The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 15, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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Miuni t Matt The Royal
and 8ltet Master Masons will
held a dinner at the Masonic hall,
Friday, Dee. IS, at '4:30 p. m.
Returns te San Francisco Miss
Margaret Baum has returned to
her nome in ban jr'rancisco, foi
lowlni a visit in Roseburg with
her mother, Mrs. Arthur W.
Returns te tats Sgt. Ernest
T. benosso has arrived bacK at
the LocKlanu Air Force base at
bin Antonio, lex., following a
visit at I en mile with his par
ents, Mr. and Mr. E. T. Schosso.
Heme Frem Hospital Mrs. J.
R. Lasswell has returned to her
home in ioncalla, loliowing her
aiscnarge irom the hospital in
iugene, where she was a medi
cal patient lor several weeks.
Party Tanlght Beta Gamma
chapter o Jvpsilon Sigma Alpha
is nolqing a enrutmas party at
Me home of Deloras Wagoner
hughes tonight at o'clock. x.acn
member is asked to bring a dol
lar gill ta exchange.
Tr And Program The an
nual Christmas program and tree
lor a.agler members, auxiliary
Semoeu and their xamllies will
: held at a o clock Sunday at the
i,gies hall, Treats will be pre
sented the children.
Navy Mathers Te Meat The
1,'avy Mothers club will meet at
a Lnristmas party at o'clock
Monday night at the home of
Mrs. U C. toiake, 2640 N. Stephens
street. An exchange of gifts will
be held.
aak Frtm Portland Dr. and
Mrs. D. B. Buoar have returned
to their home in Roseburg, fol
lowing several days In Portland,
where the former attended the
Northwest Congress of Optome
try and took post graduate work.
o.E.O. Te Meat Chapter BI,
P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet Fri
day evening at a 7:15 o'clock dessert-supper
at the home of Mrs.
John E. Runyan, 487 S. Jackson
street, with Mrs. M. M. Beery
as co-hestes.
; Careltra te ting All persons
interested in having the Tri-Hi-Y
(!relers appear at their home the
evening of Dec. 23, are asked to
notify Zona Wilshire at Roseburg
Senior high school. The chorus of
carolers is made up of mixed
Christmas Party Neighbors of
Woodcraft, Lilae circle No. 49,
will meet at the I.O.O.F. hall
Monday night, Dec. 19. at 7:30
o'clock tor the annual Christmas
party. Those attending are ask
ed te bring a gift not te exceed
SO cents.
Club Party Winchester Com
munity club will hold a party at
the clubhouse Friday night, Dec.
IS, at o'clock. Women attending
are asked to bring pie and table
service for their own family.
Coffee will be furnished by the
club. Everyone In the community
is invited.
Party te ka Held The Degree
of Honor Protective association
will hold a party Friday night,
Dec. If, at S o'clock at the home
of Benitr Wikoff, 544 S. Pine
street. Members and their fami
lies are invited. These attending
are asked to bring a gift to exchange.
Makes Trip'te California Ful
ler Johnson returned to his home
in Roseburg Tuesday, following
a trip to San Diego, Calif., last
Thursday to bring back his wife's
mother, Mrs. Pearl Chidester,
wh will visit here indefinitely.
Mrs- Chidester formerly made
her heme here.
Te Meat Tanlght Alpha Iota
chapter. Beta Sigma Phi, will
meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the
home of Mrs. Verdun Boucock,
530 W. Oak street. The program,
on "Pictures," will be in charge
of Mrs. Robert Bellows and Mrs.
Craig Short. The meeting will be
lor members only.
Club te Meet Lazy Daisy club
members are Invited to an all
day Christmas nartv Frldav be
ginning at 11 a.m. at the home if
Mrs. Cliff Agee with Mrs. Bill
Weaver, co-hostess. A potluck
luncheon will be held at noon.
Gifts will be exchanged.
