The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    r,',:,v.:r Jp SZIb
MESSIAH CONCERT DATED Charles A. RickeHs (top photo) puts the Roseburg Choral so
ciety through their paces for Tuesday night's concert of Handel's Christmas oratorio, "Messiah,"
to be presented at the junior high school auditorium at 8 p. m. The choral group is made up
of housewives, ministers, secretaries, engineers a cross section of Roseburg life. This will
mark the second season for the
photo shows the concentration choral society members devote to their music and their direc
tor. This portion of the soprano section was photographed in the middle of a "run" while sing
ing the difficult "For Unto Us a Child is Born." Seven choral numbers and I I solos will be on
the program. A free-will offering following the performance will replace the customary ad
mission charge. (Staff photos I.
Shop and Save With Classified Ads
Used Cars
That Are
1048 WILLYS Panel, 15000 mllfS 1095.00
1947 WILLYS Sta. Wagon, radio
and heater - 1295.00
1947 FORD 2-door, new license 1193.00
1947 FORD Club Coupe, "ark
maroon, a clean car U95.U0
1947 BUICK Super 4-door. "die
heater, plastic seat covers 1593.00
1941 PACKARD 4-door. See this
car to appreciate It - 693.00
1941 CHEVROLET S-door. Clean
for a pre-war car. 695.000
1941 DODGE 4 - door. Original
motor replaced -
1941 PONTIAC Club Coupe. Nice
car, R & H 695.00
IMS 4 W D. WILLYS Pickup ....'1325 00
1949 JEEP, 7000 mllei 1150.00
1941 DODGE
293 00
1940 OLDSMOBILE 4-door 393.00
1948 WILLYS station Wagon 1393.00
1940 FORD Coupe - 465.00
1640 No. Stephen!
Used Car
Oak and Rose
Reasonably priced, G M A C term.
Chevrolet BulcfcPonttacCadiilae
39 HUDSON COtTNTR V flub 4 drr
sedan. rtnn and food condition, 1373.
Phona 1329-L.
group, following two successful concerts in 1948-49. Lower
It's So Easy!
You want a good
Guaranteed Used Car.
Safe, comfortable,
economical transpor
tation. We have many
makes and models
from which to choose
at attractive prices.
We stand behind
every car we sell!
Why delay? See us
Motors, Inc.
230 S. Stephens
'We'll be here TOMORROW to Back
up what wo say and do TODAY!"
We Want Good
Clean Used Cars
Top prices paid
Highway 99 St Garden Valley Rd.
SEE "THIS I937-rord "a-doof sedantor
dependable, low-cost transportation.
Will tell for $75 below book price.
Call 466, or Inquire, at 307 pacific
1941 FORD SUPER deluxe 2-door, ex
ceptionally clean throughout Airplane
shocks and other extra, $685. Phone
.181 -J -4.
MORE MONEY for your car Cain on
the spot. Corkrum Motors. Inc., De
Soto Plymouth. Pbona 40a. 114 N.
Rote St
dan. R St H, spotlight, new tires.
Inquire at Davidson's Garage, Wil
bur Impounded 28
L'nlea claimed within 4fl hours from
date of notice, the following dogs will
be disposed of in legal manner.
Black and whit Shepherd, bob tail,
Brnwn, black and whltt Spaniel,
nvimr, Pollc Dept
111040. 5 00 P. M.
Personal 30
ANYONE KNOWING (he whereabouts
of Wilbert Xi. Nelson, please call
Notices 31
I WILL NOT BE responsible for any
debts contracted by anyont other
than myself. John Q. Smith.
TION, a corporation. Plaintiff, va. R. U.
BOWLBY, Defendant.
TO R. B. Bowlby, abova named de
OREGON you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint of
plaintiff filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or before
four weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons as shown
below, and if you fail so to appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof plaintiff will take judgment
against you as prayed for in its com
plaint, a succinct statement of which
is as follows: for the sum of $890 00
with 6--, interest thereon from March 87,
19 until paid; in the further sum of
$5.00 with 67n interest from February
1, 1045. until paid; in the further sum
of 529.27 with 61" intercut thereon from
Derember 8, 1944. until paid; - in the
further sum of $81.18 with 6 interest
thereon from May 10. 1945, until paid;
in me mriner sum oi aisu.iMi attorne:
fees, and for plaintiff's costi and dis
bursements in this action and will
apply $116.97 of the property of the
defendant, now attarhed In the hands
of Myrtle Creek. Oregon, branch f.
United States National Bank of Port
land. Oregon, in satisfaction of said
This summon la served upon you by
publication once each week for four
consecutive weeks in the Roseburg Newt
Review, a newspaper of general cir
culation as provided by statute, pub
lished and Issued at Roseburg, Douglas
County. Oregon, by order of the Hon.
