Plumbing Repair Service of All Kinds Phone 1242-R For any of your plumbing ond heating problems. Convenient Budget Termi KIER-CROOCH Plumbing Co. 316 Mill St. Phone 1242-R Roseburg Court Season Tickets Nearly Sold Out Basketball fans who anticipate seeing all nine home games may be In for a sad surprise if they have not already purchased their season reserved seat tickets. Coach Jack Newby said only ia i 19 ef tickets rcrr.sin to be "soldTAfter thatVlt'V 'first come, first served in the general admission section. For a flat $8.00, fans are as sured a "ringside seat" at three league games and six non leaguers, Newby said. One game each will be played with Suther lin, Myrtle Creek and Reedsport on the senior high gymnasium. Other games played locally will see the Indians pitted against strong southern Oregon basket ball clubs that always produce excitement and thrills. In addition to the Cottage Grove game, to be played here Saturday night, starting at 8 p.m., games have been schedul ed with Grants Pass, Dec. 28; Tillamook, Dec. 29; Marshfield, Jan. 6; Myrtle Point, Jan. 20; and Medford, Feb. 3. Newby reported the gymna sium will accommodate 750 com fortably, but 800 can be squeezed in, if necessary. Pre-season in terest indicates the games will be sell-outs. The first 18 or 19 to come to WRESTLING j- Opening Event BUCK DAVIDSON vi. CAL ROBERTS Semi-Final Event GORDON HESSELL vi. MAURICE LA CHAPPELLE Main Event "THE GREAT ATLAS" yi GEORGES DUSETTE Roseburg Armory-8:30 P. M.-Dec. 10 WILDLIFE SECRETARY Stan Wright (above of Roseburg has been appointed secretary of the Oregon Wildlife Federation. He will fill out the unexpired term of Major H. C. Tobin, Port land, who ' resigned recently. Wright, local agent for the Na tional Life Insurance company of Vermont, has been' active in affairs of the Roseburg Rod and Cun club since taking up resi dence in Roseburg. Bruce Yeager of Roseburg, is state president of the Wildlife federation. J-V Sporting Goods store today or tomorrow will be assured of seats without standing in line, many minutes prior to starting time. Police Powers Asked For Game Commission PORTLAND, Dec. 9-WP) Po licing powers for the State Game commission were urged here yes terday by Ira N. Gabrielson, resident of the National Wild ife institute. Oregon is the only state, not having game wardens, that uses money from hunting and fishing licenses for support of the state police, he said. Arguing for use of game war dens, he said, "a warden under supervision of the Game com mission knows the reason for every game law and can explain it to sportsmen. And he is en gaged in law enforcement all the year around." A former Oregonian, Gabriel son is here to advise the Game commission on a program for next year. In 1770, when it was learned that latex would rub out pencil marks, it was called rubber . FROM JUDD'S FURNITURE Every woman enjoys fine appliances In her heme. Why not thrill your wife or mother with one of these convenient laundry appliances, on Christmas morning. Give her year 'round pleas ure by making her laundry day easier with Hot point eppliances. 1 Htplt CUtfcvs Wfcr gives yon perfect washing results with proved Thrift. vator action. Quality-built for extra aervice. Hot point'! silent mechanism hat only four moving pans. Lovell wringer gives you two-way drainboard, selec tive pressure control at band level and safety re lease. Tub capacity: 8 lbf. $119.50 with pump Netawlnt Awiimtk ClottiM Dryer tumbles eight pounds of laundry - damp-dry in from 30 to 5 5 minutes completely dry in from 35 to 60 minutes. Thermostatically-controlled selec tor provides the right heat for any material, and auto matic timer efficiently regulates drying. Interior light and large door make loading and unloading easy. ONLY $249 ,95 i Haall UbIbIbIb Alirt IrwMT I gives you professional-looking re- ONLY to operate with four open cods and OOQ I casy-to-reach controls. While you sit JtmJmW relaxed, it does the work ptoviding the ironing surface of 12 hand irons and applying 400 pounds of force. EASY TUMI are compact, effi cient, durable. Ther mosotkail7ootrolled heating maip provide even heat over the extra-targe surface for perfect ironing re sults. Finished in beau tiful white Calgloss. Corners are rounded and all controls are within easy reach. TWO MODUS $169.95 $49.95 Everybody's Pointing To Convenient Credit Terms JUDD'S FURNITURE Fine Furniture For More Than 2S Yeart Rep. Thomas Put Payroll Padding On Triple Basis By th. Associated