Visit at Jacsksan Heme Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Lundeen have re
turned to their home In Lake
Grove, Ore., following a few dsvs
in Roseburg as guests of the for
mer's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Jacobson,
and family. In Laurelwood. The
Lundeens formerly made their
home In this city.
lawa Vfaitere Laava Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Blckett of Shenan
doah, Iowa, left Tuesday for their
home, following two weeks at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. George
Lawson and familv, Roseburg
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Floew of Win
ston, and with Mr. and -Mrs. Leo
Howard at McMlnneville. Mrs.
Bickttt, Mrs. Lswsen and Mrs.
Floew are sisters.
Black Pram alipMta -
and Mrs. A. A. Wilder have re
turned to their home in Rose
burg. following several weeks In
Berkeley. Calif., visiting their
son, Carleten. They were accom
panied baek to Roseburg bv Mrs.
J. C. Hume, who returned to her
home on Blakelev street follow,
int several months in Berkeley
visiting her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kennerly
Jr. Mr. Kennerly is the former
Joanne Hume of this city.
ptr ir m
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HEAD ATOMIC TEST PLAN Lt. Gen. Elwood R. Quesda Hop
leftl, 45-year-old Air Force officer, will command Joint Talk
Force Three, charged with conducting new atomic weapons
tests at Eniwetok Atoll. His deputies will be Brig. Cen. John
K. Gerhart (top right) of the Air Force; Brig. Gen. Herbert
Loper (lower leftl of the Army and Rear Adm, Tom B. Hill
(lower right) of the Navy. Quesda led the Ninth Fighter com
mand in operationi from England during World War II. It il
expected that the new atomic weapons test will take place
sometime next Spring. AP Wirephoto)
ivr'ti rr
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FLIGHT RECORD SET Tom Lanphier Jr., (above) I has estab
lished a new round-the-world flight record aboard scheduled
commercial airliners. Lanphier is kissed by Stewardesses Kay
Magnetti (left) and Roberta Dunley ai he left plane I United I
at San Francisco following his last overwater hop. On arrival in
New York (1 27) he had circled the globe in 1 3 minutes less
than five days. (AP wirephoto)
Daughters Of Job Set
Annual Vesper Service
Christmas vesper service, giv
en annually by Bethel No. 8,
Daughters of Job of Roseburg,
will be presented Sunday from
3 until 4 p. m. at the First Chris
tian church. The pumic is invitea.
This is one of the few public
affairs held by the bethel.
The vesper service will include
a Christmas message by Rev.
Kenneth Knox; the Christmas
story by Honored Queen Joanne
Taylor; vocal duet, Sandra Mel
ba and Joanne Taylor and "Star
of the East," a solo, Sandra Melba.
Guardian of the bethel is Mrs.
Robert Rhodes. Arrangements for
the service are In charge of Mrs.
Edwin Booth, guardian of music.
BAKER (JP) An "emergency"
city ordinance governing propone
gas .installations was passed by
the city commissioners here this
The ordinance, recommended
by Fire Chief Otto Garg, re
quires installers of propane equip
ment to meet all regulations of
the national board of fire underwriters.
ELMIRA, N. Y. Dec. l5.-P
Rufus Rockwell Wilson, 84. auth
or of more than 20 books on
Abraham Lincoln, died last night.
He was a former newspaperman
and at one time secretary of the
National Association of Cotton
The Wilbur Recreation club
will hold a benefit dance at the
Wilbur club house Friday at 8:30
p. mi A special prize will be
given away. Ladles are asked to
bring refreshments. Everyone is
Husbands! Wives!
Want new Pep and Vim?
haustwl wMr Twraitw bnr u-t Iron. F"r o
ta. YitaLtT. trj onir-i T-ait Tbi-ti oau:
h" ntr B-d fr pd t- -:pr! n
nuw i Lav ceit! iBtndueterr km mJv Sot:
At druriinm everywhere tn ItnuMrt.
t rred Meyer's 4c rullerum Drug.
Joseph Renfro Funeral
Services Set Saturday
Funeral services for Joseph F.