Carl E. Wimberly. Judge of the above
entitled court, made on the 28th day
of September. 1049.
Date of first publication Oct 24th.
Attorney for the Plaintiff
P. O. Addresa Roseburg, Ore,
The Executrix of the estate of MARY
3. YOUNG, Deceased. hereby gives
notice that the County Court of Doug
la County. Oregon, hai fixed Decem
ber 2lst, 1B49. at ten o'clock A. M. as
the time, and the County Court room
in the Court House at Roseburg. Doug
las County. Oregon, as the place for
hearing objections, if any there he, to
the final account of the Executrix.
Dated November 21, 1949
Kxecutrix of the estat
of Mary S. Young,
ror ops'
en Dralnboardl
Sea Phil Durnom
Lino'eum Loying and
Venetian Blinds
920 S. Main 1336-J
Arrive Home Paul, Ted and
Jimmy Sylweter have arrived
In Roseburg to spend the Christ
i.aIMbii with their narents.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. SyTwester.
They attend Concordia Lutheran
academy jor uuya m riu.
Portland Attor-
nr Paul neriries returned to his
home on East Lane street Sun
day, following a trip to Portland
nttanri a muiHnff nf the Orepon
State Bar association, held at the
Mallory hotel Saturday evening.
BUtti Dntlnr.kPvthlan Sis
ters have been invited hy the
u'niohts nf Pvthiaa to attend a
6:30 o'clock potluck dinner Wed
nesday nigm, uec. i, m uic i.
ot P. hall. The ladies are asked
hrltir olthAr ripssert nr veoe-
tables. The meat dish will be fur
nished. Everyone attending nas
been asked to bring contributions
of food for the Christmas bas
kets. The regular meeting of
Pythian Sisters will be at 8 o'
clock Thursday night at the K.
of p. nan..
Woman's Club to Meet The
Roseburg Woman's club annual
Christmas party and tea will be
held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday at
the Methodist church parlors
with Mrs. R. E. Hanford in
charge ot the program, featuring
Miss Marion Ady, of Southern
Oregon College of Education, as
guest speaker. Mrs. E. L. Taus
cher and Mrs. Carl Lundgren wiil
be co-hostesses of the tea com
mittee. Mrs. Earl Plummer has
arranged special music for the oc
casion. Mrs. J. M. Boyles, presi
dent, has asked all members to
be present.
1, One eld wives' tale that bobs up periodi
cally is the story that American oil companies
protect the sale of their established products
by keeping new developments off the market.
An example of how far this fairy tale misses
the truth is the case of Union Oil's remarkable
purple motor oil.
2, Shortly after the war, we introduced our
new post-war motor oil, Triton. By all standards,
Triton was unexcelled. In fact, it was so good we
told people they could safely drive it 6 months
between drains if they chose. Consequently, we
thouff ht our oil program was set for several years.
But 12 months later our research engineers came
up with a purple motor oil for passenger cars
which they said was even better.
3, Just to prove their claims, they sealed It
in the erankcaaes of four new automobiles and
drove them continuously op and down the Pacific
Coast for 30,000 miles! At the end of the test they
opened up the motors and showed us the results:
The engine parts were as good as new and the oil
by every analysis showed no more deteriora
tion than ordinary motor oils exhibit after 1,000
Chapter to Meet Alpha Theta
chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will
hold a Christmas party at the
home of Mrs. John Todd Tues
day, Dec. 20 at 8 p.m.
Visit In Portland Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick J. Porter have
returned to their home on Res
ervoir avenue, following a few
days in Portland visiting rela
tives and friends.
Grange Supper Those attend
ing the potluck supper of Melrose
Grange Tuesday night, are ask
ed to bring a covered dish and
dessert and their own table serv
ice. The Grange will furnish the
turkey and rolls.
Income Tax Auditors
Needed By Commission
Income tax auditors are need
ed to fill vacancies with the State
Tax commission according to an
announcement made by the Civil
Service commission. All applica
tions for examination must be
postmarked by Dec. 31.
Three levels of these positions
are open to all qualified appli
cants. For the Beginning Job, four
years of responsible accounting
experience, or four years of col
lege which Includes advanced ac
counting courses is required. Ad
ditional experience or training is
required to gain admittance to
higher level written tests.
