The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The News-Review, Roieburg, Or. Man., Dec. 19, 1949
Society and Gluhi
- Social Items submitted by tele.
Ehone for the society page must
e turned in before 12 o'clock
Monday through Thursday md
bv 10 a. m. Friday at which
time the social calendar and Sat
urday's society page are closed
Maklne lampshades was dis
cussed and practiced by thirteen
home makers at Scottsburg on
Dec. 9, Those present were pre
lect leaders from seven home
extension units In the north and
west Darts of Douelas County.
Discussion and actual mak
ine of lamp-shades were In or
der. The representatives from
these different units will demon'
strate the art of making lamp
shades in their home units in
Those present were Oretha Sul-
off of Elkton: Frances Holcomb
and Cora Bloomquist of Wla
Chester Bay: Eva Tucker and
Maude Appleeate of Scottsburg
Elsie Huebner. Frances Martin,
and Mona Rydell of Drain: Edna
Henderson of bmltn Kiver: ran'
ccs Hopkins and Louise Titus of
uunter: quelle walker ana upai
Taylor of Rice Valley: and Cor-
lnne McTaggart, County Exterv
sion agent, Home economies
who was in charge of the in
Mrs. Edgar Slack entertained
a few friends at her new home
Wednesday evening honoring her
son, Micnaei, on his second birth-
day. No children were present
as Michael was Just recovering
irom me mumps.
After opening his gifts, Mrs.
Slack had Michael cut his beaut'
iful decorated cake after which
ne served cake and coffee to:
Mrs. Joel Madson, Mrs. A. L.
Wade, Brlttain Slack, Marvin
Several sent gifts that were not
able to be present.
Ladies Aid of Wilbur will hold
their annual Christmas party
Wednesday, Dec. 21 at the home
of Mrs. Emma Brown. Ladies
are asked to bring an exchange
gift of fifty cent value and a chil
dren's gift of twenty five cent
value If accompanied by a child.
Dessert lunchr?n will be served
by the hostesses, Mrs. Eva Lock
man and Mrs. Ora Antonne.
House, Commercial and
Industrial Wiring .
Electrical Trouble Shooting
Motor and Appliance Re
pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery
17 Jfears Experience
Licensed Electrician
316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1743-J
DRESSES In mattasse'
offer practical dressi
ness. Soft cosuols in
gabardine, nylon or faille
olways occeptable. Velvet trims
in rich contrast and fashions for
afternoon or .evening combine to moke o
complete assortment awaiting your selection.
Free Gift Wrapping
One of the largest meetings
held bv the Sutherlin Rebekah
Lodge No. 218 for several years
was Thursday evening when 86
members and visitors were pre'
sent at the visitation of the Pre
sident of the Rebekah Assembly,
Mrs. Lela Ramsey, of Madras,
Other honored guests were Mrs,
Ethel Bailey, Roseburg, and
Mrs. Marian Wilson, Bancion both
Past Presidents of the assembly,
One candidate was initiated
during the evening by the degree
stall witn tneir new arm work,
A very interesting talk was giV'
en by the president and many
good points were brought out. She
complimented ine team on ine
work presented and stated she
had spent a very pleasant day in
A drill was put on by ten mem
bers after which a heart was
formed in the middle of the floor,
where Mrs. Ramsey was escort
ed to the center of the heart by
Miss Luella Pleuard where a tri
bute was paid her by Mrs. Jua-
nita Holgate singing, "My Best
to You," accompanied at the
piano by Mrs. Olga Bielman,
This meeting was held In the
American Legion Han. as the
usual meeting place was not
large enough to occommodate such
a large attendance. Alter pic
tures were taken of the officers,
the grand officers and a couple
or laDieaus, coiiee ana cake were
served by the committee buffet
The decorations were out stand
ing as they carried out the holl.
day season. Small fir trees were
formed at one end of the hall on
each side of the rostrom to for
mulate a forest with large tall
urns filled with ferns and cat
A wedding shower was given
at Winchester December 6 to
honor Mrs. Rube Whittamore
Hoague with Mrs. RIdenour and
Mrs. Wonch as hostesses.
The honored guest received
many gifts. Those In attendance
were tne Driae s mother, Mrs.
