2 The News-Review, Roioburg, Ore. Sat., Dot. 17, 1949 Christian Church Progr iram Includes "Messiah" Songs Three "Messiah" numbers will be featured on (he Christmas con cert program to be given by the choir of the First Christian church Sunday night, & 18. In addition to the local talent, two soloists, Betty. Hahn, con tralto from Eugene, and Ralph Church, tenor, will assist. The music is under the direction of S. Clarence Trued. The program is as follows: Prelude Magnificat Claussmann Ruth Trued Silent Night, Holy Night (from rear of church) Gruber The Choir Processional Joy to the World Handel Choir and Congregation Invocation Rev. Kenneth W. Knox Praise Ye the Lord (Christmas Oratorio) Salr.t Saens The Choir Gesu Bambino Pielro Yon Jessie Crenshaw, Soprano Today There Is Ringing .., Christiansen The Choir Sleep, Child Divine Ackley Duet Wllmetta Squires And Valdean Bridges 0' Thou That Tellest Good Tid ings (Messiah) Handel Betty Hahn, 'Contralto And the Choir Cantique de Noel Adams Ralph Church, tenor And The Glory of The Lord (Messiah) Handel The Choir The Christmas Story Rev. Rca Klelnfeldt Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) Handel The Choir 'Friendly Poker Game' Ends Not So Friendly SAN PEDRO, Calif., Dec. 17 OF) You never know what a friendly little poker game may lead to. George Waters told police yes terday that: He won $1,600 from one Frank Billings In an Impromptu poker session. Billing's paid him with a $2,400 check, for which Wa ters forked over $400 In cash and a $400 check. But Billings' check bounced. Waters went looking for Bill ings, found him on a street and asked what he was going to do about the check. Said Billings: "Why, there's nothing wrong with that check. Lemme borrow your car and I'll go to the bank right now and get your money." Reported Waters to police: He'd now like to find hb $400, the $400 check, his new automo bileand Billings. Dependable! Performanc 2SSTOM C4M SAW uhflUtauUf(fia4 Ziyi ftt in Designed and built by Diiiton, America's foremoit aw manu facturer, Ihii it the taw you need to lower your costs and step up your production. It's asy to operate, and built for trouble-free service. Let us give you all the facts about the Diiiton Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come In and folk it over. l CARL J. PEETZ 920 8. Stephens Phone 279 withal M 1 "It's What I've Dreamed About!" Express the spirit of Christmas in a truly won derful way by presenting your wife with one of our MODERN time and labor-saving kitchen tct-ups! Complete with spacious cabinets and attractive wallboard it will streamline her chores; mean more time for fun and relaxation each day! Phone 128 for a Free Estimate Today Always Fair Prices All Your lluildiug Needs In One Stof) n2i Republicans Say Democrats In Stampede For Fair Deal (Continued From Page One) a lesslon from the Olda case, where his own party members turned him down but It seems that Pendergast politicians don't learn from history," lerguson said. Boyle announced the pressure campaign in Key West, Fla., af ter conferences with Mr. Tru man. He said the administration wants party members in Con gress to support the party plat form with their votes. Some southern Democrats did n't subscribe to all sections of that platform, particularly the plank pledging enactment of civil rights legislation. These lawmakers form most of the members of the democra tic bloc who haven't gone along with the President's domestic program In the past. They are the party members most likely to oppose other controversial pro posals of Mr. Truman, including repeal of the Taft-Hartley act and his plan for compulsory health Insurance. While Boyle was urging that pressure be put on the balking Democrats, Senator Murray ID Mont) held out something of an olive branch to them. Murray told reporters he doubts that Congress could pass either Taft-Hartley repeal or compulsory health insurance measures at the coming session. He urged that they be given study, but not be pushed to a showdown at this time. Extension Of Draft To Be Asked In '50 (Continued from Page One) congressional leaders cited sev eral points to support his re quests. The draft Is needed, he said, to back up President Truman's declaration that the "United Slates supports the powerful forces for freedom, justice and peace which are represented by the United Nations and the free nations of the world." Johnson added that Acheson fears the end of selective serv ice might be regarded abroad as Inconsistent with our policies under the Atlantic pact and mili tary assistance program. Finally, he said, unsettled world conditions which caused passage of the 1948 peacetime draft still prevail. Johnson's request to the Sen ate and House merely asked a three-year extension of the draft act as it stands now. Seems To Be Concession Since the present act Is con- sideiably less than the adminis tration originally asked, this ap peared to be a concession to a strong congressional feeling that the need for the draft no longer exists. Originally the administration wanted the right to draft men for at least two years service In the 18 through 25 age bracket. Congress cut this down to 21 months, and gave 18 year olds the chance to resign. Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D. Colo) and other draft critics said inese moves Indicated to them there was no need for the peace time selective service and thai H should be abandoned. bven Chairman Tydings (D Md) of the Senate armed serv ices committee said it mav he difficult to get Congress to ap- l'ive an extension. Johnson apparently anlicpated opposition. Although men are not actually heing drafted now, he said, hav ing the law on the hooks stimu lates voluntary enlistments. ROUNDUP DATES SET PENDLETON, Ore. IIP) The Pendleton roundup will Include a Sunday show next year for the first time in history. The dates of the annual round up were set for Aug. 24-27. The purses will again total $16,000. Salvation Army Christmas Plans Not Chest Deal The Salvation Army's Christ mas program la not a part of the Community Chest campaign. Capt. Claude Bowden today ex plained that throughout the na tion and other countries recog nizing Christmas, the Salvation Army carries out a Christmas program of distributing food and clothing to needy families. ' The extent to which Christmas giving is made possible depends upon local contributions toward this specific cause, said Bowden. He said that 600 letters have been mailed out to residents of the area, and the Salvation Army ketlle Is out on the city streets. However, he emphasized that this is not a drive to collect any specific amount. He said the pur pose is to raise only the funds that may be contributed volun tarily. No pressure will be exert ed from any source, and persons receiving letters who do not wish to contribute are advised to dis regard the letter, he said. By no means should the con tribution be considered a chest donation, he stated. He differentiated by stating that the Salvation Army's budEet share from the chest goes for the year round administration and operation of the local program. The Christmas program is for a specific purpose. Grocery or ders and in many cases elothine and some toys are purchased for neeay lamines. Also a Christmas party Is sponsored. An estimated 150 children are expected for the party scheduled next 'Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Army head quarters, 1005 Winchester street. Candy, fruit and nuts will be dis tributed to give the children an enjoyable Christmas, said Bow den. A limited number of toys win aiso oe provmea. Hungarian Police Arrest American Relief Director (Continued From Page One) The legation was informed by the nunganan ioreign oince yester day that Jacobson had been ar rested. Trohe said Jacobson "nrobablv was acquainted with "Robert A. Vogelec, American businessman arrcslcd by the Hungarians Nov. in. lie sain, However, the two were probably not very close trlcnds and he did not think there Is any connection between their arrests. There Since 1947 Jacobson. who Is 37. was as signed to the Budapest office of the AJDC In September, 1947, and slayed there until he left for the united states. He left Budapest to visit Vienna only twice during that time. Trobe said as far as he knew Jacobson was never molested bv Hungarian police during his long stay In Pudapest, Trobe said the European head quarters of the AJDC in Parte has been notified of Jacobson'.? arrest and he assumed the case would be taken up with the state department. American legation officials here said they knew of the ar rest ohut no action has yet been initiated from Vienna. Annual Eagles Christmas Party Set For Sunday The annual Plprrlnn r-hricim-.o tree parly for children will be held KnnHav rtnn 1H at 1 m at the Eacles' hall on S. Pine street. Included nn tho Phi-let mac gram is the first appearance of the Eaeles parnlUnfr omnn 1 youngsters who have received Kiining in past monins uncier Eagles sponsorship. Paul Travis. K;illp tnrlco nra. sldenl, said all children are in- vnen 10 anenn, "as manv as room a Christmas package from San la Claus. refreshments, and games will be played. The annual nartv Is staged by ladies of the Eagles Auxiliary. Boy Scouts In Business Selling Christmas Trees Boy Scouts of Troop 7 have gone Into the business of selling Christmas trees. The ambitious youngsters got out last weekend and again this morning at 6 o'clock to rut their trees, which are on sale at the Safeway parking lot on Main sireei ana at Mcculloch C hain Saw building on So. Stephens. The loys slaff the locations after school until 9:30 p. m. Ray I.orance Is scoutmaster and Irvin Best is assistant leader. TURKEY Shooting Starting at Roseburg