Renfro, 50, of Sutherlln, who died
Dec. 13, will be held In the Chanel
of the Roses, Roseburg Funpral
home, Saturday, Dec. 17, at 11 a.
m., with the Rev. Kenneth Knox
He was born March 14, 1R99 in
Chandler, Okla. He came to
Sutherlin almost two years ago
Irom L,os Angeles where he had
lived for a number of years. At
the time of his death he was em
ployed by the C. C. Jones service
station. He was a membpr of the
Eagles Lodge No. 3014 of Suther
Surviving are his mother, Mrs.
Annie May Renfro, Los Angeles;
sister and a brother, John W..
in Germany.
The body will he taken to the
Eugene Crematorium for cremation.
Per foroncekl
if TiV'.V
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fNEA Teoltotat
LAST ETE SAVED-'-M'UT Hope Hodgdon. 11. who underwent a deli
cate operation in Portland, Ore, In a successful attempt to save her
one good eye, makes first move in hospital bed to play a record on her
record changer. Mary Hope's parent are both blind and she has
been their "eyes" since she first learned to read. Her head Is held
Immobile between sandbags so that the delicate surgery will not be
IT AIN'T HAY Old Dobbin tries to take a bite out of this park
ing meter which has 'just been installed at Worcester, Mass.
He didn't say whether he expected to eat it, drink from it or
just wanted to show his disgust over the new-fangled hitching
post. Neither teeth nor parking meter was hurt. (AP wirephotol
Special Choral
Practice Slated
A soeclal rehearsal has been
slated by the Roseburg Choral
society for Sunday, 1:30 p. m.
at the Junior high school audi
torium. Members of the 50-voice sing
inn nt-niir. urara trM at the rPPtl-
lar practice Monday night that
sunaay s practice session win uc
in the form of a "dress rehearsal,
in preparation for the "Messiah."
The Christmas oratorio is to be
presented at a free public concert
TiniHsv rw 0( at n. m.. in the
Junior high auditorium.
Charles A. Ricketts, choral so
ciety director, said the group will
practice Sunday, wearing the
choir robes rented from a Port
land theatrical and costuming
firm especially for Tuesday
night's performance.
Choral society members who
plan to participate In the "Mes
siah" performance are urged to
attend both the special rehearsal
Sunday and the regular practice
Monday night at 7:30, Ricketts
Large iooa .mantels carry as
many as 3,000 separate articles
naplauH 1m Mneiimar cl7ac
About 25 billion tin cans are
used in the United States in one
state of Charles Milne, deceased, hav
ing filed his final account end report
for final settlement of the estate of
seid decedent, alleles that said estate
Is fully settled, ell debts paid and all
Just clslms and expenses of admlnlslre
tlon paid In full and the relsdua there
of ready for distribution:
the lath day of Januery, 1990. at 9:30
o'clock In Ihe forenoon, at the County
Courtroom In the County Courthouse,
Roseburg. Oregon, be, and the ssme is
hereby set as the time and plsce for
hearing objections to said account and
for final settlement of said estate, and
It Is further ordered that noUce be
published as required by law.
Dated this Sth day of December 1949.
County Judge
In the Matter of the Estate of
Bert McCoy, Administrator of the es
tate of Charles William Milne, deceased,
having filed hia final account and re
port for final settlement of the es
tate of said decedent, alleges that said
estate Is fully settled, all debts paid
and all Just claims and expenses of ad
ministration paid In full and the re
sidua thereof ready for distribution;
the 13th day of January, 1990, at 9:30
o'clock In the forenoon, at the Gounty
Courtroom In the Douglas County Court
house, Roseburg, Oregon, be, and tha
same Is hereby set as the time and
place tor hearing objections to said
acjunt and for final settlement of
said estate, and It Is rurther ordered
that notice be published as required
by law.
