The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Texcms Start Roundup Of Goats On Atlantic Coast
Jewelry Robbers Draw
Repeal Of Excise
Taxes Favored
gressional Tax students say Pre
sident Truman will get strong,
two-party support if he asks for
repeal of wartime excise taxes.
In fact, there Is a lot of senti
ment on capitol hill to knock them
off or cut them sharply whether
Mr. Truman recommends It or
The excise taxes are those you
pay on items like cameras, furs,
jewelry, cosmetics and light
Key lawmakers have Indicated
Mon., Dee. 19, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3
Long Prison Stretch
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. UP)
Chesapeakt bay from the east
ern shore know that Parramore
has a thriving goat community.
But Texas rancheri Percy Rob
erts of San Angelo and Lewis
Smlthwlck of San Saba got wind
of it and made a deal with the
owners of the Island for the crop
of posts.
strongly that Congress is not in
clined to go along with any re
quest for a tax boost, although
it would approve a cut in excise
Some excise taxes were put on
for the first time during the war
and some were increased. They
bring in around $3,500,000,000 ,1
year. That doesn't include the
take from taxes on tobacco, rail
road tickets, movie tickets, night
club bills and a few other things.
Congressional authorities esti
mate the government would lose
$2,300,000,000 a year by going
back to the excise tax system
In effect on Dec. 7, 1941.
Bend Youths Win Awards
hoys and a girl have been named
Oregon winners In the 9th annual
production and marketing con
test of the National Junior Veg
etable Growers association.
Names for Oregon were Don
ald K. Sorenson, Rt. 1, Bend;
Violet K. Klobas, Rt. 3, and
Walter H. Pritchard, Jr., Rt. 3
Those distinctive Christmas
greeting signs adorning many
downtown Roseburg store win
dow are a result ol an ex-serviceman's
experiences in the Fiji
Therrin J. Deckard, of Joplin,
Mo. via Portland, said yesterday
he first got the idea for these
wreath-type letters from a "sort
of crooked, wreath-like stick" he
saw in the islands. Developing
' his idea into a whole alphabet.
Deckard is now the holder of a
patent on this new type font or
family of type.
The type, which he calls
wreath letters, is especially suit
ed for use during the Christmas
holiday season. The signs, paint
ed to shine and sparkle in the
dark, may be seen at the Moose
lodge hall, Trailways bus depot,
E. G. High nsurance office build
ing and at other local business
Deckard, who is an engraver
on vacation, will be iin Roseburg
during the week, painting his
signs on store windows for In
couple of mounted Texans coursed
the resoiate tnicKets ana. sana
dunes of Parramore Island get
ting ready for a roundup that may
be tough even for Texans.,
They're going after goats
thousands of goats that frisk on
this 10-mile fringe of Virginia In
the Atlantic Ocean. They're out
to round them up, pen them and
ship them to Texas.
Few Virginians on the main
landseparated by IS miles of
Two Jewelry robbers who took
$368,300 wortn oi gems irom a
Fifth avenue shop were sentenced
to five to 15 years In prison Fri
day. The' two, John Broderlck, 24,
formerly of Boston, and Joseph
Quinn, 36, formerly of Seattle,
pleaded guilty to a charge of
second degree robbery.
Thev were captured by police
and store clerks soon after they
took the jewelry from the Brand
Chatlllon corporation in the Hotel
St. Regis.
Distances being a minor con
sideration to Texans, Roberts
and Smithwick dispatched Joe
Whitehead and Cliff Clary 3,000
miles to Virginia for the goat
roundup. The men arrived with
three cow ponies and material
terested businessmen. In this
way he hopes to earn enough
money to finance manufacture
of decals, transfers and
cloth printing to put his type font
on the commercial market
for fencing ana penning.
Ex-Service Man Wields His Art
there's a man on your mind
he'll warm to a gift he can wear
Interwoven Sox
are always a welcome gift. Buy
his gift socks at Miller's where
you can choose from nylon,
wool and cotton In argyle or
conventional styles.
"o -. f f Jr Ven Heusen leadership .. .
(V Y-ii ?; I Jm, tT plains and patterns, all col-
Sc lar styles and every size.
' S "?iiss?," We gift wraP 'rec' ' eourse-
How's About a Hat? gr tSS - 2.953.95
Z'&:hZ P-enpref- JTf-N rt7AW lilt I VV
miniature Resistol vTV IpfflSHk WW L . u - I
. sv?flpgsa Sottas x athis s yi ) V, k
fi AVX fftt Heusen. Plains, patterns M 7 -: .;ifo "3Tj
VW4KK 7cft lqnn' .--"wanted color, TO UW
" v HjVj'N 7.50 t. 15.00 i rr o rrv "
N 'JUte,J'VU tJSS? 1.00 t. 2.50 Sport shirts are popular gifts.
. ,. v At Miller s you II find famous
Wv 'S' . - '.l-A v,; ' name sport shirts in plains,
? ft , . , u. . . . , 4 Patterns and plaids in the
?.Va'i- t .' - i Include HlCkok lewelry to mnh.rinl thnt will suit him hest.
SSr . 1 SO frf V- . VV i.'.-vL match his new Christmas
wwt. to O. JU -t . wearables. Inexpensive sets O QC 1 R DO
Men'. wear-Main Floor J$X PSc'' "''fV.-j of top quality here. J,7J I J.UU
Smm Ir&m&'Mfi i.oo-
'&&&$ ' Ys XS'ylO'S Give Dad a Robe if ! rf
YW V ... from M,e,s where 11
JT -I I S m. - Vv" -SiV -a".' ? t VSStsV' X! Bnd shadow stripes... I tr-'i Wyt. JS22 W i
shirts . Jf w.95.19.50 fitmmm
Every man should have at least JiC. V ; -'i . M;::'s Wear Main Floor I 4 &lflrm Hif 1 m l "
ONE Pendleton shirt! Famous t3SSmW. ' "VA i-SS-Ji-iJiS . .? ; i..s." A ' WTiMSyf V '"
In the west, Pendleton shirts I fiVV'X ?-"CV t" V 'o'V X. t lilfO CI
fflaWM 14' Tops for Pops V .. iitfW
ThU"ed Lu'lne1 fteTr. " KiXX WSlJ ' these paiama, are downright luxur- f &kl It
wnnHprfnt- ' 1 1 PT N rF 5 ious and budget priced. By BVD, Tex- I f. Ji 2l ZiUrl
"derfUl! I P H ' V y .c: tron, and Munsingwear, we've loads of pa- ,S ft '3? jJT SXf
8 DC 1C ff i I V VTV -C-'w -'!. Jamas In rayon, broadcloth and knits. I 1 l 'i -ClifWi a 7
,7J to ID.UU I t y, A&fey V Stripes, plain bold and paLtel colors. We Q. ViWllteyJL S t
ft 'Jr -.. J gift wrap without charge, of course. v A V f .5 M IT &CMr ' I
rx w 3.50 10 6.95 a 'slmwr
. Men's Wear-Main Floor ' j "
MIImI A J 0 . Miller's ore open For your shopping comforh
Vf If If Ul (J fX" tSM&m until9P'm'ev'Y Miller's it warmly air conditioned.
U n :cr Roseburgs Chnstmas store
- !