Rod & Gun Club WINCHESTER Trial Testimony Doesn't Coincide NEW YORK, Dec. 17-UP) Al ger Hiss' brother-in-law says he was visiting with the Hisses in Maryland on the day that ex communist spy courier Whlttaker Chambers says he accompanied the couple to New Hampshire. This was on Aug. 9, 1937. Thomas Fansler, brother of Hiss' wife, Priscilla. testified yesterday as a defense witness that he stayed with the Hisses in Chestertown, Md., from Aug. 6 through Aug. 9 of that year. Previously, Chambers, chief accuser of .Hiss in the former State department official's sec ond perjury trial, had said he, Hiss and Mrs. Hiss left Washing ton on the latter date and travel ed together to Peterborough, N. H. ' The conflicting testimony from Fansler, of Chicago, a director of the home safety division of the National Safety Council, came shortly before the trial adjourned lor the weekend. Chinese-Soviet Pact Now Appears Certain (Continued from Page One) V. M. Molotov, Marshal Nikolai A. Bulganln of the polltburo, foreign Trade Minister Michael A. Menshikov and Deputy For eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. Vithinsky At Meet At his first meeting with Stalin thos present Included Molotov, Bulganln, Deputy Prime Minister Georgi M. Malenkov and Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishinsky. In his speech at the station, Mao said: "For 30 years the Soviet people and the Soviet government have repeatedly given aid to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people. These acts of friendship on the part of the Soviet people and the Soviet government which the Chinese people received dur ing the days of their severe trials will never be forgotten." He concluded his speech with: "Long live the friendship and co operation between China and the Soviet Union." Mao had been met at the Soviet Chinese frontier as he crossed over by Deputy Foreign Minister A. Lavrentyev, a representative from the ministry of foreign af fairs, and officers of the trans Baikal military district. Flags Displayed In Moscow the station and streels leading to It were be decked with flags of the Soviet Union and the Chinese (Commu nist) people's republic. In addition to the Soviet offi cials, Mao was met by envoys from Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslo vakia, Romania, Albania, Hun gary and represenlatives from the (east) German democratic re public and his own government of China. Mao obviously had timed his visit for the huge Moscow cele bration of Stalin's 70th birthday next Wednesday. New York To Have Texan First Lady STUART. Fla., Dec. 17 UP) The nation's largest city will have a Texas born first lady when Mayor William O'Dwyer of New York is married Tuesday morning to dark-haired Elizabeth Sloan Simpson. Details of the approaching marriage remained a secret as the Irish-born chief executive of New York city and his bride to be remained in hiding, reportedly aboard a friend's yacht. O'Dwyer, 59, who rose from a penniless immigrant boy to may or of Gotham, and the 33-year-old former model appeared at the court house of this pictur esque litlle resort and fishing town yesterday to ohlain an ap plication for a wedding license. Under Florida's three day wait law, the actual license will not he issued until 8 a.m. (EST) Tuesday, Immediately before the ceremony. The wedding Is to he perform ed by the Rev. Timothy J. Geary in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church about 8:30 a.m. (EST) Tuesday. When they appeared at the court house O'Dwyer wore a blue slip-over sport shirt with short sleeves, a blue-gray jacket and tan slacks. Miss Simpson, who recently has been a fashion styl ist, wore a gray Jersey traveling suit, SECOND MISHAP KILLS MAN LINDSAY, Ont., Dec. 17 UT1 Lawrence C. Sprung, 65, escaped injury yesterday when his auto mobile crashed Into a ditch. He stood alongside the car.waiting for wreckers to pull it out. A pas-sing truck struck him. Sprung was killed. SHOOT Sunday, December 18 Everybody Welcome If you en't shoot come end watch Sandwiches and Soft Drinks Available All Day t 9 A. M. f. : (NF.A Telepholo) NEW AUSTRALIAN LEADER Robert Gordon Menzies (above), Australian Liberal leader, is slated to be restored to the Prime Minis try he held from 1939 to 1941. Aus tralia's Labor Government, after en eight-year rule, has been ousted In the national election. Now that both Australia and New Zealand have ousted their Labor Govern ments, Britain is the only country within the Commonwealth with a Socialistic Laborite Government. Nine Soloists Featured In 'Messiah' Presentation (Continued from Page One) lists as choral experience, sing ing with Eureka nigh scnooi choruses and the student choir at Humboldt State college. She is at Dresent. solo st with the First Methodist church. She will sing the soprano recitatives and air, "Rejoice Greatly." A U. S. National