Dated this Slh day of December,
County Judge
The Bureau of Land Manage
ment announces that during 1950
it plans to advertise for competi
tive sale the following described
timber on lands administered by
it in western Oregon. The tim
ber is listed by master units and
the appurtenant marketing areas
within which the timber must re
ceive primary manufacture. Of
the land sections listed below,
only portions will be included In
the timber sales. The volumes list
ed are merely preliminary approx
imations. The numbered quarter
indicates the quarter of the year
1950 in which the sale will be
conducted: In the first quarter
of the year sales will be held in
Fehruary; second quarter, April
and June; third quarter, August;
fourth quarter, October and De
cember. No substantial change in
the plan presently is anticipated;
but should unusual and unfor
seen circumstances necessitate a
change, it will be made only
after consultation with the ap
propriate district advisory board.
Subsequent advertisements in ad
vance of the several sales will
Indicate with greater specificity
the cruised volumes, minimum ac
ceptable bids, exact time and lo
cation where the sales will be
conducted and other matters re
specting the lerms and condi
tions of the sale.
Further information may be
obtained In the District Offices
of the Bureau of Land Manage
ment located at Salem, Eugene,
Roseburg, Coos Bay and Medford,
Oregon, or at the office of the
Regional Administrator, Build
ing No. 1, Swan Island, Portland
18. Oregon.
T. 21 S., R 6 W., sec. 3, 4,000 M
bd. ft. in 4th quarter; T 22 S., R
Thur., Dg. 1 , m--Th. Nwt-Rvlw,, Ore. II
6 W sec. T, 2.S0O M bd. ft. In
3rd quarter; T 22 S., R. 7 W.. ec.
13, 1.600 M bd. ft. In 3rd quarter;
T. 23 S R. 4 W., sec. 7, 2,400 M
na. rr. in 1st quarter; T. 23 S,
R. 4 W.. sec. 13. 1.500 M bd. ft.
in 1st quarter; T. 23 S R. 4 W.,
sec. 17, 1,100 M bd. ft. in 1st
quarter; T. 24 S R. 6 VV sec.
5. 3.400 M bd. ft. In 4th Quarter:
T. 24 S., R. 8 W., sec. 13, 2,500
M bd. ft. in 2nd quarter, T. 24 S..
R. 8 W., sec. 23 and 25, 3,500 M
bd. ft. in 2nd quarter; T. 25 S.,
R. 2 W., sec. 7, 7,000 M bd. ft.
in 2nd quarter; T. 25 S., R. 3 W.,
sec. 29, 2,000 M bd. ft. in 1st
quarter; T. 25 S R. 8 W., sec.
15, 900 M bd. ft. in 3rd Quarter:
T. 26 S R. 3 W., sec. 23, 4,000
M ba, It. in 2nd quarter; T. 26 S.,
R. 7 W., sec. 8. 4,000 M bd. ft.
in 2nd quarter; T. 28 S., R. 8 W
sec. 21, 3,000 M bd. ft. in 2nd
quarter; T. 29 S R. 7 W sec. 23,
1.200 M bd. ft. In 2nd quarter:
T. 29 S., R. 7 W., sec. 35, 3,000
M bd. it. in 2nd quarter; T. 30 S.,
R. 7 W sec. 17, 1,800 M bd. ft.
In 2nd quarter: T. 30 S R. 7 W..
sec. 19, 3,000 M bd. ft. in 3rd
quarter; T. 30 S., R. 7 W., sec.
is, aisju m do. rt. in 3rd quar
ter; T. 30 S R. 8 W.. sec. 25.
2,000 M bd. ft. In 2nd quarter.
T. 28 S., R. 3 W., see. 21, 5,500
M bd. it. in second quarter; T.
38 S R. 4 W., see. 17, 2,300 M
bd. ft in 1st quarter; T. 30 S.
R. 1 W., see. 31, 5,000 M bd. ft.
in 2nd quarter; T. 30 S R. 2 W.,
sec. 9 and 17, 8,500 M bd. ft. in
2nd quartes; T. 31 S R. 3 W.,
sec. 29, 3,000 M bd. ft. In 2nd
quaster; T. 31 S., R. 4 W., see.
9, 5.400 M bd. ft. in 1st quarter;
T. 32 S.. R. 1 W., sec. 15, 5,000
M bd. ft. in 2nd quarter.
