Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos 27 Santa's at Barcus Xf6 GET YOUR XMAS GIFT NOW 25 GALLONS GAS FREE With Each Used Car Purchased Prices Reduced For Immediate Sale TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER TODAY 1048 FORD 4-door icdan, Eerfect black finish, radio, eatei, new tires, .notor com- . pletely reconditioned, looki Sc rum like new. .. 1445 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETLrNE 4-door sedan, new paint. R At H. A beautiful Seafoam green color. A real bargain for only 1305 1047 STUDEBAKER Land Cruiser 4-door sedan, light grey color, overdrive, radio, heater, ex cellent condition. ... 1605 1847 FORD 6 Super Deluxe 2-door sedan, R Sc H, excel lent condition, only 1195 1941 FORD CONVERTIBLE, radio, heater. automatic top. red leather upholstery, new paint Mercury motor. 1-. 695 1940 PACKARD 110 sedan. new pair. R Ac H, mechanic ally perfect. 645 1939 BU1CK Century 4-door sedan. This car is in excellent me chanical condition, and Is a real buy for someone who wants a heavier car. 1940 FORD Cpe. Mechanically good, but the body a a little rough. Still a good buy for only. 19.17 FORD 4-door redan. . 1937 FORD 2-door sedan. 19.16 NASH 4-door sedan, recondi tioned motor 1934 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. new tires, new paint, runs - 1936 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Only. 1932 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan, good paint, nice interior, 18" wheels. Mechanically . good, only ;. I OPEN SUNDAYS Better Buys at Barcus Sales & Service .. Your Packard Dealer PHONE 1394 Highway 99 N. at Garden Valley Road Used Cars That Are Dependable 194 1047 1047 1947 1847 11141 1941 1941 1941 WILLYS Panel. l.WOO mile, 1003.00 WILLYS Sta. Wagon, radio and heater 1295.00 FORD 2-dnor. new license - 1195.00 FORD Club Coupe, dark maroon, a clean car 1195.00 BUICK Super 4-donr. radio, heater, plastic seat covers 1595.00 PACKARD 4-rlnor. See this car to appreciate It 695.00 CHEVROLET 2-door. Clean for a pre-war car . 695.000 DODGE 4 door. Original motor replaced - 695.00 PONTIAC Club Coupe. Nice car. R It H , 693 O0 4 W D WILLYS Pickup . .. l.TEl 00 JEEP, 7000 miles 1150 00 Winston 1938 1937 1941 1940 19411 1940 STUDEBAKER 4-door. '49 motor 295 00 OLDSMOB1LE 395 00 DODGE 499.00 OLDSMOBILE 4-door 395.00 WILLYS Station Wagon 1395.00 FORD Coup, 465.00 Riverside Motors 1640 No. Stephens SEE THIS 1937 Ford 2-door sedan tor dependable, low-cost transportation Will sell for $75 below book pnet. Call 460, or Inquire at 307 Pacific Bldg fOR SALE SACRIFICE PRICE New Chevrolet convertible, 3 months old; .Tflon milev radio and extras. Apart ment 7. M.1 Siuth Pine Street. FOR SALE BY OWNER '47 Ford Se dan. R Ac H. spotlight, new tires. Inquire at Davidson s Garage, Wil bur. DODGE DELTX1T COITPEl 1M eV cellent condition; to appreciate. )jk new. 5, terms. B2J S Ptn. "SvTkJ.. Yi 27 1941 FORD SUPER deluxe 2-door. ex ceptionally clean throughout. Airplane shocks and other extras, $683, Phone aai-j-4. MORE MONEY for your car Cash on the spot. Corkrum Motors. Inc. De Soto Plymouth, Phone 408, 114 N Rose St. FOR SALE 1037 CHEV. 4-door sedan, good condition, new paint, $25. B2B Hamilton. Personal 30 ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts nf Wllbert L. Nelson, pleaae call 333-R Notices 31 I WILL NOT BE responsible tor any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. John Q. Smith. National Forest Timber For Sale Oral auction bids will be re ceived by the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Roseburg, Oregon, beginning at 2:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, January 20, 1950, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 20 acres within section 22, T32S, R2W, W.M., Umpqua Na tional Forest, Oregon, estimaied to be 420,000 feet B.M., more or less of Douglas-fir and 30,000 feet B.M., more or less of Western hemlock and other species of saw-timber. Sealed bids accom panied by required payment and received by the Forest Supervisor prior to 2:00 p.m., Pacific Stand ard Time, January 20, 1950, will be considered the equivalent of an oral bid and posted for informa tion of all bidders. No bid of less than $10.85 per M feet for Douglas-fir, $10.85 per M feet for sugar pine and Western white pine, and $1.00 per M feet for Western hemlock and other spe cies will be considered. In addi tion to the prices bid for stump age a cooperative deposit of $0.85 per M feet B.M., to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash disposal, a coop erative deposit of $0.45 per M feet B.M., to cover the cost of tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand Improvement work on the area cut over, for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be required. $1500.00 must accom pany each sealed bid and must be shown to be in the possession of oral bidders as a qualification for auction bidding. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing of the auction, the bidder must immediately make the re quired payment and confirm the bid by submitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid form. The right to reject any and all rjias is reserved. Beiore nias are submitted, full Information con cerning the timber, the condi tions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Roseburg, Oregon, or the District Ranger, Tiller, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that January 16. 1950, at 10 o'clock A. M. In the County Court Room In the Court House in Roseburg, Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, has been lxcd as the time and place for the hearing of the final account of the undersigned executor, filed In settlement of the Estate of Elnora Jane Cooper. De ceased. EDGAR COOPER Exerulor of the Estate of Elnora Jane Cooper, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that January 16. 1950, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room In the Court House In Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for the hearing of the final account of the undersigned ex ecutor, filed In settlement of the Es tate of S. J. Shrum. deceased. GEORGE VERNON SHRUM Executor of the Estate of S. J. Shrum, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ll hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the estate of Roy Hufhani. deceased, has filed In the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, her final account as such administratrix, and that the Court nas fixed Monday, the loth day of Jan uary, 1950. at 10 o'clock a. m. In the County Courtroom In the Court House at Roseburg, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and the closing of said eslnle. EVELYN FERN HUFHAM Administratrix of the Estate of Roy Hufham, Deceased. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION NOTICE HEREBY Is given that, resolution duly adopted by the Com mon Council of the City of Rose burn, Oregon, on November 7. I40. proccedintis have been Initiated by said Common Council to vacate all of the East :m feet of Claire Street in Chadwlck'i Addition to the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, ly ing between the northerly line of Doug las Street and the northerly platted terminus of said street. Any person or persons having ob jections or remonstrances to the va cation of said portion of said street may in writing make and file the rame with the undersigned Recorder of said City at any time prior to tre hearing on said varatlon, which will he heard at the regular meeting of i sum unrnmnn council ai i.jv r. m. on I December lfl. lf43. in the City Hail in Roseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon. Dated and first published this 19th day of November, 1M9 WILLIAM D. BOLLMAN City Recorder. Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the etate of John H. Bover, deceased, now pending in the County Court in Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the undersigned at the offices of Orcutt. Long V Neuner, Roseburg. Oregon, within six montns from December in. 1919. JOSEPHINE PRUNER. Ad ministratrix of the Estate of John H. Boyer, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Tues day tha 27th day of December, 1940. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. In the County Court Room in the Court House. Roseburg. Douglas County. Ore gon, has been fixed as the lime ana place foi hearing objections, if any, to the final aicount filed by the un dersigned in the County Court of tha State of Oregon for Douglas County. A N ORCUTT Administrator of the Estate of Lurton Piatt, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HF.TTLF.MENT Nntlre Is given that the undersigned executor of the R. W. Hinkley elat has filed his final account in the Coun ty Court of the R'ate of Oregon for Douglai County. Said court has ap pointed January 10, l&V) at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon in the County Court Room In the Court House in Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, as the time for hearing objection to said account G V WIMBERLY, ETcufof. R W. Hinkley, Estate. Autos LEGAL NOTICE Or FINAL .-SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that rues day the 20th day of December. 1049. at the hour ol 10:00 o'clock A. A. in the County Court Room In the Court House. Roseburg, Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, has been fixed as tha time and place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account filed by the undersigned tn tha County Court of tha Stata of Oregon for Douglas County. EDWARD E. HAGAR, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Edward Hagar, Deceased. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Ronald W. Husk, as administrator with will annexed of tha Estate of Herman Wesle, Deceased, has filed hla Final Account and tho County Court of tha State of Oregon, for Douglas County, has fixed Wednesday, January 11, 1350, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock In the fore noon of said day in tha County Court room at the County Courthouse in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to such Final Account and the settlement thereof. All objections must be filed on or before said date. Dated this 3 day of December, 1949. RONALD W. HUSK, Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Herman Wesle, Deceased. Harris, Bryson, Riddlesbarger tit Butler Attorneys for the Estate. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY WILLIAM r. HOOD and LOIS M. . HOOD, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, LEVI E. COLES and FLORENCE NEW TON COLES, his wife; ROSA M NEWTON CROSSWHITE and JOHN DOE CROSSWHITE, her husband: VEDA L. NEWTON BROWNING and JOHN DOE BROWNING, her hus band; GORDON R. NEWTON nd JANE DOE NEWTON, his wife; also ALL other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen or interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. , To: Gordon R. Newton and Jane Doc Newton, his wife; and all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest In the real estate described in tha complaint herein, Defend ants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you hers by are required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed against you herein within four wee from the date of the first publication of this Summons; and If you fail so to appear and answer, for want there of the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded there in, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That you are required to appear and state the nature and char acter of your adverse claim If any to the following described real prop erty, to-wit: Lots B. 9 and 10. Block 3. Wise's Addition to the town of Yoncalla, Oregon, according to the duly re corded map and plat thereof on record and filed In the office of the County Clerk, Douglas County Oregon. That upon the hearing thereof It be decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners of said property, as tenants by the entirely, and that nona of said defendants or any of them or any persons claiming by through or under them have any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof. That the right of possession between the plaintiffs and defendants be forever quieted and that said defendant and each of them and all persons claiming by through or un der them be forever enjoined from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof. This summons is served upon, you by publication In the Roseburg News Review, a legal newspaper of general circulation published in Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, pursuant to an order duly made and entered by the above en titled court on the 15th day of No vember. 1949. Dated and first published this 19th day of November, 1949. CARL M. FELKER and FRED BERNAU Attorneys for Plaintiffs Post Office Address: U. S. National Bank Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Thurs day, the 5th day of January, 1930, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. m the County Court Room In the Court House. Roseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account filed by the un dersigned in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Dougliis County. GORDON G. CARLSON Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Mary Downer, also known at Mary F. Downer, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice li hereby given that Thurs day, the 5th day of January, 1950, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room in the Court House. Roseburg. Douglas County, Ore gon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account filed by the un dersigned in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County . GORDON G. CARLSON Administrator with will annexed tn the estate of David A. Monroe, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY Is given that De cember 19, 1949 at the hour of 10: tM) o'clock A. M., in the County Court Room at the Court House In Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections. If any there be, to the final account filed by the un dersigned administrator In the above entitled court. Dated and first published this 13th day of November. 1949. LEO SPARKS Administrator of tha Estate of William Earle Bard, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY Is given that De cember 19, 1949 at the hour of 10:K) o'clock A. M., In the County Court Room at the Court House In Rn-,e-burg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any there -je, to the final account filed by the un dersigned administrator In tha above entitled court. Dated and first published thla 19th day of November, fiUB. PAUL E GEDDES Administrator of the Estate of Bertha Roue, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Rebecca E. Biggs, de ceased, now pending In the County Court of Douglas County. , Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law. to the undersigned at the law offices of George Luoma. U. S. National Bank Building, Roseburg, Oregon, within ix 1 6- months from November 19. 1949, date of first publication of this no tice. RITTH BUNCH. Administratrix of the Estate of Rebecca E. Riggs, aereasca. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the ESTATE OF ROBERT BARCLAY HOLMES now pending in the County Court in Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified - to present the same properly verified to the understened Administrator at the offices of WIN STON A DIMICK, ao.1, Pacific Blrttf., Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED Sat urday, November 26, 194!) ROY O YOUNG Administrator of the Estate Ol ROBKRT BARCLAY HULMts, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE If hereby given that Wednes day the 3rd day of January. 19.10. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room in the Court Houe. Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, lias been fixed as the lime and place for n en ring onjeriions, if any, to ine final account filed by the understated in the County Court of the Stata of Ore gon for Douglas County. VIVIAN E. CHURCH Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of C, Byron Irwin Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against ine bsiaie oi Anna l, HUtctnnson, I deceased, now trending in the Countv j Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are l nerenv notified to present the same, j verified as required hy law. to the ! unoeriignea at ine ortices or urcutt, ; Long Neuner. Rouertura Ore-- n, ; within six months from December 10th, I 1949. j J V LONG Eec!rtor of the Last Will and Tstamnt of Ann U Hutchinson I Deceased. r HOLY SMOKE.' THAT CURUV'S f THAT'S NOTHIN' V ( A WIZARP WITH A CHEISTMA-5 J FER HINA HE'S V TREE HE GETS ATURKEy r ROPED I M THICKER, , v 1 TOO.' BRUSH TH AM THAT S N -v HALF HIS LIFE OUT OUR WAY Hal Boyle Laments: Even Santa Can't Keep Little Nina From Growing Older By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK UP) There isn't a darn thing Santa Claus can throw my way this Christmas. For all I care the old boy can get stuck in a chimney in Dcs Moines. I'm not bothering to hang up my sock, because there isn't a thing in Saint Nick's bag of tricks I can use. The one thing I'd like even Santa Claus can't give. I want him to make time stand still and keep a girl I know from growing older and from going away. The girl is half past two, her name is Nina, and everything about her is wholly wonderful. Even her nose runs in a nice way. Not His Daughter I can brag about her with a clear conscience because she isn't mine, except to borrow on an hour's lend-lease arrange- LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ia hereby given that ihe un dersigned, administrator o( the es tate of Frank W. Brnmhall, deceased, has filed in the County court or Doufllas County. Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator and that the Court has fixed Monday, uecern ber 26th. ln.g at 10 o'clock A. M. and the County Courtroom In the Court House at Roseburg, uregnn, as ine time and place of hearing objections, if any, to said final account and tha closing of said estate. - Dated and first' published ' Novem ber 26th, 1049. E. E. HART t Administrator of the estate of Frank W. Bramhall, Daceased. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In tha Matter of the Estate of JOHN F. MORHIS. deceased. TO: Mary Morris Bateson. Rose Morris St. Lawrence. George Levesque, Louts Levesque. John Levesque, Ellen Le vesque Edwards, hetrs at law and next of kin named In the petition filed herein for the sale of real property of said estate, and to all other heirs unknown, if any auch there be, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Douglas County In the Court Room thereof within twenty eight (28) days from the date of the first publication of this citation, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an order of sale should not be mnde as prayed for in said petition filed herein, authorizing and directing George Luoma, adminisrator of the above entitled estate, to sell the lol- owins described real property or aaia estate for the purpose of paying the claims against said estate ana ex penses of administration and for dis tribution: Northeast Quarter (NE'.t of Sec tion 23, Township 2B South, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridi an, Douglas County, Oregon, con taining 160 acres. WITNESS the Honorable D. N. Bu senbark. County Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon tn and for Douglas County this 21st day of November, 1949. tSeali D. N. Busenbark Countv Judge ATTEST: Roy Agre County Clerk Dale of first publication: November 26. 