bank book keeper, Marian Jones, will sing the soprano solo "Come Unlo Him All Ye That Labor." sue performed some solo work with tlie Klamatn f ans nign scnooi a cappella choir before coming here two years ago and is sing ing in the choral society for the first time this year. Comnletine the list ol four women soloists is Marian Ross, housewife. She will sing the con tralto solo, "O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion. While living In Los Angeles, Mrs. Ross studied voice there un der John Claire Monteilh, and has sung with the Hollywood Community chorus, the Pasade na chorus and was a member of a Hollywood church choir. Bass Hershel Scott, county salesman for Pioneer Grocery.ls well known to local concert-goers who remember his solo work last spring with the choral so ciety. Vocal study in Seattle and Eugene, chorus and solo work choirs and soloist with the Eu gene Gleemen Is a brief account of some of his vocal and choral experience. Scott came to Rose burg six years ago and is now a soloist for the Methodist church choir'. He will sing the recital five and air, "People That Walk ed In Darkness." Versatility as both a singer and violinist marks tenor Wendell Johnson, choral and string mu sic director for Roseburg schools. While studying music at Willam ette university, Johnson toured the slate for four vears with the college choir as featured instru mentalist and later sang In the Ann Arbor choral union presen tation of the "Messiah" while studying at the University of Michigan. He is at present di rector of music at the First Bap tist church and has appeared as guest soloist with other local churches. His is the first solo to appear in Tuesday's program, Ihe tenor recitative "Comfort Ye." and air "Every Valley Shall oe txaited. Don Castel, assistant manager for Fred Meyer's, is another in strumentalist turned vocal solo ist. Most of his musical training at San Francisco State college was instrumental, although he received some voice training and sang In the college presenlallon of the "Messiah." A resident of Roseburg for eight months, Cas tel is a member of the First Methodist church choir. He will sing the bass recitative and air But Who May Abide." Tenor Warren Mack, reporter for the News-Review, lists his LEARN FREE! G. I. Flight Training Is Available To Any Veteran Who Has Over 90 Days of Service Previous to July 1, 1948. Training is given only in new modern fast airplanes. Enroll now before your eligibility expires. ALSO Round trip charter trips to all points Save Time and Money Try our U-Fly Servico and Save up to Vi on your trip We Invite your Inquiries on all your flight problems. Freight up to 1200 lbs. taken for Immediate shipment anywhere. GREEN FLYING SERVICE Cessna Deal-rs Inquire at airport any time for more detailed information. Roseburg Airport . Phone 122S-J , Roseburg, Ore. Girl Refuses Pledge, Killed NEW YORK, Dec. 17 (JPt At midnight, a bullet struck down 26-year-old Carmen Seda, be cause she refused to pledge her love to the man who police say killed her. The man, handsome, 21-year-old Israel Justiniano, was quot ed by detectives last night as saying he had given the pretty Carmen 20 minutes to make up her mind, while he sat beside her with a gun in his hand. It was either promise herself to him, or die, according to po ice. They said Justiniano gave this account: As the minutes ticked awav, Carmen knelt before him in his urnished room Monday night in the Bronx, and begged: "Please let me go." The clock said 20 minutes until 12. "You have until midnight to come to a decision as to whether you're going to stay with me or not," Justiniano told her. "If not, I'm going to kill you." Carmen shook her head. She kissed his sleeve, and began to cry. Then she prayed. At mid night, he shot her through the head. Police said the girl who worked with Justiniano at a downtown warehouse.had told her mother several months ago that the handsome Puerto Rican had been annoying her. She had agreed to see him to "talk things over." When police arrested Justinia no last night after seeking him since Tuesday they asked him about a lipstick smear on his shirt sleeve. "That?" he said. "That was Carmen's kiss." Hoover Report Backer Quits WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 (JP Signs of dissension appeared to day in the citizens committee or ganized to plug for the Hoover commission's government reor ganization plans. Dewey Anderson, head of the public affairs institute, a private ly financed research group, an nounced yesterday that he has quit the citizens committe for the Hoover report because for mer President Hoover's thinking is "out of date." "No American liberal worth his salt has a place on this commit tee," Anderson said. He said that the former presi dent "tried to commit us to a set of principles that is anathema to every new dealer and fair deal