported
to have been used successfully on
500 patients at Children's hospi
tal here.
The ointment is called "Epl
thene and is a product of the Wil
son laboratories in Chicaeo. Its
discovery was reported to the
medical profession about seven
years ago and since then it has
been used in clinical tests here.
Dr. C. H. Chase, who developed
it, said he expected it to become
more widely used as result of
successful use here. He himself
nas used It with good results in
industrial cases here, he said.
Dr. C. N. Weller, a member of
the Wayne university medical col
lege faculty, said the ointment
had been found excellent for
treating the burns of children. He
carried out tests at Children's
The raw material for the oint
ment Is taken from freshly killed
beef. The aorta, a large artery
near the heart of the animal.
contains the healing ingredients,
nr. nase Discovered in research
that he started 13 years ago.
These advantages are claimed
for the ointment:
It does not kill tissue: it helns
a scab to form; favors the growth
of new skin: stops the loss of bodv
fluid; eliminates the need for
bandages in many cases; it can
ne removed easily so skin may
be grafted if necessary; it can
be used as a medium for Deni.
cillin and sulfa drugs; any infec
tion can be observed and treated
their third annual Christmas tea
on Dec. 22, from 1:30 to 3:30
p.m. There will be a program
and refreshments, and everyone
is invited.
Fifteen persons attended the
Home Extension meeting held at
the home of Mrs. Laurence
Thomas, Dec. 8. The project was
gift wrapping, and Mrs. Thom
as demonstrated several differ
ent ways to wrap and trim gift
Mrs. L. L. Holcomb and Mrs.
Martin Suloff went to Scottsburg
to attend a project leader meet
ing, Friday, Dec. 9, where they
learned how to make a lamp
shade. The lamp shade project
meeting for the Elkton unit will
be held at the Elkton theater on
Jan. 3.
Mr. Laurence Smith, prominent
local sportsman, is ill at the Kai
zer hospital at North Bend.
The Elkton City council met
Wednesday night. Dec. 7, with
Fred Paulus of the State Bonding
commission present. It was de
cided that the property would
nave io ne reassessed. Due to
the city's lack of funds. Paulus is
going to ask the State Tax com
mission to take over the job of
re assessing the property in Elkton.
Earnest Essllnger, Glenn Hahn.
Don Gossel, Kenneth Gossel, and
Hud Madison joined the army at
Eugene, Dec. 6. The boys are
now taking basic training at Fort
Old, Calif.
for the narcotics bureau, said the
bargain was cocaine, made in
Japan. The Pawnbroker loaned
$20 on the suitcase, opened it and
oecame curious about some bot
tles containing white powder.
He took the bottles to a Japa
nese friend for reading of the
inscription on the labels and
learne 1 the contents were cocaine.
I rlster said the drug s retail
Friends and former neighbors
of Kmel Anderson were saddened
by the newj of his death on Dec.
Mrs. Violet Baker, who has
been on a two weeks' vacation
trip to Oakland, Calif., has re
turned to Elkton. She has been
staying most of the time with her
sister, Mrs. Newton Henderer.
U. S. Take-Over Of
British External
Debt Suggested
prising suggestion has been
made that American taxpayers
could save considerable money
in the long run if the United
States would take over some of
Bntain s external debt now.
This debt, called blocked ster
ling, is the $9 billion mountain
that fastened itself on England's
back when she was buying war
necessities from friends and re
latives. Britain is paying it back
in driblets, about $900 million a
Some say the money for these
payments comes indirectly from
Uncle Sam, anyway, in the form
of Marshall plan dollars, and
that the United States must plug
up the holes in the sieve or the
Marshall plan can't end in 1952
as promised.
Ihe principle is a simple busi
ness one: when a businessman
gets too hard pressed by his
creditors, everyone may be bet
ter off if it is agreed to pay a
little now rather than run the
risk of no payment, ever. If Eng
land and her creditors would
face up to that grim fact, it
might stave off bankruptcy later,
a state in which every one would
Skeptics, of course, have
strong points to bring up against
They say the plan would be
merely another loan to Britain,
would plug up one hold, maybe,
but leave many more important
ones in British economy still
of Scotch hroom in full bloom at
the top of Haines hill on the Kel
logg road Saturday.
