Tha Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thur., Dee. 15, 1949 Senators Oppose Further Exchange Of Information On Atomic Bomb Developments WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. UP) Flat opposition to any new ex change of atomic bomb Information with great Britain Is voiced by Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D.-Colo.) Johnson, a member of the Senate-House atomic committee, told a reporter: "I don't favor any additional exchange of Information with the British, or anyone else. I don't think we ought to give them the know-how. If we give It to them, some of their friends may find it out and It may get Into the wrong hands." It was Johnson who created a itir last month when he said In a television program that this country now has bombs six times as powerful as those dropped on Japan in the war and is working on a weapon 1,000 times more powerful. His outspoken opposition indi cated that a proposed agreement for a broader atomic partnership with the British and Canadians will run into some trouble when It comes before the Senate-House committee. Administration officials are un derstood to have promised the committee It will be taken be hind the scenes of the American-British-Canadian atomic confer ences before any attempt Is made to put the proposed new agree ment in force. Reports indicate that the Brit- ALUMINUM Lock Lifetime SHINGLES Guaranteed A representative of Aluminum Builders 8upply Co. of Spring field,' Oregon, will be In Rose, burg Thursday and Friday, De cember 15 and 16, to offer you permanent roof at new slashed prices. For Further Information Call E. H. Renken Hotel Umpqua Thursday Evening ish are ready to abandon at tempts to manufacture atomic weapons In exchange for a part nership in tne American produc tion effort which would bring British and Canadian scientists into the work here. This would free most of the Belgian Congo uranium supply ior u. a. use. Johnson's Idea Supported ' The present atomic act appar ently bans any exchange of weapons information, although some officials believe the cresl dent could take matters in his own hands if he chose. However, since the act was passed, only non-military atomic cooperation has been carried on by the three countries. Johnson's attitude seems to represent a core of opposition within the Senate-House commit tee to any broader dissemination of atomic secrets than now pre vails. Members who take this view feel the Russians still have a lot they would like to learn about production know-how, despite their ability to bring about an atomic explosion. The extent to which Russia has been able to ferret out American atomic secrets has been the sub ject of an investigation by the House Un-American Activities committee. This group has turned up evidence that at least four shipments of atomic materials went to the Soviet union during tne war. Informed diplomatic officials reported that new deposits of uranium have turned up in com munist Czechoslovakia. That nation, one of the world's main sources of the vital atomic mineral, Is believed to be send ing most of its output to Russia. MOVIES' BAD EXAMPLE CAIRO !') A British film company Is making a movie here about drug smuggling. A desert bedouin was hired to play a bit part as a hashish smuggler. Next morning he fall- ipHf and naflufachjrfld achwrW I b, QUAK1. j .1 No other heater but the beautiful QUAKER 3210 is equipped with quakertrol ... the marvelous device that cuts fuel costs . . . delivers more heat by creating its own controlled draft regardless of chimney condition. Yes, the QUAKER 3210 is the kind of viorifrct heat you have always wanted. Just a turn of the dial and all the heat you want is gently circulated through every room. No moke, no soot. And remember . . . tha money you save in fuel costs can pay for this beautiful QUAKER 3210. Models from........ 67.95 UMPWA VALLEY APPLIANCE terms 120 W. Oak Phone 1218 ;, f o 1 MJtkm 3 Id. M-JL. , . - J i SANTA COMES TO TOKYO Though only a small percentage of the Japanese observe Christmas, Tokyo's department stores do their best to give their stores a Yuletide atmosphere. To U. S. occupation troops and their 'families, this store's "Santa Claus" is a reminder of home. Mickey Learnt Lesson About Stairs Bannister BIRMINGHAM, Ala. UP) Bedlam broke loose when two-year-old Mickey Holloway got his head stuck In the banister. The playful Mickey was up to his old trick of making faces at sister Shirley, 12. Ail of a sudden he got his head caught between two iron bars of the staircase. Mickey