4 The Newt-Review, Roiebiirg, Ore Sat., Dee. 17, 1949 Published Djlly Except Sunday ry the News-Revie Company, Inc. BeMne at roe elan natter Mar 1. , at tha poll fflot at Batabarg. Ortfea. anda, act af March t. U11 CHARLES V. STANTON gTS. EDWIN U KNAPP Editor Manager Member of tha Aitoelated Preu, Oregon Newspaper Publlihera Aesoolation, the Audit Bureau of Circulations BatraaaataS r WE8T-HOLLIDAI CO.. INC.. atflera la Naw tark, Chloafa, Saa rraaolaoa. Laa Aocalea, laattla. Portland. St. Laula. SUBiCKIKriON HATES la Onion Br Mall rar taar IS W. l maalba ., tbraa mo.lt. It.5. B, Clli Carrier Par roar 110.M (la adraocal, lata Ibaa aaa rear, par moalb SI.00 Oalilda Orafan Br Mall Par rear IS 00. ill aaenlbi 14. IS. three maatbe 11.71 The Old Master OUR TAX PROBLEM By CHARLES V. STANTON Oregon Business and Tax Research, Inc., gives Douglas county a black eye in its current review of state taxes, sub mitted to newspapers for publication. The bulletin contains the following paragraphs: Douglas county has the dubious honor of having the larg est over-all property tax Increase, silghtly more than 52 per cent over the 1948-49 levy. ' Douglas county's property tax Increase was due princi pally to a 77.8 per cent Increase for county costs, which In oludes a county Indigent home fund of $225,627 and a 50.8 per cent lift In tax cost of schools. Cities and towns In creased taxes amounted to 21.4 per cent. At first glance it would appear that Douglas county is in bad shape financially, instead of being perhaps the best off in the state from a financial standpoint. Nor is it mentioned that our increase in assessed valuation is one of the highest in the state. That "77.8 per cent increase for county costs,", would cause the uninformed to believe our county court was piling on the taxes. The fact is, however, that insofar as county administration is concerned, we have one of the lowest mill- age levies in the state, and the 77.8 per cent increase results chiefly from the four-mill special levy voted to finance con struction of a county hospital. Income from sales of county- owned timber and lands, sold on long-term contracts, is used to finance county administration and the county levy is al most entirely for roads and bridges. Douglas county's big tax headache results from school needs and that problem will get a lot worse before it begins to get better. Douglas county in rate of population increase is second only to Jefferson county. It has gone to fourth place in pay rolls. It has had one of the highest percentage increases in assessed valuation of property. Nearly every school district has been forced to construct new school buildings. Virtually every school district has taxed itself to the limit permitted by law. Yet birth statis tics indicate that .within the next five years we will be re quired to again almost double classroom capacity. . Douglas county's total tax bill this year is up 52,6 per cent, of which 50.8 per cent is represented by increase in school taxes. The major part of the increase in school taxes is for construction of new buildings, employment of teachers and furnishing textbooks and materials to take care of in creased enrollment. But we still will need far more school capacity than at present. Our tax load will not be greatly eased so long as we con tinue to grow. Two to three years are required to get im provements on the tax rolls and to collect taxes on increased valuations. The long lag cannot be avoided. Thus, as we grow, we have demand for more services and more facilities, but tax revenue is at least two years behind requirements. So, until population and progress become static, we must anticipate tax problems. Oregon Business and Tax Research, Inc., an organization working for lower taxes and combatting tax increases, a very worthy and needed purpose, is not above "coloring" its statements to create prejudice. Many newspapers doubtless will publish its bulletin in which Douglas county's tax in creases are given undeserved implications. Our tax increases, while we do not like them, actually are Indicative of progress and should be considered a boost rather than a knock. Our millage for county government is extremely low. Our cities are well within averages for their population and Rose burg's tax is exceptionally low on a comparative basis. The bulk of our tax dollar goes to our schools, and we consider it to be to tho credit of our taxpayers that they are will ing despite their grumbling to furnish the best possible educational opportunities for our youth. Dog Licenses To Go On Sale Here December 23 The city of Rosebui-R will start soiling clog licenses lor li)50 at the city hall, commencing Fri day, Dec. 23, announced Kecoid er William Bollman. All residents of the city should secure their dog licenses at the city hall Instead of the court house, said Bollman. The city has made arrangements with the county to collect the license, from nil residents within the corporate limits. The license fee remains $2 for males and speyed females and $3 for females. The city retains SO percent of its