The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 17, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Junior Woman's Club Christmas Party Held At Shalimar Room
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Rotary Club Entertains Wives
With Dinner At Riversdale Grange
On of th largest social events
sponsored by the Roseburg Ro
tary club during the year was
the annual Christmas party held
Thursday evening at Riversdale
grange or club members and
their wives. Dinner was followed
by a social evening with Bill
Adair acting as Santa and dis
tributing gifts to the group.
Ray Hampton was master of
ceremonies and Introduced new
members and their wives. Com
munity lnglng was enjoyed fol
lowed by LeRoy Hiatt, president
of the club bringing the Christ
max message. This was answer
ed by Mrs. LeRoy Hiatt, presi
dent of Kotary Anns.
A violin solo was played by
Mrs. Leon Mulkey and Rev. W.
A. MacArlhur gave the Christ
mas story. The program was con
cluded with a vocal selection by
Mr. Hiatt and a barber shop
quartet composed of Mrs. Mor
ris Roach, Mrs. Earl Wiley, Mrs.
H. H. Turner and Mrs. Jim Myers.
Guests and members partici
pating in the evening's entertain
ment were the Messrs. and Mes
dames LeRoy Hiatt. Cal Storrs,
Homer W. Grow, Roland West,
Ellis Bartram. Ted H. Wirak.
Jackson Beaman, Clarence V.
Landis, W. G. Clarenbach, A.J.
Geddes, H. D. Scott. Robert C.
Phillips, C. H. Baird, Ralph L.
nuiseu, iee r.mery, AlVin Mel'
geson and son: Earl Wliev. Har.
old Horn, Ray Hampton, Leon
Mulkey, James D. Myers, A. M.
Jacklin, S. J. Shoemaker, Carlos
Page, W. F. Schell, Sr., John E.
Runyan, H. H. Turner, Alva
Laws, Kenneth Ford. John Todd,
unaries wnarton, w. L. Tozer,
Paul Elliott, Frank Denton.
The Messrs. and Mesdames
Robert Doty. Bruce A. Mellis.
D. N. Busenbark, Victor J. Micel-
it, A. J. Townsend, R. H. Franks,
W. J. Adair, George E. West,
L. L. Powers, H. D. Carstens,
Clyde Knight, Hans T. Hansen,
Walt Mallory, Arthur McGhehey,
Harold Hoyt, Storey lies; Dr. and
Mrs. Dallen H. Jones, Dr. and
Mrs. G. W. Marshall, Dr. and
Mrs. John A. Haskins, Dr. and
Mrs. Morris H. Roach, Dr. and
Mrs. Ed. Llndell, Dr. and Mrs.
James Oakley, J. H. Sinniger,
Rod Nevue, Carl W. Muller, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Kotok, Miss Helen
Busenbark, Annie F. Russell,
Jack Chapman, Mrs. J. A.Cara
way, Mrs. Elizabeth Heinline, Al
ice Reed.
Gifts from the Christmas tree
will be distributed between the
American Legion auxiliary, the
Salvation Army and to local wel
fare for Christmas boxes.
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Plctura by Paul Jenklni
Left to right: Mrs. Lawrence Adams, Mrs. Charles Daly, Miss Bette Jewell, Mrs. Raymond Marr,
Mrs. W. E. Bollman, Mrs. Lloyd Nelson and Mrs. Clarence Van D Camp.
Roseburg Junior Woman's club
held their annual Christmas din
ner at the Shalimar Monday eve
ning, Doc. 12. Following the din
ner Mrs. William Bollman, with
background music by Mrs. Ray
Marr, read "The Littlest Angel."
Holiday decorations wore used
on tho Individual tables, with rod
tapers and holly. Individual gum
drop place cards marked the
places for gucsls and members.
Preceding the dinner Miss Betlc
Jewell, chnirirun, read the col
lect Carols were sung by the
group and Mrs. Ethel Mlnturn, a
guest, played several numbers.
Gifls were exchanged.
Mrs. Harold Jokela, president,
read a Christmas message from
Mrs. Edward Tauseher, contact
chairman. As-sisting the hostess
chairman were Mis. Al. Faren
baugh, Mrs. Ray Marr and Mrs.
Lloyd Nelson.