er." He based his criticism on a speech Hoover made Monday night before the committee. In his speech, Hoover said ris ing lederal costs may loose "two Frankensteins on the land high er taxes and inflation." He added that economists report taxation beyond 25 percent of national in come brings disaster, yet federal and state taxation now exceeds 30 percent. experience as a member of Eu gene high school and University of Oregon singing groups, Eu gene church choirs and was a former member of the Eugene Gleemen. He will sing the reci tative and air "Behold, And See." Completing the list of "Mes siah" soloists Is Rev. Willis Erickson, pastor of Faith Luth eran church of Roseburg and Eden church of Elgarose. Rev. Erickson, a charter member of the choral society, is a graduate of Gustavus Adolphus college of St. Peter, Minn., and appeared with various college sing groups while studying there. While continuing his study at Au gustana seminary of Rock Is land, 111., Rev. Erickson sang with the college male chorus and did some church and radio solo work. He will sing the recitative and air "Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell." . Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phont 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store ' TO FLY! Sportsmen In Accord On Fishing Changes (Continued from Page One) The Roseburg Rod and Gun club hi proposing that the general trout season be closed above Steamboat creek after Sept. 15. This is designed to protect sal mon on spawning beds in the upper waters. At the same time, the club proposes that the spec ial season for fish of 12 inches or more in length, be extended to Steamboat creek during Oct ober instead of using Rock creek as the upper deadline. Some op position to this extension of dead line is anticipated, however, be cause of increased pressure on the summer steelhead popula tion. Other clubs in the council did not have an opportunity to vote approval or disapproval of the suggestion from the Roseburg club, and it will go to the game commission without other recom mendation. The South Umpqua Rod and Gun club is asking that the Cof fee Pot Camp deadline for spring Chinook fishing also be made the upper deadline for steelhead fish ing in the early spring. At pre sent, fishermen may invade the upper waters for steelhead, mak ing the poaching of salmon above Coffee Pot Camp possible and thus adding to the enforce ment problem. This recommen dation also will go to the game commission without other recom mendation. The game commission will be notified of action taken by clubs composing the council as advis ory in formation of angling re gulations for the coming season. The commission will meet Jan uary 13 and 14 to set rules for the year. L. D. Bloom of Roseburg was appointed to represent the coun cil at the game commission hear ing. Instructor Who Worked On A-Bomb Fired At UC LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17 (IP) After admitting he was "a Com munist to all intents and pur poses" while working in 1943 in the University of California ra diation laboratory which helped make the atom bomb, Irving Da vid Fox was fired yesterday by the school's board of regents. After today's hearing, the re gents issued a statement saying Fox "does not meet the minimum requiremenls for membership on the faculty." Wf nclnrn of n f no nnni hniin nlimit 21,120,000 acres under Irrigation in ieaerai ana private projects. CRUSHED ROCK We Deliver or You Can Pick Up in Your Equipment. If you need rock that will pack . . i r'. try our rock it stays put. J. C. Com p ton Co. PHONE 41-J-l f GOULDS BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 LoeaterJ W. Washington St. and S P.R.R. Tracks The Weather ) U. 8. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon Showers, mostly cloudy today and Sunday; continued cool. Highest temp, for any bee. " 70 Lowest temp, for any Dec. .. -S Highest temp, yesterday .... 48 Lowest temp, last 24 hrs 42 Precipitation last 24 hrs. ' ,2S Precipitation from Dec. 1 .1.9Q Preciptation from Sept. 1 ..9.54 Decificiency from Dec. 1 (8 SLABWOOD In 12-16ond 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBU LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone (S8 J I"" HAVE YOUR I CHECKED and save a life . , ... maybe yours! HANSEN MOTOR CO. Oak 4. Stephens Phone 448 I Here's a gift for the whole family that mill keep giving for years to come. What can be a bettergift than running water convenience! which at the same time enable labor and money aavinga through increased farm production? Come in today and set the famous Goulds let-O'Matic, precision built for years of dependable, trouble-free serv ice. Only one moving parti 5l fabri cating! Nothing to wear out. giva trouble or get noisy. Your family will really say it's a "Merry Christmas" when you give i Goulds Water System. JET-O-MATIC