1949. Date of last publication: December 24, 1949. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY Is given that De cember 19, 194S at the hour of 1U:00 o'clock A. M.. In the County Court Room at the Court House in Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, have been fixed as the time and plare for hear ing objections, if any there be, to the final account filed by the under signed executor In the above entitled court. Dated and first published this 19th day of November. il4n. SIDNEY HELLIWEI.L Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Marie V. Moon, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claim against the estate of James Arthur Bales, deceased. now pending in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty, are nereny nollllen to present ine same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of William D. Green Jr.. attorney. Douglas County State Bank Building. Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from Ihe date hereof. Dated and first published this 3rd day of December. 1949. L. L. Davis. Administrator of the Estate of Jamea Arthur. Bales, deceased. NOTICE TO t'REIllTORK All persons having claim against Ihe eslale of Lllith Gall Jenkins, deceased, now pending In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty, are hereby notified lo present the same, verified as rrqulred by law. to the undersigned at the office of William D Gieen Jr., attorney. Douglas County State Bank Building. Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published thla 3rd day of December. 1949. Marjorle G. Davis, Admini stratrix of the estate of Lllith Gail Jenkins, deceased NOTICE OF FINAL IIEARINO Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Rebecca I. Jeoklos, deceased, has tiled his final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Doug las Countv and said court has ap pointed Tuesday, January .1. 19.10 at lono o'clock In the forenoon of said day tn the County Court Room In Ire Court House In Roseburg. uotlglas Loun tv. hearing oblectli DATED Decemher i4fl PAIL L. Jenkins Administrator cf the Estate of Rebecca . Jenkins, deceased. SECOMP MATURE ment with her parents two or three times a week. That is my privilege as godfather. When first I saw her she was just a moist, bald-headed ball of protoplasm that smclled of milk and made small noises like a puppy. She stubbornly refused to make baby talk and disdained the English language altogether until she was ready to use com plete sentences. One day the phone rang and as her parents leaped to answer it she looked up from her play pen and said gravelv: "I'll get it. I'll get It." It was in this way we learned for sure that Nina was a genius. Un'.il then we were just going on blind faith. Now she is a flaxen-haired, sturdy-legged child and the big sorrow of her life is that Jack fell down and broke his crown while going up the hill with Jill to fetch a pall of water. Every Night Every night she wanls to hear (his nursery adventure again, and as soon as Jack falls down she tells her father: "You get doctor. ' Make him well." I am her standby storyteller. And all this year as Nina has grown older I have been growing younger. And it has been a happy happy year too good to go on, I guess. The other weekend her father and mother, George and Helen Camp Palmer, a young newt paper couple, got an assignment to go to Italy. They will be gone for three years. Nina doesn't know Rome for from Rochester, but she has been told she is going to take a trip on a big boat. And she is so excited that she is be ginning to lose interest in Jack and Jill. Whenever she sees a tug toot by on the East river she says: "There's Nina's boat. Tell me about big boat." Recently, while her parents were shopping, I took her on a farewell visit to the Central Park Zoo. She said goodbye to the monkeys, wanted to climb In and pet the tigers, jeered at the "lazy seal" that wouldn't go into the water. But most of all she loved the pigeons because they, came and pecked peanuts from her hand. Halls A Cab Then we bought a balloon and hailed a cab home. On the way she turned to me with a luminous smile and said: "Hal, I sleepy." nnd she stretched out comfort ably on the seat, put her feet in my lap and dozed off. All the rest of the way I kept thinking. "Lord, Lord, can't you let it stay this way for a long time?" There was so much I had to tell her all about Cinderella and the Three Bears and the little hoy who put his finger In the dike and saved Holland. But now somebody In Italy will Ml her all these fine stories, and pro bably get them all mixed up in the telling. Three days after Chris! mas she'll be gone, leaving me a God father in absentia. When I see her again she'll be almost six and greet me with a polite "Buon Giorno" instead of "Hi, Hal!" How can I believe in Santa Claus this year? LAW SUITS FILED J. W. Minder Chain and Gear Co. hag filed