Members and guests enjoying
the affair were the Mesdames
Benj. O. DuFresne, Carl Duncan,
Amos Miner, Arda E. Jacobs,
R. D. Flos, A. J. Murray, Pete
Rudolf, Van Svarverlod, Robert
L. Nichel, Jr., Victor Flory, Ha
zel Scott, J. Rutter, Jean Sever
son, Clyde Crenshaw, Ralph Oil
man, Loren Christiansen, Jay
Shinn, Laurence Adams, Clar
ence DeCamp, Ross Myere, Geo.
Crocker, Dallen Jones, Arthur
Myers, Delorls Roberson, Jerome
Sheldon, Millard Roherlson, Rob
ert R. Holmquist, Henry Flury,
Misses Nan Hamilton, Barbara
Lamb, Betty Jo Tomlinson. Geor
giana Daly and Edltha Ritchie.
The next regular club meeting
will be held January 9 at the
Eagles hall at 8 p.m. with Mrs.
Clide Crenshaw and Mrs. Amos
Miner as hostesses.
Jody Corkrum Celebrates Birthday At Party
( Picture by Paul Jenklni
Left to right: Mix Richard Fies, Mrs. Peto Rudolf, Mrs. Harold Jokela, president; Mrs. Carl Duncan, Mrs. E. L. Tauseher, contact
chairman; Mrs. Benjamin O. Du Fresne and Mrs. Van Svarerud.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson en
tertained a group of friends at
potluck dinner Saturday evening.
Berries, holiy and red candles
formed the decorative motif for
the dining table.
During the evening the group
enjoyed hearing Bill Croarkin,
who is director of the Elks Min
strel show, tell of some of his
experiences in his travels as di
rector of Geller Productions.
Enjoying the evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Adrian Bowen, Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Latham, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Edwards, Bill Croarkin,
and the host and hostess.
The Forsythe Guild met at the
home of Mrs. Earl Lozler for
their annual Christmas dinner
Thursday, Dec. 8. Exchange of
gifts was enjoyed.
A short business meeting was
conducted after which Miss El
nor Sherk had charge ot devo
tions. Mrs. W. M. Campbell,
sponsor of the group, had charge
of installation of new officers.
Miss Ina Farnsworth was In
stalled as president; Miss Luella
Whitehead, vice president; Miss
Verna Carothers, membership
secretary; Miss Gertrude Rast,
secretary; Mrs. Orlena Slattery,
treasurer: Mrs. Florence Lozier,
Social Education and Action.
Carol Garrison, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Garrison, and Gale Madison, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Madison,
of Kellogg, were married Satur
day, Dec. 2 in Roseburg.
The quiet ceremony was read
by the Rev. W. A. MacArthur,
pastor of the First Methodist
church, at the Methodist parson
age. The couple was attended by
Miss Mable George and Grant
Madison, the latter a twin broth
er of the bridegroom.
The bride wore a green dress
suit with rust accessories. Both
are graduates of Elkton high
school. After a short wedding trip
they are at home in Kellogg
where Mr. Madison Is co-operator
of the Madison mill.
Order of Amaranth held a very
charming potluck supper and
Christmas program Monday eve
ning at the Masonic temple with
seventy-five members and
friends attending.
The program opened with num
bers bv the Harmonica Wizards
including Dr. M. C. Cassel, Tom
Scott and John Blessing. An ex
planation of Christmas customs
was given by Madeline Analuff.
The Nativity was beautifully
presented. Colored lights added
to tile effectiveness of the pro
gram. Ella Thorp acted as nar
rator and Helen Hanford was mu
sician. Those participating includ
ed: Mary. Jean Moore; Joseph,
rranic moore; Angels. iMareta
Barnard, Anna Swaverud and
Cynthia Sevall; wise men, Har
old Reynolds. George Trapalis
and Elmer Anderson: shepherds,
D. L. Taylor and Fred Darby,
and camol boy, Michael Darby.
Group singing of Christmas
carols closed the program. The
next regular meeting will he Jan
uary 6 at eight o'clock at the
Masonic temple.
A wedding of Interest to resi
dents of Elkton is that of Miss
Connie Cormvell. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wiley Ccrnwell of
Seottsburg to Charles Newton
Clemo. son of Mrs. Arthur Clemo
of Elkton.