That Leoitn
Nttd Not Embarrass
Many waattn ett falia tsath hav auf.
farad ral turibavriaamtnt bacauao thair
Jlta drappad, tllppd r wabblaa at
uit tha wront: Una a. Oft not liv in
faar of thla happanlnf to ysu. Juat
prink la a Ilttla FASTltTJI, tha alkali n a
( non-acid) powdar, nn your platoa. Holda
falio teeth mora firmly, m thay fact
mora eomfortabl. Dam not aour. Cbacka
"platt odor" (danrura broath). Gat
rABTEETii ai any orug tiara.
From wkere I sit ... Sy Joe Marsh
Now Hospitals Ar
"Banks' Too!
Doe Slmpsoa was saying, "Hoapl.
tala an building ap 'bene baaka'
that work just like bleed kaaka.
Whca bona Is Beaded, tha sargaoa
take on from a rafrigcrater, cuts
it to tha right shaa aad aisaply
splices lt In."
"You doctors ara sura making
progress," I says, "but tall ma, ara
any of thai patients fussy about
whot bona thay'ra fatting!"
"Na air!" replies Doc. "No mora
tha they worry about whoaa blood
they gat. N can yet asked far a
bona from a man who want ta the
asm school or church ha did."
from where I sit, it would 1m
batter world if wa war half as
willing to accept ethtr people's
ideas and tastes, as w seam to b
willing to accept thair bona and
blood. There'll always ba differ
ences. Soma like buttermilk, other
Would rather have a sparklinf
glass of temperate beer. But
underneath w'r pretty mueh tha
sama deserving aaeh ether's re
spect and tolaranett
Caayrtf At, 1949, Vniui Statu Brum Fmniitu
Only about one half of one per
cent of a modern "tin" can is
All periom having clalmi agalnut
tha estate of France. C, Berg, Deceased,
now pending in the County Court nf
Douglaa County, Oregon, are hereby
notified to preaent the lame, verified
an required by law. to the undersigned
at the office of Gedden ft Felker. At
torneva, Rosebtirg. Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and ftrat pubttahed thia 15th
day of December. 1A49.
Administratrix of the Eitate
nf Frances C Berg, Deceased.
In the Matter nf the Eitate of
i ri a ft L.r.3 wiiii. .- . ..
I Bert McCoy. Administrator of the
Designed and built by Dinlon,
America's formot taw manu
facturer, this is h law you
need to lower your coils and
step up your production. It's
aty te operate, and built for
troublt-fr irvk.
let us give you all Hi facts
about the Disiton Chain Sow
with Mercury Caiolin Engirt.
Com in and folk it over.
20 S. Stephens
Phone 271
They're All Singing the Praises . . .
of our Quality FULLER PAINTS!
Year after year particular home-owners avtry
wher insist on dependable Fuller Paints for
thair seasonal redecorating plans. Easy-to-bruih,
quick-to-dry, Fuller's many crisp exciting colors
and soft, restful shades will give your horn a
"lift" ... to make it more exciting and invit
ing far tha Holidays!
Stop in select your favorite color-harmonies today!
Fair Prices, Always
All Your Building Needs In One Stop
amO90MMlAKaC7aW128 v o-
iky iMioiMtt'-
k KMLt & WW
A. thaapakln-llnad mooeaaln
slipper of softest suppl ealf In
I. Fur-cuffed leather slipper In
red, blue and black.
C. shearling sling allpper In
pink, blue and whit.
D. Shearling mula slipper In
red, whit and blue.
I. Leather beetl In rd and
r. Fur-cuffed, all-leather me
easlna In whit.
8. Thick aelad. . all-leather,
flaeea-llnad man' allpper In
brewn and wlna.
H. Oraaay "Oorla" by Daniel
Green In black and navy blue
skinner aatin,
195 to 5"
Until 9:00 p.m.
Ntxt week . . open every
evening unttl t:00.
3 Htme-Owned Stares
22t N. Jackeon, Heeeourg
Sutherlln Apparel, Sutherlln
J. N. Rowland C., Myrtle Creek
Uteen t eur news braadeaat Sunday 12:4S