Tn.Nwt.RW.w,Rot.burB,Or..-Wed., Dae. 7, 1949. wvimdaloranoi Society and GluU By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele nhone for tb society page mint be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday ind by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. SEWING CLUB GIRLS ELECT NEW OFFICERS The 4-H Girls Sewing club was organized Friday at Elgarose with the local leader, Mrs. Thel ma Hanson In charge. Officers were elected for the coming term and the club members made plans to meet the first and third Fridays of each month. Louise Gilliam was elected pre sident; Marelene Bartholomy vice president; Carmen Cooper, secretary; Loletta Buell. song leader; Margie Hanson, yell leader and Dixie Wooten, report er. Attending the meeting were Louise Gilliam, Sally Brown, Margie Hanson, Dixie Wooten, Marelene Bartholomy and Lolet ta Buell. STOCK CLUB MEETS SUNDAY, OUTLINES YEAR'S PROJECTS Each mmhr of the Lucky Seven 4-H Stock club told what their project would be for the comlne vear when they met Sun day afternoon at the home of tneir leaaer, Mr. Hanson, cro quet followed a business meeting conducted by Donald Sundberge. Refreshments were served to Dick and Sally Brown, Donald and Donna Sundberg, David Bar tholomy, Joe and Glenn Sand, Dick Sjogren, Dixie Wooten, Glen, Donald and Margie i-fan son. Mrs. Edna Sjogren. Mrs, Mary Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and the host and nostes3, Mr. and Mrs. A. M Hanson. The next meeting will be Jan uary 15 at the Elgarose school, COOKED FOOD 8ALE TO BE HELD SATURDAY The ladles of the Winston Com munity club will hold a cooked food sale Saturday, Dec. 10, at Winston from .one to four o'clock In the afternoon. All members and friends are being urged to contribute donations. HAVE You Seen? I S THE SHOE VALUES S For Women v V now at Right on Jackson B 0 3 ffl MEETING) FRIDAY Rlversdale Grange held an In teresting meeting Friday night at the hall with forty In attend ance. Two new applications were received and referred to the com mittee on candidates. Ray Dead mond and Jim Daugherty pre sented Legislative reports and W. D. Love presented the agri cultural committee report. Alice Kruse announced the Home Eco nomics club meeting for Friday, Dec. 8, ai a iweive-tnirty o' clock potluck luncheon. Inexpen sive gifts will be exchanged. Those attending are asked to bring their own table service. Plans were made for members to meet at the hall tonight, Dec. 7, at seven-thirty o'clock to de corate the hall for Christmas. The Grange annual Christmas party will be an event of the evening of Dec. 23 at the hall with the students of the Rivers dale school presenting the pro gram. Men attending are asked to bring a gift for a lady and each lady is to bring i gift for a man. Those having children are asked to bring gifts for them. The quarterly potluck birthday party will be held at six-thirty o'clock at the hall the evening of December 16. The Rlversdale ladies will serve on the commit tee. Those attending are asked to bring their own table service. BOYS ORGANIZE 4-H BACHELORS SEWING CLUB Boys of Elgarose organized the Bachelor Sewing 4-H ilub at the school under the leadership of Mrs. Thelma Hanson. Officers elected included Glen Hanson, president; Eddie Fennell, vice president; Joe Sands, secretary; Billy Benedict, song leader; Den nis enneii, yea leader and Dave Gilliam, reporter. The boys win meet tne second and fourth Sunday of each month at the home of Mrs. Hanson. At tending were Dickie Sjogren, Dick Brown, Dennis indEddy Fennell, Dave Gilliam, Billy Bene dict and Donald Hanson. MELR08E UNIT "O HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY ON FRIDAY Melrose Home Extension unit will neyet Friday at the home of Mrs. Clarson Chltwood with a Chrstlmas