Ptmi) Congressman J. Parnell Thom as, sentenced In federal court to day lor payroll padding, put him self at the mercy ol the court a week ago Wednesday. Document ed evidence of financial corrup tion. tracKed down Dv the J-hi had piled up against him in the two and a-nall day trial. So Thomas withdrew his plea of not guilty and gave up fighting the charges against him. Reports circulated yesterday that Thom as intended to resign from Con gress even before the sentence. Plotted to Cheat Gov't. He and his former secretary. Miss Helen Campbell, were ac cused of plotting to cheat the gov ernment oy putting on Tnomas office payroll two women who wouldn t work but would kick back their salary checks to the congressman. Thomas alone was Indicted on three separate charges of putt ing Mrs. Jacqueline B. Hill on the payroll of the un-American Activities committee for kick back purposes. And it came out In the trial that Thomas also had on his of fice payroll the 71-year-old, bed ridden aunt of his wife, and a daughter-in-law who spent her time in Aiieimaie, is. j,, mom as' home town. The government dropped its case against the 64-year-old Miss Campbell. She had unfo.ded the story of tne kickback racket to the FBI and supplied a lot of evi dence. And her lawyer insisted it was under compulsion from her boss, perhaps to keep her job, that she helped set up the payroll padding scheme. The government said this scheme was a sort of triple play affair that operated like this: Miss Campbell got her niece, Miss Myra Midkiff, and her maid, Miss Arnette Minor, to put their names on the office payroll, sign their checks and turn them over to her. She put them In her own bank account here. Then she wrote checks for identical or similar amounts and deposited them in Thomas' account in Allendale, FBI Agent Frederic Vechery Investigated the case. He added the Midkiff checks up to more than $6,000 over a five-year pe riod, 1940 through 1944. He said Miss Minor got only three checks totalling $375.05 in 1944. Mrs. Hill's pay came to more than $2,300, for three months on the committee payroll :n 1947 and 1948 that were covered in the in dictment and five months on the office payroll that weren't cov ered. The government conceded Thomas let Mrs. Hill hold back $50 a month total $400. But there was no Indication Miss Campbell or her niece or maid got a penny out of the pay roll doctoring. The government picked out money deals totaline onlv S1.. 69S.37 on which, to base its in dictment. Bowling Scores INDUSTRIAL LSAGl)( TtBflS SlBBdiaiB Tsam Won Donut Bar . .a Umpqua Vall.y Hardware ..2S Jones Insurance 22 V.u Hospital 20 Jovin Brake Supply Elas 33fl B. P. O. K. ..1. .14 ...II Lost 13 Young Republicans To Lay Plans For 1950 Plan, for 1QriA will h. -,.. later), and vacanplo. In tha hs.a.i of directors and officers filled at a meeting of the Douglas County chapter of Young Republicans F -deration of Oregon tonight at 6:30 p. m. at the Cafe Del Rey. Congressman Harris Ellsworth will address the group on the sub ject, "Policy and Program for the Republican Party." President Bob Hanson also an nounced that the state convention of the federation Is being held In Oregon Citv tnrinv SnturHav an Sunday. Any person planning to oiicnu is asxeo to contact mm at Sutherlln, phone 2793. n.m.i DiMnkir 1 F. O. I. 1; Jovin, 2; Umpqua Valley Hardware. 1: Elks M, 1; V.u Has- ,- p p rt J K.m.ras High individual lame score: Dr. Han ford. 121: high individual series score: Morris, SOS. , E. Meek Morris Sweem ,.........-. Barker Root .! Hsndicap r, o. e. . 159 183 218 307 ,..rl5 1.1B .134 104 ,.136 160 .100 109 18.1 467 184 tktt 14ft 422 140 466 146 464 10ft 327 Radlgan mine Ml 1013 6932617 Elks s 158 W.Ugtrbar Stock . Boucock Handicap -.145 146 -131 Salem Alumina Plant Sold By Government SALEM, Dec. 9. . UP) The Salem alumina plant, which the government built for $5,600,000 during the war, has been sold for $750,000 to Manganese Products, Inc., of Seattle, it was announced here. The company, which bought the plant from the War Assets ad ministration, now is arrn;!