The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 08, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    4 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore Thurt., Dee. 8, 1949
Clean-Up, Traffic Problems
Among Subjects Discussed
At Session Of Toastmasters
Discussion of Roseburg's traffic and clean-up problem! high
lighted the Tuesday evening meeting ot the Roseburg Toastmaster s
. club.
Carl Permln, speaking on the city's traffic problem, recounted
the developments announced recently on relocating highway 99
through Roseburg on a two-street, one-way basis. The need for
such a move cannot be disputed, he said.
However, Permln declared the
highway planners should urge In
stallation of left turn lanes, "at
least every other block." He said
this would assure motorists easy
access to Jackson and Cass
streets, "the heart" of Rose
burg's business district. Permln
also spoke of the need for more
traffic lights Installed on down
town city streets.
Tom Coates, speaking on
"Roseburg's Clean-up Problem",
opened his talk with an anecdote
"Which does not apply to Rose
burg." He said in pne American
Buy now without .
cash at
Pay when your NSLI
dividend arrives. .
See ui for details
city, a city policeman stopped a
constable to give a traffic ticket.
When paper from the policeman's
ticket book fluttered to the street,
the constable retaliated by giv
ing the policeman a ticket for
littering the city's streets.
A general educational cam
paign to make local citizens a
ware of the value of keeping
Roseburg's streets clean was
urged by Coates. He said people
of Roseburg should be urged to
use the paper disposal containers
placed on downtown street cor
ners by service clubs.
Nylon Adapablllty Told
"Nylon Magic Giant of Man's
Creation", was the subject of a
talk by Jay Forseth. He outlin
ed In a general fashion the man
ufacture of nylon, saying the
chemist began with the three
basic elements, coal, water and
Advantages of nylon Included
its moth and fungus proof quall
Ities, was the strongest man
made fiber known and would not
burn, melting at the relatively
high temperature of 400 degrees
Trafflo Faults Told
Final five-minute talk of the
evening was given by Charles
Slabaugh, whose topic was
"Menace on the Highway."
. Listing some of the common
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WORKMEN HAVE JUST TORN DOWN the plank barrier which
hat screened the remodeling operation in progress for the past
few months at Hansen Motor company.
The Oak and Stephens street corner of the big quarters owned
by the company, pictured above, until recently housed the Car
ter Tire company, formerly Hansen subsidiary. When alter
ations ere completed this extensive space will be used as
showroom for new cars end trucks and for various salesroom
suites. (By Paul Jenkins I (
causes of highway accidents,
Slabaugh said a prime cause was
lack of courtesy.
"How often have you seen
cars crowding so close together,"
he asked, "that others could not
pass; how often have you seen
drivers block side-road entranc
es by jamming up in the inter
Lack of courtesy on the part
of sight-seers is another cause
of accident and death on the high
way, he said.
Speed and carelessness are two
more big causes of accidents, he
said. The mania to pass every
thing on the road and attempts
to make up for lost time account
for much of the speeding so pre
valent. Under the carelessness
heading, Slabaugh listed such it
ems as failure of drivers to look
both directions before pulling
away from the curb and what he
termed "mere devilry," an offense
of which the young drivers are es-
iii is MBiiiii a
J"t;- -:f1; mm i-rv... ......... 1
.1 ll,lWUg, iV"'"''
4-door Sedan of US hp. Ideal for a fomSy car.
. Available with Dytwflow Orlvo as optionol equip
Mat at extra cost.
IOOK this tidy Buick over and you may
a hear a still email voice saying "go
heed-iW Hi" K
If io, doa't think it'i mere ambition urging
you to splurge.
The simple fact is that this lively fashion
setter is not only a car straight from your
rosiest dreams, but brawny straight-eight
Buick that radically any budget can handlel
Match prices and you'll find that many
six eotte you more than this does.
Boil it down to coats per pound and
poundage in car often means more dura
bility and longer life as well as smoother
riding and you'll find this one right down
among the so-called lowest priced cars.
Figure your Investment over the extra
years you'll be happy in a Buick check
the used-car listings and see how Buicks
hang onto their resale value and you'll
see the wisdom in buying a better car
to begin with.
And just figure how much mars automobile
you're getting here.
. The extra value of Ruick's own Fireball
valve-in-head straight-eight power.
When better mmfmobllei mrm built
BUCK trill build them
The bump-smothering gentleness of soft,
coil springs on all wheels, both fore and aft.
Tha roominess of Buick's king-siac in
teriorsthe lightness of Buick controls
the new parking and garaging ease of traffic
handy siee
And that completely different and distin
guished look of Buick's tapered fenders,
sleek jet-plane lines and the sturdy,
shock-deflecting protection of that bold
new front-end design.
So go ahead and listen to that still small
voice. It's your budget, nudging you to
go get the actual figures and replace
guesses with facts.