There will be a district nomi
nating meeting for District No. 6
at the Odd Fellows hall. Dec. 21.
at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of
selecting two candidates for the
position of director from this dis
trict of the Douglas Electric co
operative. All members should
attend this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nordsten of
Linslau visited with the Joe Hud
sons Sunday.
The Elkton troop of Boy Scouts
decorated the city's Christmas
tree Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bishop took
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hancock
and daughter Carolyn to Port
land Thursday where Carolyn
went to the Shiners' hospital for
observation. Carolyn was serious
ly Burned last winter when a i
stove exploded in the Hancoc':
home. Little Miss Hancock re
turned home to Elkton with her
parents but she will enter the
hospital for plastic surgery as
soon as there is an opening there
for her.
Weekend visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Smith
were Mrs. Smith's sister, Mr. and
Mrs. N. J. Crippen and Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Clark and family ail
of Coos Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tikker, par
ents of Mrs. Bennie Knypstra.
and Mrs. Ray Morris, a sister of
Mrs. Knypstra. and daughter are
visiting at the Knypstra home.
Sunday they all went to Mon
mouth where they visisted with
Miss Shirley Knypstra who is at
tending school there.
Mrs. Frank Wade has China
lily's and narcissus in bloom In
her yard. This writer saw a spray
The High School is to plav
Glide, Friday. Dec. 16 at Elkton.
This is the high school's first
league game.
The Grade School will play the
value was $1,000. He surmised It Yoncalla Kill teams on Yoncal'a
may have been pawned In the on Thursday night
suitcase awaiting pickup by an-
other person. I The Girls' League is giving
between 6 15 and 7
p. m., if you have not
received your News
Review. Ask (or Harold Mobley
The anawen to everyday
Iniurance problem!
Our Community Chest is
really a kind of group insur
ance did you ever think of it
that way? We all get together
on a plan to guarantee help to
those of our community who
need it and when everyone
contributes his share no really
big burden falls on anyone.
The various welfare agencies
which have earned our confi
dence and gratitude over a
long period of time, iolntly col
lect and administer the funds
we subscribe a. 1 do a much
better job than we could do in
dividually, because of their
great experience. We all know
from past experience, what a
wonderful feeling of accom
plishment we get from having
had a full share in a good Job
well done so let's get at this
Community Chest Job with the
enthusiasm it merits. How
about it? Have you done your
share yet?
It you'll adotaaa jtuxt own maur
anca quatttona ti ttm office, we'll
trv to five vou Ilia .-o-rert aniwer.
and there will be aa . harte ar aMt
gallea af anr alaa.
313 Pacific Bldg. Phont 398
A New Year's
Start your preparations now to do your 1950
business'with us. Complete banking services
available, including safe deposit boxes and
night depositories.
A Home Owned, Home Operated Institution
Member, Federal Deposit Insurance
ise buyers look for the Imperial
silver label that says the finest in
wallpapers. Guaranteed to with
stand room exposure without fad
ing and to clean satisfactorily
when Instructions are followed.
Fred Meyer
. Open 'til 9:00 P. M.
Pipes and Tobaccos---
Kaywoodie Super Grain Pipe 5.00
Beautiful select briar gift
boxed for Christmas.
Smoking Tobacco Prince Albert lb. 84c
Smoking Tobacco Model lb. 84c
Smoking Tobacco Blue 2.25
Cigarettes Popular brands carton 1.39
. VI 'I l
Your choice of two beau
tiful patterns ... a real
Christmas gift value.
5-Lb. Gift Box 2.49
Cherry Cordials lb. 49c
Miniature Chocolates b. 49c
Chocolate Creams b 29c 2ib,. 58c
Satin Hard Candiesm. 25c 21bs. 49c
Satin Filled Candies ,b 39c Mbi 75c
Fred Meyer
112 N. Jackson
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