suit In circuit court demanding Judgment in the sum of $2,648.34, plus Interest and costs, from Fred Lockyear, for alleged non payment of merchan dise. Earl W. Duncan filed suit in circuit court demanding Judg ment in the sum of $700, plus In terest and costs, from Nance uun can, for alleged refusal to re deliver merchandise. TRAFFIC FINES Justice of Peace A. J. Geddes reported the imposition of a $10 fine against orant hcou luttie. i ntcie. ann Jimmie t-ari Aict-aiu. , i inslnn. fined $10 for via. latlon of the basic rule. (2-9 CT.RwiUUAMc, By J. R. Williams Celebrates Roy Agee, county clerk, was feted at a birthday party at the courthouse Friday. Weekend in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Boucock of this cily were visitors in Portland last weekend. To Meet Tuesday Junior Divi sion of the First Christian church will hold a Christmas meeting at the Veterans facility Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 8 p. m. with Mrs. B. B. Gilpin. Erchange of small gifts is planned. -Arrlvei Here Mrs. Emily Wright of Vancouver, B. C. ar rived for a holiday visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wright. Mr. Wright drove to Eugene to bring his mother to Roseburg. Exoeeted Here Dr. O. R. Hess Is expected to arrive from Los Angeles the first of the week to remain over the holidays in Kose- burg with his wife and their two children, Bob- and busan. Vesperg Sunday Bethel No. S, Daughter of Job will hold annual vesper service at the First Chris tian church Sunday from 3 until 4 p. m. Rev. Kenneth Knox will bring a Christmas message. The public is invited. Here From Indiana Mrs. H. A. Mason of Lafayette, Ind., has ar rived in Roseburg to remain over the holidays visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. E. H. Verrell, and family, and with another ncce, Mrs. A. J. Taylor. To Hold Dinner Umpqua Dis trict Dental Assistants society will hold a Christmas party and dinner at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the home of Dr. K. T. Bradley, 1015 Harvard avenue. A gift exchange will be held. All dental assistants in Douglas county are invited. Car Transaction Brings Sentence Of One Year Francis Edward Grimes, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses, pleaded culltv to district attorney s Inlor- mation and was sentenced to one year in the Oregon state peniten tiary, when he appeared before Circuit Judge carl t. wimoeriy ! rluav. Grimes was remanded to tne custody of Sheriff O. T. "Bud1 Carter and placed In the coun ty jail, until "full and .complete restitution" has been made, after which he may be released on probation. linmes was arrested on complaint filed by Donald Ray Deardorr, Mvrtle creeK, as the result of a car transaction. Grimes allegedly traded a car owned by his son, who was In the service, for another car at the Deardorf car lot. Grimes claimed he was unable to locate his son to get the title to make the trade of the autos. New Drug Held Boon To Arthritis Sufferers CHICAGO, 7P) Arthritis patients will suffer no lasllng ill effects from treatment with the new hormones Cortisone or Aclh, says the arthritis and rheuma tism foundation. The foundation's medical ad visory committee, in answer to what It said were "recent re ports of unfavorable and even dangerous results from use of tho drugs," said In a statement: "Once the new drugs become available in sufflccnt amount-!, there is no known reason for withholding them from any arth ritis patient because of dangers associated with their administra tion." The foundation's conclusions were reached, the statement said, from "published and verbal reports and unpublished obser vation of the qualified medlrnl and research scientists who have worked extensively with the new drugs in recognized -esearch centers in Chicago." Local News I Sat., Dee. 17, 1949 Th Nwi-Rvitw, Roieburg, Or. 11 Way Open For Independent United States Of Indonesia BATAVIA, Java , (JP) The way was cleared Wednesday for the long-awaited formation of a soverlgn United States of Indo nesia. Independence comes after 300 years of Dutch colonial ruli over some 77,000,000 Island Inhabitants In the southwest Pacific. The Dutch-Indonesian Independ ence agreement, signed six weeks ago in The Hague, was ratified by the parliament of the Independent Indonesian r e p u b He, largest of the group which will make up the U.S.I, previous ly the 15 federal, Dutch-sponsored Indonesian states and the low er house of the Netherlands par liament approved the agreement. The parliaments of all of the states also ratified the draft con stitution. Talks Started In 1942 Negotiations for the granting of sovereignty to the people of this group of fabulously rich Islands began early in 1942. They were Interrupted by the Japanese In vasion of the islands. Afler the war the negotiations, although re sumed, were marked by bloody fighting between Dutch troops and