Whittamore, also the Mesdames,
Huckens, Van Horn, Ketcherslde,
Good, Lewis, Hickman, Kennedy,
Johnson the honored guest and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blondell en
tertained at a birthday dinner
for their son, Corrin who was 12
years old Wednesday. Guests in
cluded Mrs. Hassie Woods, Jim
my Lockman, Donald Childress,
Marjorle Blondell and Corrin's
parents. Mrs. Woods presented.
ine nonorea guest witn a Dirin.
day cake.
The D.A.V. Auxiliary, Dean
Perrlne Unit No. 9, will hold their
Christmas party at the Del Rey
cafe the evening of Dec. 22. All
members oi tne u.A.v, cnapter
and auxiliary are Invited. Those
attending are requested to bring
fifty cent Christmas gift lor
Gift Suggestions
Open Until 9:00 P. M. For Your Convenience
DRESSES make wonderful gifts whether from you to you, or
to some one else. A gay assortment designed from the
modest to the liberal budget styled for a variety
of figure types from the petite to the stout
all with flattering lines.
Mrs. Mabel Randall assisted
by her daughter, Miss Mary Alice
entertained the Sutherlin Tilli
cum bridge club at a lovely pot
luck twelve-thirty o'clock Christ
mas dinner at their spacious
home on East Third avenue Tues
day. The table was centered with
a beautiful minature Christmas
tree with deer and figurines plac
ed among the boughs, flanked
by tall lighted red tapers. A
beautifully decorated Christmas
tree was placed in one corner
of the large room and many pre
sents were placed beneath It.
Covers were placed for: Mrs.
Juanlta Holgate, Mrs. Margaret
Hunt, Mrs. Olga Bielman, Mrs.
Meryl Wahl, Mrs. Emma Carr,
Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. L e o n a
Slack, Mrs. Elolse Lamoureaux,
Mrs. Florence Groshong, Mrs.
Lochle Thompson and the hostes
ses, Mrs. Randall and Miss Randall.
Auction bridge was In play
during the afternoon hours with
Mrs. Hunt winning nign score;
Mrs. Bielman, second high; Mrs.
Barker, low and Mrs. Slack the
BalloDlnsr soose. The exchange of
Christmas gifts was then enjoy
ed. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Barker on
Tuesday, January 17th.
With Gladys Michaels, Past
Worthy Matron, as installing of
ficer, assisted by Florence Hill,
Past Wirthy Matron, installing
Marshall, Kuby Ulam, fast
Worthy Matron, installing Chap
lain, and Margaret McGee, Past
Worthy Matron, installing Musi
cian, the following 1950 officers
of Oregon chapter No. 57, O.E.S.
Canyonville were Installed Wed
nesday evening at Canyonville:
Dorothy Cox, Worthy Matron;
Carl M. Hill, Worthy Patron;
Adah Brown, Assc. Matron; Ira
Poole, Assc. Patron; Don Nell
Kent, Conductress; Lllllam wo
mack, Assc. Conductress; Mar-
aret McGee, Secretary; Lucia
Invder. Treasurer; Mary Gaul-
ke Chaplain; Eva Poole, Mar
shal; Marion Gill, Organist; Ann
Bell, Adah; Aiiene tirod, Kutn;
Janice Andrews, Esther; Laura
Bartley, Martha; Freda Little,
Electa; Mildred Ritter, Warder,
and Clifford Kent, Sentinel.
The hall was beautifully deco
rated in holiday attire, cedar
boughs, red berries, and a Christ
mas tree.
After Installation the O.E.S. So
cial Club, with Dorothy Cox,
President, presidlng.held a short
business meeting with election of
Adah Brown, President; Don
Nell Kent, Vlce-Pres.; Eva Poole,
Sec'y. Treasurer.
An exchange of Christmas gifts
and delicious refreshments fol
lowed, served by Mary Gaulke,
Lillian Womack, Adah Brown,
and Freda Little, with Adah
Brown presiding at the coffee
A Christmas party will be held
at the Winston Communltv hall
Thursday, Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m.
lor all children oi the Winston.
Dillard school district from in
fants to 19 years of age. A pro
gram ana a visit by Santa Claus
has been arranged.
To make a quick relish-dish
for a platter of cold cuts mix
cold cooked snap beans with
French dressing and cooked beets
cream and seasoning.
Officers And Hostess Committee
Picture by Paul Jenklni
Left to right: Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, Mrs. Raymond Marr and Miss Bette Jewell, hostess and entertain
ment committee, and Mrs. Harold Jokela, Junior W man's club president, and two of her officers, Mrs.
Clyde Crenshaw and Mrs. Hazel Scott
Dixiecrats Warn
Against Broader
Civil Rights Bill
Dixie lawmakers warn that the
Truman administration had bet
ter refrain from broadening new
civil rights housing regulations
it it wants Congress to approve
more nome-buiimng legislation,
At the same time, a high gov
ernment official told a reportcT
that the administration ''will
take full advantage of its exe'
cutive powers" to achieve the
objectives of President Trumen's
hotly disputed civil rights pro
"But," this official added, "we
are going to be very careful not
to take any steps on our own
which require prior authorization
by Congress." He asked not to"
be identified by name.
The go-slow advice came from
Senators Sparkman(D-Ala) and
Johnston (D-SC). They spoke out
after two genvernment agencies
announcea mat new rules, curb
ing the use of agreements which
restrict the selection of tennants,
will go into effect Feb. 15.
The agreement, or covenants
are those which bar sale or rent
o: dwellings to persons of certain
races or creeds.
The federal housing admlnis.
Iration said it will deny home
loan insurance, or mortgage fi
nancing, in any case where a
covenant Is filed in the public
records alter reo. la.
And the Veterans administra
tion announced that after that
time it won't back up new mort
gage guarantees in cases where
a public covenant Is discovered.
Unwritten covenants are not
affected. Nor are agreements
and loans prior to Feb. 15.
The broad outline of the new
policy was announced early this
month by solicitor General Philip
B. Perlman. He said the Truman
administration would cut off fed
eral financing for any new dwell
ings where occupancy is restrict
ed on the grounds of race or re
ligion. But the next day FHA chief
Franklin D. Richards Issues a
"clarifying statement" which
said the new rules would not
attempt to controI "any owner in
determining what tenants he still
have or to whom he shall sell
his property."
The Friendly Circle club an
nual Christmas party for mem
bers and their families will be
held at a six-thirty o'clock din
ner Wednesday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Reese. Gifts will be exchanged
and Pollyanna names will be re
vealed. Glass fibers are drawn out fast
er than a mile a minute.
Charles A. Ricketts
k ft -4
N. of W. to Meet Lilac Circle
No. 49, Neighbors of Woodcraft
will hold its Christmas party with
a 50 cent gift exchange tonight
at 7:30 o'clock at the I.O.O.F.
Club to Hold Party The Navy
Mothers club will hold a meeting
and Christmas party at 8 o'clock
tonight at the home of Mrs. G. C.
Blake, 2540 N. Stephens street.
Gifts will be exchanged.
Annual Dinner George Star
mer auxiliary and Camp for U.S.
W.V. will hold the annual Christ
mas dinner In the basement of
the Methodist church tonight. A
50 cent gift exchange will be held.
Christmas Dinner The Twelve
and Won club will hold its annual
Christmas party, at a 1 o'clock
luncheon Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Fred Ritzman, apt. 216,
Kohlhagen apartments.
Bethany Circle to Meet -Beth-
any Circle of Faith Lutheran
church will meet at 8 n.m. Tues
day at the home of Mrs. Wendell
Clark. Members and friends are
Eden Ladies Aid to Meet
Eden Ladies of the Elgarose Lu
theran church will meet Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Carl Lundeen. Christmas gifts
will be exchanged.
U. of O. Club to Meet The Uni
versity of Oregon Mothers club
will meet at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper
and Christmas party
tonight at the home of Mrs. Har
old Horn, 411 S. Jackson street,
with Mrs. S. S. St. Onge and
Mrs. Paul R. Shanklln, assisting
hostesses. Gifts for children are
to be brought to the meeting.
D. of U-V. Party Florence
Nightingale Tent No. 15, Daugh
ters of Union Veterans of the
Civil War will hold a 6:30 o'clock
potluck supper and party tonight
at the home of Mrs. Essie Olson,
420 W. Douglas street. Those hav
ing birthdays in October, Novem
ber and December will be honor
ed. Secret Pal gifts will be ex
changed and names will be re
vealed. Club to Meet The Methodist
Keystone club will meet at a 7:30
o'clock dessert-supper tonight at
the home of Mrs. Gordon Stew
art with Mrs. Mary Louise
Brown, Mrs. Eugene McElroy,
Mrs. W. H. Wishart, Mrs. Clvde
Chitwood and Mrs. C. H. Fri
day, hostess. A 50 cent gift ex
change will be held.