The plaea to go is your Buiok dealer's
and if you want to traxl like
fortune's favorite, the time to sign
on the dotted line is now I
vote rrr io okatr own
I'm a HENRY I. MnO, ASC Ntlw-K m Uwtor noht.
sebyirg Motoir .
pecially accountable.
However, the greatest single
cause of highway accidental
death is poor judgment, Slabaugh
said. Drivers who are too young,
either in age or in mental devel
opment, account for 45 percent
of the deaths. Poor evesight ac
counts for 30 percent "of the ac
cidents, with drunken drivers re
sponsible for an additional 20 per
cent. Checks to curb the increase of
highway accidents should include
more stringent- driver's license
examinations, a definite code on
highway courtesy and a require
ment for more driving exper
ience, Slabaugh said.
Table Topicmaster Dr. S. L,
De Lapp assigned to all members
and guests the topic, "What I
Like Best About Toastmaster-
ine." Reasons eiven ranged down
a hope for self-betterment to the
ability offered to argue with
one'a wife.
Evaluator for the eveninc was
Jim Turk, and Bob Bergls act
ed as toastmaster.
NEW YORK OP) A maenifv-
ing glass, set so that children
can look into their own mouths,
stops their fears of the dentist,
says Charles A. Levinson of
Brookline, Mass. He uses the
glass wnen children fear even to
have their teeth examined.
"Do you want to see television
or movies right in your own
mouth?" he asks. Invariably
he says the children reply "Yes. .
And they permit the checkup. ,
loy Wins Fight Against
Seventy Percent Burns
Little Mike Rector, who suffered
burns over 70 percent of his body
more than a year ago, Is going
to get home for Christmas.
The four-year old has been In
Casualty hospital since "Nov. 12,
1948. He has had numerous skin
giaXU being abuui them
all and still faces the- need for
eight or ten more.
Mike has been walking In the
corridors for about a week now,
using a wheeled bar device call
ed a walker.
His Christmas at home may
last only a few hours before he
has to go back to the hospital
but his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Rector, and the local
Optimist club are planning to
make it merry.
Mike was burned when his
cowboy suit caught fire. For a
long time, he wasn't expected to
The National Geographic So
ciety says the Belgian Congo pro
duces 60 percent of the world's
known output of uranium.
withal "
Designed and built by Dititon,
America's foremost saw manic
facturtr, this is the saw you
need to lower your costs end
step up your production. It's
easy to operate, and built for
trouble-free service,
let us give you all the facts
about the Diiiton Chain Saw
with Mercury Gasoline Engine.
Come in and talk it over.
920 S. Stephens
Phon 279
1L f f Wi mujuumimn i ,
tt&l Nearlv Cost Me
...until I discovered this
New "Invisible
Electronic Earl"
Nothing an ruin a man's busi
ness chances more surely than
loss of hearing. People get the
idea that you are growing stupid,
slow-witted and old ready for
"the shelf.
But I stubbornly Sought the idet
of wearing a hearing aid. I rebelled
agatait that unsightly "button in the
car" against dangling wires and
clumsy battery packs.
Then a little book fell into my
hands and changed my whole life
overnight. The book told how the
new Beltone "Invisible Electronic
Ear" actually bidit deafness re
captures hearing a totally dijftml
way thru the miracle of modern
electronics. And NO BUTTON IN
Today I can hear clearly again
even faintest whispers. No more
office-mistakes and misunderstand
ings because I "couldn't hear"
Thanks to the new Beltone, I can
again hold my own with muyoiu
in business or anywhere else!
It you are hard-of-hearing, don't
resign yourself to the handicaps that
deafness brings. Come in, phone or
. send for the valuable FREE book oq
the new Beltone "Invisible Elec-
. tronic Ear." No cost, no obligation
Do it nowl
Special free Beltone Hearing Aid
Cllnlo at Umpqua Hotel, Friday and
until Saturday noon, Deo. 9th and
10th. Ask for Mr. Mitchell at desk.
He is a member of James N. Taft
and Associates of Portland who have
been serving the hard of hearing
since 1934.
Fresh Batteries for All Aids
Give someone 365 days of hearing
happiness this Christmas,
to Bank by mail
You'll find banking by mail at The United States
National the safe, convenient way to do your banking
in any kind of weather... at any hour of the night
or day . . . from anywhere. You simply mail your check
deposits for either savings or checking accounts.
We furnish bank-by-mail envelopes without charge.
Next time you're in the bank, ask about this time
saving way to do your banking... or phone for a
supply of envelopes. ;
HAROLD I. tCMMIil, Manaear
NATHANIEL O. JOHNSON, Aiilttent Monof er
IVAN O. PICKENS, Aulttant Manoear
D. H. REED, Anlitant Monagw
Rose and Washington
Phone 1551
at I I I At I 01 IT INI