Indonesian republicans be fore the United Nations stepped in early this year and demand ed a truce and peaceful talks. The big Indonesian republic, meeting in Its capital at Jog Jakarta, was the last to ratify, the agreement. But ratification was approved overwhelmingly by a vote of 22S to 62 with 31 members of the moderate 8o. olallst Party abstaining from voting. Those who voted against retl ficatlion were made up mainly of lommumsis and splinter icmst parties. Soviet Opposed (Soviet U.M. delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin said the new agree ment only imposed a "new and more subtle slavery" on the In donesians. British Delegate Sir Alexander Cadogan retorted that the Soviets were annoyed by the Independence agreement because It "limits their possibility of mak ing trouble, raising strife and causing turmoil in that part of tne world. The security council voted down a Soviet resolution to lish the U. M. Indonesian com mission. Council President Mc Naughton said it would continue to function as long as necessary to advise the Dutch and Indone sians on transfer of power to the U.S.I.) The last two federal states to ratify were the tin mining islands of Bangka and Bllllton, off east Sumatra, whose parlia ments passed the bill. Among the islands which will become part of the new U. S. I. are the most heavily populated island of Java. The romantic is land of Bali, home of graceful ceremonial dances and beautiful gold and silver work, also is In the group. Largest in area is oll-rlch Borneo. Inclusion of the Dutch-held part of New Guinea was postponed for one year under the agreement despite demands by the Indonesians that it be come part of the U.S.I, now. , Still on Federation Bails Although the new U.S.I, will have full sovereignty, It still is to be Included on a federated commonwealth basis linked to Netherlands by the Dutch crown. The Netherlands government has appointed its top economic spec ialist, Dr. Hans M. Hirschfcld, to be the first Dutch high com missioner to the new federation. The government said Hlrsch. fold would hold the post for only a short time because of other duties. Authoritative sources In the Hague also revealed that S. L. J. Van Waardenburg, who at pre sent is a delegate of the Nether lands royal high commissioner in Balavia, will become high com missioner of Dutch New Guinea. The sources said Ihe Dulch will send a token military force of 1,000 men to Ihe New Guinea area. While the Dutch are to hold that area, negotiations with the Indonesians are called for in the Hague agreement to establish its political status with a view to eventual inclusion In ihe U. S. I. Formal turnover of sovereign ty to the U. S. I. Is scheduled Dec. 27. BAIL POSTED George Barthelemv. 54, Rose burg, charged with drunken driv ing and being drunk in a public place, posted $250 ball on the first count and $50 on the sec ond, upon arraignment In justice court, Judge A. J. Geddes reported. I Order Your Winter's Fuel Now! 16" Green Slabwood Planer Ends Order your wood now while supplies are plentiful and you can get prompt delivery. WE ALSO HAVE Sawdust 4' Slabwood 15" Mill Ends 16" Dry Slabwood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phone 468 Agar Seeks Patch-Up With Shirley Temple CHICAGO, Dec. 17. tP) John Agar, divorced husband of ac tress Shirley Temple, hopes for s reconciliation, the Herald-American said here. Agar left by plane for Holly wood Thursday, carrying two imported French dolls as Christ mas presents for the couple's daughter, Linda Susan. The Herald-American, In a story by Bob Clinnln, who was a school chum of Agar when both lived in suburban Lake Forest, quoted Agar: "Maybe If all this furore quiets down a reconciliation isn't im possible." Agar has declined to comment at length on the divorce since it was granted Dec. 6. Clinnin said Agar told him': "Look, Bob, take it easy on your story. This is pretty impor tant to me. I sure hope Shirley and I can get back together again," Japanese Marine Union Strikes For Year's Bonus TOKYO, Dec. 16 (P) Japanese Marine workers went on a gen eral strike today for year end bo nuses. The union is affiliated with the CIO which claims 130,000 Japa nese members. The Japan teachers union and government communications workers union officials resumed a hunger strike to obtain their bonus demands. Electrical . Industrial workers are awaiting orders to walk out. The conservative Japan Fed eration of Labor is undecided on the strike issue but has alerted Its members for a possible strike. "Individualized Floors ' ot Beautility." INLAID LINOLEUM it Carnottng it Rubber Tile it Asphalt Tile it Formica Top it VeneUan Blinds FREE ESTIMATES FLOOR COVERING 222 W, Oak Phone 348 Plumbing Repair Service of All Kinds Phone 1242-R For any of your plumbing and heating problems. Convenient Budget Terms KIER-CROOCH Plumbing Co. 316 Mill St. Phone 1242-R faMsr wifmit? j