collections and the county receives 20 percent. March 1 is the deadline for se curing licenses. After that date a $1 flat penalty Is charged. The penalty has been changed. It pre viously went up 25 cents month ly to a total of $1. Roscburg maintains a dog pound and employs two dog catchers on a part-time basis. Dogs running at laree are picked up and Impounded. They may he retrieved within five days by pay ing the cost of board. Unlicensed dogs will not be released unless licenses are purchased. In all about 100 dogs have been impounded, but most of them have been retrieved by the own ers. Unclaimed dogs will either be given away to any person re questing them, upon their pay ment of the board and license fee, or they will be disposed of, according to Bollman. Here Are 'DOs' And 'TOs' For Packages To Korea EUGENE, (TP) Without so much as a whalho, the U. S. postal department gave these Instructions to all postmasters In a bl-weokly bulletin. "The following provinces com- rising the Korean republic are open to parcel post ehejudo, chnlla-nnmdo, chollapukto, ch' imgh 'onqpukto, hwanghae-do, kangwoh-do, kyonggi-do. kyong sang namdo, kyongsang-pukto. 'The provinces marked with an asterisk ire divided by the 3Sth parallcll of latitude and Its is the responsibility of the mail ers to determine that the post office to which their parcels are addressed are located south of the 38th parallel. 1 ,s In the Day's News (Continued from Page One) people gave out a considerable number of complimentary tickets. As conditions In their Industry changed as, for example, costs rose to the point where they no longer could afford such a prac tice they began to cut down on their lists of "comp" holders. From all I can hear, the roar that went up from those who had been getting Into the shows for free was terrific. w E newspapers used to follow the same practice. We gave away complimentary subscrip tions. Why? I never did know for sure. I think perhaps the practice grew up out of the curious quirk in human nature that makes It easier for us to say YES than to say NO. Anyway, we did It. We excused ourselves on the ground that after all once the press started It didn't make much difference. In those days paper was very, very cheap and I suppose we reasoned that when we gave com plimentary papers to certain peo ple we were MAKING FRIENDS. Came then the war. And with the war came scarcity and high prices of paper. With paper scarce and the price of It high, we began to cut off our comps." &&&& ????? !!' T J. M. Housley Elected Real Estate Board Head J. M. llnusloy, of the Vallev Real Estate agency, was elected president of the Douglas County Realty board at the monthly meeting Wednesday night In the chamber of commerce room. Housley succeeds Macon Jack of Jack Realty. Other officers in clude Joseph W. Dent of Rose burg Realty, vice-president, and Peter B. Serafln of C. S. Briees & Co., secretary-treasurer. HOSE asterisks and exclama tion points and question marks and such that end the preceding paragraph of this piece are in tended to depict language of the kind one Isn't supposed to spell out In a family Journal. The language In question was used by those to whom ve had been giving complimentary copies and to whom we had been com pelled to announce that hereafter it would be Impossible to give any more complimentary copies. it wasn't all just plain rough language. In fact, relatively little of It was rough. It was more on the plaintive side. People who had been getting papers for nothing were hurt and disillusioned tr, think that after having been so generous and so thoughtful all these years we had suddenly turned hard and grasping and commercial. They just couldn't believe it of uj, they said. I'M personally convinced that what Dr. Banks says about the Britisher in the street and the free-fornothlng medical service he has been receiving and how, he will feel about It If the sen-ice I is ever taken away from him Is the gospel truth. He Isn't going to like It. NOBODY ever likes paying for something he has been getting for free. By Viahnett S. Martini "I found my silver tablespoon," Mrs. Algernon Bitwuns Temarked to me the other day." Yes, I'm glad, too. My English cousin found It for me. Don't look so surprised. She's still In England." Mrs. Bitwuns picked up a long letter. "Listen to this bit." She read aloud. " 'I have been trying to get an American book . . . but not even Foyle's, our greatest book shop has been able to supply It . . . I'll tell you why I wanted the Victory Picture Book so badly: I have joined the Cactus & Suc culent Society of Great Britain. During the past twelve months I have taken several prizes at the Royal Horticultural Hall in Lon don, also the Silver Challenge Cup at our Local Branch'." "Mercy me, I didn't know they liked cactus in England with that climate!" I said, Interested very much. "I collected cactus plants once . . . but I got so tired of forty 'leven little colored pots around that I put all into one big container. Left that out in our lath house. Along came some unusual weather in Southern Cal