Christmas Oratorio
'5L m
Presented by
Roseburg Choral Society y
In Free Public Performance w
Tuesday, December 20, 8 p.m. l
Junior High School Auditorium
Free Will
Will Be
Grange Holiday Party Melrose
Grange will entertain members
and their families at the annual
Christmas party and harvest sup
per at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday eve
ning at the hall. A program will
be held and gifts will be exchanged.
D.A.R. to Meet The D.A.R.
will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight
at the home of Mrs. George M.
Brown on Harvard avenue. Mrs.
C. P. Caylor will be assisting
hostess. The program will be in
charge of Mrs. Orin Baker.
Study Club to Meet The Study
club of the Green P.-T.A. will
meet Tuesday at a potluck lunch
eon ana unristmas party at the
home or Mrs. John Clark in Glen
gary. Members are asked
to bring a 50 cent gift to ex
change. Social Security Office
Suggests Prompt Filing
Are you losing social security
payments every month?
Paul F. Johnson, manager of
tne- t-ugene omce oi oia-age and
survivors Insurance, said today
that the Social Security admin
istration is anxious to protect the
interests of all workers and their
families, but that his office can
not do this unless workers aged
65 and the families of deceased
workers make sure to contact
promptly the social security of
fice located in Eugene, in the
Postoffice building. "No pay
ments can be made without a
signed application," Johnson
A representative will be In
Roseburg at the Oregon State
Employment service Tuesday,
Dec. 20, between the hours of
Dr. E. W. Carter
Chiropodist Foot Specialist
129 N. Jackson
Phone 1170
Over Rexall Drug Store
' 1
This Week C.lyt S - ' 4 y j l
HERMAN'S j - -Zl '
The benefit carnival held at
Winchester Community club De
cember 10 was well - attended.
During the evening Miss Joan
Diester was chosen queen with
the Misses Martha Strietzke,
Anna Good and Judy Glenn as
queens' attendants.
Queen Joan was crowned with
a gold and silver tiera and pre
sented a pearl necklace. The
queen's attendants received scat
ter pins.
Proceeds from the evening's
entertainment will be used to
purchase treats for the children
of the community. Those in
charge extended thanks to all
who assisted to make the even
ing a success.
Alpha Chi chapter, Delphian
club has postponed its meeting
from Wednesday of this week to
January 4 to be held at ten o'
clock in the morning at the Epis
copal parish hall. Mrs. Paul S.
Elliott will have charge of the
Mrs. B. B. Gilpin will be host
ess to the Junior Division of the
First Christian church Tuesday,
Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. at her home
at the Veterans Facility. Ex
change of small Christmas gifts
is planned.
8:30 a.m. and noon for the con
venience of local residents wish
ing information about social se
curity. But yes, choose Mail Out
for holiday givingi Mais
Oui Perfume, exquisite
fragrance in sparkling
crystal ... or a colorful,
captivating gift package
filled with matching
accessories to charm.
Mais Out Perfume
1.00e 12.50
Other Mats Oui Gifts
1.00 to 17.50
AM pftMt pApt tM
Phone 45
No Down Payment
222 W. Oak
JJ l T' UJJlj t'"'"t yoM A mer i em's 1
j fej lr-'rry .1 Ftsletl Wtsbday," week l '
Iv I I L j Mljlft 1 y"r- The "'ft Double- I
.(J nffl 1 1 ( 11 lii Wl" Spetd Quecn wi,h I
iff U Ik ft "OT" 1 13 1 !iititor-eqiiipped Bowl- j
0 I J II 1 I 'j p Shaped Tub will wash j
LI In 1 1 I 1 I i li : i i ut to 7 fuii tA. f !
f liiin: soauI
Tired Jury Deliberates
Charge Of Negro-Flogging )
ROME. Ga., Dec. 17 UP)
A tired federal Jury meets again
today to deliberate the fate of 10
white men in the flogging of sev
en negroes.
The Jurors recessed shortly be
forelO p.m., last night after near
ly 19 hours of unsuccessful effort
to reach a verdict.
Waiting anxiously in the cor
ridors were the defendants
Sheriff John W. Lynch, three of
his Dade county deputies and six
private citizens.
They are charged with con
spiracy to have the negroes ar
rested "without cause" and then
turned over to a Ku Klux Klan
mob for beating.
Philadelphia was founded in
1682 by William Penn.
Lockwood Motors
Rose and Oak
127 N. Jackson
Phone 348
oonc nn
Pump $10.00 additional i 1
; i
- i ii mi r