The young people were married
in a simple church service Fri
day evening, IVc. 2. by the Rev.
iiiioert isewiand, pastor of the
Methodist church.
The bride, a popular high
school senior, wore a burgundy
suit with black accessories. She
will complete her high school
schedule this semester.
They have taken ud residence
In the house recently vacated bv
th Joe Bishops. Mr. Clemo h
employed at the Letsone Mill.
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Sealed from left: hathl Corkrum, Susan Hess, Tamara Tauseher. Carolyn Schemer, Jody Cork
rum, Sharon Jefferis, Deborah Corkrum and Raina Lynn Chapman. Standing: Greg Cooper, Charles
Corn well, Bob Hess and Bob Flos.
Jody Corkrum. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Corkrum,
celebrated her ninth birthday at
a most delightful skating party
Saturday afternoon, followed by
lovely refreshments at the Coili-
rum home In Laurelwood. In
addition to the guests pictured
above. Evangeline Chapman Join
ed the group later In the after-
Gifts were presented to Jody.
Mrs. Corkrum was assisted In
serving by Mrs. O. R. Hess. The
table was beautifully decorated
and centered with a randy-cane
arrangement with a gift for each
guest attached to the canes.
Pledges of Alpha Ir'.a chap
ter, Beta Sigma I'hl enjoyed .t
seven o'clock dinner Friday eve
ning at Carl's Haven, followed
by a Ritual of Jewels ceremony
at the home of Mrs. Verdun Bou
cock for Mrs. Robert Kent.
The table was centered with
a bountiot of lavender and yellow
chrysanthemums. Those present
were: Mrs. Unbelt Kent, Miss
Helen Casey, Mrs. Robert Sabin,
Mrs. Walter Welker, Mrs. Frank
Rogan, Mrs. Robert Bellows,
Mrs. Craig Short. Mrs. Verdun
Houcork, Mrs. Robert Phillips
and Mrs. lister Wimberly. A
yellow rose was presented to
Airs. Kent during the ceremony.
The Woman's Benefit associa
tion held Us annual Christmas
party Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Travis on West
Mosher street with members of
Review No. 17 and Mrs. Dewey
Wilson of Coos Bay as guests.
Following the meeting, an ex
change of gifts and a social hour
were enjoyed, after which Mrs.
Travis served lovely refresh
ments. The January 12th meeting will
ba held at two o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Earl Bridges., 2'24S
Sunset Lane, at which time elec
tion of officers will be held. All
members are requested to he
Pythian Sisters elected new of
ficers at a meeting Thursday
night at the K. of P. hall includ
ing: M. E. C, Golda Nickell;
P.C., Gladys Frenette; E.S.,
Frances Heath; E.J., Minnie
South; manager, Ida Firman;
secretary, Ingrid Anderson;
treasurer, Alyce Harvie; protec
tor, Bertha Bayliss; guard, Ethel
Skavdal; pianist, Jennie E. Jo
rey; press correspondent, Inga
High; installing officers, Lla
Kuykendall, and trustees, Eliza
beth Gardner for a two-year term
and Dora Hubbard for a three
year term.
The Lady Elks met Thursday
evening at the temple and on ac
count of so many activities of
the organization, the Christmas
party was cancelled and a no
hos'.css affair was planned for
inursday, Dec. iz, at eight o
clock at the temple, at which
time gifts, not to exceed $1, will
be exchanged. - ,
Contract bridge and pinochle
were in play during the social
hours with Mrs. Franklyn Voyt,
Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon and Mrs.
W. F. Amiot winning the bridge
prizes and Mrs. Cecil Hays, Mrs.
Paul K. Ryan and Mrs. William
Magness winning the pinochle
Those present were Mrs. Paul
K. Ryan, president, Mrs. Frank
Bistak, Mrs. Otho Gosnell, Mrs.
Alta Mathews, Mrs. Joe Brandt,
Mrs. James Moran, Mrs. Ray
Hoover, Mrs. Arnie Copple, Mrs.
Ward C u m m 1 n g s, Mrs. Val
Strong, Mrs. L. E. Moore, Mrs.