ifornia my cactus froze!" "Too bad," said Matilda, hurry ing on with the letter excerpts. "My cousin wants what do you suppose! Illustrated free cata logues that show pictures of cac tus plans! Says she can t ever get illustrated catalogues over there! And she says not even Foyles can get American books. Fancy that! I guess we'd better be thankful, next time we sail into a bookstore and buy a book, or order one by mail, instead of taking It so for granted!" I agreed. "I wonder if we can find that book she wants?" "Oh, I ordered it from the pub lishing firm in Pasadena, the Abbey Press, before I even fin ished reading the mail. Then I began looking through a huge scrapbook I made in California of flowers and historical lore etc. and cut out everything about cac tus. Found quite a few interest ing items!" "But the sliver tablespoon, Ma tilda. You were going to tell me about finding it," I remind ed her. "That's where I found the spoon. In the scrapbook. You see I use what is handy to mark a place, sometimes. In a book. I must have used the tablespoon about a year ago when I looked in that old scrapbook." LETTERS to the Editor IWA Will Conduct Its Own Negotiations ROSEBURG We note with in terest the strike threat and ex aggerated claims of membership Dy spokesmen lor the A.r.L. Lumber and Sawmill Workers. No attempt to date has been ! made by officialdom of the A.F.L. Sawmill Workers to meet with representatives of the I.W.A. In Southwestern Oregon, regarding negotiations and de mands to be made upon "the in dustry. The contract demands of the IWA-CIO will be formulated by the rank and file of our organi zation and ratified by a confer ence scheduled for the early part of January in Portland. The I.W.A. will conduct Its own negotiations with employers un der contract with locals in our district and no other organiza tion will be permitted to Interfere with the contracts or negotiations o improve the living and work ing conditions of the IWA-CIO membership. ED BENEDICT. President, District 7. Bogus Security Expert Lands In Hands Of FBI LOS ANGELES. Dec. 16 -.P One of the EUls 10 most wanted men Henry Lawrence Goslee, -It, Is In the county jail facing an indictment charging Interstate transportation of bogus securi ties. Arthur P. Moran, special as sistant U.S. attorney, said Cos Ice, under 2$ aliases, traveled around the country for several years writing bad checks. He was arrested last month In Reno and ! brought here. Property Owners Warned Of Higher Tax Proposals ROSEBURG So you property owners are griping about your outrageous high tax statements you Just received. Listen! You haven't seen any thing yet. Wait until the election comes up for the new city hall and air port if you think they are high now. And don't think it won't pass, unless we property owners, who have to foot the bill, turn out and vote them down. Roseburg has no industry other than lumbering and logging, and don't think these are going to slay good very much longer. You merchants know how your busi ness suffers when the mills don't run. Look at Roseburg before the wai and before the lumber indus try got good. Look at the tax table of the counties of the state for the last two years. Douglas county had almost a 60 percent Increase, or the third highest in the state. And not very long ago there was an article in our local paper stat ing that Douglas county taxes were as low or lower than any in the state. Look at the table again and you will see that there are only five counties with taxes any higher, and they are counties that are thicker populated than ours Clackamas. Klamath, Lane, Ma rion and Multnomah. ' We can do something about lowering our federal taxes by writing our senators and congress men and asking them to support the bills that come up for reor ganizing our federal government. The average man never gets around to do anything like that, so why don't you women sit down and write each lawmaker a let ter? It won't take long. There are only six of them. It will cost you only a few cents. Here are their names and addresses: Sena tors, Guy Cordon and Wayne Morse, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C ; Representa tives, Harris Ellsworth, Lowell Stockman, Homer Angell, Walter Norblad. House Office Building, Washington, D. C. And to Dr. Shoemaker: Here are two more votes from our house they won't get for the new airport and city hall. NAME ON FILE Roseburg, Ore. Vital Statistics Divorce Decreet Granted CROY Cecil S. from Margaret ( J. Croy. i Hospital Council Of Red Cross Holds Meet Here Forty representatives of nine Red Cross chapters gathered in the recreation room of the Vet erans Administration hospital Roseburg, Wednesday to com plete plans lor Red Cross cooper observances. The group was comprised mostly of volunteer workers who make up the hospital council serving the Roseburg and Med ford Installations. Business of the day Included a welcoming address by Dr. Has kins, hospital manager, and a talk by Miss Bloom, chief nurse. Red Cross field directors and Veterans Administration special services officers presented