screamed "bloody mur der," said his mother, Mrs. J. L. Holloway. Somebody called the fire department. The firemen got Mickey loose with a crowbar. They gave the boy a dime to keep him quiet during the opera, tlon. Newspaper photographers came to take Mickey's picture. "I'm not afraid," he told them. But he was very careful not to put his head very far through the banister when he stuck out his tongue at his sister the next time. Lumber Is truly an American word, originating in Boston. SAMARITAN GETS TICKET ENGLEWOOD, Colo-OT) Pa trolman Martin Knlsley saw a motorist pass a red light and gave chase in his police car. Both cars swung out to pass a truck. Knlsley lost control and his car swerved into a ditch. As .the officer, cut and bruis ed, climbed out, the car he'd been chasing drove up. The driver had seen the mishap in his read vis ion mirror and turned back to give help. knlsley asked to be driven to the Englewood police station, thanked the driver for the lift and handed him a. summons for speeding and running a red sig nal. . How To Relieve Bronchitis Cr comuJiion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, ChestColds.Bronchitii CARS RECENTLY WRECKED , SEE US FOR LOW COST PARTS '40 Bulck 5-Pass. (40 Series) '46 Dodge 2-Door '41 Ford Ki-Ton Pickup '41 Chevrolet S-Passenger '41 Chevrolet 2-Ooor '40 Ford 4-Door '41 Studebaker Champion 4-Door '40 Packard Convertible '38 Bulck 2-Ooor '39 La Salle 4-Door Many more older model ears DOYLE'S SALES AND SERVICE Highway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 A NEW BATHROOM . FOR CHRISTMAS How about surprising the whole family with a complete new' bathroom for Christmas? We feature Standard, Kohler, Crane,' Eljer and Briggs fixtures In white or color. Come in today and. see our display. CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS . Kier-Crooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill Street Phone 1242-R ed to appear for work. Police nad arrested mm. me charge: hashish smuggling. War On Crime Told Kiwanis By' Agent Of FBI Enoueh money Is naid fioht- Ing crime In the United States to wipe out the natio al debt, or to support the national nroeram of education, J. A. Bernard, as sistant agent in charge of the Portland office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told the Roseburg Kiwanis club Thursday noon. Bernard confined his talk chlef ' to a report on how bad check rtists operate. There are two pes of check passers, he stated, ne Is the small time nerson. who goes out on a party and over draws his account to pay for a good time. The second type, and the one in which the law enforcement agencies are chiefly interested, is me pruicssionai Daa cnec't passer, who makes his living in this manner, he said. Bernard gave the case hlstorv of two arch crooks who used proiessional methods, which put them in a class of SlOO.OOO-a-year men. He said his denartment was at a loss to tell local merchants now to detect bad check writers, except to use sneclal earn in checking a check yasser's iden tity, and to ask pertinent ques tions ui suspicious persons, winch might lead to the detection of possible criminals. As an-added entertainment fea- ture, two girls, Betty and Evelyn Devereaux. who will annear In the Elks' minstrel show and re view Thursday, Friday and Sa turday, sang selections they will offer in the show. Columbia River Indians Ballot On New Homesite PORTLAND. UP) Indian of the Celilo falls fishing village ballotted Tuesday on who gets first chance to move Into five new government-built homes at the ancient Columbia river fishing grounds. The balloting followed lengthy and formal debate In English and tribal laneunce amoni? Warm Springs and Umatilla Indians. iney couldn't decide openly which families had Drior claims so acting regional Indian Service Director u r Towle suggested the secret ballot. LIGHTS FOR HORSES DKlVTVton (.