-g tlnancing. Lemuel W. Wright, an Ameri can, invented the first machine for making solid-headed pins, in 1824. Frl Dee. 9, 1949 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. -7 24-Hour Track Patrol Urged In Doukhobor Locality NELSON. B. C. (CP) A 24- hour track patrol was demanded here by railwaymen who fear more Doukhobor bombings in the West Kootenays. Following protests last week, night guards were posted on the rail lines and bridges with trains In cvtruL-u iiy jj&iiui speeuers. Trainmen : started "cautious runs" after three bombings in two weeks on the Kettle valley line of the Canadian Pacific rail way. Special bridge guards were posted. IIV 1 iuu nave no cnance on . a bridge," said a spokesman for the railwaymen. There are 10 bridges between Trail and Nelson, a distance ol 50 miles. ' i . Sons of Freedom, radical group of the Doukhobor religious sect, l:svc beer, bluiViOu foi uie bomb ings and incendiarism in the Kootenays. , -., . A new wiggling plastic worm has been devised for fishermen who hate to dig for bait. 132 47S 173 4 106 4ti2 16 473 I -.139 " 139 139 477 -.119 IIS 115 343 Total 854 90S 932723 Jones Insurance Co. H. Shlrtcltft 178 149 170 497 T. Shlrtcllff 130 164 B. Jones . J. Wilton r. Chapin Handicap .183 133 168 3u3 .146 141 113 400 .169 183 162 334 103 103 103 J13 950 877 9322771) Dennt Bar 174 S . 197 378 133 158 178 489 ..221 172 162 33i .213 136 182 551 143 160 018 Total Buettner Wellman Hantoid . Johnson roy Handicap ToUl 1064 944 1003-3013 Umpqua Vall.y Hsrdwsr. Roberts 134 164 146 464 Wiggens . 163 194 149 026 Harding ............ ..14.1 168 .130 461 Hllllard ..1B8 1.17 139. 484 C. Flngerloa . 163 202 183 3.10 -19.1 106 108 108 324 Handicap H.. 106 106 106 318 Total 9:i9 971 8732783 b. r. O. E. Smith ...116 143 166 423 Harber .. J . 133 171 Ryan Hasklna Bistak ... M1.16 112 -.130 386 , 127 149 1R7 473 136 12,1 196 473 156 136 136 468 Total 846 634 9902090 Jovin Brak. Supply .1., inn 131 iid J. E. Nordllng Campbell Taylor 156 166 .-149 125 133 407 .130 154 139 443 J. V. Nordllng Handicap - .v. Total 172 494 168 134 154 436 128 128 128 384 -.678 909 8772660 Vets Hospital Esberg 139 Kidder . 114 136 Hasklns 167 183 Tannlund ...142 B.tley ....... Handicap 167 193 499 632 900 9032633 Oklahoma Mentor Wins 'Coach Of Year' Polling NEW YORK, Dec. 9 (.&) Charles (Bud) Wilkinson, who led the Oklahoma Soonera through an unbeaten football season, today was named 1949 "coach of the year" by the New York World-Telegram and other Scrlpps-Howard newspapers. A nationwide poll was con ducted with the cooperation of the American Football Coaches association and, in this 15th an nual ballot, Wilkinson drew 102 first place Votes. v Next was Lynn Waldorf ot California, with 69 votes, fol-t lowed by Notre Dames Frank Leahy with 43. Wilkinson has been a head coach only three years, all at Oklahoma. The Sooners have won 20 straight games since dropping their 1948 opener to Santa Clara. 159 BOWLED THREE TIMES Industrial league bowler V. Boucock figured prominently in a bowling oddity at the Roseburg alleys Thursday night, by bowl ing 159 in each of three straight games. - Boucock plays anchor1 man with the Roseburg Elks' team. 3oswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Cl'.nlo Lady Attendants v 1 Mile S. of Drain. Oregon FOR ONLY! The Style Sliop will be happy to help , you with your Christmas gift problems for Mother - Wife - Daughter Sweetheart You'll Find Ideas Here: Robes House Coats Lingerie Larkwood Hosiery Blouses Sweaters Handkerchiefs Handbags "A Gift from the STYLE SHOP Is Always Appreciated" r Gift Wrapping, Of Course! The 139 N. Jackson St. Roseburg E Jl EVEN SANTA IS SWAPPING HIS SLEIGH FOR A SAFETY TESTED USED CAR FROM SMITH MOTORS 1 yV sB-csjuJ 1946 0LDSM0BILE "V 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, hydramatic drive. Perfect condition IQC throuahout ....... . ......... ..... IVJ 9 t , - 1941 CHEVROLET 4-D00R SEDAN OMt Radio, heater, 5 new 15" Air Ride fires OJ 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-D00R SEDAN 4 Radio, heater, top shape throughout . ..... . UffJ 1940 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN 7f Looks good, runs good, is good . . . . ...... U I J 1940 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN A good clean car at a low price . . JLJ 1939 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Good low-cost transportation . . ., . J BARGAIN OF THE WEEK-HERE IT ISI 1939 PONTIAC 2-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, first class shape. A real buy . . SMITH MOTORS GIVES TOPS ON TRADE-INS 299 For Your Convenience WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9:00 LIBERAL GMAC or BANK TERMS Tin OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCKS 233 N. Stephens Phone 311 : j x- -.. -.ifi :s :t t :.,- -v ,; nn i r rrt ri i t'J- : iVie 'tfc :Sf- i& iCf- -it- ? K 321 N. Jackson Phone 26