the needs of their respective VA fa cilities, and the chapter repre sentatives discussed ways and means of fulfilling the requests. Each chapter group accepted responsibility for meeting the need for comfort and decorative articles that could be supplied through the efforts of production corps and Junior Red Cross work ers. Financial responsibility was accepted by some chapters, and it was undertaken to supply each hospitalized veteran with a small gift. Chapters represented were Douglas, Coos, Josephine, Jack son, Klamath, Lane, Benton and Polk. Representatives from Sis kiyou, Calif., and Curry and Linn counties in Oregon were prevent ed by weather and distance fro.n attending. Those present from the local chapter were Mrs. Edward Tit- comb, volunteer services chair man; Miss Ruth Swinney, Junior Red Cross chairman: Mrs. Rob ert Harris; Mrs. Jack Meyers; uougias iiimms, executive sec retary, and Robert Kidder. VA special services representative. Highlight of the meeting were the addresses by Dr. Haskins and Chief Nurse Bloom, who express ed appreciation for the past serv ices ot Kea cross ana an other volunteer groups engaged In the hospital volunteer services program. An appeal was made for yet more volunteers who would be willing to give service at the hos pital. It was the opinion of all present that the past year's pro gram had been beneficial and worthwhile and one which was greatly enjoyed by all partici pants. The National Geographic So ciety says American craftsmen have recaptured the lost mcate val methods of staining glass. OSC Graduate To Supervise Atomic Plant Project RICHLAND, Wash. An Oregon State college graduate will supervise a multi-million dol lar building program scheduled to get underway at the HanforJ atomic plant early in 1950. W. E. Johnson was named by G. R. Prout as the new head of the design and construction divi sion at Hanford. Prout is a viee presjdent of the General Electric corporation and general mana ger of the nucleonics department. As head of design and construc tion, Johnson will direct a $185. 000,000 expansion and develop ment program at the atomic en ergy plant. Johnson Joined the General Electric company shortly after graduating from Oregon State college with a degree in mechan ical engineering nearly 20 years ago. He succeeds F. R. Creedon as head of the department AUTO INSURANCE at Roseburg Realty and Insurance Co. Umpqua Hotel Lobby The Convenient Place to Buy Insurance PHONE 100 between 6 15 and 7 p. m., it you have not received your News Review. Ask for Harold Mobley Success ifSff J r GRANT'S 112 N. Stephens " WE HAVE , JOBS AVAILABLE For Trained Workers If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or call tomorrow. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 1535-R ' A New Year's ledoiu tlo n Start your preparations now to do your 1950 business with us.. Complete banking services available, including safe deposit boxes and night depositories. DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK A Home Owned, Home Operated Institution Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. COONEY Sue A. from Clar-i ence M. Cooney. Plaintiff's maid-! en name (Sue A. Ashby) restor-: ed; property settlement made. 'Sorry, madam, your watch , is not guaranteed to run!' If you have a watch that is guaranteed everything, but will not run, this is for you. So often we see watches advertised as "precision built," "multi-jeweled," "guaranteed waterproof and shockproof," in fact, guaranteed everything but TO RUN. Let's get old fashioned for a minute; to know whether a watch is going to run is pretty important. You CAN'T tell if a wotch is going to keep good time by: 1. Looking at the design, - - 2. by buying a well known brand, 3. by paying a lot of money for the alleged "best" n or 4. by buying one that is "guaranteed everything" but to run. These factors have little or nothing to do with a watch's running con sistency. You can tell if the watch you buy will run if you: 1. Buy It from a Jeweler who Is capable and willing to make any initial adjusting to keep the watch running properly. A small part of the price you pay for -your watch is actually an adjust ment fee paid by 'you to the jeweler for any initial adjustments necessary to make the watch run properly. In short we want to advertise this fact: You can buy the watch you think is the best, from the jeweler who sells that kind. If he backs up what he sells von will aet good service from your watch. OR You can buy ANY watch from Knudtson's. We see to it that every watch we sell keeps good time. This is nothing new this hos been our policy for 65 years. At Knudtson's you'll find Hamilton, Wyler, Longines, Wittnauer, Har vel, Croton and Gruen watches priced from 19.50. ' AMBROSE Pearl from Alfred M. Airmrose. Plaintiffs maiden name (Pearl R. Johnson) restored. VEALEY Ruth E. from Wil liam Vealey. Plaintiffs maiden name (Ruth E. Miller) restored. WATTS Catherine E. from Wayne R. Watts. Plaintiff's for mer name. Catherine E. Blank, restored; property settlement made. across from Douglas County Bank Or