gift exchange and a twelve-thirty o clock potluck luncheon. Gift wrapping will be tne topic ror tne protect ot this meeting. AH members are urged to De present. Directing Junior Class Play Marks Debut Of New RHS Staff Member FLOORING 9 Siding Finish PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 V: , X o3f 4 ,-r t a ': Marie Dl Loreto, above, new est member of the Roseburg Sen ior high school facility, makes her debut as a director this week and next with the production "Boarding House Reach," junior class play. A graudate of Franklin high school of Portland, Miss Dl Lo reto majored in speech and drama at the University of Ore gon, receiving her degree last June. . - i - Although "Boarding House Reach" Is the first full-length play she' has fllrec'ted, Miss Di Loreto appeared in many Uni versity theater productions, play ing lead parts in "Show-Off" and "The Man Who Came to Din ner." ' The junior class will be given its first test Friday before pa tients of the Veterans hospital. FULLERTON'S REXALL STORE PARKER!' Choose Now Use our convenient Lay-Away Plan mm l. wx:N. mm r wvw.'iv xxv b. JL U11VV1 X XWSXxV W v nsv -w lieVV AERO'METRIC Proud beyond worai...thosa uhose handt hold t New "51" this Chriitmas. In this pen new writing magic! 14 advances never before achieved in i writing instrument. An ingenious device meters the ink in a perfect, skip-free line. You glide with floating smoothness... si you writs dry with wet ink. The Ink supply is bigger, too, snd visible. Choose tha world's most-wanted gift pen now for years of supreme writing satisfaction. It's the finest pen at any price. Seven colors and black. Luitraloy or gold-filled caps. Finest ptn al a medium price. If your problem is how to give a really fine gilt and not spend too much-heres the perfect answer. It t Parker s brand-new low-priced pen, the "21". It looks and writes like pens costing twice as much. "21" uses famous Superchrome Ink that dries as you write. (Uses any other Ink, too.) New, 8-meul Octaniuro point gives luxuriously smooth, scratch-free writing. Concealed, fast-action filler. ..anti- leak safeguards. Colors: Blue, green, red, black. Choice of points. PtiKil S.), SI.75 Mail and phone orders invited ft ttii Nndl ttH, 1JI FULLERTON'S REXALL STORE Phone 45 127 N. Jackson A special matinee, . for grade school children only, will be giv en Dec. 12 at 4 p.m. The play is scheduled for the public Tues day, Doc. 13, at 8 p. m. in the senior high school auditorium. Lead role in the play will fea ture Chuck Plummer, portraying Wilbur Maxwell, Instigator of the boarding house Idea during his parents' absence. His friend, Hercules, will be played by Ver non Thompson. Gene Henry and Doree Ellis are cast as Wilbur' parents. In commenting on the play cast, Miss Di Loreto said I'm working with a swell group of kids who are very cooperative and good natured about keeping the late hours necessary for re hearsals." Tickets for the Tuesday night performance may be purchased from any junior class member. INSTALLATION OF GRANGE OFFICERS IS HELD SATURDAY NIGHT Nine Granges installed new of ficers at an impressive ceremony in charge of William Howse, Medford, state deputy, Saturday night at Rlversdale Grange hall with 150 in attendance. The de gree staff Included Amy Kruse, marshal; Ollie Krueger and Vi ola Spencer, regalia bearers; Ra mona Hampton, flag bearer, and Mrs. William Howse, custodian. There were eight from Days Creek; twelve from Camas Val ley; thirteen from Lookingglass; twenty from Melrose; fourteen from Evergreen; nineteen from Sulherlin; five from Glide and fit teen from Kellogg and the re mainder were from Rlversdale. Dessie Tipton had charge of presenting four very beautiful tableaus, which were greatly en joyed. Sandwiches, cookies and coffee were served later in the evening. PLASTIC PARTY TO BE HELD AT OAGE HOME FRIDAY EVENING All members of the Eagles aux iliary and their friends are in vited to attend a plastic party at eight o'clock Friday evening, Dec. 9, at the home of Mrs. Myr tle Dage, 1326 Umpqua avenue. FAMILY NIGHT TO BE OBSERVED AT DILLARO CHURCH ' Family night will be observed at a six o'clock potluck supper at the Dillard church Friday eve ning. Mite boxes will be opened following the social hour. Advertisement FINEST FRUIT BELIEVED BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT World-Famouj Oregon Cornice Pears Show Thoughrfulness and Good Taste at Yuleride MEDFORD, OREGON. You have read about the wonderful Christmas gift boxes of yummy Rogue River Valley Cornice pears they ARE world-famous. Your lucky friends that got them last year are still raving and of course hoping they'll be lucky again. You ean be one of the olever people to send this perfect gift that never tails to please. For only $3.00 we will send our beautiful big 101b. gift box of choicest fruit express paid from you to your friends at -Christmas time. Just send us the addresses to day enclosing your check or money order and you ean have your shopping all done easiest and "bestest." MARY ond DAVID At Hlgheroft Orchards P. O. Box 4$4, Medford, Oregon. EAST DOUGLAS EXTENSION UNIT MEETING SEES "GIFT WRAPPING" PROJECT Mrs. Verne Shrum and Mrs. Donald Wright gave a demon stration on "gift wrapping" at the East Douglas Extension unit meeting at the South Deer Creek Grange hall Wednesday at an all dav meeting. Potluck luncheon was enjoyed at noon and announcement made that the next meeting will be held1 January 11 at the Glide Grange nail on tne protect, "iajiiu shades." Mrs. Kutri Case- beer, chairman, presided over tne Business meeting. Attending were Mrs. Nellie Branton, Mrs. Floyd Hickman, Mrs. Donald Wright, Mrs. Verne Shrum, Mrs.' Charlotte Bailey, Mrs. E. M. Mathis, Mrs. Kath leen , Weber, Mrs. Ruby Wads, worth, Mrs. Ada Melton, Mrs. Joe Brumbach, Mrs. Cora Colli son, Mrs. Ruth Casebeer, Mrs. Taylor McCord, Mrs. W. A. Kar cher, Mrs. Harlan Melton, Mrs. ham Ball, Mrs. Jim Marier, Mrs, Earl Ramsey, Mrs. J. B. Rich ards, Mrs. C. G, Campbell and Mrs. W. H. Rose. ZULEIMA TEMPLE TO HOLD CHRISTMA8 PARTY FRIDAY EVENING Zuleima Nile club, Daughters oi tne wile, win noid its annual potluck dinner and Christmas party at six-thirty o'clock Fri day evening at the home of Mrs. Elton Jackson at Winchester. Members are asked to bring packages for the Shrine hospital. Those desiring transportation ire requested to meet at six-fifteen o'clock at the Rose hotel. Mrs. William Roughcore will be as sisting hostess with Mrs. Jack son. The toys for the Shrine hos- &ital are to be marked for a Dy or girl and for what age. An exchange of Christmas gifts, not to exceed one dollar, will be enjoyed. RIVERSDALE H. E. C. ' TO MEET AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON ON FRIDAY Riversdale Home Economics club will meet at a twelve-thirty o'clock potluck luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Eldon Ogle. Members are asked to bring a fifty-cent gift for exchange. Those attending are also asked to bring their own table service. WOMEN'S MI88IONARY SOCIETY PLANS MEETING FOR FRIDAY The Women's Missionary so ciety of the First Christian church will meet Friday at the church parlors to make plans lor .Women's Day and the Crusade. All members are requested to be present. DEER CREEK COMMUNITY CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY The Deer Creek .Community club will meet Friday eveninp, Dec. 10, at eight o'clock at the Dixonville hall for the regular business session and program. Those attending are asked to bring pie and tneir own tame service. PYTHIAN SISTERS TO ELECT OFFICERS ON THURSDAY EVENING Pythian Sisters will meet at eight - o'clock Thursday evening at the K. of P. hall for election of officers. All members are re quested to be present. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB , CHRISTMAS PARTY TO BE EVENT OF TONIGHT The Friendly Hour club annual Christmas party for members. invited ffuest will be an event of tonight, Dec. -7 at t t-t a Knvnn nnmif. The club met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Cecelia Ken yon. The day was spent in sew-, Ing and textile painting with a J potluck luncheon served at noon : to Mrs. Ethel Johnson and Mrs. Kir.e BCirand. guests, a n d I Mrs. Ellen Hoffman.Mrs. Nor ma Fenn. Mrs. Minnie Jacobson, Mrs. Belva Buckwalter, Mrs. Hazel Williams, Mrs. Vera Thompson, Mrs. Mildren" Bone brake, Mrs. Alma Greer, Mrs. Hazel Bly, Mrs. Grace Fenn and the hostess, Mrs. Kenyon. BENEFIT CARNIVAL TO BE HELD SATURDAY NIGHT AT WINCHESTER The Winchester Community club will hold a benefit carnival at the clubhouse Saturday-night, i Dec. 10, at eight o'clock. The public is cordially invited to at tend. Proceeds will go to pjr chase Christmas treats for the children of the Winchester community. SYS Ysiir lis Landscaped en F. H. A. Terms .i Trees Topped or Removed Lawn Planted Shrubs y Pruning Call us for information L. H. McPherson RL 2, Box 153 Phone 715-J-1 ,1 i r7 7pn Nearly Cost Me MY JOB! ...until I discovered thit New "Invisible Electronic Earl" Nothing can ruin a man's busi ness chances more surely than loss of hearing. People get the idea that you are growing stupid, slow-witted and old ready for "the shelf. But I stubbornly fought the idee of wearing a hearing aid. I rebelled against that unsightly "button io the ear" against dangling wires and , clumsy battery packs. Then a little book fell Into my hands and changed my whole life overnight. The book told how the new fieltone "Invisible Electronic Ear" actually bidet deafnesa re captures bearing e totally Jifftrnl way thru the miracle of modern electronics. And NO BUTTON IN THE EAR! 1 Today I can hear clearly again even faintest whispers. No more office-mistakes and misunderstand inga because I "couldn't hear" Thanks to the new Beltone, I can again hold my own with enyont in business or anywhere else! Jf you are hard-of-hearing, don't resign yourself to the handicaps that deafness brings. Come in, phone or send for the valuable FREE book on the new Beltone "Invisible Elec tronic Ear." No cost, no obligation; Do it nowl Beitone ONI-UNIT HIAtINO Alt DEALER'S NAME ADDRESS Special free Beltone Hearing Aid Cllnlo at Umpqua Hotel, Friday and until Saturday noon, Dec. 9th and 10th. Ask for Mr, Mitchell at desk. .He is a member of James N, Taft and Associates of Portland who have been serving the hard of hearing since 1934. Fresh Batteries for All Aids Give someone 36S days of hearing happiness this Christmas, Martex Towel Sets... triumphs under any tree Part of the thrill of Christmas giving is the knowledge that your gift will be re ceived with delight, used and enjoyed long after the holiday season. A gift of Mar tex towels is always a compliment and reflects your own innate good taste. Colors are decorator-designed, the patterns stunning; so make your selections promptly in our Towel Department. Sea shells for Christmas belles! She'll love this new Mortex reversible towel which will stay holiday-bright for years. Gay colors are white with gold, coral, turquoise or blue. Bath Towel .. .., Hand Towel Wash Cloth ..1.S9 ...75o ...35o Give "Sweetbriar" at Christmastime for years of bright blooming. Gay flower fan tasies are embroidered right into, the towel. Make up complete sets in blue, rose, gold and peach. Bath towel 2.50, hand towel 1.39, wash cloth 49c. Towels Downstairs Store i