R. G. Baker, Mrs. Cecil Hays,
Mrs. R. V. Miller, Mrs. William
Magness, Mrs. W. B. Fritts.
Mrs. Ray John, Mrs. A. E. El
liott, Mrs. Lester Wimberly, Mrs.
M. Hazel Dixon, Mrs. Kenneth
Quine, Miss Agnes Pitchford,
Mrs. Irvin Brunn, Mrs. Robert
Helliwell, Mrs. Harry Greenqulst,
Mrs. A. B. Collier, Mrs. A. L.
Scott, Mrs. E. C. Patterson, Mrs.
Leonard Riley, Mrs. Mary De
mens, Mrs. L. M. Lehrbach, Mrs.
Fred Schwartz.
Mrs. Harry Hlldcburn, Mrs.
Franklyn Voyt, Mrs. E. L. Taus
eher, Mrs. Edward B. Row, Mrs.
A. B. Cacy, Mrs. Harold Haskin,
Mrs. W. L. Carr, Mrs. Mitchell
Moore, Mrs. S. L. Kidder, Mrs.
R. E. Walsh, Mrs. D. L. Taylor,
Mrs. L. W. Metzger, Mrs. Gil
Holderman, Mrs. Hal J. Ayotte,
Mrs. W. F. Amiot and Mrs. Don
ald Matson.
Zuleima club, Daughters of the
Nile held a very charming Christ
mas party Friday evening at a
seven o'clock dinner at the at
tractive home of Mrs. Elton
Jackson at Winchester with Mrs.
William Roughcore. co-hostess. A
beautiful decorated tree was en
joyed and members brought gifts
lo oe sent to tne cnilaren in the
Shrine hospital.
Covers were placed for: Mrs.
John Boor, Mrs. Frank O'Brien,
Mrs. Kudolpn Mickelson, Mrs.
Ray Asburry, Mrs. H. C. Stearns,
Mrs. Murry Smith. Mrs. S. J.
Kett. Mrs. Mildred Benham. Mrs.
H. R. Cook. Mrs. H. W. Cheno-
weth, Mrs. H. K. Halvorsen, Mrs.
L. a. Kesncr, Mrs. L. t. Hen-
ninger, Mrs. W. C. Holmes. Mrs.
K. v. lozier. Mrs. K. L,. lozier,
Mrs. R. M. McFarland, Mrs. P.
M. Durnam, Mrs. S. G. Palmer.
Mrs. Dallen H. Jones, Mrs. Neil
Kaser. Mrs. George R. Aker,
Mrs. K. D. Adams. Mrs. Otto W.
Harrah, Mrs. Betty Fariss. Mrs.
Maynard Stevens, Mrs. H. H.
Fountain and the hostesses, Mrs.
Jackson and Mrs. Roughcore.
The next meeting place will be
announced later. .
The American Legion and Aux
iliary members and their fami
lies are Invited to the annual
Christmas party at eight o'clock
Tuesday night at the armory. A
special" treat will be given the
children. A Christmas tree and ;
program will be enjoyed and re-1
freshments will be served. Those
attending are asked to bring chil-1
dren's tovs or books for child I
The auxiliary met Dec. 7. at i
the Legion home with a fine at
tendance. Mrs. W. J. Olmscheid, of
the department of child welfare.
and Mrs. Nell t'lrlch. of the de-
partment for the Veterans hos
pital, gave fine reports on the
child welfare and hospital depart
ment meetings recently held In
Seattle and attended by the chair
men of Area E child welfare and
rehabilitation departments.
Miss Nadlne Byers, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Embree of
Gardiner and Howard Morris,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morris
of Reedsport, were married in a
quiet evening -ceremony Decem
ber 7 at the Morris home.
The Reverend George E. Mor
tensen officiated at the cere
mony. The bride was given in
marriage by her brother, Ken
neth Byers.
The bride wore a green wool
suit with a corsage of brown or
chids. She was attended by her
sister, Mrs. Gordon Tally, and
Deward Faircloth was best man
for his brother.
The couple left Immediately
after the reception for a short
wedding trip. They will reside in
Reedsport where Mr. Morris is
employed by the Morris Con
struction company.
Guests for the wedding includ
ed members of the immediate
families and a few close friends.