Experienced clerks are also
needed for responsible and super
visory clerical positions with the
state government, according to
an announcement from the com
mission. Written tests for these
Clerk III jobs -will be given Jan
uary 14 and 28 In Salem, Port-
Small Girl Hurt
By Spilled Grease
Nancy Bllllck, daughter of Mr.
and Mi s. Donald Blllick of Elkton
uffered second degree burns on
her head when her small broth
er spilled hot grease on her Wed
nesday. The pan containing the
grease had just been removed
from the fire by Mrs. Blllick and
placed on the drainboard to cool,
where the boy somehow manag
ed to reach it. Nancy was treated
by Dr. Imboden at Drain, and it
is thought that she will have no
bad scars.
Gerald Riley underwent a ton
silectomy at Eugene Tuesday.
Laurence Smith who has been
In the Kaizer hospital at North
Bend is reported to be improving.
It is hoped that he will be able
to be home for Christmas.
The Assembly of God church
had its Christmas program
Dec. 18 at 7:30 p. m.
A delegation from the Umpqua
Rebekah lodge attended the Re
bekah convention at Sutherlin
Dec. 8th. Bessie Lakey of the
Elkton lodge was elected vice
chairman and installed for the
1950 convention, which will be
held In Roseburg. The 1951 Re
bekah convention will be held at
land, and other centers through
out the state.
Application forms can be ob
tained at 444 Center street,
Salem; 614 Mead Building. Port
land; or the Roseburg office of
the Oregon State Employment
l oil co
1 jiil
4, That posed a question. Should we hold this
new purple oil off the market for a few years and
protect Triton, or put it on sale immediately? The
answer was that we had no choice. For we were
in compttition. If we didn't put this purple oil on
the market as soon as possible, some of our com
petitors might develop a comparable product and
beat us to the punch.
This tfriet, pponnortd by tht peoplt of Union Oil Company, it dedicated to
dinr.u union of how and why American butineti function!. W hope you'll feel
fret to tend in any tvggettiont or criticitmt you ha to offtr. Write: Th4
Prttident, Union Oil Company, Union Od Building, Lot Angela H, California.
Mon., Dae. 19, 1949 The
Final Plans For Christmas
Party At Canyonville Set
Final plans are being made for
the big free community Christ
mas party to be held in the Can
yonville community hall Thurs
day night, Dec. 22.
The evening's entertainment
will start at 7:30 with a program
consisting of community singing
of Christmas carols, Hammond
organ music played by Fritz Sny
der, solos, and other numbers.
Following the program there
will be treats for all the children
to be presented by Santa Claus.
This will be followed Immedi
ately by an hour of games and
stunts led by William Cox. As
sisting him will be John Bingham
Jr., Cap Parker, Henry Ford and
Tom Campbell. Everyone is invit
ed to come and have an evening
of fun and get acquainted with
your neighbors.
Sponsors of the affair are the
Woman's Civic club, the Lions
club, the South Umpqua Rod and
Gun club and the Chamber of
Commerce, all of Canyonville.
The Woman's club will have a
booth where they will sell sand
wiches, home made pie, home
made candy and coffee.
Elkton City Council
Holds Christmas Party
The city council of Elkton had
its annual Christmas tree and
treats party for the kiddies Wed
nesday night. The program and
show at the Elkton theatre in
cluded: The Drain-Elkton com
munity band led by Mr. MacGreo
ger, which played several march
es and Christmas carols; oboe
solos by Mrs. Laurence Thom
as; instrumental duets by Lau
rence Madison and Warren Schad
and the Sunshine Kids; and Bet
ty Gossel, Louise Hamrick, Jo
sephine Mulkey and Sandra Ba
5 As a result we introduced our purple oil to
the motorists of the Pacific Coast under the brand
name of Royal Triton. Royal Triton was not only
an overnight success with our own Western custo
mers; visitors from the East even took it home with
them and continued buying it by mail. Conse
quently, we've had to expand our manufacturing
facilities and lay plans for marketing it through
out the country.
Moral I Next time anyone tells you oil companies
hold improved products off the market, please tell
him to see us.
Newi - Revltw, Rotaburg, Or. 15
ker played and sang carols. A
more than caiiacity crowd turned
out for the event,
Many letters addressed to Eu
ropean towns by pre-war names
have been returned marked "no
such place."
Gouqhin Z
You know what wonderful re
lief you get when you rub on
Vicks VapoRubl
Now , . . when you have a
nagging, raspy cough due to
cold, here's a special way to use
Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRub
Steam and It brings grand re
lief in a hurry!
Put a good spoonful of Vicks
VapoRub in a bowl of boiling
water or vaporizer. Then . . .
inhale the soothing VapoRub
Steam. The medicated vapora
penetrate direct to cold-congested
upper bronchial tubes
and bring relief a m
with every single I W ltd
breath Try it I V VapoRup