ELK'S ANNUAL CHARITY MINSTREL SHOW T W N ff A i EC T H ELKS CLUB WEDNESDAY r" 1 yl (Students and UCV. 4 Children only) THURSDAY DEC. 15 FRIDAY DEC. 16 SATURDAY DEC. 17 All Proceeds Given To Charity Under Professional Hollywood Direction MUSIC SONGS DANCING COMEDY W W N 1 1 1 1 f ?o, mW nmmlm mm - r "m High Court Rules In Large Batch Of Cases Variety Of Issues Are Involved !n Apps!s "Ujk For Final Decisions WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 ( The Supreme court yesterday up held an Arkansas "right to work" law which makes It a crime to use force or threats to keep a worker Irom any lawful job. In another decision, the tribu nal ruled 6-2 that the old Wagner act permitted the firing of work ers who tried despite a closed shop contract to have their un ion replaced by a rival labor or ganization. The Taft-Hartley act flatly bans such discharges. In- other actions the court: 1. Agreed to rule on the power of American civil courts to over turn court martial convictions. The tribunal will review a deci sion by the U.S. Circuit court at New Orleans that Eugene Pres ton Brown, an American soldier convicted of murder by an army court in Germany, should be freed. The lower court held that Brown's court-martial was so "replete with highly irejudlcial errors and irregularities" that he did not get a fair trial "even un der military law." 2. Refused to rule until state courts have considered further the constitutionality of a Los An geles antl Communist program intended to determine the loyal ty of county employes. A group why be a dial jockey? STAY TUNED TO KRNR-MBS FOR: Queen For a Day Tune in for last-minute de tails on the big "Queen of America" contest! Ends De cember 10! 11:30-12 Noon Mon. thru Fri. Mutual Newsreel From where it happens . you hea. it happen. Actual voices ot the people who make the news! 6:15-6:30 P. M. Mon. thru Fri. Behind the Mayor's Desk Mayor Flegel in an informal titteen-minute discussion ot local affairs. 7:30-7:45 Tonight Box Thirteen Starring Alan Ladd in "the role ot Dan Holiday tor the latest "Box Thirteen" ad venture! 8-8:30 Tonight Carmen Cavallero and His Orchestra Cavallero in person! Play ing from the elk s Ballroom in a special "live" presenta tion! 11-11:30 Tonight KRNR 1490 on your Dial World t Crtttat Rtfimal Nttnr Unpopular ' Police Chie( ; Rates Entire Force Zero BELLINGHAM, Wash., Dec. 6. UP) Every member of Bclllng ham's 36-man police department received a zero grade for con duct on his monthlv civil service .rating yesterday. Police Chief Pre Benson post ed the November report at head quarters himself. Officers - are fr&rd ! ": readings: con duct, industry, general value. With the exception of the as sistant chief, who resigned his office recently, all department officers had signed a petition to the mayor and city council ask ing the chief's removal. Mayor Don Satterlee has re fused to remove Benson his ap pointment but the council wishes him replaced. of 26 county employes challeng ed legality of the program which requires them to swear to loyal ty oaths. 3. Refused to consider a gov ernment complaint that federal judge Ben H. Rice, Jr., of San Antonio, Tex., had shown "an abuse of judicial power" in his handling of an anti-trust case. The Justice department object ed to an order by Judge Rice requiring separate trials for 81 defendants accused of tnti-trust act violations in their conduct of small loan offices. 4. Agreed to review a Kansas Supreme court decision denying Itizenship to a conscientious ob jector, German-born Martin Lud wig Cohnstaedt, who told a Na turalization examiner in 1947: , "I cannot contribute anything to be used solely and directly in furtherance of armed conflict." 5. Agreed to hear arguments in two suits brought by the fed eral government in an effort to get possession of oil-bearing tide lands off the coasts of Texas and Louisiana. The tribunal refused a Louisiana plea for a rare jurv trial before the Supreme court. Two Negroes Involved Justice Jackson delivered the 8-0 decision in the Arkansas case, with Justice Douglas taking no part. The validity of the law was at tacked by attorneys for the CIO, on behalf of two Negroes sen tenced to a year's imprisonment each because of their activities Need a Shine? Come to us for that final touch of good groom ing. Conveniently located downtown.' ' Hours 8 to 5 Dally, In cluding Sunday. Edward's Shine Parlor Grand Hotel Lobby "Reading the paper is enjoyable . . . but I'd much rather be reading the menu at the RAINBOW CAFE." rare- ';5t iV NATIONAL DISTILLERS MODUCTS CORF., NEW YORK 16 PROOF RHUS X7i THE OLD AND THE NEW in Implement company. At left Harvester in 1905. Parked next ered by a two-cylinder, air-cooled opposed type engine, using gasoline as fuel. It is chain driven and has two speeds forward and one reverse. The two head and tail lamps are kerosene burners. Owner P. W. "Dave" Davis said he bought the car three years ago from a Day's Creek farmer who had not run the vehicle since 1918. Reconditioned in his spare time, the vehicle is termed by Davis' as 'the oldest vehicle in Oregon, (Picture by Master Photo studio) in a 1945 strike at the tiorth Ut tie Rock plant of thar Southern Cotton Oil company. The day aft er Christmas four strikers met five non-strikers near the plant. In the case Involving the Wag ner act, the court ruled that the Colgate-Palmollve-Peet company need not reinstate 37 employes who were fired in 1945 on demand of a CIO union. The 37 worked at, the Colgate Glycerine plant at Berkeley, Calif., during the war. The Na tional Labor Relations ooaru found the CIO union demanded their discharge because they were active in favor of a rival AFL union. . Justice Minton ' delivered the decision to which justices Reed and Burton noted dissents. Jus tice Douglas took no part. Actions In Other .Cases 1 The.court agreed to hear argu ments in two suits in which the federal government is trying to get possession of oil-bearing tide- lands off the coasts of Texas and Louisiana. The court said It will hear argu ments on Monday, February 6. In taking this step the court In effect rejected pleas by the two states that the suits be Enjoy the B 5 f 4f : i Enjoy Old Sunny Brook brand it's a rich Kentucky treat! Smooth? As silk I Where? "Over on the Sunny Brook side"l Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend light trucks are displayed in the above picture taken at Sig Fett's is a liqht motor truck experimental -model built by International to it is a late model International Of E) LDLq) DI AL - lCZDCj TICm LTD ' Saturday, December -10 will be the "Queen of America" honor. club-member women listeners to Mutual-Don Lee's "Queen for a Day" program can submit the name of one of their local leaders for this coveted award-an honor which will provide national recog nition and acclaim to a woman activities In her own community. awarded the lucky 'Queen of America" winner, includes a trip to Paris and London, an M. G. Car, furs, a diamond bracelet and wrist-watch, a complete wardrobe and a complete set of luggage. One of the "Queen's" prizes, however, will not be hers alone. The program has arranged for the donation of a pipe organ, valued at approximately $4,000, to the club to which the "Queen of America" belongs. Selection of this "Queen" will be made during a broadcast early next month. A reminder that Fulton Lewis Jr. la the newt-making comentator this week .... and KRNR's got him , . . dally, 4 to 4:15. p. m and 9:45 to 10 p m He's presenting a tpeolal series of behlnd-tbe-lron-ourtaln stories on Russia and the activities of Its agents during the last war on hit week-day newscasts. Mr. Lewis and hit ttaff of reporter! In Washing ton, D. C, have been gathering Information for the terlet , for the past several months. In addition to .hit newt style -y reports, Mr. Lewis will present In person eye-witness ac counts by American authorities who actually taw the de toribed eventt and aotlont at - they ocourred Inside the Soviet Union. Hit first broadcast In thla terlet' wat made last Friday, Dec. 2. . Mayor Albert Flegel takes you "Behind the Mayor's Desk" to night at 7:30 . . . followed by "Box Thirteen" starring Alan Ladd at 8 . . . "Jovln Jamboree" and its citizen-of -the-week feature at 8:30 . . . and a real "Live" broadcast of the maestro Carmen Cavallero and his orchestra direct . . . 11 to 11:30. KRNR 1490 on Your Dial Mutual Broadcasting Svstem REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Fulton Lewli. Jr. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. thrown out immediately. The tribunal also in effect de nied a government request that it decide the suit against Louisi ana at once, on the basis of evi dence and pleadings now avail able to the justices. The government said Texas may have certain special de fenses growing out of the circum stances of its admission to the union. It suggested the court hear the defenses before giving judg ment in the case against Texas. By its action today, the court in effect turned down a Louisiana request that the suit against it, if not dismissed, be decided by a jury trial a rare occurrence In Supreme court history. A Pint " $60 . 45 Qt. whiskey that's loor ros this WATCHMAN ON Ivor some 5 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITI sns pickup. The 1905 model is pow the last day for nominations for That is the final date on which leader for her civic, social or church The fabulous list of prizes to be from the Elk's ballroom tonight 4:30 Sou ot th Pionscn. 4:49 Music. 8:00 Straight Arrow. MBS. 5:30 Capt Midnight. MBS. 6:00 Music at Six. 6:19 Mutual Newsreel MBS. 3:30 Sports Page. :35 Musical Interlude. 6:40 Local Newe. 6:49 A Song for You. 6:95 Bill Henry MBS. 7:00 Sporti Cast. 7:19 Muiic You Remember. 7:30 Behind the Mayor' Desk, 7:49 Music. 8:0O Box 13. ' V 8:30 Jovln Jamboree. 9:00 News MBS. 9:19 Songi of Our Times. 9:30 Guest Star. 9:49 Fulton Lewis Jr.. UBSL 10:00 Musio You Want 0 (ft) r RUDIE RITZMAN 1703 Brown Ave. Phone 1066 J Roteburg, Oreqon 5!' Tuei., Dec. 6, 1949 The 10:301 Love A Mystery. 10:45 Dance Orch. 11:00 Carmen Cavallaro. 11:30 Sign Off. , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 191 6:00 Musical Clock. 6:30 News. 6:39 Farm Fare. 6:49 Rise & Shine MBS. . 7:00 Hmetngway. MBS. 7:13 Sweetwood Serenade. 7:30 Music. . 1 8:00 Favorite Hymns. 8:19 Music for Wednesday, 8:30 Bible Institute. MBS. 9:00 Modern Home. 9:15 Boole of Bargains. 9:30 Man About Town. 9:45 Gabriel Hea tiers Mailbag. MBS. 10:00 News. MBS. 10:19 Gospel Singers. MBS. 10:30 Say It With Music. 10:49 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladles First, MBS, 11:30 Queen for a Day. MBS. 12:00 Music at Noon. 13:19 Sport page of the Air. 12:25 Music at Noon. . 13:40 Local News. 12:45 National New. 12:99 Market Report. 1:00 Man on the Street 1:19 Keyboard Korner. ; 1:30 Linger A While. 2:00 Phone Fun. 2:30 It's Requested. 3:00 Hoedown Party.--MBS. It Now you can get your fill of these unique dishes prepared in the traditional style. Drop in this week and try them . . . prices are reasonable. Open t a. All Night Johnny Malouff 533 8. Stephana TOMORROW! DOUGLAS KINNtDY , CO-FEATURE I V7rV( JUvKIRBY GRANT I Ends Tonight: "Under TOMORROW -k TO J x - WHE CiWL ji"lJi THE BREST PtAIW.y RniPfinTfnmfP UlgyylJUWli Mnrn nr. MECDlOn BILL WILLIAMS VICTOR JORY JARE NIGH DOUGLAS RERREDT Tonight: "Easy Living" News - Review, Roteburg, Ore. S 3:18 School Show. 3:30 Treasure Cheat. ' 3:45 Babe Ruth Story. 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. MBS. " 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. 4:30 Son of the pioneers, ' J 4:49 New. MBS. . . 8:00 Tip & Tunes. 8:15 Music. 8:30 Tom Mix. MBS. 5:35 Erik ine Johnson. MB 9. 8:00 Music at Six. 6:15 Mutual Newsreel. MBS. 6:30 Sport Page. , - ; ' 8:40 Local New. 8.45 A Song For You. - 8:55 Bill Henry. MBS. 7:00 Dick Hayme. t ' 7:15 Sammy Kay. ' , 7:30 Cisco Kid. MBS. 8:00 Name of that Song MBS. 8:30 Music. '' 8:45 Tex Bemeke.''': - 9:00 New. MBS. ' . 9:19 HI Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melody Time, 9:45 Fulton LevvU. Jr. MBS. , 10:00 Music You Want 10:301 Love A Mystery. MBS. 10:45 Dance Orch. MBS. . 11:00 McPherson in Person. 11:30 Sign Off. , .'. A "bridge" in a radio program la a device, musical or other wise, to cover a gap between two sections of a broadcast. Like You Find South of the Borden' m, till 2 a. m. on Saturday! Jaokson P, Rich ...... -v SMITH Zachary con- Cover Man" and 2nd Hit 4 (Safe