6 Thi Newi-Rvlw, Roiburj, Of.SaK, De. 17. 194t
Society and GUU
Betrothal Told By Parents
t !
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Miss Esther Marie Livermore
Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Willard Livermore of
Roseburg of the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Esther Maria
to Salvatore Sunseri. H is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sunserl
of Portland.
The wedding will be an event of spring. The bride-elect Is a
graduate of Roseburg High school In the class of. 1948. She is
employed at Nielsen's Market. Mr. Sunserl is employed by Taxi 6.
Lundgren Home Is Scene Of Charming Party
ti SrL. Jk!!hk " till
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Picturei bv Paul Jenkins
Left to right standing: Mrs. Carl Lundgren, hostess, Mrs. Helen Casey, Mrs. Hedwig Watzig
and Mrs. Paul Jenkins. Seated: Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark, Mrs. Deming Bronson, Mrs. Harold E.
Schmeer and Mrs. Walter Fisher.
Left to right: Miss Rosa B. Parrott, Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Mrs.
Frederick J. Porter, Miss Helen Casey, Mrs. W. J. Hutch, Mrs.
H. N. Jacobson, Mrs. Paul Helweg and Mrs. H. C. Wells.
s? J ifH i si
Left to right: Mrs. Earl Neuru tback to camera), Mrs. Edward
Murphy, Mrs. Carl Lundgren, Mrs. Bert Corkrum, Mrs. L. K.
Fles, Mrs. E. L. Tauseher, Mrs. Spencer Yates, Mrs. Frederick
Chapman Jr., Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. C. W. Wharton, Mrs.
Veils Broadway, Mrs. W. C Callison, Mrs. W. F. Amiot, Mrs. J.
R. Wharton and Mrs. J. A. Harding.
One of a series of charming
benefit bridge parties for St.
Joseph's Altar society was given
Wednesday, when Mrs. Carl
Lundgren entertained at a one
o'clock dessert-luncheon at her
beautiful home on Overlook. The
holiday motif was attractively
carried out in the decorations.
Mrs. Paul Jenkins and Mrs. Hed
wig Watzig assisted the hostess
and Miss Helen Casey assisted
in serving.
Covers were placed for Mrs,
Earl A. Neuru, Mrs. Spencer
Yates, Mrs. Ben L. Martin, Mrs.
Edward Murphy, Mrs. E. L. Taus-
cher, Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrs. Fred
erick Chapman Jr., Mrs. Bert
Corkrum, Mrs. S. M. Moore, Mrs.
W. F. Amiot, Mrs. James Hughes,
Mrs. W. C. Callison, Mrs. Maurice
L. Hallmark, Mrs. Walter Fisher,
Mrs. Deming Bronson, Mrs. Har
old E. Schmeer, Mrs. J. A. Hard
ing, Mrs. Velle Broadway, Mrs.
Charles W. Wharton, Mrs. J. R.
Wharton, Mrs. W. J. Hutch, Mrs.
Paul Helweg, Mrs. H. C. Wells,
Mrs. H. N. Jacobson, Mrs. Arthur
Clarke. Miss Rosa B. Parrott,
Miss Helen Casey and Mrs. Fred
erick J. Porter.
High score for the afternoon's
contract bridge play was won by
Mrs. Hughes with Mrs. Amiot
winning second high score.
Dpn 3 nf PiiK Tab- 11C 11,1
their regular weeklv meeting De
cember ioth at the home of their
Den Mother, Mrs. Allen McLen-
nan. just recently organized this
pack is now busily engaged in
matins rhi-U..
iiiiauiina iua lui wirir
parents under the able leadership
of their Den Mother and her as
sistant. Mrs. Ralph Fisher, both
of Winston.
Following the activities of Sat
urday's Dpn mulinn hA
were conducted on a hike In the
lorftl rna hi- KTt. f .
Fifth Grade Dillard teacher.
uio memoers who participated
In Satllrrinv'a r.Htrltl,. u it
Lennan home were: Ray Dowdv,
Skippy Husband. Jackie McLeh-
"an. t-iaire ueauooin. and Allen
Duntan fsK Zm..i t-. 1, ti .
r. uwui-s lauril DfdW
do n and Eugene Fisher were ua
ui 10 anena tne meeting.