-Pi H. :,,i. ,,. .... tail lights for horses have been flvis.H hv .Tnhn KInn,lr f....nn.n of the Hermann H. Helser Sad dlery company. He thinks these will cut down the number ' of horse-automobile collisions after dark. Tim rnflpptm- nnvfo rM of fluorescent cloth backed with icatnor. meso are fastened in cross-shape over the front part of the headstall and in crescent shae over the back of the can tie. Nnack said the reflectprs can be picked up by an automobile headlight beam a half mile away. FOR OFFICE, SCHOOL OR HOME SPECIAL-Friday and Saturday Only 69 Jhti Certificate & Wetth $431 This certificate and 69c entitle! tha bearer to one ol our Genuine Indeetructiblo J5.00 VACUUM FILLER SACKLESS FOUNTAIN FENS. ViiibU Ink Supply. You SEE Iht Ink. A Lii.tim. guaranty with each ptn (unir.nal site) lor ladies, men, boys, and girle. THE PEN WITH A LIFETIME GUARANTEE 69 THE NEW PLUNGER FILLER VACUUM ZIP ONLY ONE PULL AND ITS FULL This pea holds 200 more Ink than any ordinary fountain pin on the market! You can write lor three months on one lillingl No repair billi! No Lerer tiller! No Preuure bar! Every pen tested and guaranteed to be unbreakable lor life. Get yours NOW! THIS PEN GIVEN FREE U you buy one in the city lor lees than FIVE DOLLARS. This certificate good only while advertising Bale Is on. LfMIT 1 Pens to Each Certificate MAIL ORDERS ADD la Capitol Camera and Pen Center This Pea Will Be $5.00 Alter Sale LOWEST PRICES EVERY DAY AT FRED MEYER. PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY Chirisftinnicos 'So vim gs at FRED MEYER iSI WITH . Creosote : "tot B.nio'ln,' Oil of E2 Pine Needle, Gum 11lo -V AN AEROSOL BOMB i E AN AEROSOL BOMB lr medication as J Benzoinaror Marvelous new relief for colds 2.98 DEEP CUT PRICES Worthy ASPIRIN TABLETS, lOO'i Va Groin, 1000's SACCHARIN TABLETS 60c Size ALKA SELTZER Certified COLD CAPSULES, with quinine Costitol COUGH SYRUP, 4 ox F. M. GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Worthy MINERAL OIL, 16 ox lie 69c 49c 39c 49c 19c 25c Ofd Nick or Bit-O-Honey CANDY BARS, box of 24 . 27c Chiffon SOAP FLAKES 2-lb. Box CASTILE SOAP Metal WASTE PAPER CASKET . SWIPES TISSUES . 10c Fluff tex TOILET TISSUE Save All WAX PAPER, 125 ft. 25c Large HERSHEY BARS 17c 49c 49c 5c 5c 15c 14c 72c April Shower and Frolic PERFUME Set 98c Plus Tax Dainty purse size flacons for dainty ladles who like to have perfume with them always. Flacons will not leak in your purse. Already packed in a gay gift box to help you solve your gift problems quickly arid easily. 7 4 IZ7 1," V Jocko Musical Gum Bank 1.69 Your children will love Jocko on first sight. Drop in a coin and he'll give you some gum. Turn the little crank and he'll play a tune. m'ff;si,''ji.'-'a.;g Evening In Paris Gift Set 2.75 Plus Tax ir Face Powder it Perfume ifr And Cologne Al 1 the enchantment of an exciting Evening in Paris. , Wrisiey's " Lemon Soap tff 79c Spicy and fragrant as real lemons: Oceans of creamy smooth lather for your bath. Regular 3.00 Desk Set Now 98c ? black or ivory. Holds full Ink bottle supply oi inK. 50c Gift Suggestions Save 50o Regular 1.00 Elmo All Weather LOTION 50 c Plus tax Welcome relief from dry hands and face. Protects your skin 't all types of weather. Wrisley . LAVENDAR Shave Bowl FOR MEN 50c His favorite brand of shave soap and his favorite spicy fra jrant lavc.idar. 2 FOR 1 SALI Woodbury SHAMPOO Regularly 50c Each 2 for 50c Lady Eva CASTILE SHAMPOO 16 oz. 50c Pure mild castille shampoo for soft hair luxury. Regular 39o IRAM PERFUMES 2 for 50c Plus tax Delightful selections of true floral fragrances. Nylon Hair Brush 50c A nylon hair brush makes a perfect personal gift. Attrac tively boxed in plastic case. 1.00 Gift Suggestions 1.S0 . Revlon Matchmaker 1.00 Complete nail and lip care. A wonderful gift to give or re-ceive. Lentherlo Man About Town GIFT SET 1.00 Plus tax He wants a shaving set with his favorite Lentheric Shaving tinnlip. Thi. nt mntalna Tiinbnrk After Shave Lotion and Lologne in handy sizes. Save 50c "TiT Natone Kiskit 1.00 Remarkable new lip glamour kit. Now vou can style your lips Just as famous Hollywood stars do. Contains lipstick, lip stick and base coat. Lentheric Men's Cologne 1.00 Plus tax Men really appreciate a dis tinctive He Alan cologne like Lentheric Tanbark Cologne. Fred Meveg Wrisley Cologne 1.00 Plus tax Delightful new fragi. . cre ated by Wrisley for her Christ mas. Magnificently bottled in antique hobnail bottle. Save 50c Regular 1.S0 Daggett and Ramsdell Hand Lotion 1.00 Plus tax Soothing and delightfully fra grant for tired dry skins. Save 50cR7,u.,ir J In 1 Cigarette Case I Uses In 1 Ash tray, cigarette case match container. and Basket Ball set . Pull Toy Engine Pull Toy Dog .... Small Fry ewing Kit Mother Goose Puzzle , Walt Disney Activity Box Curtiss Candy Truck Doll House Furniture, set Junior Nurse Kits 1.98 :98c 98c 98c 1.00 1.00 89c 98c 59c nior Doctor Kits 8. Button Button Game 59c 49c Alpine Express Toy Ironing Board 2.98 1.39 Blackboard .89c Battery r nn Train Set 0.7 0 Mickey K use 1 An Scooter Tov American 1 l ft Logs .1.19 set Aerial 5 Tft Fire Truck J. 7 9 230 N. Jockson Phone 1207-J 29c 112 N. Jackson At Fred Meyer Toiletries BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS!